Curvature and Twist of VAWT
Curvature and Twist of VAWT
Curvature and Twist of VAWT
A swept area
b blade span
c chord length
CP power coefficient, P/ 21 ρAV∞
P power
Q∗ sectional non-dimensional torque, Ft∗ r/R
r = r(b) sectional radius
∗ PhD Student,
† Post-doctoral Research Assistant,
‡ Mechan Chair of Engineering,
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Copyright © 2010 by Frank Scheurich, Timothy M. Fletcher and Richard E. Brown. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.
R radius of the rotor at blade mid-span
Re blade (rotational) Reynolds number, Re = ΩRc/ν
S vorticity source
u flow velocity
ub flow velocity relative to the blade
V∞ wind speed
α angle of attack
λ reference tip speed ratio, ΩR/V∞
ν kinematic viscosity
ψ azimuth angle
ρ density
ω vorticity
ωb bound vorticity
Ω angular velocity of the rotor
I. Introduction
The number of wind turbines deployed around the globe has increased significantly in recent years in
an attempt to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. The wind turbines that are currently
operating in wind farms feature, almost exclusively, a three-bladed rotor with a horizontal-axis configuration.
In recent years, however, there has been a resurgence in the development of both large-scale and small-scale
vertical-axis wind turbines. The development of large-scale vertical-axis wind turbines is mainly a response
to a plateau in the improvement of the aerodynamic performance of horizontal-axis wind turbines, whereas
the research into small-scale vertical-axis wind turbines is motivated by a perceived future demand for
decentralized electricity generation within cities and rural communities.
Vertical-axis wind turbines are, by design, insensitive to the wind direction if the wind is perpendicular
to the axis of rotation, and therefore do not require a yaw control system. Horizontal-axis wind turbines, in
contrast, have to be rotated in order to track changes in wind direction. Several authors, including Mertens,1
have suggested that vertical-axis wind turbines offer distinct advantages over those with horizontal-axis design
when operating in conditions that are typical of urban environments.
A vertical-axis wind turbine is called a Darrieus turbine when it is driven by aerodynamic lift. The
concept was patented in the United States by Georges Darrieus2 in 1931. The patent includes both straight-
and curved-bladed configurations in which the blades are supported using plates located at the top and the
bottom of the turbine to provide structural strength. By curving the blades to yield the so-called troposkien
shape, which is equivalent to the shape of a spinning rope that is constrained at its ends, the high bending
moments that are encountered on straight-bladed turbines can, to some extent, be alleviated. Both straight-
bladed and curved-bladed vertical-axis wind turbines suffer, however, from a marked azimuthal variation in
the loading on their blades. These variations in loading manifest as oscillations in the torque and power that
is output from the turbine. The oscillating torque that is developed by straight- and curved-bladed turbines
contributes significantly to the vibration that is transmitted to the tower and the foundations of the system.
In addition, the oscillations in the loading on the blades can lead to increased fatigue of the rotor structure.
For these reasons, several commercial vertical-axis wind turbines feature a design that incorporates blades
that are twisted helically around the rotational axis of the turbine. The torque, and consequently the power
output, of vertical-axis wind turbines with helically twisted blades is relatively steady, thus alleviating the
stress on the turbine system, reducing the vibration transmitted into its supporting structure, and thereby
increasing the design life of the turbine.
The accurate aerodynamic simulation of vertical-axis wind turbines poses a significant challenge. During
operation, the angle of attack of the blades varies cyclically with azimuth. Dynamic stall can occur at
low tip speed ratios when the angle of attack of the blades transiently exceeds the static stall angle of
their airfoil sections. In addition, the interactions between the blades of the turbine and the vortices in
its wake create an impulsive component to the aerodynamic loading on the blades. These interactions are
notoriously difficult to predict accurately in terms of their position and strength. Indeed, Klimas3 considered
the interaction between the blades of the turbine and the wake produced by the rotor to be one of the most
critical problems in the numerical modeling of the aerodynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines. In the present
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Figure 1. Geometry of the vertical-axis wind turbines with straight (a), curved (b), and helically twisted blades (c).
Number of blades 3
Airfoil section NACA 0015
Rotational Reynolds number at blade mid-span 800, 000
Chord-to-radius ratio at mid-span 0.15
Aspect ratio 20
Tip speed ratio 5
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15 5
10 4
5 3
0 2
−5 1
−10 0
−15 −1
−20 −2
−25 VTM: section at mid−span −3 VTM: section at mid−span
−35 −5
−40 −6
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 495 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 405 450 495
Azimuth, ψ [deg] Azimuth, ψ [deg]
The local blade velocity varies cyclically with azimuth due to the sinusoidal variation in the component
of free stream velocity relative to the blade chord. On the windward side of the turbine, at 90◦ azimuth,
the free stream velocity vector is orthogonal to the blade chord, resulting in a high angle of attack and an
associated peak in the blade loading. As the blade passes toward the leeward side of the turbine, between
180◦ and 360◦ azimuth, the flow that is induced by the wake of the turbine results in a reduction in the
aerodynamic loading on the blades. In the upwind part of the revolution, between 0◦ and 180◦ azimuth, both
the VTM-predicted non-dimensional normal force, shown in figure 3(a), and the non-dimensional tangential
force, shown in figure 3(b), agree well with the experimental measurements. A discrepancy does occur
between the VTM-predicted aerodynamic loading on the blades and the experimental measurements on the
leeward side of the turbine, however. This is mainly due to the three-dimensional aerodynamic effects that
are not captured accurately if only the mid-span section of the blade is considered. Downwind of the axis
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static stall angle
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg]
Sectional Non−Dimensional Normal Force, F *n
z/b=0.25 4
20 z/b=0.125
z/b=0.045 3
−15 −3
−20 −4
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg] Azimuth, ψ [deg]
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static stall angle
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg]
30 5
z/b=0.5 z/b=0.5
Sectional Non−Dimensional Tangential Force, F *
25 4
Sectional Non−Dimensional Normal Force, F *
z/b=0.25 z/b=0.25
20 z/b=0.125 z/b=0.125
z/b=0.045 3
−15 −3
−20 −4
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg] Azimuth, ψ [deg]
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15 static stall angle z/b=0.125
Sectional Angle of Attack, α [deg]
static stall angle
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg]
Sectional Non−Dimensional Normal Force, F *n
z/b=0.25 4
20 z/b=0.125 z/b=0.125
z/b=0.045 3 z/b=0.045
−15 −3
−20 −4
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg] Azimuth, ψ [deg]
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(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 7. Three-dimensional graphical representation of the computed flow fields surrounding the turbine configurations
with straight blades (a,b), curved blades (c,d), and helically twisted blades (e,f ). The wake geometry is visualized by
rendering a surface on which the vorticity has constant magnitude. The sub-figures on the left show the entire vorticity
field that is developed by the turbine, whereas the subfigures on the right show the vorticity that is developed by each
individual blade.
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Sectional Non−Dimensional Torque, Q *
1 1
0 0
−1 −1
−2 −2
−3 −3
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg] Azimuth, ψ [deg]
r/R=1.00, z/b=0.5
r/R=0.94, z/b=0.25
r/R=0.83, z/b=0.125
Sectional Non−Dimensional Torque, Q *
r/R=0.75, z/b=0.045
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg]
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straight−bladed turbine
0.4 curved−bladed turbine
helically twisted turbine
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
Azimuth, ψ [deg]
Figure 11. VTM-predicted variation of power coefficient with azimuth angle for the three turbine configurations that
were investigated.
VIII. Conclusion
The aerodynamic performance and wake dynamics of three vertical-axis wind turbines, one with straight
blades, another with curved blades and another with a helically twisted blade configuration, have been
investigated using the Vorticity Transport Model (VTM). The VTM explicitly conserves the vorticity within
the flow field surrounding the turbine, thus enabling the influence on turbine performance of the structure
and evolution of the vortical wake that is induced by the rotor to be analyzed in detail. Vertical-axis wind
turbines with either straight or curved blades are known to suffer from blade loads that vary considerably
with azimuth; this results in a power output that contains a substantial oscillatory component at the blade
passage frequency of the turbine. The variations in the blade loading can fatigue the rotor structure and
reduce the design life of the turbine. By comparison, a turbine with helically twisted blades yields a relatively
steady power output. Despite the helically twisted blades still individually experiencing oscillations in blade
loading with azimuth, a relatively steady force distribution for the entire turbine is achieved through an
almost uniform distribution of blade area around the azimuth. The power output of the turbine with
helically twisted blades is not entirely smooth, however, as the mutual interactions between the blades and
the vortices within the wake that is developed by the rotor do still result in localized impulsive perturbations
to the aerodynamic loading on the blades.
Blade curvature results in a reduced circumferential velocity relative to the free stream velocity at the
outboard region of the blade when compared to that at the mid-span of the blade. This is because the
effective radius of the blade sections is smaller near to the blade tips than at the mid-span of the blade. The
outboard regions of the blades of the curved-bladed configuration therefore experience oscillations in angle
of attack that are of larger amplitude than those at the mid-span of the blade. The angle of attack can
exceed, at least transiently, the range in which the lift coefficient varies linearly with angle of attack, and
can thus manifest as dynamic stall at lower tip speed ratios than for the straight-bladed configuration.
The analysis that is presented in this paper reveals that an appropriate model for the three-dimensional
wake that is produced by a vertical-axis wind turbine is essential in order to capture the interactions between
the blades of the turbine and the vortices in the wake, and thus, that such a model is a crucial component
of any numerical scheme that is to predict accurately the aerodynamic performance of vertical-axis wind
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London, Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 423, No. 1864, 1989, pp. 401–418.
7 Leishman, J. G., and Beddoes, T. S., “A Semi-Empirical Model for Dynamic Stall,” Journal of the American Helicopter
RP-908, 1993.
10 Niven, A. J., and Galbraith, R. A. McD., “Modelling Dynamic Stall Vortex Inception at Low Mach Numbers,” Aeronau-
Aerodynamics Experiment Phase VI:Wind Tunnel Test Configurations and Available Data Campaigns,” National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA, NREL TP-500-29955, 2001.
12 Fletcher, T. M., Brown, R. E., Kim, D. H., and Kwon, O. J., “Predicting Wind Turbine Blade Loads using Vorticity
Transport and RANS Methodologies,” European Wind Energy Conference, Marseille, France, 16–19th March 2009.
13 Fletcher, T. M., and Brown, R. E., “Simulating Wind Turbine Interactions using the Vorticity Transport Equations,”
28th ASME Wind Energy Symposium, Orlando, Florida, USA, 5–8th January 2009.
14 Strickland, J. H., Smith, T., and Sun, K., “A Vortex Model of the Darrieus Turbine: An Analytical and Experimental
Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine,” Wind Energy, manuscript under review, September 2009.
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