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Assessment Task Notification: Analysis of A Visual Composition

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Assessment Task Notification

Course: English Stage: 4 Year: 8

Area of Study: Images and Words
Date Issued: Week 2, Term 3 Task Due Date: 21st August, 2020 (submitted on Canvas)
Task Number: 3 Mark out of: 20 Weighting: 25%

Task Type:
Analysis of a visual composition

Outcomes being assessed by this task

EN4-2A effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding
to and composing texts in different media and technologies
EN4-3B uses and describes language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of
purposes, audiences and contexts
EN4-6C identifies and explains connections between and among texts
EN4-9E uses, reflects on and assesses their individual and collaborative skills for learning

Task Description:

Part 1 - Visual Composition - 5 Marks

Select one of the following short narrative pieces:
#1 - ‘Hunting’
#2 - ‘The Forging’
#3 - ‘The Sword of Damocles’
#4 - ‘Beyond the beaches’

(These can be found on CANVAS. Please see your classroom teacher if you have difficulty accessing

Using your selected narrative, compose three original illustrations and create a digital copy of the
story which integrates your images at various points throughout the composition. Your images should
complement the narrative and clearly link to the themes and ideas of your chosen story.

Your illustrations will be developed during English classes but need to be submitted digitally, and
integrated within one of the provided digital texts. Your work will be considered as one complete

You will be marked on: your successful integration of the illustrations and how well the visual
components of the text work within the written story. They should feature a variety of visual
techniques, highlight your creativity and convey your wide understanding of course concepts including
symbolism, camera angles, colour, etc.

Part 2 - Written Analysis - 15 Marks

Compose a written response to the following question that is between 500 and 600 words:

Title- (P) Explain how the visual elements of your text support the story that is being told.

This question requires you to analyse your images and their role within the text. You need to use the
metalanguage that you have learned as part of this unit to explain the artistic choices that you have
made. A list of appropriate definitions is available on CANVAS. Students are advised to study the Visual
Literacy PowerPoint provided on CANVAS as it features definitions and examples of visual language
techniques that students should be integrating within their own compositions.

● Answer the question to the best of your ability in 500-600 words.
● Your response must feature relevant visual literacy terms.

You will be marked on:

● Your ability to engage with and understand visual language techniques listed in the Visual
Literacy PowerPoint.
● Your ability to write an effective response that answers the question within an appropriate
paragraph structure (PEEL or PETAL).

● You are to submit a digital copy of your assessment on the due date via CANVAS by 5 pm on the
21st August 2020. Your document must include your chosen story with integrated illustrations,
followed by your Written Analysis.
● The written components of your submission must be typed in 12 point font, using either: Calibri,
Arial or Times New Roman.
● Part 2 of your assessment must be between 500-600 words.
● Please clearly label both Part 1 and Part 2.

Criteria for assessment:

See next page for marking criteria.
Year 8 English Assessment Task 3 - Marking Criteria
Outstanding High Satisfactory Basic Limited Marks
Part 1
The text and the The text and There is a clear There are some links There are no links
illustrations are illustrations are well relationship between between the text and between the text and
seamlessly integrated integrated within the the text and the the illustrations in the the illustration in the
within the narrative, narrative to produce a illustrations in the narrative. May lack narrative. Completely
producing a complete complete and narrative. some coherence. lacks clarity and
and coherent text. coherent text. coherence.

5 4 3 1-2 0 /5
Part 2
Provides a The response answers Response adequately Addresses some Does not answer the
sophisticated the question fully. answers the question. aspects of the question question or engage
response that Discusses and makes Correctly identifies or attempts to engage with any terms from
answers the question clear connections and discusses at least with the question. the visual literacy
fully. Discusses and between the images two terms from the Discusses at least one glossary.
makes clear and words of the visual literacy term from the visual
connections between narrative using a glossary. literacy glossary. May
the images and words range of techniques incorrectly identify
of the narrative using from the visual literacy some terms.
a range of techniques glossary.
from the visual
literacy glossary.

5 4 3 1-2 0 /5
An effective and An effective and The response is The response is The response is not
highly sophisticated increasingly written in paragraph written in paragraph written in paragraphs
paragraph structure is sophisticated structure. Paragraphs structure. Paragraphs structure. Answers do
used. Paragraphs all paragraph structure is all feature a clear feature some of the not have a clear
feature a clear point, used. Paragraphs all point, example, following elements: a point, explanation,
example, detailed feature a clear point, explanation and link. clear point, example, example or link.
explanation and link. example, detailed explanation and link.
explanation and link.

5 4 3 1-2 0 /5
Response features Response features Response features The response is mostly The response is not
clearly structured and clearly structured clearly structured written in full written in full
increasingly sentences with sentences with some sentences that feature sentences. Features
sophisticated minimal spelling, minor spelling, some spelling, multiple spelling,
sentences with no grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar and
spelling, grammar or punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
punctuation errors.

5 4 3 1-2 0 /5

Name: ________________________________________ Class: _________________________________ Total Mark: __________/20

Teacher Comment:





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