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Birth and Nursing: ST ND

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Birth and Nursing

The Prophet (saw) borne on 21 st or 22nd April 570 AD. His father Abdullah had passed away six
months before his birth and thus he was an orphan by birth. Many miracles took place at the time of
his birth. At the time of his birth the Persian God-fire was cooled down, the 14 minarets of god-
king’s palace came on the ground and a pleasant fragrance prevailed throughout the world.
According to the customs of Arabs, he was given for nursing to a village where he was nursed by
Halima Saadia. While she took him in her lap, she experienced a number of miracles. Her weak
camel became very active. Her goats started giving more milk. His foster sister Sheema (ra)
observed that while she would take him in the forest for rearing the flock of goat, clouds would
continuously shelter him and the goats and sheep instead of grassing, would just stand starring at
him. His foster brother narrated that one day there came two people in white dress who cut the
chest of the Prophet Muhammad (s) and washed his heart with Zamzam. Later on Prophet
Muhammad (s) told that they were the angels who washed his heart from the water of Zamzam.
This event is known as Shaqq-us-sadr (opening of the chest)
His mother passed away when he was just six. He was then adopted by his grandfather Abdul
Muttalib. But grandfather also passed away when the Prophet (s) was 8. He was then taken by his
uncle Abu Talib in his lap. Abu Talib loved him more than his own children. He never left
Muhammad (s) alone and that’s why he needed to travel to Syria for his trade purpose, he took
Muhammad (s) alongwith him. This trade caravan was invited by a Christian monk name Buhira on
a meal. They left the Prophet (s) sleeping under a tree. Seeing this Buhira predicted for the
Prophethood of 12 years old Prophet Muhammad (saw). He said that under that tree nobody had
slept ever except for Prophets.
In his childhood the Prophet (s) participated in a war named Fijar battle but he did not harm anyone
by himself. He was just picking up the arrows and was giving it to his ancestors. These wars were
ended with a peace treaty name Treaty of Fuzul (Half-ul-Fuzul). The Prophet (s) played a vital role
in convincing the parties for the treaty.
His youth
In his youth he adopted his ancestral occupation of trade. He was famous for his honesty and
trustworthiness and thus was called Sadiq and Amin. Being inspired of his fame, a rich lady
merchant Khadija appointed him for trade. She sent him to Syria with Her slave Maisra. On return
from the journey, Maisra spoke high of his honesty and skills in trading. Later on she sent marriage
proposal to him which was accepted by him. He was 25 at that time while Khadija (r) was 40 years
old. She had been widowed twice and also had children already.
When he was 35, the Quraish decided to rebuild the holy Kaba. At the time of fixing the black stone
a dispute arose that who would do that. Everybody wanted to earn this honour. They all entrusted
him decide the matter. Prophet Muhammad (saw) very wisely suggested that the stone should be
placed on a sheet of cloth and one man from each tribe should hold from the corners. He then
himself placed it at the wall the Kaba.
Call to be a prophet (experience in cave Hira)
When the Prophet (saw) reached the 40th year of his life, he started feeling worried about the
corrupted society of Arabia. He would pass his time at cave Hira - three miles away from Makkah.
He used to take some dates and water and would meditate about his creator and the reformation of
the society. One night, he felt the presence of a stranger over there. It was the 27 th night of
Ramadan. The visitor asked him to ‘Read’. He refused because he did not know reading and
writing. The visitor repeated this thrice but the Prophet (s) could not recite. The visitor then
embraced him hard and asked him to read the following verses: “Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of
thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created. Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood.
Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful. He Who taught (the use of) the pen, Taught man that
which he knew not.” (Surah al-Alaq 96:1-5).After conveying these verses the visitor disappeared.
Being a human, the Prophet (saw) felt uneasy and scared. His body was perspired and he felt very
cold. He came back straight to his house and told the whole story to Khadijah (ra). She comforted
him by saying ‘You guide the people, feed the hungry; help the poor, Allah will not waste you. The
next day she took him to her cousin Warqa bin Nofal who was a learned scholar of Bible. He
identified that the visitor was the angel Jibrail who used to come to the earlier Prophets and he told
him that he was the last messenger of Allah. Also he prophesised that the people of Makkah will
exiled him from the city as the same had been done with the earlier Prophets.
Significance of this Event
This event was not a mere accident but it opened a new chapter in the world history. It totally
changed the fate of Arabia. This event marks up the advent of Islam and the prophet hood of the
Prophet (saw). It also marks up the revelation of the last and the most majestic word of Allah- the
holy Quran. This event was a great change to the life of the Prophet (saw). His friends turned to
enemy. Those who used to call him Sadiq and Amin, mocked him as mad and magician. He told his
wife to wrap up his bedding as the days of comfort had gone away. Whatever he said after this event
is treated as Hadith, what he did became Sunnah.
Significance of Warqa bin Nofal and the angel in this event
Warqa bin Nofal was the cousin of Hazrat Khadija (r). He was an expert of Gospel and Bible. He
was a very intelligent monk. He identified that it was angel Jibrail (a.s) who had inspired the
revelation upon the Prophet (saw). He also predicted that there would be a time in future history
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when the people of Makkah would exile the Prophet Muhammad (saw) from their town. He also
comforted him by telling that same had been done with earlier Prophets. There are two opinions
about his conversion.
The Angel in this event was the angel Jibrail (a.s) whose regular duty was to bring the revelation to
the Prophets though he had come to Bibi Maryam also to give her the tidings of a son without being
married. He hugged him and pressed hard in order to transfer the spiritual burden of the revelation.
It is said that his visit to the Prophet (s) was in control of neither the Prophet (s) nor himself. “He
does not come except commanded by your Lord”
Early persecutions in Makkah.
Faced by the Prophet (saw)
After receiving the divine command ‘Arise and deliver thy warning! (al-Mudassir 74: 2)’ the
Prophet (saw) started to call the people to the oneness of Allah openly. His mission was bitterly
opposed by the Quraish. The Quraish did not leave any stone unturned in his way. They abused him,
pelted him, mocked him and did all what they could to stop him. Once he was offering prayer in the
Holy Kaba, a non-believer Uqba bin Abi Mueet came and throttled a cloth sheet around his neck so
wildly that his eyes were about to come out of their circles. Abu Bakr (ra) hardly rescued the
Prophet (saw) from that wild man. Once Abu Jahl showed his enmity when he saw the Prophet
(saw) offering prayer. He asked his tribesmen to go to the heap of garbage and bring the entrails of
camel to drop on the Prophet’s (saw) (s) shoulders while he was prostrating. Uqba bin Abi Mueet
was again the cursed one to dare for this. It was so heavy that the Prophet (saw) could not raise his
head back. His two daughters, Hazrat Ruqayya (ra) and Hazrat Umm e Kulsum who were in the
wedlock of the two sons of his uncle Abu Lahab. They had not been sent to their husbands up till
then. But after the announcement of the Prophethood Abu Lahab forced his sons to divorce the
daughters of the Prophet (s). This made him shocked. A companion reports, “Before I had accepted
Islam, I saw the Prophet (saw) standing in the hot sunshine inviting the people to Islam and they
were misbehaving him. Some threw dust on his face; some taunted him and some even spitted on
his face. Then I saw a little girl came having a bowl of water in her little hands. She started crying
by seeing the condition of her father. She was Zainab (ra). The Prophet (s) comforted her”
In the 10th year of his mission the Prophet (saw) intended to invite the people of Tai’f to accept his
call and to help spread the religion of Allah. But they also proved their hostility. They set young
boys after him to pelt, mock and taunt him. The Prophet (saw) hardly saved his life.
Persecutions faced by the followers
The Prophet (saw) alone was not the target of Quraish’s cruelties but his followers too were not safe
from the mischiefs of Quraish. The early converts were either the poor or the slaves. Their masters
treated them inhumanly. Bilal (ra) was a slave of Umayyah bin Khalf who used to torture him by
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hunters at the night time and was given to the street boys to drag him on the same wounds. He
wanted him to leave Islam or die in the same state. Khabbab (ra) was a slave of a lady. When he
embraced Islam, she would make him lay on the red-hot burning coals. His blood and fat would
make the coals cool down. Umar (ra), before he converted, used to torture his maid Lubina severely
as she had embraced Islam. Also, when he came to know about the Islam of his sister and brother in
law, he tortured them so worst that they were sudden in blood. These persecutions were so severe
that the Muslims migrated to Abyssinia.
Despite all efforts they were failed to stop the expansion of Islam, thus Quraish tribes signed a
combine pact to boycott the Prophet’s (saw) clan – Banu Hashim in 7 th year of prophethood. The
agreement of boycott was signed by all tribes and hung on one wall of the Holy Kaba. They were
confined to a gorge Sha’b Abi Talib. Nobody was allowed to convey any foodstuff or any help to
them. Those who tried to come out were killed. The food provision that they had taken with them
finished within a few days. Many of them died due to the hunger. They passed 3 years in this worst
boycott. Later on Allah sent His help and the agreement was eaten up by some termite. And then the
ban was lifted up. But the severe conditions of boycott snatched away the two great supports from
the Prophet (saw); his wife Hazrat Khadija (ra) and uncle Abu Talib.
The response of Muslims
Despite of all these persecutions neither the Prophet (saw) nor did the companions give up their
religion. They remained patient and steadfast for the sake of Allah’s pleasure. Like Bilal (ra),
Khabbab (ra), Yasir (ra) they did not turn away from Islam. The Prophet (saw) never gave up his
mission even when they tried to deprive him of the help of his uncle Abu Talib and he asked the
Prophet (saw) to abandon his mission. The Prophet (saw) replied that he would not stop his work
even if Quraish had placed sun on his one hand and the moon on the other hand. He did not curse
them even when he had the opportunity, like while he was returning from Tai’f the angel Jibrail
offered him to curse them. But the Prophet (saw) prayed for their forgiveness. Muslims never took
revenge even after getting a hold over them. Like after the battles, the captives were treated gently
particularly at the time of battle of Badr. The Prophet (saw) forgave his bitterest enemies at the time
of conquest of Makkah though he was in the position to take an equal revenge. He even did not
question them. They treated them as their brothers if they embraced Islam. He honoured Abu
Sufyan at the time of conquest of Makkah by declaring his house as the place of safety.
(give examples from your practical life how can you put these teachings in your practice e.g
the ways you can forgive your enemy)
Migration to Abyssinia
When the persecution on the weak Muslims became intolerable, the Prophet (saw) permitted his
companions migrate Abyssinia. It was ruled by a Just Christian ruler Najashi. The prominent figures
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who migrated were Hazrat Jaffer (r), Hazrat Usman (r), Hazrat Ruqayya (r) and Hazrat Bilal (r).
Hardly it had passed a few months that the Muslims were living peacefully, the pagans of Makkah
sent a delegation to bring these Muslims back. This convinced the Christian’s priests to support
them. When they put their demand before Najashi, he called these Muslims in his court and
enquired about the whole story. Hazrat Jaffer (r) delivered a splendored speech, introducing Islam.
It was so affective that Najashi refused the delegation. The next day, one of them instigated Najashi
against Muslims’ belief about Hazrat Isa (as) that the Muslims do not call him the son of Allah.
Najashi called the Muslims again and enquired about the Islamic teachings regarding Isa (as).
Hazrat Jaffer (r) recited some verses from Surah Maryam mentioning the prophethood of Isa (as)
and his non-son-ship to Allah. The King agreed to it and sent the delegation back. He permitted the
Muslims to stay at Abyssinia freely. But later a rumour spread out that the entire Makkah had been
converted. Hearing this, the Muslims returned from Abyssinia.
Why the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims
The Makkans wanted to destroy the new faith because this was against the vices in which they were
involved and they did not want to leave them. They did not want to deteriorate the religion of their
forefathers. They knew that they would not be able to keep their hold on unjust economy after the
establishment of Islam. They had perceived Islam as a constant threat for their social superiority.
They thought that if the Muslims would settle down in Abyssinia, Islam will spread rapidly and
would amass a considerable number of followers and thus will become unbeatable.
Visit to al-Taif
In the 10th year of his prophetic mission when Prophet’s (saw) Uncle Abu Talib and his wife
Khadija (r) passed away, the pagans dared to torture him and his followers in all the ways possible.
After the death of Abu Talib, his other uncle Abu Lahab had become the chief of the clan. He was a
famous enemy of Islam. Instead of the support from the new chief, he had to face opposition. When
the persecutions became intolerable, the Prophet (saw) decided to visit al-Taif –a valley nearby
Makkah - as they were famous for their hospitality. He met three chiefs of their tribes and invited
them toward Islam and sought their support. But they proved worser than the people of Makkah.
They not only rejected him but set some street boys after him to pelt him, mock him and make fun
of him. He ran for many miles to save himself and was badly injured. At one place when he reached
out of their approach, he sat to take some rest while his legs were bleeding due to wildish pelting.
He prayed Allah for His mercy so humbly that Allah sent angel Jibrail from heavens along with the
angel of mountains. Angel Jibrail (as) offered him to curse the people of al-Taif. But the Prophet (s)
- being mercy to the worlds – did not curse them but said, “I have been sent as a blessing to the
worlds”. He hoped that the descendants of the people of Taif would embrace Islam.
The lesson Muslims learn
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It teaches the Muslims that they should never lose their heart but should be hopeful. If they don’t
get the response from one side, they should try for the other one. A Muslim should think and strive
for the guidance of all mankind. Muslims should be patient on the persecutions and tortures. They
should not take revenge, should not curse the enemies but should forgive and pray for them. They
must understand that Islam the religion of peace and mercy. They should also learn the proper use
of power like when Jibrail offered him to curse, he prayed instead.
Ascension (Meraj)
The event of Meraj (ascension) took place two or three years before the Prophet’s (saw) migration
to Madinah. He was sleeping in his bed when Jibrail (a.s) appeared to him and asked him that Allah
had called him upward the heavens. Quran says: “Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a
Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in
order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all
things)” (17:1). The Prophet (saw) sat on a ride sent from paradise named Burraq. It was a fast
animal whose head was like a human and the body was like a horse. He first went to Masjid-e-
Haraam, where he offered two Rakat prayers and from there he went to masjid-e-Aqsa and offered
two Rakats prayers there also. He then moved upward the heavens on Burraq. On the fourth heaven,
he led all of the Prophets in prayer. From there he was taken to Sidrat-ul-Muntaha-the last place
uptill where angel Jibrail could go. He asked the Prophet (saw) to go ahead alone from there
because nobody had moved ahead of it earlier. He then reached the court of Allah where he met
Allah very closely. It is mentioned in the Quran that the distance between him and Allah was of just
two ends of a bow or lesser than it. “And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even) nearer”
(53:9). He was shown the bounties of paradise and the horrors of Hell. Allah gave him the order of
fifty prayers. While he was coming back to earth, he met Hazrat Musa (as) who suggested him to
request Allah for reducing the number of prayers. And finally they were reduced to five prayer in a
day. This whole journey was completed in a night only. When he returned to his bed, it was as
warm as he had left for no time. The next day when the Prophet (saw) announced it publically, the
Quraish denied it and made fun of him. It was actually a test for the believers that whether they
believe in unseen or not. When Abu Jahl heard of it, he asked Hazrat Abu Bakr (r) that would he
believe in a person who claims that he visited the heavens in one night only. Abu Bakr (r) who had
not heard it up till then, said “No. But definitely yes if claimed by the Prophet (s)”. That’s why he
was given the title of Al-Siddiq.
Significance of this event
This event took place to encourage and comfort the Prophet (saw). This event took place after the
demise of his uncle and wife when the persecutions had increased and he was deeply upset. So
comforted by calling him nearer to Him and showing the realities of Heaven and Hell. This helped
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the Prophet (saw) in his mission also because he had seen all the things with his own eyes and thus
was more confident in his preaching. This event took him out of the shell of disappointment. He
became more enthusiastic.
It has a deep relation with Prophet (saw) meditation in cave Hira before the first migration. At that
time, he was in search God. But now Allah had called him by Himself and had asked him to be very
close to Him. This event was also a criteria to identify the hypocrites and the true believers. The true
believers accepted the event without hesitation while the hypocrites had reservations on its
possibility. This event is also remembered for the obligation of Salah. This was the first time when
Allah prescribed the Salah for Muslims. It also marks the beginning of the revelation about
observations (orders). It marks the significance of the Prophet (saw) also because no prophet has got
the honour to see Allah except for him. He led the prayer for all Prophets and that’s why he is also
called Imam ul Anmbiya (leader of all Prophets).
Pledges of Aqaba Reasons for migration
The pilgrimage had been considered a religious ritual even before the advent of Islam. People from
all over Arabia, used to visit the holy Kaba in the days of pilgrimage. After his return from Tai’f, in
the 11th year of his mission, the Prophet (saw) focused these pilgrims. He went camp to camp and
person-to-person to convey the message of Allah. As a result six pilgrims from Madinah accepted
his call. The next year this number increased to 12. These people pledged on not to associate
partners to Allah, not to drink wine, not to gamble etc. This event is termed as the 1 st pledge of
Aqaba. The next year 73 persons pledged on hands of the Prophet (saw) and embraced Islam. These
people invited the Prophet (saw) to their town so that he and his followers may get rid of the long
period of the wildish cruelties of Quraish. Also in this way they could have the honour of the
blessed company of the Prophet (saw). Majority of these people belong to the tribes of Aus and

Reasons to accept the invitation of people of Madina

The Prophet (saw) and his followers had been persecuted in all the ways for a long time. They were
not able to perform any of their religious activities freely. Even they could not recite the holy Quran
loudly in their own homes. The Prophet (saw) had realized that Quraish would never let him
practice his religion freely. The pledges of Aqaba had created a reasonable number of supporters of
Islam at Madinah. He permitted his companions migrate to Madinah and he himself waited for the
divine permission from Allah. After the divine command, he also moved to Medina. He realized
that in this way they would be able to develop a healthy Islamic society.
Reasons for migration
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The two big supports of the Prophet (saw), Hazrat Khadijah (ra) and Abu Talib passed away soon
after the three years’ persecution of boycott. He did not get the support from the new chief of his
tribe –Abu Lahab. This gave the Quraish an open chance to torture the Muslims more severely. The
Prophet (saw) then intended to move to Tai’f – a place nearby Makkah – to invite them to Islam.
But the people of Makkah proved to be as stubborn as the people of Makka. He met three chiefs
over there and invited them to Islam. They refused him and set the street boys after him to pelt him.
Returning from Tai’f, he intended to seek help from the people Madinah. (Add here the discussion
of pledges of Aqaba)When Quraish could not stop the growth of Islam despite of their all efforts,
the chiefs from all hundred tribes sat together to decide a final word for the Prophet (saw) and his
mission. They were reluctant to slain the Prophet (saw) as the ransom of one murder was 100
camels and no tribe alone was could afford such a high penalty. It is narrated that Satan also joined
then in the appearance of a stranger and suggested a trick. They decided to select one man from
each tribe to kill the Prophet (s0 together, so that in case of ransom, each tribe was supposed to
contribute just one camel only. The Prophet (saw) was informed through the divine revelation of
their bad intentions. “Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or
slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of
planners is Allah.” (al-Anfal 8:30). Besides this all, the people of Madina had already became the
supporters of Islam and they had invited the Prophet (s) to their town. He had the expectation of
protection, shelter, freedom and support there at Madinah.
When Quraish realized that despite of their all efforts they could not stop the spreading of Islam,
they sat together to find out the way to stop him. Satan joined their counsel in appearance of an old
man and suggested the murder of the Prophet (saw). Quraish were reluctant as they knew that the
ransom of killing a person was 100 camels. And none of the tribe could afford it. Then Satan
suggested choosing one person from each tribe and attacking the Prophet (saw) together so that in
case of ransoms every tribe would have to give only one camel. Allah informed his Prophet (saw) of
the bad intentions of Quraish and permitted His apostle to leave his native land and migrate to
Madinah. Quraish surrounded his house with the plan to slain him. The Prophet (saw) called his
cousin Ali (ra) to sleep on his bed in order to return the valuable of the people of Quraish kept with
him for the safe custody. He picked up a handful of dirt from the ground, blew it by reciting a verse
“And We have put a bar in front of them and a bar behind them, and further, We have covered them
up; so that they cannot see.” (Yasin 36: 9)
Miraculously it went into the eyes of all those who had surrounded the house of the Prophet (saw)
and he passed through them while they were rubbing their eyes. Nobody came to know of his

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departure. He went straight to Abu Bakr’s (ra) house and informed him of the permission of
migration. Abu Bakr (ra) accompanied with him in this holy journey.
The event of Cave Saur
The Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr (ra) left Makkah at the night time till they reached near by a cave.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) entered the cave first and cleaned it out. He filled all the holes and called the
Prophet (saw) inside. He put the Prophet’s (saw) head on his leg and made him sleep while
remained himself vigilant to guard the Prophet (saw). Meanwhile he saw a hole left uncovered. He
place his feet thumb on it. A snake from the same hole bit him. Abu Bakr (ra) tolerated the pain for
very long. But when it became unbearable, some tears rolled down on the cheeks of the Prophet (s).
The Prophet (saw) put his saliva on the bite and Abu Bakr (ra) was cured. Allah made a spider knit
a web on the opening of the cave and a pigeon to lay eggs on it.
The next morning when the pagans entered the Prophet’s (saw) house they became irritated when
they didn’t find the Prophet (s) on his bed. They sent search parties to find out the Prophet (sawf*-
+ ). They followed the footstep of the camels and reached near by the opening of the cave. They did
not even think to check inside the cave otherwise they had reached so near to the people of cave as
Abu Bakr (ra) had become highly scared of them. The Prophet (saw) consoled him by saying
‘“Have no fear, for Allah is with us.” (al-Tawba 9:40). The Prophet (saw) stayed in the cave for
three days and nights and then set out for Madinah. Hazrat Abu Bakr’s (ra) elder daughter Hazrat
Asma (ra) would provide them with the food stuff over there.
Quraish returned unsuccessful but announced an incentive of 100 camels on his capture. The greed
of 100 camels forced Suraqa bin Malik to set out for this task. He found them at a place. He
intended to capture them but his camel started sinking in the ground. He repented from his bad
intention and requested the Prophet (saw) to forgive him. When the Prophet (saw) forgave him, he
got relief and he retreated back to Makkah. It took 15 days to reach to Madinah. People of Madinah
gave him a warm welcome. He stayed at a place Quba 3 mile before Makkah for 15 days and then
entered Madinah.
Importance of Migration/Cave of Saur
Migration is considered a very important event in the history of Islam. The Prophet (saw) and the
Muslims got a place to practice the divine teachings independently. They got rid of the severe
persecutions given to them by the non-believers. They got full opportunities to preach the religion
freely. They were in the position to follow the communal law of divine commands like the
congregational prayers. Migration gave the Muslims a chance to gather themselves and come up as
community. It marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Migration is considered very important
because it is said in Hadith, “Migration (for the sake of religion) is a sources of forgiveness for the
sins committed before.”
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First year of migration
Construction of Mosque
On his arrival at Madinah, the Prophet (saw) intended to construct a Masjid the very first. The land
was owned by two orphans. They offered the land free of cost but the Prophet (saw) didn’t like it
and purchased it on payment. The companions showed their heartiest enthusiasm and devotion in
the construction of this masjid. The Prophet (saw) also took part in its construction. Even female
companions also participated in its construction at nights. It was a very simple masjid made up of
unbaked bricks. The roof was made by the leaves and the pillars were made by the stems of date
palm tree. There were two houses made just adjacent to the masjid for the wives of the Prophet
(saw). Later on as more women came to the Prophet’s (saw) wedlock, more houses were built. This
masjid was not only for the five times daily prayer but it also provided the Muslims a place to share
each other’s problems. Later on it became the centre of Muslim communal activities. The new
converts were given shelter and knowledge of Islam at there. It brought the Muslims closer to each
other and slowly and gradually they strengthened themselves as a community. Muslims all social
activities were associated with that Masjid.
After the migration the very first challenge for the Prophet (saw) was to make arrangement for the
refugees. The emigrants had hardly saved their lives and had left their possessions and property at
Makkah. They were in extreme need of financial support. The Prophet (saw) gathered all the
emigrants at the house of Anas bin Malik (ra) and established the pact of brotherhood among the
emigrants and the helpers. He made every emigrant brother to a helper. The helpers were wise
enough to understand the meaning of this pact. They showed their extreme sympathy for the
emigrants more devotedly as compared to their real brothers. They offered them half of their lands,
farms, belongings and possessions. As the emigrants were unaware of farming, the helpers even
offered them that they will do the farming by themselves and the emigrant will be given half from
the harvest. In 4 AH the Jewish tribe Banu Nadir was exiled because of their treachery. Their lands
came to the Muslims’ custody. The Prophet (saw) suggested the emigrants to give the new lands to
the emigrants and the old lands be returned to the helper. But the helpers said, ‘O Prophet (saw) we
won’t take back what we have given on the name of Allah. Even give these new farms to the
emigrants.’ This empathy increased to the extent that the emigrants were given share from the
inheritance of their dead helper-brothers. But later on a verse cancelled this practice. History can
never set forth the example of such a marvellous brotherhood. Emigrants also tried to establish
themselves. They started their own business with little stuff. And soon they all become self-
ٰۗ ُ
20‫؀‬ َ‫ول ِٕىكَ هُ ُم ْالفَ ۗا ِٕى ُزوْ ن‬ ‫َاجرُوْ ا َو ٰجهَ ُدوْ ا ِف ْي َسبِي ِْل هّٰللا ِ بِاَ ْم َوالِ ِه ْم َواَ ْنفُ ِس ِه ْم ۙ اَ ْعظَ ُم د ََر َجةً ِع ْن َد هّٰللا ِ ۭ َوا‬
َ ‫ اَلَّ ِذيْنَ ٰا َمنُوْ ا َوه‬.9.20

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“Those who believe, and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in Allah's cause, with their
goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah: they are the people who will
achieve” (9:20)
ٍ ّ‫َّض َي هّٰللا ُ َع ْنھُ ْم َو َرضُوْ ا َع ْنهُ َواَ َع َّد لَھُ ْم َج ٰن‬
‫ت تَجْ ِريْ تَحْ تَهَا ااْل َ ْن ٰه ُر ٰخلِ ِديْنَ ِف ْيهَٓا اَبَدًا‬ ٍ ‫ار َوالَّ ِذيْنَ اتَّبَعُوْ ھُ ْم ِباِحْ َس‬
ِ ‫ان ۙ ر‬ ِ ‫ص‬َ ‫ َوال ٰ ّس ِبقُوْ نَ ااْل َ َّولُوْ نَ ِمنَ ْال ُم ٰه ِج ِريْنَ َوااْل َ ْن‬.9.100
١٠٠‫ٰۭذلِكَ ْالفَوْ ُز ْال َع ِظ ْي ُم ؁‬
“The vanguard (of Islam)- the first of those who forsook (their homes) and of those who gave
them aid, and (also) those who follow them in (all) good deeds,- well-pleased is Allah with them,
as are they with Him: for them hath He prepared gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell
therein for ever: that is the supreme felicity."(9:100)
Treaty with the Jews
There were three tribes living at Madina at the time of the Prophet’s (saw) migration. They were
Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nazeer and Banu Quraiza. The Aus and Khazraj tribes had become very weak
because of tribal wars. These Jews could have been a constant threat for the Muslims. Also, despite
of the changes they had made in their religion, they were called the followers of a diving religion.
Keeping all these things in his mind, the Prophet (saw) established a peace treaty between the Jews
and the Muslims.
Following were the main terms of the treaty.
1. Both of the parties were to live as one community.
2. Both had religious freedom.
3. Both had to work together for the peace and prosperity of Madinah.
4. Both had to defend Madinah together in case of an attack from an outside enemy.
5. They also agreed not to help anyone if somebody attacks either side.
6. The Prophet (saw) was agreed to be the sole judge in all affairs.
7. They both will have mutual friends and enemies with the exception of religious differences.
This treaty is also known as the pact of Madinah.
Significance of these arrangements
In Makkah Muslims didn’t have freedom to meet each other or to have communal relations.
Construction of masjid gave this opportunity to the Muslims, it was not only a place of worship but
the centre of communal gathering too. It was the place of assembly to learn and preach Islam. The
delegations coming from outside, would reside in Masjid. The organisation and reporting of any
expedition was also affiliated with Masjid.
Brotherhood: This step was a clear evidence for the wisdom of the Prophet (saw). He solved the
problem of settling down the emigrants in a very simple way. This event sets forth the marvellous
example of brotherhood for the times to come. It teaches the Muslims that they should consider all
Muslims as their brothers and should help them in difficult times. They must sacrifice for the sake
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of their Muslim brothers. It also shows that the Muslims should be self-respected. As the emigrants
did not totally rely on their hosts but worked very hard to stand on their own feet. Like Abdul
Rahman bin Auf (ra) started his own business with milk and cheese and later on became the richest
figure of entire Madinah. While making pairs, the Prophet (saw) observed the compatibility of each
pair. He made a chief of emigrants, brother of a chief from helpers; an intelligent emigrant, brother
of an intelligent helper; a rich, brother of a rich and a poor, brother of a poor. This made them
comfortable to each other and also adopt the qualities learnt by the emigrants from the company of
the Prophet (saw) over the period of 13 years.
Treaty with the Jews
Jews were in a reasonable number in Madinah and had the hold on economy. Obviously they could
have an objection on the emigrants’ settlement in their town. The pact of Madinah suppressed the
threat of their expected opposition. They agreed for the protection of Madinah in case of an attack
on it and in other words they promised to defend Muslims. The Prophet (saw) had foreseen that the
Jews could have been a threat. They could pass on secrets of Muslims to the Quraish. So by signing
the pact of Madinah this threat had been minimized.
Initiation of Azan
While at Makkah Muslims were not allowed to offer the prayer openly. But after the migration the
Muslims got freedom to offer it publically in congregation. The Prophet (saw) collected the opinion
of companions for the way to announce the assembly time of prayer. Different suggestions were
contributed but the Prophet (saw) agreed to none of them. One of the companion Abdullah bin Zaid
(ra) became too worried about that. While he was sleeping, he dreamt an angel calling out the words
of Azan. Later Hazrat Umar (ra) had the same vision. The Prophet (saw) liked it and thus the ritual
of Azan was initiated.
Change of Qibla
In the early days of migration, the Prophet (saw) honoured the Jews a lot. He followed the rituals of
Jews in all such matters in which there had not been revealed any guidance from Allah. So in prayer
also he followed the Qibla of Jews –Jerusalem. But when the Jews distanced themselves, and started
making fun of Islamic rituals, they also objected on Muslims following their Qibla. This created a
thirst in the Prophet (saw) for the change of Qibla. He wanted the Qibla to be in the direction of
holy Kaabah. Sometimes his eyes would raise toward heavens waiting for Jibrail to come with the
verses of change of Qibla. Then once he was leading Zuhr prayer in a Masjid, angel Jibrail came
with these verses.
ْ ‫ْث َما ُك ْنتُ ْم فَ َولُّوْ ا ُوجُوْ ھَ ُك ْم ش‬
‫َط َر ٗه ۭ َواِنَّ الَّ ِذيْنَ اُوْ تُوا‬ ُ ‫ْج ِد ْال َح َر ِام َۭو َحي‬
ِ ‫َط َر ْال َمس‬ ٰ ْ‫ب َوجْ ِهكَ ِفي ال َّس َم ۗا ِء ۚ فَلَنُ َولِّيَنَّكَ قِ ْبلَةً تَر‬
ْ ‫ضىھَا ۠فَ َولِّ َوجْ هَكَ ش‬ َ ‫ قَ ْد ن َٰرى تَـقَ ُّل‬.2.144
١٤٤‫ق ِم ْن َّربِّ ِه ْم ۭ َو َما هّٰللا ُ ِبغَافِ ٍل َع َّما يَ ْع َملُوْ نَ ؁‬ ُّ ‫ب لَيَ ْعلَ ُموْ نَ اَنَّهُ ْال َحـ‬
َ ‫ْال ِك ٰت‬

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“We see the turning of thy face (for guidance to the heavens: now Shall We turn thee to a Qibla
that shall please thee. Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque: Wherever ye are,
turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from
their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do. (2:144)
Prophet’s (saw) Relations with Jewish tribes and the Hypocrites
There were three tribes of Jews living at Madinah; Banu Quraiza, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nazeer.
After the migration the Prophet (saw) made a treaty with the Jews in order to avoid their enmity and
jealousy. According to the pact the Jews and the Muslims were not to interfere in the religious
affairs of each other. They both had to defend Madinah in case of some enemy had attacked the city.
The Prophet (saw) was declared the sole judge in all matters.
The Prophet (saw) and Islam had honoured them a lot. Allah ordered him to be patient on their
‫ب ِم ْن قَ ْبلِ ُك ْم َو ِمنَ الَّ ِذيْنَ اَ ْش َر ُك ْٓوا اَ ًذى َكثِيْرً ا ۭ َواِ ْن تَصْ بِرُوْ ا َوتَتَّقُوْ ا فَاِنَّ ٰذلِكَ ِم ْن ع َْز ِم ااْل ُ ُموْ ِر‬
َ ‫ لَتُ ْبلَ ُونَّ فِ ْٓي اَ ْم َوالِ ُك ْم َواَ ْنفُ ِس ُك ْم َۣولَتَ ْس َم ُعنَّ ِمنَ الَّ ِذيْنَ اُوْ تُوا ْال ِك ٰت‬.3.186
“Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye
shall certainly Hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and
from those who worship many gods. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil,-then
that will be a determining factor in all affairs.” (3:186)
In a number of things the Prophet (saw) followed the rituals of the Jews like keeping of his hair,
keeping their Jerusalem as Qibla, continuing the fast of 10 th Muharram as it was done in the Jews.
He would stand in respect in from of a funeral of a Jew. Once a Jew praised Musa (as) in such a
way that it humiliated the Prophet (saw). One of the helper didn’t like it and gave a slap to him. The
Jew reported it to the Prophet (saw) and he said,
“Don’t prefer me over other Prophets in such a way that it may humiliate them.”
Allah allowed the Muslims to keep terms with them. Marriages with their women and their
slaughtered animal was allowed for the Muslims.
But despite of all these things, the Jews gradually distanced themselves. They started making fun of
Islamic orders and revelations. Like some of them had an objection on Muslims praying in the
direction of the Jerusalem (the first Qibla). They would make fun of the Prophet (saw). They used to
instigate the pagans by saying that paganism was better than Islam. In order to violate peoples trust,
they raised some hypocrites who accepted Islam and then left it. Quran mentions it;
‫ښ‬72‫ار َوا ْكفُر ُْٓوا ٰا ِخ َر ٗه لَ َعلَّھُ ْم يَرْ ِجعُوْ نَ ؀‬ ٰ ِ ‫ت طَّ ۗا ِٕىفَةٌ ِّم ْن اَ ْھ ِل ْال ِك ٰت‬
ْٓ ‫ب ٰا ِمنُوْ ا ِبالَّ ِذ‬
ِ َ‫ي اُ ْن ِز َل َعلَي الَّ ِذيْنَ ا َمنُوْ ا َوجْ هَ النَّه‬ ْ َ‫ َوقَال‬.3.72
“A section of the People of the Book say: "Believe in the morning what is revealed to the
believers, but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) Turn back;” (3:72)
They tried to restart the pre-Islamic enmity between Aus and Khazraj. Once in a gathering of
helpers some Jews reminded them the days of wars of Beas between Aus and Khazraj. That made

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them aggressive to each other. But the Prophet (saw) intervened and handled the situation. They
allied with the chief of hypocrites Abdullah bin Ubbay and planned to kill the Prophet (saw). The
Jews of Banu Qaynuqa betrayed the very first. A Jew misbehaved the wife of a Jew. Sighting this a
Muslim killed him in anger. The Jews killed that Muslim. When Prophet (saw) tried to stop them,
they challenged him and renounce the pact of Madinah. The Muslims laid their siege but later on
they were exiled.
The tribe of Banu Nazeer was responsible to pay some ransom shared by the Muslim. They
apparently agreed to pay it but planned to kill the Prophet (saw). One of the Jews climbed a wall to
throw a stone on the Prophet (saw) but Allah saved him and he returned back to Madinah. On
account of this treachery Banu Nazeer was also exiled in 4 AH. They were sent to Khyber.
After the Quraish had not been succeeded in taking the revenge of their defeat at Uhud in 3 AH,
these exiled Jewish tribe Banu Nazeer instigated the infidels of Makkah to wage a combined war
against the Muslims in 5AH. They fully supported the Quraysh in battle of Trench. The tribe of the
Banu Quraiza – which was residing at Madinah - despite of the Prophets reminder- helped the two
joined forces of Quraish and Jews. As a consequence the tribe of Banu Quraiza was punished after
the battle. Their males were killed, women and children were made slaves.
The Jews of Banu Nazeer instigated the small tribes around Madinah to participate in the war
against the Muslims on the incentive of half of the harvest of Khyber. The tribe of Banu Ghatfan
agreed to it. The Muslims and the Jews came across each other in the battle of Khyber in 6 AH. All
the fortresses of the Jews were captured and were finished for ever. The Prophet (saw) was being
kind to them. Their religious place were not destroyed, their books and lands were returned to them,
But still they did not respond loyalty. After the battle was over, the sister in law of Marhab invited
the Prophet (saw) on a meal. She poisoned the food. The Prophet (saw) realised it and left the food
after taking one bite. Later on his investigation, she admitted it but the Prophet (saw) forgave her. It
is reported that the main reason of the Prophets (saw) death was the same poison.
Hypocrites were those people who pretended to be Muslims but were not sincere to Islam. They
were more severe and harmful for Muslims. Quran mentions such people as those who have disease
in their hearts.
10‫ڏ ِب َما كَانُوْ ا يَ ْك ِذبُوْ نَ ۝‬ ‫ۚ َولَھُ ْم َع َذابٌ اَ ِل ْي ۢ ٌم‬ ‫ ِف ْى قُلُوْ ِب ِه ْم َّم َرضٌ ۙ فَزَ ا َدھُ ُم هّٰللا ُ َم َرضً ا‬.2.10
“In their hearts is a disease; and Allah has increased their disease: And grievous is the penalty
they (incur), because they are false (to themselves)” (2:10)
They remained persistent opponents of Islam. They were mostly the Jews of Madinah. They left no
stone unturned to cause great loss to the Muslims at all occasions. They used to pass the Muslims
secrets to the people of Makkah at different occasions, particularly at the time of different battles.
Quran mentions that the hypocrites will be in the lowest part of the Hell.

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١٤٥‫ۙ؁‬ ِ ‫ار ۚ َولَ ْن ت َِج َد لَھُ ْم ن‬
‫َصيْرً ا‬ ِ ْ‫ اِنَّ ْال ُم ٰنفِقِيْنَ ِفي الدَّر‬.4.145
ِ َّ‫ك ااْل َ ْسفَ ِل ِمنَ الن‬
“The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them”
The chief of them was Abdullah bin Ubayy. In battle of Uhud, Abdullah bin Ubayy retreated back
excusing for a lame reason that his suggestion was not accepted. He was the one who tried to blame
the character of Hazrat Ayesha (ra) in the event of Ifik. Once he used vulgar words about the
Prophet (saw) and his little son (who had embraced Islam) reported the whole event to the Prophet
(saw). He rushed to the Prophet (saw) and came up with some lame excuses. The kind-hearted
Prophet (saw) accepted his excuse and forgave him. Later on Allah revealed Surah al-Munafiqun in
praise of his son. The Prophet (saw) had always been forgiving and lenient to them. When he was
on his death-bed Abdullah bin Ubay requested the Prophet (saw) to offer his funeral prayer. The
Prophet (saw) had agreed but Allah forbade him. Quran mentions,
١١٣‫ َما َكانَ ِللنَّ ِب ِّي َوالَّ ِذيْنَ ٰا َمنُ ْٓوا اَ ْن يَّ ْستَ ْغ ِفرُوْ ا ِل ْل ُم ْش ِر ِكيْنَ َولَوْ كَانُ ْٓوا اُو ِل ْي قُرْ ٰبى ِم ۢ ْن بَ ْع ِد َما تَبَيَّنَ لَھُ ْم اَنَّھُ ْم اَصْ ٰحبُ ْال َج ِحي ِْم ؁‬.9.113
“It is not fitting, for the Prophet and those who believe, that they should pray for forgiveness for
Pagans, even though they be of kin, after it is clear to them that they are companions of the
Fire”(al-Tauba 9:113)
At the time of Tabuk expedition also they did not set out alongwith the Muslims by coming up with
lame excuses.
The reasons for these relations
The Prophet (saw) always extended the hand of cooperation towards the Jews. He established the
charter of Madinah accepting their existence. But their response to the Prophet’s (saw) mercy was
not good. They humiliated a Muslim woman and then fought with other Muslims too. They broke
the treaty by planning a war against Muslims. They made objections on Quranic revelations and the
Prophet (saw). They made fun of the Islamic orders especially at the change of Qibla. They betrayed
the Muslims by passing the Muslims secrets and news to the pagans of Makkah. They supported the
people of Makkah in battle of Trench and did not defend Madinah. They were not sincere and loyal
to Muslims and thus had been a constant threat for the survival of Islam.
The battle of Badr
Hardly had it passed two years for Muslims to breathe in a free atmosphere after migration, Quraish
started to plan harm the Muslims. They could not see the Muslims living peacefully. They wrote
letters to the leaders of different tribes of Madinah to instigate them against the Muslims. Some of
them attacked the Muslim villages near-by Madinah and rob them. One incident increased this
enmity. In 2 AH the Prophet deputed a companion Hazrat Abdullah bin Jahash to stay at near-by
Taif and bring the information of enemy. He interrupted a trade caravan of Quraish to get the
information and robbed them. One of them was killed by him accidently. This all was against the
Prophet’s (saw) order. This murder intensified the Quraish’s anger. They got a reason to wage a war
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against the Muslims. The Prophet (saw) came to know about it. He also motivated the companions
to set out for a combat. Allah had already given the permission to fight back in reply of oppression.
39‫ اُ ِذنَ ِللَّ ِذيْنَ ي ُٰقتَلُوْ نَ بِاَنَّهُ ْم ظُلِ ُموْ ا ۭ َواِنَّ هّٰللا َ ع َٰلي نَصْ ِر ِه ْم لَقَ ِدي ُْۨر ۙ؀‬.22.39
“To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;-
and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid” (22:39)
The Prophet (saw) set out with 313 of his devotees. Muslims were ill-equippeImpod. They camped
themselves at Badr a place nearby Madinah towards Makkah. Abu Sufyan portrayed it as Muslims
were coming to rob them. He changed his route to Makkah and called for help. Makkans were
already prepared for a war. They sent 1000 men fully equipped with weapons. The Prophet (saw)
prayed the whole night for Allah’s help. Allah sent His help by means of angels.
١٢٣‫َص َر ُك ُم هّٰللا ُ ِببَ ْد ٍر َّواَ ْنتُ ْم اَ ِذلَّةٌ ۚ َفاتَّقُوا هّٰللا َ لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَ ْش ُكرُوْ نَ ؁‬ َ ‫ َولَقَ ْد ن‬.3.123
١٢٤‫ۭ؁‬ َ‫ف ِّمنَ ْال َم ٰل ِٕى َك ِة ُم ْنزَ لِيْن‬
ٍ ‫ اِ ْذ تَقُوْ ُل ِل ْل ُمْؤ ِمنِيْنَ اَلَ ْن يَّ ْكفِيَ ُك ْم اَ ْن يُّ ِم َّد ُك ْم َربُّ ُك ْم بِثَ ٰلثَ ِة ٰا ٰل‬.3.124
“Allah had helped you at Badr, when ye were a contemptible little force. Remember thou saidst
to the Faithful: "Is it not enough for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels
(Specially) sent down?” (3:123-124)
And in this way Allah made the enemy disappeared. 70 of the chief pagans were killed and 70 of
them were captured. Abu Jahl, Utbah and Shaiba-the worst enemies were also killed.
It was difficult to decide something for the captives because majority of them were the relatives of
the companions. The Prophet (saw) freed the captives by the consensus of companions after taking
easy ransom of 4000 dirham. And those who could not pay that, were supposed to teach 10 Muslim
children. And those who could not do even this, were freed without any ransom.
The Importance of Battle of Badr
The victory in the battle of Badr encouraged the Muslims a lot as it was the first combat with the
non-believers. Muslims fought bravely though they were ill-equipped. It strengthened their faith in
Allah. They understood that the victory does not depend on materialistic things. It totally rests in
Allah’s help. The Non-believers came to know that Islam is not an ordinary religion but it has got
divine help with it. They understood that crushing the Muslims was a hard nut to crack. The major
opponents Abu Jahal, Utbah, Umayyah bin Khalaf were killed in this battle. Prophet’s (saw)
treatment of captives is also significant acts that demonstrate his kind-heartedness.
The Battle of Uhud
The Quraish were burning in the fire to avenge for their defeat in the battle of Badr. They started
preparations for it under the leadership of Abu Sufyan. Makkans were above 3000. When Prophet
Muhammad (saw) heard these news, he also consulted his companions for the way to defend
themselves. Abdullah bin Ubbay – the chief of hypocrites, suggested staying at Madinah. Some
youngsters insisted to set out to show the strength of Islam but while the Prophet (saw) put on the

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armour and weapons, they realised their mistake and took their suggestion back. But the Prophet
(saw) said, “It is not befitted to a Prophet to put of the weapons without fighting”.
He set out for the battle in Shawwal 3 AH with 1000 of his devotees. Abdullah bin Ubbay took his
300 men back as his suggestion was not accepted. Prophet (saw) posted 50 archers on a pass on
mount Uhud from where there could have been a threat of enemy. He advised them not to leave the
place unless the next orders were issued. A severe battle took place. Muslims fought very bravely
and compelled the pagans to leave the battlefield. Muslims started to collect the leftover over of the
enemy. A few of the archers also left the place to collect their share, assuming that the Prophet’s
(saw) order was till the end of the battle. Khalid bin walid being the commander a wing of Quraish,
got an idea to attack from the pass of mount Uhud. While the other half of the enemy returned and
attacked from the front. Muslims were not ready for this sudden attack from both sides. They
suffered a great loss. A number of prominent companions including Prophet’s (saw) uncles Hazrat
Hamza (ra), martyred. The Prophet (saw) was also badly injured. A rumour ran out that the Prophet
(saw) had also been martyred. This created panic and frustration among the Muslims. Some of them
fled from the battlefield and some of them were martyred. The Prophet was left with his few
followers only. Those devotees fought very bravely and made the pagans retreat back. The Quraish
badly mutilated the martyrs of Muslims.
The Importance of Battle of Uhud
Battle of Uhud was a lesson for Muslims. They realized that ignoring the Prophet’s (saw) order at
any time could cause great rouble to them. Though only a few Muslims misunderstood the order but
the loss was faced by all companions, even the Prophet (saw) as his two teeth were broken. It
teaches the Muslims that they should follow the ways of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). It also
taught the Muslims to abide by the commands of the Prophet (saw). Earlier the pagans were happy
of their achievements is the battle but later on they realised that they were unsuccessful in their main
target of killing the Prophet (saw). But one thing they had learnt that the Muslims had some divine
protection with them.
Quraish’s main target was to kill the Prophet (saw). They were failed in their aim in Badr and Uhud.
They had learnt from the last two experiences that they alone could not achieve this task. So they
started to ally the Arab tribes and Jews of Khyber (Banu Nazir and Banu Qaynuqa) who had been
exiled after their treason in 4AH. Quraish raised an army of 10,000 warriors to attack on Madinah.
It was the biggest army ever raised in the history of Arabia. Muslims were just 3000. The Prophet
(saw) sent a delegation to the Jews of Banu Quraiza who were living inside Madinah reminding
them not to support the pagans. But the Jews betrayed again and on the arrival of the troops of
pagans and their supporting tribes, the Jews of Banu Quraiza also joined them. On the suggestion of
Hazrat Salman Farsi (ra), the Muslims dug a wide ditch around the three sides of Madinah. This was
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actually an Iranian war trick used when the enemy was incompatible. It was unexpected and strange
for the Pagans. Muslims sent their women and children in safe places and guarded the ditch from all
sides. When the pagans reached there, they were surprised to see this new war trick. They decided
to lay a siege over there. Quraish had come with full preparation and the food stuff while the
Muslims were dying of hunger. They had compelled to tie stones on their bellies due to hunger. It
was extreme cold season of winter. The Muslims didn’t have enough protection against the cold.
Allah then sent His miraculous help and a wind cyclone blew. It uprooted the pagans’ camps. Some
of them tried to cross the ditch but the Muslims’ swords did not let them do so. The siege prolonged
for over a month. The foodstuff was ending. This compelled the allied tribes to retreat. The Jews
also went back to their fortresses. Consequently Abu Sufyan also decided to lift the siege and
returned back to Makkah. Quran mentions this battle with the following words.
‫هّٰللا‬ ‫ ٰيٓاَيُّهَا الَّ ِذيْنَ ٰا َمنُوا ْاذ ُكرُوْ ا نِ ْع َمةَ هّٰللا ِ َعلَ ْي ُك ْم اِ ْذ َج ۗا َء ْت ُك ْم ُجنُوْ ٌد فَاَرْ َس ْلنَا َعلَ ْي ِه ْم ِريْحً ا َّو ُجنُوْ دًا لَّ ْم تَرَوْ هَا‬.33.9
Ḍ‫ۚ۝‬ ِ َ‫ۭ َو َكانَ ُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُوْ نَ ب‬
‫صيْرً ا‬
“O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, (bestowed) on you, when there came down on
you hosts (to overwhelm you): But We sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not:
but Allah sees (clearly) all that ye do.” (33:9)
After the battle was over the Prophet (saw) sent a delegation to Banu Quraiza to punish them on
account of their treason. Saad bin Muaz (ra) had good term with the Jews of Banu Quraiza. He was
very upset of their betrayal. During the battle he got a serious injury on his neck. He prayed Allah to
keep him alive till the matter of Banu Quraiza is decided. The wound stop bleeding at once. When
the captives of Banu Quraiza was brought to the Prophet (saw), they requested to hand over their
decision to Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (ra) expecting some lenient punishment. He decided that the
males of Banu Quraiza would be killed, their women and children would become slaves of
Muslims. The Prophet (saw) appreciated him and told him that even Allah wanted this decision for
them over heavens.
Importance of the Battle of Trench
The battle of trench is remembered for the remarkable patience and steadfastness of the Muslims.
They tied stone on their bellies because of the shortage of the food stuff. Quraish had allied almost
the entire Arabia along with them. Never in the past there had been any battle waged by such a huge
army. All the things were against the Muslims. They were short of the foodstuff and had no
resources to prevent themselves from the cold windy breeze. They relied on Allah’s help only. It
was the first time when the Persian war trick of digging the trench was adopted. This gives
permission to use the modern techniques. Allah helped His slaves by sending the storm. It
strengthened the Muslims faith in Allah. It broke the backbone of Quraish for ever. They never
intended again to have a fight with the Muslims. It is reported that while coming back from non-
believers, Hazrat Huzaifa (ra) came across with some white dressed strangers who told him,

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“Inform your master that it was the last time of the Quraish to invade upon you”.
It was a victory not against Quraish only but against the Jews too. Muslims learned one more thing
that the Jews can never be well-wishers of Muslims. Quran had discussed this battle in detail and
has revealed a complete Surah (al-Ahzab) on its name.
‫هّٰللا‬ َ ‫ۭ َو َكفَى هّٰللا ُ ْال ُمْؤ ِم ِنيْنَ ْال ِقت‬
ِ ‫َال ۭ َو َكانَ ُ قَ ِويًّا ع‬
25‫َزي ًْزا ۚ؀‬ ‫ َو َر َّد هّٰللا ُ الَّ ِذيْنَ َكفَرُوْ ا ِب َغي ِْظ ِه ْم لَ ْم يَنَالُوْ ا خَ يْرً ا‬.33.25
“And Allah turned back the Unbelievers for (all) their fury: no advantage did they gain; and
enough is Allah for the believers in their fight. And Allah is full of Strength, able to enforce His
Treaty of Hudaibiya
The Prophet (saw) and his follower did not get rest even after the migration. The first five years had
passed in continuous battles. In the 6th AH the Prophet (saw) dreamt himself performing Umrah.
This lit up the fire of sighting of the house of Allah. So he along with 1400 of his devotees set out of
Madinah with the intention of Umrah. They had the least intention of a war that’s why they had no
weapons with them except for swords which was assumed to be a necessary article of journey.
Quraish took it negatively and considered as the Muslims were coming to invade Makkah and sent a
message to stay outside of Makkah. The Prophet (saw) and the companions stayed at Hudaibya - a
place outside of Makkah. The Prophet (saw) sent different companions to convey that their intention
was nothing but to perform Umrah. But the Quraish did not allow them. Finally Hazrat Usman (ra)
was sent as he had good reputation in Makkah. Quraish dealt with him politely and offered him to
perform Umrah but didn’t allow all the Muslims to enter Makkah. Hazrat Usman (ra) refused as he
couldn’t even thought to perform Umrah without the Prophet (saw). This made the Quraish angry.
They detained him and spread out the rumour that he had been slain. When it reached to the Prophet
(saw) he collected all of the companions under a tree and took an oath from to fight till death in
order to take the revenge for the murder of Hazrat Usman (ra). This is mentioned in the Holy Quran
with these words
‫ض َي هّٰللا ُ ع َِن ْال ُمْؤ ِمنِيْنَ اِ ْذ يُبَايِعُوْ ن َـ‬
18‫َك تَحْ تَ ال َّش َج َر ِة فَ َعلِ َم َما فِ ْي قُلُوْ بِ ِه ْم فَاَ ْنزَ َل ال َّس ِك ْينَةَ َعلَ ْي ِه ْم َواَثَابَهُ ْم فَ ْتحً ا قَ ِر ْيبًا ۙ؀‬ ِ ‫ لَقَ ْد َر‬.48.18
“Allah's Good Pleasure was on the Believers when they swore Fealty to thee under the Tree: He
knew what was in their hearts, and He sent down tranquillity to them; and He rewarded them
with a speedy Victory.” (48:18)
This oath is called “Oath under the tree” and the oath of Rizwan. It made the Quraish scared and
they sent a number of Suhayl bin Amr to cool down the emotions of Muslims and to convince them
for a peace treaty. The Prophet (saw) agreed for the treaty. Hazrat Ali (ra) documented the treaty
starting with the name of Allah and His Prophet (saw). Quraish could not be bear this and they
demanded to write Muhammad bin Abdullah. The Prophet (saw) even agreed to it and cut his name
himself. The following were the major terms of the treaty.

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1. Muslims will return this year without performing Umrah and will come the next year without
weapons and will not stay more than three days.
2. If a Makkan embraces Islam and moves to Madinah, should be returned by the Muslims.
3. If a Muslims gives up Islam and escapes to Makkah would not be returned.
4. The small tribes will have the freedom to join either side.
5. If any allied tribe of a side does any mischief with the allied tribe of the opponent, no side will
6. There should be no fight between both parties for the next ten years.
Apparently these terms were against the Muslims but the Prophet (saw) agreed to all of them. When
these terms were agreed verbally only, Abu Jandal (ra) who had been prisoned because of his Islam,
somehow escaped and migrated to Madinah. The pagans demanded the Muslims to send him back.
The Prophet (saw) argued that the pact had not been signed yet but they insisted and he was
returned back to the severe tortures.
The Prophet (saw) ordered the companions to shave their heads and open their Ihram without Umra.
It was very difficult for the Muslims. But there was no way except to follow the command of the
Prophet (saw). They shaved their heads and returned without performing Umrah. All of them were
upset. But while they were on their way to Madinah, Allah revealed a verse giving them the tidings
of a clear victory.
Consequences/Significance of the Treaty
Quran calls this treaty as an open victory. While the Prophet (saw) was returning from Hudaibiya
this verse was revealed,
Ǻ‫ ِانَّا فَتَحْ نَا لَكَ فَ ْتحً ا ُّم ِب ْينًاـ ۙ۝‬.48.1
“Verily We have granted thee a manifest Victory” (al Fath 48:1)
The terms that were seemed to be against Muslims, proved favouring them. Actually Quraish had
never gotten the chance to understand communal life of Muslims. But after the treaty, the Muslims
who went back to Makkah preached Islam through their interaction. The same way, the Makkans
who embraced Islam and returned back to Makkah became silent preachers. Furthermore the treaty
of Hudaibiya had opened the Quraish’s trade avenue to Syria passing through Madinah. During
their stay at Madinah, they would get the opportunity to understand Islam more closely and it would
get roots in their hearts. So the number of converts in two years after the treaty of Hudaibiya
exceeds all those who had become Muslims after migrations. It is assumed to be the foundation
stone for the conquest of Madinah. It also set-forth the exemplary character of the Prophet (saw)
that he kept his words and returned Hazrat Abu Jandal (ra).
Letters to the Emperors and Kings

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Treaty of Hudaibiya gave the Muslims some rest and peaceful time. The Prophet (saw) got the
freedom of mind to call other people towards Islam. In 7 AH he sent letters of invitation towards
Islam to different rulers and kings. In order to authenticate the credentials of his envoys, a silver
seal was made in which were graven the words: ""
Negus, king of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), received the Prophet’s (saw) message, despatched by Amr bin
Omaiyah Ad-Damari. He embraced Islam on the hand of Jaffar Tayyar (ra) who was still there at
The Prophet (saw) sent a letter to Muqawqas, vicegerent of Egypt dispatched by Hatib (ra). After
reading and understanding the letter, he sent a polite reply alongwith some gifts but didn’t embrace
Islam. This was the occasion when Hazrat Maria (ra) was sent to him from Muqawqas.
Chosroes, Emperor of Persia was also sent a letter through ‘Abdullah bin Hudhafa As-Sahmi. But
he was enraged by the style of the letter as the name of the Prophet (saw) had been put above his
own name. He tore the letter into shreds and forthwith dictated a command to his viceroy in Yemen
to send a couple of troopers to arrest the Prophet and bring him to his presence. The Prophet (saw)
was informed by a Divine Revelation that Pervez, had been murdered by his son.
Dihyah bin Khalifah Al-Kalbi (ra), was ordered to hand the letter over to king of Busra, who would
in turn, send it to Caesar. Abu Sufyan, who by that time had not embraced Islam, was called by
Hercules to ask many questions about Muhammad (saw) and Islam. The testimony which he gave
regarding the personal excellence of the Prophet’s (saw) character and the good that Islam was
doing the human race, left Hercules wonder-struck.
Hercules made Abu Sufyan’s companions sit behind him and told them that if he tells a lie, they
should contradict him (instantly). In this way Abu Sufyan was not in the position to say anything
except for truth. Abu Sufyan’s testimony went as follows: "Muhammad descends from a noble
family. No one of his family happened to assume kingship. His followers are those deemed weak
with numbers ever growing. He neither tells lies nor betrays others, we fight him and he fights us
but with alternate victory. He bids people to worship Allâh Alone with no associate, and abandon
our fathers’ beliefs. He orders us to observe prayer, honesty, abstinence and maintain strong family
Hearing this all, Hercules said, “I have already known that a Prophet must arise but it has never
occurred to me that he will be an Arab from among you. If I was sure I would be faithful to him, I
might hope to meet him, and if I were with him, I would wash his feet.’ Hercules did not embrace
Islam — for it was differently ordained. However, the Muslim envoy was returned to Madinah with
the felicitations of the emperor.
The same way, such letters were written to the Governor of Bahrain, Damascus and ‘Oman some of
them accepted while the others refused but treated the envoys gently.
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Khyber Expedition
The Jewish tribes of Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Nazir had been exiled in 4AH because of their
treason. These tribes had taken shelter at a place Khyber near-by Madinah. After the defeat at battle
of Trench, they started to instigate entire Arabia against Islam. They allied Banu Ghatfan tribe with
them on the incentive of half of the harvest of Khyber. On the other hand the hypocrites of Madinah
encouraged them to attack of Madinah.
Banu Ghatfan joined the Jews. The Prophet (saw) warned Banu Ghatfan of supporting the Jews and
offered the half of the harvest of Khyber in case the Muslims capture it. But the people of Banu
Ghatfan refused it and their some people robbed the camels of the Prophet (saw). In order to stop
the Jews and the people of Banu Ghatfan, the Prophet (saw) set out from Madinah with 1600 of his
devotees towards Khyber. Banu Ghatfan also set out from their place to support the Jews. But when
the saw the power of Muslims, they went back. The Jews being cowardice, hid themselves in their
six strong fortresses. Muslims captured all fortresses with least difficulty except for the fortress of
Qamus owned by Marhab. They laid the siege of Qamus for many days, but their all efforts went in
vain. Then the Prophet (saw) handed over the standard of the war to Hazrat Ali (ra) despite of his
sickness. He fought very bravely and killed Marhab who was assumed to be equal to 40 warriors.
This made the Khyber fallen on the hands of Muslims and the Jews were finished forever. The
Prophet (saw) ordered the Muslims not to kill children, old people and women. He prohibited the
Muslims destroy their synagogues and the place of natural beauty. He returned their religious books
unharmed. More than 90 Jews were killed while just 15 of the Muslims were martyred. After the
battle was over, the sister in law of Marhab invited the Prophet (saw) on a meal. She poisoned the
food. The Prophet (saw) realised it and left the food after taking one bite. Later on his investigation,
she admitted it but the Prophet (saw) forgave her. It is reported that the main reason of the Prophets
(saw) death was the same poison.
Importance of Khyber Expedition
This battle is assumed be to the first offensive battle though it was the reaction of the mischief of
the Jews. He ordered his companions not to cut green trees, not to kill old, children, and women, not
to destroy their religious places. He returned their religious books and lands back. This produces
wonderful example of the exemplary treatment of a leader to his enemy. This battle destroyed the
strength of the Jews totally. They never raised back afterwards. After the expedition Muslims
became saved of the mischiefs of the Jews.
Battle of Mu’ta
The Prophet (saw) sent Al-Harith bin ‘Umair al-Azdi carrying a letter to the ruler of Basra. He was
intercepted and killed by the governor of al-Balqa’. The Prophet (saw) mobilised an army of 3000
men. It resulted in a fiercest battle in 629 AD (8AH). Zaid bin Haritha was to lead the army, Ja’far
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bin Abu Talib would replace him, and ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha would replace Ja’far if he fell.
Hercules sent 100,000 troops with another 100,000 from tribes allied to the Byzantines; Khalid bin
Walid stepped up to take leadership and showed his skills as a strategist. He reshuffled the right and
left flanks of the Muslim army and introduced forward a division from the rear in order to cast fear
into the hearts of the Byzantine by deluding them that fresh reinforcements had arrived. The
Muslims engaged with the enemies in sporadic skirmishes but gradually and judiciously retreating
in a fully organized and well planned withdrawal allowing the Muslims to incur minimal casualties.
Conquest of Makkah
After the treaty of Hudaibiya, Banu Khuza’a allied with Muslims whereas Banu Bakr allied with
Quraish. In 8 AH the people of Banu Bakr along with Quraish attacked Banu Khuza’a in the
darkness of night and caused a great damage to them. Banu Khuza’a appealed the Prophet (saw) to
provide justice to them. The Prophet (saw) agreed to help them as Quraish had broken the treaty.
They Holy Prophet (saw) sent a delegation to Quraish with three options.
1. The ransom of bloodshed should be paid by Banu Bakr.
2. Quraish should forgo to support Banu Bakr.
3. The treaty of Hudaibiya should be deemed resolved.
Unwisely the Quraish selected the third option. Realising the seriousness of the situation the
Quraysh sent Abu Sufyan to ensure the treaty was intact, but he left Madina without doing so. The
Prophet (saw) along with his 10,000 followers set out to respond the request made by Banu Khuza’a
on 10th Ramadan 8 AH. Quraish were scared of Muslims power. The Prophet’s (saw) army stopped
outside Makka and it was here that Abu Sufyan became Muslim. Abu Sufyan returned to Makka
and warned the Quraysh not to resist the Muslim army; most put down their arms, but a few
(Safwan, Ikrimah, Suhayl) swore to block the Muslim army from entering Makka. There were 4
groups, one led by Khalid bin Walid (ra), that faced resistance, leading to some deaths. The Prophet
(saw) knocked down the 360 idols in the Ka’ba. The keys to the Ka’ba were given to ‘Uthman bin
Talha, and at the time of prayer, Bilal (ra) ascended the Ka’ba and gave the adhan. Apart from nine
people, the Quraysh were pardoned, including Wahshi and Hind. Abu Sufyan who had been an
enemy, embraced Islam on this occasion. The Prophet (saw) announced,
“Whosoever closes his door, or enters the Holy Kaba or enters the house of Abu Sufyan is
Then he entered the holy Kaba where there were over 360 idols. He smashed all those idols while
he was reciting this verse, ‘And say:
ِ َ‫اط ُل ۭ اِنَّ ْالب‬
81‫اط َل َكانَ زَ هُوْ قًا ؀‬ ِ َ‫ق ْالب‬ ُّ ‫ َوقُلْ َج ۗا َء ْال َح‬.17.81
َ َ‫ق َوزَ ه‬
"Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to
perish."’ (al-Isra 17:81).

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Then he addressed to all those criminals who had left no stone unturned in his way, “What do you
expect of me?” Though they all were oppressors, wicked, cruel but knew the nature of the Prophet
(saw) aslo. They all replied in one voice, “A kind brother and the son of a kind brother” This was
actually an appeal of mercy. The Prophet (saw) replied, “You have been my very unreasonable
countrymen. You refuted my prophethood and turned me out of my house. And when I took refuge
in a far-off place, you rose to fight against me. However, inspite of all these crimes of yours, I
forgive all of you and make you free and declare that you may go after the pursuits of your life." He
stayed at Makkah for fifteen days and then returned to Madinah.
The conquest of Makkah is remembered for the exemplary pardon of the Prophet (saw). After
smashing the idols, he came out and of the Kaba where the entire Makkah was waiting for their
destiny. The lot had the majority of those who had left no stone unturned in the way of the Prophet
(saw). Among them, there were those who had thrown garbage on him, those who had spitted on his
face, those who had divorced his daughters, those who had intended to kill him, those who had
detained the Muslims for three years of severe social boycott, those who had called him mad or
magician, those who had throttled cloths around his neck. They all knew that they deserved worst
but they knew one more thing that the decision was in the hands of the one who had been at the
peak of mercy. That’s why when the Prophet (saw) asked them of their expectations they all replied
in one voice “You are kind brother and the son of a kind person”. The Prophet (saw) replied, “I will
do the same with you that was done by the Prophet Yousuf (as) with his step brothers. There is no
question upon you, go to your homes as you all are forgiven.” The following night to this day,
Hinda the wife of Abu Sufyan thought that the Muslims will celebrate this night by looting
Makkans and would mistreat their women. But when the half night passed and no cry was heard,
she wondered and came out of her house to see where the Muslims were? She passed house over a
house; street over a street but she found absolute peace and silence, in fact more than ordinary
nights. Then she intended for the Holy Kaba. She saw the Muslims were bowing and prostrating
before their Lord, showing their gratitude to Him. The scene of celebrating their victory deeply
impressed her and Islam got roots in her heart. Later on she could not remain deprived of the
blessing of Islam and came inside its fold.
The Battle of Hunain 8 AH 630 AD
The conquest of Makkah brought the entire Arabia under the influence of Islam. The people of Tai’f
thought that Muslims would now attack them. They started preparations for the war. The Prophet
(saw) also ordered his devotees to be ready for a reply. He set out for Tai’f in Shawwal 8AH 630
AD. Many people from little tribes joined him and the Muslim force reached to a number of 1200.
The forces of Hawazin and Saqif encountered the Muslims at the place of Hunain. They were
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almost 4000. This made some of the new Muslims overconfident and they uttered, “Who can defeat
us today?” Allah did not like this pride and within no time almost all Muslim flee from the
battlefield. The Prophet (saw) was calling them by saying, “I am an apostle of Allah; I’m grandson
of Abdul Muttalib, I am not a liar”. This made the Muslims turned back, fought bravely and Allah
gave the victory. Quran mentions this event with the following words
25‫ۚ؀‬ َ‫ت ثُ َّم َولَّ ْيتُ ْم ُّم ْد ِب ِريْن‬
ْ َ‫ت َعلَ ْي ُك ُم ااْل َرْ ضُ ِب َما َر ُحب‬ َ ‫اطنَ َك ِثي َْر ٍة ۙ َّويَوْ َم ُحنَي ٍْن ۙ اِ ْذ اَ ْع َجبَ ْت ُك ْم ك َْث َرتُ ُك ْم فَلَ ْم تُ ْغ ِن َع ْن ُك ْم َشيْــــًٔـا و‬
ْ َ‫َّضاق‬ ِ ‫َص َر ُك ُم ُ ِف ْي َم َو‬
َ ‫ لَقَ ْد ن‬.9.25
“Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! Your
great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did
constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat.” (al-Tauba 9:25)
This event teaches the Muslims to rely on Allah only. The number of the soldiers and weapons
alone cannot benefit without Allah’s help. The defeat at Hunain made the people of Tai’f also
understand the superiority of Islam. The Muslims became saved from the threats of people of Tai’f.
Tabuk Expedition 9 AH
In 9 AH the Prophet (saw) came to know that the Roman emperor was coming to attack Madinah
through Syria. The Prophet (saw) also permitted the companions to prepare themselves for the war.
It was a very tough time for Muslims as it was hot summer season and the time to harvest the date-
palm farms. It was the only source on which they apparently depended for the whole year. They
were overburden under loans and were expecting of a good fruit that year so that they could pay
their loans as well as spare the fruit for the next year. It was scarcity of water also. Besides all these
hurdles, Syria was far away and the Muslims were short of riding animals. There was one camel for
10 persons to ride turn by turn. The hypocrites would say,
ْ‫َره ُْٓوا اَ ْن ي َُّجا ِه ُدوْ ا ِبا َ ْم َوالِ ِه ْم َواَ ْنفُ ِس ِه ْم فِ ْي َس ِبي ِْل هّٰللا ِ َوقَالُوْ ا اَل تَ ْنفِرُوْ ا فِي ْال َحرِّ ۭ قُلْ نَا ُر َجهَنَّ َم اَ َش ُّد َح ًّرا ۭ لَو‬ ‫هّٰللا‬ ٰ
ِ ‫ فَ ِر َح ْال ُمخَ لَّفُوْ نَ ِب َم ْق َع ِد ِه ْم ِخلفَ َرسُوْ ِل ِ َوك‬.9.81
81‫؀‬ َ‫كَانُوْ ا يَ ْفقَهُوْ ن‬
“Those who were left behind (in the Tabuk expedition) rejoiced in their inaction behind the back
of the Messenger of Allah: they hated to strive and fight, with their goods and their persons, in
the cause of Allah: they said, "Go not forth in the heat." Say, "The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat."
If only they could understand” (9:81)
But despite of all these hurdles, the companions responded positively and as many people got ready
as it became difficult to register their names. This event is remembered with the name of “The
expedition of Scarcity”. The Prophet (saw) collected the funds openly. This was the occasion when
Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) brought all of his possession and Hazrat Umar (ra) provided half of what he
owned. When they reached near by Syria, they came to know that it was a rumour only. No fight
took place and the Muslims returned back to Madinah.
Farewell sermon

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" O people! Listen to what I say. I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place once again
after this current year. It is unlawful for you to shed the blood of one another or take (unlawfully)
the fortunes of one another. They are as unlawful, (Haram) as shedding blood on such a day as
today and in such a month as this Haram month and in such a sanctified city as this sacred city (i.e.
Makkah and the surrounding areas)."
"Behold! All practices of paganism and ignorance are now under my feet. The blood-revenge of the
Days of Ignorance (pre-Islamic time) are remitted. The first claim on blood I abolish is that of Ibn
Rabi‘a bin Harith who was nursed in the tribe of Sa‘d and whom Hudhail killed. Usury is forbidden,
and I make a beginning by remitting the amount of interest which ‘Abbas bin ‘Abdul Muttalib has
to receive. Verily, it is remitted entirely."
"O people! Fear Allâh concerning women. Verily you have taken them on the security of Allâh and
have made their persons lawful unto you by Words of Allâh! It is incumbent upon them to honour
their conjugal rights and, not to commit acts of impropriety which, if they do, you have authority to
chastise them, yet not severely. If your wives refrain from impropriety and are faithful to you,
clothe and feed them suitably."
"Verily, I have left amongst you the Book of Allâh and the Sunnah (Traditions) of His Messenger
which if you hold fast, you shall never go astray."
"O people, I am not succeeded by a Prophet and you are not succeeded by any nation. So I
recommend you to worship your Lord, to pray the five prayers, to fast Ramadan and to offer the
Zakat (poor-due) of your provision willingly. I recommend you to do the pilgrimage to the Sacred
House of your Lord and to obey those who are in charge of you then you will be awarded to enter
the Paradise of your Lord."
The events of the final year of the Prophet’s (saw) life (saw)
In 10AH, the Prophet performed his final pilgrimage. At ‘Arafah he addressed the people gathered
there. This is considered his farewell sermon, in which he indicated that he may not be there the
following year. He also gave instructions relating to unlawful shedding of blood usury was
forbidden; the obligation towards the rights of wives was emphasised as well as the kind treatment
of women, equality of humankind was emphasised. He told them the Qur’an and Sunnah were left
for them, and mentioned the five pillars. When the verse
ۭ ‫ْت لَ ُك ُم ااْل ِ سْاَل َم ِد ْينًا‬ ُ ‫اَ ْليَوْ َم اَ ْك َم ْل‬
ُ ‫ت لَ ُك ْم ِد ْينَ ُك ْم َواَ ْت َم ْم‬
ِ ‫ت َعلَ ْي ُك ْم نِ ْع َمتِ ْي َو َر‬
ُ ‫ضي‬

“This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have
chosen for you Islam as your religion” (5:3)
was revealed, Hazrat Umar (ra) started crying. He understood that the Prophet (saw) mission was
about to over. The Prophet completed his pilgrimage and returned to Madina. He increased his
seclusion. It was the practice of the Prophet (saw) and Jibril (a.s) to review the Quran every year in
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the month of Ramazan. But in his last year this practice was done twice. He had not been fully
recovered from the poison given by a Jewsih woman after the Khyber expedition. That poison had
its deadly effects on him and he again fell ill 13 days before his death. He moved into A’isha’s (ra)
apartment for the last week. He continued leading the prayers and would give the congregation
advice but when he grew too weak to lead the prayers, he appointed Hazrat Abu Bakr as the Imam.
On 12th Rabi al-Awwal, he was invocating dua, “O Allah you are the best friend”. The last words he
uttered were, “Prayer! Prayer and those who are your subordinate”. And then he passed away on,
12th Rabi al-Awwal 11AH.
Sad Demise
On 29th Safar in the 11 AH, he had a headache, his temperature rose so high that the heat effect
could be felt over his headband. Five days before he died the Prophet’s (saw) temperature rose so
high signalling the severeness of his disease. Then he felt well enough to go to masjid and address
the people. He offered himself and invited the people to repay any injuries he might have inflicted
on them. During these days he said: "The fellow I feel most secure in his company is Abu Bakr. If I
were to make friendship with any other one than Allâh, I would have Abu Bakr a bosom friend of
mine. For him I feel affection and brotherhood of Islam. No gate shall be kept open in the Mosque
except that of Abu Bakr’s."
In the evening he grew so sick that he could not lead the prayer himself. Abu Bakr then led the
prayer during those days. They were seventeen prayers in the lifetime of the Prophet (saw).
Just one day or two prior to his demise, he felt that he was well enough to perform the prayer; so he
went out leaning on two men in order to perform the noon prayer. Abu Bakr, who was then about to
lead the prayer withdrew when he saw him coming; but the Prophet (saw) made him a gesture to
stay where he was and said: "Seat me next to him." They seated him on the left hand side of Abu
Bakr. The Prophet (saw) led the prayer, and Abu Bakr followed him and raised his voice at every
‘Allâhu Akbar’ A day before he died, the Prophet (saw) set his slaves free, paid as a charity the
seven Dinars he owned and gave his weapons as a present to the Muslims. So when night fell
‘Aishah (ra) had to borrow some oil from her neighbour to light her oil-lantern. On his last day, he
looked at the companions, through his window, aligning for the Fajr prayer. Seeing him, Abu Bakr
(ra) withdrew to join the lines and give way to him to lead the prayer. For he thought that the
Prophet (saw) wanted to go out and pray. This made the companions delighted but the Prophet
(saw) was not able to leas them in prayer. When it was daytime, the Prophet (saw) called Fatimah
(ra) and told her she would be the first of his family to join him.
He called Al-Hasan (ra) and Al-Husain (ra) and his wives and advised them for good. Then the pain
grew so much severe that the trace of poison he had at Khaibar came to light. He ordered the people
to perform the prayers and be attentive to slaves. When the pangs of death started, he asked for
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Miswak and cleaned his teeth with it with the help of Hazrat Ayesha (ra). As soon as he had
finished his Miswak brushing, he raised his hand, looked upwards to the ceiling and moved his lips.
"With those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace with the Prophets and the Truthful ones (As-
Siddeeqeen), the martyrs and the good doers. O Allâh, forgive me and have mercy upon me and join
me to the Companionship on high." Then at intervals he uttered these words: "The most exalted
Companionship on high. To Allâh we turn and to Him we turn back for help and last abode." This
event took place at high morning time on Monday, the 12 Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, in the 11 AH. He was
sixty-three years and four days old when he died.

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