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IMECE2013-65498: The Relationship Between Surface Roughness and Corrosion

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Proceedings of the ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

November 15-21, 2013, San Diego, California, USA



Alisina Toloei Vesselin Stoilov

University of Windsor, Dept. of Mechanical, University of Windsor, Dept. of Mechanical,
Automotive and Materials Engineering Automotive and Materials Engineering
Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada
Tel: +1 (519) 253 -3000 Ext.(5980) Tel: +1 (519) 253-3000 Ext.(4149)
Email: toloei@uwindsor.ca Email: vstoilov@uwindsor.ca

Derek Northwood
University of Windsor, Dept. of Mechanical,
Automotive and Materials Engineering
Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4, Canada
Tel: +1 (519) 253-3000 Ext.(4785)
Email: dnorthwo@uwindsor.ca

ABSTRACT samples and a trend in the effect of roughness on

corrosion protection of nickel was introduced. SEM
There are different parameters which can and 3D roughness images were taken and
affect electrochemical reactions such as type of compared for all of the samples before and after
electrolyte, velocity, temperature, oxidizing corrosion tests. Different mechanisms were
agents, impurities, anode material type and distinguished for samples created through
surface treatment. It has been shown that pre- different methods. The lower the roughness
treatment of working electrode (anode) through values, the more the corrosion resistance. Sample
abrasion techniques is one of the most important with patterns created through laser ablation
parameters affecting on Tafel slopes and method showed the best protection properties
consequently corrosion rate. Surface roughness of compared to other samples.
the metal surface is a major influence on general
corrosion, nucleation of metastable pitting and INTRODUCTION
pitting potential as well. Nickel is an important metal and it is used in a
In this study different surface roughnesses large number of industrial applications such as
were created on nickel surface by SiC papers and rechargeable batteries, coinage, filters and is
corrosion properties were compared. widely used as an alloying element in ferrous and
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) nonferrous alloys due to its strength, toughness
and profilometry tests were carried out on all the and corrosion resistance [1-3]. The corrosion
samples and the results were compared with resistance of nickel is due to the formation of a
another sample prepared through laser ablation passive film on its surface upon exposure to the
method. Corrosion rate values were calculated and corrosive media. Nevertheless, nickel could be
were compared with EIS results for all the attacked by acidic media at a considerable rate.

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This is why nickel has been the subject of roughness to their general corrosion and pitting
significant number of studies related to dissolution tendency [7, 9]. For metals with the ability to
and passivation mechanisms in acid medium [4- form a passive layer, a decrease in surface
6]. roughness increases the corrosion resistance but
for the ones with no passive film a reverse trend
a has been observed e.g. mild steel [14] and AE44
magnesium alloy [7].

Surfaces with different roughness finishes showed

that increase in the roughness lowers the pitting
potential in 304L stainless steel in chloride
solution [15]. Burstein et.al [16] showed that the
smoother surface in stainless steel is less capable
of propagating metastable pits than the rougher
one, mainly because the sites of pitting on the
smoother surface are on average more open.
Sharland [17] suggested that the local
concentration of a solution was influenced by the
geometry of surface’s peaks and valleys. This in
turn, affected the diffusion of active ions during
b corrosion process He also suggests that the
corrosion resistance is closely related to the
distribution of the valleys on the surface. The
significant influence of the valleys on corrosion
resistance is related to the depth of the valleys
which affects the diffusion of active ions during
corrosion [17-20].

There are different methods to evaluate the effect

of surface roughness on corrosion behavior of
metals such as potantiodynamic polarization
method [21] and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS). EIS is the most suitable
method for a detailed analysis of electrochemical
reactions mechanisms and kinetics. Impedance
Figure 1: 3D topography image for samples G180 (a) before and (b)
after corrosion tests diagrams provide data on the elementary steps
occurring in an electrochemical reaction and on
their kinetics. They also allow a thorough study of
Material composition, manufacturing geometry
the role of intermediate species adsorbed on the
and roughness have been considered as important
surface and of reaction mechanisms, as well as a
parameters in determining corrosion properties of
study of the properties of passive films [22]. The
the materials [7, 8]. Surface roughness plays a
impedance characteristics of an electrode in acid
significant role on the corrosion behaviour of
solutions depend largely on the type of the surface
metals. It has been reported that an increase in
pretreatment and surface roughness of the
the surface roughness of magnesium alloy AZ91
electrode [10, 23]. In this study the corrosion
[9], stainless steels [10, 11], copper [12],
behavior of aligned roughness and patterned
aluminum and titanium-based alloys [13]
surfaces of nickel created through laser ablation
increases the pitting susceptibility and general
were investigated in dilute sulphuric acid and EIS
corrosion rate. Typically, the general and localized
was used to study the effect of the formation of
corrosion behaviour of alloys would depend on
passive layer in both cases.
their passivation properties. Hence, it is important
to know the passivation behavior of alloys with MATERIALS AND METHODS
different surface finish to correlate the surface

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Sample Preparation room temperature. A classical three-electrode cell
was used with a saturated calomel electrode as
15 × 15 × 1 mm high purity (99.7%) nickel reference and platinum wire as counter electrode.
sheets were used as the test material. For Prior to testing, the samples were allowed for 30
obtaining different surface roughness, the samples minutes to reach a stable open circuit potential.
were unidirectionally grinded with different grits of Electrochemical measurements (open circuit
silicon carbide (SiC) (i.e., 60, 180, 320 and 800) potential, potentiodynamic polarization, and
and the samples were named with letter “G”. electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) were
Before use, they were embedded in mounting carried out in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution using a
materials and mechanically polished. Their active CHI660D, Electrochemical Workstation Beta,
test area is 1 cm2. An additional sample with (version 11.17). A potentiodynamic polarization
predetermined surface pattern was created by technique was used to evaluate the parameters
laser ablation method. Patterns were labeled using related to corrosion and EIS measurements were
DxLy format where D is the hole diameter and L is made in order to investigate the effect of surface
the inter-hole spacing (D10L20). To create the modification on the general corrosion resistance of
holes, a copper bromide laser was used and single the surface. EIS diagrams were then recorded at
pulse was applied. Nitrogen gas was blown in the open circuit potential for nickel samples. To
order to protect the surface from oxidation. ensure a complete characterization of the
electrode/electrolyte interface and corresponding
All electrochemical experiments were conducted at processes, EIS measurements were made over six

Figure 2: SEM of the sample G320 (a) before and (b) after corrosion and patterned sample (c) before and (d) after corrosion.

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frequency decades from 10 mHz to 10 kHz at
open circuit (i.e., corrosion) potential and the best For sake of brevity a sample 3D topography image
equivalent circuit model was selected. The main for samples G180 has been shown as an example
focus of this study is to compare samples with before and after corrosion tests in Fig.1(a) and
roughnesses prepared by using SiC papers and (b). As a result of corrosion the uniform area has
the patterned sample from corrosion point of view, changed to a surface with deeper grooves with
formation of passive layer and evaluate corrosion higher roughness value. Rougher surfaces with
properties of different samples using EIS method. deeper groves have lower openness (ratio of width
Equivalent circuit is determined, EIS curves are to depth at opening of the grooves) which limit
fitted and corresponding values of the equivalent the diffusion of the corrosive ions out of the
elements are calculated. formed grooves, hence have a higher possibility to
In order to measure surface roughness grow larger [11]. On smooth surfaces however the
parameters and obtain 3-dimensional images of formation of stable passive film is more possible
the samples a Wyko Surface Profiling System NT- to occur which will result in less corrosion [20]. In
1100 was used. Average surface roughness (Ra) the patterned sample also there was an increase
has been used as a roughness parameter in order in surface roughness after corrosion testing and in
to describe the unique features of the surfaces. the 3D roughness image there was no significant
Finally to compare the surface structure and change in the surface appearance which will be in
composition before and after potentiodynamic agreement with the results of the corrosion rate,
testing, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was EIS and SEM analysis.
All testing procedures were validated by using a Scanning electron microscopy
reference system of pure Ni(99.7%) with surface Figures 2(a, b). illustrate SEM images of
roughness <50nm. A detailed description of the sample G320 before and after corrosion as one of
validation procedures can be found in [21]. the examples of samples with unidirectional
roughness. It is obvious that the corrosion is more
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION significant along the grooves. Lee, et.al, also
reported that the deep valleys on the ground
Roughness measurements: surface are favorable sites for pit nucleation [18].
It is seen in Table 1 that by increasing the grit For rougher surfaces more surface degradation
number, the average roughness value decreased was observed after corrosion testing. The results
both before and after corrosion testing but higher are in agreement with the corrosion rate, EIS and
roughness values have seen for all samples after roughness observations. Figures 2(c) and 2(d)
corrosion testing. The patterned sample however show the microstructure of patterned sample
had higher roughness values and significantly before and after the corrosion tests. No severe
lower roughness change after corrosion testing corrosion on the surface is observed in the SEM
compared to the samples with the unidirectional images. This is also in a good agreement with the
grinding roughness. measured electrochemical values. The reason for
this phenomenon is due to the formation of
Table 1: Roughness values for samples before and after corrosion. passive oxide layer and existence of air pockets
inside the holes [24]
Roughness values
Sample Ra (Before Corrosion Ra (After Electrochemical measurements:
Testing) Corrosion Testing) Corrosion rate (CR) values were calculated
(nm) (nm) using the Tafel extrapolation method and are
summarized in Table 2. As it is seen, by
G60 704.00 1680.00
decreasing the roughness value from sample G60
G180 276.00 802.28 to G800 the CR values decreased. It has been
G320 193.80 552.10 suggested that this variation in CR were primarily
due to the anodic behavior of the alloy [9, 21].
G800 41.10 289.58
D10L20 526.10 778.23

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Table 2: Corrosion parameters for samples with different prevented the dissolution of this layer. Therefore,
roughness the contact area between the corrosive solution
βa βc Corrosion and the substrate has decreased which
Sample Rate consequently results in decrease in the corrosion
(mV) (mV) (mV)
rate [24, 25].
G60 -319 104.7 114.6 9.53
G180 -325.5 111.2 113.8 8.35 Nyquist and Bode plots are the two common
G320 -300.8 100.0 112.1 7.96 methods for displaying EIS data. The Nyquist
G800 -272.9 82.3 107.9 5.48 representation has the real part of the complex
impedance plotted on the X-axis and the
D10L20 -327.4 153.4 128.5 2.61
imaginary part on the Y-axis. Figure 4 shows the
The patterned sample created by laser ablation Nyquist impedance plots of nickel with different
method had the lowest value of the corrosion rate surface roughness in 0.5M sulphuric acid. The
compared to the samples with unidirectional plots of nickel shown in this figure consist of
grinding roughness (Blue point in Fig.3). The distorted semicircles. A similar behavior is
authors have shown that in patterned sample observed for all samples. As seen, the size of the
semicircle, increases with decreasing roughness.
The Nyquist plots were analyzed by fitting the
experimental data to the equivalent circuit model
shown in Fig.5. In this circuit Rs represents the
solution resistance; Rct is the charge transfer
resistance and CPE is constant phase element
related to the double-layer capacitance (Cdl).

Figure 5: Schematic for the equivalent circuit of nickel [26-28].

Figure 3: Change of corrosion rate for samples with different Rs is in a series with a parallel combination of a
roughness values constant phase element CPE (Q) and Rct. Q is used
instead of Cdl to account for the depression of the
capacitive loop [29]. The CPE is a generalized
alternating solid/liquid zones, stable air/vapour frequency dependent element which impedance is
pockets and a passive oxide layer has been given by:
formed and the existence of air/vapor pockets

Figure 4: Nyquist plots of nickel for different surface roughness

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ZCPE=1/(Q(iω)n ) (1) mechanism of corrosion reaction but decrease the
corrosion by retarding the charge transfer. [28]
Where, i = (-1)1/2, ω is the angular frequency, ω =
2πf and f is the frequency. n=0 corresponds to a The same can be seen in the Bode plots which
pure resistor, n=1 to a pure capacitor and n=0.5 represents a log/log plot of the magnitude of
to a Warburg type impedance [30]. Changes in n impedance plotted on the Y-axis and the angular
values have been related to diffusion process, frequency plotted on the horizontal axis. As it is
porosity and roughness [31]. seen in Fig.6, the total impedance of smooth

Figure 6: Bode plots for nickel for different surface roughness

nickel samples in solutions is relatively high

By plotting the Nyquist diagrams, it is seen that all compared with rough samples. The patterned
diagrams are characterized by depressed sample again shows highest impedance value.
capacitive loop with the theoretical center located Bode plots show only one phase maximum at
below the real axis. This feature reflects surface intermediate frequencies. This result indicates that
inhomogeneity which results from surface the corrosion process occurs via one step
roughness of structural or interfacial region. These corresponds to one time constant [28]. The Bode
results are consistent with literature [23, 27]. This plot show that by decreasing the roughness value
shape of the Nyquist plots suggests that charge maximum phase angle shifts to lower frequencies
transfer controls the corrosion of Ni in acid and the polarization resistance increases resulting
solutions [28]. The capacitance loops in Figure 4 in less corrosion [27]. According to Fig.7, for
enlarge by the decrease of roughness which lower roughness values the phase angle is around
indicates that the corrosion is mainly a charge 80° suggesting that the electrochemical process
transfer process [32]. It means that the resistance occurring at high frequency decreases the
is proportional to the decrease of roughness. corrosion rate [27]. It is also said that the
Namely, the lower the roughness, the higher the maximum phase angle θmax is less than 80° as a
resistance. It is worth noting that the decrease of result of the roughness of the electrode surface
roughness in H2SO4 solution does not change [28]. Corrosion of Ni in H2SO4 solution also
substantially the shape of the plots but increases enhances the roughness of the electrode surface
the impedance. This observation confirms the and therefore reduces the value of θ max.
suggestion that roughness does not alter the Therefore, higher corrosion rate is related to

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higher roughness value. Thus, the lowest value of trap the corrosive ions and the corrosion products,
θmax is related to more corroded sample which is allowing for more pitting to occur on the semi-
the one with the highest roughness [28]. polished samples [10, 11, 20]. In the fitting
method, a combination of randomize followed by
The EIS parameters of Ni in 0.5 M H 2SO4 with Levenberg-Marquardt fitting, was used [33].
different roughnesses are given in Table 3. Based on equivalent circuit model in Figure 5, the
Increasing Rct values with decrease of the plots are best fitted and the fitting results are
roughness, for nickel, suggests a decrease of the shown in Fig.8. as solid lines passing through the
corrosion rate since the Rct value, is a measure of testing results.
electron transfer across the surface, and it is
inversely proportional to the corrosion rate [26]. There is a good agreement between experimental
Similar trend has been reported by Hong et.al. in and fitted impedance spectra as well as a good
their potantiodynamic tests and EIS analysis that correlation between the corrosion rate and 𝑅ct
says the total number of the surface sites values.
available for metastable pits on the electrode at a In the case of the patterned sample, according to
given potential decreases with increasing the grit the author’s work, the retention of the passive
number of the silicon carbide paper for final oxide layer inside the holes doesn’t let the fluid
surface grinding and it implies that metastable pit reach the bottom of the patterned hole. It has
or pits starting to grow on the smoother surfaces been resulted in less contact area between
is more difficult than that on the rougher surfaces solution and the substrate and consequently will
[10]. The smooth surfaces also have fewer places result in smaller corrosion rate of the patterned
for pit nucleation and can quickly form a passive sample [24].
film [7]. Rough surfaces also limiting diffusion out
of the grooves or forming pits and also are able to

Table 3: values of the equivalent elements

Rs Rct CPE
Sample n
(Ω) (Ω) (Ω-1cm-2Sn)
G60 7.99 1664.2 5.58E-05 0.898

G180 9.21 3514.7 3.76E-05 0.922

G320 8.56 3764 4.51E-05 0.920

G800 8.68 4463.1 4.57E-05 0.920

D10L20 8.98 4733.5 4.52E-05 0.922

Figure 7: Bode phase plots for nickel for different surface roughness

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which significantly reduced the electrolyte/metal
surface area and the corresponding corrosion rate


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