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DD - 22 Floatation of Circular Pipe

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Flotation of Circular Concrete Pipe

There are several installation conditions where there erage density of seawater is 64.0 pounds per cubic foot.
is the possibility that concrete pipe may float even though In this Design Data, only fresh water is considered, but
the density of concrete is approximately 2.4 times that of local conditions should be investigated when seeking
water. Some of these conditions are: the use of flooding solutions for specific projects.
to consolidate backfill; pipelines in areas which will be
inundated, such as, a flood plain or under a future man- Displaced Water Weight
made lake; subaqueous pipelines; flowable fill installa- When water is displaced a buoyant or upward force
tions; and pipelines in areas with a high groundwater exists, and, if the buoyant force is greater than the weight
table. When such conditions exist, flotation probability of the object displacing the water, flotation will occur. The
should be checked. weight of fresh water displaced per linear foot of circular
pipe can be calculated by the following equation:
The buoyancy of concrete pipe depends upon the Ww = (Bc2) 62.4 (2)
weight of the pipe, the weight of the volume of water 4
displaced by the pipe, the weight of the liquid load carried where
by the pipe and the weight of the backfill. As a conserva-
tive practice in analysis, the line should be considered WW = weight of displaced water per linear foot,
empty so the weight of any future liquid load is then an pounds,
additional safety factor. BC = outside pipe diameter, feet.

Pipe Weights The average weights of the volume of fresh water
The average density of concrete is 150 pounds per displaced per linear foot of C14 and C76 pipe are pre-
cubic foot and the approximate weight per linear foot of sented in Tables 3 and 4.
circular concrete pipe may be calculated by the following
equation: Backfill Weight
π The weight of the backfill directly over the pipe assists
Wp = (Bc2 – D2) 150 (1) in holding the pipe down. The unit weight of compacted
backfill material varies with specific gravity, the grain
where size, and the degree of compaction. For preliminary
computations, however, average values for surface dry
WP = weight of pipe in pounds per linear foot. density and specific gravity of backfill materials are of
BC = outside pipe diameter, feet. sufficient accuracy.
D = inside pipe diameter, feet
The unit weight of inundated backfill is equal to the sur-
Average weights in pounds per linear foot for ASTM face dry density of the backfill minus the weight of water
C14 Nonreinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain and displaced by the solid particles and can be calculated
Culvert Pipe and ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete Cul- as followed:
vert, Storm Drain and Sewer Pipe are given in Tables I w
wI = w - x 62.4 (3)
and II. Most pipe manufacturers publish data that tabu- (SG x 62.4)
lates product dimensions and weight. The data from
these publications should be used when available. which reduces to:

Water Density W 1
The density of fresh water is 62.4 pounds per cubic wI = w - or W 1- (4)
foot for normal ranges of ambient temperature. The av-

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

© ACPA 2007 DD 22 October 2007
where; is the primary force resisting flotation than a safety fac-
wI =average unit weight of inundated backfill, tor of 1.0 is adequate. However, if friction or cohesion
pounds per cubic foot. are the primary forces resisting flotation, then a higher
w = average unit weight of surface dry backfill, safety factor would be more appropriate to account for
pounds per cubic foot. the variability of the soil properties.
SG = specific gravity of backfill.
Figure 1 illustrates the backfill over the pipe and If the total weight of the pipe and backfill is not
the different volumes to be considered. The volume of adequate to prevent flotation of the pipe, preventive
backfill over the haunches from the springline to the top nonflotation procedures, such as additional backfill, me-
of the pipe is equal to 0.1073 BC2 cubic feet per linear chanical anchorage, heavier pipes, or combinations of
foot of pipe. The volume of backfill from the top of the these would be required. Some of the commonly used
pipe to the level of inundation equals HIBC cubic feet per methods are:
linear foot of pipe. Therefore, the weight of inundated 1. Increased wall thickness.
backfill per linear foot of pipe acting downward on the 2. Precast or cast-in-place concrete collars.
pipe can be calculated as follows: 3. Precast or cast-in-place concrete blocks, fas-
tened by suitable means.
WI = wI (0.1073 Bc2 + HIBc) (5)
4. Pipe strapped to piles or concrete anchor slab.
where; 5. Additional backfill.

WI = weight of inundated backfill directly over the When computing the volume of concrete required per
pipe, pounds per linear foot. linear foot for pipe anchorage, remember that concrete
HI = depth of inundated backfill above top of pipe, which weighs 150 pounds per cubic foot in air, weighs
feet. only 87.6 pounds per cubic foot under water.

The weight of dry backfill above the water level, if DESIGN PROCEDURE
any, per linear foot of pipe acting downward on the pipe A suggested seven step logical procedure is pre-
can be calculated as follows: sented for determining the degree of buoyancy of empty
concrete pipeline and possible measures needed to pre-
WD = w (H - HI) Bc (6)
vent flotation. Downward forces are considered positive
where; and upward forces are considered negative.
1. Determine the downward force of the pipe weight
WD = weight of dry backfill directly over the pipe, in pounds per linear foot.
pounds per linear foot. 2. Determine the buoyant upward force of the
H = depth from top of pipe to surface of backfill, weight of the displaced water in pounds per
feet. linear foot of pipe.
3. Find the algebraic sum of the forces determined
Therefore, the total weight of backfill per linear foot in Steps 1 and 2. If the resultant force is posi-
of pipe acting downward on the pipe is the algebraic sum tive, the pipe will not float. If the resultant force
of Equations 5 and 6 as follows: is negative proceed with Step 4.
4. Determine the downward force of the total weight
WB = WI + WD (7)
of backfill in pounds per linear foot of pipe.
where; 5. Apply a factor of safety to determine the de-
creased total weight of backfill.
WB = total weight of backfill directly over the pipe, 6. Find the algebraic sum of the downward force
pounds per cubic ft. determined in Step 5 and the excess upward
force determined in Step 3. If the resultant force
FACTOR OF SAFETY is positive, the pipe will not float. If the resultant
Construction soils are noted for lack of uniformity. force is negative, proceed with Step 7.
Depending on the extent of information of the proposed 7. Select and analyze the procedures to be used
backfill material and site condition, a factor of safety rang- to prevent flotation.
ing between 1.0 and 1.5 should be applied. This factor of
safety shall be applied to decrease the downward force
of the backfill. Generally, if the weight of the structure

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

DD 22 October 2007
Figure 1 Backfill Volumes Over Pipe Table 2 Dimensions and Approximate Weights
of Circular Concrete Pipe

ASTM C 76 - Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain

and Sewer Pipe
Wall A Wall B Wall C
H Level of Internal Minimum Average Minimum Average Minimum Average
Inundation Diameter, Wall Weight, Wall Weight, Wall Weight,
Inches Thickness, Pounds Thickness, Pounds Thickness, Pounds
HI Inches Per Foot Inches Per Foot Inches Per Foot

12 1-3/4 79 2 93 - -
15 1-7/8 103 2-1/4 127 - -
Bc 18 2 131 2-1/2 168 - -
2 21 2-1/4 171 2-3/4 214 - -
24 2-1/2 217 3 264 3-3/4 366
27 2-5/8 255 3-1/4 322 4 420
30 2-3/4 295 3-1/2 384 4-1/4 476
33 2-7/8 336 3-1/4 451 4-1/2 552
36 3 383 4 524 4-3/4 654
Bc 42 3-1/2 520 4-1/2 686 5-1/4 811
48 4 683 5 867 5-3/4 1011
Table 1 Dimensions and Approximate Weights 54 4-1/2 864 5-1/2 1068 6-1/4 1208
of Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe 60 5 1064 6 1295 6-3/4 1473
66 5-1/2 1287 6-1/2 1542 7-1/4 1735
ASTM C 14 - Nonreinforced Sewer, and Culvert Pipe, 72 6 1532 7 1811 7-3/4 2015
Bell and Spigot Joint 78 6-1/2 1797 7-1/2 2100 8-1/4 2410
84 7 2085 8 2409 8-3/4 2660
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Internal Minimum
90 7-1/2 2395 8-1/2 2740 9-1/4 3020
Average Minimum Average Minimum Average
Diameter, Wall Weight, Wall Weight, Wall Weight,
96 8 2710 9 3090 9-3/4 3355
Inches Thickness, Pounds Thickness, Pounds Thickness, Pounds 102 8-1/2 3078 9-1/2 3480 10-1/4 3760
Inches Per Foot Inches Per Foot Inches Per Foot 108 9 3446 10 3865 10-3/4 4160
4 5/8 9.5 3/4 13 3/4 13 114 9-1/2 3840 10-1/2 4278 11-1/4 4611
6 5/8 17 3/4 20 7/8 21 120 10 4263 11 4716 11-3/4 5066
8 3/4 27 7/8 31 1-1/8 36 126 10-1/2 4690 11-1/2 5175 12-1/4 5542
10 7/8 37 1 42 1-1/4 50 132 11 5148 12 5655 12-3/4 6040
12 1 50 1-3/8 68 1-3/4 90 138 11-1/2 5627 12-1/2 6156 13-1/4 6558
15 1-1/4 78 1-5/8 100 1-7/8 120 144 12 6126 13 6679 13-3/4 7098
18 1-1/2 105 2 155 2-1/4 165 150 12-1/2 6647 13-1/2 7223 14-1/4 7659
21 1-3/4 159 2-1/4 205 2-3/4 260 156 13 7190 14 7789 14-3/4 8242
24 2-1/8 200 3 315 3-3/4 350 162 13-1/2 7754 14-1/2 8375 15-1/4 8846
27 3-1/4 390 4 450 3-7/8 450 168 14 8339 15 8983 15-3/4 9471
30 3-1/2 450 4-1/4 54 4-1/4 540 174 14-1/2 8945 15-1/2 9612 16-1/4 10,117
33 3-3/4 520 4-1/2 620 4-1/2 620 180 15 9572 16 10,263 16-3/4 10,785
36 4 580 4-3/4 700 4-3/4 700 These tables are based on concrete weighing 150 pounds per cubic foot and will
vary with heavier or lighter weight concrete
These tables are based on concrete weighing 150 pounds per cubic foot and will Note: Pipe listed above the heavy black line will not float in sea water and need
vary with heavier or lighter weight concrete not be considered.
Note: Pipe listed above the heavy black line will not float in sea water and need
not be considered.

Example 1 top of the pipe. Since the groundwater table is near

the ground surface in this area and the natural soil is
Given: basically sand, flooding of the backfill for consolida-
A 72-inch diameter, wall B, ASTM C76 rein- tion is permitted. The sandy soil is assumed to have a
forced concrete pipe is to be installed in a trench in surface dry density of 110 pounds per cubic foot and a
a sandy coastal area with 8 feet of backfill over the specific gravity of 2.65.

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

DD 22 October 2007
Table 3 Approximate Weight of Water Displaced Table 4 Dimensions and Approximate Weight
by Circular Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe of Reinforced Circular Concrete Pipe

ASTM C 14 - Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe, ASTM C 76 - Reinforced Concrete Pipe,

Bell and Spigot Joint Tongue and Groove Joint
Internal Weight of Water Displaced, Pounds Per Linear Foot Internal Weight of Water Displaced, Pounds Per Linear Foot
Diameter, Diameter,
Inches Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Inches Wall A Wall B Wall C
4 9.3 10.7 10.7 12 82 87 -
6 19.3 20.6 21.0 15 119 130 -
8 33 35 37 18 164 181 -
10 49 51 55 21 222 239 -
12 70 77 86 24 287 306 339
15 109 118 127 27 355 381 418
18 154 174 179 30 429 465 505
21 216 235 258 33 511 560 600
24 281 327 342 36 600 660 704
27 422 461 509 42 816 885 940
30 516 558 558 48 1069 1143 1206
33 617 664 664 54 1351 1440 1504
36 729 779 779 60 1666 1764 1842
Note: Pipe listed above the heavy black line will not float in sea water. 66 2020 2122 2207
72 2401 2519 2605
78 2786 2944 3043
Find: 84 3271 3401 3508
If the pipe would float under conditions of 90 3752 3899 4005
complete backfill, determine the procedures necessary 96 4266 4423 4545
to prevent flotation and what height of backfill is neces- 102 4823 4980 5109
sary to prevent flotation. 108 5403 5580 5706
114 6017 6203 6341
Solution: 120 6674 6863 7008
1. Weight of pipe 126 7354 7556 7709
From Table 2, WP = + 1811 pounds per linear foot 132 8067 8282 8443
(downward force). 138 8826 9042 9210
144 9906 9836 10,010
2. Weight of displaced water. 150 10,418 10,662 10,844
From Table 4, WW = - 2519 pounds per linear foot 156 11,278 11,523 11,711
of pipe (upward force). 162 12,157 12,416 12,612
168 13,069 13,343 13,546
174 14,031 14,303 14,513
3. Algebraic sum of Steps 1 and 2.
180 15,009 15,296 15,513
WP + WW = + 1811 + (-2519) = -708 pounds per
linear foot of pipe (upward force). Note: Pipe listed above the heavy black line will not float in sea water.
The resultant force is upward, therefore proceed to
Step 4.
From Equation 5, the weight of inundated backfill
4. Total weight of backfill. equals, WI = 68 [0.1073 (7.17)2 + (8 x 7.17)] = +
4276 pounds per linear foot of pipe (downward
Weight of inundated backfill:
Given the compacted surface dry density of sand is
110 pounds per cubic foot with a specific gravity of Weight of dry backfill:
2.65. Since the groundwater table was assumed to be at
From Equation 4, the unit weight of inundated back- the ground surface, there would be no additional
1 downward force.
fill equals, wI = 110 ( 1- 2.65 ) = 68 pounds per cubic

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

DD 22 October 2007
Total weight of backfill: ditional wall thickness necessary to prevent flotation.
From Equation 7, the total weight of backfill per lin-
ear foot of pipe equals, WB = +4267 + 0 = + 4276 Solution:
pounds per linear foot of pipe (downward force) 1. Weight of pipe.
From Table 2, WP = + 6126 pounds per linear foot
5. Application of Factor of Safety. (downward force).
Since no precise information is available on the den-
sity and the specific gravity of the sandy backfill, a 2. Weight of displaced water.
Factor of Safety of 1.25 will be used to reduce the From Table 4, WW = -9606 pounds per linear foot
assumed total weight of the backfill. of pipe (upward force).
WB + 4276
= = + 3421 pounds 3. Algebraic sum of Steps 1 and 2.
F.S. 1.25 (downward force) WP + WW = +6126 + (-9606) = - 3480 pounds per

6. Algebraic sum of Steps 3 and 5. linear foot of pipe (negative, upward force)
From Step 3, the resultant upward force is –708 and
from Step 5, the downward force is + 3421, which The resultant force is upward, therefore, proceed to
produces a resultant downward force of + 2713 Step 4.
pounds per linear foot of pipe.
4. Total weight of backfill.
Answer: Weight of inundated backfill:
Therefore, the pipe will not float when back- Given, the average surface dry density of the clay
fill is completed, additional procedures described in backfill is 123 pounds per cubic foot with a specific
Step 7 are not required. However, to find the required gravity of 2.66
depth of inundated backfill necessary to prevent flota-
tion during construction use Equation 5. Solve for HI From Equation 4, the unit weight of inundated
by setting the algebraic sum of WI, the weight of inun- 1
dated backfill over the pipe, decreased by the factor of backfill equals, WI =123 (1 - 2.66 ) + 77
safety, and the resultant upward force determined in pounds per cubic foot
Step 2 equal to zero, as follows:
From Equation 5, the weight of inundated backfill
+68 [0.1073 (7.17) + (HI x 7.17)] + (-708)=0 equals, WI = 77 [0.1073 (14)2 + (1 x 14)] = +2697
1.25 pounds per linear foot of pipe (downward force).
HI = 1.05 ft. above the top of the pipe
Therefore, a minimum depth of 1 foot 1-inch of Weight of dry backfill:
inundated backfill above the top of the pipe is required Since the site is a floodplain, the backfill is con-
to prevent flotation of the pipe. sidered completely inundated, therefore there is no
Example 2 additional downward force.

Given: Total weight of backfill:

A 144-inch diameter ASTM C76 reinforced From Equation 7, the total weight of backfill per
concrete pipe is to be installed as an outfall line for a linear foot of pipe equals, WB = +2697 + 0 = +2697
wastewater treatment plant. The line is to be installed pounds per linear foot of pipe (downward force).
underneath the flood plain of the stream and will have
only one foot of cover over the top of the pipe for a 5. Application of Factor of Safety
portion of its length. It will have a flap gate at the Since the soils information is based on tests, a
discharge end to prevent flood water and debris from Factor of Safety of 1.15 will be used to decrease the
entering the pipe. Soil tests have determined that the downward force of the inundated backfill.
average surface dry density of the in-place clay backfill WB + 2697
= = + 2345 pounds
is 123 pounds per cubic foot with specific gravity of F.S. 1.15 (downward force)
6. Algebraic sum of Steps 3 and 5
Find: From Step 3, the resultant upward force is –3480
If the pipe will float and if required, the volume pounds and from Step 5, the downward force is
+2345 pounds, which produces a resultant upward
of concrete per linear foot of pipe expressed as ad-

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

DD 22 October 2007
force of –1135 pounds per linear foot of pipe. The 4. Total weight of backfill.
pipe will float, therefore proceed to Step 7. Since the pipe is submerged with no backfill placed
over it, there is no additional downward force.
7. Analysis of method to prevent flotation.
As given, the method will be to increase the wall 5. Application of Factor of Safety.
thickness of the pipe. The algebraic sum of the un- Since this pipe is submerged in water only, a Factor
balanced upward force of –1135 pounds per lin- of Safety of 1.0 is used.
ear foot pipe as determined in Step 6 must equal
the weight of the additional wall thickness (tx) re- 6. Algebraic sum of Steps 3 and 5.
quired, and may be expressed in the following qua- From Step 3, the resultant upward force is –3480
dratic equation: pounds per linear foot of pipe. The pipe will float,
π (Bc + tx) tx c + FB = 0, or solving for tx therefore proceed to Step 7.

4FB 7. Analysis of method to prevent flotation.

-Bc ± Bc2 -
tx = cπ As stated, determine the required dimensions of a
2 concrete anchor slab linear foot of pipe.
tx = additional wall thickness in feet. To prevent flotation, the algebraic sum of the
Bc = density of submerged concrete, +87.6 submerged weight of the anchor slab per linear foot
pounds per cubic foot. and, the resultant upward force per linear foot must
FB = upward force in pounds per linear foot of equal zero, and may be expressed in equation form
pipe. as follows:

FB = (bd x1)
Substitution appropriate values in the above equa-
tion: where;
-14 + (14)2 - FB = The total negative (buoyant) force in pounds.
87.6 (3.14) b = Width of concrete slab, feet.
tx =
2 d = Depth of concrete slab, feet.
tx = +0.29 feet 1 = One linear foot.
C = Submerged weight of concrete per cubic foot.
Since negative values have no significance, use tx =
0.29 feet or 3.5 inches. Substituting appropriate values in the above equa-
Therefore, 3.5 inches of additional wall thickness are 87.6 (bd x 1) = 3480
required to prevent flotation of the pipe in this installa- and b x d x 1 ft. = 39.37 ft.3
EXAMPLE 3 Since the outside diameter of the pipe, BC, is ap-
proximately 14 ft. selecting this dimension for b, d
Given: will then be:
The 144-inch diameter pipe in Example 2 39.37
d = = 2.84 ft.
submerged in a fresh water lake with no backfill placed 14
over it.
Find: Therefore, a concrete anchor slab, 14 feet
The dimensions per linear foot of a concrete wide and 2.84 feet deep will prevent flotation of the
anchor slab required to prevent flotation. pipe, assuming proper anchorage of the pipe to the
1. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are the same as Example 2, leav-
ing –3480 pounds per linear foot of pipe upward
Since the resultant force is upward, proceed to Step

American Concrete Pipe Association • www.concrete-pipe.org • info@concrete-pipe.org 

Technical data herein is considered reliable, but no guarantee is made or liability assumed. DD 22 October 2007

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