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Pest Control

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A Rattata infestation is plaguing the city, but there are

more mysteries behind the attacks than meets the eye.

Any small town


Players arrive in the city and hear rumors about a group

of rattata that have been invading and destroying food
reserves. A city representative learns of the group's
arrival and wants to hire them to solve the problem.


The city representative takes the group to a warehouse in

an isolated area of the town. The place looks like it's been
in the path of a hurricane, the boxes overturned, bits of
fruit still strewn everywhere, and rattata marks even on
the ceiling. As the group looks around, the representative
talks what she knows about the attacks.

With an Investigation roll, the party gets some

information about the attacks. the information will
depend on the result of the investigation check.
- Investigation 12 - The rattatas are more organized than
usual, even acting as human thieves. There are traces of
elaborate traps.
- Investigation 14 - The rattata not only carried the food
individually, but teamed up to carry closed boxes of food.
- Investigation 16 - The Pokemon fled through a hole and
caused a small landslide to cover the escape route and
avoid being followed.


When they leave the crime scene, a girl finds the group
and asks for their help to save her brother. The girl is thin
and wears torn and dirty clothes. She says that she lived
on the streets with her brother and that one day he found
a ring that made him turn into a rattata. Each day he
spended more and more time as a rattata, until he simply
didn't change back to his human form. Even seeming to
have forgotten about his sister. The girl tells the case
with tears in her eyes and asks the group to save her

Adventurers can choose one of the two warehouses to guard, or split up to search both at the same time.
One of them will suffer the attack of the rattata. But even if the characters don't witness the attack, they
can go to the warehouse attacked afterwards and make a survival roll to track down the rattata.


If the group is in the warehouse that won't be attacked, the party has a quiet night, but may make a DC 13
Perception check during the night to notice a single rattata that appears to be scouting the location. If they
follow the Pokemon, the party finds the lair.

If the characters are in the warehouse that suffers the attack, the Pokemon will try to distract the group.
The rattata will enter through a tunnel that will open in the ground, make a minor attack and escape
through the windows, stealing some food to get the adventurers out of the warehouse. Those rattata won't
try to engage in a fight.

If the group stays in the warehouse, they will see the real rattata force. During the attack, the rattata will
split. 10 rattata will attack the adventurers while the others will carry the crates into the tunnel. After a
minute, if the group has not defeated the pokemon, they will retreat with the food. If the party defeats its
opponents first, the rattata will flee with whatever they can carry. With a Perception check, a character can
find the leading rattata. He stands at the entrance of the tunnel, appearing to give orders to the other
Rattata, and if he notices he has been seen he will back off.

The tunnel is only big enough for a small creature or a medium creature crawling and leads to an alley. The
party can follow or track the Ratata to an abandoned house on the edge of town.


The group follows the pokemon to the house on the edge of the town. The place has no windows, just
a reinforced double door that is locked, but the group can easily break or unlock. The shed has an
abandoned look, but the characters can see ratata tracks in the dust all over the floor. A DC 12
Investigation roll reveals the entrance to the lair behind a pile of broken furniture.



Chamber 1 - This chamber has signs of creatures everywhere, it has two entrances, one medium and one
small (a medium creature must crowtch to pass trhough). A strong smell of rot comes from the larger
entrance. (The smaller entrance leads to chamber 2 and the larger entrance leads to chamber 5)

Chamber 2 - This chamber appears to have been part of a much larger one, but has collapsed, diminishing
the space and giving it a claustrophobic feel. With a DC 15 Investigation check, the party discovers the
existence of chamber 3. The chamber is inaccessible to all but tiny creatures, but with a DC 14 Strength
check, a small creature can burrow its way through the passage.

Chamber 3 - This chamber appears to have been an adventurer's final stop. Here is a skeleton with a knife,
a short sword, a bag of 10 gp, an adventurer's kit, a flute, and a used but empty Pokeball. (The pokeball is
the pokeball from the Muk from chamber 5)

Chamber 4 - In this chamber there is a raticate with a scar on its muzzle. No rattata will show up here
because they avoid the raticate who was the former leader of the mischief. The raticate attacks the group,
but a DC 13 Animal Handling check convinces the pokemon to help them against the new rattata leader.

Chamber 5 - Place full of garbage, bodies of pokemon, and puddles of putrid water. A Muk will come out of
the water and attack one of the characters that stays behind the group. Unless provoked, the Muk will
confine itself to chambers 5 and 6 and will not pursue the party if they go to other chambers. If they try to
capture Muk, the pokeballs won't work. Muk has already been captured and his pokeball is in chamber 3.

Chamber 6 - Chamber full of rotten food that the rattata offer to the mulk. In the middle of the food there is
a minor healing potion, 7 sp and 15 cp.

Chamber 7 - This chamber has an underground lake with potable water. Inside the lake there is an
underwater entrance that leads to chamber 8.

Chamber 8 - This chamber appears empty, but with a DC 16 Perception check the party discovers that the
earth has been turned over and there is a buried chest. In the chest there is a Golbatar.

Chamber 9 - In this chamber is the largest group of rattata and their leader, huddled together with piles of
food. When the party enters the chamber, the rattata will attack them.


The rattata in the last chamber works like a massive swarm. rattata monstrous swarm will attack the
creatures inside the same space. There is a false lider inside the swarm that the group can find with a DC
14 perception check. The real leader is actually hidden in one of the pile of food (CD 18 perception to find
it). If the leader is killed or captured, the mischief will disband and run.

If the group tried to talk to the leader rattata it will listen. If he hear about his sister he will be more open
to the group. A DC 16 persuation chek will convince him to go with the group without fight. If that happens,
the rattata swarm will no longer attack the group.

When the group enters a chamber, with exception to chambers 4, 5 and 8, roll a D6 to see how many rattata they will find
in that chamber.

1 1D4 Rattata 4/5 2D4 Rattata

2/3 1 Swarm of Rattata 6 2 Swarm of Rattata



The town representative will reward the group with 60GP and a house in the city that they can use as a base.


The town representative will reward the group with 60GP and a house in the city that they can use as a base.
The group can take the rattata direct to his sister, or to a temple in the city to look for someone to reverse
the ring’s power. Either way the boy will come back to its original form and give the ring to the
adventrurers. The two kids may leave in the group’s new house and take care of it while the party is out of


Requires attunement

You can store one of your Pokémon in this ring. The Pokemon stored
cannot be traded or released, it becames part of the ring. You can
use your action to magically assume the shape of the Pokemon stored
in the ring.

Staying in the Pokemon form may be dangerous, if you stay more

then an hour transformed, you must succeed on a DC 11 wisdom
saving throw*. If you succeed, you must remake the test each other
hour you stayed transformed, and each hour the difficulty increases
by 1. If fail the test, you will believe that you are the Pokemon and
will not change back into your original form.

*For the Wisdom check you use your original wisdom.


Requires attunement.

You gain +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

A creature hit by this weapon must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw

or be poisoned. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each turn
until it succeeds and ends the poison.

Ea time you causes damage to a creature, you charge this item’s stone equal to
the damage caused. When the stone reaches 30 points it’s fully charged and can
be used as a minor healing potion. After used, the empty stone can be charged

Rattata is theoretically a field mouse, but it can be

found anywhere it has food. In Kanto these rodents
are a pest. They are extremely cautious Pokémon
and flee at the first sign of danger.

When cornered they bite their enemy fiercely until

they get an opening to run.

The bite of Raticate has a force disproportionate to

its size. Its fangs never stop growing, so it gnaws to
pare them down.

Its whiskers help it to maintain balance. If cutted,

the Raticate will slow down.

A single Ratata is sometimes even considered After witnessing a monstrous swarm of ratata,
cute, but a group of them moving around like a some people go on to have nightmares for years
mass of flesh and teeth is terrifying. of being buried in waves of teeth.

The more it eats, the bigger a Grimer becomes.

When it eats enough, this Pokemon can undergo one
of two transformations. Either it splits, creating
another Grimer, or it keeps growing and becomes a

It is easy to recognize a Muk Trainer, considering

that the odor of this Pokemon is so strong that it
even leaks through the Pokeballs.

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