Primer On Work - Energy
Primer On Work - Energy
Primer On Work - Energy
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1 author:
Carl Mungan
United States Naval Academy
All content following this page was uploaded by Carl Mungan on 23 January 2014.
here has been and continues to be consider- in an inertial reference frame, where the center-of-
able discussion in the educational commu- mass work done on the system is
nity about different ways of relating the con-
cepts of work and energy in introductory physics.1 The Wc.m. ≡ ∑ ∫ Fi ⋅ dri , (2)
present article reviews a consistent and streamlined parts
and order of presentation to standard texts, so that it Note that Eq. (1) is perfectly general. In particular,
complements rather than supplants them. In brief, it is applicable to deformable objects such as a verti-
the key point is that there are two major categories of cal chain falling into a pile on a surface and to open
work, center-of-mass work and particle work.2 After systems undergoing irreversible processes such as a
an overview of these two approaches, I illustrate them block sliding on a rough table.5
with a couple of instructive examples that can be used Several other comments on these equations help
in group problem-solving sessions in class. clarify them further:
2TL(1 + r / R ) while Eq. (4) evaluated about the c.m. of the spool is
υ= . (14)
m(1 + γ ) L 1 2
(Tr + fR ) = 2 Iω . (16)
This solution becomes that of an object that rolls R
without slipping down an incline whose vertical drop Adding these two equations together reproduces
is h, when we replace the external force T by mg and Eq. (13) and hence the solution Eq. (14). But we
its distance of application L(1 + r /R) by h. (Another now also learn some things about friction. If the
interesting variation with the latter solution is to sus- frictional force is directed backward (as in Fig. 1),
pend the spool vertically by its string and allow it to the negative sign on the left-hand side of Eq. (15)
fall a distance h as it freely unwinds like a yo-yo.) implies that friction slows the spool down trans-
Instructors need to be cognizant of a number of lationally (compared to what would occur if the
potential stumbling blocks for students attempting to coefficient of friction were zero), while the positive
internalize this approach: sign on the left-hand side of Eq. (16) indicates that
it simultaneously speeds the object up rotationally.
(i) The displacements of the points of application Furthermore, by multiplying Eq. (15) by and
of the external forces are not intuitively obvious. (In equating it to Eq. (16), the frictional force is found
contrast, calculation of the center-of-mass work only to be
involves the overall translational and angular dis- γ −r /R
placements, which are familiar to students from their f = T. (17)
study of kinematics and dynamics.) γ +1
(Dividing the absolute value of this result by mg
(ii) I have implicitly assumed that the spool and gives the minimum value of the coefficient of static
table are rigid, so that rolling friction can be friction if the spool is not to slip for a given pulling
neglected. This issue may arise after the next point is force.) Note that the mass distribution factor can be
brought to the attention of students. altered within the range 0 < < 1. In particular, if
the center of the spool is made heavy enough, the
(iii) Static friction does not change the thermal por- frictional force becomes negative, indicating that it
tion of the internal energy of the spool,17 in striking is in the direction of motion.18 In that case, friction
My thinking has been sharpened by discussions with
David Bowman, John Denker, Chuck Edmondson,
John Fontanella, Jim Green, Ludwik Kowalski,
John Mallinckrodt, Gene Mosca, Joel Rauber,
Bob Sciamanda, and Bruce Sherwood. I thank the
Research Corporation for its support.
1. For example, see A.J. Mallinckrodt and H.S. Leff, “All
about work,” Am. J. Phys. 60, 356–365 (April 1992).
2. In partial agreement with R.C. Hilborn, “Let’s ban
work from physics!” Phys. Teach. 38, 447 (Oct. 2000), I
encourage a careful verbal distinction between different
kinds of work and an avoidance of the unsubscripted
symbol W.
3. See the discussion of the “point-particle system” in
R.W. Chabay and B.A. Sherwood, Matter & Interac-
tions I: Modern Mechanics (Wiley, New York, 2002),
Chap. 7.
4. In this context, objects are assumed to be classical and
to have mass. Thus, gravitational and electromagnetic
fields, and massless particles, springs, strings, and rods
are excluded; their role is limited to mediating the in-
teractions between objects.
5. A.B. Arons, “Development of energy concepts in intro-
ductory physics courses,” Am. J. Phys. 67, 1063–1067
(Dec. 1999).
6. This corresponds to a high-temperature specific heat
per atom of 3kB = 4.14 10-23 J/K (known as the
Dulong-Petit rule), evident, for example, in Fig. 3 of
R.W. Chabay and B.A. Sherwood, “Bringing atoms