Srī Advaita's Stavarāja
Srī Advaita's Stavarāja
Srī Advaita's Stavarāja
Srī Srī Gaurānga Pratyānga Varnonākhya
By Srī Advaita Ācārya
The Topmost Prayer Which Describes
Srī Gaurānga's Beautiful Bodily Limbs
Srī Narahari Sarkāra Thākura's
Viraha mahotsava
452 years ago at Srīkhanda, on the Krsna-ekādasī day in Kārttika, Srī
Narahari Sarkāra Thākura's first viraha mahotsava was inaugurated by his
nephew, Srī Raghunandana Thākura, along with Srīnivāsa Ācārya and
Nityānanda's son, Srī Birbhadra Prabhu. Though still today Srī Narahari's
Vaisnava family descendants maintain the tradition of his rasarāja Gaurānga
worship, as they celebrate this festival with great pomp for 5 days every year.
( A merciful Blessing )
During this blessed event, we had the pleasure of visiting the honourable
son of Srī Gauragunānanda Thākura, Srī Nityānanda Thākura of Srīkhanda, who
is presently 102 years old. Being kind, he allowed us to read this book's
manuscript to him.
And after attentively listening for some time, he showed his appreciation by
offering a hearty blessing :
Opening Words
Sri Gauranga's incredible beauty is such – that anyone would naturally fall
head over heels upon viewing Him ! Though it is surprising that the original mood
that His closest associates adopt to worship Him has almost become lost. In this
essay we hope to uncover what such worship entails.
As our Rādhā is mahābhāva svarupinī, Her Krsna is the rasarāja. But when
They combine – Svayam Bhagavān's most lofty feature advents as Srī Gaurānga
Mahāprabhu. Hence Gaurānga's foremost worship has two sides :
2) His Rasarāja upāsanā that his Navadvīpa bhaktas reveal in their sāstras
and padāvalī.*
Table of Contents
A Prelude to The Līlā
To begin our reading venture, we will need a guide. Such a person should
be closely connected to Gaurānga in the līlā, and thus be able to accurately tell
us about this realm. Our guide, and the person whom we take shelter, is Srī
Narahari Sarkāra Thākura. As Gaurānga's svarupa saktī and nitya siddha
associate, he is an ideal example to follow. This is because he can directly
award us the prema that we will require to enter the Lord's madhura līlā.
As the Lord in the heart, Gaurānga could understand Narahari's feelings.
So then and there He pierced His heart with a loving glance ! But this made
Narahari fall in love with Him forever. Here is Narahari's testimony :
My First Encounter
“ O sakhī ! I went to fetch water from the Gangā this afternoon with
nanadī ( my sister-in-law ). But O my ! Upon seeing Gaurānga's beautiful limbs
– my water jug slipped from my hip and broke to pieces ! This triggered
nanadī's jealousy – and she lashed at me like a poisonous snake ! I was
shaking like anything – tears poured from my eyes – and I became
fever-struck ! O sakhī ! I was drowning in the ocean of Gaurānga's bodily
splendour – and His effulgence which was brighter than countless autumn
moons lit up the Gangā's shore ! Then I noticed his broad chest anointed with
candan, and there was a colourful flower mālā tossing from there.
Ooh ! Because of wicked nanadī, I was scared stiff ! But then came His loving
glance which devastated me ! O sakhī ! How can a young girl ( such as me )
remain sober when even Cupid shakes in fear ? Narahari confesses : When a
woman's anurāga awakens for Gaurānga's stunning beauty, won't her family
attachment and chastity get blown to smithers ? ” - Padakalpataru
Here Narahari depicts himself as a pretty Nadīyā damsel who falls in love
with Gaurānga. This stems from rupa anurāga, his romantic attraction which has
become stirred upon seeing Srī Bhagavān's incomparable beauty. In the case of
the Vraja gopīs, all it takes is to get a glimpse of Krsna's rupa mādhurī as they
go to fetch water from the Yamunā. Yet Narahari's relationship with Gaurānga
also contains a parakīyā mood. Why ? Because when Rādhā and Krsna join to
become Sacīnandana – He is truly nitya Madanmohan*.
“As the Amorous Hero ( kānta ) Gaurānga awards His divine bliss and eternal
peace in the heart of infinite jīvas.”
* Nitya Madanmohan : When Krsna is separated from Rādhā, Madan ( Cupid ) takes advantage
to torture Him. But when Rādhā joins with Krsna, then He can conquer even Madan. Therefore
when Rādhā and Krsna combine to become Sacīnandan, He is always Madanmohan. In other
words, he can captivate everyone !
As the topic of Srī Advaita's Stavarāja will soon begin, we should mention
that Srī Narahari Sarkāra Thākura includes this entire prayer ( 41 verses ) in his
Bhakticandrikā's fifth chapter. And thus he verifies that :
Vaisnavas know that Advaita Ācārya is Gaurānga's most senior bhakta, and
the Lord Himself who induces Srīman Mahāprabhu to descend. Though apart from
His eternal role in the līlā, Advaita directs Gaurānga's very intimate madhura
pastimes through His internal Yogamāyā saktī, Srī Sītā Thākurānī.
* See the last article in the book entitled : The Stavarāja is Authentic.
Chapter One
Gaurānga's Original Worship
“ Hey Gaurasundara, upon seeing Your handsome form, limitless men eagerly
yearn to become women ( for the chance to attain Your madhura prema
sevā ). ” - sloka 25
“ Hey Madanmohan Gaura ! Your glamorous prema keli ( with your beautiful
consorts ) outmatch the romantic prowess of millions of Cupids ! No wonder
You personify srngāra ( conjugal love ) – as Your transcendental body forms
the beautiful abode for all Your loving pastimes ! ”
Chapter One
But after studying the Caitanya sāstras, rarely do we find examples which
show that our same Svayam Bhagavān, Srī Gaurahari, performs those same
pastimes. So in the Stavarāja, Advaita's wonderful contribution lies here : He
reveals Gaurānga's romantic nature and worship in a language which is clear and
easy to understand.
Gaurānga's Original Worship
Pūrba rāga
( Madhura Prema's Awakening )
But what are you saying sakhī ? And how can I explain this to you ?
For I've lost my patience to see Him again. O no ! You're still acting normal –
so I really blundered to share my secret with You. Locana says : Just wait till
you see Him – then you'll know what I'm talking about. ” - Dhāmalī
Chapter One
This is true, of course, in the līlā prakāsa where Gaura's Rādhābhāva līlās
unfold. Though it is equally true, and appreciable, that Gaurānga's romantic
srngāra pastimes unfold simultaneously in another līlā prakāsa. So because the
rasa-filled versions of the Stavarāja and Caitanya caritāmrta are both authentic,
we can discover that Gaura līlā has lots of diversity. Srīla Kavirāja Goswāmī tells
more about this in Caitanya caritāmrta :
Here it says that all of the different rasa-streams of Vraja prema flow into
Gaura līlā. Thus sānta, dāsya, sākhya and vātsalya rasa are all there – along with
the mainstreams of Gaura's major focus on relishing the various flavours of
madhura rasa. Now to answer our point in question :
Gaurānga's Original Worship
Chapter One
srīkrsna caitanya gosāi vrajendra kumāra
rasamaya murti krsna sāksāta srngāra
sei rasa āsvādite kaila āvatara
anusange kailo sab rasera pracāra
One day Krsnadāsa Kavirāja hosted a sankīrtana festival at his home. And this
was attended by Srī Mīnaniketana Rāmadāsa, Nityānanda's pure devotee. As the
singing and dancing went on, Rāmadāsa became overwhelmed by sāttvic bhāvas
as he loudly shouted Srī Nityānanda's name !
Now what does Rāmadāsa mean to say ? To find out, let us refer to the
following story from the Bhāgavatam :
Gaurānga's Original Worship
Yet similarly, in our present story, when Krsnadāsa Kavirāja saw his brother
becoming disrespectful to Rāmadāsa, he chastised him saying : “ What is this ?
Although you are faithful to Srī Caitanya, you are disrespectful to Srī Nityānanda !
Your offensive behaviour to His pure devotee will ruin you ! For your logic
resembles that of one who accepts only half of the hen. ”
“ Hey Gaurasundara ! The exciting bhāvas and prema keli affairs that You
enjoy with the clever and rasa-skilled Nadīyā nāgarīs are simply enchanting.
And Gadādhara and Narahari's special prema, rasikā bhāvas and amorous
talents especially overwhelm You. But what is more, at the slightest hint, You
become the Amorous Hero ( kānta ) of every one of Your Bhāgavat
associates. Then as You embrace them with Your lovely arms, You truly
become bhaktavātsala for awarding madhura prema to all of them ! ”
- slokas 26, 27, 28
Chapter Two
The Greatest Secret
Now we should ask : “ As Krsna enjoys loving affairs with the gopīs, does
Gaurānga relish those same kind of pastimes with the bhaktas ? ”
The answer to this important question will unveil the greatest mystery in
Gaura līlā :
“ Hey Gaurasundara ! There are limitless males who now eagerly yearn
to become female upon viewing Your exquisite beauty. ”
Chapter Two
“ Amongst all the rasika bhaktas, O how affectionate is Gaura with them
– for by taking up His kāntabhāva – He showers them in His madhura prema
rasa ! ”
And this is when Srī Yogamāya arranges the bhaktas supremely attractive
nāgarī svarupas, just as She makes all of the arrangements for Krsna and the
gopīs' loving affairs. But this surely makes sense, since a majority of Gaurānga's
associates were Krsna's Vraja gopīs to begin with. So wouldn't they wish to take
up the līlā from where they left off in Vrndāban ? Hence Gaura nāgarī bhāva is
the natural outcome of what happens when rasarāja Srī Krsna transfers His
madhura pastimes to Nadīyā.
The Greatest Secret
Let us now review Advaita's last verse in Chapter One to compare it with
Narahari's version here :
“ vidagdha nāgarī bhāva kalā keli manoramam, Hey Gaurasundara ! The exciting
bhāvas and prema keli affairs that You share with Your rasikā n āgarīs are very
enchanting, ” He is referring to Gaurānga's first category of nāgarīs, those who
are always in female forms.
Chapter Two
that the conjugal loving affairs which the bhaktas share with Gaurānga in
their nāgarī svarupas are not only factual – but the very life of their life !
The Greatest Secret
Thus Srīla Kavirāja Goswāmī affirms that they are, in turn, Gaurānga's
prānaballabhās ( beloved consorts ).
(2) Srī Yadunātha dāsa, who is Srī Gadādhara dāsa's disciple, and Gaurānga's
nitya parsāda, says the same thing :
Srī Yadunatha dāsa thus concludes his small opus entitled Srī Srī
Gadādhara Pandita Goswāmīra Sākha nirnayāmrta, where he lists the names of
Gadādhara Pandita's disciples and followers.
(3) Srī Sivānanda Sena comments about Gaura and Gadādhara's vasanta-vihāra
in this way :
“ O just see ! Gaura kishora is enjoying the Holi pastime in the arms of
the rasikā damsel, Gadādhara ! ”
Chapter Two
(5) Srī Narahari Sarkāra's rasa tattva has been recorded by his descendent, Srī
Gauragunānanda Thākura, in his book entitled The Ancient Vaisnavas of
Srīkhanda :
“ Srī Narahari Sarkāra Thākura serves and gives pleasure to his ' Prāna
Gaura ' in basically three ways :
The Greatest Secret
Of the three, the nāgarī bhāva is Narahari's most deeply felt mood. And
Gaurānga is the affectionate object ( visaya ) of Narahari's kāntābhāva ( mood
as a consort ). Hence this forms his sthāyi bhāva ( permanent mellow ) as the
other rasas of dāsya, sākhya and vātsalya are contained within it. ”
(6) Srī Murārī Gupta has written a number of nāgarī poems about his
relationship with Gaurānga. These appear in Padāmrta-samudhra and
Padakalpataru, which were compiled by Srī Rādhāmohan Thākura* and his
disciple Vaisnava dāsa. Here is a sample of Murārī's poetry :
dande dande tile tile, gorā rupa nā herile, marame moriyā jeno tāki
sādha hoy nirantara, hemakanti kalevara, hiyār mājhare sadā rākhi
bāreka nā dekhiya tāy, pajora dhasiyā jāya, dhāiraja dhorite nāhi pāri
anurāga duri diyā, antare ki kore hiyā, nā jāni tār koto dhāra dhāri
suradhunī tīre giyā, kula dibo bhasāiyā, ānale jvaliyā dibo lāje
gaurānga sanmukhi kori, gaurāngera kalanka mālā, galaye porite sādha lāge
murārī gupta bole, bhāle dāge dile, gupta gaurānga anurāge
* Rādhāmohan Thākura is Srīnivāsa Ācārya's great great grandson, and in the opinion of Narahari
Cakravarti, Srīnivasa Ācārya's second incarnation.
Chapter Two
Murārī lived in the same neighbourhood as Nimāi and was His senior
classmate in Gangādāsa Pandita's Sanskrita school. Thus witnessing the Lord's
pastimes from the beginning, Murārī kept a diary ( korcā ) to record Nimāi's
Navadvīpa activities. This Korcā later became the source from where Vrndāban
dāsa, Kavikārnapura, Locana dāsa and Krsnadāsa Kavirāja collected information to
write their own Caitanya biographies. Hence as a forerunner of Gaurānga's other
biographers, Murāri's pen certainly commands authority. So as he writes about
nāgarī bhāva in context with himself, we can know that such romantic love for
Gaurānga is an essential part of His Nadīya līlā.
(7) Before we investigate about Srī Nityānanda's nāgarī svarupa, it will help to
hear about what happened to Him in Vrndāban : Once upon a time, Balarāma
went to Rādhārānī and requested Her for a boon : “ Can You please award Me
the chance to serve Krsna as You do ? ”
Now we can ask : Since this happened in Vrndāban, wouldn't Nitai desire
to serve in Gaurānga's madhura pastimes as well ?
The Greatest Secret
Now a good question arises : “ Why did Vrndāban dāsa Thākura hide in
three different places this confidential rasa tattva of Srī Nityānanda Prabhu ; for if
he would have put all of these passages in one place (as we have done here), it
certainly would have been much easier to understand ? ”
The answer is that he wishes to veil this topic from the general readers.
Chapter Two
As the cid-saktī ( the entire spiritual energy ) Nitai is the Cause of everything.
– Adi 5. 42
The cid saktī has three parts : the samvita, sandhini, and hlādinī saktī.
Since Rādhā is the hlādinī saktī, the Source from Whom Srī Bhagav ān's
limitless consorts expand, Nitai can take on the form of any consort ( or even
Rādhā ) because the hlādinī saktī is contained within His cid-sakt ī. So as Nitai
is everything :
The spiritual world, every līlā associate, and every item used in the Lord's
sevā – every Bhāgavata consort is also a part of Him. Therefore He can
assume a female form whenever He wishes. ”
The Greatest Secret
– Adi 5. 156
So as Srīla Kavirāja Goswāmī says ' Caitanyera kāma, ' he also hints that
Nityānanda fulfils all of Gaurānga's conjugal loving desires as well.
Though here the relationship Vrndāban dāsa hankers for can only be
possible in madhura rasa.
Chapter Two
“ Hey Gaurānga ! Although You are the Topmost dancer, there are
infinite rasikā nāgarīs who worship You as the Supreme Romantic – ' Srī
Nāgara Siromani ' ! So as You pledge to loot the honey of all Your rasikā
followers – You fondly proceed on to kiss their lovely sweet lips ! Even so,
every brāhmin and Navadvīpa resident reveres You as the greatest member of
their community. ” - slokas 32, 33
Now we could curiously wonder : “ How does Gaurānga get away with all
this ? ”
After narrating the rāsalīlā, Sukadeva Goswāmī answers this question, and
his reply directly relates to the main reason for Srī Krsna's advent :
The Greatest Secret
But for those who want to admire the Lord as such, He certainly provides
them the opportunity in Rāma Avatāra. For Lord Rāmacandra never cast his
amorous glances upon anyone other than Sītā. So when the forest sages saw
Rāma's immaculate beauty and coveted the chance to serve Him as consorts,
they had to wait. Because only with Krsna could they fulfil their romantic desires
after becoming gopīs. So in this way Krsna is more merciful than Rāma. But
Gaurānga is the most magnanimous because He awards His intimate loving
pastimes to all.
Therefore, when Advaita declares Gaurānga as ' Srī Nāgara siromani '
( The Greatest Romantic ), it is truly befitting.
Chapter Three
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
Advaita wrote His Stavarāja shortly after Nimāi left Navadvīpa, and
Krsnadāsa's Caitanya caritāmrta advented in Vrndāban more than 100 years later.
Yet within this period Gaurānga's original mainstream worship gradually became
lost – as the seat of Gaudīya Vaisnavism shifted to Nīlācala, and then to
In his Amiya Nimāi carita, Mahātma Sishira kumār Ghosh has analysed
what happened in the beginning :
Chapter Three
(1) “ Why didn't Krsnadāsa Kavirāja write about nāgarī bhāva more clearly ;
(2) when Rupa and Sanātana anxiously sent letter after letter to get Prabhu's
permission to join His Nadīyā līlā, why did He remain silent ? ”
In this chapter as we search for these answers, their discovery will unveil one
of the deepest mysteries found within Caitanya caritāmrta.
When Srīvāsa āngana's rāsalīlā sankīrtana was going on every night – Rupa
and Sanātana were bound in service to the Muslim rājā of Maldaha, Hussain
Shāh. As ministers who carried out the king's most important work, they hardly
had a chance to escape.
running to their prānapati* Gaura ! Hence to get His permission they anxiously
sent many letters.
But in one sense, fate delivered a cruel blow to Rupa and Sanātana, because
in this Avatara Prabhu didn't invite them to Nadīyā. Rather it was more than 5
years later that Mahāprabhu came on His own accord to meet the two brothers
at Rāmakeli.
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
But then Prabhu's mood and appearance had remarkably changed. He was no
longer Srīvasa angana's Sankīrtana Rāsa-vihāri – nor the Nāgarī-jana-ballabha
Whom the Nadīya bhaktas worship as their prānanātha.
He was coming instead as a shaven headed sannyāsī, Srī Krsna Caitanya. And
like a high wave which was inundating the entire country, the task of Srī
Bhagavān's Juga Avatara feature was in full swing. In other words, as Prabhu
awarded Harināma and Krsna prema to all – lakhs and lakhs of people were
forgetting family, home, hunger and thirst as they danced along with him in the
intoxication of prema !
So when Rupa and Sanātana secretly came and surrendered at Prabhu's lotus
feet, only then could he acknowledge receiving their many letters.
Prabhu said : “ Yes, Your submissive letters did reach me, one after another.
And as I read them, I could understand your plight and your heart's desire ( to
join Me at Nadīyā ).
“ When a married girl falls in love with a paramour, won't she carefully perform
her housework ( to hide the matter ) as she blissfully dwells on her secret
love ? ”
Chapter Three
Here Prabhu reveals an important side of His relationship with Rupa and
Sanātana that He wants them to keep secret. So instead of inviting them to
Nadīyā, He advises these two poravyasaninī nārīs to execute their housework.
And this resembles what the rasika poet Candīdāsa has said :
Before we investigate what kind of housework Prabhu has in store for His two
poravyasaninī nārīs ( Rupa and Sanātana ) we can ask :
Why did He write this mysterious message for them in the first place ? Because
instead of sending an invitation, Prabhu's message acts to distance them from
Nadīyā. So is this what He was thinking :
“ If Rupa and Sanātana come and join My Nadīyā rāsalīlā – surely they will
become mad after Me – as My Nadīyā bhaktas are. Then who will be left to write
My Vraja līlā sāstras ? Who will uncover Srī Krsna's lost līlā sites ? And, most of
all, who will promote Rādhā and Krsna's jugal upāsanā ? ”
Yet incidentally, this just happens to be the housework that Prabhu wishes to
entrust them with.
they often fall into a dilemma since Gaurānga always speaks Krsna kathā. And
hence He would also advise them to worship Srī Krsna. But this makes them feel
shortchanged. “ But why ? ”, we may ask.
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
Because from the altar of their heart they can never remove Gaura and place
Krsna on that same āsana. For they become spellbound when viewing Gaura's
incredible beauty, and the paramānanda of His rāsalīlā sankīrtana makes them
even forget about Rādhā and Krsna !
Hence Prabhu wrote His poravyasaninī nārī verse. Though from His siksā we
can learn that as the Vraja Goswāmīs focus on Krsna līlā – their hearts are
always steeped in relishing their secret parakīyā relationship with Gaura.
Though this will not upset their worship of Rādhā Krsna or Rādhābhāva
Gaurānga, because in Goloka Navadvīpa and Vrndāban they join Mahāprabhu in
all of these līlā-prakāsa. This topic will be discussed in Chapter Five in context
with Srī Jīva Goswāmī's Krsna sandarbha siddhānta.
While travelling in South India, Caitanya Mahāprabhu once stayed four months
at Srī Vyenkata Bhatta's home. That is when his son Gopāl fortuned to receive
the Lord's intimate sevā.
When getting his prānanātha at home, Gopāl blissfully served Him under
his father's guidance. - Bhaktiratnākara 1. 97
* These stories appear in Chapter One and Four of Srī Narahari Cakravarti's Bhaktiratnākara
Chapter Three
Even so, Gopāl felt disturbed in seeing His Lord in the dress of a sannyāsī ;
for his heart was bound to Srī Gaura kishora at Nadīyā :
Gopāl didn't care for Prabhu's sannyāsa, and went off to lament : “ O
Providence ! Why was I born in this far away place, for I missed Gaurānga's
pleasure-filled Nadīyā pastimes ! O why did You bring Him to me in this
displeasing attire of a sannyāsī ? ”
- Bhaktiratnākara – 1. 101 – 3
Aho ! Gopāl saw Gaurasundara's captivating beauty which lures the entire
universe. His curly hair was tied in a topknot, and as He smiled, Gop āl felt
that nectar was streaming in every direction ! Prabhu wore a trikācca dhoti,
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
and His ornaments dazzled as a mālatī garland swung from His chest. But O
my ! Gaura's luring brows and restless glances plunder every pretty woman's
vow of chastity ! - Bhaktiratnākara 1. 114 – 118
The Gaurānga who makes every woman mad after Him, after stealing their
chastity !
Though when Gopāl grew older, his parents sent him to Vrndāban :
Upon arriving in Vrndāban, Gopāl met Rupa and Sanātana. But Mahāprabhu
could understand everything at Nīlācala, as He is the Lord in everyone's heart.
- Bhaktiratnākara 1. 165 – 6
Prabhu then sent a letter to Rupa and Sanātana which requested them to
accept Gopāl as their dear brother. And Prabhu instructed Gopāl :
So to follow Prabhu's order, Gopāl fixed his mind in Sālagrāma pūjā. But soon a
miracle happened :
Chapter Three
Gopāl's Sālagrāma transformed into the gorgeous murtī of Srī Rādhāramana ! And
shortly later, Prabhu showered even more mercy :
' O what am I seeing ? ' Gopāl exclaimed. He fell to the ground, tears
poured from his eyes and his body horripulated ! Then after getting up again
he ecstatically began singing Srī Rādhāramana and Srī Gorācānda's glories.
Rādhāramana would regularly fulfil Gopāl bhatta's desire in this way. ”
In summary, what can be imbibed from this story ? Well, after coming to
Vrndāban, remaining in Rupa and Sanātana's company, and even attaining Srī
Rādhāramana-ji's miraculous sevā – it is the exceptional nature of Gopāl bhatta's
prema which forces Rādhāramana to appear before him as Srī Madanmohan
Gaurānga ! So surely He is the Lord of Gopāl bhatta's heart.
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
“ Tell Sanātana that I'm coming too. Ask him to arrange a place for Me in
Vrndāban. ” - Caitanya caritāmrta Antya 13. 40
So Sanātana made a kutīra for Prabhu at Dvadāsa aditya tīlā, and eagerly
awaited His arrival. But Prabhu never made a second journey to Vrndāban in the
form of Srī Krsna Caitanya.
The Vrajavāsi Goswāmī sevāites of Srī Rādhāramana have an answer for this
mystery which they hand down in their parampara :
“ On Gopāl bhatta's invitation, Rupa and Sanātana would often come for Sr ī
Rādhāramana's darshan. And then they would also see Him as Madanmohan
Gaurānga ! So Prabhu thus fulfilled His promise to San ātana. ”
But who will fortune with the darshan of Srī Madanmohan Gaurānga ?
Now the answer can only be : those who strongly yearn to serve Him as His
poravyasaninī nārīs or parakīyā consorts. Though to protect the exalted sweetness
of Rupa, Sanātana and Gopāl bhatta's madhura relationship with Him, Prabhu
wishes to keep all of these matters a secret.
Chapter Three
“ Let us always behold Srī Sacīnandana's beautiful golden form in our heart.
He advents to award an exalted bhakti treasure that was never offered before,
His unnatojjvala madhura prema rasa. ”
Here Srī Rupa is revealing Srī Gaurānga's most exalted gift. Though to
understand its full meaning, we shall analyse this verse from both its Krsna līlā
and Gaura līlā perspective.
Concerning the worship of Vraja līlā, Rupānuga Vaisnavas often agree that the
definition of this sloka's unnatojjvala prema is ' bhāvollāsa rati ' - the sthāyī bhāva
of Srīmati Rādhārāni's manjarīs who totally submerge in Rādhā Krsna's nikunja
Before Gaurāvatāra, we can hear about the Vraja gopīs prema sevā which is
described in the Bhāgavatam, so how can the madhura prema that Srī Rupa's
sloka describes be a new gift which was never offered before ?
To answer, we must say that the manjarīs' prema is special and exalted in
comparison with the prema of the other gopīs, hence Rupa labels it unnatojjvala.
Moreover, manjarī bhāva was not explained in the Bhāgavatam and other sāstras
before Gaura āvatāra. So the manjarī bhāva sādhana that Srīman Mahāprabhu
wishes to promote through Rupa, Sanātana and His other Vraja Goswāmīs is
The Advent of Rupānugā Vaisnavism
indeed a remarkable new gift of mercy that no one in our world has received
Now we can wonder, would this unnatojjvala bhakti treasure only be found in
Vrndāban ? Because, after all, since Rupa is praying to Srī Sacīnandana in this
verse, wouldn't His special gift of mercy be found in Navadvīpa as well ? And
suffice it to say, everything that Srī Rupa has outlined in his anarpita carīm verse
fits the nāgarī bhāva of Nadīyā. This is because its exceptional high pitch
surpasses other forms of madhura prema ; hence it can be rightly termed
Yet moreover, it is also a new gift of mercy that was unoffered before. And Srīla
Prabhodānanda Saraswatī introduces it as such in his Caitanya candrāmrta
verse 18 :
bhrāntam yatra munisvarair api pura yasmin ksamā mandale
kasyāpi pravivesa naiva dhisanā yad veda no va sukah
yatra kvāpi krpāmayena ca nije'py udghatitam saurinā
tasminn ujjvala-bhakti-vartmani sukham khelanti gaura-priyāh
Here the term ' Gaura-priyā ' refers to Gaurānga's bhaktas in the feminine
gender, the Nadīyā nāgarīs. Though because Gaurānga's bhaktas are
predominantly male, they all have internal ' Gaura-priyā ' female svarupas to
exchange ujjvala madhura prema with Him.
Chapter Four
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
Our first course, the Bhāgavad gītā, presents the paths of karma, jnāna, yoga
and bhakti. But where the Gītā ends – Srīmad Bhāgavatam begins on the topic of
pure bhakti. Then in the Bhāgavatam's Tenth Canto, Krsna līlā is introduced, and
these pastimes reach a pinnacle in Krsna's rāsalīlā with the gopīs. Yet Caitanya
caritāmrta goes on to document gopī prema's highest feature, Rādhā prema, as it
shows how Gaurānga relishes Rādhā's love for Krsna in the course of His līlā.
But in knowing Srī Caitanya's inner desire ( manobhīstha ), our Six Goswāmīs
wrote many sāstras to promote Srī Krsna's Vraja līlā bhajan. And those wishing to
grasp the very essence of these teachings often come to this conclusion :
Now someone might ask : “ How can we know that Srī Caitanya actually
desired this path for us ? ”
Here are two good reasons :
Chapter Four
Here Srīla Visvanātha Cakravarti reveals the nitya sevā role of our guru-rupa
manjarī :
“ Amongst the gopīs who arrange Rādhā and Krsna's nikunja ratikeli
pastimes, my gurudevī is expert, and therefore very dear to the Divine couple.
Thus I offer my pranāma to her lotus feet. ”
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
“ Without worshipping the dust of Rādhā's lotus feet ; without taking shelter
of the nikunjas which display Her footprints ; and without conversing with Her
sakhīs who possess deep bhāvas – who could possibly bathe in Srī
Shyāmsundar's confidential līlā rasa sindhu ? ”
“ If a bhakta's love for Krsna excels his love for other forms of the the
Lord, this sthāyī bhāva is called Krsna rati. Then his love for Krsna's bhaktas
is a subordinate mellow ( sancari bhāva ). But if one loves Rādhā more than
Krsna, such love becomes the sthāyī bhāva called bhāvollāsa rati. ”
Chapter Four
Although Rādhā has millions of manjarīs, Her closest eight are listed
here :
Because the manjarīs are younger, they serve under the sakhīs' guidance.
Even so, Raghunātha dāsa tells about a special privilege that they relish in
Stavāvali :
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
After enjoying ratikeli and lying undressed beside Krsna in the kunja, Rādhā
doesn't become embarrassed when a manjarī suddenly appears. For She sees
them as Her very own ātmā expanding to perform sevā !
While peeping through the nikunja mandira's windows to witness Rādhā and
Krsna's vilāsa keli, the manjarīs become overwhelmed in rapture ! Due to
excessive intimacy with Rādhā, their minds, hearts and feelings totally merge with
Hers. In Ujjvala nīlamani, Srī Rupa terms this ' visrambha ', the manjarīs' intense
love for Rādhā which allows them to identify with Her completely. Srīla Kavirāja
Goswāmī describes this in Govinda līlāmrta 11. 137 :
“ When Mukunda touches Rādhā, the manjarīs also display tears, trembling
and horripulation ! And if Krsna kisses Rādhā's lips – they relish the same
intoxication. This is amazing ! ”
Ujjvala nīlamani's following story reveals how the manjarīs are chaste :
Chapter Four
Then Mani Manjarī answered : ' O sakhī, when I see Rādhā's happiness in
Krsna's loving union, I become the most happy. So please let me serve in this
way. '
O Rādhe, now I can understand that Mani Manjarī is chaste. For Krsna's rati-
sanga doesn't interest her ! ”
How can the manjarīs renounce Krsna's rati pleasure ? Do they feel that they
would be competing with Rādhā ? But this isn't a relevant consideration for them.
Because as Mani Manjarī has stated, they relish far more pleasure when viewing
Rādhā's happiness in Krsna's union. This is because transcendental bliss comes
in proportion to its āsraya, the person who shelters the love.
For example, since Rādhā is the very Source of Krsna prema, Her capacity to
relish Krsna is deep like an ocean. So the manjarīs totally focus on Rādhā to
experience the full spectrum of Her loving emotions and bliss. Though after
knowing this, we could easily assume that the divine relish of Rādhā and Her
manjarīs is equal.
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
“ Wow ! ” One might think. “ How is this possible ? ” But the answer is easy
to discern. Here is why :
As Rādhā directs Her love to Krsna, the manjarīs' love goes to both Rādhā
and Krsna. So as Rādhā relishes Krsna, ' the Source of all pleasure, ' the
manjarīs relish Him – but with Rādhā, ' the Source of all prema. ' Considered
individually, Rādhā and Krsna are both unequalled, but when They combine, Their
splendour multiplies without limit. Therefore when the manjarīs unite Prema
( Rādhā ) with Ānanda ( Krsna ) they relish the topmost Premānanda right at
their fingertips !
If the sum total of Krsna's rati pleasure with Rādhā could be measured, this
would amount to only a fraction of the bliss that the manjar īs experience when
submerging in the nectar ocean of Rādhā's loving affairs with her Nikunja
nāgara Krsna !
After we discover that Rādhā's clever manjarīs relish the highest pleasure
which can be found in Sr Krsna's madhura Vraja līlā, we should next mention
that there is more in store for them. But before investigating what this is, let's
see how Visvanāth Cakravarti depicts the manjarīs in his Krsna bhāvanāmrta,
Chapter 3 :
Chapter Four
After the nisānta līlā, when Rādhā returns home and falls asleep in Her own
bed, Her dāsīs headed by Rupa bathe, and put on Her prasādi clothes,
ornaments and mālās. These manjarīs sacrifice every personal pleasure to engage
in Rādhā-Krsna's prema sevā. Nevertheless, they are incomparably beautiful – as
the effulgence of their toenails alone outmatch the lightning's splendour. Moreover,
owing to their supreme cleverness they could have easily become jūthesvarīs
themselves. But such fascination doesn't interest them as they submerge in the
ocean of their prānesvarī Rādhā's prema sevā.
If we had thought that the manjarīs are less attractive or talented than the
sakhīs, Visvanātha Cakravarti certainly refutes such an assumption here. So
wouldn't Krsna fancy them ? And Mani Manjarī's example does show that Rādhā
sometimes tries to arrange their meeting with Krsna. But this brings up a very
important question which is relevant to our present discussion :
“ Although the sakhīs don't try to enjoy Krsna themselves, because they
focus on uniting Rādhā with Him, Rādhā will carefully arrange their Krsna-
sangam. In fact, Rādhā will make sure by various means that Krsna gets to
enjoy them. Then Rādhā enjoys a million times more pleasure ! This
magnanimous behaviour which Rādhā and Her sakhīs share nourishes their
prema and makes Krsna very happy. ”
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
Indeed, this is a great lesson : that when offering Krsna's conjugal pleasure to
others, Rādhā becomes the most happy. So as the proverb goes, ' It is more
pleasurable to give than to receive, ' this mood ideally does fit into Krsna's
madhura Vraja līlā format. Hence when Rādhā and Her sakhīs can gift others
with Krsna's rati pleasure, they truly become the most happy.
We should note, however, that the manjarīs are not amongst the sakhīs
described in these Caitanya caritāmrta passages. The evidence is found in Ujjvala
nīlamani, where five kinds of Rādhā's sakhīs are listed :
1) parama presthā sakhīs, the asta sakhīs, who love Rādhā and
Krsna equally ;
2) priya sakhīs, 64 in number, who also love Rādhā and Krsna equally ;
3) general sakhīs, infinite in number, who love Krsna more than Rādhā ;
4) prāna sakhīs and (5) nitya sakhīs : the manjarīs, who are infinite in
number, and who love Rādhā more than Krsna.
So as Rādhā can arrange Krsna's meeting with the first three groups of
sakhīs, she fails to unite the manjarīs. Now this brings up an important question :
Since Rādhā relishes millions of times more pleasure when uniting Her sakhīs
with Krsna, why won't the manjarīs oblige Rādhā, as the sakhīs do ? Because it
surely does make sense that Rādhā, Krsna and the sakhīs would all experience
much more pleasure if they were to agree ?
Now the answer must be stated, that neither Rādhā nor Krsna will interfere
with the earnest sevā mood of Their bhaktas. For this is Krsna's promise in the
Gītā :
ye yathā mam prapādyante
tams tatāiva bhajamyāham
Chapter Four
Because the manjarīs are selflessly devoted to making Rādhā and Krsna
happy, it is only to test their vow that Rādhā will send luring proposals of Krsna's
rati pleasure. Though Rādhā and Krsna actually encourage the manjarīs' pure
sevā mood which is praiseworthy and noble.
“ When Rādhā merges with rasarāja Krsna, She directly accompanies Her
rasika nāgara. So now the manjarīs' prema vilāsa with Gaurānga will be an
anugata jugal sevā which will please both Rādhā and Krsna. Therefore, who
wouldn't become spellbound when serving this Supreme purusa, Who is the
Source of all Avatāras ? ”
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
O my ! Now who wrote this ? But the mahātma in question is none other
than our Siddha Jagannātha dāsa Bābāji Mahārāja, the siksā guru of Thākura
Bhaktivinoda*. Part Two will tell about his coming to Navadvīpa in his last days
to take up Gaura's kāntābhāva bhajan..
A Vivid example
Why on earth would Rādhā wish to outsmart Her manjarīs ? The following
story will help to explain about one of Her greatest unfulfilled ambitions :
Once upon a time there was a devout Rādhā Krsna bhakta named
Shyāmdāsa. And one day he sincerely asked his guru : “ Prabhu, can you tell
me how I can please my Jugal-vigraha and get Their mercy ? ”
After pondering for a while, Gurudeva came up with an idea : “ Why don't
you arrange a sankīrtana festival, and serve your Rādhā-Krsna's prasāda to the
bhaktas ? ”
Shyām liked the idea, and quickly got everything ready. Then he personally
went to invite the Vaisnavas. On the festival day, many sumptuous preparations
were offered to the Jugal-vigraha. And when the prasāda was brought outside,
Shyām eagerly got up to serve.
* This verse was recorded by Jagannāth dāsa Bābāji's vesha disciple, Rāmhari dāsa Bābā, and
published by his disciple Vishvambara dāsa Bābā in his Rasarāja Gaurānga Svabhāva.
Chapter Four
“ Shyām Prabhu ! The prasāda that you arranged was wonderful. Though I
couldn't help but notice how blissful you became while serving us. So will you
grant me a favour ? ”
“ O no, no, no ! “ Shyām exclaimed. “ You are all my honoured guests, and I
am your servant. ”
“ But please let me do it, ” the Vaisnava pleaded, as he looked to Shyām with
folded hands. Then Shyām firmly answered : “ Look, after witnessing all of the
Vaisnavas partaking prasāda, I've become fully satisfied. So you need not serve
me today. ”
First of all, it is rather obvious that Shyām dāsa acquired lots of sukriti for
doing Vaisnava sevā. But on the other hand, we have noticed that the humble
Vaisnava who wished to serve him, left that day feeling disappointed. In his
Upadesāmrta, Rupa Goswāmī instructs :
There are six ways to share love with the bhaktas : to offer or receive
gifts ; to inquire or to answer intimate questions ; to offer or receive mahā
But now we can observe how Shyām's attitude closely resembles the manjarīs'
sevā mood to Rādhā. Because as the manjarīs offer Krsna's rati-sanga to Rādhā
to make Her happy – they will never accept the same prasāda in return – even if
Rādhā attempts to share it with them.
Manjarībhāva Sādhana
No, not really. This is because the manjarīs stand a lot to lose : First of all,
their permanent mellow of bhāvollāsa rati will vanish – then their visrambha mood,
or intimate oneness with Rādhā, will be hampered – and their anugata dāsī bhāva
that they love so much will also become tainted. In other words, if the manjarīs
agree – they will no longer remain manjarīs – they will be converted into sakhīs
instead !
So wouldn't it be wise to let them remain as they are ? Though now the
important question still hasn't been answered : What about Rādhā ? Because
from Her standpoint, Her great ambition remains unfulfilled – how she will unite
everyone in Her Rasika nāgara's prema sevā, and thus experience millions of
times more pleasure ?
Though this can only happen in Nadīyā, where Rādhā witnesses Gopījana
vallabha's transformation into Jīva ballabha, the Amorous hero of every jīva. And
here Advaita's declaration rings true. Because when he addresses His Gaurānga
sundara as ' Srī Nāgara Siromani, ' it's for a pretty damn good reason !
Chapter Five
The Ultimate Sādhana
“ One's bhakti which follows after the Vraja gopīs can be in the mood of
sambhogeccamayī or tadbhāveccātmika. Those who desire premakeli with
Krsna follow the sambhogeccamayī path, and the tadbhāveccātmika process is
for those wishing to relish the sweetness of Rādhā's pastimes with Krsna. ”
– Bhaktirasāmrta sindhu 1.2. 153 – 4
Chapter Five
Though now it must be stated, that for those hankering for poripura krsna
prāpti, the complete attainment of Svayam Bhagavān, a direct one to one loving
relationship will be an integral part of such worship. And hence, Caitanya
caritāmrta boldly praises the glories of kāntābhāva prema :
“ When all of the rasas are considered neutrally, it is ' srngāra ' which
contains the most sweetness. This is our poripūrna krsna prāpti ( complete
attainment of Krsna ), as the Bhāgavatam declares : ' Krsna is totally
captivated by the gopīs' (kāntābhāva ) prema.' Therefore all forms of bhakti
rasa culminate in srngāra, as Krsna admits to the gopīs ( in the
Bhāgavatam ) : ' I am forever sold out to you ' ! ”
The Ultimate Sādhana
In observing Srīla Kavirāja Goswāmī's due admiration for Srī Krsna's most
enjoyable rasa pleasure, the kāntā prema of His beloved consorts, it would
appear surprising, then, that Gaudīya Vaisnavas very rarely take up such worship.
Because in our Rupānugā trend, manjarī bhāva is the most recommended
process. Though even after one adopts manjarī bhāva, the consideration still
remains : that the Bhāgavatam, Caitanya caritāmrta and our Goswāmī sāstras do
offer unending praise of the glories of kāntābhāva prema. So in the light of these
teachings introspective Vaisnavas may often wonder :
“ Is there not some way in which these conjugal loving pastimes can apply to
us ? Because, frankly speaking, would our Supreme Lord, Who is a romantic by
nature, truly wish that His eternal jīvas have no other recourse but to remain in
the role of nitya brahmacārinīs forever ? ”
This essential question does have a satisfying answer. And moreover, the
worship in question is to be practised with our manjarī bhāva sādhana in
Vrndāban. Here we are referring to something very special that Srī Narahari
Sarkāra presents in his opening first line in Bhakticandrikā :
This is because in Srī Gaura and Srī Govinda's supreme abode, Goloka
Navadvīpa and Vrndāban, every jīva has the adhikāra to serve Srī Bhagavān in
both the pratyaka ( direct ) and the anugatyamaya forms of worship.
Chapter Five
What can be said about this ? Because the mood of a dāsi does contrast
considerably with the mood of a consort, one could easily assume that to
cultivate the two moods together would create a rasa-abhāsa situation. Though
we can discover that from Srī Yogamāyā's standpoint in Goloka Navadvīpa and
Vrndāban, where She directs a limitless network of transcendental pastimes, She
(Yogamāyā ) has a wonderful solution which solves this apparent contradiction.
Now we shall investigate how the bhaktas appear with the Lord in different
līlās, in different forms, which each have an individual identity – all at the same
time. This discussion is based on Srī Jīva Goswāmī's following siddhānta in
Krsna sandarbha :
The Ultimate Sādhana
“ In order to relish many līlās ( and many different forms of rasa ) Krsna
displays many prakāsa forms, each having a separate mentality. Moreover,
each prakāsa form ( in its own līlā prakāsa ) hasn't a clue about what all of
His other prakāsa forms are doing. Yet similarly, because Krsna's nitya
parikaras are His cid-saktī, they also manifest many prakāsa forms, each
having a separate mentality. So as a bhakta's various prakāsa forms serve in
Krsna's various līlā prakāsa, none of those prakāsa forms know about what all
of the others are doing either ! ”
- Krsna līlā rahasya anuccheda 156 – Krsna Sandarbha
Using the example of a television which has many channels, we can get a
basic idea about how Yogamāyā's incredible networking potency works in Goloka.
For there are many līlā prakāsa, like different channels on a television, which are
all going on at the same time. So just as the actors on a particular television
channel are unseen to those who perform dramas on other channels, this
phenomenon resembles how each Gaura bhakta's various prakāsa forms have no
idea about what all of their other forms are doing.
Now what is the purpose for all this ? Because Gaurasundara is Rasika
sekhara, the Supreme Romantic and the Topmost relisher of every form of
transcendental rasa, Yogamāyā arranges a separate līlā prakāsa for each of His
different forms of transcendental relish.
Though now we can understand the point we are discussing : Why our taking
up Gaura's kāntābhāva worship will not upset our manjarībhāva or Rādhābhāva
Gaurānga worship. Because each līlā takes place in a separate prakāsa, bhaktas
can freely relish ( as the Lord ) a great variety of transcendental mellows. For
whatever one may contemplate or do in one prakāsa will have no effect on what
he or she will think or do in another.
Chapter Five
To conclude this chapter, let us investigate what is Srī Krsna's highest feature.
To do so we shall analyse Caitanya caritamrta's mangalācarana verse with
Narahari's first sloka in Bhakticandrikā. Here is Srīla Kavirāja Goswāmī's verse :
The Ultimate Sādhana
Before we complete this verse's translation, we can note that Srīla Kavirāja
Goswāmī and Srīla Sarkāra Thākura have both presented an elaborate account of
Srī Gaurānga's divine opulences. And thus they assure us that Gaura is indeed
Svayam Bhagavān, the Supreme Worshipable Lord who reigns above every other
Bhāgavata form of the Lord.
After studying the Caitanya sāstras, however, it can be seen that Gaurānga's
eternal associates do try to hide these matters. For as Krsna is a prasidha
nāgara ( a well-known romantic ), Gaura wishes to remain pracchana ( hidden )
concerning His nāgaralī affairs. Yet for this reason, Gaurānga's srngāra rasamaya
pastimes retain an incredible sweetness.
Chapter Five
Now what will be needed to perform Gaura's madhura prema sevā ? Just
imagine, first we shall find a beautiful moonlit night, its rays casting musingly over
the Gangā. The surrounding forests which are filled with flowering trees and vines
will spread their fragrance everywhere by the cooling southern breeze. Dancing
peacocks and cooing kokilas will add to the forest's splendour, as countless vana
devīs decorate the rāsa mandala and the surrounding vilāsa kunjas for tonight's
exciting pastimes which will soon begin. In seeing such a celestial atmosphere,
Gaurānga's romantic sentiment becomes awakened, as Advaita testifies in his
Stavarāja :
sphuradrāsa rasāvesa madalāsa vilocana
kvacid bhaktajanair divyamālya gandhānulepanaih
“ When Gaurasundara's rāsalīlā splendour comes to His mind, His eyes roll
with intoxication. Then the bhaktas decorate themselves with divine māl ās and
candan to enhance Prabhu's zeal to perform the rāsa ! ”
Now we can ask : “ Could Svayam Bhagavān's rāsalīlā pleasure flourish with
a band of males ? Because when the Supreme Lord wishes to reign above the
rāsa-mandala won't He be the only purusa, as everyone else is female ? ”
The Ultimate Sādhana
Discarding shyness and family fear, the Nadīyā nāgarīs mount the
palanquin of their deep anurāga as they cross over hundreds of obstacles and
head for Gaurānga's rāsalīlā sthalī ! They are like young birds released from
an iron cage. And as they race along in bliss, no one can see them. When
they arrive and see Gaura Raya to their eyes' satisfaction, He looks
incomparably stunning amidst all of these beautiful maidens ! And when the
dancing begins, all sorts of divine instruments play from every direction as
everyones' bliss becomes immeasurable. Then the n āgarīs sing madhura
songs, as the devīs from heaven shower flower petals. “ O how intoxicated I
became from His many kisses as we danced round and round. ” Narahari
exclaims, “ Then he smiled, and took me into His arms ! ”
Here we find an ideal example of poripūrna krsna prāpti with Srī Krsna's
poripūrna svarupa, Srī Gaurasundara. In other words, since Rupa Goswāmī offers
us the process of sambhogeccamayī sādhana along with the tadbhāveccātmika
method, both processes have an ideal purpose.
Chapter Five
Let us offer our due homage to Narahari Sarkāra Thākura. For as we now
complete the translation of his Bhakticandrikā's first verse, we find the missing
link which will make everything possible :
Chapter Six
Srī Vrndāban dāsa Thākura's Warning
To offer some contrast, let us now compare Vrndavan dāsa's version with
Advaita Ācārya's perspective of the līlā :
Chapter Six
Now we could surely ask : “ What is going on here ? For these two
conceptions completely contradict each other ; so which one is right ? ”
Here we must say that because the authority of Vrndāban dāsa Thākura and
Srī Advaita Ācārya are both unquestionable and beyond reproach, they are both
right. So let us analyse both versions :
Srī Vrndāban dāsa Thākura's Warning
This means that every one of Gaurānga's Bhāgavata associates can manifest
( if they so desire ) a beautiful nāgarī svarupa to relish madhura kāntābhāva
prema with Him.
But Gaurānga's parakīyā affairs are even more confidential than Krsna's,
because He even takes sannyāsa to promote His mission. Thus Vrndāban dāsa
has dutifully spoken out to hide this matter and delude the uninformed who might
mock Mahāprabhu as a pseudo sannyāsi. For after all, won't the people in
general misunderstand the transcendental nature of the Lord's madhura prema
exchanges with His svarupa saktī counterparts ?
Chapter Six
Vrndābana dāsa
Supports Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva
Srī Vrndāban dāsa Thākura's Warning
Isn't it Cupid who puts young men and women under his spell so that they
romantically fall in love ? Yet in Caitanya Bhāgavat, Vrndāban dāsa repeatedly
refers to Gaurasundara as ' Madan sundara ' or ' Madan manohara ' etc.,
because His striking beauty is truly the most romantically captivating divine form
in the entire three worlds. So naturally, young beautiful women will fall head over
heels upon viewing Him. Thus Vrndāban dāsa follows up on his previous
passages by saying :
Doesn't this sound just like what happens to the gopīs when they hear
Krsna's flute-song ?
nārīgana dekhi boli ei to madana
strīloke pāuk janme janme heno dhāna
“ O my ! He looks just like Cupid ! Let all the ladies attain such a handsome
purusa, birth after birth ! ” - C. b. 1. 12. 57
Though Gaurānga simply doesn't attract the women, for His stunning beauty
incites romantic desires in everyone :
Chapter Six
But what goes on at such times ? Vrndāban dāsa affirms, that such pastimes
are kept hidden :
Srī Vrndāban dāsa Thākura's Warning
This is remarkable, that Gaurānga's loving pastimes with His consorts are so
extensive. Though Advaita affirms this too :
This chapter will conclude with Vrndāban dāsa Thākura's confession about his
own relationship with the Lord :
What Inspired
This Book ?
For what was the main focus for Gaurānga and His Nadīyā
bhaktas, has almost become lost over the course of time.
in Gaudīya Vaisnava
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
“ Hey Gaurasundara ! The exciting bhāvas and prema keli affairs that
You share with Your rasikā nāgarīs are very enchanting. Yet Gadādhara and
Narahari's exceptional prema, amorous talents and enchanting bh āvas
completely subjugate You. Moreover, at the slightest hint, You embrace Your
Bhāgavata associates with Your lovely arms, and live up to Your reputation of
being bhaktavātsala by sharing Your kāntabhāva prema with every one of
them ! ”
This essay will first present some testimonies from Gaurānga's close
associates, those who take part in His madhura pastimes. Then the focus will
turn to their followers, the next generation of Gaudīya Mahājanas who wrote
Vaisnava padāvalī. Though because countless Mahājanas contribute to this genre,
we could only present a brief outline of the direction in which they write. The
poems are arranged in a chronological order up to our 20 century.
Vāsudeva Ghosa, and his brothers, are dear parsādas of Gaurānga who
are expert singers and mrdanga players in His sankīrtana pastimes. Caitanya
caritāmrta praises their glories :
Of the three brothers, Vāsudeva is the most prolific and popular for his vast
contribution to Vaisnava padāvalī.* Because he composed his poems just after
witnessing Gaurānga's activities, they are invaluable for their historical accuracy,
as well as the deep bhāvas they express.
* Vaisnava padāvalī : poems of the Gaudiya Vaisnava Acāryas written in Bengali verse
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
What do Advaita and Vāsu Ghosh have in common ? They both see
Gaurānga just like Krsna in His srngāra rasamaya aspect. This form of Krsna is
described in Caitanya caritāmrta :
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
It is often said that if Narahari hadn't mustered the courage to write about
such bhāvas, perhaps many other Mahājanas would not have either.
“ O Gorācānda ! What can compare with Your lovely face – for it defeats
the beauty of a golden lotus and the full moon – as it shines both day and
night. Your nose outmatches the curvature of a parrot's beak, and Your
speech, which is like nectar, is incomparable in the three worlds. With the
arrow of Your sidelong glance, and the bows of Your arching eyebrows You
pierce the heart of all pretty women ! Your movements rival an intoxicated
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
elephants' gait or the graceful movements of a swan. Though upon seeing the
lustre of Your bodily limbs, Govinda Ghosa yearns to take shelter at Your
lotus feet. ”
Even stones will melt upon hearing her sad entreaties. In her stupor she
yearns to leave Nadīyā and go to Nīlācala where Priyaji's Husband resides.
And there, with her eyes filled with tears and a swooning heart she will plead
for His return to Nadīyā ! In hearing this testimony Mādhava Ghosa is
painstruck ! ”
One day Gaura and Nitāi went out to have a good time ; They were
smiling as They headed for the market place. Upon seeing Them, my eyes
went straight to Gaura's beautiful limbs.
Then came a group of nāgarīs on their way to fetch Gangā jala. But
upon seeing Gaurānga one of them exclaimed : “ Hey look ! Here comes that
' Great dancer ' of Gokula ! ”
Murārī Gupta says : “ As the nāgarīs fill their jugs with Gangā jala, their
eyes fill with Gaura's madhura darshan, too ! - Gaurapada taranginī
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
Who could possibly tell about Murārī Gupta's amazing love, for Gaura is
his ballabha ( Romantic Hero ) in every Avatāra. - C. b 2. 10. 28
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
How can one attain Gaura and Gadādhara's intimate prema sevā ? In the
following poem, Nayanānanda answers :
Rādhā and Krsna's pastimes are very confidential ; for only the sakhīs
know about them. Those in dāsya, vātsalya and others rasas can not
understand these matters. So because the sakhīs expand the līl ās, nourish
them, and relish them – apart from following in the sakhīs' footsteps in sakhī
bhāva, Rādhā Krsna's nikunja sevā will remain unattainable. - Madhya 8.
200 – 4
Though Srī Nayanānanda has similarly stated that to attain Gadādhara and
Gaurānga's nikunja sevā, one must follow in the Nadīyā nāgarīs' footsteps in
nāgarī bhāva.
“ At the time of spring's full moon, when Cupid puts everyone under his
spell, Sacīnandana was playing with His friends near the home of Cakori
Cattopadāya ( Vamsī's father ). But then Gorācānda started dancing !
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
And as His body assumed the tribanga position – Gorā becomes the net which
captures all of the Nadīyā nāgarīs' minds.
Just then, with loud cries of “ Jaya ! Jaya ! ” Vamsīvadana came out from the
womb ! ”
“ Holding the newly born Vamsī in His arms, Gorā started dancing ! But when
He looked to Gadādhara, His romantic feelings began to awaken ( pūrba
rāga ). ”
“ O sakhī, look ! Our Sonāra Gorācandā is surely the most handsome purusa
in Nadīyā – and His dancing is amazing. Yet don't those tilaka designs gracing
His forehead look stunning along with His amour-drunken eyes. O look at the
rangan flower mālā tossing over His chest. Then His big smile spread across
His face makes me think that He is wishing to lure His sweethearts – for He
knows so many rasa-filled līlās and all of the rasika arts. Vamsī replies : Hey
sakhī ! Don't you know that our Gorā is Vraja's Nikunja nāgara ? ”
- Padakalpatoru
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
Just see ! Gaurānga is enacting His Holi pastime in the arms of the
rasavati damsel Gadādhara – as He sings about the Vraja līlā rasa with
Narahari. Then Mukunda, Murārī Gupta and Vāsudeva Ghosa dance along with
Them. But sometimes Gaura faints as He falls into Gad ādhara Pandita's arms.
Then Gaurānga is brought to lie down in the nikunja mandira. And at this very
moment Sivānanda speaks this rasa kathā : “ Wherever we find Prabhu with
Gadādhara – there we shall discover a jewel-mine of madhura prema rasa ! ”
This is called udāratā, the great compassion which can awaken in premika
bhaktas to award something highly exalted to fallen, undeserving people. Just
think for a moment, if Narahari hadn't revealed about his secret affairs with
Gaurānga – who could have known that such loving pastimes are possible with
Gaurānga ? Yet hasn't he taken a great risk, and placed the garland of so called
scandal around his own neck – simply to benefit others ?
As a result of this mahat krpā now even fallen people in Kaliyuga can become
attracted to Srī Gaurasundara's kāntābhāva bhajan. Indeed, we would say that
such karunā certainly invokes deep sentiment, and tears.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
This section will present some of the Mahājana padāvalī from the
immediate post-Caitanya period.
Just after the Six Goswāmīs completed their preaching task of writing many
bhakti sāstras, from Vrndāban came a great wave of Srī Caitanya's mahākarunā
which re-inundated Bengal. This was stirred by Srīnivāsa Acārya, Narottama dāsa
Thākura and Shyāmānanda Prabhu's preaching as they began to promote the Six
Goswāmīs' teachings. But when these Three Acāryas met with Gaurānga's
remaining Nadīyā bhaktas, and their followers – it is then that they fathomed a
need to administer some reform. This is when Narottama dāsa introduced the
system called Gorācandrikā. Here is its definition :
Before performing Vraja līlā kīrtana, listening to Krsna līlā kathā, or even
sitting down to do Krsna līlā smarana in japa – bhaktas are advised to first sing,
listen to, or meditate upon Gaura līlā.
Then after taking diksa from Srīnivāsa Ācārya, Govinda became a stalwart
Vaisnava, and his poetic skill fully blossomed. On many occasions, then,
Srīnivāsa would listen to Govinda's poetic descriptions of Gaura and Krsna līlā.
Indeed, Srīnivāsa was so pleased that he blessed Govinda with the title
' Kavirāja '. Though soon after this, when Govinda dāsa's poetry reached the
Vrndāban Vaisnava community, Jīva Goswāmī also bestowed upon him the title,
' Kavindra ' (the king of poets). Yet this is another incident which reveals that our
Vraja Goswāmīs support Gaurānga's nāgara mood of worship, since a great
number of Govinda dāsa's poems capture Him in this spirit.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
sārada koti, cānda saiye sundara, sukhamaya gaurakishora virāja
herāite juvatī, pirīti rase mātalo, bhāgalo gurujana gauraba lāja
sajanī kiye āju pekhalun gorā
manmatha madana, aruna nayan ancala, cāhani bhāigenu bhora
mrdu mrdu madhura, madhura smita sobita, lohita adhora vinoda
koti kula kāminī, bāsora jāminī, bhelo anurāginī parasa amoda
kutila sukesa, kusumamaya lotana, jotana rasavatī rasa parināma
govinda dāsa kahe, āichana bora rasiyā, nāgara heri kahaye gunagāna
Govinda dāsa is one of Gaurānga's Asta-kavirājas who are all Srīnivāsa Acārya's
disciples. Here are their names :
sudhākora mandala prabhur bhritya ekajana, tār stri shyāmpriyā krpāra bhājan
tār putra rādhāballabha mandala sucarita, harināma vinā jār nāhi anya krta
“ Sudhākora Mandala and his wife Shyāmpriyā are Srīnivāsa Acārya's disciples.
Their son Rādhāballabha was exceptional because he only chanted Harin āma. ”
* Srī Yadunandana Thākura is the grand-disciple of Hemalatā Thākurān ī, Srīniv āsa Ac ārya's
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
We've heard from the gopīs that Shyām was a dacoit – but after arriving
in Nadīyā as Sacī's Son – that same kind of looting is going on – even in
broad daylight ! First he displays a luring smile – then come His devastating
glances – and after capturing all the young girls' hearts – he sends their pride
and chastity floating down the Gangā ! Rādhāballabha exclaims : O dīdī !
There's no hope left for me. But to protect yourself you had better run to
Madan rājā and lodge a complaint !
“ Mohan dāsa belongs to the Vaidya caste and performs his bhajan
purely with great enthusiasm. ”
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
“ O sakhī I'll tell you a secret : When looking from the corner of my eye,
I saw Mother Sacī's son, Gaurānga sundar. O my, when no one was watching
He pierced my heart with His amorous glance ! Yet nowadays there is not one
pretty girl of Nadīyā who can remain at home. For upon seeing them Gorā
smiles and speaks all sorts of romantic entreaties. When thinking over the
matter, I'm trying to hold onto my patience – still my heart races after Him !
So please tell me, sakhī, where can I find a pious young girl who can fathom
His intimate loving pastimes ? Govinda dāsa yearns to catch hold of her lotus
feet. ” *
Since Gaurahari comes to deliver Kaliyuga's men and women who are
attached to sense pleasure, why does He display seductive eye gestures or
solicit unbridled romance with Nadīyā's chaste young women ?
* There are many examples like this where the Gaudīya Mah ājanas hanker to take shelter of the
Nadīyā nāgarīs to attain Gaura's madhura sevā.
To answer, we can say that Krsna was the gopīs' loveable hero
( visaya ), and similarly, the nāgarīs imagine that Gaur ānga deeply loves them.
In such poetry we find instances where a nāgarī and her sakhī discuss
Gaurānga's beautiful form and His love for them. But since Gaurānga is always
transported in Rādhā's mood, His glances go everywhere under the influence
of Krsna prema. So his glances do not contain any seductive or impure
elements. So if the nāgarīs assume that Gaurānga is stealthily looking at them,
they are faultless. Because their love is pure, it renders them innocent. ”
Rasa Analysis
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
Yet, on the other hand, to delude the atheists ( and those who lack the
adhikāra to take up nāgarībhāva sādhana ) Rādhāmohan's commentary hasn't
mentioned one important thing : That Gauralīlā is trikāla satya, true for all times
and circumstances. *
In other words, Srī Gaurānga's rasamaya pastimes with the nāgarīs are just
as true as His Rādhābhāva pastimes – and they go on simultaneously in another
līlā prakāsa. So to support this side of the līlā, Sishira Ghosh presents this logical
argument :
“ Look, if Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva is false, from where do the hundreds and
thousands of songs describing their bhāvas come from ? And if the n āgar īs
affairs with Gaurānga don't exist, why would countless Gaudīya Mahājanas
have taken the trouble to write those songs ? ”
*And moreover, would Srī Govinda dāsa, a previous member of his Guru parampara, include
some elements within his poetry which are untrue ?
“ O sakhī, just look at our merciful Gaurasundara. His curly hair bound
with mālatī mālās attracts the honey bees, the tilaka gracing His forehead
resembles the moonbeams, and His lovely attire steals the heart of every
pretty young girl.
Yet His glamorous golden limbs will surely topple Cupid's pride, as His
honey-like-smile is making everyone go mad. But what a madhura bhāva He
displays, because to lure the nāgarīs for enjoying Nidhuvana's prema vilāsa
pastimes with Him, He speaks lovelorn entreaties in a faltering voice.
As Rādhāmohan sees Gaura's karunā going equally to the rich and to the
poor, he feels remorse ( and misguided ) for missing out on these
incomparable pastimes. ”
dekho dekho gorācānda boro rangi, kāminī kāma manahi mona sancāru
tāicana lalita tribanga
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
In his book entitled The History of Vrajabuli Literature, Dr. Sukumāra Sena
remarks about Padakalpatoru as follows : “ This work is the most representative
and exhaustive anthology of ancient Vaisnava lyrics, a veritable Veda of Bengali
Vaisnava poetry. ” *
* We are indebted to Rādhāmohan Thākura and Vaisnava dāsa because many poems from their
padāvalī collections appear in this book.
“ Gaurānga's limbs are more effulgent than a golden mirror, and His face
outmatches the moon. O how foolish is the Creator, for He gave me only two
eyes which blink ! O Hari Hari ! Why was I born at all – for I missed the
chance to see Gaurānga's dazzling golden form, knee length-arms and the
mālatī garland which swings from His broad chest.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
A kalahāntaritā nāyikā is the heroine who grieves for her misbehaviour with
her beloved. And here Caitanya dāsa is speaking incoherently like a madwoman
after being stood up by Gorā. This poem is the Gorācandrikā which is sung first
in a līlā sankīrtana performance which describes Rādhā's kalahāntaritā līlā with
Here it may be noted that the Gaudīya Mahājanas who narrate Rādhā's
kāntābhāva affairs with Krsna often relish the same kāntābhāva with Gorā
themselves in the poetry they write. In this selection, Caitanya dāsa is devastated
and feels a great loss. Though for people like you and I, to attain such a state in
our Gaura bhajan would certainly be a great achievement.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
Let me tell a personal story. I once had a kīrtana teacher from Navadvīpa
who wanted to teach me this song. Although it is popularly sung in līlā sankīrtana
pālās that describe Gaura's rupa anurāga, I declined to learn the song thinking
that its topic wasn't bonafide.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
nāgarī bhāva from his lips. And tears poured from his eyes as his body shook !
From his first darsana, the seed of Gaurānga's kāntābhāva bhajan was planted in
my heart. I continued to hear from him on different occasions until he passed
away to join Gaura and Gadādhara's nitya līlā in 2012. Though I often lament
now that I refused to learn Balarāma dāsa's song from that kīrtaniyā who has
also passed away.
“ O sakhī !
O sakhī !
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
O sakhī !
At Srīkhanda there is a pond called ' Madhu puskarinī ' where Gaura and
Nitāi enjoy their madhupāna līlā. Because Balarāma loves to drink madhu, so
does Nitāi. In fact, He once brought Gaurānga to Srīkhanda just to get drunk !
As the Two sat above a raised vedī beneath a kadamba tree, Nitāi called out : “
Bring madhu ! Bring madhu ! ”
Then Narahari brought a pitcher of water from the pond which turned into
madhu. But then the whole lake turned into honey ! From this day the pond has
been known as Madhu puskarinī.
In Govinda līlāmrta's Madhupāna līlā Rādhā and her sakhīs shyness and
modesty vanishes. Then Krsna takes advantage to enjoy ratikeli with them.
Though after Srīkhanda's madhupāna festival, Gaura enjoys madhura loving
pastimes with all of the bhaktas' nāgarī svarupas.
sakhī gaurānga gorila ke
suradhunī tīre, nadīyā nagare, uālo rasera de
pirīti parasa, angera thāma, lalita lābanya kalā
nadīyā nāgarī, korite pāgalī, nā jāni kotha nā chila
sonāya badhalo, manira pādaka, ura jhalamala kore
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
But from where has He come ? His beautiful limbs are covered with gold
ornaments, and the sweetness of His moon-face makes the nāgarīs' hearts
swoon. First He sweeps them away in the waves of His youthful glamour, and
then He pelts them with the arrows of His stunning form. Rāya sekhara says :
Prabhu's opulences are indescribable – for His glories fill the entire universe. ”
“ Locana was born to write poetry. His down-to-earth village style language
has a soul stirring turn that can enter his readers' hearts. Yet the learned will
discover a rich and graceful Sarasvatī River of rasa flowing throughout every line
of his simple, sweet and life-filled poems. In Dhāmalī, Locana portrays Gaura's
srngāra rasamaya svarupa, relishes it, and even places the garland of Gaurānga's
rasamaya scandal around his own neck ! ”
Here is a sample :
boluk boluk sakal loke gaura kalankinī
dhik jāra kula rākhe kuler kāminī
nadīyā nagare gorācānda cole jāya
cancala nayana kori dui dike cāya
Gaura Kalankinī
“ O let them say it, just let everyone call me ' Gaura kalankinī ',
scandalised by Gaura. And damn those chaste housewives who cling to their
family prestige !
When Gorācānda walks through Nadīyā his flirtatious glances roam both
sides of the path – thus the nāgarīs' eyes soar like thirsty bumblebees to sip
the honey from His lotus face. So as they relish the honey Locana joyfully
sings about Gaurānga's glories. ”
Why Fear ?
Don't fear, sakhī, we've got nothing to fear. We can take the load off our
chests and remain calm. O let them criticise, we won't listen. We'll just swim
across the ocean of scandal to escape. So when they address us as ' Gaura-
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
kalankinī ' , I'll reply : Damn, Damn, Damn, those chaste housewives ! For
everyone is going to end up disgraced by Gorā ! And when that happens,
says Locana, we'll have nothing more to fear. ”
This poem is directed to those who may criticise nāgarībhāva. Yet Locana's
fearlessness is born from deep realisation – for he knows that Gaurānga wishes
to share His madhura prema with everyone. Thus he feels confident that no one
can resist Gaura's incomparable beauty and charm. So what will happen ?
“ Everyone will become Gaura kalankinī ”, he says. Then who will be left to
criticise ?
Pirīti Nagara
But sakhī, come ! We can latch the front door and after easing our
minds, enter a secret passage to see the light. And within the effulgence we
shall behold Gorā to satiate our eyes ! But don't tell anyone about Pir īti-
nagara, for the people may mock you.
We will have to keep the news of our going a secret. Listen, in Pirīti-
nagara, there is a Jewel-like purusa whose room is easily approachable. But
first we must discard dharma, karma and worldly chastity to enter, for these
things can not stand beside Him. Thus Locana says, Gorā's effulgence fills
every direction ! ”
Where is Pirīti-nagara ? Most people will never find it. For it lies hidden
within a separate līlā prakāsa where Gaura and His kishori ballabhās enjoy
endless prema keli. Yet those nurturing madhura prema for Gaurānga can easily
go there. For this realm is sva-prakāsa, as it automatically manifests before the
eyes of those deeply yearning to be with their prānaballabha Srī Gaurasundara.
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
As the kokilas, roosters and other birds shrill, Gaura and Vishnupriy ā rise
from Their flower bed. Prabhu shares rasa-kathā with Vishnupriyā and satisfies
Her. Then He goes to wash His face, greet His mother, and meet the bhaktas
who are eager to see Him. Let us thus meditate on Gaurānga's pastimes at
the night's end. - Srī Gaurānga līlāmrta
“ At the night's end the King of the rasikas and loving debauchees
Gaura passionately enjoys prema keli with Vishnupriy ā upon Their newly
decorated flower bed. ”
ālase locanī prāna priyā mukha heri hāsi bhāse ānanda jale
rasamaya vānī bhāne porospora vesa virocaye sucaru cānde
dohe duhu mukha tambula dite ki madhura riti dhriti nā bāndhe
adhore adhora dhore dhire dhire puna anga gorāye ranga sei seje
narahari phire jāgāite koru jatna tā nā ālāse tyāje
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
amorous love play begins anew ! Though Narahari frets : “ O how will we
wake Them up again – for now They will be more tired than ever ! ”
Rasa Analysis
In his nishānta līlā sutra, Visvanātha Cakravarti says that Gaura speaks
rasa kathā with Vishnupriyā and satisfies Her. Then with beautiful detail Narahari
explains how Prabhu does so. Because Narahari has followed the nāgarīs he
could enter the keli mandira to offer this detailed report.
“ Life after life I take shelter at the Nadīyā nāgarīs lotus feet. Who can
sufficiently speak about their glories or imagine their saktī ? Because their
bodies are moulded from Gaura prema, they are totally surrendered to Him.
Thus Narahari always yearns to sing their glories. ”
In Gaura carita cintāmani, Narahari has included more than 200 of his own
poems which describe Gaurānga's affairs with the nāgarīs. Hence scholars and
bhaktas often believe that Narahari Cakravarti is Narahari Sarkāra's second
In Srī Gaurānga Campu, Srī Raghunandan Goswāmī describes this līlā. And
he begins with the sakhīs calling to awaken the Divine couple :
Another sakhī exclaims : “ O my ! The sun has risen, but our ' Sun of
wonderful pastimes ' ( Gaurahari ) hasn't gotten up yet. And why hasn't our
Padminī Vishnupriyā opened Her eyes either - since the lotus bloom in the
sun's rays ? ”
Hearing the sakhīs' sweet voices, Priyaji quickly separates Herself from
Gaura's embrace. But in missing Her warm touch, Prabhu rises too !
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
The manjarīs begin their sevā as one dāsi holds a crystal pitcher to
wash Prabhu's face. But then a clever sakhī notices the love marks left by
Vishupriyā, and shrieks more enchantingly than a kokila : “ Ayi sakh īs ! Look,
here, if a bumblebee lands on a bāndhuli flower, that is befitting. But O my !
How has the sun risen over the moon ? ” ( this means : “ It's not surprising
that Gaura's red bāndhuli lips turn black like a bumblebee after kissing Priyaji's
kajjol anointed eyelids. But how have the sun-like kun-kuma dots from Her
forehead smeared over His moon-face ? ” This startling evidence reveals that
Vishnupriyā has reigned over Gaura's chest during rati keli ! )
Priyaji is silent.
Thus Gaura replies : “ O sakhīs, just see how Vishnupriyā loves you.
She won't say a word. O well, I'll tell you the riddle's meaning tonight. ”
Thus Gaura goes to join His mother and the bhaktas ( as Visvanātha
Cakravarti tells in his sutra ) - and Vishnupriyā heads for the Gangā to take Her
morning bath with the sakhīs.
The Setting
The vilāsa kunjas of Vishnupriyā's asta sakhīs are situated around the
sarovara in the following directions * :
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
stands upon the singhāsana with Laksmīpriyā and Vishnupriyā on His right and
left ( attractively dressed and fully decorated with jewels ) They attract the
entire world. Millions of sakhīs and dāsīs are serving Them. Some twirl
cāmaras, others prepare pan as others anoint Them with candan or perform a
host of other sevā. Here Mahāprabhu can always be found enjoying prema
vilāsa with Lakshmīpriyā, Vishnupriyā and Their millions of sakhī followers.
– Bhaktiratnākara 12. 4038 – 4047
Rasa Analysis
of the palace performing a different activity. And previously we have learned from
Jīva Goswāmi's Krsna sandarbha that as the Lord enacts different līlas in different
prakāsa forms in different places at the same time, so do the bhaktas.
Let us give an example of how this works in context with our present
discussion : In Siddha Krsnadāsa Bābā's Gutikā, the Asta Mahāntas stand in the
Yogapītha lotus' first eight petals right next to the Panca-tattva. Though in Srī
Siddha Caitanya dāsa Bābā's Bhajan Gutikā, Vishnupriyā's Asta-sakhīs stand in
the same place right next to Lakshmīpriyā, Gaura and Vishnupriyā. Thus we learn
that the Asta-mahāntas who are Svarupa Dāmodara, Rāmānanda Rāya,
Govindānanda Thākura, Vasu Rāmānanda, Sivānanda Sena, Govinda Ghosa,
Vakresvara Pandita and Vāsudeva Ghosa* are non-different from Vishnupriyā's
Asta-sakhīs who are Kancanā, Amitā, Sukeshi, Candrakalā, Manoharā, Sakhī
Vishnupriyā, Prema-latikā and Sura-sundari.
Though here we can also know that Mahāprabhu's Asta Mahāntas and
Vishnupriyā's Asta Sakhīs are non-other than the expansions of Rādhā's Asta
sakhīs who are Lalitā, Visākhā, Citrā, Indulekhā, Campaklatā, Rangadevi,
Tungavidya and Sudevi.
* Reference : Srī Dhyānachandra's Archana smarana paddhati and Siddha Bāb ā's Gutik ā
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
Prātah Līlā
6 : 00 A.M. - 8 : 24 A.M.
At daybreak some kishorī nāgarīs discuss how they will get to see their
prāna priyā Gaurānga today. Being clever and rasikā, these girls dive deep into
the ocean of Gaurānga's romantic affairs. So as they search for an excuse to
visit Mother Sacī 's home – some are laughing while others cry – and some are
trying to overcome their family fear as they ponder the means to dupe their
Last night the old biddy was sleeping with her bedroom door wide open
( to check on her daughter-in-laws ). And as she awakens in a startle at dawn,
she quickly goes to see what they are up to.
* sāshurī : mother-in-law
Though Narahari says : “ The nāgarīs don't desire wealth, they only want to
see Gaurānga. ”
When Rādhā daily goes to do Suryā pūjā, it is for the chance to meet
Krsna. Similarly, the nāgarīs are brāhmana kishorīs expert in devatā pūjā. So they
often go to the Gangā's shore to meet Gaura under the pretext of performing
some sort of deva or devī pūjā.
āier angane jatane dārābo dhoriyā soier kore
gorā gunamani mo pāne cāhiyā kahibe ākhira thāre
oroja vasana bāreka ghucāyā ghucāhā moner dukha
ei kathā bujhiyā lajjita haiyā amani phirābo mukha
sakhī mora ati catura bhujiyā pāsari apana kora
eki eki boli buker vasana ghucābe dekhāiyā ura
ihā dekhi mukha vasane jhāpiyā hāsiyā rasika rāya
madan pirito habe narahari susthira koribe tāya
Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in Gaudīya Vaisnava History
In seeing my lovely figure, my Rasika rāja will cover His head to conceal
His big smile !
Rasa Analysis
Though Narahari's poem reveals how we can dovetail such thoughts in our
Gaura bhajan. Since Gaurānga eagerly pines to see the nāgarī's curvaceous
figure, why shouldn't one desire to become enticingly beautiful to serve Him ?
For then one may contemplate : “ Gorā has become impatient to enjoy me ! ”
Vaisnava sāstra terms this mood kāntābhāva, and Caitanya caritāmrta praises its
glories :
In kāntābhāva the consort offers her own body in her sevā to the Lord.
– C.c Madhya 19. 231
kāntāganer rati pāya mahābhāva sīma
Gaurānga Līlāmrta
Though the nāgarīs' hearts continue to soar like thirsty cakorī birds to
drink the nectar of Gaura's delicate smile and bright moon face.
But Gorā scores the victory – because as His naughty dolphin earrings
dance over His glossy golden cheeks – they suddenly leap out to devour the
nāgarīs' minnow-like-hearts !
Part One ends on this meditation. The topic of Nadīyā nāgarī bhāva in
Gaudīya Vaisnava History will continue up to the 20 century in Part Two.
Srī Advaita Acarya's Stavarāja is Authentic
Some Vaisnavas may doubt that Advaita Ācārya has written this Stavarāja,
as it presents a very rasika doctrine of Srī Gaurānga's worship. Though there
was a time when we also felt uncertain that Srī Advaita Ācārya wrote this stava
for the lack of solid evidence. Thus for those who wish to benefit by reading this
stava, I began searching :
I first went to Srī Srī Syāma Vinodinī Kunja at Navadvīpa, to speak with
some family descendants of Srī Advaita Ācārya. I met the āsrama's mahānta, Srī
Kandarpa Gopāla Goswāmī, and after respectfully offering him my dandavat-
pranāma, I frankly asked him : “ Prabhu, what do you think, is Srī Srī Gaurānga
Pratyānga Varnonākhya Stavarāja the authentic writing of your Advaita Ācārya ? ”
Thus I went and asked a pandita friend for a solution, and he replied :
Taking this good advice to heart, I next visited the Sonāra Gaurānga
Mandira at Srī Navadvīpa, where some of Srī Nityānanda's family descendants
reside. Since I once fortuned to receive the friendship and merciful blessings of
Prabhupāda Srī Nimāi Cānda Goswāmī, his brother ( Srī Bircāndra Prabhu )
allowed me to use their ancient Vaisnava library for my research work. On that
day, I discovered a rare jewel, Srī Narahari Sarkāra Thākura's Bhakticandrikā. And
as I enthusiastically looked through the pages of this rare book ( like a lusty child
in an unattended candy store ) I stumbled upon a very wonderful discovery :
Though later on, I also discovered some other editions of Advaita Ācārya's
Stavarāja. So here is a list of publications where the Stavarāja can be found. All
of these reputed Vaisnava panditas accept Srī Advaita as the Stavarāja's author :
About the Author
Gadādhara Prāna Prabhu is Srī Srī Gaura Gadādhara's bhakta and has
taken Their shelter at Māyāpura in a forest kunja beside the Ganga for more than
40 years.
Gadādhara ji always spoke about Gaura and Krsna līlā, and his memories
regarding his Harināma Guru, Srīla Prabhupada, his diksā Guru, Srī Lalita
Prasāda Thākura, and other wonderful Vaisnavas who blessed him with their
association and mercy.
Visit Srī Srī Gadāi Gaurānga Kunja