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Freeenergy 2003

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Free energy

Article · March 2003


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Alexander Frolov
Faraday ltd company


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Alexander V. Frolov, Russia
Faraday Laboratories Ltd
http://www.faraday.ru, tel/fax 7-812-3803844

In general the conception was formulated in 1995 and exist for execution of some task, for completion of some
today we can say that the concept of physical vacuum, work.
which is a new source of energy, finds more and more 2. The Work is a quantitative parameter of energy
supporters. The fundamental works about nature of transformations. The transformation means here
“zero point energy” are published, for example, change of form.
Andrew D. Sakharov [1], Hal T. Puthoff [2] and many 3. The Energy (Greek “Energie” means “action,
other interesting works. It is clear now that space or activity”) is a quantitative characteristic for different
“physical vacuum” has its internal structure, therefore forms of motion.
it can be used as a new source of energy if we organize 4. The Power is amount of work per unit of time.
the process of changing of this structure. Moreover,
according to some theories, the existence of reality (i.e. According to the given determinations by The Soviet
the World of some certain parameters of space and Encyclopedic Dictionary, edition of 1988, Moscow, the
time) is defined by the function of probability of energy fact of presence of potential (scalar) field, for
density. For example, Dr. Nassikas, Greece [3], proves example, electrical or gravitational filed, is real
that it is not possible to consider the space without its possibility to produce some work if we can organize
energy, and there is no space without energy. The change of energy forms. Let’s note that power source
internal structure of reality is coexistence of two forms: is not required to keep the potential field in force. It
gravitational energy and electromagnetic energy. Any is free.
local increase of the first one should produce decrease
of the second one, so the sum amount of the change is ...the potential (scalar) field can produce real
zero. work!
In some other articles about energy transformation
processes (gravitational form of energy into The example of this work, which is produced by the
electromagnetic heat radiation of mass, for example) field: body falls in gravitational field and when it strikes
we can find that both increase of entropy and the on the ground then some part of its potential energy is
inverse processes (decrease of entropy) are possible transformed to heat, that is the work as transformation
and in this case the electromagnetic energy can be of energy forms. So, there is a conclusion: the potential
converted into the gravitational form, that is shown in (scalar) field can produce real work! But we have
details in the works of Nobel laureate I. Prigozhin, Order considered only a half of cycle and in classical case in
and Haos. Man’s new dialog with Nature, London, the second half of the cycle it will be necessary to
1984. Since the direction of time (the time course) and produce the same work against the field to raise the
direction of the entropy change (increase or decrease) body to the initial point.
are related notions then free energy technologies are
considered by Kozyrev as methods of practical Let’s formulate the task to produce the work
application of natural time course [4] that is presented periodically and to get the power in load from this
in aether-dynamics by Frolov as aether flow of some process. Usual mistake is to accept the particular case
density and this aether density determines the time (the same body returns back in the same field) as a
rate as hardness of cause-effect connections for any single possible case. But in special case changes of
process, and also for the process of existence of matter the system are possible, for example, the field intensity
in space-time of this aether density. is not a constant but some variable value (alternating
or pulsing), or the body changes its own parameters.
According to this theory, in any point of space it is In this case in each of half-cycle of the process the field
possible to get power by means of energy can produce real positive work to accelerate the body.
transformations without any consumption of mass-fuel.
We can say also that in this case some change of the The main technological solutions are obvious: it is
energy density of space should be detected. necessary to create gradient of field in space (full or
partial screening of trajectory of the body, which is
Let’s clarify some determinations: moving in the field) or gradient of field in time (pulsing
1. The Potential (lat. Potentia that means “force”). mode of field). This is quite easy for electric and
In physics this is scalar parameter, it’s gradient magnetic fields, but for system, which uses
expresses the intensity of field of a certain force. In gravitational field to produce the work, we can assume
common sense, the potential is possibilities, which changes of parameters of the body only.

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 11

It is possible to understand why professional physicists can be changed, that the work, which is produced on
dislike the question about possibility to use scalar the closed trajectory can be formed as two or more
(potential) fields to produce useful work in a load since parts of positive work. Important aspect is following:
they think about The Law of Energy Conservation. To it is necessary to determine the point (moment) of
find mutual understanding it is necessary “to upgrade” change the sign of the interaction and at that point
this Law for 4-dimentsional case of real physical (moment) to change the parameters of the process
system. It is necessary to introduce the notion of the accordingly.
structure of space-time where the considered process
is created. In other words, for real practical engineering
tasks it is necessary to consider space-time of the real
process but not an abstract space-time. Usually the
energy density of technical processes is small in
comparison with natural energy density of space
(aether density), which is a result of real astrophysical
processes, i.e. motion of planet, star, galaxy. If we
discover structure of this real rhythm of the space-time
of our planet then we’ll be able to design it in our
technical devices to use aether-dynamics as theoretical
Fig. 2
So, in orthodox physics there is the unchallengeable
formulation: the work of potential field on closed The good sense requires the answer: what is the source
trajectory of motion is equal to zero. Yes, it is right for of the power to produce this work if this proposed
only case: if one part of work is positive (the concept is right? Let’s notice that before the considered
acceleration) and another part is negative (the examples, the existence of power interactions of
deceleration). But one part of the trajectory or a part potential fields must make the same question. For
of periodic process with the negative work can be example, how the ordinary permanent magnet (i.e. its
excluded by different methods: by means of spatial vector potential) holds a piece of metal making work
superposition, pulsing mode and change of interaction against force of gravity without any fuel? How the
polarity or by the screening of electromagnetic potential field can move and accelerate ions, i.e. kinetic
interaction. energy of ions can be increased without any fuel? What
provides the forces of elasticity? Let’s try to find
For example, minor changes in vacuum tube design answers from consideration of inner structure of electric
(the grid is located under cathode) allows increasing and magnetic field, especially let’s develop our
the kinetic energy of electrons and to increase emission understanding of the notion of gradient, which
current by means of the potential on the grid only. Also describe properties of space-time design in area of
vector potential of magnetic field or gravitational this field.
potential can be used by similar way.
The concept of potential as bi-directional flow of
photons and anti-photons was proposed by English
mathematician E. Whittaker, and then it was developed
by Dr. Thomas E. Bearden [5]. In this concept, the
generalization of the Third Newton’s law looks as the
requirement of complementary pair to the process of
the electromagnetic radiation. Since “process” means
a change of information in time, this paired anti-process
is reversed in time. Of course, it is development of
process to its own future, but from our point of view, it
Fig. 1 goes from future to past. According to generalized Third
Newton’s law the radiation of photon is paired with
Besides this way it is possible to use pulsed mode and anti-photon. In this case, the internal space-time
switch-off the primary energy source before the structure of electric potential field is formed by two
emission electrons will reach the anode, Fig.2. In this contrary flows of energy: photons spread from charge
case there is not the conductivity current between source and the anti-photons “inflow” into the charged
anode and cathode and the primary source is not mass. Let’s notice that this concept defines the
discharging during its work. relationship of charge and mass. The charge without
mass does not have any sense.
Therefore, it is not a news that potential field can
produce real work. In any textbook there are examples The flow of energy outgoing from charged mass is
of positive and negative half-cycles that result to zero responsible for all phenomena of radiation. Incoming
net work. But for the case of consequent execution of flow of energy is responsible for the gravitational
two processes the parameters of one of the processes interaction. Therefore, the notions “radiation” and

12 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

“gravitation” can be considered as complementary teleportation technology. This idea is technology of
pair; that is considered in details in concept of Josef space-time engineering, i.e. creation of the space-time
Hasslberger [6]. with some certain parameters where curvature (or
rate of time) determined rate of existence of the matter
...it is impossible to get “something” from in space. It is related with some energy density, which
“nothing” can be increased or decreased. Since by this way it is
possible to consider any material particle of substance
There is a quite correct question: since “something” as cer tain process, which is balanced by
can not be created from “nothing” then what and corresponding time-reversed process, so there is no
where will be changing if we create the process of free theoretical difficulties to develop technologies of
power dissipations in local area of our space-time by chemical transmutation, materialization,
means of asymmetrical potential interaction? dematerialization, teleportation etc.

Let’s try to present a “process” as some change of So, the using of potential energy to create a process
“information” in time and from this point we’ll get the of dissipation of power in load does not violates the
conclusion about results of this energy disbalance of Law of Conser vation, and this Law can be
the natural internal structure of potential field: in this generalized: the total energy of four dimensional
case the entropy process in direct time (heat dissipation system is amount of energy of processes in time and
in load) should be balanced with equal anti-entropy energy of processes in reversed time, it is constant
process in reversed time. In other words, the disbalance and it is equal to zero.
is change of the space-time curvature and changes in
the time rate. Now let’s try to review some free energy projects (the
systems to produce work without consumption of
So, it is impossible to get “something” from “nothing” fuel). Russian Peter the Great had intention to visit
but if we have understanding of the balance (process Germany in 1725 to test the Orferius’ device. There is
in time and anti-process in reversed time) then in the a very old description of “perpetually rotating wheel”,
Universe the 4-dimentsional balance is not violated. It which was made in India by inventor Bhaskar in 1150!
is assumed here that it is impossible to create one From that times the mind of inventors is developed to
process but it is possible to create two opposite other modern systems but due to the efforts of
balanced processes, and each of them produce real scientific groups, which are interested to keep in force
work in the load. In astrophysical consideration it was the ideas of primitive materialism, the great idea of
stated in 1964 by Academician Gustav Naan, Estonia, free energy transformation is distorted to such extent
Tartu. He wrote [7]: that any person, who began to speak about free
energy, had a chance to get the name of “mad”. Why?
“In our real world we could extract any The reason is common understanding of the “power”,
which is “some work per unit of time” and generally
amount of energy from vacuum if some
it can be presented only as result of some
technology provides at the same time the transformation of matter structure, i.e. disintegration,
extracting of the same amount of energy for chemical reaction, nuclear decay, nuclear synthesis
anti-world. Total sum value of energy is or any change of structure of a matter. In any case, a
equal to zero.” material (the firewood, oil products or nuclear fuel) is
considered as the fuel, regardless of its transformation
Let’s note also that similar conception of “dynamical method.
zero” was applied in ancient India mathematics, i.e.
“zero” is not “nothing” but it is hidden possibilities Some concepts did not consider the fields
(balance of forces). (electromagnetic, gravitational and others) as a kind
of matter. So hypotheses, and even successful
One more interesting question appears: what is about experiments on transformation of “non-material” type
reality of the particle of matter after we have claimed of energy in energy of material object (into the work)
that its mass-parameters are parameters of certain were not taken into consideration. The physics is a
process? With this idea the material world as a whole study about measurable and tangible quantities. New
is certain process and “stability” is not a property of measurement methods let us work with a new physical
some object but a parameter of its existence, which phenomenon. So, we can see that real situation in
is a process in space-time of some certain energy alternative energy is changing due to experimenters
density and some certain structure. By analogy the efforts but not from the great theoretical team.
vortex in liquid is a process but it is not a liquid.
Some time ago the electric energy was not considered
Thereafter, as electron was presented by Shredinger as a material object, but gradually people have been
as wave packet and by Whittaker as function of two able to refuse the gas pipes, which were real material
scalar potentials, the old idea of instability or dynamic source of power for the gas light lamp, in favor of
str ucture of matter has the possibility of electric wires for electrical illumination. In a short time,
experimental testing and development as a I think, it will be possible to refuse the wires and we’ll

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 13

consider the aether (physical vacuum) as unlimited analogue is electric current in superconductors.
energy source if we organize the process of Development of this idea is creation of systems with
transformation of space-time parameters. It will be negative friction. In electromagnetic systems it
necessary to drop the old conception of “primary source corresponds to the known cases of the “negative
of power”, which should be connected with the conductivity”, i.e. some electrical circuits in this mode
consumer by some method and to develop conception can generate output power.
of free energy source in any place “on-demand”.
Additionally, let’s show that “creation of energy” is
Let’s consider, what the term “free energy” means possible in theory, for example: two processes of equal
today. The energy in general sense means the “ability power compensate each other À + Â = 0. Let’s assume
of body to produce some work”. The energy of closed that some technology creates another (inverse) process
system is constant. Certain device can look like as: 0 = À + Â i.e. two processes of some power in sum
“perpetual mobile”, but nobody will be shocked create zero result. In general principle, also there is
because the way of energy “inflow” is known. For possibility to use many processes balanced situation
example, solar panel battery is obtaining its power from as A + B + C + … = 0 and this interesting conception
external source of light. But in general case, 3- is known as theory of multipolarity.
dimensional observer can see nothing similar to the
inflow of energy into the system if multi-dimensional Let’s consider some quite real (to my mind) examples
energy balance is not analyzed. In other words, from the history of development of free energy
“perpetual mobile” is a right name since for its technologies. Nikola Tesla’s investigations are not well
description it is necessary to use notions of “Time”, known to modern scientists and engineers. In his
“Eternity”, “Causality” and other categories, which are works on development of wire-less telecommunication
more related with philosophy and religion but not with Tesla used flat spiral coils as a secondary winding of
modern physics. transformer. The magnetic field of such coil is radial
and it is placed in the plane of the coil. In 1995 the
The “perpetual mobile idea” is really value to be the author of this article experimented with similar flat
purpose of serious scientific work. In the book “Great spiral coils. I have to claim that when such coil is
experiments in physics” published by “World”, 1973, operating as secondary winding and the solenoid is
Professor G. Lipson wrote: “Joule was the person of a the primary winding of the transformer then we can
very practical kind of mind and he was enthusiast of measure asymmetrical mutual induction, i.e.
the perpetual mobile idea”. I hope that it is not connection of active load (lamp) to output circuit of the
necessary to explain here who was Joule. However, transformer is free from input power in the primary
“practicality” of free energy generators is obvious only winding. It is the simplest example of technical
for energy customers, but not for energy producers, realization of the asymmetrical cause-effect connection,
who created the centralized system of energy described by Kozyrev in his theory of active properties
distribution. This is the main reason of absence of of time.
alternative fuel-less energy systems in the modern
market. ... “creation of energy” is possible in theory...
Let’s consider the existing classification of “perpetual Another Tesla’s invention is his resonance transformer.
mobiles”: Modern electrical engineering describes transformer
with forced electrical oscillations and radio engineering
1. “Perpetual mobile” of the first kind is a design, which considers operation of resonance systems mainly. Tesla
can “create energy”. It is disputable aspect and all put the question on transformation of power in
patent offices refuse to consider the patent claim of resonance transformer and by this way the efficiency
such type. They answer that “energy can not be can be more than 100%. With high frequency currents
created or destroyed” but energy can be transformed and high power level Tesla used single-wire terminals
from one type into another type. as loads, i.e. the lamps and other single-wire receivers
of power (motors) were powered from high frequency
2. “Perpetual mobile” of the second kind is the collector changing electric field. Such single-wire terminal does
of environmental heat. It is not a “thermo-pair” which not consume any power from primary source because
uses temperature difference to produce electricity, but it uses the change of potential in point of connection
it is the “heat pump”. This type of devices works with to conductor (let’s note also that for maximum efficiency
negative entropy, or more exactly, with sintropy. The this point of connection should be one of the maximums
terminology still is not defined but we can say that in of standing wave).
entropy systems the produced work is equivalent to
the dissipated heat and the work, which is produced The notion about “free vibrations” belongs to Tesla and
by sintropy systems is equivalent to some absorbed this term describes sinusoidal oscillations in electric
environment heat. circuit that is created after short non-sinusoidal
impulse due to real vibrations of the free electrons.
3. The “perpetual mobile” of the third kind is a Resonance mode of the free vibrations can be the real
demonstration of perpetual motion without friction. The way to excess power output.

14 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

Original Tesla’s approach to electrodynamics allowed “Avramenko’s diodes plug”. In my experiments it was
him to build in 1934 fuel-less car with electromotor, determined that high efficiency mode is resonance
which was powered from some 12 vacuum tubes mode in real line and in this case the maximum change
generator of unknown design. of potential is created in the point of connection of
the “Avramenko’s diodes plug”. There is well known
The standing waves of electric field that were formulas to calculate this resonance as quarter-wave
observed by Tesla during thunderstorm brought him antenna vibrator system. Of course, high frequency
to conclusion about possibility of the system to power and high potential allow creating high power in the
remote energy consumers from energy generator load. In 2001-2003 New Energy Technologies
without any transmission lines and without radiation magazine have published new experimental results
methods. He assumed that it is necessary to create on single-wire power transmission repor ted by
special standing wave of electric potential (or variable research team from Moscow (Prof. Strebkov,
in time electric potential field) around the generator, Avramenko, Nekrasov and others). For example, they
then the unlimited number of loads (lamps, motors) in built and tested lines from 20 to 100 Kwtt power level!
area of this potential field can be powered if they are
tuned in resonance with oscillations of the generator. ... the electric potential field can create non-
Let’s notice that in each receiver the power can’t be compensated force in the system and to
more than power of this generator but it is possible to
install many independent “receivers” without mutual
produce a work without any power input.
One more well known researcher on the subject of
The modern investigations on these problems sound free energy was Thomas Townsend Brown. He
as sensation, because Tesla’s works are unknown for considered creation of reactionless propulsion force
the modern generation of scientists. Of course, modern by means of electric forces only. Ionization is not
electronics components and the tools facilities allow considered here! According to his works, the electric
to create real “miracles” in comparison with the past potential field can create non-compensated force in
age experiments. For example, engineer Avramenko the system and to produce a work without any power
described his work on single-wire power transmission input. English patent by T. T. Brown #300,311 of
in Journal of Russian Physical Ideas, 1991, No.2, and August 15, 1927 describes the method to create
in journal “Inventor and rationalizator” 1992, No. 5, 6. propulsion force and power from electric energy
The light bulb (or ventilator) was used as load of the source only. In this first patent it was claimed that in
single-wire power transmission line. This line can be ordinary flat electric capacitor (two flat plates and
made of high resistance material, for example, dielectric between them), which is charged up to
tungsten, but the power can be transmitted without 50 kilovolts and more, Brown discovered propulsion
heating of wire! It is possible to say that in this force. This force moves the capacitor to positively
experiment a wire does not transmit power from the charged plate direction. It is only one of his ideas and
generator to the load, but the wire is the conductor of in his other patents of 1930 - 1965 Brown has
information signal, which is created by polarizational described many new methods to create propulsion
current opened and described by M. Faraday. force and free power in load by means of electric field
only (scalar potential field as a source!).
It is not difficult to repeat the experiments with single-
wire line: it is necessary to place two diodes on the ... the efficiency of “electric system can be
end of a line, which is connected to secondary million to one”
windings of high voltage transformer (I used television
set high voltage unit) by such a way that different poles We have to exclude ideas on electrokinetic apparatus
of the diodes are connected to the line, Fig.3. since it is just a reactive method and propulsion force
is result of ionization flow. Especial case is Brown’s
idea to create the asymmetry of electrostatic forces
by means of some special form of surface, USA patent
#3187206 of June 1, 1965, application of May 9, 1956
(Fig 4).

The schemes and descriptions by the Brown’s patents

are undoubtedly the work of great practical value. As
was mentioned by Brown, the efficiency of “electric
system can be million to one” because the potential
Fig.3 field can produce real work, for example, rotate some
electro generator, but it does not change the primary
Two other poles of diodes create the source of source of field.
potential difference (voltage), from what it is possible
to charge the capacitor or to power the load In 1927 T. Brown demonstrated the devices in Ohio,
(luminescent bulb). This diodes scheme is named as later he worked in France. His works in France were

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 15

stopped and he returned in the USA. Detailed information on his works can be received from descriptions of
patents http://www.soteria.com/brown and from the book “Electrograviticis Systems” by Thomas Valone,
Integrity Research Institute, USA.

Fig. 4

Electrokinetic apparatus by T.T. Brown

16 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

Besides, there is the simplest example of creation of in all coils were powered and rotating magnetic field
real work by means of potential field that is also was created in central coil. The power produced in
resulting from the Brown’s works. Usually two plates the central coil was quite sufficient for self-excitation
of electric capacitor are equal to each other. However, of the system and for producing of useful work in the
if one of the plates is small and another one is large load (motor). The boat and the car with electromotor,
then the electric field between them is not isotropy which was powered from the Hubbard’s generator,
field and in this case there is some gradient of intensity were demonstrated.
of the field. In such field any dielectrical object, for
example a ball, will be polarized unevenly and due to In 1928, Lester Hendershot invented the electric
this fact some force should make it to be moving aside, generator of 300-Watts power. This device was
where the field has the greater intensity. I have to note designed of details used in radio-receiver to get
for mathematicians that since the intensity is “gradient oscillator (500 kilohertz) and non-inductive coil. Later,
of potential” then gradient of intensity is the gradient in 1970, William Cooper experimented with non-
of the gradient, i.e. it is the second derivative of inductive bifilar coils. He used induction phenomenon
potential. This idea is an example of the well-known in the case of zero magnetic component (two-wire
rule: the change gives the new quality. winding or flat spire coil).

The example of creation of the propulsion force by The Cooper’s USA patent 3610971 of 1971 describes
means of potential field is also connected with the principle and the device to create power in
“perpetuum mobile” task, since conductivity secondary circuit without reaction on primary
currents in the capacitor are very small and it almost circuit, as well as method to get reactionless
does not require power consumption (after being propulsion force for aerospace application. Cooper also
charged once time) and the system can produce has found that specially designed coils can produce
mechanical work permanently, in this case it is the the field, which can not be screened and this field has
work against the gravity force. In general case, if the some common parameters with the gravitational field.
design allows asymmetrical energy transformations,
then the surplus output power and reactionless The gravitation is considered by Cooper as a
propulsion force can be created in this system. polarization of atoms in gravity field of planet. So he
declares in description of his patent: “the electronic
Most likely future aerospace systems, which are based generator… of super high frequency creating the
on the electrogravity, are the most perspective pulsing electric field of single polarity… acting in
direction of free energy technologies. Why not for the opposite direction to the Earth gravitational field… that
power engineering? It is clear that now there are some to depolarized the atoms and to release them from the
existing fuel heating systems, heat stations and gravitation”.
power industry to provide by some traditional way
all current needs of the society and due to this fact
the innovation of any free energy technology is related
with hard competition. However, for commercial
programs for cosmos the reactive rockets principles
are not acceptable more. Each satellite during its
operation should produce profit to compensate large
expenses for the rocket-car rier. Only fuel-less
propulsion systems can allow developing space
commercial programs that are new infinite market.
Let’s note that the gravitational (reactionless
propulsion) technologies are not related with
cosmodrome and their cost can be quite acceptable
to realize the project with private funds.

... future aerospace systems, which are

based on the electrogravity, are the most
perspective direction of free energy
technologies. Fig.5
There are some known examples of free energy
By the way, the gravitational field itself can be used to
get a power. “Unbalanced wheel” is a well known
design. The weights on the one side of the wheel,
In 1921 The Seattle Times, as well as Denver Post of
which is rotating in vertical plane, can be organized to
August 8, 1921 published the articles about inventions
be moving to axis, but on the another side the same
of Alfred Earl Hubbard. His device included the central
weights can be organized to be shifted from the axis
core with coil and eight remote coils placed around
to the periphery of the wheel. By this way there is some
the central core. After primary impulse, the impulses

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 17

constant shifted center of gravity in the system and it the beginning of the present article. Practically, the cycle
can be permanently rotating system. One of the is separated here into two processes (the lifting and
inventors who built such wheel is Hugo R. Fraga, falling of mass) in the system with different parameters
Havana, Cuba (The Perpetual Motion Myster y. (the topology) for the first stage and the second stage
R.A. Ford, Lindsay Publications Inc., Bradley, IL 60915, of the cycle, but herewith it is necessary to consider
USA, 1987, see Fig. 5). two different physical systems, not one and the same.
In that case, the classical theory can explain the work
The earliest information about such systems is dated created by potential gravitational field of our planet as
of 1150 and the name of inventor is Bhaskar, India. He energy exchange between two different systems.
used the tangential disposed pipes, which were half-
filled with water. In France (1235-1240) William de Other well known topic is research projects by John
Onnecure demonstrated self-rotation wheel with seven Searle, i.e. the “Searle’s disks” (Fig. 6). It is necessary
weights. In Italy (1438) Mariano de Jacopo has built to note that the inventor mentioned in his articles anti-
the system made of eight bars disposed in the plane of gravitational effect and free energy output also. The
rotation, and the bar can be fold up in the middle like address is: John Searle, 13 Blackburn Lower Strand,
elbow joint to provide rotation. One of the well-known Graham Park Estate, London MW9 5 NG, United
and documented events of real demonstration of Kingdom.
perpetual rotation wheel was mentioned in 1620.
Edward Somerset (Second Marquis of Worcester), In several words we can say that rotor makes free
author of the book “Century of Inventions”, 1963, has electrons to be displaced to the peripheries of the
built and tested the wheel of about 4 meters in system. With sufficient velocity it was mentioned that
diameter, 14 weights of 25 kilograms each. The test of there is phosphorescence and ionization around the
this machine was organized in London, in witness of disk. It is possible to assume that main effect is based
King Karl, Grand Duke Hamilton and Grand Duke on well known Lorenz forces and understanding of the
Richmond, and there are files in royal archives about Poynting vector, which is circulating in this system.
this test. The descriptions of these and other systems The ionization currents are closed through the space
are published in the book “Perpetual mobiles: past and from periphery to the center, and self-rotation of the
present time” by Brodiansky, Moscow, disk is provided by the classical Lorenz force, since
Energoatomisdat, 1989. the current interacts with magnetic field of the rollers.

In Russian experiments of 1992 Roshin and Godin built

similar system of 7KWtt power output and they claimed
that 100 kg axial force and areas of decreased
temperature in environmental also were detected. Fig.7
demonstrates main parts of the system by Godin and

It is necessary to note that similar anti-gravitational

effects appearing for the case of over-unity operation
were observed by different inventors independently.
For example, in 1990 Floyd Sweet demonstrated his
invention named as “vacuum triode amplifier” VTA.
The barium magnets were pre-conditioned by special
method to be used in special “trigger mode”. This “bi-
stable condition of magnet” provides possibility of
transition from one direction of field to another
direction due to the weak control signal, which was
provided from external generator. It is known that if
the material was pre-conditioned by the magnetic
switching of 60 Hz frequency then its control signal
must have the same 60 Hz frequency. A part of output
Fig.6 power was closed to provide feedback and
additionally some power can be used in output coil
In different idea, which is known from Leonardo Da for the load. Tom Bearden studied the scheme of
Vinchi drawings, lifting of water is produced by the vacuum triode amplifier and confir med that it
helical “Archimedes’ screw” of small diameter with large demonstrates the work with negative energy. It means
centrifugal acceleration, which reduces weight, but that the work in the load is connected with use of
lowering of water was organized with the screw of other negative time. In this negative time, according to
(large) diameter, so the force of weight is working to Bearden, the gravity is repulsing force. The
rotate this screw by the weight of the falling water. The experiments on VTA demonstrated that VTA
paradox of these systems will be removed if to consider decreased its weight according to level of the power,
them as systems of variable topology, as it was done at which is extracted from vacuum. Additionally we can

18 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003


say that permanent magnets and coils of VTA were degrees difference in comparison with the
self-cooling during operation and the temperature environmental temperature. It is one more example of
difference was about 20 degrees in contrast with the relation between notion “density of time” and
environmental temperature. “energy”. We can say that the extraction of space
energy is result of transformation of vacuum energy
One of VTA schemes includes two sets of magnets but from the other hand the energy density in this case
4 õ 6 õ 1 inch, placed on two walls of frame. The determines so called “time rate”.
attraction is created between them. Output and
controlling coils are located between them. The axes Kozyrev’s articles [4] on causal mechanics theory and
of output coils are parallel to the magnetic field lines, experiments describe possibility to use “time course
but the axis of control coils are placed under 90 for producing of useful work”. Kozyrev introduced
degrees angle. The secret of system is the notion “density of time” and he demonstrated
“conditioning process”, which “brings the magnets experimentally several methods how to change the
to the special condition”. It is necessary to create density of time, which depends on irreversible
great number of micro-cracks in the magnet due to processes intensity. Powerful “generator” of such
re-orientations of magnetic domains. In such “half- processes is biosphere of our plane and it creates
magnet” the domains get the ability to be orientated season and daily changes of the density of time. It is
in the same direction in a weak “control” magnetic known that VTA power output also was variable in
field. In fact, they are not domains but large parts of different time of day and night. It can be explained by
magnet’s material, separated by micro-cracks, that Kozyrev. Next step in logical development of this idea
is to say acoustic domains. Many researchers repeat is to change notions from the “density of time” to
Floyd’s works. Let’s note that arc discharge of “density of aether” [10].
alternating current through magnet barium ceramics
directly can provide the best results of the Relation between magnet phenomena and aether
“conditioning” process. The coil of “conditioning” is circulations was known from the beginning of the
not necessary in this case. The frequency of electrodynamics and now we can assume that VTA
alternating current must be corresponded to the was real example of asymmetrical cause-effect
frequency of the control signal. Thereby, Sweet was connection, where the hardness of this connection
creating the bi-stable solid-state condition of depends on the density of aether. In this case the
magnetic substance. The acoustic resonance is the season and daily variation of the aether density are
reason of oscillations with the frequency according reason of VTA output power variations. So, we can
to the control weak magnetic field. Floyd Sweet died make a conclusion: conception of asymmetrical cause-
on July 5, 1995 at age of 83 years old. It is known, effect connections should be used as theoretical basis
that his widow sent the archives to some great of all over-unity systems.
Automobile Corporation.
Generation of extra power in nonlinear materials (ferrites
... the extraction of space energy is result of and dielectrics) was considered by Nikolay E. Zayev,
transformation of vacuum energy but from Journal of Russian Physical Ideas, #1, 1991. Discovery
the other hand the energy density in this was claimed as “Cooling of some dielectrics by
case determines so called “time rate” changing electric field with generation of energy”,
Russia discovery #32-OT-10159, November 14, 1979;
It is interesting to note again that the magnets of VTA the inventions were also claimed as “Method of
demonstrated self-cooling during operation, up to 20 transformation of heat energy of dielectrics into electric

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 19

energy”, Russian patent claim #3601725/07 (084905), “system to generate power from electric field”. It is
of June 4, 1983 and “Method of transformation of heat one more example of work, which can be produced
energy of ferrites into electric energy”, Russian patent by potential field, in particularly by means of electric
claim #3601726/25 (084904), of April 3, 1983. This field that can be used as free source of power. The
theory is not about some transformation of space-time energy (the potential energy) is the possibility to
structure but in any case the practical application of produce work and the power is a work per unit of time,
conversion of environmental heat is very important i.e. it is a process. The properly organized process,
because this work is real basis of free energy systems. for example acceleration of rotor in Hide’s machine,
uses the potential field on the part of positive work
In one of Zaev’s articles, which were published in (acceleration) and the author of the patent provides
Journal of Russian Physical Ideas, he quoted from meta screen on the part of the trajectory, where the
K. Zialkovsky: “If the heat can be transmitted from field decelerates the rotor.
cold body to hot body, then it must have enormous
importance, and not only philosophical or scientific, ... it is “perpetuum mobile” and it can not
but also practical importance. The Clausius postulate be patented even if it really works!
is not confirmed in this case. The gravitational force,
as well as other reasons (number of the reasons is One more example is Reed’s motor, which uses energy
unknown) break this postulate… heat can be of permanent magnets. By the description of 1991 it
transmitted from cold body to hot body but only as is made of four disks (two immovable discs and two
the result of some exclusive conditions”, published rotating discs), and eight magnets are placed on them.
in Russian, “The Second beginning of Howard Johnson used similar method, USA patent
thermodynamics”, Kaluga, Russia, 1914. So, the #4151431, Fig.9
inventor of free energy system should provide this
“exclusive conditions” to organize collection and
transformation of environmental heat in his free
energy system.

Another well-known free energy system is Swiss

electrostatic machine. In spiritual commune
Methernitha, Linden in Switzerland, since 1980
several free energy devices have been generating total
power of 750 kilowatts. From the technical point of
view, these devices are modernized electrophore
generator. Permanent magnets also included into
design of these devices. The machine of 20 cm
diameter produces about 200 watts, and a big
machine has the disk of 3 meters and it produces
about 30 kilowatts, Fig. 8.


One of the modern technical decisions, which are very

close to this Swiss machine is patent USA No. 4897592 Fig.9
by William Hide, January 30, 1990. This device is

20 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

Journal “Science & Mechanics” of 1980 describes this
invention. Hovard filled the application in 1973 but
he has got the confirmation only in 1979! The reason
of delay is very clear: it is “perpetuum mobile” and it
can not be patented even if it really works! Johnson
found clear and simple description of generation of
power in his device and explained it as “extraction of
power from inner energy of electron spin in
ferromagnetic material”.

From text of his description it follows that USA patent

#4,151,431 of April 24, 1979, “Permanent magnet
motor”, author Howard R. Johnson, application
#422,306 December 6, 1973 was developed from the
prototype that is USA patent #4,074,153 of 1978, class Fig.10
of international classification Í02Ê 41/00Å:
Well-known variant of permanent motor-generator is
“The invention is directed to the method of utilizing the Adams motor, Fig.10. The rotor with radial orientated
unpaired electron spins in ferromagnetic and other (the same pole outward) permanent magnets is
materials as a source of magnetic fields for producing rotating and creating inducted currents in stator coils,
power without any electron flow as occurs in normal which are placed around rotor in the plane of rotation.
conductors, and to permanent magnet motors for From the point of traditional electrical engineering,
utilizing this method to produce a power source. In the any motor-generator without closed magnet flux is
practice of the invention the unpaired electron spins not high efficient device. However, exactly open
occurring within permanent magnets are utilized to magnetic flux of the Adams motor allows to take off
produce a motive power source solely through the power without deceleration of the rotor. We can
superconducting characteristics of a permanent magnet assume that in this case phenomenon of
and the magnetic flux created by the magnets are electromagnetic induction is not important but in this
controlled and concentrated to orient the magnetic design there is magnetic induction only, i.e.
forces generated in such a manner to useful continuous magnetization and demagnetization of cores in the
work, such as the displacement of a rotor with respect field of the moving magnet. It is a perfect analogy
to a stator. The timing and orientation of magnetic forces with phenomena of electric induction that is
at the rotor and stator components produced by the “electrization by influence”. Similar “magnetization
permanent magnets to produce a motor is accomplished by influence” differs from electromagnetic induction
with the proper geometrical relationship of these and secondary magnetic field in winding of generator
components.” is not related with deceleration of the rotor. Robert
Adams works with Harold Aspden under patenting
...conception of asymmetrical cause-effect of their system. Adams is more than 70 years old but
connections should be used as theoretical from our correspondence with him we can say that
he is going to build demonstration version of 10 Kwtt
basis of all over-unity systems. generator.
It is reported that functioning Johnson’s model produced
about 5 kilowatts power free of any primary source of
...any permanent magnet is the example of
energy. Let’s note that Johnson writes in his patent perpetuum mobile of the third kind on the
about permanent magnet as about system with “super micro level.
conductive parameters”. The currents of electrons in
permanent magnet are manifestation of real There is also special name “alternators” for this class
superconductivity and for this case it is not necessary of devices, which use interruption of magnetic flux,
to provide the cooling for zero ohmic resistance. for example it is the device by USA patent of John
Moreover, the “resistance” must be negative since the Echlin #4567407.
magnet could save and renew its magnetized condition.
Thereby, any permanent magnet is the example of The experiments to investigate the alternator
perpetuum mobile of the third kind on the micro level. principles were organized also by the author of this
Also we can say the same about each atom. article and it was demonstrated that ferrite core of
the generator coil is self-cooling. The simplest
Also, let’s note that in general case motion (rotation) experiment is based on electro motor, which rotates
can be created due to the discussed above gradient of iron plate and it periodically appears in the gap
field, which in Johnson’s device is result of asymmetry between magnet and coil. But it is necessary to note
in “rotor-stator” system. By the similar way the gradient that change of the flux in the coil area should be
of velocity of airflow above and below wing creates the organized by such a way to decrease the flux of the
gradient of pressure and this fact produces great lifting field in the rapprochement half-cycle and to increase
power in airplanes. the flux for the moving off half-cycle. In this case the

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 21

rotor is accelerated by the secondary field (back-EMF). From 1994 to 2003 several experiments were produced
and main principles were claimed in the patent description, Fig.11.


One more topic is “extraction of power from air” and 56560, USA. However, everybody remembers from the
Josef Swenson has conducted the series of simple school story about simplest electrical experiments by
experiments to develop it. The frequency of natural Lomonosov and Rihman, who investigated arc
pulsations of electric field of planet is about 7.5 Hz discharge in gap between iron wire from a roof
and it is well known from Tesla’s age. Swenson (“antenna”) and ground wire. Let’s include the
works with frequency 375 kilohertz and antenna of resonance circuit “inductance-capacity” and diode
10 meters. Please, contact for more details: Josef rectifier to get some useful work in the load “from
Swenson 423 North 15th Street, Moorhead, Minnesota atmospheric electricity”, Fig.12.

In 1900-1930 a lot of articles were published in

technical press about Henry Moray. His demonstration
systems produced more than 50 kilowatts free power
output. It is known that Mr. Yakovlev (from USSR
Foreign Department headed by Mr. Molotov) visited
Morey in November of 1929 in New York to test his
devices. The devices consist of capacitors, coils and
special electronic-vacuum lamps.

In 1990 journal “Magnets”, 2 (3) published article,

which describe analogy between Moray’s devices and
Hubbard’s coils, which can extract power by means of
inner energy of nucleuses of materials if special
resonance is created. In 1978 Cospray Research
Institute has published the well-known book “The Sea
of Energy” by T. N. Moray, in which theory of Moray is
presented most completely.

RQM Raum-Quanten-Motoren Corporation

(Schmiedgasse 48, CH-8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland,
fax 41-55-2125209) offers for free energy devices of
different power level: RQM 25 kilowatt and RQM
200 kilowatt. The principle of work is based on an
invention by Oliver Crane and his theory. Web site
http://www.rqm.ch. But I have to note that in present
time they are developing capitalization of the company

22 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

mainly (actives are above 650 million dollars) than results of experiments on creation of “self generated
innovation of the new technology. discharge” SGD. The electric arc was placed
consecutively into secondary circuit of electromagnetic
One more historical example: in 1925-1945, Hans Koler transformer and it produces real increase of power in
demonstrated his free energy devices. The system was load and reduction of consumption power in primary
built in Germany and it produced 60 kilowatts of free circuit of transformer. The author of the present article
power. The description includes six permanent produced simplest experiments to investigate the arc
magnets and coils, which were superposed in plane of (electric discharge) in electric circuits and possibility
hexagon form. Each magnet is core of the coil. to create the mode of “negative resistance” in this
circuit was confirmed. One of the effects was
Another interesting topic is unipolar induction effect, demonstrated in 1996 during the conferences “New
which is well-known from Faraday. This effect creates Ideas in Natural Science”, St.-Petersburg.
electro motive force (EMF) in rotating disk if axial
magnetic field is applied to the disk. One of the well- Adjusting parameters of arc (distance between two
known practical developments in this area is device electrodes) it is possible to see that consumption
by Bruce de Palma. In 1991 he has published the results current is decreasing until zero and then it can change
of his tests, from which it follows that deceleration of its direction i.e. this system begins to generate
the rotor due to back EMF in the case of unipolar the power. During similar experiment of 1971 by
induction is less than in traditional electro generators. Dr. Chernetsky substation transformer in Moscow
So output power of system can exceed the power, Aviation Institute was destroyed in result of strong
which is necessary to rotate the rotor. “reversed current” impulse, which exceeded consumed
power in 10 times more. According to Chernetsky’s
Really, motion of electrons in magnetic field, which is concept, the reason of this mode is well known
perpendicular to plane of rotation, is the reason of the phenomenon of plasma instability and pinch-effect for
Lorenz force and this force acts in radial direction that great currents. However, the author of this article
can not be the reason of deceleration. Indian research tested device, which demonstrated similar effect
on this topic is developing by P. Tewari. In New (switching on the load in secondar y circuit of
Zealand there is research group headed by Dr. Ashley transformer and in the presence of arc in this circuit,
Gray. In 1994 the leader of Japanese market MITI consumption power does not increase, but reduces)
published report about progress in 40 KWtt unipolar for small currents about 300 mA.
generator, which uses superconductors for its
electromagnets. The interest of Japan to alternative Since for pinch-effect it is necessary hundreds Amperes
energy projects can be explained by the position of then it was offered another explanation: the surplus
Japan on fuel market. power in this circuit appears due to the acceleration of
electrons in the gap between electrodes, i.e. particles
There is a well known rule: Demand is related with of plasma are accelerated by means of electric
Proposals. It is easy to imagine the prospects of local potential field between two electrodes. It is noted
introducing of free energy systems in one or several during the experiments that increase of the spark gap
countries, if some producers of product will be able to produces more surplus power in the load of the
exclude expenses on electricity and fuel from cost sales. circuit. To avoid mistakes the measurements of the
Other countries of their own rich natural resources (for consumed power were organized in DC (direct current)
example, oil) will be in problematic position on the new battery circuit and therefore there is no any reason to
international market, mainly due to the fact that their speak of phase shifts mistakes to try to explain
industry and transport are oriented to conversion and skeptically this effect.
consumption of oil fuel that increase the cost of all
products. ... waves of density of time are used by
organisms for their vital activity.
... increase of the spark gap produces more
surplus power in the load of the circuit. Today theory and experiments on self-generating
discharge are quite well developed to build free energy
One more modern free device was invented by Wingate systems of any power scale. The reason of delay in its
Lambertson, USA. In his device free electrons get the practical development is a complex problem: this work
additional energy passing through the number of thin leaves the frames of classical physics. In his book
metal-ceramic composed layers. The units were “About physical nature of bio-energy and its
designed by the authors and each unit can generate simulation”, Moscow, Publ. VZPI, 1989, Dr. Chernetsky
1600 watts, and it is possible to connect them in parallel. considered the structure of biological fields and bio-
The address of author: Dr. Wingate Lambertson, 216 83rd energy processes in living organisms from the point of
Street, Holmes Beach, Florida 34217, USA. longitudinal waves conception. Self-generating
discharge in the mode of negative resistance produces
Especially the researches on free energy with plasma such longitudinal waves and they are self-sustaining
processes should be noted here. In 1980-1990 Alexander (self-powered energetically) and it is considered as field
Chernetsky, Yury Galkin and others have published the of living object.

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 23

Really experimentators of the Chernetsky’s group, who electrolytic cell is freezing during its operation. This
worked with SGD device detected influence of is an effect of the law of Conservation, which forces
biologically active radiations and fields, which can be to return the surplus power by means of heat
not screened by usual methods. It was reported by environmental energy. In the experiment by Latchinov
Chernetsky that parameters of this radiation can be the electrolytic cell can create gases of high pressure
selected to accelerate the development of plants and and consumed power is the same as for the case of
biomass or to suppress it. So, we should speak about low pressure gases. However, it is clear that high
artificial living biological system or biological form of pressure gases can produce more work than low
energy for this class of free energy devices. Perhaps pressure gases do. This question was sensational
by the same plasma oscillation way all living organisms problem in scientific societies of 1888 and it is not
provide its vital activity, since long time ago it was solved yet completely.
known that metabolism and food can not provide
enough energy for vital processes. One of other variants of high efficient electrolysis was
investigated by Igor Goriatchev, Russia. Instead of
Nikolay A. Kozyrev also wrote about “reason of life” usual 3 Volts level of electrolysis, Goriatchev uses
and he confirmed that waves of density of time are used 0.2 Volt pulsing mode. He claimed ratio output/input
by organisms for their vital activity. Between “waves as 1500% efficiency and he hopes to increase this value
of density of time” and “waves with longitudal twice in more perfect design.
component” there is a clear analogy. Kozyrev and
Chernetsky experimentally demonstrated methods of Professor Kanarev from Krasnodar wrote about his
creation of such waves. experiments on plasma electrolysis and has proved
that in electrolysis of water output power can be more
...any free energy system should change the than input power.
causality in surrounding space-time.
Real example of “perpetuum mobile of the second
kind” is invention by Russian engineer Alber t
New Energy News magazine, March 1996, wrote
Serogodsky (Moscow) and German engineer Bernard
about attempts to innovate for American aerospace
Sheffer (Berlin). They have patented new system for
stations special power source, which uses similar
direct transformation of environmental heat into
plasma technology: anomalous electric discharge. The
electricity, Germany patent #4244016. Retro-
USA patents #5416391 and #5449989 belong to Dr.
condensation of mixture of benzine and water is
Paulo Correa and Dr. Alexandra Correa, Canada. In
organized in closed system under temperature of 154 0C
their report on free energy Denver conference it was
degrees. You can try to get more info from: Werkstatt
claimed that efficiency is about 483% .
fur Dezentrale Energleforschung, Pasewaldtstrasse 7,
14169 Berlin, Germany.
Let’s note one more free energy topic: high efficient
electrolysis. Classical electrolysis as decomposition
The fundamental theoretical researches on direct
of electrolyte in electric field is a wonderful example
transformation of environmental heat to useful
of work, which is produced by field and it can be
work were provided by Real Member of The
organized by such a way to be free from the primary
Russian Physical Society Mr. Gennady N. Buynov,
energy source (battery). The traditional scheme uses
St.-Petersburg. The description of his project on
closed circuit of current through electrolyte and the
“The Mono-thermal device” was published in journal
battery, so the battery is discharged during the
“Russian Ideas” #2, 1992.
operation with electrolytic cell. However any physics
textbook confirms that ions in electrolyte are moving
In 1995 the scientific journal of Russian Physical
due to electric field only, i.e. work to organize the
Society #1-6 published article “Perpetuum mobile of
displacement of ions and heat power, which is
the second kind (paired gas-chemical cycle)”. The
connected with this work, are produced by the
author Gennady N. Buynov proposed to consider that
potential field and expenses of the primary power
entropy function can be abortive, i.e. it can be
are not required.
undetermined in some place if reversible chemical
reactions are presented in the system.
The current through the battery, which is created in
usual closed electric circuit destroys the primary
difference of potentials in the battery but it is not some
Herewith, the circular integral of entropy is
necessary condition. For correct organization of the not a zero and in this case the heat function
experiment the products of electrolysis (gases) can but not entropy function (according to the
be created almost free and their utilization (burning) Gess law) becomes the function of condition.
can provide more heat power than input electric
power. Buynov offers to use four–oxide of nitrogen as working
matter for this cycle. His works are excellent example
Prof. Latchinov, the real member of Russian Physic- of scientific enthusiasm, which (in combination with
Chemical Society, who patented his method of financial interest of the customers) could produce real
electrolysis in 1888, mentioned that in some cases the results for Russia many years ago. Let’s note that

24 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

priority of this discovery belongs to Russia in spite of example: Patterson Power Cell is introduced in Texas,
attempts of other scientists to claim and develop this USA (Clean Energy Technologies Inc., Dallas, Texas,
idea now as their own work. fax 214-458-7690). More than thirty patents were
owned by ENECO Corporation, which is collecting the
We can make a very interesting conclusion if we main technological solutions in this area. The
analyze history of so called “cold fusion” discovery. production of electrolytic thermal cells was started by
According to de-classified materials of 1960, priorities Nova Resources Group., Inc., Colorado.
of Russia in this topic are obvious. In 1989 Pons and
Fleshman have reported about results of their In August of 1995 Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.
experiment. In 1995 Russian Journal “Inventor and Company, which is member of The Planetary
Rationalizator”, #1 has published ar ticle about Association for Clean Energy, has published the review
invention made by Ivan S. Filimonenko that was on modern methods of conversion of nucleus wastes
named in 1957 as “warm nuclear syntheses”. In 1957 and deactivation. Two new technologies were offered
he detected extra power output in process of heavy for introduction: contact processing by “Brown’s gas”
water electrolysis and he mentioned several applied and remote processing by scalar (torsion) fields. Let’s
aspects, for example, propulsion force and possibility note that the technology proposed by Canadians and
to reduce radioactivity by means of this process. In Filimonenko’s technology demonstrate the effect of
1960 Kurchatov, Korolev and Zhukov have supported influence on the rates of radioactive decay.
the ideas of the author. Russian Government adopted
secret resolution on this work: These examples are only small part of real situation.
Main references on publications are foreign and it can
1. Investigation of energy generation. lead to wrong conclusion that Russia is delayed in this
2. Development of propulsion without reactive mass direction of new technologies development. In fact,
flow. Russia has more talented inventors and researchers
3. Research on protection from radioactivity. than any other country. However, condition for work,
patenting and publications of ideas are not the same,
But in next several years this work was suppressed and usually Russian technologies cannot reach the
by people of nuclear power plant team. The only level of international market. This problem depends
system of such type named as TOPAZ was innovated only on real and official state policy with respect to
for Russian aerospace systems. World-wide inventors and scientists. In real life financial support
innovation of this technology is a real way to introduce of scientific institutes is mainly subsidy for
“warm reactors of syntheses” and it is not necessary management of the institutes, but not for science. The
to wait for results of high-cost “Tokomak” project and inventions and discoveries always were made by a
other thermonuclear researches. Let’s note that certain real person, but not by Institute or some
secondary effects (propulsion force and influence on scientific team.
radioactivity) are possible due to using of “free
energy” aspect if output power is result of change of In Russia of last age and in the other world on the
space-time parameters. whole the institutes and laboratories have been
creating for a new scientific problems, discoveries
In 1994 Journal “Russian Ideas”, #1-6, it was or new directions in science. It was necessary to
published an interesting document “Conclusion of The claim about discovery and provide priority for own
Moscow City Council Commission on the question country to get official support. Main schools of
about Ivan Filimonenko’s discover y and its thought appear by this natural way. By the same
development”. In this document it was recognized natural way the necessary in existing of some
that it is vitally necessary to renew this works. But in scientific institute can be removed when the idea
2003 we still have nothing new on this topic. Why? It grows up to serial production stage. If there are no
can be assumed that the Problem of innovation for any fresh ideas in this school then the institute
this technology is possible military application of the should be transfor med in design office of the
production plant on this topic. It is almost impossible
methods since influence on radioactivity (for example,
to create a new research institute in modern Russia,
remote reduction of radioactivity of some object) is
so really new ideas (if they are not ranged in frames
area of interests of the Defense Department. The fact
of some existing scientific directions) can not be
that energy generators by Filimonenko can be used
developed and they can not create a new school of
for quick restoration of the present ecological balance
thought in Russia.
is not so important in this case. The same conclusion
is about propulsion method, which was proposed by
Filimonenko. Mr. Korolev knew about this method; ... i t
is possible to make a conclusion about
however present space programs are still based on grandiose misinformation of society...
rockets and reactive principles, and anti-gravity flying
machines we can see only in fantastic movies. People (carriers of the new ideas) have to leave
Russia to realize their sensational ideas on free
At the same time, development of commercial cold energy and antigravitation topics. Why they do not
fusion projects was started in some countries, for work with Russian Academy of Sciences? It is the

New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 25

rhetorical question. Usually after many years of The new technology creates not only a new technical
correspondence with patent office or with official systems but also new economical systems. It is not
science bodies the authors can find that their ideas physics but policy… Development of great Russian
are published in “serious scientific magazines” but territories with industry of free energy technologies for
without any respect to their names... home and commercial application is the way to change
world economical balance in favor of Russia. It is
Attachment 1 presents some information about difficult to say now what financial-economical group
patented technologies. When we study old and modern of modern Russia is most interested in development of
patent documents, it is possible to make a conclusion this direction of science. The purpose of any financial-
about grandiose misinformation of society, which economical group is power on the market of energy
leads to appearance of two different Worlds, separated resources, but when the free energy technologies are
by the level of knowledge: evident and hidden developing, then people and industrial or agricultural
knowledge. The achievements of the second hidden producers will be more independent from centralized
world could change our planet, give a chance to remove system of energy and oil distribution, therefore, they
all energy and ecological problems. Besides, we have will be more independent from influences of central
discussed that some free energy systems (for example, authorities.
self generated plasma discharge) have also the
medical-biological aspects. This “influence” from free From the point of view of serious business, there is only
energy system is related with negative entropy one real argument in favor of developments of any really
processes in area of the operation of the system so some new technology: it should lead to increase of profit and
components of biological systems can be changed to expansion of the market. In this sense, it is possible to
less entropy. The design of free energy system defines compare the new energy technologies with beginning
the type of this influence. It was noted before that of the steam machine age or with appearance of electric
operation of any free energy system should be machines and illumination. This means the super
considered in high topology space-time as profits and serious fight with competitors. To develop
multidimensional system to see what the reason of the this way any efforts of scientists are not sufficient work.
effect is. It is necessary to join them with the efforts of large
business structures, which are interested to create new
So, since the rate of time course is determined by market of energy and power engineering in parallel to
Nikolay A. Kozyrev as rate of cause-effect present monopoly fuel-energy market or to develop
transformations, then any free energy system should commercial exploration of space by means of new
change the causality in surrounding space-time. In this propulsion principles. In particular, telecommunication
case we can assume that it creates quantum physics space satellites and projects on colonization of space
effects on the macro level. It is interesting to assume could be the nearest commercial directions of the new
Heisenberg’s uncertainty, tunnel effect and market.
manifestation of wave characteristics (up to diffraction
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7. Gustav Naan, Symmetrcial Universe, Tarty 4806834 February 21, 1989, Electric circuit of
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10. Practical application of time rate control theory. 5146395 September 8, 1992, Power source using
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1963213 June 19, 1934, Magnetic motor, G. Pose. Trombly.
1859643 May 24, 1932, Motor with permanent 4687947 August 18, 1987, Electric circuit for
magnets, G.L. Worsington. conserving of power, Melvin Kobb.
1859764 May 24, 1932, Magnetic device, 4772775 September 20, 1988, Generation of plasma
G. Baugon. flux in electric arc, Sam Lich.
2982261 Mac Klintok’s Air motor. The USA patents 5416391 and 5449989, Paulo
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combination with permanent magnets, K. Garon. 1942, Motor with permanent magnets, Stenly
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New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003 27

2210918 Karlovitz, August 13, 1940; · Tesla Book Company, P.O. Box 121873, Chula
2588427 Stringfield, March 11, 1952; Vista, CA 91912, USA.
2231877 Bennet, 18 February, 1941; · Tesla Incorporated, 760 Prairie Av., Craig, CO
2279586 Bennet, 14 April, 1942; 81625, USA. Fax 303-824-7864.
2305500 Slayter, December 15, 1942. · Journal Explore, P.O. Box 1508, Mount Vernon,
English patent 300,311 August 15, 1927, Townsend Washington 98273, USA.
Braun. · Electric Spacecraft Journal, P.O. Box 18387,
French patent 1003484 November 1951, Asheville, NC 28814, USA. Fax 704-683-3511.
Electrogravitation; · Nexus New Times Magazine, P.O. Box 30,
3187206 June 1, 1965, Electrokinetic equipment, Maplepton Old, 4560, Australia. Fax 074-429381.
Townsend Brown. · Journal Cold Fusion Times, P.O. Box 81135,
3022430 Februar y 20, 1962, Electrokinetic Wellesley Hills MA 02181, USA.
generator, Townsend Brown. · Journal Infinite Energy, P.O. Box 2816, Concord,
3018394 January 23, 1962, Electrokinetic converter, NH 03302-2816, USA.
Townsend Brown. · Journal 21st Century Science & Technology,
2949550 August 16, 1960, Electrokinetic P.O. Box 16285, Washington, DC, 20041, USA.
equipment, Townsend Brown. · Jour nal Cold Fusion, 70b Route 202N,
1974483 September 25, 1934, Electrostatic motor, Petersborough, NH 03458, USA.
Townsend Brown. · Brown’s Gas International, 5063 Densmore Av.,
ENCINO, California 91436 USA.
Attachment 2 · ENECO Inc., 391-B Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84108, USA. Fax 801-5836245.
Organizations · “Robert Adams and Company” 46 Landing Road,
Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Robert
· Fa r a d a y L a b L t d , L e v To l s t o y S t r. 7 , Adams,
S t . Petersburg, 197376, Russia. · Methernitha, 3517 Linden, Switzeland. Manager
· T h e R u s s i a n P h y s i c s S o c i e t y, 1 4 1 0 0 2 , Francis Bosshard.
Moscow reg., Mytishy, B. Sharapovskaya str. 3. · Swiss Association for Free Energy, P.O. Box 10,
Fax 095-2926511 5704, Egliswilli, Switzeland.
· Academy for Future Sciences, P.O. Box FE, Los · Space Research Institute, Box 33, Uwajima,
Gatos, CA 95031, USA. Ehime 79, Japan. Dr. Shinichi Seike. Fax 895-24-7325.
· AERI, Advanced Energy Research Institute, 14 · Nuclear Power Corporation, 581 400 Karnataka,
Devonshire Mews West, London W1N 1Fp, Great India. Project Director Dr. Paramahamsa Tewari.
Britain. · Cosmic Energy Foundation, Neptunuslaan 11,
· ADAS, Association of Distinguished American 3318 E1 Dordrecht, Netherlands. Dr. Martin
Scientists, P.O. Box 1472, Huntsville, AL 35807, USA. Holwerda
· Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, · Sabberton Research, P.O. Box 35, Southampton
P.O. Box 429, Garberville, CA 95440-0429, USA. S097BU, England, Dr. Harold Aspden.
· Center for Action, P.O. Box 472, HCR 31, Sandy · Labofex, Experimental and Applied Plasma
Valley, NT 89019, USA. Physics, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Paulo N. Correa.
· Electrodynamics Gravity, Inc., 35 W. Tallmadge
Ave., Akron, Ohio 44310, USA.
· Fusion Information Center, P.O. Box 58639, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84158-0369, USA Raum&Zeit
· Gravity Power Research Association, 36 EhlersVerlag GmbH,
Mountain Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA. Geltinger Str.14e,
· GRI, Group Research Institute, P.O. Box 438, 82515 Wolfratshausen
Nelson, New Zealand. Dr. Ashley Gray. Telephon: 08171/41 84-76,
· High Energy Enterprises, P.O. Box 5636, Security, Telefax: 08171/41 84-66
CO 80931, USA. Fax 719-4750582. Internet:
· Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, 4030 http://www.raum-und-zeit.com
Braker Lane W., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759, USA.
Institut fur Raum-Energie-
· INE, Institute for New Energy, 1304 South Forschung (IREF) i.m. Leonard
College Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524, USA. Euler
· Integrity Institute, 1377 K Street, NW, Suite 16,
Washington DC, USA. Fax 202-543-3069. - Global Scaling Theory - Hydrogen-Helium
· Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, Inc., Energetic
P.O. Box 1395, E1 Cerrito, CA 94530, USA. - Gravitation theory - Information
· Quantum Biology Research Laboratory, P.O. Box technologies
60653, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA. - Mathematic Biology - Telecommunication
· SEA, Space Energy Association, P.O. Box 11422,
- Gravitation energetics - Transport
Clearwater, FL 34616, USA. technologies

28 New Energy Technologies, Issue #2 March  April 2003

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