Aa100 Prelim
Aa100 Prelim
Aa100 Prelim
Humanities and Art Appreciation: An • It was not created just for leisure, but Art
Introduction has been proven to be with us since the
very beginning because everything we
HUMANITIES do and all that surrounds us is a product
• Latin term “Humanus,” meaning of our Art.
educated, human, cultured, and refined.
o Architecture ARTIST
o Dancing Ramos and Obiena, 2020
o Literature 1. Development Stage (Creation Stage)
o Music • Artists create their artwork through
o Painting thinking.
o Theater • Artists are highly sensitive people,
o and sculpting incredibly aware of everything
• interested in how their emotions are surrounding them (Sanchez, Abad, and
communicated Jao, 2004).
• study of different cultural aspects of man, • They usually wow people by employing
his frailties in life, and the improvement it their creative imagination.
has to undergo
• a discipline of study that deals with 2. Adaptation Stage (Materials Creation)
people's thoughts, feelings, and • In this stage, the artist frequently uses
relationships various mediums or materials to convey
• Humanities would help uplift value and an idea.
dignity (Bascara and Avillanoza, 2006) • For example, a painter uses pigments, a
• According to scientific studies, the sculptor uses stones, metal, or wood,
influence of art on the brain impacts the authors use words, an architect uses
human quality of life. different building materials, and a
choreographer uses movement and
ART people in their creation.
• Latin “Arti,” which means skill, naiveté,
and mastery 3. Completion Stage (Form Creation)
• Arts can be used for a variety of purposes • The variety of forms artists employ to
in addition to design. communicate their ideas.
• From the earliest to the present, art has • It is viewed as a form of artistic expression
always been a component of our culture. that is classified as fine art.
• It constitutes one of the oldest and most • This form is used to describe the artwork’s
important means of expression physical characteristics.
developed by man. • Artists have developed various forms that
• Art is like love; it’s not easy to define. can be considered their finished product.
• Art requires the creativity of a particular
person, and creativity is defined as the FUNCTION OF ARTS
fundamental basis of arts. • refer to the intended utilization of the
• Creativity is a trait of an artis that will artwork and have major classification
continually develop in his life to express according to functional and non-
feelings or a way of solving problems. functional.
• Art is not just for those born with talent, • Functional is according to its usefulness.
but it also developed to sum things up.
A.Y. 2022-2023 I AA 100
• Neutral colors include black, white, and
• They also include all the tints and shades
of black, white, and brown… so include
COMPLEMENTARY COLORS colors known as tan, beige, gray,
• are those located directly opposite each cream, etc.
other on the color wheel. • Neutral colors can be made by mixing:
o black and white
o complementary colors
o all three primaries together (plus
some black or white)
• Neutral colors blend well with all other
colors. They enhance and strengthen
the other colors around them.
• Stone such as slate, brick, marble, etc.;
metallics such as brass, pewter, gold,
chrome etc.; and glass fall into the
neutral category.
• Black is the absence of “light”; white is
the absence of “color”.
A.Y. 2022-2023 I AA 100
Philosophy of Art
Art is a discovery and development of through, and that others are infected by these
elementary principles of nature into beautiful feelings and also experience them. - Leo Tolstoy
forms suitable for human use. - Frank Lloyd
Wright Classification of Arts
An art wherein an artist uses body, face
Les Desmoiselles d’ Avignon and presence as a medium.
Pablo Picasso 1907 a. Theatre (Drama)
• A form of art that uses performers to
All art is but imitation of nature. - Lucius Annaeus present the experience of a real or
Seneca imagined event before a live audience
in a specific time and place.
Art is not what you see, but what you make b. Music
others see. - Edgar Degas • A form of art that helps to express ones
mood and feel the way through
emotions and ideas.
Art is the signature of civilizations. - Jean Sibelius
c. Dance
• A form of art that is expressed through a
Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one
body movement.
man consciously, by means of certain external
signs, hands on to others feelings he has lived
A.Y. 2022-2023 I AA 100
d. Film
• A form of art that is literary done but are
brought to life by actors to work out
emotions that are basically from human
situations and experiences.
e. Installation Art
• The fundamental nature of this form of art
is the participation of the spectators. In
this work of art, viewers become active
and navigate the work in an
environment that they can experience
• It also has the capacity of passing on
particular information about any
significant event around the world and
interactively represents documentary
f. Opera
• This form of art helps to tell stories through
• This is also performed with a full orchestra
composed of the various musical
instrument sections In this art form, singers
and musicians perform a dramatic work
by combining text (called a libretto) and
musical score.
g. Stagecraft
• This form of art is a technical aspect of
theatrical production.
• This includes constructing and arranging
scenery, hanging and focusing of
lighting, the design of costumes, makeup,
and procurement of props, stage
management and mixing and recording
of sounds.
• These arts centered on creative writing
and other composition processes which
intended to read
• These include prose and poetry (e.g,
novels, short stories, sonnet, ballad, epic,
and essay).