Wins Project Workplan
Wins Project Workplan
Wins Project Workplan
2. Repair of water connection to every classroom. Water connection repaired June 2023 School Head, P5,000 MOOE /
Teachers, Physical Donation
Facilities Coordinator,
3. Installation of wash area for each building Constructed wash area near October 2023 School Head,Teachers, P40,000 MOOE/Donation
primary building Parents, Brgy Officials
4. Purchase of toothbrush, toothpaste and soap to all Provided every primary grade a July 2023 School
levels. toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Head ,Teachers. P15,000 MOOE/Donation
School Nurse, Parents
5. Supply of drinking water to every classroom at 2 to 3 Supplied drinking water to every June 2023 School head, teachers, P4,000 MOOE/Donation
times a week classroom 2 to 3 times a week Parents
Prepared by:
Elements of Objective Activities Time Frame Persons Financial Fund Source Success Indicator
WinS Involved Requirements
To ensure correct knowledge Daily group handwashing Year Round Teachers and Each pupil was provided with
and understanding among with soap and pupils handwashing and
learners of effective hygiene toothbrushing with toothbrushing materials.
practices. fluoride toothpaste for all
children led by pupil
Provide individual July to SH, PTA, LGU Handwashind facilities are
handwashing facilities in December evident in the strategic areas.
Hygiene strategic areas.
Conduct orientation on July Teachers,Health Minutes on the conduct of
proper disposal of sanitary Personnel the orientation.
pads for girls’ toilet.
Sanitary pads are Year round Teachers, SH Availabilty of sanitary pads all
accessible in the school. MOOE,School the time in classroom of
Provide a rest space, Year round Teachers, SH Budget grade IV –VI pupils/canteen.
changing room for MHM Changing room was provided.
that is secure, private and P 50,000.00
Sanitation To improve sanitation practices Provide clean and Year round Teachers, SH, Clean, functional and gender
among the learners to enable functional toilets with PTA, LGU segregated toilets were
them to develop life-long handwashing facility and available in the classroom
positive sanitation behaviours. that are gender and in the school designated
segregated. areas.
To ensure that school is kept Provide trash bins for Year round Teachers, PTA Trash bins were provided in
clean and safe through proper waste disposal. every classroom.
waste management and food Conduct orientation on June to July Teachers, SH, Minutes on the conduct of
sanitation. waste segregation policy. PTA, pupils the orientation.
Secure health certificate June Canteen In Visibility of the health
and sanitary permit. charge MOOE,School certificate and sanitary
Conduct orientation on June Teachers, food Budget permit in the school canteen.
food safety measures to handlers P 50,000 Minutes on the conduct of
canteen’s food handlers. the orientation.
To improve equitable access to Provide safe drinking Year round Teachers, PTA, Safe drinking waters were
safe water. water for children for free SH provided to every classroom.
in every classroom at all
times. MOOE,School
Provide water for cleaning, Year round Teachers, PTA Budget Availability of water in the
handwashing and for the toilets.
use of toilets at all times. P 20,000
To increase the number of Deworming will be done July and Parents, Report on deworming
pupils to be dewormed by semi-annually in the January pupils,Teachers,
Deworming semi-annually to at least 85%. presence of health Health MOOE,School
personnel and with Personnel, SH P 500.00 Budget
parent’s consent.
To engage school partners for Conduct advocacy 1st quarter PTA, Minutes of the meeting
program implementation and meeting/information meeting stakeholders,
sustainability. dissemination on WinS LGU, Teachers,
program through PTA SH, Health
Meetings. Personnel WinS Program Integration in
Health Education Integrate WinS Programs Year round Teachers, SH the DLP.
in the k to 12 curriculums.
Availability of Health Teachers, SH, MOOE,School Visibility of Health Education
Education campaign Health Budget Posters in the classroom.
materials to every Personnel P 2,000
Prepared by: Noted: