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Cell Cycle Final

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A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate the understanding of how cells divide to produce new
cells, meiosis as one of the processes producing genetic variations of the
Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance
B. Performance The learners should be able to report on the importance of variation in plant
Standard and animal breeding
C. Learning Compare mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell-division cycle, explain
Competencies/Objectives the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number, predict
phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance
Specific Objective:
1. Describe the cell cycle
The Cell Cycle
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal

B. Other Learning www.you.tube.y2mate.com-HowtheCellCycleWorksHDAnimation

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s
A. Reviewing previous Good morning class! Good morning
lesson or presenting a Sir!
new lesson To formally start our class this day, let’s have first a prayer.

Are all is present? Yes Sir.

Very Good.

B. Establishing a purpose At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to
for the lesson describe the cell cycle.

C. Presenting Listen carefully and take down notes the important words.
Examples/instances of
the new lesson
What is the video all about? Cell Cycle
D. Discussing new Cell Cycle
concepts and practicing The cell cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell
new skills #1 growth and cell division that produces two new daughter
cells. The cell cycle has two major phases: interphase and
mitotic phase.

During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated.

The cell undergoes normal growth processes while also
preparing for the cell division.

Three stages of interphase are:

1. G1
2. S
3. G2

G1 Phase (First Gap)

The cell increases in size, the organelles double themselves,

and the DNA molecules replicate.

This is the first stage of the interphase because, the cell is

accumulating the building blocks of chromosomal DNA
and the associated proteins as well as accumulating
sufficient energy reserves to complete the task of
replicating each chromosome in the nucleus.

S Phase (Synthesis of DNA)

In this stage, DNA replication can proceed through the

mechanisms that results in the formation of identical pairs
of DNA molecules –sister chromatids- that are firmly
attached to the centromere region. The centrosome is also
duplicated during the S phase.

G2 Phase (Second Gap)

In this stage the cell replenishes its energy stores and

synthesize proteins necessary for chromosome
manipulation and movement. Some cell organelles are
duplicated. There may be additional cell growth during this
stage. The final preparations for the mitotic phase must be
completed before the cell is able to enter the first stage of

G0 – is a special case when a specific cell- for instance, a

nerve cell or blood cell – stops the entire cell cycle and
does not proceed to division anymore. This explains why,
in some cases, nothing will replace the damaged nerve or
blood cells.

Any questions about interphase?

During the mitotic phase, the replicated DNA and

cytoplasmic contents are separated, and the cell cytoplasm
is typically partitioned by a third process of the cell cycle
called cytokinesis.

Time to Explore!

The Cell Cycle of a Frog

The Cell Cycle of a Butterfly

E. Developing Mastery Activity

(Lead to Formative
Assessment #3 Think-Pair-Share
Direction: From the choices below, complete the table by
writing the letter corresponding to the cellular activity that
describes the phase indicated. Write your answers in the
sheet provided.

Stages Phases Cellular activities

Interphase G0 1.
G1 phase 2.
S phase 3.
G2 phase 4.
A. The organelles double themselves, and the DNA
molecules replicate Protein and RNA synthesis
B. A nerve cell or blood cell – stops the entire cell
cycle and does not proceed to division anymore.
C. Results in the formation of identical pairs of DNA
molecules –sister chromatids.
D. The cell replenishes its energy stores and synthesize
proteins necessary for chromosome manipulation None sir.
and movement.

Any questions with our activity?

F. Finding practical Why that cell cycle is important to us?
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Does we exist without cell?

In politics there are also do we called cycle.

G. Making generalization What you have learned in our lesson? Cell cycle
abstractions about the What is cell cycle? is an ordered
lesson series of events
involving cell
growth and cell
division that
produces two
new daughter
How many stages in Interphase?
What are they?
H. Evaluating learning Cellular Quiz
Direction: Select from the word bank the appropriate word
that will complete the concept map below. Each word
should be used only once.

Telophase Mitotic phase Synthesis phase

G1 phase Cell Cycle Metaphase G2 phase
Interphase Anaphase Prophase

1. What
is cell

I. Additional Activities Draw a life cycle of a flower.

for Application or

A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

Prepared by:
John Mark F. Semillano


Rubric in Group Activity

Point Value Outstanding Good Developing Beginning
 5  4-3  2  1
Participation Participates Participates in Sometimes Participates
actively.  group. Shows participates in minimally.
Helps direct the concern for goals. group.  Shows a little
group in setting Participates in Shows concern for concern for goals. 
goals.  goal setting. some goals.  Watches but doesn't
Helps direct group Participates in Participates participate in goal
in meeting goals.  meeting goals.  marginally in goal setting.
Thoroughly Completes setting.  Completes assigned
completes assigned tasks. Participates in tasks late or turns in
assigned tasks.  Demonstrates meeting goals. work incomplete.
Actively effort to help the Completes some  
participates in group work assigned tasks.
helping the group together.
work together
Communication Shares many ideas Freely shares Shares ideas when Does not share
related to the ideas. encouraged. ideas.
goals.  Listens to others.  Allows sharing by Watches but does
Encourages all Considers other all group not contribute to
group members to people's feelings members. discussions.
share their ideas.  and ideas.  Listens to others.  Does not show
Listens attentively Considers other consideration for
to others.  people's feelings others.
Empathetic to and ideas. 
other people's
feelings and ideas. 
Note: There will be an additional point to those groups observing the safety protocol.

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