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Chapter 1: Polymerization: Definition,

Objects, Types

1.1 Introduction

In textile arena, a fiber can be defined as one of the delicate,

hair portions of the tissues of a plant, animal or any other
substances that are very small in diameter in relation to its
length. These fibers can be classified into various types such
as natural, man-made and mineral fibers. Man-made fibers
can be defined as fibers manufactured by industrial
processes, whether from natural polymers transformed upon
the act of chemical reagents or through polymers attained by
chemical synthesis. The physical and chemical properties
make these fibers particularly attractive for the production of
clothing. The market research firm states that 50-54 % of
global fiber production flowed into the clothing industry in
the year 2011. Man-made fibers are used to produce athletic
clothing, tights, undergarments, breathable summer clothing
and clothing that protect against heat, cold and dampness.
Another reason for the increase production of man-made
fibers in the clothing industry is that they feel much like
natural fibers and are comfortable to wear which is achieved
by special finishing processes like texturing. Polyester is a
fiber composed of linear macromolecules having a chain at
least 85% by mass of a diol and terephthalic acid. This
polyester commonly known as polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) has become the world’s major man-made fiber. Some
plants take polyester- PET chips and melt them at around 280
0 C and then extrude the melt into continuous filaments to

Page 1

be wound onto packages while other plants produce the

polymer by CP and form it into fibers without producing
chips. If fully oriented yarns (FOY) are being produced the
fibres are drawn on the spinning machine. If the yarn is to be
textured, partially oriented yarns (POY) are spun. Secondly, a
polyamide fiber can be defined as a fiber composed of linear
macromolecules having in the chain recurring amide linkages
at least 86% of which are joined to aliphatic units.

With the production of polyester and , new opportunities are

opened up for everyone, affecting the quality as well as the
enjoyment of life. Today, the world of clothing as well as in
research and development would be impossible without
man-made fibers.

1.1.1 Continues Polymerization

In continues polymerization, mainly polymer chips are
produced. Here mainly polymerization is done. This process
means that monomers units are linked by chemical reaction
to form polymer chips

1.1.2 Objects of polymerization

1. To produce polymer chips.
2. To give property of thermal and electric insulator.
3. To produce different item which has no alternative

Page 2

1.1.3 Types of polymer

1. Natural polymers
2. Synthetic polymers

 Natural polymers: Examples: Starch, Cellulose,

Protein and etc.
 Synthetic polymers: Example: Nylon,
Polyethylene, Teflon and etc.

Page 3

Chapter 2: POY process: Principle,

Diagram, Flowchart

2.1 Principle
The principle behind manufacturing a thread is always
the same: spinning pumps press the polymer melt through
micro-fine spinnerets under extremely high pressure. The
filament created are then bundled into threads, drawn over
godets and wound using a winder.

2.2 Diagram

Diagram of flowchart of Dryer

Page 4

Extruder and beam

As per requirement the polyester chips are charged into

Dump Hopper. From Dump Hopper, chips goes in to the
storage silo through Magnetic hump which prevent Metal
Particles to go with chips in storage silo (if present). From
Storage Silo, chips are transferred to Dryer Feed Hopper with
D.P. Conveying system. Every dryer unit having individual
Dryer Feed Hopper. Chips are feed into the dryer as per
requirement of continuous process. In dryer section moisture
is removed from chips by passing hot air into the chips. After

Page 5

drying process moisture free chips are further transferred to

extruder for melting Purpose. Extruder having no. of heating
zones to convert Chips into melt. Before first heating zone,
Cold water circulation provided to avoid lump formation
Inlet. Molten polymer form extruder passes through CPF
after Measuring Head where max. Impurities filtered &
cleared molten polymer forwarded to spin pump through
manifold. Manifold pipeline surrounded by heated jacketed
pipeline, which maintains molten polymer temp. Also it
maintains flow rate of molten polymer. Through spin pack,
molten polymer get shape of filament as per spinnerette
holes. These hot filaments then cooled to 80- 85°c. Below
pack, having bottom heater which maintains spinnerete
surface temp. Cool air passes across the hot filament through
screen, to maintain static pressure & to avoid turbulence
during cooling of filaments, which affect quality of yarn. Spin
finish application done for cohesion propertion of yarn
(binding of filaments into bunch of filaments, called yarn) &
vanishes static charge generation during process running.
After spin finish application, yarn is forwarded to the winding
area. In winding area yarn gets wound on the paper tubes.
Paper tube dimension changes accordingly line-to line, which
are normally used for texturizing process.

FDY Polyester (also called Fully Drawn Yarn - FDY), is

produced by a process similar to POY manufacturing except
that the yarn is produced at even higher spinning speeds
coupled with intermediate drawing integrated in the process
itself. This allows stabilization through orientation and

Page 6

crystallization. Thus FDY is a singlestep process and does not

require texturizing.

2.3 Flowchart

Chips feeding Physical checking Quality Control Lab

In silos through tankers 100% Physical checking Tensile property
and bagging. checking

Chips drying Transfer to trolies Packing

In dryer For transportation Packed in carton or

Dry chip hoppers Winding Dispatch

Wet chips storage POY and FDY package

Extrusion Intermingling
Chips to melt by For intermingled knots

Manifold To regulate the yarn
Distribution of melt Tension and for FDY
heated godet to stretch
the yarn

Quenching Oil application

For cooling of yarn melt Anstatic and lubrication
to solid

Page 7

Chapter 3: Chips feeding: Silo and

its loading system

3.1 Textile silo

Raw material processing and storage of materials is an
art. The textile material and the cone angle along with the
output make the convenience of the product flow. It is
equipped with breathable fabric(to avoid condensation). It
also equipped filtering pump.

The chips of polyester-PET are stored in godowns under

standard conditions for further manufacturing processes. The
chips can be of various types such as cationic super bright,
HIV super bright, semi dull, semi bright and the like
manufactured by different companies varying in weight.
These chips are then transported to the feeding area with the
help of AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle). The purpose is to
let the chips enter the hoppers for further processing. The
feeding area consists of chip hopper, chip silo and other small
storage tanks connected by automated valves. The bags are
lifted up from the ground base with the help of electric hoist
and enter the hopper through which it enters the silo and
then to the small hopper connected with conveying pipes
which forces the chips to the wet chip hopper (in case of
polyester-PET chips) with the help of blowers. . The pressure
required for conveying PET chips ranges from 0.5- 2 kg/cm2

Page 8

3.2 Parameter of chips


Relative viscosity (dl/gm) 0.6322

Carboxylic end (Meg/kg) 30

Ash (%wt) 0.30

Moisture (%wt) 0.20

Melting point ( 0 C) 260

3.2 Loading System of silo

1. Bagging system

2. Truck loading system

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3.2.1 Bagging system

The Polyester chip to be transported to the plant in so-
called big-bags by truck. Chips bags are lifted by a hoist
above the chips feeding bin. The bag is connected to the
filling funnel of the feeding bin. This bin is provided with a
coarse wire mesh to retain any large-size material which
may be contained in the chips batch. From the feeding bin
the chips are discharged into a plug flow conveying
system to be conveyed into the storage silo. From the
existing storage silo the chips are discharged into a plug
flow conveying system. The system operates with
compressed air. This conveying system transports the
chips to the chips drying plant. From an intermediate bin
the chips are discharged to preheating/dedusting section.

3.2.2 Truck loading system

Silo loading systems are ideal for transporting your
products from the truck or big-bag location onto the silos.
Silo loading system is used to charge the material from the
big bags or sacks onto the silos or to another location with
the help of compressor.
From the existing storage silo the chips are discharged
into a plug flow conveying system. The system operates
with compressed air. This conveying system transports
the chips to the chips drying plant.

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Truck loading system

3.3 Section of silo

There are 3 chambers of silo

 Full dull
 Semi dull
 Bright
As per requirement from market this 3 chamber is filled

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 Parameter of quality of chips

Parameter Semidull Full dull Bright

I.V. (Intrinsic 0.634±0.007 0.640±0.10 0.630±0.010

Carboxylic <35 <35 <35
End Group
TIO2 Content 0.28±0.03 1.5±.5 NIL

% Moisture <0.30 <0.30 <0.30

Melting point 256.5±2.0 256.5±2.0 255±3.0

Chips/Gm 28±4 28±4 28±4

Page 12

Chapter 4: Dryer and Crystallizer:

Definition, Feature, Process.

4.1 Chips feeding

One of the most important and critical factors in the
processing of PET/PA is that the chips must be nearly free
from moisture to avoid processing problem and defects in
the finished products. It has developed its own quality chips
dryers and its relevant products, such as chips conveying
system for dry or wet chips, air purifying dehumidifying
system, solid state poly-condensation and others.


Page 13

4.2 Feauture
 Crystalline and amorphous chips can be dried, due to
incorporated crystallizer
 Low energy consumption, also at reduced capacity
high flexibility 40-110% without mechanical
 Residual moisture of chips as low as 15ppm
 Extremely sharp hold up spectrum ensures the
same treatment for all chips
 Drying by hot dry air, no nitrogen required
 Heat recovery is not required, due to special design
 No maintenance and no cleaning required for
the dryer
 No cooling water required, due to special design
 Continuous operation, throughput is controlled
by extruder
 Large number of sizes allows optimum selection
of dryer closed air circuit

4.3 Process description

Chips dryer is a hopper or solid-bed dryer with integrated
crystallizer. The upper part is equipped with a chips lifter. The
chips lifter keeps the chips moving, not allowing them to stick
together during heat up. The chips are flowing through the
dryer forced gravity. The filling of the dryer can be done by
several methods according to customer request and available
space. The drying is effected by hot dry air which passes
through the dryer in opposite direction to the chips. The
dried air has a dew point below -40˚C which is generated by
an Adsorption Air Drying Unit.

Page 14

The air is circulated in a closed circuit by root blowers. There

is no intake of fresh outside air, therefore only moisture has
to be removed from chips which improve the economy. The
air leaves the dryer at the top, passes a cleaning system to
separate the dust, and its returned to the blowers and air
drying unit. The air required for the heating and drying of
chips can be recycled completely or partially. The humidity of
dry is measured continuously. Cooling of air is not required
resulting in reduced energy consumption. Cooling water is
not required.

4.4 Applications
Drying of polyester chips or polyamide chips to 15 ppm
moisture for:
 textile filaments
 micro filaments
 staple fiber
 technical yarns
 Non woven spinning

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4.6 Parameter of dryer

Typical Setting
Residual time Minimum 4 hrs Minimum 2 hrs
Air temperature 80˚ C 100˚ C
Air dew point -40˚C -40˚C
Air flow rate >.25 >.25

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Chapter 5: Extruder: Definition,

Function, Process,

5.1 Extruder
In earlier days, the polymer chips were melted using
heating grids however now extruder completely replaced
melting arrangement. Extruder compresses the fluid to
remove any trapped gasses including air that is drawn along
with the chips as they enter the extruder. There are two
types of extruder one is single screw and other is double
screw extruder.

Double screw extruder

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Single screw extruder

5.2 Function

1. Injection of the additives, even the smallest quantity, is

exact and reproducible.
2. Excellent mixing quality even with the widedifferences in
the melt viscosity between polymer and additive.
3. Quick color change to minimize the production waste

5.3 Process
Extrusion technology is aimed at achieving a high output
capacity in connection with an optimization in melt quality,
respectively product quality. Melt quality means a
homogeneous melt stream at any time and any place.
Homogeneity in time can be described through constant

Page 18

throughput, constant temperature, constant concentration

of additives. Homogeneity in place means uniform
temperature and uniform dispersion of additives over the
melt cross-section. The most important component to fulfill
these requirements is the screw design. Short residence
times are the targets when designing the screw, in order to
keep the thermal and mechanical loading of the melt to a
minimum. Conventional and/ or barrier screws can be
adapted to customer requirements by varying the number of
zones, their length, numbers of flights, flight depths, flight
pitches and arrangement and geometry of mixing and
shearing components. Separation of melt and solid parts, by
means of additional barrier flights, proves to be
advantageous in most cases. With the proper design, the
barrier screw provides a higher melt performance compared
with conventional screws, a more stable pressure/speed
ratio and a bigger melt throughput range. In the production
of fibers and filaments, additives are frequently used for
ultraviolet stabilization and/ or for melt dyeing. The demand
for a high degree of color uniformity, and/ or dispersion of a
second polymer component in the PP matrix, makes the
finest dispersion of the additives necessary. This condition
can be achieved by using a special additive feeding/mixing
system. The color concentrate and/or other additives are
melted and homogenized in a side extruder and
subsequently passed through metering pump to a dynamic

Page 19

5.4 Parameter of extruder

Extruder parameter

Zone temperature 276-280˚C

Dowtherm temperature 285-287˚C

Melt temperature 280-282˚C

Pack pressure 100 bar

CPF requirement Yes

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Chapter 6: Burnout: Introduction, Types of

pumps, spin packs, cleaning the
extruder parts

6.1 Burnout
Burnout is separate part but link with extruder and spinning
area. Here the employers do many things like assembling the
packs, pump, cleaning the part of extruder like candle,
spinneret and etc.

6.2 Metering pump

Gear metering pumps in textile manufacturing are extremely
popular. The metering pump series for chemical applications
is available with volumetric output ranging from 0.05 to 2000
cc/rev. this series is characterized by short flow channels,
alternative materials of construction, optional surface
treatment and shaft sealing options as well as by a plate
packets which is sealed with O rings.

Page 21

6.3 Spin finish pump

Spin finish concentrate composition and the oil-in-water

emulsion made from the concentrate for application for
conventional speed or high speed melt spinning processes for
producing polyester or polyamide yarns, consists essentially
of oil lubricant component, pentaerythritol ester lubricant,
ethoxylated sorbitan monooleate of HLB ranging from 6 to
15, anionic antistatic agent, water soluble sulfosuccinate
wetting agent, and oil soluble ethoxylated
polymethylsiloxane wetting agent having molecular weight of
400 to 700 and an aqueous surface tension value of less than
21 dynes/cm. The concentrate has long term stability. The
finish prepared from the concentrate produces excellent
quality yarn with virtually no broken filaments, and leaves no
deposits on heated draw rolls, relaxation rolls and any yarn
guides during spinning and drawing operations.

Page 22

6.4 Spin pack

In the process of producing synthetic fibers, especially
filaments POY/FDY/nonwoven spinning, before polymer
access to spinnerets, all foreign substance have to be filtered.
Meanwhile the polymer should be not leaked out of spin
pack containers. It has a set of elements used inside spin
pack body, such as spin pack filter, gaskets, nozzle plate and

6.4.1 Spin metal sand

Achieving the highest quality fiber and filament with
strength, denier uniformity requires selecting the right
filtering medium in the spin pack. Stainless metal sand are
the right spin pack filtering medium solution for outstanding
continuity, fiber quality and volume performance. The
irregular shapes of powder are extremely effective at
shearing polymer micro gels, as well as trapping foreign
materials in the polymer melt without any chemical reaction
with polymer. Larger grains tend to have a higher porosity,
but a lower active surface area. Fine particles gain a larger
active surface area is provided with good cleaning effective
during filtration. .

Page 23

6.4.2 Candle filter

The candle filter can be designed to be fixed or
removable, where mesh pack layer can be dismantled abd
replaced by a new one. It will save your money and time
because you only need to replace mesh pack layers after the
filter can’t be used anymore.

6.4.3 Gasket
An effective compression ring-type gasket has been provided
to overcome this problem, The gasket is made of cold
flowable material and has an inner peripheral surface that
includes a circumferential groove. This structural
arrangement facilitates the outward diametrical expansion of
the ring as it is being compressed between the two parts
forming the seal.

Page 24

6.5 Cleaning equipment

The melt of the spin body will be fixed inside the body so to
remove the melt of this delicate part some cleaning
equipments are used in burnout section.

6.5.1 Ultrasonic cleaner

Ultrasonic cleaner is designed for gentle and efficient
cleaning of air-jets for texturing and interlacing, ceramic
parts, spinneret, candle filter, spin pack body, and other
delicate parts.

Modern ultrasonic facilitates the cleaning of air-jets for

texturing and interlacing, ceramic parts, spinneret, candle
filter, spin pack body, and other delicate parts. Special
advantages ensure cleanest parts in very short times without
extra manual works or damage.

The ultrasonic waves produce intense vibration. The cleaning

process is thus accelerated many times. The turbulent flow
that is generated in the cleaning fluid removes the freed
material quickly from the surface of the parts.

The unit include a basket and lid made from stainless steel.

Page 25

6.5.2 HYPOX
HYPOX is a polymer removal system developed by
MOVEngineering, Italy that can be used for all type of parts.
It is safe, easy to operate, chemical-free cleaning system that
utilize the hydrolysis, pyrolysis and oxidation of resin for the
automatic removal of polymers adhered to spinning
nozzles(for fiber manufacturing), filter, gear pump, and
extruder screw and molds. It can also be used to remove that
are difficult to remove using conventional cleaning methods,
such as carbons, oligomers, and gels without damaging any

The following are examples of what components are able to

be cleaned using HYPOX:

 Assembled Filter Housings

 Filter Candles and Segments
 Assembled Spin Packs containing metal, sand, or quartz
 Spinnerets with circular or shaped holes
 Gear spin pumps
 Extruder Screws, heads, manifolds
 Ceramic Spinnerets and Discs

Page 26

6.5.3 Vacuum Cleaning furnace

Vacuum Cleaning Furnace is designed for cleaning spin pack

Body, spinneret, and candle filter, spinning meter pump,
other spinning components, especially suitable for profiled,
fine denier spinneret in synthetic fiber production industry
such as PET, PA, PP as well mould in plastic extrusion field

The principle of vacuum cleaning furnace is based on the

property that high molecule of synthetic fiber, isolated from
air, is to be molten when the temperature reaches up to
300˚C, then melt polymers flow into waste collecting tank,
when the temperature increases to 350˚C up to 500˚C,
polymer starts to degrade and exhaust out of furnace

Page 27

Chapter 7 Melt spinning: Process,

Dowtherm Boiler

7.1 Melt spinning

Melt spinning is the utmost convenient and economic
method for synthetic fiber manufacturing at industrial
scales. The simplified explanation of melt spinning is that the
polyester- PET are melted and then extruded through the
spinnerets. The metering pump controls the flow of molten
liquid to the spin head where it is filtered before extrusion to
ensure any un-melted are removed so that they don’t form
nub which would cause weak points. The quench air cools the
fibers as they emerge. The quenching works on the principle
that the extruded filament from the spin pack is allowed to
pass through an air quench chamber. It has a mild flow of
cooling air maintained at a temperature of around 20 °C with
a moderate relative humidity %. The cooling air when comes
in contact with the spun filaments takes away the heat and
facilitates their solidification. This involves cooling of the
polymeric fiber past melt crystallization temperature and
ultimately to its glass transition temperature. As soon as the
glass transition temperature is reached, the spinning is
considered to be complete. This is because, below glass
transition temperature, polyester yarn is in glassy state and
cannot extend any further. The filament speed at which the
polymer reaches glass transition temperature is also the
spinning speed of the process. The uniformity of airflow is
tremendously important in regulatory the deviation of
filament diameter in a spun fibre. It has been projected that a
sudden but small change of 1% in quench air velocity may
bring about an alteration of about 0.3% in cross sectional

Page 28

area of the filament. Also, it should be noted that in order to

spin the cooled filament yarns, a spin finish or lubricant must
be applied as the manmade fibers are not conductive and
hence static can be problematic. Generally, the spinning area
and the take-up area are separated by a floor and the two
have different atmospheric pressure from each other; the
former being slightly at higher pressure. This allows part of
the cooling air to flow along with the delicate filament yarns.
The polyester filaments are given a spin finish (lubricant) at
the end of the spinning line by either kiss-roll or spray. The
intention is to provide lubrication, antistatic properties,
cohesion and the like. Spin finish is generally produced by
emulsifying alkyl chain molecules with the aid of surfactants
in aqueous medium. A balance of the two ingredients is
significant to attain an optimum of all properties needed in a
spin finish. Lastly, the convergency is a critical element which
influences the strength of the resultant filament yarn.
Filament yarns of polyester and can be extruded from the
spinnerets in different cross sectional shapes such as round,
trilobal, pentagonal, octagonal, and etc

Diagram of melt spinning

Page 29

7.1.1 Advantage

Our very compact design for POY gives the following

advantage to the yarn producer
 Reduced process height
 Yarn tension reduced
 Flexibility
 Combined crystallizer and dryer mounted directly on .
top of the extruder
 Extruder located at quench cabinet floor level
 One main dowtherm boiler and one side boiler for the
extruder give optimized heat distributor
 No godet required because of parallel spinning path
 One single application system in the quenching cabinet

7.2 Dowtherm boiler

Dowtherm synthetic heat transfer fluids have been used in
the manufacturing of synthetic fibres like Poly Oriented Yarn
and Polyester Staple Fibre for over 50 years. These fluids
have been used both in the liquid and vapour phases in each
step of the manufacturing process like polymer
manufacturing, spinning, annealing, heat treating and
Dow is one of the leading suppliers of heat transfer fluids to
synthetic fibre manufacturers around the world.

 Dowtherm A is a eutectic mixture of Diphenyl Oxide and

Biphenyl, which is the most widely used heat transfer
fluid in the world. This product can be used in the liquid

Page 30

or vapour phases between 15°C and 400°C and has an

atmospheric boiling point of 257°C.

 Dowtherm RP is a liquid phase heat transfer fluid with

an operating range of -20°C to 350°C. This product
minimizes the risk of fouling, scaling and coking by
preventing the formation of high boilers upon thermal

 Dowtherm T is a liquid phase heat transfer fluid for

moderately high operating temperatures from -10°C to
288°C. It can be used to an extended bulk temperature
of 305°C. This product is an economical synthetic
replacement for mineral oils to improve efficiency and
service life for moderate temperature requirements.

Page 31

Chapter 8: Take up: Principle & Process

8.1 Principle
A method for winding pre-oriented, non-crystalline
polyester filaments onto a spool at a winding speed of at
least 4,200 m/min, in which the wound filament is wound
over the width of the spool by means of a flying traverse arm
and is turned by a driven Sensing roller with an applied
pressure between 8 and 18 kg on the circumference of a
Spool placed on a driven Spool-locating pin. The filaments for
winding are introduced to the traverse thread guide at a
thread tension of between 0.03 cN/dtex and 0.20 cN/dtex.
The Sensing roller is driven at an overspeed of preferably
between 0.3 and 1.2%, in comparison with the Spool
circumferential Speed. The thread laying angle is Set
between 3.5 and 7.5 by means of the spool travel. The above
method permits a good spool formation even at high
spooling speed

8.1 Process

The next and last important device is the take up winder.

Usually, the yarn is not wound directly onto the winder
rather it is passed through take up godets. This breaks the
vertical path of the spinning and allows the winder to be
adjusted at ease in the available space. The spinning speed is
determined by the speed of the first rotating surface the
filament comes in contact after the spinning beam. The
winders may be friction driven where the bobbin is driver by
the friction roller so that the surface speeds of the winder

Page 32

remains invariable throughout the formation of the yarn

packages. Nowadays, godets and friction roller are not used
in high speed spinning industries as the yarn when comes in
contact with such surfaces can be abraded and thus resulting
in poor class and production. Therefore, new winders are
used that have bobbins which are directly driven by motors.
In order to compensate for the increasing speed as the
diameter of the bobbin package changes, an auto feedback
mechanism is installed where the speed of the winder is
regulated to preserve constant tension in the spinning line.
The type of polyester- PET filament produced during melt
spinning are decided by the spinning speed. Low oriented
yarn is formed at speeds below 1700 m/min whereas
Medium oriented yarn is spun between 1700-2700 m/min.
Partially oriented yarn is spun at speeds between 2700
m/min to 4000 m/min where the yarn is more oriented with
a little crystallinity which gives better firmness and therefore
POY is preferred as commercial intermediate for textured or
drawn yarns. It should be noted that High oriented yarn is
spun at 4000-6500 m/min and fully oriented yarn is spun at
speeds in excess of 6500 m/min.
High speed spinning of polyester- PET at speeds greater than
6000 m/min produces highly oriented and crystalline yarn
which may be categorized as fully drawn yarn (FDY). These
may be used directly without further drawing, though their
properties are poorer to fully drawn yarn obtained by two
step process of spinning and drawing. Very high spinning
speeds are required to amplify the drag force on the spinning
filament which in turn increases the stress level in the
filament so that polymer chains get oriented and stabilized
by stress induced crystallization.

Page 33

Chapter 9: Quality Assurance: QC lab and

POY defect

9.1 Quality assurance

A quality assurance is very important department for
company. As customer needs a quality. The company with
better quality will be in higher place.

9.1.1 Calibration of DYNAFIL

 Purpose
This instruction defined the procedure to be followed
for calibration of DYNAFIL.

 Equipment
1. Weight
2. Move strobe
3. Venier
4. Master temp.sensor

 Procedure

I. Check the instrument for functional check

II. Force calibration
III. Push the balancing switch, zeroing takes palce and
display show 0±1 digit, In case of any deviation
make correction with screw driver potentiometer
“zero” on tfo pcb
IV. Take the weight of hank on weighing balance

Page 34

V. Change 10, 50 & 100gms. Of weight with hank

respectively and note their values respectively
VI. Variation should not exceed ±1.0 gms.
VII. Calibration of speed
VIII. Check the diameter of 0% roller with vernier( X
IX. Calculate meter of yarn in one round of roller by
X. Calibrate the speed at spot of 100, 150 &200
mpm. Programmed the computer to the required
spot(speed) and run.
XI. Check the RPM with movistrob keeping the
sensation at height. Note the RPM and divide by
4.this is the actual RPM of roller.
XII. Calculate speed = Y * Z mt. /min.
XIII. Variation should not exceed ± 1 mt. /min.

 Temperature Calibrate
I. Put the Master Temperature sensor inside the
heater tube after pressing the black knob given on
the tube
II. Connect the Master Temperature indicator with the
Master temp. sensor
III. Set the temp. at 50˚C amd switch on the heating.
IV. Note down the display of both the indicators after
the temperature stability
V. Repeat step no. III & IV for temperature settings of
100, 200 and 250˚C Temp. difference should be
within 1.0+0.005*Temp.

Page 35

 Precaution
1. Ensure valid calibration status of test and measuring
equipments used for calibration.
2. Ensure valid calibration status of weighing balance
used for weighing the Hank.

9.1.2 Calibration of Statimat

 Purpose
This instruction defined the procedure to be followed
for calibration

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to calibration of statimate.

 Equipment
1. Weight
2. Stop watch
3. Scale

 Work instruction for Calibration

1. Check the instrument for functional check
2. Calibration of gauge length
3. Calibrate gauge length at spot of 100mm, 200mm &
4. Programmed the computer to the requires spot(gauge
length) and run
5. The clamp should stop automatically at the set spot
6. Measure length between upper and lower jaw with
the help of scale
7. The measure length be within ± 2mm

Page 36

8. Calibration of draw – off speed.

9. Mark two point on machine. Distance between them
should be 100 mm, set the clamp speed at 300 mm /
min. start the clamp to move and check the time by
stop watch taken by clamp to move 100mm and
calculate speed

Speed = Distance / Time

 Precaution
1. Ensure valid calibration status of test and measuring

9.1.3 Calibration of Unevenness Tester

 Purpose
This instruction defined the procedure to be followed
for calibration

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to calibration of

 Equipment
1. Movie strobe
2. Vernier
3. Frequency counters

Page 37

 Procedure
1. Check the instrument for functional check
2. Calibration of speed
3. Check the diameter of 0% roller with vernier (X mm)
4. Calculator meter of yarn in one round of roller by
formula 2πr(Y mt.)
5. Calibrate the speed at spot of 100, 150 & 200 mpm.
Programmed the computer to the require spot (speed)
and run.
6. Check the RPM with movie strobe keeping the
sensation at height. Note the RPM and divide by 4.
This is actual RPM of roller. (Z)
7. Calculate speed = Y*Z mt. /min.

 Calibration of frequency
1. In the unevenness body two capacitor are arrange in
such a way that in between them frequency difference
of 120 ± 5 kHz is there. We have to measure this
frequency difference with the help of frequency
2. Open the top cover of unevenness tester body and
connect the lid to the machine. Other end of lid should
be connected to the frequency counter (10Hz-15Mhz)
point. Push the resolution to 10 Hz. Switch on the
frequency counter, frequency reading will be appear
on counter. It should be 120 ± 5. Adjust the frequency
with the help of screw driver.

Page 38

 Precaution
1. Ensure valid calibration status of test and measuring
equipments used during calibration

9.1.4 Moisture apparatus

 Purpose
This instruction defines the procedure to be followed
for moisture check

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to % moisture check of
polymer chips.

 Equipment
1. Physical apparatus
2. Heater
3. Thermometer
4. Lift jack
5. High vacuum pump
6. Torr meter
7. Sample bottle 250 ml.
8. Sample glass tube

 Reagents
1. Copper sulphate (CuSO4. 5H20)
2. Silicon grease
3. Paraffin oil

Page 39

 Determine of factor (Determine Quarterly)

i. Clean the physical apparatus
ii. Fit the apparatus after carefully greasing all joint
and all joints and stop cocks.
iii. Fill the manometer to half mark with paraffin oil.
iv. Apply high vacuum till the air has been expelled
v. Carefully weigh about 2-3 mgs. Of CuSO4.5H2O
crystal in a capillary tube and transfer the capillary
tube to sample to sample
vi. Attached the sample tube to the apparatus and take
vii. Close the cock leading to vacuum pump and then
middle cock
viii. Heat the tube for 35 min. At 185 +/- 10˚C and then
read the level difference on manometer
ix. Repeat above experiment for two times for
different amount of CuSO4 and note level difference

Factor = Weight of CuSO4.5H2O * 90.08

249.68 * no. of division

 Determination of Chips moisture%

i. Take about 3 – 5gms. of chips sample in sample
tube and attach to the apparatus.
ii. Take vacuum of less than one torr
iii. Close the stop cock leading to vacuum pump and
then the middle stop cock.
iv. Attach the sample tube to the aluminum block
heater up to 185˚C for 35 min.
v. Read the level difference on manometer

Page 40

vi. Take out heater and cool the tube at room temp.
vii. Take the weight of sample
viii. Calculation

Moisture %= No. of division manometer*factor*100

Weight of sample

 Precaution
i. Ensure identification / traceability to line, position,
dryer & suppliers
ii. Ensure valid calibration status of test & measuring
iii. While taking moisture of dried chips sample
collocation from dryer should be done very
iv. Lid of sample bottle should be tightly closed.
v. Leakage of apparatus should be checked very
vi. While inserting sample tube in aluminum block,
heater, care should be taken otherwise tube will
break and injured the hand.

Page 41

9.1.5 Intrinsic viscosity (I.V)

 Purpose
This instruction defines the procedure to be followed
for I. V. Checking.

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to I.V. Checking of
polyester chips & POY yarn.

 Definition
I.V.: The value of the viscosity number of dilute
polymer extrapolated to infinite dilution.

 Equipment

1. Constant Temp. Water bath

2. Measuring thermometer
3. Shaker
4. Viscometer
5. Balance
6. Volumetric flask of 50ml.
7. Tweezer
8. Stop watch
9. Oven
10. 100 Ml. Breaker

Page 42

 Chemicals
1. Phenol crystal
2. 1,1,2,2 Tetra chloro ethane

 Sampling
1. At least Once / Source (Challan no. for outside chips
and Silo for captive consumption be written in I.V.
2. For poly batch at least after 15 min after the start up of
the batch.

 Work instruction for Testing Of I.V. of chips and

1. Prepare polyester solvent of phenol and 1,1,2,2 Tetra
chloro ethane in 60:40 ratio. Keep the solvent for 24
hours. To make homogenous.
2. Check flow rate of solvent at 25 ± 0.2˚C of the
indication with Viscometer.
3. Take 50 ml of volumetric flask
4. Weight about 0.5gms of chips and transfer it into
volumetric flask.
5. Before tight sealing with stopper put 20 ml of solvent
into oven at 110 ± 5˚C of indication till complete chips
is dissolve.
6. Take out flask from oven and cool it at room temp.
7. After around 20 min. Put the above cold flask into
viscosity bath which temp. is 25˚ C ± 0.2˚C of indication
8. After around 15 min makes up the volume of flask with
same solvent

Page 43

9. Take Viscometer and rinse it with solution. Fill the

Viscometer up to the mark with solution and put it into
viscosity bath till takes temp. of bath.
10. Take flow rate of solution
11. Three identical reading should be taken.
12. Determine I.V. With the help of following formula

I.V. = √1 + ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐 - 1

Where R.V = Flow rate of solution

Flow rate of solvent

9.1.6 Oil Pick Up Checkingz

 Purpose
This instruction defines the procedure to be followed
for OPU

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to OPU check of POY.

 Definition

OPU: POY before winding on to a paper tube is passed

through an oiling nozzle / over a rotating roller, in order
to have a better workability during further processing,
the net pick up of spin finish oil is called OPU

Page 44

 Equipment
1. Oil extract (Soxhlet assembly)
2. Oven
3. 250 ml. Round bottom flask of B-24 joint.
4. Desicator
5. Balance
6. Six flask assembly heater
7. Reeling machine
8. Distillation assembly

 Chemicals
Petroleum ether (40 -60˚C boiling range

 Sampling
1. Take sample as defined in sampling plan for process
2. Collect clean sample from process stage.

 Work Instruction for Oil Pick Up checking

1. Take around 10 gms. of sample of POY or textured
yarn with the help of following formula on reeling

Meters of yarn for POY = 9000 * 10


Suppose we have to take yarn of118.5 den.

118.5 den = 131.7 Decitex
So meter of yarn = 9000 * 10 / decitex

Page 45

2. Run the reeling machine 689 mt. and take wt. of

3. For textured yarn = 9000 * 10 / decitex
4. Take out empty flask from oven and cool it up to room
5. Take the Wt. of empty flask on the balance
6. Attached the flask to the extractor.
7. Put the yarn in the extractor and add petroleum ether
up to the siphon line.
8. With the help of siphon, petroleum ether will come
down in the flask with oil (from yarn).
9. Attached cooling water line to condenser.
10. Start the heater
11. Petroleum heater will evaporate and goes to
condenser where it will be condensed and collected in
extractor. When P.E. will reach to the siphon mark,
again goes down in the flask with oil.
12. This process will go on for two hrs.
13. Take out the flask from extractor when a least
amount of P.E. is remaining.
14. Put the flask in oven for 45 min. P.E. will evaporate.
15. Take out flask from oven and cool in desicator.
16. Take wt. of flask + oil residue (B gms.)
%OPU = B – A * 100
Wt. of yarn

17. Do same procedure for textured yarn

Page 46

 Precaution
1. P.E. is highly inflammable so, while doing the
experiment P.E should be drop on heater otherwise
fire will catch
2. Heater should not be ignited.
3. Keep heater temp. up to 60˚C
4. Always keep P.E. bottle away from heater.
5. CO2 fire extinguisher should be always in ready

9.1.7 End group

 Purpose
This instruction defines the procedure to be followed
for End Group (-COOH-Gps.) checking.

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to check End Gps. of
polyester chips & POY yarn.

 Definition
End Group : Carboxyl group (-COOH) at the end of a
polymer chain, which must necessarily be different from
the regular repeat unit due to its being bound to the
polymer chain by only one chemical bound rather than
two. Expressed as mili equivalent per kilogram

Page 47

 Equipments required
1. Condenser
2. Burette
3. 100 Ml. Beaker
4. 25 Ml. Measuring cylinder
5. 100 Ml. Conical flask
6. Balance

 Chemicals
1. Phenol + chloroform (40:60)
2. 0.1 N KOH in Benzyl Alcohol
3. Bromo Phenol Blue as indicator

 Sampling
1. Once/Source (For outside supply)
2. For poly batch at least after 15 min after the start up of

 Work Instruction For End Group (-COOH-GPS.) of

Chips /Yarn
1. Take 1-2 gms of chips and 25 ml, of solvent
(phenol+chloroform) in 100 ml. of conical flask and
reflex till dissolve
2. Cool it and titrate with 0.1 N KOH in benzyl alcohol
using bromo phenol as indicator
3. Color change will be yellow to blue (Through Green)
4. Repeat the above process without sample (Blank).
5. Calculate the end group with the help of following

Page 48

(Sample Reading – blank) * Normality *1000

Weight of sample in gms
Normality – Dissolve 0.122 gms. of benzoic acid in
100ml. of chloroform and titrate with 0.1 N KOH

 Precaution :
1. Analyst must wear protection glass and gloves
2. Ensure identification / traceability to line, position,
dryer & suppliers.
3. Ensure valid calibration status of test & measuring

9.2 Defect
The defects are the undesired effects of a product from
point of view of the customer. In the melt spinning, from
the quench chamber filament falls through the duct and
thread are wound on the bobbins of the take up unit. The
winder may have 4 to 6 bobbins on the same bobbin
chuck. The winder is having friction drum, grooved drum,
bobbin chuck, reversing mechanism, reversing shaft,
bobbin push off device, intermingling jets etc.

The pneumatic air operation system will start the winder

automatically. With the help of suction gun, operator
collects all the threads and will do the threading on the
paper tubes. The rotation of bobbin chuck, traversing
mechanism, grooved drum and friction drum will build the
bobbin properly. While winding the yarns on the bobbins,
there are chances to occur the package fault in the
bobbins which lead to down grade the packages. It could
be due to yarn wrapping on the drum, crushed paper

Page 49

tubes, winder vibrations, poor package build up, hard POY

bobbin, broken filaments, loops etc.

 Different problem and remedies

1. Ribbon formation

Ribbon formation is also called as patterning. Pattern

will occur when wind per double traverse is a whole
number for surface driven machines. In case of
precision winders, when the ratio between rotational
speed of package and traverse frequency are in an
integral ratio which causes the subsequent to warp on
the same point. When successive layers wrapped on
the same point, it will lead to pattern formation. Even,
there will be an abnormal sound at the time of
ribboning; it can also be visualized with the help of
stroboscope by matching the frequency of light with
the rotational speed of the package. Pattern formation
can be avoided by use of anti patterning system. In this
mechanism, the rotational speed of the drum shall be
interrupted; package may be momentarily lifted from
the drum.

2. Jali formation
Jali or the net effect is also known a stitching. It is
related to the improper tension in the yarn. It may
occur due to low or high tension in the yarn. When the
yarn falls out of the drum, it may cause the slippage of
winding layer and lead to jail formation. It is very
difficult to unwind the thread from such type of

Page 50

packages. It will generate the winding waste since only

choice is to cut the bobbins. Jali may occur in the single
bobbin or all bobbins of the one winder or it may occur
in all positions.
Following actions may be taken to avoid jail formations
1. Check the yarn guide for any accumulation
2. Yarn path must be straight
3. Check the yarn tension
4. Change the TG
5. Check the reversal point on the grooved drum
6. Clean the surface of the grooved and friction
7. Adjust the pig tail guide properly
8. Spin finish oil level

3. Yarn wrapping on the drum

Two drum i.e. grooved drum and plain drum may get
sticky deposits on their surfaces. It could be due to
spin finish, monomers which cause the deposits on the
drum. It is suggested that silicon free water can be use
while preparation of spin finish.

3.1 Crushed paper tubes

High tension in the yarn may leads to paper tube
crushing. The reuse of paper can lead to also the
same problem. Before reuse the condition of paper
tube must be checked. The proper tension is to be
adjusted in the yarn depending upon the winding
speed and single yarn strength.

Page 51

3.2 Winder vibrations

Winders must be checked for vibrations periodically
and any excessive vibration should be removes and
rebalanced by balancing machines.

3.3 Poor package build

The bad package build could be due to tension
variations in the all packages of the same winder.
Equal tension must be adjusted by adjusting the pig
tail guide

3.4 Hardness of POY bobbins

When the winder pressures are not adequate, it
may lead to hard packages. By the adjusting the
over feed, it can be avoided.

3.5 Broken filament

BF may occur due to faults in the spinning. When
few filaments present out of the spin finish
applicator guide, would lead to BF. Also check the oil
reaches properly to the tip of the guide. When any
hole of spinneret blocked, spin out/BF will occur. In
this case, change the pack.

4. Poor uster values

When spinning without godets, the grooved drum of
winder imposes a shot term fluctuations on the POY.
The frequency of this wave is that of the traverse
frequency of the traverse mechanism. When the yarn
runs out of the groove or at the reversal point may
cause the variation in the uster value.

Page 52

5. Loops
The loop will occur in the POY bobbins. It could be due
to grooved drum, spinneret, and traverse guide. To
avoid loops in the packages, check the grooves of the
drum, fix TG properly, change pack etc.

Page 53

Chapter 10: Information about FDY

10.1 Introduction
Fully drawn yarn (FDY) is produced by spinning the yarn
at higher speeds coupled with intermediate drawing
integrated in the process itself. This allows stabilization
through orientation and crystallization.

Fully Drawn Yarn is used as weft or weaves. It can also

be knitted or woven other filament yarn in order to produce
different varieties of fabrics such as home furnishing, fashion
fabrics, terry towels etc.

FDY is available in 3 luster Semi-dull, Bright having

circular section & triloble Bright having triangular cross-
sections. Instead of making the fabric with FDY Raw-white
first & then dyeing it. Dope Dyed fully Drawn Yarn can be
used to make the colored fabric directly.

FDY has the following properties

 Intermingled FDY yarns are suitable for direct twisting,
warping and weaving
 The fabric made from these yarns have a feel and drape
similar to fabrics.
 These yarns eliminate draw-twisting and sizing process
reducing the cost of products for light and medium
range of fabrics.

Page 54

Chapter 11: Packaging of POY and FDY

11.1 Packaging
Material used for covers or protect goods.
The two system is available in packaging of POY and
 Carton system
 Pallet system

1. Carton system: A carton is the box made of

paperboard or corrugated fiberboard also
referred as a box. Mainly FDY is used to pack in
2. Pallet system: a flat transport structure which
support good stability, often in the form of wood.
Mainly POY is used to pack in pallet.

11.2 Types of product

1. Full dull
2. Semi dull
3. Bright
4. Catonic

Page 55

11.3 Label On Carton

Label on carton

JBF industry limited

267/1 & 273, Village Athola, Umekuin Road, Silvassa

Merge no.
Gross Wt (Kgs)
Tare Wt (Kgs)
Net Wt (Kgs)

Page 56

Chapter 12: Texturising: Definition, Objects,


12.1 Introduction
The man-made fibers were developed basically to replace
naturals, which were becoming scarce and costly. However,
the wide difference in the properties and appearance
between the synthetic filaments and spun yarns with natural
spun yarns prevented the former from competing effectively
with natural spun yarns.

The production of texturised yarns stemmed from the need

to broaden the area of use use of synthetic fibre; applications
of such fibers had previously been limited by the fibers
because of low hyproscopicity and smooth surface, which
had an unpleasant, glossy sheen.

Texturising improves the use characteristics and hygienic

properties of synthetic yarn. The texturised filament yarn
were made suitable for knitting and weaving for use in
apparels and clothing. In addition, some of their properties,
in certain cases, are completely unique in the textile field and
are creating a new ‘customer appeal’.

The term ‘texture’ define and describes the attributes of an

object that can be recognized by the human sight or touch.
The main texture properties desired in apparel and domestic
textiles are warmth, opacity, flexibility and good
weaving/knitting properties, coupled with characteristics
appearance and easy maintenance.

Page 57

Texturising is the modification process of regular structure of

synthetic filament to somewhat random structure by the
formation of folds, loops, coils or crinkles. This is a process of
crimping, imparting random loops or otherwise modifying
continues filament yarn to increase cover, resilience,
abrasion resistance, or to provide a different surface texture.

12.1.1 Texturising
It is the process by which synthetic fiber are modified
to change their textured the physical appearance of the fibre.

Texturising techniques can include bulking (where

thermoplastic fibers are twisted, heatset and untwisted),
crimping and cooling amongst other.

12.1.2 Objectives of Texturising

 To improve fiber insulation properties
 To reduce silky nature of fiber
 To increase the volume and the elasticity
 To made textured yarn as soft, fullness, a high degree
of elasticity
 To introduce crimp, loop, coil to continuous filament

Page 58

12.1 Types of Texturising techniques

Synthetic fiber Nature or

man made
Based on the Not based
thermoplastic on the
nature of the filament thermoplastic
nature of the
Torque non torque
crimping crimping

1.Discontinues 1.Stuffer 1.Air texturising 1.Slack mercerization

method i.e box of yarn
Helanea multi method
step process
2.Continues 2.Edge 2.Combination 2.Crimping and
method crimping texturising crossling
a, false twist 3.Gear 3.Composite yarn 3.Thermoplasticisation
texturising: crimping of cellulose
rotor type and
friction type
b.Draw textur- 4.knit de 4.Fibrillation 4.Shealth core
ising: knit technique
eous and

c.Turbo-duo 5.Bicompost 5.Differential

method i.e shrinkage
twist textur-

Page 59

Chapter 13: False twist texturising:

Principle, Diagram, Types
of twist, Flow chart.

At JBF industry athola plant there are 26 false twist draw

textured machine with V type aalidhra machine

13.1 False twist texturising

13.1.1 Principle
Just imagine that an elastic ban is held between two
clamps and then twist this band by turning it in centre. You
can notice real twist on left and right side. But each side is
twisted into the opposite direction. One side is S, the other is
Z twisted. Both sides have equal number of twists

All the twist will vanish on realeasing the twisting point. This
was false twist created by us. False twist principle is being
applied by contemporary texturising machines.

13.1.2 Schematic diagram

Page 60

Shaft 1 is the input feeding device for the POY. From here the
yarn has to be drawn. The speed of shaft 2 is always higher
by factor of the necessary draw ratio for the particular yarn
and process. The yarn is simultaneously twisted and drawn.
The twisting is done with a friction device, such as a set of
rotating friction disk. But there is other twisting device such
as belts. After Shaft 1 there is a yarn heater, which heats the
yarn to a temperature where it can be thermo-set. Right
after the heater is normally a cooling plate, which must cool
the yarn as a substantially lower temperature in order to
permanently thermo-set the twist. As the yarn is released
from Shaft 2 we observe how each single filament is trying to
assume the 3-dimensional helix formation it was set in. The
result is a voluminous bulked stretch yarn.

13.1.3 S- twist and Z- twist

There is a little and a lot of difference. Both, S and Z
means real twist in a yarn. The difference is that one yarn has
been twisted into the opposite direction of the yarn. Basically
one yarn is the mirror image of the other. The difference is
very significant as S-twisted yarn will look in a fabric different
to a Z twisted yarn

Page 61

13.2.1 False Twist Texturising Process flow chart

Transport to trollies: Physical checking

P.O.Y. Loading: On
creel of machine For transportation

Input Roller: For yarn Winding: Quality control lab:

feeding Tex bobbin winding Tensile properties

Primary Heater: Oil roller: Packing:

To heat the yarn for Antistatic oil feeding Packed in carton and
stretching jumbo carton

Cooling plate: Output (w3):

For yarn cooling To regulate the yarn
Before winding

Spindle: Secondary heater:

To implant bulk effect To set /finalise the

Intermediate Roller: Jet (intermingling):

To stretch the yarn To implant air knot
between w1 and w2

Page 62

Chapter 14: Raw material and its loading

14.1 Raw material:

Partially Oriented Yarn is raw material for false twist
texturising. It has quality like BL (black), BR (bright), SD (semi-
dull), FD (full dull), Catonic. The weight of the one bobbin of
POY is almost 14-15 kg. A denier of the POY will varying as a
demand of a textured yarn. A denier plays a very important
role for quality of yarn. A common demand in market is
75/36 textured yarn. For this mainly POY may have 125/36
denier to make 75/36 textured yarn. A 14-15 kg bobbin can
make 5.5 kg of doff of bobbin in 12 to 15 hours.

Another list denier for raw material of textured yarn in

this company are as follow

POY denier Text Denier

1. 125/36 75/36
2. 160/48 100/48
3. 256/141 150/141
4. 160/36 100/36
5. 130/48 75/48
6. 240/216 150/48
7. 265/48 150/48
8. a. 125/36 150/75
b. 250/72

Page 63

14.2 Loading of POY yarn

As per demand in market POY yarn is arriving in
company. For example in market one party demanded for
75/36 denier. Then the company will run a machine of
125/36 of POY yarn. The POY yarn is loaded in creel. Creel is
equal to the no. of spindle in the machine. If no. of position is
336 then creel should also be 336.
It has 14 kg of POY yarn each.

List of faults which come under the creel or loading of POY in


1. Bottom break
2. Splice fail
3. Fluff
4. Last layer
5. Poy exhaust
6. Body break
7. Filamentation

Page 64

Chapter 15 Process of false twist texturising:

Yarn path, function of parts of machine.

15.1 Process of false twist texturising

In this technique, twist is inserted into a heated
multifilament yarn running at high speed. The yarn is cooled
in a highly twisted state, so that the twist geometry is set,
and then the yarn is untwisted. Untwisted leaves filaments
that are still highly convoluted, allowing the production of a
textured yarn of much greater volume than the yarn would
be in an untextured state.

False twist texture is usually combined with drawing. Partially

Oriented Yarn (POY) and polyester, which have been spun at
extremely high rates and are already partially crystalline, are
both drawn and textured in the way.

15.2 Yarn path

Page 65

Yarn path start from POY creel and end to winding. POY is
loaded to creel and the parameter of the machine will be
set. The suction pipe of the machine will suck the POY yarn.
It goes to cutter. Then yarn goes to input (v1) and also known
as draw ratio. Now with help of feed pipe it comes telephonic
guide. It has 2 guide in it one is eyelet and despa guide. Now
it goes to primary heater if max goes to 220˚C and min
180˚C. After the primary heater for cooling it comes to
cooling pipe. This is heart of the false twist texturising known
as positorque (false twist spindle). Now it comes D/Y or
intermediate which draw the max area. The secondary
heater comes here now. The SOF comes here also known as
output. The oiling device comes which just oil the textured
yarn. At last take up come which help to wind the yarn to

15.3 Function of parts of machine

 POY creel: POY loading is done here. One section has

12 creel. There are 14 section in both
side so the total no. of creel will be 336.
 Suction pipe: It sucks the yarn into it and pass it on
input. The vacuum helps here to sucked
the yarn.
 Input(V1): It has apron belt which help to feed the
yarn. It also known as d/r ratio which is
set from OLT.
 Telephonic guide: This has two guide one is eyelet
and other is despa guide. This two guide
will help the yarn to enter inside the
heater. Also it may not cut the end of

Page 66

telephonic guide
 Primary heater: The role of primary heater is to
mobilize the molecules and gives the
desired yarn properties with the help of
Draw ratio and D/Y.
 Cooling pipe: The function of cooling pipe is only to
maintain the temperature.
 Positorque: It also known as spindle it is the heart of
the machine. It gives the twist n untwist
to the yarn
 Olt sensor: This is the sensor which gives the fault
with the help of computer. We can see
this from graph which display in computer
 Intermediate: (V2): It stretch the yarn from V1 to V2 . It
also known as D/Y.
 Jet (Intermingling): It helps implant knot to the yarn.
Except NIM all quality of yarn will
go under jet
 2B Shaft (NFR): It helps to give pressure in punching.
The pressure will help the knotting
so that it may not open.
 Secondary heater: The secondary heater makes the
texturised yarn stable and taken
for further process.

 Output (V3): It stabilized the yarn before winding.

Page 67

 Oil roller: It lubricant the yarn so that it go smoothly

when it goes under the process of making
 Take up (V4): It help for winding the doffer with the
help of TG guide

Page 68

Chapter 16 Quality control: Denier testing,

Yarn testing, Physical checking, Yarn-
Path checking, OLT checking

16.1 Quality control

Quality control is a set of steps or guidelines designed to
guarantee that a product or service meets certain
performance standards. The goal of quality control is to
ensure that an item meets the needs and specifications of
the consumer population. Good quality control also helps a
company to more efficiently navigate manufacturing and
production processes to cut down on mistake and waste,
and maximize profit.


This instruction defines the procedure to be followed for
DENIER checking

 Scope
This instruction is applicable to DENIER checking of POY

Denier: Weight of 9000mts of yarn in grams.

Page 69

 Equipment Required
1. Reeling machine
2. Suction gun
3. Electronic balance
4. Wooden tray
5. Scissor

 Sampling
As per sampling plan.
Take sample as defined in quality plan for process
Collect samples from process stage and clean using
suction gun.

 Work instruction for denier checking

1. Take sample cleaned in suction gun by operator of
TEXT. Dept.
2. Set zero of machine
3. Fix the yarn on guides and reel. At a time max. 8
bobbins can be loaded.
4. Switch on start
5. It will automatically stop after 100mts.
6. Take out yarn, one by one from machine and make
7. Keep flee on appropriate marked location in the
wooden tray
8. Take wt. at balance (cap. 320gms.) up to 3rd.
decimal place and multiply it with 90 to get denier

Page 70

 Precaution
1. Ensure zero setting start.
2. In case yarn breaks while reeling, across the lee and
start again
3. Ensure identification / traceability to line & position
4. Keep wooden tray clean
5. Do not put hand/ touch the m/c while running /

16.3 Methods for determination of shrinkage

in boiling water

 Apparatus
1. Hot air oven
2. Water bath
3. Wrap reel

 Principle
The specimens in the form of skeins are treated in a
water bath at 95 ± 2 °C for 10 minutes, dried and
conditioned in the standard atmosphere of 27 ± 2°C
temperatures and 65+ 2 per cent relative humidity for
two hours.

Page 71

 Procedure
Wind sufficient lengths of yarn (say about 10 turns of
1m each) on a wrap reel at a tension of 1cN/Tex)
0.2g/denier. Prepare hanks for measuring residual yarn
shrinkage. Measure the original length of the skeins L o in
mm at a tension of 500 g. Place the hanks in a boiling
water bath at 95 ± 2 °C for 10 minutes, then dry in a
free state. Condition the hanks for 120 minutes in the
standard atmosphere of 27 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 2% RH after
drying. Measure the final skeins length Lf in mm under
the same tension (500 g) and
Calculate the yarn shrinkage, percent as follows:
Yarn shrinkage, % = [(Lo – Lf) / (Lo)] × 100

5.4 Methods for determination of moisture content,

bulk ratio, crimp contraction,

 Apparatus
Draw-texturing machine
Instron/Statimat tensile tester
Wrap reel
Microscope Digital balance
Hot box oven
Meter rule
 Conditioning of Samples
The samples shall be allowed to condition at
temperature of 27 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 65 ±
2% before carrying out the tests. All tests shall also be
performed under standard condition

Page 72

 Determination of Crimp Contraction, Stretch and

Recovery Potentials:
A length of yarn 40cm long was withdrawn from the
package and loaded with 6g at a point about 30cm from
one end. It was then cut free from the package at a
point between the package and the weight, but close to
the latter. From the weighted end, 20cm length of yarn
(L1) was measured. The length (L1) was then contracted
or shrunk by immersing completely for 5 min in a
cylinder of water at boil. The contracted yarn was
removed and the length (L2) taken immediately. After
measuring it was loaded at the lower end with a 15 g
weight and allowed to stretch. The fully extended length
(L3) was determined and the stretch load was removed.
After 5 min the final or recovered length (L4) was
measured. The crimp contraction (CC), percentage,
stretch potential (SP)

Percentage and recovery potential (RP) percentage were

Calculated using the following equations:
CC % = (L1 – L2) x 100/L1
SP % = (L3 – L2) x 100/L3
RP % = (L3 – L4) x 100/L4

Page 73

16.5 Method for determination of oil pick up

 Principle
The specimen is extracted with petroleum ether or
methanol in Soxhlet Apparatus and then distilled. The
specimen is then dried and oil pick up is calculated from
the mass of original specimen and the dried specimen.

 Apparatus
1. Precision Balance
2. Stainless Steel
3. Vessels Conical Flasks
4. Bowls
5. Forceps

 Procedure
Take the hank (normally, prepared for denier check) of
textured yarn for the analysis. Note down the actual
weight of the sample. Take required amount of
petroleum ether along with sample in the vessel /
conical flask. Immerse the yarn sample in petroleum
ether for extraction of oil for 15 minutes. After 15
minutes take out sample, squeeze it completely and
then place the yarn in the tray kept in open air for 20
minutes. Then put the hanks in oven at temp 85° C Take
out the yarn from the oven after drying up to 15
Minutes. Keep the yarns for cooling room temperature

Page 74

For 15 – 20 minutes. Weigh the yarn and note down the


 Calculations
Calculate the per cent oil pick up (OPU) by the
following formula:
OPU per cent = Weight of Sample – Weight of the
yarn after drying x 100
Sample weight

16.6 Defect
The defects are the undesired effects of a product from
the point of view of the customer.

16.6.1 Normal concern in textured yarn

 Yarn break: The yarn break rate is the no. of yarn break
that take place/ unit weight of the texturised yarn
produced yarn break can create short yarn package.

 Intermingling faults: It mainly involve the frequency or

strength of the intermingling knot and the irregularitie
or unevenness of intermingle along the length of
textured yarn.

Page 75

 Bulk variation: It can be either end to end variation

around the texturising machine or variability of the yarn
along the yarn length. The causes can be uneven heat
penetration due to the yarn core being denserthan the
surface filament.

 Surging: Instability in the thread line is termed as

surging. It manifests itself in a lean untexturised
appearance. Surging can be caused by properties of the
POY feed yarn, incorrect machine parameter, DR being
too low, wrong throughout speed for a given product,
irregular application of spin finish and irregular yarn
orientation along the length of the yarn.

16.6.2 Yarn defect due to process Variation

 Untexturised yarn

1. Description
 Long length of the texturised yarn having little or
no bulk: when knitted and dyed, we get short
pattern effect which is permanent.
 Missing of texturised effect for long lengths of a
texturised yarn.

Page 76

2. Causes
 High U% of POY:
Higher unevenness of POY results in intabilty in the
yarn while texturising and leads to tension
variation. Because of this tension variation, the
yarn momentarily loses contact with the friction
disc leading to the untexturised yarn.

 Low D/Y ratio:

The D/Y ratio indicates the ratio of disc speed to a
given yarn speed. When the D/Y ratio is low, the
twisting assembly fails to impart the desired twist
because of low rotational speed of the friction
discs, resulting in untexturised yarn.

3. Effects
 When knitted and dyed, it shows as a permanent

4. Remedies
 POY used should be uniform with U% of less than
 POY having spin-finish below 0.40% to be used.
Uniformity of spin-finish is very important
 Optimize DR

Page 77

 Undrawn Yarn

1. Description
 The texturised yarn which escapes the effects of
drawing is called the undrawn yarn.
 The undrawn/partially drawn gives high
shrinkage and low tenacity causes defective

2. Causes
 Yarn not in the grip of the first nip roller:
When the throw of the traverse mechanism fitted
at the first nip roller region has larger amplitude,
the yarn often comes out from the grip of the first
roller causing no drawing of the yarn leading to

3. Effects
 When knitted and dyed, UDY produce pattern

Page 78

4. Remedies
 Adjust traverse mechanism and ensure that the
yarn does not come to the edge of the rollers.
 Periodically check the pressure on the nip rollers
and ensure it as adequate.

 Bulk variation

1. Description :
 Differential bulk along the length of the yarn as
bulk variation

2. Causes
 Low DR:
The yarn property if it is not homogenous along the
yarn length is mainly responsible for thread line
tension variation at high speed texturising.

 Tension variations:
The yarn property is not homogenous along the
yarn length, which is mainly responsible for thread
line tension variation at high-speed texturisng.

Page 79

3. Effects
 Causes the variation in weight per unit area in the

4. Remedies
 Optimized DR to be used

 Nip variation

1. Description
 Non-uniformity in the number of nips along the
yarn length is known as nip variation

2. Causes
 Improper jet selection:
The quality of nips depends on the diameter of the
nozzle. The higher the yarn denier, the more is the
requirement of the compressed air for
intermingling and so also the nozzle diameter

Page 80

 Chocking of nozzle:
Compressed air sometimes contains contaminants
such as grease, oil, along with mud and sand of
unclean rusted air conveying pipe.
3. Effect
 Nip variation causes pattern effect in the fabrics by
taking dyes in a different way
4. Remedies
 Selection of right type of nozzle
 Use jet pipe cleaned by organic solvent
 Periodically clean the intermingling jets in
ultrasonic fluid bath.

Page 81

Chapter 17 Packaging of texturising yarn

17.1 Packaging
There are mainly 3 types of products, those produce in the
dept. they are:
 NIM- no intermingling
 SIM- sub intermingling
 HIM- High intermingling
On the basis the product are divided in three qualities:
 First quality
 Printing quality
 Claimless quality

Page 82

 Texturising defects, causes, effects, remedies and
prevention through quality management by H.V
Sreenivasamurthy and B. Purushothama
 Quality assurance of texturising by author experienced
 Quality assurance of POY by author experienced in JBF
 Melt spinning by K. scharfler
 Packaging of POY and TEXTURISING by author
experienced in JBF INDUSTRY

Page 83

 http://www.lorandisilos.in/storage_silos/textile_
 https://textilelearner.blogspot.com/2013/02/te
 http://shfutai.com/chips_dryer_for_textile.html
 http://encyclopedia.che.engin.umich.edu/Pages/
 http://www.jbfindia.com/product.html
 http://textilelibrary.weebly.com/false-twist-
 https://www.healinggardenswur.nl/7948-

Page 84

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