Fa-002 Mass Additions - Overview 0
Fa-002 Mass Additions - Overview 0
Fa-002 Mass Additions - Overview 0
2. Select the “Oracle System Applications, Personal Homepage” link under ORACLE FINANCIAL
3. Log in with your Harvard Key. The Oracle Homepage will open.
4. From the Homepage, select your Fixed Asset responsibility, which will begin as HRVD^FA^
8. Select the Prepare Mass Additions function. This will open the form within the application.
A reminder that the FA module uses Java Web Start. For more information about Java Web
Start, find the Oracle Java Web Start Instructions.
When items are added to Prepare Mass Additions, most will be added with a queue of NEW. If the item
is being added to an existing asset, and an Asset Tag was assigned when the purchase was created in AP,
the item will be added with the queue of ADDITION REVIEW. If it is a new item that had a tag assigned to
it in AP, the item will be added with the queue of ON HOLD.
See the document FA-001 Requests - Mass Additions Report for information on how to run the
Disposition Description
A queue inside of Prepare Mass Additions, used when the item can be posted
as an asset without any modifications or if another disposition action has
already been taken and no further modification is required. User will set the
item to the queue of POST, and the item will post as an asset in the Assets
Workbench when the Post Mass Additions nightly job is run. For more
information, see the document FA-003 Mass Additions – Simple Post.
A queue inside of Prepare Mass Additions. When an item may have an
additional invoice line for freight, or perhaps the item arrived as a piece of
equipment, such as a telescope, and a separate item such as a high-powered
lens as a component of that asset. The user will need to Merge the multiple
lines into a single item and then set the item to POST. For more information,
see the document FA-006 Mass Additions - Merge Costs.
Occurs when the asset is owned by two different schools and there is an
expensed distribution line for each school on the invoice. Tubs are required to
Split-coding between coordinate with each other to determine who will own and post the “parent”
two tubs (i.e., cost asset. Once that is determined, the owner of the parent will post the item and
sharing) the second tub will add the parent information to their record. For more
information, see the document FA-007 Mass Additions - Parent-Child
Relationships for Split Coding Costs between Two Tubs.
A function within Prepare Mass Additions. This occurs when two or more items
appear on a single distribution line and need to be split into multiple assets for
Split posting. The user will use the Split function to split the lines and then set each
line to POST. For more information, see the document FA-007 Mass Additions -
Parent-Child Relationships for Split Coding Costs between Two Tubs.
A function within Prepare Mass Additions. A component item has been
purchased for an existing asset. If, at time of purchase, the procurer added an
Asset Tag in AP, then the user can confirm that this item will be added to the
correct asset. If no Asset Tag was added in AP, the user can search for the
Add to Asset existing asset and manually add the component. This function is also used to
create a parent/child relationship with the item. In this case, once the user has
set the item to POST, the queue will change to COST ADJUSTMENT, as this item
is adding to the value of an existing asset. For more information, see the
document FA-004 Mass Additions - Add to Asset.
A queue inside of Prepare Mass Additions. In such an instance, the user has
determined that there is a problem with the costing string used to purchase
the item. The user will set the queue to AP ADJUSTMENT and an AP
AP Adjustment
Adjustment Form will be used to request a change in the costing string. For
more information on the AP Adjustment Form, please see the document FA-
011 AP Adjustments - Navigating the Form.
1. After logging into Oracle Fixed Assets and navigating to Mass Additions > Prepare Mass
Note that based on your user security, you will only see items that appear in yourschool/unit’s
If you have run the Mass Additions Report, you will be able to easily search for and find items in the
Prepare Mass Additions Queue from this window, as several fields from the report are included on
this search screen. The most used fields, for searching, are Invoice Number, Supplier Name, PO
Number, and Asset Key.
The Asset Key provides searchable Chart of Account Segments, such as Fund or Activity. This
field also displays tagging status and a secondary tub if one has been assigned to the item. This
field is not used as an accounting field, but as a search field only, there is no cross validation on
the fields found in the Asset Key.
Most of the items will be set to the queue of NEW. Users are advised to search for other queues
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FA-002: Mass Additions - Overview
HARVARD Oracle Fixed Assets (OFA)
UNIVERSITY Mass Additions - Overview
such as ADDITION REVIEW and/or any other queues that appear on the HU Mass Additions
The following queues are available for searching:
1. Select the field you wish to use for your search and enter the appropriate information from
the Mass Additions Report. In this example, the item search is by invoice number.
The Mass Additions Summary window will open and the item(s) that match your search
criteria will be displayed on the screen.
Note that based on your user security, you will only see items that appear in your school/unit’s
Columns can be repositioned by dragging them into one of the first three positions which
are sortable.
The columns found on the Mass Additions Summary screen are as follows and can also be found in the
Mass Additions Report.
There are many columns that appear within this window, you may want to rearrange the columns and
then save your preferred configuration as a folder. This will allow you to place the most commonly-
used fields within the display window.
Note that this is a one-time process; once you have configured the column headings and position based
on your preference and save the configuration as a folder, you can easily access the configuration
following the steps below.
Moving Columns
1. Select the column you wish to move by clicking on the column heading.
2. Keep holding down the mouse and move the item to the appropriate position. Keep in mind
that you may have to move the column a few times to get it into the preferred position.
3. To save this configuration for the future, select the Folder Menu, then Save (Alt +L, then S)
or select the Folder Tools icon from the toolbar [ ] and select the Save icon [ ]
6. Select OK.
1. From the Mass Additions Summary window, select the Folder icon.
1. Make sure the item is highlighted on the Mass Additions Summary screen.
2. Select Open.
The following fields can be found in the header of the Mass Additions window.
Book: This will always default to the HRVD Book, the only assets book for Harvard University.
Queue: This indicates the current queue for the item. Selecting on the look-up will reveal
additional statuses that can be set by the user.
Used when the costing string is incorrect, and the user needs to request an AP
Adjustment using the AP Adjustment form.
Set by the user if another individual in the department needs to review the
item before an action is finalized. The use of this queue is a local decision.
Set by the user after the AP Adjustment process, in the circumstance when the
original item should not have been assigned a 6800 object code.
Set by the user when further action is needed on the item before it is posted;
On Hold for example, if the user needs to merge this item with another item, the queue
will be set to On Hold.
Post Set by the user when the item is ready to be posted in the Assets Workbench.
Set by the user when another individual and/or department in the Tub is
required to review the item. The use of this queue is a local decision.
Category: This is determined based on the object code used when acquiring the item and is
automatically assigned by the system via the Create Mass Additions process. The contents of this
field determine whether more information will need to be provided by the user via a Descriptive
Flexfield (DFF), which display when the user changes the queue value. The Category field contains
a major category, which describes the item itself (in the example below, COMPUTER) and a minor
category, which defines whether the item was purchased using a sponsored or nonsponsored
object code. In this example, the minor category is SPONSORED. The minor category always
defaults to the standard (non-lifespan). A user will only select the Minor Category with different
lives if the item is a “service center” related assets.
When the user changes the queue from NEW to any other value, the DFF will display for
the user. The DFF fields only need to be filled if required when the Queue is changed to
Post.The DFF is found on the above window to the right of the Line Number field.
Based on the Fund value, the Award Number field will be filled with the fund’s Chart of
Accounts name. The user will be required to input the PI Name into the appropriate field (note:
• For the VEHICLES Major Category, the following DFFs will appear but are not required.
o License Plate
o Mileage
• For the COMPUTER Major Category, the following DFFs will appear and can be filled out but
are not required:
o Loan Number
• For all other Categories that are Non-Sponsored the following will display.
The Context Value will be populated with the Category and Sub-Category that was selected and
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FA-002: Mass Additions - Overview
HARVARD Oracle Fixed Assets (OFA)
UNIVERSITY Mass Additions - Overview
entering PI Name is optional.
Date in Service: This will default to the invoice date but can be changed by Central
Administration at the request of the school/unit.
Depreciate: This box will be checked off to indicate that an item will depreciate once it is added
to the Assets Workbench.
There are three tabs that appear below these fields, Source, Asset Details and
The following fields can be found in the Source tab of the Mass Additions window.
PO Number: The PO/PR number from AP; or a PO number provided by a shadow system.
Source Batch: The invoice batch number assigned within Oracle Payables at the time of invoice
payment processing.
Source System: This will be Oracle Payables, meaning that the item was invoiced through
AccountsPayable or HU General Ledger.
AP Charge Account: The 33-digit Chart of Accounts string used at the time of purchase. Users
should review this field to ensure accuracy. If any of the segment values are incorrect, the user
should changethe queue value to AP ADJUSTMENT and then request an adjustment via the AP
Adjustment Form.
The following fields can be found in the Asset Details tab of the Mass Additions window.
Asset Number: This number will be added once the item has posted to the Assets
Workbench; the number is assigned automatically in the Oracle Fixed Assets module.
Description: Description of the item from the invoice. If the item was purchased in AP, this
information is taken from the Item line Description in the case of a PO, and from the Business
Purposeline in the case of a PR.
Tag Number: If the tag number is populated in AP then this will automatically be populated with
that information. In addition, if the tag number already exists in Fixed Assets, the invoice line
will be automatically added to the existing asset and the queue will be changed to ADDITION
• Chart of Account Segments will appear here based on the values entered at the time of
purchase. The benefit of adding the chart values here is to allow users to search by
segment values on the Find Mass Additions and other Find screens within the Fixed
Assets Module. For example, having the fund value here allows a user to search for an
item or asset using the fund value. Note that this is a search field only; no accounting is
derived from this field.
• This field also indicates the Tag Status—this is used to identify whether the asset has had
a physical tag added to it. The field will default to NOT YET TAGGED. When a physical tag
is added to the item, most likely after it has been posted as an asset in the Assets
Workbench, the field can be updated to indicate that the asset has a physical tag.
• This field is used to record secondary tub information if the item is owned by more
than one tub. This allows a second tub to see this asset when running reports.
Serial Number: Optional field that can be utilized by the user when available.
All other fields (with the exception of the Depreciation checkbox) are not used by Harvard.
The following fields can be found in the Depreciation tab of the Mass Additions window.
Method: This field will contain a code indicating how the item will be depreciated; this is
maintained by Central Administration. Harvard uses the Straight-line (STL) method of
depreciation for all assets.
Life Years: This value is derived by the object code used when the item was purchased.
Assignment: Used to assign an owner and a location for the item. This windowwill be discussed
in more detail in the appropriate action document.
Cancel: Used to cancel any changes you have made; changes will not be saved.
Sometimes when you try to cancel, the system will not respond. In this case, try closing the
window and you will receive the dialog box.
Done: After you have made changes, use this button to close the window and save your changes.
Once you have completed your transaction(s) follow these steps to exit Oracle Fixed Assets.
To exit Oracle Fixed Assets, choose File, then Exit Oracle Applications (or, if using keyboard equivalents,
Alt-F, then X). This will close the application.
To exit out of Oracle completely, return to the Oracle Homepage and select Logout from the top right
corner or bottom middle.