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Spring 2023 Assessment 3 Project Brief: Course Code Course Name

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Spring 2023

Assessment 3 Project Brief

Course Code IEM103

Course Name Emotional Intelligence and Personal Resilience

Student Details

Insert the full name of each member of the group and their ID number in the space provided.

Student Name/ID
Student Name/ID
Student Name/ID
Student Name/ID
Student Name/ID

Time Allowed 2 weeks

Percentage of final grade for course 20%

CLO Maximum Earned Grade

CLO 2: Evaluate political intelligence (PI) and role it plays in
leadership, managing self and others, and influencing and 50%
delivering on performance.
CLO3: Appraise personal resilience (PR) and its links to EI,
working under pressure, stress management and work life 50%

Submission procedure:

1. Submit a soft copy (Word Document and Powerpoint ONLY) of this assignment through
the link on Moodle (end of Week 12) by 23h59 on April 3rd, 2023) through the Turnitin
Portal under IEM103 on the course Moodle site.
2. Type your answers and then upload it on to Moodle. Take care that the final document
submitted is the version you wish marked. No alternatives will be accepted once a copy
has been received by your instructor.
3. Late submissions are allowed within a maximum of 5 working days of the deadline of
the assessment activity. The group’s grade will be reduced by 10% for each working day
during the aforementioned 5-day period. If the assignment is submitted beyond the 5-
day period, you will receive a grade of 0.
4. Work which falls short of, or significantly exceeds (by 10% or more), the agreed word
count will be subject to a 10% reduced mark.

Academic conduct:

Use of a consultant or other unethical external support will receive a zero grade and may
be subject to further disciplinary action.

You are to address the assignment in two parts.
Working in groups of 4 to 5 members, you are to produce
1) A 12 to 15 minute powerpoint presentation, and
2) A Group Report (no longer than 1200 words) on the following:

Each group will select a leader or well-known public figure of their choice.
The selected figure can be a political or historical figure, business person, sports personality,
celebrity, influencer or other well-known figure. Choose a figure about which much will have
been written. Examples might include:
 Ghandi,
 Nelson Mandela,
 Martin Luther King, and so on.

In the course of their career or lifetime, this person will have demonstrated exceptional political
skills and exceptional personal resilience.
You may use one leader to address both parts of the assignment or you may choose to use two
different figures to address each part of the assignment.

Section A: Focus Political Intelligence

Based on your understanding of political intelligence:
1) Provide a brief introduction and rationale for selecting your chosen leader/person.
2) Explain what we mean by political intelligence and in what ways this person displays or
lacks this attribute, drawing out their key leadership and EI Traits. Provide supporting
examples/evidence from documented records about this person to substantiate your
3) What recommendations would you make for this person to improve their political

Section B. Personal Resilience

1) Provide a brief introduction and rationale for selecting your chosen leader/person.
2) Explain what we mean by Personal Resilience and in what ways this person displays or
lacks this attribute, drawing out the links to their EI. Provide supporting
examples/evidence from documented records about this person to substantiate your
3) What recommendations would you make for this person to improve their personal

Structure for the Group Report
The structure of your report should follow the following format:
1) Project Summary (120 words maximum): Explain the purpose of the project and what
you will discuss.
2) (430 words): Your answer to Section A: Q1, Q2 and Q3.
3) (430 words): Your answer to Section B: Q1, Q2 and Q3.
4) Individual critical reflections on Group work (110 words): This section is to be
answered individually. Each of you will write about your experience of doing group
work. Your answer might:
a. Describe the dynamics of the group and explain how well you were able to work
together e.g. you may want to discuss how your TEIQue profile or social style
(Bolton and Bolton) impacted on how you performed within the group.
b. What new knowledge or skills did you gain from working in a group in terms of
your own political intelligence and personal resilience? How will you use these
in the future?
5) Concluding remarks and group reflections (110 words): This section should provide a
summary of your report and the group’s combined reflections on what worked well,
what did not work so well and what you would do differently in terms of the group’s

Note: The suggested word count for each section is intended to serve as a guideline for how
you might structure your report.

Structure for the Powerpoint Presentation

The structure of your presentation should include the following:
1) Introduction
2) Your answer to Section A: Q1, Q2 and Q3.
3) Your answer to Section B: Q1, Q2 and Q3.
4) Concluding remarks and group reflections.

Note: You will not be asked to provide individual reflections during the presentation. The
whole group will need to be available to answer Q&A.
You do not all have to present. If you do not present, then you should be prepared to answer
questions about the presentation. You should select your most confident presenters to

Case Assessment Rubric
Fail Pass Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent

≤ 59% 60 to 69% 70 to 76% 77 to 83% 84 to 89% 90 to 100%

Report: Little to no Mostly adequate Adequate knowledge Good knowledge and Very good knowledge Superior knowledge
understanding with knowledge and and identification of good identification of and identification of and identification of
Demonstrates knowledge and very poor or no identification of some some key idea across most key themes most key ideas across key ideas across both
identification of main ideas identification of key relevant ideas across at both topics. across both topics. both topics. Shows topics. Shows original
ideas. least one of the topics. some original thinking. thought that
20 points
challenges the reader’s

Report Ideas are not analyzed Ideas are partially Adequate analysis of Good analysis of main Very good analysis of Superior depth of
nor supported with analysed and/or main ideas supported ideas with good main ideas, supported analysis of main ideas,
Provides clear analysis with suitable examples. partially supported with mostly adequate examples. with good examples. supported with robust
Executive Summary

relevant supportive details and with some relevant examples across all
examples to substantiate each examples. answers.

30 points

Report: Poor or no evidence of Mostly adequate level Adequate level of self- Good level of self- Very good level of self Superior depth of self-
Individual Reflections self-reflection. of self-reflection with reflection with reflection with clear reflection with very reflection with
some links to sufficient links to links to theory, good links to theory excellent application of
15 points theory/concepts theory/concepts demonstrating and a clear ability to theory. Demonstrate
studied in class. studied in class. understanding of how apply concepts to self. original thinking.
concepts apply to self.

Use of proper referencing using No citations Limited to teaching Limited to sources Up to two external Up to three external Four or more external
APA format in Presentation and notes; Some citations discussed in class; sources per section. sources per section. sources per section.
Summary Report. are inaccurate and/or citations are mostly Citations are mostly Citations are accurate Citations are accurate
formatted incorrectly. accurate and accurate. and correctly and correctly
10 points formatted correctly formatted. formatted.

Presentation Quality The presentation has The presentation The presentation is The presentation offers The presentation is The presentation is
no clear structure, followed a mostly well structured and a solid, coherent nicely structured with superior in quality in
1. Structure (introduction, lacks coherence and adequate structure, mostly coherent with structure with logical very good level of terms of structure,
body, conclusion) does not include offering a reasonable some minor lapses. flow. Citations and coherence and logical coherence and in all
2. Coherence citations or proper level of coherence. Some references and referencing are mostly glow. Citation are aspects of referencing.
3. Citations within the text referencing. Some references and citations are inaccurate accurate with minor accurate and correctly

4. References at the end of the citations are either and/or inconsistent lapses only. formatted and are Referencing is
ppt missing or inaccurate. with the report. consistent with the consistent with the
report. report

15 points

Presentation Delivery Ineffective delivery, Mostly adequate Satisfactory Good, confident Very good presentation Superior presentation
lack of cohesion and delivery with some presentation skills, presentation skills with skills. Able to maintain skills.
1. Delivery to time preparation was preparation. Some makes themselves good level of spoken flow and engage
2. Well-paced evident. Language lapses in use of English. understood and English. participants.
3. Presents concepts clearly barrier. conveys key messages. Preparation is evident.
4. Good command of the
5. Has presence/makes eye
contact, etc.

10 points


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