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Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridges: January 2017

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Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridges

Thesis · January 2017

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21477.29923

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1 author:

Ola Adel Qasim

Al-Mansour University College


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Republic of Iraq
Al-Mansour University College
Civil Engineering department

Research project
Study year

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridges

This project is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Prepared By

1.Batool Falah-aldeen Jasim

2.Sahib Sabah Sahib
3.Duaa Ziad Katea
4.Usama Zaid Naji

Supervised by
Dr.Ola Adel Qasim

A.D 2017 Baghdad The Hegira Date:1438


I certify that the preparation of the project entitled:

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridges.

was prepared under my supervision at Al-Mansour

University College as a partial fulfillment of the requirements
for a B.Sc Degree in Civil Engineering.

Supervisor’s Signature:

We certify that the project entitled: Analysis and Design

of Steel Truss Bridges.
was prepared, corrected and defended by the students and in
our opinion it meets the standards of a graduation project for a
B.Sc. Degree at Al-Mansour University College.

(Chairman) Name:

(Member) Name:

Supervisor Signature:
(member) Name:

A bridge must be designed to safely resist all loads and forces that may
reasonably occur during its life. These loads include not only the weight of the
structure and passing vehicles, but also loads from natural causes, such as wind and
snow. The loads may act individually but more commonly occur as a combination of
two or more loads applied simultaneously.

The project discussed analysis and design of steel truss bridge, the bridge is 40m
long and 12 m width and 8 m high, the spaces between the trusses in the roof are
various, from the beginning we leave space that equal 0.5 m, after that we divided all
spaces in 13 segment the length of each one equal 3m in the floor we extend two
trusses in all the length in two side and in the middle under the floor. A comparisons
were made by staad pro program which show very close design section results compare
to Manual design section.
A STAAD Pro v8i were used to design and analyze the bridge Finally, arranged
the results as architectural and structural maps for this bridge.

This study is divided into seventh chapters: -

 The first chapter presents the introduction of steel truss bridge.

 The second chapter contains and discusses the loads and its distribution on

 The third chapter presents and contains the steel design.

 The fourth chapter present the results of staad pro analysis.

 The fifth chapter present manual solution of steel truss bridge.

 The sixth chapter present comparison of manual sections with staad pro.

 The seventh chapter represents conclusion and recommendation.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge I

List of Contents
Abstract. I
List of Contents. II
List of Symbols IV
List of Tables. V
List of Figures. VI
Chapter One:- Introduction.
1-1 Introduction 1
1-2 Background. 2
1-3 Bridge Classification. 2
1-4 Causes of Bridge Failures. 7
1-5 AASHTO LRFD Specification and Limitations. 8
Chapter Two: - Types of Loads.
2-1 Loads on steel bridge trusses. 9
2-2 Types of loads on bridges. 9
2-3 Railway bridges. 14
2-4 Connections 14
2-5 Analysis of Trusses 15
Chapter Three: - Steel Design.
3-1 Introduction. 16
3-2 Steel manual. 16
3-3 Component Parts. 17
3-4 How a Structure Carries Load. 18
3-4-1 Forces and Loads. 18
3-4-2 Internal Member Forces. 19
3-5 Description about the project. 19
Chapter Four: - Staad Pro Analysis.
4-1 Design of Truss. 20
Chapter Five: - Manual Solution.
5-1 Top part of Bridge. 40
5-2 Selection of truss member. 40
5-3 Bottom Part of Bridge. 43
Chapter Six: - Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad Pro.
6-1 Design Operations. 47
6-2 Code Checking. 48
6-3 Design Parameters. 48
6-4 purpose of comparison. 49
6-5 Design of tension member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO 50
program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired code).
6-6 Design of Compression member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD 51
PRO program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired
6-7 Design of tension member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight section 52

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge II

size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the results
from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight size is
obtained and Optimum section).
6-8Design of compression member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight 53
section size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the
results from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight
size is obtained and Optimum section).
6-9 Design of tension member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO 54
program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired code).
6-10 Design of Compression member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD 55
PRO program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired
6-11 Design of tension member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight section 65
size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the results
from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight size is
obtained and Optimum section).
6-12 Design of compression member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight 57
section size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the
results from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight
size is obtained and Optimum section).
6-13 Comparisons between method. 58
Chapter seven: - Conclusions and Recommendations.
7-1 Conclusions. 60
7-2 Recommendations. 61

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge III

List of Symbols
Symbol Definition
fu Ultimate strength (MPa).
d Effective depth length (mm)
b Width of section (mm).
h Height of section (mm)
A Area of section (mm2).
f'c Concrete compressive strength (MPa).
fy Yielding strength (MPa).
Pu Axial Force (kN).

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge IV

List of Tables
Table No. PAGE
Chapter two:- Type of Loads.
(2-1) Material dead load unit weight. 10
Chapter Four: - Staad Pro Analysis.
(4-1) I.L of the selected truss by Staad Pro Program. 29
(4-2) Wind Load calculation. 32
(4-3) load on bridge (top). 32
(4-4) load on bridge (bottom). 38
Chapter Five: - Manual Solution.
(5-1) Member forces. 40
(5-2) Design of tension member. 41
(5-3) Design of Compression Member 42
(5-4) Member forces. 44
(5-5) Design of tension member. 44
(5-6) Design of Compression Member 45
Chapter Six: - Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad Pro.
(6-1) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 50
STAAD PRO in Tension Member.
(6-2) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 51
STAAD PRO in Compression Member.
(6-3) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 52
STAAD PRO in Tension Member.
(6-4) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 53
STAAD PRO in Compression Member.
(6-5) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 54
STAAD PRO in Tension Member.
(6-6) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 55
STAAD PRO in Compression Member.
(6-7) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 56
STAAD PRO in Tension Member.
(6-8) Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and 57
STAAD PRO in Compression Member.
(6-9) comparisons between methods of analysis. 58
(6-10) Reason for the different in comparisons between methods of analysis. 59

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge V

List of Figures
Subject PAGE NO.
Chapter One:- Introduction.
(1-1) Hell gate bridge "new york 1940". 1
(1-2) Truss bridge. 2
(1-3) Types of steel bridges. 5
(1-4) Rigid frame bridge. 6
(1-5) arch, suspension & cable-stay steel bridges, beam, truss and 7
cantilever bridges
Chapter Two:- Types of Loads.
(2-1) Load distribution over a steel truss bridge. 9
(2-2) typical truss bridge shown the vehicle crossing it. 14
(2-3) Typical truss joints 15
Chapter Three:- Steel Design.
(3-1) Design in STAAD.Pro 16
(3-2) Type of steel truss members. 17
(3-3) Typical Truss connections. 18
Chapter Four: - Staad Pro Analysis.
(4-1) bridge front view. 20
(4-2) bridge side view. 20
(4-3) bridge top view. 21
(4-4) whole steel bridge. 21
(4-5) 3D steel bridge. 22
(4-6) distribution of spacing in steel truss bridge (front view) (Live load 22
distribution on truss).
(4-7) simple steel truss bridge (Top). 23
(4-8) simple steel truss bridge (Top) by STAAD.Pro . 23
(4-9) live load . 24
(4-10) dead load . 24
(4-11) wind load . 25
(4-12) Top steel truss bridge with showing displacement . 25
(4-13) 3D Top . 26
(4-14) beams numbers . 27
(4-15) Influence line for nodes. 31
(4-16) Bottom steel truss bridge in STAAD.Pro. 35
(4-17) 3D Bottom steel truss bridge. 36
(4-18) Displacement of bottom steel truss bridge. 36
(4-19) Bottom steel truss bridge with loads impose to it. 37
(4-20) selected beam. 37
Chapter Five: - Manual Solution.
(5-1) simple steel truss bridge (Top). 40
(5-2) simple steel truss bridge (Top) by STAAD.Pro . 40
(5-3) Bottom steel truss bridge. 43
(5-4) Bottom steel truss bridge in STAAD.Pro. 43
(5-5) Compression members in the top steel truss bridge . 44

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge VI

Chapter Six: - Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad Pro.
(6-1) Steel truss bridge (Top). 49
(6-2) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members. 50
(6-3) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 5
(6-4) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 52
(6-5) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 53
(6-6) simple steel truss bridge (Bottom). 54
(6-7) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 55
(6-8) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 56
(6-9) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 57
(6-10) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members 58

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge VII

Chapter one Introduction

Chapter One
1-1 Introduction:
A bridge is a means by which a road, railway or other service is carried over an
obstacle such as a river, valley, and other road or railway line, either with no intermediate
support or with only a limited number of supports at convenient locations. Bridges range
in size from very modest short spans over, say, a small river to the extreme examples of
suspension bridges crossing wide estuaries. Appearance is naturally less crucial for the
smaller bridges, but in all cases the designer will consider the appearance of the basic
elements, which make up his bridge, the superstructure and the substructure, and choose
proportions which are appropriate to the particular circumstances considered. The use of
steel often helps the designer to select proportions that are aesthetically pleasing. Bridges
are an essential part of the transport infrastructure.
The main advantages of structural steel over other construction materials are its
strength and ductility. It has a higher strength to cost ratio in tension and a slightly lower
strength to cost ratio in compression when compared with concrete. The stiffness to
weight ratio of steel is much higher than that of concrete. Thus, structural steel is an
efficient and economic material in bridges. Structural steel has been the natural solution
for long span bridges since 1890, when the Firth of Forth cantilever bridge, the world's
major steel bridge at that time was completed.

Figure (1-1): Hell gate bridge "new york 1940".

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 1

Chapter one Introduction

From the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, truss systems of steel wrought
iron were developed for larger bridges, but iron did not have the tensile strength to support
large loads. With the advent of steel, which has a high tensile strength, much larger
bridges were built, many using the ideas of Gustave Eiffel. Bridges are classified on the
basis that how the four forces namely shear, compression, tension, and moment are
distributed in the bridge structure.

Fig. (1-2) Truss bridge.

1-2 Background:
Steel is widely used in building as material. because of steel have many factors
affecting in mechanical properties, availability in a variety of useful and practical shapes,
more economy, design simplicity, and ease and speed of construction. In another hand
Steel can be produced with a variety of properties by adding many enhancements to suit
our different requirements. The principle requirements are strength, ductility, weld ability,
and corrosion resistance. Steel design, or more specifically, structural steel design, is an
area of knowledge of structural engineering used to design steel structures. The structures
can range from towers to homes to bridges. There are currently two common methods of
steel design: The first and older method is the Allowable Strength Design (ASD) method.
The second and newer is the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method.
1-3 Bridge Classification:
Bridges can be classified in several ways depending on the objective of classification.
Few of these Classifications are listed below:
 Classification by materials:
 Steel Bridges: such as, decks, arches, trusses, stayed and suspension cables are used.
 Wooden bridges: Bridges using wood and having relatively short spans.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 2

Chapter one Introduction

 Concrete bridges: Bridges using reinforced and prestressed concrete.

 Classification by function:
 Highway bridges: Bridge carrying vehicle traffic.
 Railway bridges: Bridges carrying trains.
 Combined bridges: Bridges carrying both trains and vehicles.
 Pedestrian bridges: Bridges carrying pedestrians.
 Classification by relative position of floor:
This classification is based on the location of flooring deck with respect to the supporting
 Deck Bridge: the deck is supported at the top of supporting structure.
 Semi-through bridge: The semi-through bridge has its deck midway and the deck
load is transmitted to the girder through the web of the girder. The main girders are
on either side of deck.
 Through bridge: The decking is supported by the bottom flange of the main
supporting girders provided on either side.
 Classification by structural system:
 I-Girder or Beam Bridges: The main girder consists of either plate girders or rolled
 Box-girder Bridges: The main girder consists of a single or mostly multiple box
beams fabricated from steel plates.
 T-beam Bridges: Multiple reinforced concrete T-beams are placed side by side to
support live loads.
 Orthotropic deck Bridges: Bridge deck consists of a steel deck plate and rib
 Truss Bridges: Truss Members resists axial forces, either in compression or tension.
These members are arranged in a continuous pattern based on structural rigidity of

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 3

Chapter one Introduction

 Arch Bridges: The structure is vertically curved and resists loads mainly in axial
compression. Curved arch transfers compression loads in to abutments.
 Cable-stayed Bridges: Main girders are supported by high strength cables directly
from one or more towers. These types of bridges are suited for long span distances.
 Suspension Bridges: Vertical hangers support the main girders, which are supported
by main suspension cable extending over tower anchorage to anchorage. Design is
suitable for large span and long bridges.
 Classification by support condition:
 Simply supported bridges: The main girders or trusses are simply supported by a
movable hinge at one end and fix hinge at the other end. They can be analyzed using
conditions of equilibrium.
 Continuously supported bridges: Girders or trusses are continuously supported,
resulting in a structurally indeterminate system. These tend to be more economical
since fewer expansion joints will have less service and maintenance problem.
Settlements at supported in this system is neglected.
 Cantilever bridge: a continuous bridge is made determinate by placing intermediate
hinges between the supports.
 Rigid frame bridges: The girders are rigidly connected to the substructure.
 Classification depending on the life of the bridge:
 Temporary bridge: A bridge that is used for short time and is then demolished and
used in other areas whenever the need arises as in military bridges.
 Permanent bridges: Bridge that is used throughout its lifetime. Life time of bridges
depends on their design, sometimes it is as long as 200 years.
 Classification depending on span length:
 Short span bridges: bridges with span length less than 50 meters.
 Medium span bridges: bridges with span length between 50 and 200 meters.
 Long span bridges: bridges with span length more than 200 meters.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 4

Chapter one Introduction

Figure (1-3): Types of steel bridges.

(A) Classification based on type of traffic carried Bridges are classified as:
 Highway or road bridges
 Railway or rail bridges
 Road - cum - rail bridges
(B) Classification based on the main structural system:
Many different types of structural systems are used in bridges depending upon the
span, carriageway width and types of traffic. Classification, according to make-up of main
load carrying system, is as follows:
(1) Girder bridges: Flexure or bending between vertical supports is the main structural
action in this type. Girder bridges may be either solid web girders or truss girders or box
girders. Plate girder bridges are adopted for simply supported spans less than 50 m and
box girders for continuous spans up to 250 m. Truss bridges are suitable for the span range
of 30 m to 375 m. Cantilever bridges have been built with success with main spans of 300
m to 550m.
(2) Rigid frame bridges: In this type, the longitudinal girders are made structurally
continuous with the vertical or inclined supporting member by means of moment carrying
joints. Flexure with some axial force is the main forces in the members in this type. Rigid
frame bridges are suitable in the span range of 25 m to 200 m.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 5

Chapter one Introduction

Figure (1-4): Rigid frame bridge.

(3) Arch bridges: The loads are transferred to the foundations by arches acting as the main
structural element. Axial compression in arch rib is the main force, combined with some
bending. Arch bridges are competitive in span range of 200m to 500 m.
(4) Cable stayed bridges: Cables in the vertical or near vertical planes support the main
longitudinal girders. These cables are hung from one or more tall towers, and are usually
anchored at the bottom to the girders.
(5) Suspension bridges: The bridge deck is suspended from cables stretched over the gap
to be bridged, anchored to the ground at two ends and passing over tall towers erected at
or near the two edges of the gap. Currently, the suspension bridge is best solution for long
span bridges.
(C) Classification based on the position of carriageway
The bridges may be of the "deck type", "through type" or "semi-through type". These
are described below with respect to truss bridges:
(1) Deck Type Bridge: The carriageway rests on the top of the main load carrying
members. In the deck type plate girder bridge, the roadway or railway is placed on the top
flanges. In the deck type truss girder bridge, the roadway or railway is placed at the top
chord level
(2) Through Type Bridge: The carriageway rests at the bottom level of the main load
carrying members. In the through type plate girder bridge, the roadway or railway is
placed at the level of bottom flanges. In the through type truss girder bridge, the roadway

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 6

Chapter one Introduction

or railway is placed at the bottom chord level. The bracing of the top flange or lateral
support of the top chord under compression is also required.
(3) Semi through Type Bridge: The deck lies in between the top and the bottom of the
main load carrying members. The bracing of the top flange or top chord under
compression is not done and part of the load carrying system project above the floor level.
The lateral restraint in the system is obtained usually by the U-frame action of the verticals
and cross beam acting together.
(D) Others
 Beam
 Truss
 Cantilever

Figure (1-5): arch, suspension & cable-stay steel bridges, beam, truss and cantilever bridges
1-4 Causes of Bridge Failures:
In practice, failures occur in different forms in a material and are likely to be different
for steel, concrete, and timber bridges. Common types of failure that occur in steel bridges
are yielding (crushing, tearing or formation of ductile or brittle plastic hinges), buckling,
fracture and fatigue (reduced material resistance, reversal of stress in welds and
connections, vibrations), shearing and corrosion. Large deformations due to impact, sway,
violent shaking during seismic events, erosion of soil in floods or settlement due to
expansive soils may induce failure in both steel and concrete bridges. The most common
causes of bridge failure include: overstress of structural elements due to section loss,
design defects and deficiencies, long-term fatigue and fracture, failures during
construction, accidental impacts from ships, trains and aberrant vehicles, fire damage,

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 7

Chapter one Introduction

earthquakes, lack of inspection and unforeseen events. Any one of the above causes may
contribute to bridge failure or may trigger a collapse, but failures actually occur due to a
critical combination of loads. Causes of failures should be identified in any case to find
ways to fix the problem and to avoid them in the future.
1-5 AASHTO LRFD Specification and Limitations:
Most highway bridges were designed according to the provision of the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The AASHTO
bridge specifications provide traffic-related loadings to be used in the development and
testing of bridge designs, as well as other detailed requirements for bridge design and
construction. A key task of the bridge designer is the selection of bridge members that are
sufficiently sized to support the various loading combinations the structure may carry
during its service life. These include dead load (the weight of the bridge itself), live load
(the weights of vehicles using the bridge), wind, seismic, and thermal forces. The bridge
design standards prescribed by the American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) have followed a design philosophy called Allowable
Stress Design (ASD), in 1931. The first generation of AASHTO code to use a limit state
method for design of steel structures is called Load Factor Design (LFD). It was
introduced in the 1970s as an alternative to the ASD specifications. Researchers began
developing the new design specifications by using the probabilistic concepts that have
been the subject of intensive research since around 1969. In 1986, AASHTO started to
look into ways of incorporating Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) philosophies into
the standard specifications.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 8

Chapter Two Types of loads

Chapter Two
Types of Loads
2-1 Loads on steel bridge trusses:
Trusses are used in bridges to transfer the gravity load of moving vehicles to
supporting piers. Depending upon the site conditions and the span length of the bridge,
the truss may be either through type or deck type. In the through type, the carriage way
is supported at the bottom chord of trusses. In the deck type bridge, the carriage way is
supported at the top chord of trusses. Usually, the structural framing supporting the
carriage way is designed such that the loads from the carriage way are transferred to the
nodal points of the vertical bridge trusses.

Figure (2-1): load distribution over a steel truss bridge.

2-2 Types of loads on bridges:
The following are the various loads to be considered for the purpose of computing
stresses, wherever they are applicable.
1. Dead load
2. Live load
3. Impact load
4. Longitudinal force
5. Thermal force
6. Wind load
7. Seismic load
8. Racking force
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 9
Chapter Two Types of loads

9. Forces due to curvature.

10. Forces on parapets
11. Frictional resistance of expansion bearings
12. Erection forces
1.Dead Loads:
The dead load represents the weight of structure itself and any other immovable
loads (equipment) that are constant in magnitude and permanently attached to the
structure. It consists of the weight of the main supporting trusses or girder the floor
beams and stringer of the floor system. Structural design is that the true dead load of the
structure that cannot be determined until the bridge is designed and a final design cannot
be accomplished unless the true dead load is known. The dead load acting on a member
must be assumed before the member is designed; one should design the member of a
structure in such a sequence that to as great an extent as practicable the weight of each
member being designed is a portion of the dead load carried by the next member to be
designed. Thus for a highway bridge, on would first design the road slab, then the
stringer that carry the slab loads to the floor beams, the floor beams that carry the
stringer loads to the main girders or trusses and finally main girder or truss. It is
therefore necessary to make preliminary estimate of the structure and then can be
calculated and compared with the previously estimated weight. The dead load assumed
to be uniformly distributed along the length of the structure elements, such as slab beam
or truss.
Table (2-1) Material dead load unit weight.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 10

Chapter Two Types of loads

2.Live load:
The live load for highway bridges consists of weight of the applied moving load of
vehicles and pedestrians. Highway bridges should be designed to safely support all
vehicles that might pass over them during the life of the structure actually; the traffic
over Highway Bridge will consist of multitude of different types of vehicle. It’s not
possible for the designer to know what vehicles will be use the structure or what the
required life of the bridge will be to ensure the safety of the structure. Some form of the
control must be maintained so that the designer has to provide sufficient strength in the
structure to carry present and future predicated loads. The regulation of vehicle using the
bridge has to be such that excessive weight vehicle are prohibited from crossing the
structure. Design control is provided in the United States by (AASHTO). State laws
regulating the weight of motor vehicles provide which specifies the design live load and
traffic regulation. Vehicle live load is the weight of the vehicles that cross the bridge.
Each of these vehicles consists of a series of moving concentrated loads that vary in
magnitude and spacing. As the loads move, they generate changing moments, shears,
and reactions in the structural members. The extent of these forces depends on the
number, weight, spacing, and position of the loads on the span. The designer must
position vehicle live loads to produce the maximum effect for each stress. Once the
locations for maximum stress are found, other positions result in lower stress and are no
longer considered. Vehicle live loads are generally depicted in diagrams that resemble
trucks or other specialized vehicles.
 Gross vehicle weight (GVW) is the maximum total weight of a vehicle.
 Axle load is the total weight transferred through one axle.
 Axle spacing is the center-to-center distance between vehicle axles. Axle spacing
may be fixed or variable.
 Wheel load is one-half the axle load. Wheel loads for dual wheels are given
as the combined weight of both wheels.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 11

Chapter Two Types of loads

 Wheel line is the series of wheel loads measured along the vehicle length. The
total weight of one-wheel line is equal to one-half the GVW.
 Track width is the center-to-center distance between wheel lines. AASHTO
specifications provide two systems of standard vehicle loads, H loads and HS
loads. Each system consists of individual truck loads and lane loads. Lane loads
are intended to be equivalent in weight to a series of vehicles (discussed in the
following paragraphs). The type of loading used for design, whether truck load or
lane load, is that producing the highest stress. It should be noted that bridges are
designed for the stresses and deflection produced by a standard highway loading,
not necessarily the individual vehicles. The design loads are hypothetical and are
intended to resemble a type of loading rather than a specific vehicle. Actual
stresses produced by vehicles crossing the structure should not exceed those
produced by the hypothetical design vehicles.
3.Impact Loading (Dynamic Effect of Vehicle):
AASHTO specifications require that an allowance for impact be included in the
design of some structures. This allowance is expressed as an impact factor and is
computed as a percentage increase in vehicle live load stress. The live load applied
gradually by vehicle moving across the bridge at normal rate of speed produced the
deformation of the structure. The live load produces greater stresses than if they were
considered as a static position on the structure. Since the deformation is greater the
stress in the structure is higher this increment in stress can be called the (dynamic
effect). The terminology for dynamic effect among bridge designers and bridge design
specifications is impact. In addition to the true impact effect and the sudden loading
effect there is also third effect, which is caused by the vehicle, vibrating on its springs.
Uneven roadway surfaces contribute to this effect. The vibrating of the vehicle on its
springs induces vibration of structure. The magnitude of stresses is dependent on the

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 12

Chapter Two Types of loads

relative masses of the vehicle and the bridge, the natural frequency of the structure and
the damping characteristic of the bridge.
4.Longitudinal Force:
When the vehicle crossing the structure increase or decreases (accelerate) their
speed a longitudinal force (F) are transmitted from the wheels of the vehicle to the deck
(Horizontal force acting in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the structure). Since
they are inertia forces resulting from the acceleration on deceleration of vehicle, they act
through the centers of gravity of the vehicles. The magnitude of longitudinal force is
depending on the:
 Amount of acceleration or deceleration.
 Frictional forces that can be developed between the contacts surfaces of
the wheels of the vehicle applying these force to the roadway or track and the
surface of truck or roadway.
 Weight of the vehicle.
 The velocity of the vehicle at the instant of braking.
 Time interval to come to complete stop
5. Wind Loads:
Wind loads are caused by the pressure of wind acting on the bridge members. They
are dynamic loads that depend on such factors as the size and shape of the structure, the
velocity and angle of the wind. For design purposes, AASHTO specifications give wind
loads as uniformly distributed static loads. This simplified loading is intended for rigid
structures that are not dynamically sensitive to wind; that is, structural design is not
controlled by wind loads. It applied as horizontal loads acting on the superstructure and
substructure and as vertical loads acting upward on the deck underside. The magnitude
of the loads depends on the component of the structure and the base wind velocity used
for design.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 13

Chapter Two Types of loads

2-3 Railway bridges: Railway bridges including combined rail and road bridges are to
be designed for railway standard loading given in bridge rules. The standards of loading
are given for:
1) Broad gauge - Main line and branch line
2) Meter gauge - Main line, branch line and Standard C
3) Narrow gauge - H class, A class main line and B class branch line.

Figure (2-2): typical truss bridge shown the vehicle crossing it.
2-4 Connections
Members of trusses can be joined by riveting, bolting or welding. Due to involved
procedure and highly skilled labor requirement, riveting is not common these days,
except in some railway bridges in India. In railway bridges riveting may be used due to
fatigue considerations. Even in such bridges, due to recent developments, high strength
friction grip bolting and welding have become more common. Shorter span trusses are
usually fabricated in shops and can be completely welded and transported to site as one
unit. Longer span trusses can be prefabricated in segments by welding in shop. These
segments can be assembled by bolting or welding at site. This results in a much better
quality of the fabricated structure. However, the higher cost of shop fabrication due to
excise duty in contrast to lower field labor cost frequently favor field fabrication in

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 14

Chapter Two Types of loads

Figure (2-3): Typical truss joints

2-5 Analysis of Trusses
Generally, truss members are assumed to be joined together so as to transfer only
the axial forces and not moments and shears from one member to the adjacent members
(they are TRUSSES regarded as being pinned joints). The loads are assumed to be
acting only at the nodes of the trusses. The trusses may be provided over a single span,
simply supported over the two end supports, in which case they are usually statically
determinate. Such trusses can be analyzed manually by the method of joints or by the
method of sections. From the analysis based on pinned joint assumption, one obtains
only the axial forces in the different members of the trusses. However, in actual design,
the members of the trusses are joined together by more than one bolt or by welding,
either directly or through larger size end gussets. Further, some of the members,
particularly chord members, may be continuous over many nodes. Generally, such joints
enforce not only compatibility of translation but also compatibility of rotation of
members meeting at the joint. As a result, the members of the trusses experience
bending moment in addition to axial force. This may not be negligible, particularly at the
eaves points of pitched roof trusses, where the depth is small and in trusses with
members having a smaller slenderness ratio (i.e. stocky members). Further, the loads
may be applied in between the nodes of the trusses, causing bending of the members.
Such stresses are referred to as secondary stresses. The secondary bending stresses can
be caused also by the eccentric connection of members at the joints. The analysis of
trusses for the secondary moments and hence the secondary stresses can be carried out
by an indeterminate structural analysis, usually using computer software.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 15

Chapter Three Steel Design

Chapter Three
Steel Design
3-1 Introduction:
A truss is a structure composed of members connected together to form a rigid
framework. Members are the load-carrying components of a structure. In most trusses,
members are arranged in interconnected triangles. Because of this configuration, truss
members carry load primarily in tension and compression. Because trusses are very strong
for their weight, they are often used to span long distances. They have been used
extensively in bridges since the early 19th century. Today trusses are often used in the roofs
of buildings and stadiums, in towers, construction cranes, and many similar structures and
machines. Trusses, like all structures, are designed by civil engineers with special expertise
in structural analysis and design.

Figure (3-1): Design in STAAD.Pro

3-2 Steel manual:
Structural steel is one of the basic materials used by structural engineers. Steel, as a
structural material has exceptional strength, stiffness, and ductility properties. As a result
of these properties, steel is readily produced in an extensive variety of structural shapes to
satisfy a wide range of application needs. The wide spread use of structural steel makes it
necessary for structural engineers to be well versed in its properties and uses.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 16

Chapter Three Steel Design

At the successful completion of this text, the student will be prepared for study
addressing more advanced topics such as structural system design, the latest in connection
design, and other building code requirements related to the design of steel structures.
3-3 Component Parts:
The three-dimensional bridge structure has two main load-carrying trusses. Each truss
is composed of a top chord, a bottom chord, and several verticals and diagonals. The two
trusses are connected together by a series of transverse member's struts, lateral bracing, and
floor beams. In early truss bridges, all of these members would have been made of wood or
iron. Today they are usually made of steel. Modern steel truss members are manufactured
in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. A few common examples are shown on the following
page. The model truss we will be building uses both solid bars and hollow tubes.

Fig. (3-2) Type of steel truss members.

One major component of a truss bridge that is usually not made of steel is the deck the
flat surface between the two main trusses. Bridge decks are usually made of concrete, but
might also be built from wooden planks or steel grating. When vehicles or pedestrians
cross a bridge, their weight is directly supported by the deck. The deck, in turn, is
supported on the floor beams. The floor beams transmit the weight of the vehicles and
pedestrians (and the weight of the deck) to the main trusses.
The truss drawings above do not show the connections that are used to join the
structural members together. Even though the connections are not shown, they are
important. They have a big influence on the ability of a structure to carry load.
There are two common types of structural connections used in trusses-pinned
connections and gusset plate connections. As the name suggests, the pinned connection
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 17
Chapter Three Steel Design

uses a single large metal pin to connect two or more members together, much like the pin
in a door hinge. In a gusset plate connection, members are joined together by one or two
heavy metal gusset plates, which are attached to the individual members with rivets, bolts,
or welds. Pinned connections were used extensively throughout the 19th century. Most
modern bridges-including the model bridge we will be building here-use gusset plate

Fig. (3-3) Typical Truss connections.

Each of the bridge components described above has a specific purpose. All of the
components work together to ensure that the bridge carries load safely and efficiently.
3-4 How a Structure Carries Load:
One of the most important learning objectives of this project is to understand how a
truss bridge carries load. But what exactly is a “load,” and what does it mean for a
structure to “carry a load?” To answer these questions, we will need to introduce (or
perhaps review) some basic concepts from physics.
3-4-1 Forces and Loads
Much of structural engineering deals, in some way, with the concept of force. A force
is simply a push or a pull applied to an object. A force always has both magnitude and
direction. When a truck crosses a bridge, it exerts a force on the bridge. The magnitude of
the force is the weight of the truck, and the direction of the force is downward.
Mathematically, we represent a force as a vector. By definition, a vector is a quantity that
has both magnitude and direction. To show a force on a picture or diagram, we normally
represent it as an arrow (which shows the direction) and a magnitude (in units of force),
like this: In structural engineering, it is useful to distinguish between three different kinds
of forces, loads, reactions, and internal member forces.
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 18
Chapter Three Steel Design

A load is simply a force applied to a structure. Actual bridges are subjected to many
different kinds of loads, including the following:
 Weight of the vehicles and pedestrians crossing the bridge
 Weight of the bridge itself
 Weight of the asphalt or concrete road surface
 Wind pushing sideways on the structure
 Weight of snow, ice, or rainwater
 Forces caused by earthquakes
In designing a bridge, the structural engineer must consider the effects of all these
loads, including cases where two or more different kinds of loads might occur at the same
3-4-2 Internal Member Forces:
When you apply external loads to a structure, external reactions occur at the supports.
But internal forces are also developed within each structural member. In a truss, these
internal member forces will always be either tension or compression. Tension force tends
to make a member longer. A member in compression is being squashed, like the block of
foam in the picture below. Compression force makes a member shorter.
3-5 Description about the project:
Project discussed analysis and design of steel truss bridge, the bridge is 40m long and
12 m width and 8 m high, the spaces between the trusses in the roof are various, from the
beginning leave space that equal 0.5 m, after that divided all spaces in 13 segment the
length of each one equal 3m in the floor.
Project used the straight member and in the beginning and the end connected by
welding point formed triangles, and this member affected by compression or tensile force,
about the moment the same mean of torque is excluded in the trusses, Moreover, assume
all the joint in the trusses is pin.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 19

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Chapter Four
Staad Pro Analysis
4-1 Design of Truss:

Fig.(4-1) bridge front view.

Fig.(4-2) bridge side view.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 20

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-3)bridge top view.

Fig.(4-4) whole steel bridge.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 21

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-5) 3D steel bridge.

Fig.(4-6) distribution of spacing in steel truss bridge (front view) (Live load distribution on truss).

by starting animation in the Staad pro program we were sure that the whole
structure moves as (one unit) and we check this from for dead, live and wind loads, so
it’s ok.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 22

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-7) simple steel truss bridge (Top).

Fig.(4-8)simple steel truss bridge (Top) by STAAD.Pro .

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 23

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-9) live load .

Fig.(4-10) dead load .

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 24

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-11) wind load .

Fig.(4-12) Top steel truss bridge with showing displacement .

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 25

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-13) 3D Top .

 For Roof truss (1), have length 12m. (in direction X):
Live load=40 KN.
Super imposed dead load=70 KN+self weight
Wind load=3 KN.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 26

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-14) beams numbers .


Axle load
Floor Beam

Fig. (4-15) load of truck.

Lane moment = 361.2 k. ft
Lane shear = 52.8 k

Fraction of wheel loads to stringer


Wheel loads / stringer
4.5 (S < 14)
  1.522
1.522Wheels 4.5
2Wheels / axle = 0.761 lane / stringer
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 27
Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis
50 50
Impact    37.5 % > 30 %
I  125 10  125
D.L (slab level) =(7/12)* 7.25 * 1’ * 150 = 634.37 Ib/ ft length
Assume stringer weight = 145 Ib/ ft
Total D. L = stringer weight + D.L = 145 + 634.37 = 779.4 Ib/ ft

 Dead load on truss:

7 150
Slab D.L = * * 20  1.75 k / ft
12 1000
7 150
Curb  *6*  0.525 k / ft
12 1000
Railing estimate = 0.01 k /ft
Stringer  4.5 * 0.145  0.652 k / ft
3.76 k / ft *12
Floor beam   4.5 k / ft
Super imposed dead load = 7.4 k / ft
 Live load distribution on truss:

The maximum reaction on truss may be obtained as follows:

L.L truss Lane (14  26) Lanes
 1
40 truss
 Lane in truss:

Uniform lane load = 1 * 0.64 = 0.64 k/ft

Concentrated lane load = 1*(18) = 18 k
Impact   0.19  0.3
131  125
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 28
Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

37.8 37.8
Super imposed live load  1.344   0.19[1.344  ] = 6.09 k/ft
10' 10
Total superimposed load = 7.4 + 6.09 = 13.5 k / ft

Table (4-1) I.L of the selected truss by Staad Pro Program.

Beam Node Node 1 Node 6 Node 2 Node 8 Node 3

Fx kip Fx kip Fx kip Fx kip Fx kip

1 1 0 -1.843 -1.842 -1.231 -1.231
5 1 0 1.987 1.986 1.327 1.327
11 2 0 0.016 -0.983 0.006 0.006
6 6 0 0.679 0.68 1.345 1.344
12 6 0 1.294 -0.015 -0.015 -0.016
2 2 0 -1.833 -1.832 -1.235 -1.235
10 8 0 -0.494 -0.494 0.005 -0.993

The following I.L of the selected truss is of (Pratt type).

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 29

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 30

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig. (4-15) Influence line for nodes.

 Forces in truss due to lane loading and Dead Load:

Uniform lane load = 1.344 k / ft
Concentrated lane load = 18 k
Impact load percentage = 0.19
WD.L = 13.5 k/ ft
L.L= Uniform lane load*Area+Max Axial Force of Truss Member* Concentrated lane
I= Impact load percentage*L.L
D.L= WD.L*Area
 Wind Load on Truss:

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 31

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Table (4-2) Wind Load calculation.

Joint 1 Joint 8
[(10.6 + 9.84) / 2]= 10.22 [(10.6 + 7.87 + 10.6) / 2] =14.53
Joint 2 Joint 3
[(9.84 +3.94 +9.84) / 2]=11.81 [(9.84 + 10.6 + 7.87 +10.6+9.84) / 2] =24.387
Joint 6
[(10.6 + 3.94 + 10.6 +10.6) / 2] =17.87

Table (4-3) load on bridge (top).

Beam L/C Dist ft Fx kip total Load (kip) total Load (kN)
1 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -295.025
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -516.294
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 17.876
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 0 -7.35 -800.793 -3555.52092
2 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -294.549
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -515.461
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 14.802
Max -ve N/A N/A

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 32

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression

Max -ve 0 -7.336 -802.544 -3563.29536
3 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -294.549
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -515.461
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 8.905
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 0 -7.336 -808.441 -3589.47804
4 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -295.025
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -516.294
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 5.925
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 0 -7.35 -812.744 -3608.58336
5 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 318.119
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 556.709
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 3.353
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 0 8.009 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 886.19 3934.6836
6 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 216.037
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 378.065
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 1.58
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 0 5.672 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 601.354 2670.01176
7 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 216.037
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 378.065
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -1.638

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 33

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 10.601 5.672 Tension

Max -ve N/A N/A 598.136 2655.72384
8 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 318.119
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 556.709
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -3.156
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 10.601 8.009 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 879.681 3905.78364
9 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -37.784
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -66.122
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -0.039
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 0 -0.82 -104.765 -465.1566
10 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -118.523
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -207.415
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -0.023
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 7.874 -3.451 -329.412 -1462.58928
11 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -37.784
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -66.122
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -0.066
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A compression
Max -ve 0 -0.82 -104.792 -465.27648
12 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 101.011
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 176.77
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -1.366

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 34

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 10.601 2.451 Tension

Max -ve N/A N/A 278.866 1238.16504
13 1 LIVE LOAD Max +ve 0 101.011
Max -ve N/A N/A
2 DEAD LOAD Max +ve 0 176.77
Max -ve N/A N/A
3 WIND LOAD Max +ve 0 1.739
Max -ve N/A N/A
4 SELF WEIGHT Max +ve 0 2.451 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 281.971 1251.95124

For Floor truss: have length 40m.

Live load=122 kN. ok
Super imposed dead load= 78 kN. ok

Fig.(4-16) Bottom steel truss bridge in STAAD.Pro.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 35

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-17) 3D Bottom steel truss bridge.

Fig.(4-18) Displacement of bottom steel truss bridge.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 36

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Fig.(4-19) Bottom steel truss bridge with loads impose to it.

Fig.(4-20) selected beam.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 37

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Table (4-4) load on bridge (bottom).

total Load total Load
Beam L/C Dist ft Fx kip (kip) (kN)
1 1 LIVE Max +ve 0 351.444
Max -ve N/A N/A
LOAD Max +ve 0 224.693
Max -ve N/A N/A
WEIGHT Max +ve 0 1.414 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 577.551 2564.32644
4 1 LIVE Max +ve 0 999.213
Max -ve N/A N/A
LOAD Max +ve 0 638.841
Max -ve N/A N/A
WEIGHT Max +ve 0 4.015 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 1642.069 7290.78636
25 1 LIVE Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -24.806
LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -15.86
WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A Compression
Max -ve 0 -0.101 -40.767 -181.00548
26 1 LIVE Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -707.97
LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -452.636
WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A Compression
Max -ve 0 -2.847 -1163.453 -5165.73132
48 1 LIVE Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -987.601
LOAD Max +ve N/A N/A
Max -ve 0 -631.417
WEIGHT Max +ve N/A N/A Compression
Max -ve 0 -3.995 -1623.013 -7206.17772
49 1 LIVE Max +ve 0 1062.446
Max -ve N/A N/A
LOAD Max +ve 0 679.269

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 38

Chapter Four Staad pro Analysis

Max -ve N/A N/A

WEIGHT Max +ve 0 4.303 Tension
Max -ve N/A N/A 1746.018 7752.31992

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 39

Chapter Five Manual solution

Chapter Five
Manual Solution
5-1 Top part of Bridge:

Fig.(5-1) simple steel truss bridge (Top).

by starting animation in the Staad pro program we were sure that the whole structure
moves as (one unit) and we check this from for dead, live and wind loads, so it’s ok.

Fig.(5-2)simple steel truss bridge (Top) by STAAD.Pro .

5-2 Selection of truss member:

Table (5-1) Member forces.
Self Tension
Live Load Dead Load Wind load total Load
kN/m kN/m kN/m weight (kip) /Compression
1 -295.03 -516.29 17.876 -7.35 -800.79 Compression
2 -294.55 -515.46 14.802 -7.336 -802.54 Compression
5 318.119 556.709 3.353 8.009 886.19 Tension

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 40

Chapter Five Manual solution
6 216.037 378.065 1.58 5.672 601.354 Tension
10 -118.52 -207.42 -0.023 -3.451 -329.41 Compression
11 -37.784 -66.122 -0.066 -0.82 -104.79 Compression
12 101.011 176.77 -1.366 2.451 278.866 Tension

1-Design of tension member:

Table (5-2) Design of tension member.
Member 5 6 12
886.19 601.354 278.866
Length 10.6 10.6 10.6
A g (in ) 27.35 18.560 8.606
A g (in ) 23.96 16.263 7.54
Section W12*96 W12*65 W12*30
rmin. 0.424 0.424 0.424
41.165 42.119 83.68

Example for calculation

By using LRFD method
Member 5 = 886.19 k
Length = 10.6 ft
Fy = 36 Ksi , Fu = 58 Ksi
min 886.19
A g  Pu/ * Fy   27.35in 2
0.9 * 36
A g  Pu/ * Fu * u  est. holes   0  23.96 in 2
0.75 * 58 * 0.85

We will take the bigger Ag

L 10.6 *12
rmin    0.424 in
300 300

From table (1-1) in the AISC manual

Try W( 12*96) (Ag=28.2 in2, rx=5.44 in, ry=3.09 in , d=12.7 in, bf=12.2 in, tf=0.900 in)
1- (Check tensile yielding)
Pn=Fy*Ag= 36*28.2 =1015.2 K
φ pn =0.9 * 1015.2 = 913.668 K > 886.19 K …. O.k
Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 41
Chapter Five Manual solution
2- (Check tensile rapture)
Pn=Fu*Ae = 58*28.2*0.85 = 1390.26 K
φ pn = 0.75*886.19 = 1042.695 K > 886.19 K …. O.k
3-Check the slenderness ratio
L * 12 10.6 * 12
 300......  41.165  300....o.k .
r 3.09

2-Design of compression member:

Table (5-3) Design of Compression Member

member Design Length λ λr
Force (ft) A g (in2) Section φFcr
1 -800.79 9.8425 21.3544 W12*106 29.9 6.16 15.89
2 -802.54 9.8425 21.354 W12*106 29.9 6.16 15.89
10 -329.41 7.874 8.78 W12*45 28.5 7 15.89
11 -104.79 3.937 2.79 W4*13 28.7 5.884 15.89

Example for calculation

Member 1 = 800.79 k
Length = 9.8425 ft
Fy = 36 Ksi , Fu = 58 Ksi
1-Assume KL/r=50…..table 4-22 to find φFcr= 37.5 Ksi
2-min A g  Pu/Fcr = 800.79 /37.5 = 21.3544 in2
table 1-1... try W(12*106 ) (Ag=31.2 in2, rx=5.47 in, ry=3.11 in , d=12.9 in, bf=12.2 in,
tf=0.990 in)
(KL/r )x = 1*9.8425*12 /5.34 = 22.117
(KL/r )y = 1*9.8425*12/ 3.05= 38.72 ….. (control)
table 4-22 φFc =29.9 Ksi
φFcrAg= 29.9 * 31.2 = 932.82 K > 800.79 K …. ok
Check Compactness
𝑏𝑓 12.2
= 2
= 2
= 6.16 < 0.56√(E/Fy)=0.56√(29000/36) = 15.894
𝑡 𝑡𝑓 0.990

…. Non slender Use W12*106

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 42

Chapter Five Manual solution
5-3 Bottom Part of Bridge

Fig.(5-3) Bottom steel truss bridge.

Fig.(5-4) Bottom steel truss bridge in STAAD.Pro.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 43

Chapter Five Manual solution

Fig.(5-5) Compression members in the top steel truss bridge .

Table (5-4) Member forces.

Membe Live Load Dead Load Self total Load Tension
r kN/m kN/m weight (kip) /Compression
1 351.444 224.693 1.414 577.551 Tension
4 999.213 638.841 4.015 1642.069 Tension
25 -24.806 -15.86 -0.101 -40.767 Compression
26 -707.97 -452.636 -2.847 -1163.453 Compression
48 -987.601 -631.417 -3.995 -1623.013 Compression
49 1062.446 679.269 4.303 1746.018 Tension

5-4 Selection of truss member:

1- Design of tension member:
Max = 300 K =1 (AASHTO specification)
Table (5-5) Design of tension member.
Member 1 4 49
Design 577.551 1642.069 1746.018
Length 3.2808 4.9212 5.1874
A g (in ) 17.82 50.681 53.88
A g (in2) 15.62 44.41 47.22
Section W12*65 W14*176 W12*190
rmin. 0.131 0.1968 0.2074

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 44

Chapter Five Manual solution
13.036 14.69 19.153
Example for calculation
By using LRFD method
Member1 = 577.551 k
Length = 3.2808 ft
Fy = 50 Ksi , Fu = 65 Ksi
min A g  Pu/ * Fy   17.82in 2
0.9 * 36
A g  Pu/ * Fu * u  est. holes   0  15.62 in 2
0.75 * 0.85 * 58
We will take the bigger Ag
L 3.2808 *12
rmin    0.131in
300 300
From table (1-1) in the AISC manual
Try W(12*65 ) (Ag=19.1 in2, rx=5.28 in, ry=3.02 in , d=12.1 in, bf=12 in, tf=0.605 in)
1- Check tensile yielding
Pn=Fy*Ag= 36*19.1 = 687.6 K
Φpn=0.9*687.6= 618.84 K > 577.881 K …. O.k
2- Check tensile rapture
Pn=Fu*Ae=Fu*Anet*U = 58*19.1*0.85 =941.63 K
Φpn = 0.75*941.63 K = 706.22 > 577.551 …. O.k
3-Check the slenderness ratio
L * 12 3.2808 * 12
 300......  13.036  300....o.k .
r 3.02

2-Design of compression member:

Table (5-6) Design of Compression Member

member Design Length λ λr
Force (ft) A g (in2) Section φFcr
25 -40.767 1.6402 1.87 W4*13 31.7 5.884 15.89

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 45

Chapter Five Manual solution
26 -1163.453 3.280 31.025 W12*136 32.1 4.96 15.89
48 -1623.013 5.1874 43.28 W12*190 31.5 3.6 15.89

Example for calculation

Member 48 = 1623.013 k
Length =5.1874 ft
Fy = 36 Ksi , Fu = 58 Ksi
1-Assume KL/r=50…..table 4-22 to find φFcr= 37.5 Ksi
2-min A g  Pu/Fcr =1623.013/37.5 = 43.28 in2
table 1-1... Try W(12*190 ) (Ag=55.8 in2, rx=5.82 in, ry=3.25 in , bf=12.7 in, tf=1.74 in)
1-(KL/r )x =12*1*5.1874 /5.82 = 22.84
(KL/r )y = 12*1*5.1874 / 3.25= 12.75 ….. (control)
From table 4-22 …. φFcr = 31.5 Ksi
φFcr = 31.5 *55.8 = 1757.7 K > 1623.013 K ….. o.k
Check Compactness
𝑏𝑓 12.7
= 2
= 2
= 3.6 < 0.56√(E/Fy)=0.56√(29000/36) = 15.89
𝑡 𝑡𝑓 1.74

…. Non slender Use w12*190

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 46

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

Chapter Six
Comparison of Manual Sections
with Staad Pro
6-1 Design Operations:
STAAD contains a broad set of facilities for designing structural members as
individual components of an analyzed structure. The member design facilities provide
the user with the ability to carry out a number of different design operations. These
facilities may be used selectively in accordance with the requirements of the design
problem. The operations to perform a design are:
 Specify the members and the load cases to be considered in the design.
 Specify whether to perform code checking or member selection.
 Specify design parameter values, if different from the default values.
These operations may be repeated by the user any number of times depending upon
the design requirements.
Steel Design may be performed based on the following codes: AISC-ASD, AISC-
Currently STAAD supports steel design of wide flange, S, M, HP shapes, angle,
double angle, channel, double channel, beams with cover plate, composite beams and
code checking of prismatic properties. Almost all AISC steel shapes are available for
input. Following are the descriptions of all the types of sections available:
1. Wide Flanges (W shapes): All wide flange sections as listed in AISC/LRFD are
available the way they are written, e.g. W10X49, W21X50, etc.
2. C, MC, S, M, HP Shapes: The above shapes are available as listed in AISC
without decimal points. For example, C8X11.5 will be input as C8X11 and
S15X42.9 will be input as S15X42, omitting the decimal weights. (Exception:
MC6X151 for MC6X15.1 and MC6X153 for MC6X15.3.)

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 47

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

3. Double Channels, Angle, Double Angles, Tees, Pipes, Tubes, Welded Plate
6-2 Code Checking:
The purpose of code checking is to check whether the provided section properties
of the members are adequate. The adequacy is checked as per AISC. Code checking is
done using the forces and moments at specified sections of the members. If no sections
are specified, the program uses the start and end forces for code checking. When code
checking is selected, the program calculates and prints whether the members have
passed the code or have failed. The design philosophy embodied in the Load and
Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specification is built around the concept of limit state
design, the current state-of-the-art in structural engineering. Structures are designed and
proportioned taking into consideration the limit states at which they would become unfit
for their intended use. Two major categories of limit-state are recognized--ultimate and
serviceability. The primary considerations in ultimate limit state design are strength and
stability, while that in serviceability is deflection. Appropriate load and resistance
factors are used so that a uniform reliability is achieved for all steel structures under
various loading conditions and at the same time the chances of limits being surpassed
are acceptably remote. In the STAAD implementation of LRFD, members are
proportioned to resist the design loads without exceeding the limit states of strength,
stability and serviceability. Accordingly, the most economic section is selected on the
basis of the least weight criteria as augmented by the designer in specification of
allowable member depths, desired section type, or other such parameters. The code
checking portion of the program checks that code requirements for each selected section
are met and identifies the governing criteria.
6-3 Design Parameters:
The program contains a large number of parameter names which are needed to
perform designing and code checking. These parameter names, with their default values.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 48

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

The default parameter values have been selected such that they are frequently used
numbers for conventional design.
 Member Selection Specification
This command instructs STAAD to select specified members based on the
parameter value restrictions and specified code. The selection is done using the
results from the most recent analysis and iterating on sections until a least weight
size is obtained.
 Member Selection by Optimization
The program selects all members based on a state-of-the-art optimization
technique. This method requires multiple analyses as well as iteration of sizes
until an overall structure least weight is obtained.
6-4 purpose of comparison:
We take for comparison the portal frame of the bridge and compare it sections with
AISC manual. The goal of the comparison to show that our analysis is very close to
STAAD Pro results and the difference in results would however relate to that our
Manual is (2005 Edition) while STAAD PRO used is (2008 Edition) that means
difference in Manual Edition used. Tables below shows the difference between selected
member of AISC manual by (LRFD method) with STAAD pro Program. Tables
illustrated the difference between sections in tension and compression member.

Fig.(6-1) Steel truss bridge (Top).

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 49

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

6-5 Design of tension member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired
Table (6-1): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Tension Member.

Mem. Design Length(ft) ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO

Force k

Ag Ag Section rx ry Ag Section rx. ry.

(in2 (in2 (in2)
5 886.19 10.6 27.35 23.96 W12*96 5.44 3.09 28.2 W12*96 5.44 3.09
6 601.354 10.6 18.560 16.263 W12*65 5.28 3.02 19.1 W12*65 5.28 3.02
12 278.866 10.6 8.606 7.54 W12*30 5.21 1.52 8.79 W12*30 5.21 1.52

Figs. (6-2) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 50

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

6-6 Design of Compression member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD
PRO program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired
Table (6-2): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Compression Member.
Desig ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO
Membe n
r Force Ag(in2 φFc Ag(in2 φFc
(ft) section λ λr section λ λr
k ) r ) r
- 21.354 W12*10 29.9 6.16 15.8 31.2 W12*10 29.9 6.16 15.8
800.7 9.8425 4 6 9 6 9
- 21.354 W12*10 29.9 6.16 15.8 31.2 W12*10 29.9 6.16 15.8
2 802.5 9.8425 6 9 6 9
- 8.78 W12*45 28.5 7 15.8 8.79 W12*45 28.5 7 15.8
10 329.4 7.874 9 9
- 2.79 W4*13 28.7 5.88 15.8 3.83 W4*13 28.7 5.88 15.8
11 104.7 3.937 4 9 4 9

Figs. (6-3) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 51

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

6-7 Design of tension member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight section
size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the results
from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight size is
obtained and Optimum section).
Table (6-3): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Tension Member.

Mem Design Length(ft) ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO

. Force k

Ag Ag Section rx ry A g Section rx. ry.

(in 2 (in 2 2
(in )
5 886.19 10.6 27.35 23.96 W12*96 5.44 3.09 28.2 W12*26 5.44 3.09
6 601.354 10.6 18.560 16.263 W12*65 5.28 3.02 7.08 W8*24 3.42 1.61
12 278.866 10.6 8.606 7.54 W12*30 5.21 1.52 3.55 W6*12 7.31 0.918

Figs. (6-4) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 52

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

6-8Design of compression member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight

section size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the
results from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight
size is obtained and Optimum section).
Table (6-4): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Compression Member.
ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO
Member Force
Ag(in2) section φFcr λ λr Ag(in2) section φFcr λ λr

- 21.3544 W12*106 29.9 6.16 15.89 7.46 15.89

9.8425 6.49 W14*22 16.3
1 800.79
- 21.354 W12*106 29.9 6.16 15.89 6.49 16.3 7.46 15.89
2 9.8425 W14*22
- 8.78 W12*45 28.5 7 15.89 2.52 17.9 10.1 15.89
10 7.874 W6*8.5
- 2.79 W4*13 28.7 5.884 15.89 2.52 28 10.1 15.89
11 3.937 W6*8.5

Figs. (6-5) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 53

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

6-9 Design of tension member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the desired

Fig.(6-6) simple steel truss bridge (Bottom).

Table (6-5): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Tension Member.

Mem. Design Length(ft) ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO

Force k

Ag Ag Section rx ry Ag Section rx. ry.

(in2 (in2 (in2)

1 577.551 3.2808 17.82 15.62 W12*65 5.28 3.02 19.1 W12*65 5.28 3.02
4 1642.069 4.9212 50.681 44.41 W14*176 6.43 4.02 51.8 W14*176 6.43 4.02
49 1746.018 5.1874 53.88 47.22 W12*190 5.82 3.25 55.8 W12*190 5.82 3.25

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 54

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

Figs. (6-7) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

6-10 Design of Compression member by AISC manual by (LRFD method) and

STAAD PRO program (Check the adequacy of members based on specifications of the
desired code).

Table (6-6): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Compression Member.

Lengt ASCE manual by (LRFD method) STAAD PRO

Membe Design
r Force k Ag(in φFc Ag(in φFc
(ft) section λ λr section λ λr
2 2
) r ) r
1.640 1.87 W4*13 31.7 5.88 15.8 3.83 W4*13 31.7 5.88 15.8
-40.767 2 4 9 4 9
- 31.02 W12*13 32.1 4.96 15.8 39.9 W12*13 32.1 4.96 15.8
26 1163.45 3.280 5 6 9 6 9
- 43.28 W12*19 31.5 3.6 15.8 55.8 W12*19 31.5 3.6 15.8
48 1623.01 0 9 0 9

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 55

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

Figs. (6-8) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

6-11 Design of tension member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight section
size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the results
from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight size is
obtained and Optimum section).
Table (6-7): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Tension Member.

Mem. Design Length(ft) STAAD PRO

ASCE manual by (LRFD method)
Force Least Weight
Ag Ag Section rx ry A g Section rx. ry.
(in 2 (in 2 2
(in )
1 577.551 3.2808 17.82 15.62 W12*65 5.28 3.02 18.2 W24*62 9.23 1.38
4 1642.069 4.9212 50.681 44.41 W14*176 6.43 4.02 38.5 W24*131 10.2 2.97
49 1746.018 5.1874 53.88 47.22 W12*190 5.82 3.25 35.9 W21*122 9.09 2.92

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 56

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

Figs. (6-9) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

6-12 Design of compression member by STAAD PRO program (Select Least weight
section size based on specifications of the desired code. The selection is done using the
results from the most recent analysis and iterating on section sizes until a least weight
size is obtained and Optimum section).
Table (6-8): Comparison of Design results with ASCE manual by (LRFD method) and STAAD PRO
in Compression Member.
ASCE manual by (LRFD method)
Lengt Least Weight
Membe Design
r Force k
(ft) Ag(in2 φFc Ag(in2
section λ λr section φFcr λ λr
) r )
1.87 W4*13 31.7 5.88 15.8 9.6 15.8
25 1.6402 2.96 W8*10 31.4
-40.767 4 9 0 9
- 31.025 W12*13 32.1 4.96 15.8 30 31.8 6.0 15.8
26 1163.45 3.280 6 9 5 2 9
- 43.28 W12*19 31.5 3.6 15.8 33.5 31.0 5.4 15.8
48 1623.01 5.1874 0 9 5 3 9

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 57

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

Figs. (6-10) Staad Pro results based on check the adequacy of members

6-13 Comparisons between methods:

Tables (6-9) comparisons between methods of analysis.

Member Type Hand Calculation Staad Staad by Least
section by adequacy of weight of members
members section section
5 Tension W12*96 W12*96 W12*26
6 Tension W12*65 W12*65 W8*24
12 Tension W12*30 W12*30 W6*12
1 Compression W12*106 W12*106 W14*22
2 Compression W12*106 W12*106 W14*22
10 Compression W12*45 W12*45 W6*8.5
11 Compression W4*13 W4*13 W6*8.5
Member Type Hand Calculation Staad Staad by Least
section by adequacy of weight of members
members section section
1 Tension W12*65 W12*65 W24*62
4 Tension W14*176 W14*176 W24*131
49 Tension W12*190 W12*190 W21*122
25 Compression W4*13 W4*13 W8*10

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 58

Chapter Six Comparison of Manual Sections with Staad pro

26 Compression W12*136 W12*136 W27*102

48 Compression W12*190 W12*190 W27*114

Tables (6-10) Reason for the different in comparisons between methods of analysis.
Member Type Hand Staad Staad by 1-2 1-3
Calculation by adequacy Least weight
section of members of members
section section
5 Tension W12*96 W12*96 W12*26 o.k o.k
6 Tension W12*65 W12*65 o.k Ag of w8*24 < Ag
of w12*65
12 Tension W12*30 W12*30 o.k Ag of w6*12 < Ag
of w12*30
Compression W12*106 W12*106 o.k Ag of w14*22 <
1 W14*22
Ag of w12*106
Compression W12*106 W12*106 o.k Ag of w14*22 <
2 W14*22
Ag of w12*106
Compression W12*45 W12*45 o.k Ag of w6*8.5 <
10 W6*8.5
Ag of w12*45
Compression W4*13 W4*13 o.k Ag of w6*8.5 <
11 W6*8.5
Ag of w4*13
Member Type Hand Staad Staad by 1-2 1-3
Calculation by adequacy Least weight
section of members of members
section section
1 Tension W12*65 W12*65 o.k Ag of w24*62< Ag
W24*62 of w12*65
4 Tension W14*176 W14*176 o.k Ag of w24*131 <
Ag of w14*176
49 Tension W12*190 W12*190 o.k Ag of w21*122 <
Ag of w12*190
Compression W4*13 W4*13 o.k Ag of w8*10 < Ag
25 W8*10
of w4*13
Compression W12*136 W12*136 o.k Ag of w27*102 <
26 W27*102
Ag of w12*136
Compression W12*190 W12*190 o.k Ag of w27*114 <
48 W27*114
Ag of w12*190

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 59

Chapter Seven Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter Seven
Conclusions & Recommendations
7-1 Conclusions:
This project discussed the analysis and design of steel truss bridge, the bridge is
40m long and 12 m width and 8 m high, the spaces between the trusses in the roof are
various, from the beginning by leaving space that equal 0.5 m, divided all spaces in 13
segment the length of each one equal 3m, in the floor extend two trusses in all the length
in two side and in the middle under the floor.
In this project design the steel truss bridges by using the equations to design and
analysis and solving. So that this project takes a long time for solving the equation of
design. But to save time by using a computer software programs to design and analysis
process of these types of bridges and these programs takes the inputs of bridge design
and carried out the calculations easily and quickly so that we saved time and ensure that
the design was correct.
All of the design joint nearly about the minimum limit according the specification,
from other side all (ΦPn)>> pu of any element in the structure, because of all the length
of member nearly short, and we don't have a huge weight or loads affected on the joint.
Straight members were used in the beginning and the end connected by welding
point formed triangles, and this member affected by compression or tensile force, about
the moment the same mean of torque is excluded in the trusses, Moreover, by assuming
all the joint in the trusses is pin.
This projects deals with two design criteria (a. by hand calculation b. by staad pro
program) in staad pro two design were used first by checking the adequate of the section
chosen and second, by least weight design . There was a difference between all design
criteria which depend of the area of the section that gives differently another section.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 60

Chapter Seven Conclusions and Recommendations

7-2 Recommendations:

1-Using another computer software programs to design and analysis process for bridges.
2- Design and analysis of different type of steel truss bridges such as sub divided truss,
cantilever truss bridge; continuous bridge truss and arch bridge.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge 61

1. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI318-14) and
Commentary (ACI 318R-14), American Concrete Institute, P.O. Box 9094,
Farmington Hills, Michigan.
2. Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin, Charls W. Dolan, "Design of concrete
structures",13th edition.
3. Arthur H. Nilson, George Winter, "Design of concrete
structures",10th edition.
4. STAAD.Pro V8iSSS, Copyright attribution: Bentley Systems, http://www.
5. AISC, (Manual of steel Construction), American institute of steel construction,
thirteen editions 2005.
6. Edwin H. Gaylord, jr., Charles N. Gaylord. (Design of steel structures). second
7. AASHTO specification for high way bridge, American association of state
high way and transportation officials. Edition 1973, McGrow- Hill, Inc.
8. (Structure steel design) the Ronald press company 1964.
9. (Bridge engineering hand book) Wai-Fah Chen, CRC Rness LLC 2000.
10.Heinse C.P. and fimage, (1976), "Design of modern steel high way bridge", .j.
Wiley and son, Inc. Canada.
11.BRIDGE DESIGN MANUAL (U.S. Customary Units) State of Connecticut
Department of Transportation, (2003) Edition.
12.Jack C. McCormac and Stephen F. Csernak, (2012), "Structural steel design",
fifthe edition.

Analysis and Design of Steel Truss Bridge

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