Freeenergy 2003
Freeenergy 2003
Freeenergy 2003
Free energy
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1 author:
Alexander Frolov
Faraday ltd company
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In general the conception was formulated in 1995 and exist for execution of some task, for completion of some
today we can say that the concept of physical vacuum, work.
which is a new source of energy, finds more and more 2. The Work is a quantitative parameter of energy
supporters. The fundamental works about nature of transformations. The transformation means here
“zero point energy” are published, for example, change of form.
Andrew D. Sakharov [1], Hal T. Puthoff [2] and many 3. The Energy (Greek “Energie” means “action,
other interesting works. It is clear now that space or activity”) is a quantitative characteristic for different
“physical vacuum” has its internal structure, therefore forms of motion.
it can be used as a new source of energy if we organize 4. The Power is amount of work per unit of time.
the process of changing of this structure. Moreover,
according to some theories, the existence of reality (i.e. According to the given determinations by The Soviet
the World of some certain parameters of space and Encyclopedic Dictionary, edition of 1988, Moscow, the
time) is defined by the function of probability of energy fact of presence of potential (scalar) field, for
density. For example, Dr. Nassikas, Greece [3], proves example, electrical or gravitational filed, is real
that it is not possible to consider the space without its possibility to produce some work if we can organize
energy, and there is no space without energy. The change of energy forms. Let’s note that power source
internal structure of reality is coexistence of two forms: is not required to keep the potential field in force. It
gravitational energy and electromagnetic energy. Any is free.
local increase of the first one should produce decrease
of the second one, so the sum amount of the change is ...the potential (scalar) field can produce real
zero. work!
In some other articles about energy transformation
processes (gravitational form of energy into The example of this work, which is produced by the
electromagnetic heat radiation of mass, for example) field: body falls in gravitational field and when it strikes
we can find that both increase of entropy and the on the ground then some part of its potential energy is
inverse processes (decrease of entropy) are possible transformed to heat, that is the work as transformation
and in this case the electromagnetic energy can be of energy forms. So, there is a conclusion: the potential
converted into the gravitational form, that is shown in (scalar) field can produce real work! But we have
details in the works of Nobel laureate I. Prigozhin, Order considered only a half of cycle and in classical case in
and Haos. Man’s new dialog with Nature, London, the second half of the cycle it will be necessary to
1984. Since the direction of time (the time course) and produce the same work against the field to raise the
direction of the entropy change (increase or decrease) body to the initial point.
are related notions then free energy technologies are
considered by Kozyrev as methods of practical Let’s formulate the task to produce the work
application of natural time course [4] that is presented periodically and to get the power in load from this
in aether-dynamics by Frolov as aether flow of some process. Usual mistake is to accept the particular case
density and this aether density determines the time (the same body returns back in the same field) as a
rate as hardness of cause-effect connections for any single possible case. But in special case changes of
process, and also for the process of existence of matter the system are possible, for example, the field intensity
in space-time of this aether density. is not a constant but some variable value (alternating
or pulsing), or the body changes its own parameters.
According to this theory, in any point of space it is In this case in each of half-cycle of the process the field
possible to get power by means of energy can produce real positive work to accelerate the body.
transformations without any consumption of mass-fuel.
We can say also that in this case some change of the The main technological solutions are obvious: it is
energy density of space should be detected. necessary to create gradient of field in space (full or
partial screening of trajectory of the body, which is
Let’s clarify some determinations: moving in the field) or gradient of field in time (pulsing
1. The Potential (lat. Potentia that means “force”). mode of field). This is quite easy for electric and
In physics this is scalar parameter, it’s gradient magnetic fields, but for system, which uses
expresses the intensity of field of a certain force. In gravitational field to produce the work, we can assume
common sense, the potential is possibilities, which changes of parameters of the body only.
Let’s try to present a “process” as some change of So, the using of potential energy to create a process
“information” in time and from this point we’ll get the of dissipation of power in load does not violates the
conclusion about results of this energy disbalance of Law of Conser vation, and this Law can be
the natural internal structure of potential field: in this generalized: the total energy of four dimensional
case the entropy process in direct time (heat dissipation system is amount of energy of processes in time and
in load) should be balanced with equal anti-entropy energy of processes in reversed time, it is constant
process in reversed time. In other words, the disbalance and it is equal to zero.
is change of the space-time curvature and changes in
the time rate. Now let’s try to review some free energy projects (the
systems to produce work without consumption of
So, it is impossible to get “something” from “nothing” fuel). Russian Peter the Great had intention to visit
but if we have understanding of the balance (process Germany in 1725 to test the Orferius’ device. There is
in time and anti-process in reversed time) then in the a very old description of “perpetually rotating wheel”,
Universe the 4-dimentsional balance is not violated. It which was made in India by inventor Bhaskar in 1150!
is assumed here that it is impossible to create one From that times the mind of inventors is developed to
process but it is possible to create two opposite other modern systems but due to the efforts of
balanced processes, and each of them produce real scientific groups, which are interested to keep in force
work in the load. In astrophysical consideration it was the ideas of primitive materialism, the great idea of
stated in 1964 by Academician Gustav Naan, Estonia, free energy transformation is distorted to such extent
Tartu. He wrote [7]: that any person, who began to speak about free
energy, had a chance to get the name of “mad”. Why?
“In our real world we could extract any The reason is common understanding of the “power”,
which is “some work per unit of time” and generally
amount of energy from vacuum if some
it can be presented only as result of some
technology provides at the same time the transformation of matter structure, i.e. disintegration,
extracting of the same amount of energy for chemical reaction, nuclear decay, nuclear synthesis
anti-world. Total sum value of energy is or any change of structure of a matter. In any case, a
equal to zero.” material (the firewood, oil products or nuclear fuel) is
considered as the fuel, regardless of its transformation
Let’s note also that similar conception of “dynamical method.
zero” was applied in ancient India mathematics, i.e.
“zero” is not “nothing” but it is hidden possibilities Some concepts did not consider the fields
(balance of forces). (electromagnetic, gravitational and others) as a kind
of matter. So hypotheses, and even successful
One more interesting question appears: what is about experiments on transformation of “non-material” type
reality of the particle of matter after we have claimed of energy in energy of material object (into the work)
that its mass-parameters are parameters of certain were not taken into consideration. The physics is a
process? With this idea the material world as a whole study about measurable and tangible quantities. New
is certain process and “stability” is not a property of measurement methods let us work with a new physical
some object but a parameter of its existence, which phenomenon. So, we can see that real situation in
is a process in space-time of some certain energy alternative energy is changing due to experimenters
density and some certain structure. By analogy the efforts but not from the great theoretical team.
vortex in liquid is a process but it is not a liquid.
Some time ago the electric energy was not considered
Thereafter, as electron was presented by Shredinger as a material object, but gradually people have been
as wave packet and by Whittaker as function of two able to refuse the gas pipes, which were real material
scalar potentials, the old idea of instability or dynamic source of power for the gas light lamp, in favor of
str ucture of matter has the possibility of electric wires for electrical illumination. In a short time,
experimental testing and development as a I think, it will be possible to refuse the wires and we’ll
Fig. 4
The example of creation of the propulsion force by The Cooper’s USA patent 3610971 of 1971 describes
means of potential field is also connected with the principle and the device to create power in
“perpetuum mobile” task, since conductivity secondary circuit without reaction on primary
currents in the capacitor are very small and it almost circuit, as well as method to get reactionless
does not require power consumption (after being propulsion force for aerospace application. Cooper also
charged once time) and the system can produce has found that specially designed coils can produce
mechanical work permanently, in this case it is the the field, which can not be screened and this field has
work against the gravity force. In general case, if the some common parameters with the gravitational field.
design allows asymmetrical energy transformations,
then the surplus output power and reactionless The gravitation is considered by Cooper as a
propulsion force can be created in this system. polarization of atoms in gravity field of planet. So he
declares in description of his patent: “the electronic
Most likely future aerospace systems, which are based generator… of super high frequency creating the
on the electrogravity, are the most perspective pulsing electric field of single polarity… acting in
direction of free energy technologies. Why not for the opposite direction to the Earth gravitational field… that
power engineering? It is clear that now there are some to depolarized the atoms and to release them from the
existing fuel heating systems, heat stations and gravitation”.
power industry to provide by some traditional way
all current needs of the society and due to this fact
the innovation of any free energy technology is related
with hard competition. However, for commercial
programs for cosmos the reactive rockets principles
are not acceptable more. Each satellite during its
operation should produce profit to compensate large
expenses for the rocket-car rier. Only fuel-less
propulsion systems can allow developing space
commercial programs that are new infinite market.
Let’s note that the gravitational (reactionless
propulsion) technologies are not related with
cosmodrome and their cost can be quite acceptable
to realize the project with private funds.
say that permanent magnets and coils of VTA were degrees difference in comparison with the
self-cooling during operation and the temperature environmental temperature. It is one more example of
difference was about 20 degrees in contrast with the relation between notion “density of time” and
environmental temperature. “energy”. We can say that the extraction of space
energy is result of transformation of vacuum energy
One of VTA schemes includes two sets of magnets but from the other hand the energy density in this case
4 õ 6 õ 1 inch, placed on two walls of frame. The determines so called “time rate”.
attraction is created between them. Output and
controlling coils are located between them. The axes Kozyrev’s articles [4] on causal mechanics theory and
of output coils are parallel to the magnetic field lines, experiments describe possibility to use “time course
but the axis of control coils are placed under 90 for producing of useful work”. Kozyrev introduced
degrees angle. The secret of system is the notion “density of time” and he demonstrated
“conditioning process”, which “brings the magnets experimentally several methods how to change the
to the special condition”. It is necessary to create density of time, which depends on irreversible
great number of micro-cracks in the magnet due to processes intensity. Powerful “generator” of such
re-orientations of magnetic domains. In such “half- processes is biosphere of our plane and it creates
magnet” the domains get the ability to be orientated season and daily changes of the density of time. It is
in the same direction in a weak “control” magnetic known that VTA power output also was variable in
field. In fact, they are not domains but large parts of different time of day and night. It can be explained by
magnet’s material, separated by micro-cracks, that Kozyrev. Next step in logical development of this idea
is to say acoustic domains. Many researchers repeat is to change notions from the “density of time” to
Floyd’s works. Let’s note that arc discharge of “density of aether” [10].
alternating current through magnet barium ceramics
directly can provide the best results of the Relation between magnet phenomena and aether
“conditioning” process. The coil of “conditioning” is circulations was known from the beginning of the
not necessary in this case. The frequency of electrodynamics and now we can assume that VTA
alternating current must be corresponded to the was real example of asymmetrical cause-effect
frequency of the control signal. Thereby, Sweet was connection, where the hardness of this connection
creating the bi-stable solid-state condition of depends on the density of aether. In this case the
magnetic substance. The acoustic resonance is the season and daily variation of the aether density are
reason of oscillations with the frequency according reason of VTA output power variations. So, we can
to the control weak magnetic field. Floyd Sweet died make a conclusion: conception of asymmetrical cause-
on July 5, 1995 at age of 83 years old. It is known, effect connections should be used as theoretical basis
that his widow sent the archives to some great of all over-unity systems.
Automobile Corporation.
Generation of extra power in nonlinear materials (ferrites
... the extraction of space energy is result of and dielectrics) was considered by Nikolay E. Zayev,
transformation of vacuum energy but from Journal of Russian Physical Ideas, #1, 1991. Discovery
the other hand the energy density in this was claimed as “Cooling of some dielectrics by
case determines so called “time rate” changing electric field with generation of energy”,
Russia discovery #32-OT-10159, November 14, 1979;
It is interesting to note again that the magnets of VTA the inventions were also claimed as “Method of
demonstrated self-cooling during operation, up to 20 transformation of heat energy of dielectrics into electric
One more topic is “extraction of power from air” and 56560, USA. However, everybody remembers from the
Josef Swenson has conducted the series of simple school story about simplest electrical experiments by
experiments to develop it. The frequency of natural Lomonosov and Rihman, who investigated arc
pulsations of electric field of planet is about 7.5 Hz discharge in gap between iron wire from a roof
and it is well known from Tesla’s age. Swenson (“antenna”) and ground wire. Let’s include the
works with frequency 375 kilohertz and antenna of resonance circuit “inductance-capacity” and diode
10 meters. Please, contact for more details: Josef rectifier to get some useful work in the load “from
Swenson 423 North 15th Street, Moorhead, Minnesota atmospheric electricity”, Fig.12.
Some experimental data by Kozyrev is related with 1. Sakharov A.D. “Quantum Fluctuations of Vacuum
quantum effects, which were detected in his in Curved Space and Theory of Gravitation”, Reports
experiments with rotating and vibrating gyroscopes. of Academy of Sciences USSR, vol. 12, 1968, page
This technology is the basis to design real teleportation 1040.
systems, which will change parameters of space-time 2. Puthoff H.T., Ph. Review E, vol.48, num.2, p.1562-
to allow changes of position of some material object 1565, “Extracting energy and heart from the
from one point of space to another point of space vacuum”; Physical Review A, vol. 39, num. 5,
(without transference on the distance between these “Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force”.
points) by means of combining these points in the same 3. Nassikas A.A., The Hypothesis of the Unified
place of space for some time. Field and the Principle of its Dual Interpretation, III
International Conference “Problems of Space, Time,
The process of study of new technologies in alternative Gravitation”, St.-Petersburg, 1994.
power industry and gravitation is developing actively 4. N.A. Kozyrev, Selected works, published by
in the world. Besides secret programs and institutes, Leningrad State University, 1991, p.202, in Russian.
it is possible to make a conclusion that activity of this 5. Gravitobiology, by T.E. Bearden, 1991, Tesla
work in countries of limited fuel resources is more Book Company, P.O. Box 121873 Chula Vista, CA
efficient. Now Russia has rich natural materials and 91912, USA. Library of Congress Catalog Card
oil resources but in the short time this advantage Number 86-50553.
will not play any role in development of economy. 6. Hasselberg Josef, New Beginning of
Industrial and defense power of any country Hasslberger, Josef “The inventor and society” in
will depend on free energy technologies, Raum&Zeit #4, October 1989, Hasslberger, Josef
knowledge on the biologically active energy “Vortex, the natural movement” in EXPLORE, No.5,
Vol.3, 1992.
and reactionless propulsion methods.