Hexadedcimal - Level
Hexadedcimal - Level
Hexadedcimal - Level
3.How many entries will be in the truth table of a 3 input NAND gate ? __8___
BCD (Binary coded Decimal) Number is from 0 to 9, which requires four bits to store. As the
maximum number of the system (15) can best represented by 4 bits. It is also called as 8421 code
to represent maximum number 15.
5. In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is called as _LSB
7. If a Hexadecimal number needs to convert to binary. For each hexadecimal digit, there will be
Boolean Algebra is based on binary number system which has two different states either 1 or 0.
13. The prime implicant which has at least one element that is not present in any other implicant
is known as ___________
Answer: a
Explanation: Essential prime implicants are prime implicants that cover an output of the function
that no combination of other prime implicants is able to cover.
14. Don’t care conditions can be used for simplifying Boolean expressions in ___________
Answer: K-maps
Explanation: Don’t care conditions can be used for simplifying Boolean expressions in K-maps
which helps in pairing with 1/0.
Answer: 8
Explanation: Minterm is given by 2n. So, 23 = 8 minterms are required.
19. A three digit decimal number requires __12 bits ______ for representation in the
conventional BCD format.
Answer: c
Explanation: The number of bits needed to represent a given decimal number is always greater
than the number of bits required for a straight binary encoding of the same. Hence, a three digit
decimal number requires 12 bits for representation in BCD format.
35. The time required for a gate to change its output is called as ---------?
The time required to change the output of a gate is known as the propagation
36. Combinations that are not listed for the input variables are-------
Answer: Don't Cares are the combination of inputs for those the value output
does not matter or changes.