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A Study On Consumer Preference Towards Britannia Biscuits in Madurai

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Vol. 3 No.

4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X


Dr. V. Suresh Babu1 and G. Chinna Durai2

Assistant Professor, 2Ph. D Research Scholar
PG & Research Department of Commerce, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai

The present study entitled consumer preference towards Britannia biscuits, a study with
reference to Madurai is intended to enquire into the factor that influences their choice of biscuits
with respect to Britannia biscuit. Consumer preference varies from brand to brand on the basis of
quality, price, style, taste, advertising and peer influence. The complication undergone by the
researcher to identify customers reaction are many the researcher’s interest to know the degree to
which consumer preference varies with age, education, occupation or other, characteristics
prompted the selection of this study. In modern business it is important to know the brand
preference of the product this can increase the level of the consumer satisfaction and value of profit
by selling the products. Only when the consumer give preference for a particular brand, consumer
will buy and they will not buy any other product other than a particular brand.
Keywords: Britannia biscuits, consumer satisfaction, brand, Convenience Sampling, BBCo, dairy

 To analyze the profile of Britannia Biscuit Industries Limited, Calcutta, and the
profile of the study area,
 To evaluate the factors that influences the preference of the consumer using
Britannia biscuit.
 To offer suggestions and recommendations based on the findings of the study to
improve the level of preference of consumer’s.

In this Research Paper, have been collected both primary and secondary sources.
The primary data were collected from the consumers consuming Britannia biscuits in
Madurai. The secondary data has been collected from published materials, Annual Report of
Britannia Industries, journals, books, and published research thesis.
There are 100 Sample respondents are taken for in this research paper through
Convenience Sampling Method. The study has extensively made use of Percentage Analysis,
Garett ranking techniques, Standard Deviation, and Co-Variation Analysis.

Origin of Indian Biscuit Industries

In India the biscuit industry started in the middle of the 19 th century. In 1887, the
first bakery was set up in India. There were four factories during Second World War. The
Second World War helped the industry to proper with an increase for its products both for
military civilian consumption. After the Second World War the biscuit production in India

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Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X

increased rapidly. Now there are more than 31 units in the organized sectors but also there
are so many small scale sectors involved in biscuit productions.
Biscuit making is made adaptable to small–scale units because of the simple
Manufacturing process, easy availability of raw materials and the low cost involved in its
production. The ingredients that go in its production are wheat flour, sugar, leavening
agents, permitted emulsifier, flavors and dough conditioners. A survey conducted by the
Institute of Industry and Market Research in New Delhi, indicated that during 1973-1974
there were about 180 units manufacturing biscuits in factory sector and about 3000 units in
the family sector.

Britannia Industries Limited

Britannia Industries Limited has deep rooted its name firmly in each and every one
mind and heart, the company deals with producing wide range of biscuits, cakes, dairy
products and snacks. The corporate identity –“Eat Healthy, think better proves its quality.
As at
ended 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Sale of
1,615.45 1,817.92 2,317.21 2,616.98 3,142.89 3,426.64 4,230.59 5,005.66 5,649.66 6,347.85 7,100.46
Source: 2004-05 to 2014-15 Annual Report of Britannia Industries Limited

Figure 1: Sale of Products

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Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X

A humble beginning was made to manufacture biscuits in a small house in central

Calcutta with an investment of Rs. 295. In the year 1918 Gupta Brothers took
Mr. C.H. Holmes, an English businessman in Calcutta, as a partner. The Britannia Biscuit
Company Limited (BBCo.) was registered on March 21, 1918 and brand name ‘Britannia’ was
launched. In the year 1979 they changed the company name as Britannia Industries Limited
(BIL). In 1968 BIL celebrated Golden Jubilee and in 1992 BIL celebrated its Platinum
In 1998, company’s sales were Rs.1000 crores. Britannia now produces over
1,00,000 tones of biscuits every year and over 60,000 tones of bread and cake with
4 production units, over 5800 employees and 21 franchise manufacturers, and of course in
excellent distribution network of more than 34 warehouse and more than 2,00,000 retails
outlets. BIL produces 28 brands of bakery biscuits, breads, 8 varieties of cakes, 5 brands of
dairy products and 8 brands of snackings.
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar,
Rajasthan, Maharashtra & Gujarat
Sourcing almost all Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Tamilnadu,
their requirements Andhra Pradesh & Bihar
from India Cashew Kerala
Haryana, West Uttar Pradesh, North Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra & Andhra Pradesh
 5 lakhs farm families (wheat, sugar & dairy)
Creating a  100 Grain market yards
prosperous  400 Food processing units and 300 Packing units
Ecosystem around  400 Truck delivering goods per day
their factories from  80 Britannia Manufacturing Units
Farm gate to Dinner  2.8 Crore packs of Britannia products produced per day
plate  12 Crore liters p.a. of locally procured milk converted into a host
of value-added categories.
Bourbon cream Brita Checkers
Elaichi cream Orange cream Pineapple cream
Mango cream Good day Jacob’s thin
Jim – Jam Little Hearts Fifty – Fifty
List of Products
Marie Gold Milk Bikies Milk Bikies Milk cream
Milk Bikies Fun land Nice Time Nutri Choice
Tiger Tiger – Cashew Badam Isabgol

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Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X

Table 1: Mean Score for each of the Selected Various Factors that
Influence Britannia Biscuits
SI. No Particulars Mean Score Rank
1 Quality 87.67 I
2 Nutrition 85.67 II
3 Energetic 83.67 III
4 Attractive Package 78.33 IV
5 Ingredients 72.00 V
6 Price 65.67 VI
Source: Primary Data

Table 2: Over All Opinion of Consumer about the Variety of Britannia Biscuits
Sl. Number of Respondents Average
Biscuits Total Rank
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Percentage
1 Milk Bikies 14 15 22 16 13 14 06 100 52.75 III
2 Marie Gold 16 16 21 14 11 14 08 100 52.99 II
3 Good Day 40 25 12 08 05 08 02 100 63.55 I
4 Cream Treat 11 07 10 16 19 12 25 100 44.39 VI
5 50-50 14 21 18 09 11 12 15 100 51.33 IV
6 Cockies 03 12 10 22 25 14 14 100 45.18 V
7 Nutri Choice 02 04 07 15 16 26 30 100 37.81 VII
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source: Primary Data
It is the evident from the above table that will be concluded nearly two third
(63.55 percent) consumers give top priority goes to Good day biscuits.

Table 3: Perception as to the Various Factors that Influence in Buying Britannia Biscuits
Sl. High Rating Medium Rating Low Rating Mean
No No % No % No % Score
1 Quality 15 15 67 67 18 18 87.67
2 Nutrition 52 52 47 47 1 1 85.67
3 Energetic 31 31 54 54 15 15 83.67
4 Attractive Package 60 60 37 37 3 3 78.33
5 Ingredients 44 44 47 47 9 9 72.00
6 Price 67 67 29 29 4 4 65.67
Source: Primary Data
The factor that calls for paying attention on basis of priority is Price, Ingredients &
Attractive Package. While some of factors are not given proper attention, primary attention
appears too given to increasing quality, adding nutrition and another energetic elements.

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Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X

Table 4: Overall Preference of Consumers towards Britannia Biscuits

X F D(X-A) Fd Fx Fd2
Lower 50 1 -155 -155 50 24025
65 1 -140 -140 65 19600
75 2 -130 -260 150 33800
85 2 -120 -240 170 28800
105 3 -100 -300 315 30000
115 2 -90 -180 230 16200
125 4 -80 -320 500 25600
135 4 -70 -280 540 19600
145 6 -60 -360 870 21600
155 5 -50 -250 775 12500
165 3 -40 -120 495 4800
175 4 -30 -120 700 3600
185 4 -20 -80 740 1600
195 3 -10 -30 585 300
205 9 0 0 1845 0
215 4 10 40 860 400
225 4 20 80 900 1600
235 3 30 90 705 2700
245 7 40 280 1715 11200
255 5 50 250 1275 12500
265 4 60 240 1060 14400
275 3 70 210 825 14700
285 3 80 240 855 19200
295 2 90 180 590 16200
305 3 100 300 915 30000
315 4 110 440 1260 48400
325 2 120 240 650 28800
Higher 345 3 140 420 1035 58800
5565 100 175 20675 500925
Source: Primary Data
Mean ̅ = Σ = (20675/100) = 206.75
Standard Deviation = −

= −
= √5009.25 − 3.0625
= √5006.1875
= 70.75
Co-Variance = 100
= 100
= 34.22%

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Vol. 3 No. 4 April 2016 ISSN: 2321 – 788X

The mean of overall preference of respondents towards Britannia biscuits factors is

206.75. The standard deviation of the mean is 70.75 percent. The co-efficient of variation
between mean and standard deviation is 34.22 percent. The variability of preference
towards factors is very much. It is therefore inferred that they do have a very clear idea
about the Britannia biscuits factors. It is concluded that preference is influenced by
personal and social factors.

 More than three-fifth of the consumers mostly prefer Britannia brand rather than
other brand.
 Two-third of the consumers gives top priority to Good Day Biscuit.
 Nearly, three-fifty of the consumers purchase the biscuits weekly.

The study reveals that the consumer level of preference towards Britannia biscuits
in Madurai is high as a whole. This is clear from the fact that there is considerable increase
in purchase of number of packs in every week. Some of the important varieties like|
Choco Nut, Milk Bikies, Fun Land are not freely available in many shops in the study area.
To keep the existing consumers always satisfied, awareness about the quality and taste
need to be created in the minds of the consumers. So there is a greater scope for the
Britannia Industries Limited (BIL) to market its product and create better preference among
its consumers in Madurai.

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5. http://www.britannia.co.in
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/britannia industries Ltd
7. Annual Report of Britannia Industries Limited (BIL), 2014-15.

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