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Oral Com 2ND Quarter With Tos

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Department of Education

Division of Capiz
Balit, Mambusao, Capiz

Oral Communication 11
2nd Quarter Examination

Name: ________________________________________ Score:________________

Grade & Section: ________________________________ Date: _____________
Test I Multiple Choice
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening and
comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation.
a. Repair b. termination c. topic control d. topic shifting
2. It is a conversation of participants’ close initiating expressions that end a topic in a
a. Termination b. topic shifting c. nomination d. Restriction
3. A communicative strategy where one part of a conversation ends and where another
begins. Involves moving, from one topic to another.
a. Topic control b. nomination c. topic shifting d. turn-taking
4. It covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in
a. Restriction b. turn-taking c. termination d. topic control
5. It refers to a speaker that carries out to collaboratively and productively establish a topic.
a. Topic shifting b. nomination c. restriction d. termination
6. It pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor.
a. Turn-taking b. topic shifting c. topic control d. restriction
7. Communicative strategy that refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker, to limit
what you can say as a speaker.
a. Nomination b. restriction c. repair d. termination
8-20 Identify the following situation it what type of communicative strategy does it imply. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.
8. When you were asked to deliver a speech in a specific language.
a. Termination b. topic shifting c. nomination d. restriction
9. One student said, “One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the
importance of sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle.”
a. Repair b. restriction c. topic control d. termination
10. Johnnel said, “by the way, there’s a new shop opening at the mall”
a. Topic shifting b. turn taking c. restriction d. nomination
11. “Excuse me, but there are 5 functions of communication not 4.” Johnnel clarify.
a. Nomination b. repair c. termination d. topic shifting
12. “That is all for today class, goodbye!”
a. Turn-taking b. topic control c. termination d. restriction
13. “There’s a new film festival next month!”
a. Repair b. turn-taking c. topic shifting d.nomination
14. When teachers asks you for a brainstorm on peer pressure.
a. Restriction b. Termination c. turn-taking d. topic control
15. “You have the spotlight now.” John approach his friend.
a. Turn-taking b. repair c. restriction d. nomination
16. “The correct pronunciation of Nike is not nayk but nayki” Johnnel said.
a. Repair b. topic shifting c. termination d. topic control
17. “Let’s chat some more when I see you again” Johnnel added.
a. Termination b. restriction c. topic shifting d. topic control
18. “Goodbye and Thank you Mr. Loja” Students response to their teacher.
a. Turn-taking b. termination c. repair d. nomination
19. “I beg your pardon, but the latest record of the number of islands in the Philippines is
7,641 and not 7,107” Tracy said.
a. Topic control b. restriction c. repair d. termination’
20. “In addition to what you said about the beautiful girl is that she is also smart.” Nel added.
b. Nomination b. repair c. termination d. topic shifting
21. The process for writing is not ________ or linear; rather, it is recursive.
a. Chronological b. alphabetical c. synchronized d. simultaneous
22. It is the focal point of your speech, which can be determined once you have decided on
your purpose.
a. Writing pattern b. data gathering c. topic d. purpose
23. It is the stage where you collect ideas, information, sources and references relevant or
related to your specific topic.
a. Data gathering b. topic c. narrowing down a topic d. purpose
24. A speech writing process where making your main idea more specific and focused.
a. Audience analysis b. narrowing down a topic c. data d. topic
25. These are the structures that will help you organize the ideas related to you topic. It
could Biological, categorical or problem-solution.
a. Topic b. narrowing down a topic c. audience analysis d. writing pattern
26. It entails looking into the profile of your spectators. This includes the demography and
a. Purpose b. audience analysis c. outline d. body of the speech
27. Which of the following is not a component of audience analysis?
a. Demography b. situation c. psychology d. racial ideologies
28. Component of audience analysis referring to age, range, male-female ratio, educational
background and affiliations or degree program taken, nationality, economic status,
academic or corporate designations.
a. Psychology b. situation c. demography d. racial ideologies
29. A kind of speech that provides the audience with a clear understanding of the concept or
idea presented by the speaker.
a. Entertainment speech b. Informative speech c. persuasive speech d. oration
30. Speech that provides the audience with amusement.
a. Persuasive speech b. declamation c. informative d. entertainment
31. It provides the audience with well-argued ideas that can influence their own beliefs and
a. Extemporaneous b. persuasive c. impromptu d. informative
32. It refers to hierarchical list that shows the relationship of your ideas. This includes the
introduction body and conclusion.
a. Outline b. purpose c. editing/ revising d. Narrowing down a topic
33. It restates the main idea of your speech. It aims to leave the audience with a memorable
a. Body of speech b. introduction c. conclusion d. specific purpose
34. It refers to the foundation of your speech, getting the attention of your speech and
presenting the subject or main idea.
a. Conclusion b. introduction c. purpose d. body of the speech
35. It provides explanations, examples, or any details that can help you deliver your purpose
and explain the main idea of your speech.
a. Body of the speech b. pattern c. introduction d. conclusion

36. “A good delivery means that you are capable and able to present your message in a
clear, coherent and interesting way.” According to _______________.
a. Stephen Lucas (2011) b. Stephen Speaks (2011)
b. c. Cohen 1990 d. Stephen Luke (2011)
37. Type of Speech that has a limited preparation, guided by notes or outline and delivered
a. Memorized b. manuscript c. extemporaneous d. impromptu
38. It is called the unrehearsed speech, without advanced preparation.
a. Manuscript b. Impromptu c. memorized d. extemporaneous
39. A speech that requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not bring
your notes when delivering.
a. Impromptu b. manuscript c. extemporaneous d. memorized
40. A type of speech that follows a word for word method, reading aloud a written message.
a. Manuscript b. Impromptu c. memorized d. extemporaneous
41. Which of the following is not part of manuscript method?
a. Public figures b. media personalities
b. Spokespersons for government and private organization d. House Speaker
42. They always constrained by a hectic schedule, they need ghost writers. Consequently,
they would have to read the text of the speech as it is.
a. Public Servants b. Media personalities c. Public figures d. Public Officials
43. It refers to the speakers on radio and television always battle with time limits. When a
televised panel discussion about a social issue may require radio and TV anchors to
critically choose and refine the words of their speech in advance.
a. Media Speakers b. Media personalities c. public figures d. politicians
44. Which of the following is not true about general purposes of public speaking.
a. Motivate people to develop their speeches with attention to their specific listener’s
b. Entertain, engage, interest, amuse, please
c. To inform, increase understanding, awareness or knowledge on a topic
d. Persuade, change practices, maintain action
45. The delivery style that involves outlining and rehearsing a speech but that allows the
speaker to sound spontaneous and natural is the _____ method.
a. Impromptu b. manuscript c. memorized d. extemporaneous
46. If a speaker experiences nervous sensations during a speech, he or she should ______.
a. Focus on the sensations c. swallow often
b. . ignore the sensations d. postpone the speech
47. A speaker who has good posture ___________.
a. Doesn’t use hand gestures of any kind c. stands still and never changes position

b. Creates an impression of confidence and authority d. often leans forward

onto podium
48. The main points of a speech are ________.
a. The key ideas under which supporting information is organized
b. The most convincing supporting evidence given for key ideas
c. The speaker’s reasons, or specific purposes, for giving the speech
d. The conclusions the speaker wants the audience to draw from the speech
49. The three major parts of every speech are _______.
a. The introduction, body and conclusion
b. The introduction, body and summary
c. The purpose, body and conclusion
d. The outline, introduction, and body
50. A speaker can gather information about an audience by considering the audience on
a. A personal level c. an economic level
b. A nonverbal level d. cultural, sociological, and individual

Prepared By:
Irese Grace L. Monajan
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Capiz
Balit, Mambusao, Capiz


S.Y. 2020-2021

Types 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,
Communicative 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 28 56%
strategies 27,28
communication 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,
17 34%
aspects 40,41,42,43,44,45,

main parts of
speech/explaining 46,47,48,49,50 5 10%
speech style
TOTAL 50 100%

Prepared by: Irese Grace L. Monajan

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