Sexual Self
Sexual Self
Sexual Self
Good looks, social standing, age factor (younger or older person), likeable
odor, like perfume, sex body, soft touch, a kiss or a wink of an eye can lead
to pleasurable sexual stimulation, which will lead to a sexual response
cycle. Knowledge of the human sexual response can help you view sexuality
as a normal function of the sexual self. When young people are educated
sexually, they can make responsible actions and decisions. Human sexual
responses when understood and studied well, lead to an understanding of
the sexual self. Like any other physiological processes, it can be predicted.
The brain has many parts that are involved in sexual
1. CEREBRAL CORTEX- the upper part of the brain
called gray matter that controls a higher order
functioning, such as language and judgement.
SUBCORTEX- this is the lower part of the
brain. It includes the following:
a. CEREBELLUM which coordinates body
b. MEDULLA OBLONGATA which regulates
heartbeat, respiration, and other basic
physiological process;
c. PONS which regulates the sleep cycle
d. DIENCEPHALON, which regulates
DIENCEPHALON is made up of thalamus and hypothalamus
THALAMUS relays sensory impulses from the other parts of the nervous
system to the cerebral cortex
2. LIMBIC SYSTEM this is the part of the brain that is known to be the “SEAT
OF EMOTIONS” which produces emotions in response to
physical and psychological signals.