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LessonPlan Jhanvi

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LESSON PLAN 1: Nutrition In Plants

Subject: Science
Class: VII
Chapter: Nutrition In Plants
Sub-topic: Modes of nutrition in Plants
No. of students: 20
Resources required: Classroom space, chalk, blackboard, laptop
Duration of the lesson: 40 minutes
Date: 31-03-2023

Objectives: Students will be able to

● Understand the difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition as well as
define both.
● Understand the different modes of nutrition in plants.
● Explain the process of photosynthesis.

Overview of the lesson plan:

● Introduction (5 mins)
● Different modes of nutrition (10 mins)
● Photosynthesis (10 mins)
● Exit slip+ doubt clearing (15 mins)

Phase-wise transaction of the lesson:

Phas Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Time

es required

I. Introducing the topic: Students think and try answering 5 mins

the following questions.
To do various activities like playing,
dancing, cycling, etc. what do we need?

How / from where do we get this

What do we get from food? (depending
on the answer)

What do plants require to synthesize or

produce energy?

(Teacher notes the responses on the

board while the students answer these

II. Different modes of nutrition: 10 mins

Showing examples of food chains and Students observe the diagrams of

asking the students what is the common the food chain and look for the
trend that they observe here? common trend.

What is the reason behind plants being

the first organism in all the food

Teacher states that-

Plants are the only organisms that can
prepare their own food.

Such organisms that prepare their own As the teacher writes the new
food are called autotrophs, and the terms and their definition on the
mode of nutrition in which organisms board the students copy it in
produce their own food from simple their text.
substances is called autotrophic
nutrition. (auto = self; trophos =

Animals and most other organisms

make their food with the help of plants.
Such organisms are called
Heterotrophs and the mode of
nutrition is called heterotrophic
nutrition. (heteros = other)

Teacher asks for some examples of Students think of examples.

autotrophs and heterotrophs.

III. Photosynthesis: 10 mins

In response to the question asked in the Students think about the

introduction- question.
What do plants require to synthesize or
produce energy?
Follow up question for that would be-
What is the process called through
which plants make use of these things
to produce food/energy?

Do you know the process of


Questioning the students:

Where and how do the plants get water
and minerals from?

What do they get from the sunlight?

Where is this energy stored?

Teacher states that leaves are the food

factories of plants. Water and minerals
present in the soil are absorbed by the
roots and transported to the leaves.

Teacher defines and explains the As the teacher writes the

process of photosynthesis using a definition the students write the
diagram: definition in their books.

The process by which plants prepare

their own food by using water, carbon
dioxide and sunlight is called
Photo= light, synthesis= to prepare

Carbon dioxide is taken in from the air

through tiny pores called stomata on
the surface of leaves.
Green pigment called Chlorophyll
helps capture the energy from sunlight.

III. Assessing of their understanding + Students will be asked to write 15 mins

doubt clearing: the responses to these questions
in their notebooks. This exercise
Exit slip will be individually done by the
students. However students will
1. Classify the following be allowed to take help from
organisms into autotrophs Or their peers and teacher if they
heterotrophs: need.

Banyan tree, tiger, earthworm, grass, Ideally 10 mins will be allotted

rabbit, mango tree for the exit slip and 5 mins if
there are any doubts.
2. Define the following:

a. Autotrophic nutrition
b. Photosynthesis

3. Name the following:

a. Green pigment that

captures the energy
from sunlight:

b. Pores that store carbon

dioxide from air:

4. Think and answer:

a. What will happen if

there are no plants left
in the environment?
Give reasons for your

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