EHS Walk / Inspection: Welspun One Logistics Parks
EHS Walk / Inspection: Welspun One Logistics Parks
EHS Walk / Inspection: Welspun One Logistics Parks
Sr. Findings, location and Recommendation/ immediate Action by Target date Corrective action with evidence/ photo
no. evidence/photo action
1 There is no barricade structure Stacked areas need to be the Kirby (Flexcon) 13-03-2023
members storage area barricade
All materials are stacked and
the workplace is free from
Sharp edges should be covered
Poor Housekeeping in Remove all scattered Metec 13-03-2023 Housekeeping materials is removed and
2 workplace – There are plenty of materials also scattered materials
loose materials scattered
4 The barricade was found missing in Provide barricade electrical DG Metec 11-03-2023
the electrical DG area area and avoid unauthorized
person entry.
Unknown person can operate
the electrical DG.