Peltola Johanna
Peltola Johanna
Peltola Johanna
The use of health IT has become prevalent in hospitals across the world. Hospital information
system (HIS) is the backbone of a modern hospital. It generally consists of several integrated
modules covering distinct parts of administrative and clinical functions of a hospital, including
inpatient and outpatient operations, human resources, electronic medical records (EMR),
information on imaging, laboratory, and pharmacy. HIS can improve the operational
performance of a hospital, and ultimately lead to better patient experience, improved health
outcomes, and increased revenue for the hospital.
Developing countries have special challenges in adopting and using these systems, including
low computer skills of personnel, substandard ICT infrastructure, and widely prevalent paper-
based systems across hospitals. The government of Tanzania has recently implemented a
national eHealth strategy to support the adoption of health IT. As a result, local health care
facilities have started adopting hospital information systems, and decision-makers at hospitals
need guidance on how to select an appropriate HIS.
As user experience is an important aspect of health IT affecting the adoption and use of these
systems, we studied the perceptions of health care personnel and hospital management in
regard to three hospital information systems, AfyaPro, Care2X, and GoTHoMIS, used in
Tanzanian hospitals. The thesis consists of the qualitative user study and literature review of
HIS adoption and use in developing countries. The thesis has been done in collaboration with
Capacity Building of Tanzanian Health Information System project, a multi-stakeholder initiative
consisting of partners in Finland and Tanzania. The project aims to build eHealth competencies
in Tanzania.
The study found out that hospital information systems provide a myriad of quantifiable benefits
to both hospitals and patients, but they still pose many challenges to the users. Automation,
reduction in manual work, and tracking various hospital metrics were perceived as major
benefits of HIS. However, hospital personnel’s lack of ICT skills, frequent power cuts, lack of
necessary HIS integrations, and usability issues were perceived as challenges in HIS use. The
main rationale for this thesis was to explore the user perceptions of HISs and to inform
decision-makers in Tanzanian hospitals for selecting an appropriate hospital information system
and guide HIS developers in creating better systems.
Keywords and terms: eHealth, health informatics, user experience, hospital information system,
developing countries, Tanzania
The originality of this thesis has been checked using the Turnitin OriginalityCheck service.
2. CONTEXT ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. National and global eHealth initiatives……………………………………………… 4
2.2. Health system and public health in Tanzania………………………………………... 4
2.3. Project description and partners……………………………………………………...6
2.4. Description of the HIS products……………………………………………………... 7
2.4.1 AfyaPro……………………………………………………………………… 7
2.4.2 Care2x……………………………………………………………………….. 7
2.4.3 GoTHoMIS………………………………………………………………….. 8
References ............................................................................................................................... 33
1. Introduction
Figure 1. The vision for a national health information system by the Ministry of
Health, Tanzania.
Health IT silos and lack of standards hamper interoperability, which is one of the
major challenges in the Tanzanian eHealth scenario (eHealth Strategy for Quality
Healthcare Delivery Service, 2013). Exchange of patient information between
healthcare providers should be effortless and straightforward to ensure better health
outcomes for patients. Hospitals and state-level authorities should be able to easily
exchange local health data to allow mapping of country-wide health statistics for better
understanding and coordination of public health issues, e.g. management of potential
infectious disease outbreaks.
research question is “what design implications can be drawn to create better hospital
information systems?”
The focus of this thesis is on the user experience (UX), i.e. the various human
factors influencing the adoption and use of the HIS. The three HIS products used in the
Tanzanian hospitals included in our user study are described in Chapter 2.4. The aspects
of UX covered in the context of this thesis are 1. perceived quality of use, 2. benefits,
challenges and suggestions for improvement, 3. learnability, training and customer
support, and finally 4. the extensiveness of the system in regard to integrated modules
and functionalities. This thesis will not cover the societal, organizational, technical, or
other factors that also influence the adoption and use of a HIS.
The thesis consists of three main parts. The first part contains an introduction to
the topic and the context of the thesis, and presents related work. The second part
presents the user study with Tanzanian hospitals along with the results, methodology
used in the research, and discussion. The third and final part presents the conclusion.
2. Context
25 administrative regions and 113 districts in the mainland of Tanzania. The districts of
the country are semi-autonomous in health planning and implementation. Vast majority
(90%) of the Tanzanian population lives within 5 km from a primary care facility, but
most of them live in rural areas, far away from hospitals and specialist care (Tanzania
National eHealth Strategy 2012-2018, 2013).
The health system is decentralized and multi-tiered. The patient’s first contact point
is generally a local health centre. Based on the initial health assessment, the patient is
then sent to more specialized centers of care if necessary. Figure 2 displays the levels of
care and responsibilities in the Tanzanian health system. There are approximately 4,679
dispensaries, 481 health centers, and 237 public and private hospitals across the
Tanzanian mainland (Tanzania National eHealth Strategy 2012-2018, 2013).
the rural areas (eHealth Strategy for Quality Healthcare Delivery Service, 2013). The
situation is further exacerbated by poverty, population growth, poor infrastructure, and
low level of education.
Hospitals in Tanzania often face power cuts, network connection issues, and other
infrastructural problems that can come in the way of using a hospital information
system effectively. It is important to understand the context in which these systems are
used on a daily basis. Hospital information systems are not a panacea to the public
health issues of Tanzania, but if successfully implemented, they can alleviate the
challenges by making processes in hospitals more efficient and helping to save
technical comparison of the three systems in 2018. The results of the user study and the
literature review presented in this thesis will also be reproduced in a report on HIS
product comparison by the FCMS.
2.4.1 AfyaPro
AfyaPro is a HIS product by Africa eHealth Solutions International (AeHS). It is cloud-
based (Azure), but can also be installed locally. AfyaPro runs only on Windows. It is
the only one of the three systems that offers patients access to their own medical data.
AfyaPro is used in 21 hospitals in Tanzania (Africa eHealth Solutions, 2019).
2.4.2 Care2x
Care2X was initially an open-source full hospital information system, but since the
sponsors have withdrawn, the system has been supported by Lutheran Investment
Company in Tanzania. Most of its major components are free to use. Care2X runs on
both Linux and Windows. The user interface of Care2X can be adjusted to the hospital’s
specific needs and in addition to a desktop computer, it can also be used with a mobile
phone and a tablet. Care2x user interface can be seen in Figure 3. In 2017, seven
hospitals in Tanzania were using Care2X (Wambura, Machuve, & Nykänen, 2017).
2.4.3 GoTHoMIS
Developed by the Government of Tanzania (GoT), GoTHoMIS has the most solid
prospect for continuity. By 2017, it was used by approximately 170 health facilities
across the country (Government of Tanzania - Hospital Management Information
System, 2017). GoT plans to nationally centralize the use of GoTHoMIS across the
country’s hospitals. Purposed for the collection and reporting of facility level clinical
information as well as supporting hospitals in service delivery, the main functionalities
of GoTHoMIS include EMR, laboratory information system, inventory and tracking of
medical supplies, billing and revenue collection, performance tracking and reporting
(government standard MTUHA forms) (Government of Tanzania - Hospital
Management Information System, 2017). Figure 4 displays some of the integrations of
3. Related work
In this chapter we take a closer look at hospital information system adoption and use in
developing countries through reviewing relevant literature. This literature review covers
the perceived benefits and challenges influencing HIS adoption and use in developing
countries, creating a theoretical basis for our study. It will also look at the challenges
related to HIS design in developing countries. We will also explore the limitations of
other studies and see how our study relates to them.
Scientific publications, e-books, news articles, and reports were searched for this
thesis using ANDOR, a database provided by the Tampere University. Several searches
of the database were conducted using various combinations of search terms that
included “user experience”, “hospital information system/s”, “health information
technology”, “Tanzania”, and “developing countries”. Google search was used as well.
unsustainable HIS use. HIS needs to be fully integrated to the work flow of a hospital,
so that the users have all the information they need without ending up with missing
Cline and Luiz (2013) suggest that the sustainable success of using a HIS in an
organization comes down to the technology-related aspects as well as change
management inside the organization. While considering the various aspects of user
experience of hospital information systems, we should not forget that the organizational
factors are at play when considering the successful long-time use of a HIS.
4. Methodology
The user study aimed to investigate the user perceptions of three selected hospital
information systems, AfyaPro, Care2X and GoTHoMIS, used in Tanzanian hospitals
and health care facilities. In this chapter, the methods and the participants of the study
will be described. Interview data used in this thesis was provided by the project partner
who has been described in detail in Chapter 2.3. Various user groups were interviewed
with semi-structured interviews after which the data was analyzed using qualitative
As the sample was relatively small (n=35), it might not be possible to generalize
the results to cover all hospitals in Tanzania, let alone other developing countries.
However, the results aim to provide a window to the use of hospital information
systems in Tanzanian hospitals, and inform the decision-makers in Tanzania on
selecting a HIS that is suitable for their purposes. Depending on the individual scenario,
the results could be applied in hospitals located in other developing countries after
evaluating whether there are enough similarities in the setting.
4.1. Interviews
Thematic, semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were conducted to
collect data on the experiences of the users. Semi-structured interviews were chosen as
they allow for a more free-form interaction without being too rigid. User perceptions
that the researchers wished to gain understanding of included four main areas. The areas
concerned 1) operation of the systems, and perceived quality of their use, 2) the
experienced benefits and challenges of the systems, and suggestions for improvement,
3) the learnability, training, and customer support of the systems, and 4) the
extensiveness of the systems in regard to integrations and functionalities. In order to
gain a deep and thorough understanding of these areas, semi-structured interviews and
qualitative content analysis were selected as study methods.
All interviews were conducted in person in Tanzanian hospitals during March and
April in 2018 by the project partner. The author of this thesis has not conducted any
interviews, but only used the data provided by the project partner to conduct a
qualitative analysis. The interview data was provided in Microsoft Excel sheets and
Word documents which have been arranged and analyzed by the author.
The semi-structured interviews consisted of the same questions for each user. The
interview questions were selected to understand the user experience of the three hospital
information systems. There were inconsistencies in the interview data: not all
respondents answered all of the questions, which makes interpreting the results less
reliable. Interview topics and questions are attached as Appendix 1.
All the interview data collected by the project partner has been anonymized.
Hence, there was no need to process personal information, and no risk of data security
4.2. Participants
Hospital personnel (n=35) including hospital managers, doctors, nurses, pharmacists,
laboratory personnel, IT professionals, and support staff from seven different Tanzanian
hospitals were interviewed for the study. Support staff covers medical and ward
attendants, as well as personnel working in billing, registration, medical records, and
reception. Variation in hospital size and location, as well as previous experience of
using a HIS were considered in the selection of the hospitals and respondents to achieve
as diverse representation of the target audience as possible.
The interview data did not contain any information on the age or gender of the
participants. Hospital job roles and educational background have been recorded for
some of the participants. The job roles of the participants can be seen in Table 1.
Occupation Respondents
Medical Doctor 7
Nurse 3
Pharmacist 4
Management Personnel 5
Support Personnel (billing, reception etc) 7
IT Personnel 7
Technician 2
The educational background was recorded only for some of the participants. This
data can be seen in Table 2. The individuals of unspecified educational background seen
on the Table 1 are likely to have completed at least a diploma level of education as they
are professionals working at a hospital.
Table 3 below displays information on the sites where interviews were conducted.
Seven hospitals were included in the study, spanning four different regions of Tanzania.
Table 3. Information on the hospitals where interviews were carried out (n=35).
integrated with the MTUHA reporting, the hospital personnel needs to complete
additional work. The doctors at Sengerema hospital are not using the AfyaPro system at
all for this reason. One of the respondents described the situation with following words:
“All doctors are not using the system currently, because of difficulty of preparing
MTUHA reports, since the same data that is entered in the system should then be re-
entered manually in the MTUHA physical books as per the Government requirements.
So it seems like double work.”
It was also reported that maintaining the patient’s physical files still required
manual work from the employees. Information often goes missing as 3 respondents
said that they have faced a situation where the patient’s information disappeared for an
unknown reason. Sometimes the system was not able to recognize the patient even
though they were already registered. Regularly occurring power cuts were mentioned
as a challenge by 2 respondents. Sometimes the power cuts may lead to loss of patient
data, and require re-entry, which amounts to additional work. Lack of personnel ICT
skills was seen as a challenge by 2 respondents. This was also expressed as the lack of
“competitive” employees. Also too low number of computers seemed to be an issue, as
2 users said there are not enough computers for the staff to use.
Many individual suggestions for improving the system were mentioned by the
study participants: the AfyaPro system should be converted from local to a web-based
system so that it would be easier to manage it and even use on tablets, report generation
for RCH (Reproductive and Child Health) should be added, the procedure for
registration, billing, and admitting as well as discharging inpatients should be
simplified, patient retrieval function should be improved, and finally, network
infrastructure was hoped to be improved.
Easy learnability was mentioned by 2 participants. Six respondents reported that
training was provided by the system developer or administration, but 4 respondents
thought that the amount of training is not sufficient. They would require more training
both for using the AfyaPro application as well as training in basic computer use.
Four respondents mentioned that there is a lack of technical support by the
developers, whereas only 1 person said there is enough support. It was also mentioned
by one of the respondents that the hospital needs to cover the living and transportation
allowance for the developers in the time of support.
The AfyaPro system was reported to have no integration with any other systems
by 4 participants. The major issue is the lack of integration with the MTUHA reporting
system, as mentioned before. This causes manual work which was mentioned as a
challenge by 6 participants. One participant mentioned that AfyaPro is integrated with
DHIS2, which is a district health information system used in Tanzania, but that they did
not have access to it on their user level (medical record personnel). Lack of DHIS2
sent back. This is also one of the general performance indicators for hospitals. The users
also mentioned that nurse charts should be added to the system. A problem with a
webERP (online account and business management system) integration was also
reported by one respondent. Other suggestions for improvement included adding
guidelines on how to use the system, and to fix a bug that makes patient information
disappear if the patient has been registered before midnight, and then admitted to the
hospital after midnight.
Three interviewees felt that they got enough training to use Care2x, but it was
mentioned by 2 interviewees that more training was needed. It was also mentioned
that the staff needed training in basic computer skills, not only in using the system.
One of the respondents mentioned that typing training would be required as some of the
staff members are very slow to type with the keyboard. Six of the respondents said that
the system was easy to learn. Two participants mentioned that it is harder for the older
generation to learn to use the system. Support for Care2x was provided well by the
developers as 7 interviewees thought the availability of in-house technical support
was good.
Many functions were reported to be missing from Care2x. Full blood picture
and nurse charts were both mentioned by 2 participants. A pharmacist wanted to see
notifications when an item in the stock is running out. A nurse hoped for a role-based
note-taking, and mentioned that the notes currently get mixed between different
users. One of the respondents also felt that the staff should be notified of system
changes inside the application. Now they are only notified during the meetings, or not at
all. Other missing functionalities mentioned by individual users included clinical
decision support systems, patient reminder system, screen refresh function for
pharmacy, missing column in the urine analysis reporting, and the fact that notes cannot
be edited after saving, as the users need to write an entirely new one.
In regard to integrations, one of the users mentioned that only the CT-scan is
integrated and the images go directly to the system. Another respondent mentioned that
the Care2x is integrated with the laboratory and other departments. Individual
respondents said that there is a problem with the integration to webERP, and for
viewing medical images users need to enter a password which sometimes causes
trouble. It was also mentioned that a connection to insurance system should be added.
adding more ICD10 codes, dropdown list for medical test results, notifications to alert
new requests for pharmacy, and integration with laboratory analyzers.
Three respondents mentioned that the system was easy to learn. They also said it
was only possible if they already had basic computer skills. One respondent said it was
hard to learn. All users are trained to use GoTHoMIS, but 5 interviewees thought that
more training was needed, including basic computer use. IT personnel of the hospital
was trained by the system providers. It was mentioned by 3 respondents that the
technical support is instant and there were no problems in getting it when needed. A
respondent also reported that programmers are able to remotely access the system in
case of an issue. Problems were said to be discussed in weekly staff meetings, where
also technical support was given.
When interviewees were asked about the functions that the GoTHoMIS system is
lacking, many individual things were mentioned. These included missing diagnosis and
treatment functions from dental module. It seems that many of the modules in
GoTHoMIS are not in full working order. It was mentioned that the hospital is
currently not able to fully utilize the inpatient module, inventory module was under
construction, CTC (Care Treatment Centre) module was not working, and a module for
hospital secretary was also not working. The respondents also said that some more
reports are needed such as 5+days report, and that the system does not comply with
ICD9 standard which is used by the Ministry of Health in Tanzania. This should be
considered as GoTHoMIS uses the ICD10.
In regards to integrations, many were in place, but GoTHoMIS also lacked
necessary integrations. Probably the most useful aspect of GoTHoMIS is its
integration with the government’s MTUHA reporting system. Also, TAMISEMI
and DHIS2 were mentioned to be integrated. It was said by 4 respondents that
GoTHoMIS should be integrated with financial systems, such as Government
Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG). The payment system integrations were mostly
missing, but a special CRDB (a commercial bank in Tanzania) card for payments was
integrated to GoTHoMIS. The lack of integration with laboratory test equipment was
seen as a problem, whereas the X-ray was already integrated. One person has to take a
sample, and another one needs to key in the information to the system, while the other
person has to approve the results. System integration with the laboratory equipment
would make the process easier and save time. It was also mentioned that GoTHoMIS
should be connected to a National level centralized data center. NHIF (National
Hospital Insurance Fund) was not integrated into the system, which was also requested
by the respondents.
contact numbers should be added at the same time, one number for the patient and
another one for the patient’s relative. This makes the process more complicated. The
third interviewee also mentioned that in GoTHoMIS the patient’s place of residence is
automated, while in Care2x the input for residence is done manually. Care2x enables
editing of patient records after wrong input, where GoTHoMIS does not. Overall, the
interviewee prefers GoTHoMIS over Care2x.
The fourth interviewee from St Elizabeth hospital was a billing clerk. According to
her, Care2x is better in billing than GoTHoMIS. Care2x had an ability to allow a user to
be attended first and conduct payment later, but this is not possible in GoTHoMIS,
which makes things more complicated. Care2x allows payments in advance and
viewing them, while GoTHoMIS allows advance payments, but does not allow viewing
them. This also makes the process more complicated, as they need to go see an
accountant to view the advance payments. She also mentioned that in GoTHoMIS the
patient needs to register before charging them is possible, whereas in Care2x the patient
is given a number for the payment without the need of registering first. Some modules
are not yet fully functional in GoTHoMIS, so patients still need to bring paper
documents to the billing department, which need to be filled in the system. Overall, she
prefers GoTHoMIS because it is fast and simplified compared to Care2x.
The fifth interviewee from St Elizabeth hospital was a medical doctor. He thinks
GoTHoMIS is still new and needs many improvements. He also finds Care2x much
faster to use than GoTHoMIS, because he has been used to it. He was not happy that
Care2x was replaced with GoTHoMIS as Care2x had become a stable system. He thinks
Care2x has a good arrangement of modules which is the reason for it being so fast in
offering the services to the patients. Compared to Care2x, GoTHoMIS is slow in
prescription of medicine, for example. He also compares the ICD10 (International
Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) presentation, and says that Care2x is very
good over GoTHoMIS in this aspect. Overall, he thinks that Care2x is a better
system, but is hopeful that GoTHoMIS would become better in the future. Other things
where he finds Care2x superior include laboratory work as it has eliminated paperwork,
whereas in GoTHoMIS manual handling of documents is still required. At St Elizabeth
Hospital they used to have a local server which was easily accessible, and hence it was
easy to get consultation for various issues. However, GoTHoMIS server is not locally
available, and it is hard to know who to consult. In case of technical issues, Care2x is
easier because it only requires a local IT person to solve a problem. With GoTHoMIS it
is more difficult as local IT people usually do not have expertise on it. With Care2x it is
easy to view previous medications prescribed to the patient, whereas with GoTHoMIS
viewing is not that easy: previous medications need to be searched separately. In Care2x
a doctor makes his own choices to fill out the diagnosis, but in GoTHoMIS the
Table 4. The three hospital information systems ranked based on the number of user
perceptions reported about them.
Table 4 above provides an overall view of how the three hospital information
systems were perceived by the users on various aspects. In Table 4, the three HIS
products are ranked from 1 to 3 based on the number of mentioned perceptions by the
users who participated in the interviews. Number 1 indicates the highest number of
mentions. Such ranking gives an indication of how the systems were performing in the
hospitals. Each hospital manager making a decision about which hospital information
system to use should look at the advantages and disadvantages provided in this study,
and reflect on the situation in their respective hospital. For example, if the hospital
personnel includes a large number of people with low computer skills, it should be
considered whether the HIS developer provides thorough customer support for its users.
Minor and major usability issues were present in all hospital information
systems and were reported by all of the interviewed user groups. It would be important
for the HIS developers to fix them as they can delay the work and even cause double
work for many of the hospital personnel which causes a lot of frustration and loss of
operational performance, ultimately leading to substandard experience for the patient.
Some of the usability-related problems reported by the respondents included issues
such as data that disappears for no reason, and duplicate orders to cashiers. It is worth
asking whether some of these types of problems are actually related to the system, or
could they perhaps be user-induced, e.g. a user might have forgotten so save the
information after filling out a form or made a double order by themselves.
Incompletely filled patient records were an example of perceived challenges given
by some of the participants. While this can cause many frustrations to health care
personnel who would need to understand a patient’s situation, perhaps the issue could
be rectified by requiring the user to fill out certain fields. This could be a customizable
option so that the HIS administrator could adapt the forms according to the needs of the
hospital. This way, forms would get completed appropriately. The downside of this
approach is that then the process is not flexible and takes more time. Perhaps HIS
designers could consider voice user interfaces for filling out forms. In this approach, the
importance of re-checking the information becomes highly important, and noisy
hospital environments might provide additional issues.
Frequently occurring power cuts and network problems were mentioned as
some of the major issues with HISs. In the event of those, the users were forced to
resume manual labor and endure loss of important data. It would be recommended that
the HIS developers would consider this factor, and create systems that can work
seamlessly offline whenever an issue with the network is faced. The system could save
the data offline and update it back online when possible.
Perceptions of each HIS will be analyzed separately below.
AfyaPro seemed to bring a lot of manual work to its users. This is what the users
mostly disliked about the system. One of the biggest issues was that the system is not
compatible with the government of Tanzania’s reporting system. This was seen as a
hurdle by many participants, and as something that would make the user experience of
the system worse. Despite the lack of the important MTUHA integration, users also
had experienced a reduction in the amount of manual work in other areas such as
tracking patient records. AfyaPro also seemed to lack many functionalities that would
be important to the hospital personnel. It caused issues due to the lack of integration to
the laboratory equipment which caused a lot of additional work especially for the
laboratory personnel.
AfyaPro seems to be easy to learn for the users, but they still felt the need for more
training on the system, even in basic computer skills. A situation where part of the
hospital personnel is proficient with computers, and some are not, is inequitable and
might contribute to unsustainable HIS use in the long run.
The fact that AfyaPro is not integrated with nearly any other systems caused
discontent among the participants. If the hospital is required to provide MTUHA
reports, then having this integration in the system would be really important. Many
hospitals are shifting away from AfyaPro because it does not provide the integration
with the MTUHA reports.
Care2x was most praised out of the three systems in terms of simplifying the daily
hospital work flow and reducing the time required for work. Care2x was also seen very
good in keeping accurate patient data and this way providing better service to the
Care2x was also found the most easy to use between all three hospital information
systems among all the user groups. It also got the best feedback about having sufficient
training and customer support provided to the hospital in case of technical issues. It
also had the most number of perceived benefits mentioned in terms of the system
features. Despite the perceived benefits, Care2x still have a long way to go, as it also
received the most mentions for improvement suggestions and missing functions.
Together with GoTHoMIS, Care2x had the least amount of lacking integrations
mentioned by the respondents, both faring better than AfyaPro in this regard.
GoTHoMIS caused the least amount of headache to its users, as it received relatively
the least amount of mentions about challenges. It also fared low on improvement
suggestions, so it seems like the users of GoTHoMIS did not have as much to complain
in terms of system functionalities as the users of the two other systems. GoTHoMIS
users were also happier with the functions than the users of other systems, as they
reported the least amount of functions, that they would like the system to have.
However, GoTHoMIS gained the least amount of mentions for perceived benefits. It
is the newest one of the three hospital information systems included in our study, so this
could be one of the reasons for such findings as users might not be familiar with all the
benefits yet. Both Care2x and GoTHoMIS fared better than AfyaPro in terms of
integrations. Regarding customer support, GoTHoMIS earned the most mentions after
Care2x, but it was still far off compared to Care2x in this regard. Users of GoTHoMIS
felt that they need more training in using the system. However, the learnability was
perceived easy by some of the participants.
Integration with the MTUHA reporting system is one of the biggest strengths of
GoTHoMIS. Detailed patient history was also mentioned as one of the best things
about GoTHoMIS, just like in Care2x. Automation of various hospitals tasks and the
possibility to track important metrics were some of the parts mentioned positively
about the use of GoTHoMIS.
5.6. Discussion
So far, this thesis has mapped out the benefits and challenges of hospital information
systems and studied the user perceptions of three HIS products in Tanzanian hospitals.
The literature review looked at studies regarding the perceived benefits and challenges
of HIS adoption and use in developing countries, and how their design could be
improved. In our user study, we have discovered several points for improving the
current HIS products that hospital decision-makers can benefit from when selecting a
The common challenges regarding the HIS adoption and use presented in our
literature review were well represented in the user study. The interviewees often
mentioned the hospital personnel’s lack of basic computer skills and unreliable ICT
infrastructure as perceived challenges with HIS use. These are important aspects that
without a doubt have a major impact on the perceptions toward hospital information
systems. Once the system is off due to a power cut or a network issue, and all patient
data is lost requiring re-entry, the process can get very tedious for both the hospital
personnel and the patient. Add to that, a queue of patients waiting simultaneously, and
frustration is guaranteed.
Many hospital personnel have to work collaboratively, and sometimes relatively
small things could become significant in an intense and fast-paced working
environment. Slow typing speed, or even not being able to use a computer can be major
factors in how well hospital information systems are adopted by the personnel. Hence, it
is of utmost importance that the staff is not only thoroughly trained to use the HIS
products, but also provided training in basic computer skills, whenever necessary. These
factors were emphasized in the literature review as well (Busagala & Kawono, 2013;
Kajirunga & Kalegele, 2015).
In our study we could see that the basic necessities are important aspects of user
experience. Basic and advanced level training of HIS users, reliable ICT infrastructure,
and customer support create the appropriate environment for the HIS. This should be
considered by the decision-makers in the hospitals as a vital aspect of sustainable HIS
Many of the participants in our study, especially doctors, mentioned double
documentation as a challenge with the HIS they were using, with an exception of the
GoTHoMIS. It was also found in the literature that specifically electronic medical
records can be a bottleneck in HIS use, since the lack of necessary integrations leads to
double work (Tilahun & Fritz, 2015). This emphasizes the importance of the HIS
having the required integrations, as the system might be completely abandoned if it does
not fulfill the requirements of the users. This was also seen in our study results from
Sengerema hospital, where doctors were not using their HIS at all for this reason.
Creating MTUHA reports is a common task in Tanzanian hospitals, and an absolute
necessity to be integrated with a HIS in Tanzania.
Partial use of HIS was one of the challenges seen both in the literature review
(Kimollo et al., 2010) and the user study. Even though hospital information systems
intend to cover all functionalities inside a hospital, the main purpose being increasing
the collaboration and efficiency of the whole hospital, this is not always the case. In our
data, we saw that there were hospitals who used a HIS only in one or two of their
departments. One of the hospitals even had two systems in use simultaneously, one for
inventory-related tasks and another one for patient-related tasks. For a HIS to provide
its full benefits to a hospital, it should be used in all hospital departments.
One of the perceived benefits our user study interviewees expressed was the
decrease in financial malpractices thanks to the hospital information system. This also
reflects the findings of our literature review where the same effect was found in Kenyan
hospitals (Nkanata et al., 2018). This would certainly be seen as a positive effect by
most, but could also cause discontent in HIS users with unlawful tendencies.
Regarding the HIS design, discussing individual functionalities of HISs without
understanding the use context easily becomes too superficial. It is important that the
designer is fully familiar with the local circumstances and user requirements. As Heeks
(2002) pointed out, the design-actuality gap is a major determinant of success for ICT
systems in developing countries. It should be acknowledged that even designers living
and working in developing countries can be influenced by the HIS designs created for
the developed country setting, and hence create biased designs inappropriate for the
context they are meant for. Design-imposing applications are common when designers
from developed countries design systems for developing country settings (Heeks, 2002).
This approach is typical especially in donor-funded IS projects due to the dearth of time
and funding. Heeks says that design divisibility is a key factor, i.e. the system should be
designed in such a malleable way that it leaves room for local improvisations and
opportunities for learning.
Since there is no universal blueprint for designing or implementing an information
system, such as a hospital information system (HIS), in a developing country setting, we
need to examine each situation separately and recognize the unique requirements
attached to it. Only then we can really begin to bring true value to decision makers in
selecting appropriate HIS and to designers creating information systems that match the
user needs. This is why our user study is important in addressing the unique factors in
the Tanzanian setting and at least partially avoiding problems caused by the country
context gap. It is worth a mention, however, that the HISs included in our case study
might be fully or partly created by designers who have not considered all of the
dimensions of the actual setting where the HIS would be used resulting the HIS to be
inappropriate for the context it is meant for.
hospital has its own unique requirements, even though many common denominators can
be found.
The user study presented in this thesis included a small number of users (n=35).
Studies that would be bigger in scope would be required for future research. Moreover,
future studies could perhaps consider using an established theoretical framework, such
as TAM (technology acceptance model) or UTAUT (unified theory of acceptance and
use of technology). Using surveys based on these frameworks would be useful in
gathering more structured insights about the user satisfaction level of a HIS.
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Job role What is your job title / job role?
Education What is your educational background? (Field and level)
Work experience in the organization
(years) How long have you worked for this hospital?
How long working experience do you have in total? (previous
Overall working experience relevant jobs)
How long have you used the system How long have you used the system
How the system has changed the work Since taking the system into use, how has your job changed?
Experience with other systems Have you used other similar systems? For how long?
What is good in the system? What do you like about the
Benefits of the system system?
Challenges in the system What is bad in the system?
Have you done something to overcome the bad things in the
What has been done to overcome system?
challenges What / What have you done to overcome these issues?
Improvement wishes How would you like the system to be improved?
Learnability Was there something that was difficult to learn? What
Did you get training to use the system? How was it? Was it
Training Do you need more training? What kind of training?
What do you do when you encounter problems with the
Support Do you get the help needed?
Accessibility Is the system always available to you?
Manual / repetitive work Do you still do some work manually on paper? What?
Is there something that is worse, more difficult than before the
Worse/more difficult than before system?
Missing functions Is there something missing from the system?
Integrations Is the system integrated to other systems relevant to you?
Problems with current integrations Are the current integrations sufficient and working?
Missing integrations Should the system be integrated to other systems?
How many staffs work in one shift? Do everybody use the
Staff / computer ratio How many computers do you have here? What kind of devices