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Machine Design Assignment
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Machine Design Assignment
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K..J. SOMAIYA POLYTECHNIC, MUMBAI - 400077, Sr. No, Experiment Page |, Date of sitet | set T Ramana = Fondanenier ance| Submission | Correct - . Des 9n OF knekle 2g NI179/20 95/9/20 95/5) i a Problem On Design 82g, P5/8/2908/ 4/4 3/4/92 ~ 4 Tnakerrg Plethod sg Lee a Tab CB ad!em ON Machine 8 fem sen Faas fo |22/ 722429147: 2UY: eign OR Bcveoo - 98/ |29/4/2]06/S/001 g 7 _ ‘| Lack: ea oe 61S) Si OF -Po wer Tara] 169 /106/5/24 1 2) 131, + Degign ( Be” 12008} 08 i _ Keye “palley [ — 7 : Pp 422, 24 Vo ]S]a01 91 (1 ~~ g | Design 0 F habe te SF By ee) OM kax 11 Goo pale —erimaneECIECo Ay This is to certify that Shri. has completed the specified term werk in a satisfactory manner in the subject of. inside the pol actinic afd, down by the Board of Studies, of Polytechnic during the academic year 200 ig 4” \ ZN Head of Dept. s Principal & SecretaryASSiqgnmeor NO:;-o04 TAAe Pundamema: mochine OeS190 Compononmas. TReory Oave of Perfermance:- 25 orl 2022 Date of “Sulomission:-| jreaizo22 a Envow NOt PEGGY —— ASSignroeMy NO. 4 @1 Expiaio the » Grocrral_prro coderre ia_mockine __@s|9n? ____ “pue 4o_1o7ge vorieacsians. ca mnadhine design — { probienys_ i iS Mor _postinie to Set 64oodoxd — ~Teequen ive loca fox netigns 8 Design is auenys Li - ment of heart 1uag_mochine sn open heart | Surgery -the need 19 _morwaoted_economicalig ae a ~ . ___tnese factors — B] pecobiom_Siaremene and ia Aace i+ es “LY \ if —tonitden dowa- 8+he Specificatina shoud u i 1d be accaunmme as possinie:Pro, Prelirn ary Design Tdeos and AWACT ACIS | Once aAhe Ser of SpeciNeatian AYe CrItten _ down +ahe desiqaner has 40 +hink af Sovrat ave raat\ive which can Ser the SeeciMicorian A Compo ye Siudy 19 carned Our 10 Ciad ' dLtut TOO SOhich wit be best ecanomicol SS compyicoied = io _ mecegsary tTO_ is “of ion mM erode: = Je, Pino \ Cnoug gb. He fons ee ee Cou Soristy fo criona\l Needs cad_ariginolt— FOR EDUCATIONAL USE| searticenions 4a _mec+t sthe Jodo mre qurrernent sud Bane other Ospecrs— inveioued +he Product hy depead vpan iS casthowuic— oie Opgeran- ottvact the = Sods colour, tance. Shape etc— po _ one do +4 monsiO te idcad MO capTKiAg-Arac08 9S eran suficiord oumbor OF views 6ectlons + — pics 6 _the vcs so\ervonce ond Syxrftice Pinish voives +O e¥eFalare a a=" asso ews Ore aS given 40 vnderstond “re ta4 ian Neiwcea vomious parts of forenicy ASSeraioiy—— --lproto+y pe 00d Tasiog produce =proto+4pe — 4es ag Oat Perguide © p pronto successful 35.40. “3 reac Ao whor - Needs One SotiS Tied +he 4QS+ rOSur Ly coi ee ‘Snowe eaiiabuiay O0d Cansissnty io the performance A Prroductioa \- : - : Pere
e fraction of Ane Cost Of Sica OF ors ces @ Weetioo made 40 oTAeTt ane - aderd Pars Snouid pe oSed uwnene P af OF : Bay 06 opercrions J4 is neressom, nb 6 Orowide SOfE“4 ACAIOOS Of NS Sapiuye- { 2s _worrrSinog in Order +0- Quoeid ane necessity — Ss in : nei : oe Sno cO COS4 +o minimum: = FOR EDUCATIONAL USELoos mrachae OF OO CIye CL) As ABAD musi bE ASsemprie d as avntt belie ut can (UNCON lovg? oA pAVSs alien be assembied ia -1he “Shae yasied and When Jaren la be “transparted 10 aherr Proce £1009 (he Aaa tocavian 9 is wmeoMant aad ane design Mast AANCPOTE Ane exact Cociitiods for at SOwuice machine eCNQ NECY lacavian and -the tocat evecian: gues NA) pitreroMoriatt be\woon @207109 SAvess and crushag Sivess? ess i- JAAS detaed as Ane ANC 1wWo TeIatiVvely moving ameaies wher® ahe the dord 19 Aes ans - Beanm9 acting on. e\emems the ex _Beoring S4re850S Ort CONN af machine e1em — mee ny pin in ACSAM_Id- my and beosinge of Tc engine —______— ii] Screca_0.00 auS+ design. id DiSAOO Or oO and SMa end_of connecting ero A ___w] machine 00'S 51 ¥id@s_perferroning,-reons'e tate= OHO — oe J Pivot p18 0f “ Morey ons —— —___“ThuS_i+— Core Oc ear Gsa yes Mt pe enever— — FOR EDUCATIONAL USE imachine elemears 1aded ia Sik a motany veci procating ox ee eed — both rASPel+ 46 each othey +e ioducod yess wiibe o bean ag Stress _ —Beorag* Boomag seress = ood a proceed onto | = maga 4 1o0_10wet OO Monkevions in Comat > _ eae £ Ly : a 34 Sieouid_o1So_be noted thot higher - —_ fe , 5 i MOUCY rOIGHLE mMotan And vise - veysaq. Crushing Sress:- : 7 FAAS O Oetised Sarvess inaucod ia : Machine eleEMen+ AO +0 Cxseyng) \oads of - OM EYOSS ve A AMOxE COAteTS 19 the covacy ~ —_Oio+ KAUCKIO O14 WAG _KOUCKIA Join+ Muess 10 she rive, \ Go - a ee f- ® EDUCATIONAL USE |...2 (ory? Grote ane —_- pee wo @ petine fancy Salery a Caciors of wich dee? Ane ~rrax10 - is domined 19 genre! os + J past 3* foe a of maximum Saxvess A SavosS marthemoanca Wg ———— S40+ic_ loods: Potion of Safely et pnimare Sacess (Co __— y ae 005.49 SAxeSS oman e _ facigr of Sofeaye yi ‘ : Aye = Yiel LO+ SAr€SS (Corr __ ___ fi yee Spoor foc __ =the se1ecti = _uSed_is designing aay enachioe Camponeo+— depends GOon G6 Numer of fansiderosions —|__ Such as tno matemor, made of monufoctat ~—Aype of Gress. aerrrai gexwic@s .conditioo5 — FOR EDUCATIONAL USEaa SrHaee of ANE PAYS ane qnumencal awe af facror OF Salery doegends on the forowrog, Caciors othe veviovimy of she Pxooey “Marewars aad change of +nese Pro dosing Sexuice____— aij ctthe reriabirisg oC 10541250 ws and OCcrroly “7 of depiction of Anese 1@Su145- machine pa%AS:-___— The veviabuiay of ago ed_laod: _ 7 TL The comrainiy OS.40 Oxoct racde of Toriur’ es of she pernes 40 OC100) ‘ |The exiens of locarjsed stresses- — wit} the Oxdent Of iA WiOI S085 Sei ve _Aes103— Jeeenono tC yu) The exien+ of toss of ee if forse — ___occurnS_ and ij the extent of Loss af of prapeniy iO _ I fLoviure occurs ____O machine Component ais duc s0— she goueiapmensk of Sx105S05_ox $+r08S Carcng— ! taith Stair With in 4s mass: __ ! ta con be Pau 19 fr1awiag_Ga.0.G5-————— hiongonag ‘= Tecsue and compressive —— $4708 = | A Bending Tensiso_cad—Compncos 8 —______Saxoss_ex' \ enc 4anecusly To FOR EDUCATIONAL USEAC VOXS1DIe — - Puce 10 alierno aq Stresses - - 7 Due 10 Cansion+ 100d1Y onder Clevaied 4Aemprotuic os d Buckving Due +0 compaessiue S179 as. ] order Comeott Lond \=bader the 19000. RE Beetion 0ime ATordional Fariuye:: 00 40 -torgue 4] Conrrosia a te u] Fou que: s| Cree P= AL 4he Six0ss ov Srresses deuciae__ ore _beyoad the Sale seresses shen +he Component iS \ikeig +O fou Campane nt 2 =H te =o - Poued fit con not pork 7 - }— Lal see { + A 82Signer has -there 9005 -10 ae FOR EDUCATIONAL USEhing porto 2}n0+ eoch Component of o moc i449 desired Goachion [0% dosed 1205tP of Look 194, Cle - oe. rt does nor £ iB xe of MOCMOE ele Lec essovny mean a Comerere prt ciemems (aii beacause (COriO10- excededing -ne Aoxmo | a20% K10g- J satereee 19 heo+ —____—_—_ {ip Decrese_ in _meechonicol efefcieac POW oro4” mach ne condst1o OS ort a - a aca Ae ee iouerpae Len ——— _ —— (UL 1oS$_0f designed tinemo-tic ree\crionsh: ps : oy Suctual mempers ore _o§ fbr1002$ -—___ J Povore. ny Yieidiag - ii] FOrigrre_by Leroi a DbroSSive Wear, Corrvosi x ne Bunce Porque) _ e eocs af SAreSSE3- CQAcenaercetiOn:=the _novure oF ANC Moaenol)-OUcie o~ Brite oo 5 nlO 6 ComPOrE OVUE\NE Od Pyle oncreviars? Sy oaxch AYGOiCOl Axess Soo CoV e—ond_- Snow Suent EONS of Ane ComVes _ pins o£ —Oucive | get .e—___ _ Comeami0 0 —mayenol moter OL +k £10 con | Sis1.modewsd Aoi 6 — ductiie “ i ‘ied poiots. ei deline swol Ay Wwo\r : a yield Nomay ___doC. aed. : Loner Gi eid 5 poiot ondupper. reid povor_ Pocior of Safery lower yield _Sareare.ng Sees _ MDESIgN Sess a B81OG2 moUch G1 edrecHO§8.10x0- FOR EDUCATIONAL USEN BRITTLE AT Lea, MoTeR Nb Ducts u oO | i ro 8 | ( y ' 1 f a EB ‘ ' / Oo 1 ' ap w ‘ / ‘ 5 of ' / Hi ! ' | 1 a - | STRAIN ee een po proportionas bunt eens yr yretd Poor of o's! Pe yi pant Sra . a 2 greld Pant of OT ah Saran P * or imate Sivess: oS —T : PON OF Ductive maternal, Boothe NO ComAcy sion moreno) S__Erangarvien befor Sepration. Qiosric Stage _ ____ Prores$ __ hence O1ong ation rence OO —____ oe BE Ce coe = = 8 ee eciono oOo = =e Giwer C4. pyiid Jaron &\@e, 15 Considexd. OS madcrortely ductive : 5340445 foinag the eritica, $1035 induced by S4otic loading of ductie morenal is expressed _ by the_gicid Point_crthe yieid Simengsh in cose of Gitte marerial +he caiticol S288 16 expressed by uidicnott_Smengsh FOR EDUCATIONAL USEne enn Uv TEI _machiae _ Component onder ° ‘Oy Of +ho Componen+ oie on ee aa 7 | 06 gn ONOceObIC Sofa cy workiag Sitess Hil Gisimote Sre5$ !- T+ is _deCned as the 1orgast ——AxresS_Obrdined by dividing the 1org@st vaiwe ; ‘ iONO\ oven. of l00d 40 +he CQ Al Cera Secsionn UITIMGTC G4veSS!- Urtimaie load = x. - ee ee FOR EDUCATIONAL USEee — —fidesiqning iHerna combustion eNgG1N€ bo\\erE_—~ | Gad turbioe I _|@u6© MO O38 DECine AhE Endurance Limit Stress? i whot 16 S-N Curve? Expicin enduTence _| limit G4YCSS With Noip of 4S-N Curve ?_ ANS '- Eadurance Limit! Endurance limit Stress _ 18 defined as +he maximum vawue_of +he_ = MN COMpICLG ~eBeMLeSed bending S4vCSS which ee Ge men, j : r 5 Ca! ere inlap! ff C4leS Comsuange DIU SANCES_God Aine Number OF (yttes evreguired 40 Peroduce Coviere _ 18 COWCd S- wi Cure When _O Mo+exri0 11s Subsocied to a Ir i il S —_______ b@i0w + ———_foriure under -the aparication of eves. - fd cx wepered S088 be1ow 4ne Yieid —— Point $4055 _Coued forigue foiusye 000 Stress Coed Lovie and Sivoss 1S_Caned daduronce Umit SavO98. a2 ‘ ‘Tad ae 4xOSS 1 of FOR EDUCATIONAL USE nnCe HOY _Poushod c J —this_Specimons Subic, ACS PNVCC 1S Used AS 10 cominouSly. Compre tiy - ne Oxced. stress. Pia fovvore- AOKES place this ~~ - ee -1S_ecepoded (ov difovens vowue of Tne8S28_00.d “the Comsespond ing na of cuties ~ARO+ the S00timen Sustain hotoae Caicee Ore Noted Aa oF rpm con -ond fy fs eS oo GS) The i - (CrrxouS mo+o\8, that Helen A comand voive ~ fox ferrous marerdois the cCuaue iS OSymereric __passi sen - Pore GrrrOuS MeE+ O15 -ANO Curuo is > —Lne© +norofore in +his CoSe +he Cnduronie =~ ag Shoan \n Lig xSTRESS | a: fe NDVRANCE. Limatr | | t —_—_+ a NO of CYCLES = N_ Curr § Gry ‘ 7 5 9 OPCS Lorre byUC NO OF Explor prtiy Ane meinod oF = = dervermaaiod of 4ne enduTonle Umit Of 9 mMateriol? SKetch 4he Aypicar - Slopes of arGph of G-n Curve iO 1eSpeue 40 (cmos and Noo CorrouS eneta\ ANGS:- IN order +6 Study the effec af Posique of meoreniato CONAN eneror HOM = — ~MeEthod$ _iS_Used_s_=thiG_meahod Gd Gian” _____dexd mincror po! ‘Shed _Specimon iS Loaded 6 bending AS the § POC. men rrodies he — _ beading Sre58_04 the oppor Mined = =— _NOme@ ‘ — —____ §erimren_ii c = | SrxecCSS And Ane -eduuS Cr€ proried ” A100 _to\\1 Ginow shot Wf S415 is Kep+ - —hetow_o_cooio_voiue the enoterials tein bee wh ry | of Cyci@S Apis S4veS$ 35 Known as - | __endurconce imix Or Lorioque Von vr = | Sivoss Cec) _ The Ordinaries of 4106 S-y conve H deRines sne Cori que Serena of +he - FOR EDUCATIONAL USE =MOAENG | Comvesponding 40 mumper of S4ress Cygnes mequired for foriu-re a AN Ane Case of ferrous me1ais Gna Cuog' the Cuvee becom horzomo) afer dhe matena, pas bocn Sressed Lor Oo oumoer_ Of CycieS ane Moriurye wit nor ocurr iPahe _HAVCSS 1S BIO AIS _LO1Ue No mno+4er NOW mony SHOSS_CYCLOS Ore COpLied tahon -tns 1S Ahe Cose SAvess sCnSi+u oF » 4 Caned CaAduranre Vimi+t in this case of aon Non Lerrous meta) +he HAC Novey hecomes “hox.tomial Gad hence this mneris do not hous ~£Adueroare Limit_ ASSiqnenent noi o2 artes Design Of kouckie loiOx _ DO1C AC Oer-forrmance '- 11 1O3\ 2092 —___ ? Date Of Sulmission:- 95] 012092 —__ foxou No! PmeGu gy Em eG ou+ j 4 4g ¥ |[ kouckie doin —I} KAUCKIE JOINr 15 LSCd 40 CONMEC+ OAS — hen Sea Amount Of fexiouny eed ov ONQGUIOY Movement 1S exist The 1004500 this rod ove 4enSiie, Dur if the Joint \S_~_ guided the rods 0150 Suppers theCompress ue lood TRS Joist con be easuy connected — 9 and _ disconnected for repair —____—— T+ aay be found ia the wax of the Cycie Chana. 4+he rod pin rx roof russ vave %od— pee O crt corth Ccentic rod, pume rad 1oint.-—— ACASiAA Lua in badge Sicrucure oad _leaer— Gad rod connections af vor ious 149eo-———— © aq Kauckle Joint. one end of she xod_is— L ~ node Loo On eye Gad _+he rads other end iS fox rn 100 foo tot Ga eye Of the Lore 124: _ The Knucr e é m | and the fork ho1es and may be Secartd_by— _ | sneans off cotiax_a.ad s0pex 010-29 SERA SAO 7 i ros o0g (0 A forrk_by means a _ Srp 5800 Oe nang Sides Gf Ane fork and eye axe mach aed - The nae is “occuroiery died Gad pin io suroed the “moievial i6 used Cor the Jow+ may [be 84@el Or twrraughy “won FOR EDUCATIONAL USE“Pocxox of Soery :- : os 4 19 defined as ——— an 9gecrol\ _Ahe | mortiO of Maximum Sxress to the Work 94 — SAVESS —Facior of Sofery moo xuenurs 84x25 : vior.09.60 008 — _3n case of ducaue “moieriay @-q mud Stee1— oteariar @-9 mud Sree1— eo) whore 1he yrerd po. nese eireay, aetiaed the factor — of safery iS based no +ne yi2id POoe— Stress in Such Cases. Cacror of 5afety= Yier \o4 ess tn case of orate moderna eg CaS4 \00 Ane yield Paror 1S not we defined as far - ducine marewio\s Therefore the facter of Safes Saxess — forsoy of Safexy= OIA GH S-tyesS WIO% King OF DESIGN — - SAxess - the Se10echi £ £ . 4 Jobe USed_\o_deS.gning_Gay machine caenesner depends up00 a Numbey af Confiderovian,.such aS moteviol, mode of monufocturt aye of FOR EDUCATIONAL USE_ Savress 2QENTO) SeTUArCE Candiiions ANA Shope a of G Port - i Before Se1CC\\Ng propery Cacar of Sofery, ¢ 0 deS.an engineer SiNouia consider the forewing, —O-The yerrabiity of the Properties of 4he noire oad — Chaage of +nese PropeHies AuriNg Sere Gi) =ahe ~TeVobiuty Of ANC eS TOSUI4S ONd ACluraly Of apaiication of 4neSe resus indo machine — 2 PortS ( The ve soiity af ope\ied \oad: _ TPE Leong 05 20 Bratt eoorie_of fb sient — Y The Exsem of SimerYying Assumption —___ ©) The Oxten+ Of localised” SAvesses Ona the ‘ 10K S A . Manufacture @) “Re exrent-of oss of whe if fvwxe occurs $s rs __ 6eC\eCtian of Motena: THE Seiecian of mcieral Kor A ‘ i Crom mateo! fomors Should be conSidexd Whie SAeting the _mo-lewot FOR EDUCATIONAL USE| — 5 © Serxrovuny of swe Movenc\ {or woresng— | Candiaion | @ the cos+ aC the morenol —— Tho imoporiant ETOPETHeS winch dete ne ale Lavy oF Ane mMarersol ore pnysical_— mechanical and Chemico\ a, ——_—CS—= \ _ The mateo used for Knuckle Jaio+ io — 4oc ia_which Lo (odicatiag 199 4imed +he—— _Gvexvo{e ON AO : SA essod FOR EDUCATIONAL USE(Daigo Of KAUCKLE JoWY _ # DOSQAN OF kKNUCKIE Joint 40 toKE O Laod of | SOKN- AN PAIS OF the toad Joints OTe made of Matavval 4OC8. Consider focetor Of Safety an 6 Given: 7 = load> P= SOkN = SOx10°N oo factor of Bofeig = 6 EE eyreaet eto: ees (FC en ae een one Des:go-- Anckte Joie} Ref rent Hxes§ vae Lar 4c? matewol- : _ Yield S4ress {fo 4ock material _Caicuratian!- : Fe ee a eee es neal man LTENSue Sives§.(4 = yierd Stress = ae SADR NI Mey 3 afedy 4 Shoat Saress (5 = 0:6 x Pe =0-6x 68 -3U32 234 [ 2. Crushiog Sur05§ 2 = 204 = 2x58 > U6 N Learnt | a | FOR EDUCATIONAL USEasign'- a 1 To Mad diametes of shati 4 Condi deying 4ensie Covigse of Shot el pead 4 sOxio? oc dx 38 d=_fSoxe - \{ 4853 x58 dz 3313 _ de due 2. Find other dimemians be empincal TeIoHoOoOS diz d= 34mm d229d=2x34U:&8mm 04> \-Sd= |-§x3u= Simm te )95 d= |:2x%34 -42-S mm = bamm 2 -4Sd = 35x 2y > 25-5 mm = 26em 2-Sd = Sx3u = \3mm. —4:. Consider Shoox forioxt of pin ond chock _ £S P2 2T)u A ¢S SOOT 2 TERS ABU 5 {5250x163 - TA ARGS KAY? = 29°S3 php ny Irn? - 7a learn FOR EDUCATIONAL USE[e353 4s 1e5S than PErMISS IC ShEGr S4A7CSS_ design Lis sote - _4. CanSidoy 4ensue farore of Si nyse eye 0= Cdo-ddtx 4 - i | Sax lo? = (6%-3U)4g x Fy —_____— _ BR SG) BUxaZ £42 Burd vier? [a4 is 1S 1085 than pexmnisSibie S4rcsS heace desias 1s Gare. \ on 9th Of Srmg\o eye P= Cda-di)t x5 Soxlo?= (68-34) U3 x #5 {S= 50 x10? Daxu3 £5 = 34-19 Nimmn” i ‘ Ao Yumm So x1o3 = (63-424) uu x £5 - Rs = Soxto3 BUxXUYy P5_iS (088 hon Permissibie Shocy Sixess hence dasian is Safe. __ 6: Consider crushing faviaxe of pin p2ditc FOR EDUCATIONAL USE. SOX104 = Bux 4G xc (C> Sox to? | BOxay = = 93-02 Nimen? 18 1e8S than Permiss.o1e 405,97 15 Safe ec 1. Cansider sense Corre of dounie eye Ofte ators oo } Pr Cdr-douxQ —— oxo} = (68-30) X 9x26 KL, £42 50x10? BUX 2xXIE 228-23 Nimypot PorxmidSipie design is Sofe. =e | SOx103 = (68-3492 x06 x05 f5_= $0 x 103 3Bux2 X26 = 23-23 lira” SESS SOO PowMiSS:bIe design is _sofe. 9. Cansidey Crushing Paviove of ALO in - Adupie eye P= I2diti Le SOx163 = 2x3Ux26 xc. > Soxind 2x BUX i FOR EDUCATIONAL UsE a i)| > 28-23 Nimmo" _ £c is Lass - AWAN POI SSi bie design iS SoPe —¢ to. Cansider bending S4ress in Knuckle Yous PLo tb x d3 22 {3 + { — 7 = oz, xau2 = Soxio" au Lb: 4g 666-64 = 3353-66 Po= 123-U1 wieorot “Conclusion! permissible S4028S are $3 nine TO nis ts_c0S2 DeAckng Gremsso8 One ae shan 4 rin fai i or Port of +he Kouccie Jorr — ASSigNroear NONO3 Title= Protnems oa Design of i 1 see Machin Ble rmment6 Daye of Submigsion:- 2510312022 7 Dore Of partorraance'= 0810412022 Ecrrout NO }- FMEGU GUY= vgilog 1127095 y4r.o2Pxobiem': 1418 xreguivred +0 des. go. o Cottey Joint which iS used +0 Cannect 4m0 S1ee! ods having Same diameiey The maximum W101 load 4a 4+he Jot 15 SoKN The materia) Lsed for Joint iS Zack, UHimaie AENSie S4+veSS fox moaieriot i$ Goo Mpa, using Coclor of _ Safety 6 Design O1 dimemiions of 10104-_ Take Ultimate Shear Sixreos. thar aha+_Of—— Lid Mate +eENSire : hg sivess double -thot_of umimate 4ensixe— Of 4h ct __ dimensions a Giv6en P= Sonn 2 Saxlo*n “oHimoie +ensiio Givess >: 4oo MO =4ca N/mm Ul4imoqe Shear SiveSS > 4ooj2 = 200 NL enro* ~ Gus = 2 - 2 e SS\ | _pererniSs 1o1e S-xrOSSCS_= VAIN G4 © _S4>xeS$ Factory of ae mox 1enSie S4ress = 61 =4O0lG > 6EMPG =& max Shear $4rOss= T=P00/¢ = eee marx musing S4ress = 2 Oy = f00/6 = ob aN vn leerse FOR EDUCATIONAL USE_ , DesigAi- a ae Padding diometer of vod d) under 4onsiie Lorivyve _ OP: aE Jd? x6 ee _ Sex - - Sox1o? =I x d? x 66 oe ds BhoSmm EE . d: 32mm — 9. Cindiag da’ and “4 by 4easne foviure —— = x Ss: q SoOx103= [=z Cd2it-d2 xd2] x66 9 oa | -.d2> 34-6imm “dg: 243mm tz da = 22 = 9-Smm gq oO check induce d_crushia- Sivess - ps daxt+xec —_ - $x 103 2 28 XOS XSc— 02 BBN Lmm? > 133 NIimm?_ —— Biarce induced ©¢ 1S _Nno+ 1eS8 than pear bie sc desiga iS not Gaffe ae Recaicurer ing d2_and to pt daxt x sc a 50x103 - dexd2 x133 YQ - pO » 1O+—— OS - | C= 19-42 mm a —|— - C= 20mm : la pistonce Crom end of siot 40 (end ofrod _ Ca) oe P= 20xd2x T- Pod va double _S0x103 = 2xOx39x33 So a= 19-42 - . O> JOrany. 3. Diame+: Ps ar Cda?- do?) x Sow So xto3 -ar Ca at = 392) 2134 uy d3 = 44-Fimm dase 46mm. _ 9. Thickness Of Spigot Co\ay Cd P= Wda xt xT - : S0x162 =x 39 xt1 x33 tit 19-36 : 2. tes lgram lo. Length of Co1s0y (4) - a A> Ud = Ux32= |\28m~m pe | a eas 2d 212% G2 238-4 = Bora FOR EDUCATIONAL USESica) Bi2e5 d>42mm di: 34mm 1: 9-45 mm di: S2mm b> 38mm : = __du=q3mm : : — C220mm a Q= 2omm oo d3=4gémm ti = lamm _ A= \Vemrmm _ a e> 249mm.DeS1I9DN OAI6 ANA CoAVey JOO VO resist AAA ANG) 100d Jorn , AV. PONS are made of C-4O MOACEyV10\ and 10 Kre Cactory af Sotery as 6s Daia:- load = P= TokN= Io*1o?N mailer ial=c-4o — factiay of Safes gros a Lprefre aos | “Pelee aclign dain boox Yieid SAvess vowe fox Cue _ I material is 450 NIram? TEnSi10 Sixes £4= 330 | F.0:8 = 220 6 C12 50-46 Nimm?2 Cox 6006 06.90 we oxe -loKing Onowabie 4008) StreSS~ +0 = Go NI mm I SHeay SAvress Cs =3xty | =3x 50-46 = 40-61 Nimeot Cocusining S47%ess Cc = (cs 2ft >=9x 50-46 oe — -2101-52_n | men | AUOwWAbDIe S4AvESSES Ore _ 2-€5> 20 Ni eor2 os 3-Fco= 100 Nipam? FOR EDUCATIONAL USEaA ee 9. CAICUIDAPE Yad dimension. _ - P> c* x4 - ——_ 4Ox10? = 9? KUG Oe a> U9 later eens meee a> 42mm 2. Other IMPOT _diememion by emperKal _ melotion Bit x>42 - +2 Bily = U2/1y 2 =10-S _ = \lmm ! 42> tu = ¢ = umm ___8 To fiad B KB xt KO | Joxin? = 2* Bx *30 tl B= 1n6- 606 I t t > 5S ! 2-56 © ins me | = 58-33 | biz S4mm =-US X1O06- O6 244-42 b= U3 mm B= Ut sg D103 FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 7| : Madd ee p> 2L Git. ~ trad xee Fox lo3 = 2 C42 xt1=1x aa £1. = AOx107 - 2xXUG 3) _ 41> 23.22 _ Es Rd) re ncaa 5. check Crushing Fonure ae Pr axt) x£x OC — Foxio3 = 2x 29x11 xfe & = 109.4) NJ ram? Since Peis more +hon_pormissinie dosiga iS — pasa Sale inceese £410 13enen Pt 2x4. xt x fe Be xiod = 9x29 MIB x fe fc = 92-33 rwilme* Pc i$ 1058 thoO POxMiSS.1e Aesiqa iS Safe 6. To fiand bs P> 2x l, x {Sx ox ip? 9x 4x42 X30 | Li2 27-9¢™m Li = 28 por F-To find li - p>2Mtrt. dx fs ; FOR EDUCATIONAL USEES Roa, la > 21mm g. Mad (a> 2 x 3 Leiac Si 208 :- (3> 23 mm doxio? -2 C212) x29 x46 a> UgamMmm Giz Gamm tt = 12mm f2> \imm Bs l\eJem biz S9mm bs 4mm 4,2 29mm _ fc = 99-83 NIram* tit 23mm dl Las 2iraco | (3= 28mm | ag)——~ Pj?(B00 KN THICKNESS at ecach Side wor - - DESigN -Ihe Suspension Ok if ane - | yield Past Siwvess iS 366 Niet oad factor _ of Sofery iS 4-5 aes Give a! THIckaeSss_of MOK = bs ene _maxjimum loodp =200 *N _Foctor = mateaial = C-4S$ _ | yield S+r0ss = 260 N1~m"* Rofrences '- Desi boox “Carcatation!: qietd EAveés Fy = 360 N1eneot = \ t $= S60N! _ = 42360 on as / ; = 30 - £t= So nimm? : Anowohie Shear Sr ess = -4-Ct —_- 2-B3xXZO _ = =64 ime ore + toxing £5 as {6= 6onlLm™ m? oe | Arowable crusm.ag Savess =: 2 f+ _ = 2x0 - 2160 n)mm POR EDUCATIONAL USE |pasign Considering Wendie CoviwTeon Side _ aK (Op pecu le eecce at eer 300 x 10? = bx 1S*30 2 b> 125 ero 2 Shear Cariove of pia by Sido _ ico 2 = xd? x FS d= \Vtsoxi0? 7 i My x60 = =S6-U\ _d= S45 mm : i ae Vax On - dx £x fc ISO xjO? = S53 x1Sxfe A Po 2 (45-40% Nieam? : aa - ° OiSS | 10 i cm M Po = dx €x Lc | (Sox 192 = GAx 15 x fe a ! em ee ey FOR EDUCATIONAL USEJa consid exiag 4CNS\NE Co\iove OF Side vin. aa cen+me - : Pn -Cbei- dt x(t (Soxlo3 = Cbi-~63) x15 x 8o 2 bir 19s +63 = ‘aie — b= 122mm _d Sima Fo: 159-73 | enam? bi> (88pm 24 = 20 mm LBSd = 90-5 men 3d 7 {Gram ‘240 => |Q mm{I 1Oro:- saaeeae - | besign 0 Aura buckie +o SuSiain - —_imaximum 100d of 2ISKN On -oxial Odsusiment” __ let ISomm. ASSUME for1ouing SALE Stresses _ _ fer at! Campanems-Tensiie 738 Nim, _ SHEOyY_US_N Imm Crushing 30 Neo?) __ Soiatiod'- Turn _buckie Joina iS uSed to _ Caanec+ A@a crods Aung Corinear axis __ —..Cahnere there iS need of Oxia: adiuSimenr __ Giwea load 9: 25"eN Shecy Siress Fs > US Ni mm? 12 rox = * Crushing SAvess Fo: 2ON lenen® — DLE.30 ae _ iL Ciod design load Pd= 130 = 3x25 5D9-S Ky 12: CanSidering +easive Loviuxe of Shot and caicclate “de' and thea by“d’ Pd =r x dc? x £4 q | 39-S = ar de? x45 Y FOR EDUCATIONAL USEdc = 23-48 tt dc > 23°48 mm iz Gz dc = @2384 = 24-56 3G 84 - - | _d= 28mm - - ~ _ For 28 mm dio. Puch PO 3mm —— ~~ S fiod_4 considering Shear foruxes ot _-tharead “1a au+ a Pd: Td xs —_ peau 89-5 = 1x AXG pee _ £2 32-5 x10% = TW x28 x4S : a = $25 _ A= AMM Taxing Az _d =2%™mm 4- cheects Feria aheareads - Pdz ar Td*-de* Tt x fc a “ Pitch - 42-6 x102 ar (287 - 23-487] x 2g x to Y Pe = 30-5 x103 x4 Jr (28° 23-48") x 28/3 £c= 19:05 Nien? __ i 10s _+hon permissipie FC> 19-05 wlem* 5. To fina - — P= Ty Cpor-d df4 aca, : FOR EDUCATIONAL USEdC = 22:48 . dc > 24:48 mm deses 2 23:84 24-56 BY 84 d= 28 mm Pov 28 me dio. Pitch Smo 8 Fiaod 4 Con6idemng Shear foi ures of d thereod “1a _ou+IS x10 -77/4 CO 28") x95 a - i O0= 34-36 | - 35mm O-125d =l1-28 x28 735 6 To £fiad D1 ond pr : Orie da+6 =W8+6 = 34 Z Di> 34mm _ — P= 3E Cob-p] Fe p= 98 x109 2a Co.t-au? 1435 HL D2 by empenical forrenui0 - Sd: 1.95 x9P . i O2=>=42M™m 2. Lhtd = 6x28 = 168 - 8 Or hex MaJOr dimeayions — width of cougier ~asd 2-45x28 = 2imm thickness of cox Qrem-: “Sd 2-S x23 = lume FOR EDUCATIONAL USE m| [ As I8 mr Fid01 Sve _ Od= 39-S KN dc= 23-48 mro a> 28mm P= Smr (219.05 Nim O = 45mm Di2 Summ 02> 42mm t= 163 mm Co= Dim £ = 14mmlever tico long cor7ri€S Giood the oo PIGIE.The Levers hos 9-°C Gormam Crom 4+ne NEOTASt amM0g BeESi9AD 4hHe Sho Key ond lever, 92 Ove+ hon a Loe, thE _aitacoab1é SAVCSSES ATC Jo MPO 1A 4eNSion. —— and U&™PO in Sheoy ee ~ a DOs one ———_—_— Load @= 800N -- Leagth Of 1Qvey Ls Lim = 109 mm Over. hang 4= Jomm — : ——_Tensue Stress 1 =4I0 mp = Jo Nieamt —— ___ Shear Gimress fs =urmpo: ug Nimomt — SOUHIOO = Design of Shas Gad Hun |. To Pind shots dio ‘d’ xt 4 4} aa JOC4 pou eed +0 ee | i 16 I 00 X1L100 = d? ag I d= 45-366 | d= 46mo - _ |_2- Pind o+ner dimensions by erp ovico! | evations ul dia da -\-6d = \-6xgg = 214mm a Hub wo thickness C41 + -3d = 13-8 t2 21mm leagyn_of hub La 295d > 54-5) FOR EDUCATIONAL USE= AIP xXti x (4 x (ataj _ Foox 100 = £1 14x40 x [ag 41g] — £22 29.93 mm a Keep 22, as. Po she ermee coi xeianion _£2° 53mm. fas To find d, tt Ts Px¢ M2 Pxc T= $00x loo > 200 x 10% M= 800 x Jo - £12 x104 Te: VT? mes [m+ reat | es TTY ey find] Te = $32940-54 Me? 444440.73 But Te= Tig dix fs me = 7142 x43 xe - 8329.40.54 qe raead aas 7017 gn 3x40 T a ac-S\ da2 Gh | = 6pm a d2= 4Gamm __ 6elect din di is highey of abave i€ Ué6mm SS ee oT FOR EDUCATIONAL USE 1f \ L 1OCVESC dig a "A0 54mm (ory Since the dio d shot D'= SQ PES190 of Koy Width wd = 46 - - a Lock 1994 ANE Sho} 18 O1S0 6mm d\- 54m Wes — G > ID enn ee Thickness tid on 2w -¥ & Yo ! £2800 _ Boos Length of Key 21 o¢ & 008idening Loriuxe of Key - Pel ow xi xls xd — = YOO x1100 = 12 x21 KUR x Us 2 7 — 2i= 66:42 —£\: 64mm Since en Key 2. 16 highox +hoo ADE ters Of 4he boss Chub) f1.-Tho 164 gtb of boss io _tacrese coors Length of key hub 29° 63mm Length OF Key ty = 64mm Des 90 of (©ve% SOMioo: LY oe fith '@' and “athickoess ‘¢ of over 67 Vex Ox Ct ne fooruon spre xB xI0. B: ce _ as 20-3) + 5 2icaen FOR EDUCATIONAL USEASSigoment NO | 1-04 THe '- Fastening method ond. power Screws theory CS os a Dore _of POrfSxmoNle :- O£ (0412002 = Dore of _ (_Submissigg:= 22 Laut go1a —____ASS igamen+ No: o4 — ExPiain Overhaui 2 QUA an Gs . . — Power Sevens 7 9 aA Geif Locking in ANS THE Of fart ve a wuived Othe circumference ~ OC abe Scxew 46 Lowey abe tood_I:s tt — PP ww4an C@-4)_ ond +he soy — 100d ; Ts PX do = Vaan C@-x) x d/o _ : dn the obove expressing if@
Core or voi diamerey of the Ste w-__ do: Ourside Ov madJor diame\er of pus 6Cr6U)_ t= AhicKaass OF widah of thread — — she Screw Ond Out ve 10H Le _Ualnciay bOiween +the Au+ ond Screts Ond— Aciurt of a APick MeS$ Or Gidib of Screw > —— en ee eee conth the Aut: = Hight of aut zh ee P FOR EDUCATIONAL USEPp -—- | eline Power Strew SKeich she thread dixon protie oSed (or +he power Screw? SAd\e +hérr METS Aad demerits” ae ANS Power Scnew 1S a device used 40 Convert ~— VOIOTY MOVIN 1AAG Wear mOrian -~TNe Powe LSCTC2 G1SO KAOA AS trransiatinn Strew)T4 is _ Je — widery Used in press clamps tacks. Lathe ,broch'r 9 machine eA SCrew 16 generony modeof Stee! conere aS qu+ id made of brass oy Cos+ 100: H ___TRe Pourocesing 44ee8 of ahereads ore_vsed— —__ forr_pacses Starensy i) Sgucme theread 9] Acaome thread A Square +bhreod as Aborn io L, gis adupied abe iransmission OC S¢uore thxcad and is easier 40 Cort-orr-rnii-the GSligitt Slopes 10 Side Lowers the FOR EDUCATIONAL USE fe a| J OF Power 1A Lighter direction his threcods MESYUNS 1A MAXIMUM eEFicieAcy GND mMOimuM —— | erodion ov brusting pressure On tine Out itis Hdifficu 40 cot with YOPS ond Ai@S 14 1S YSuE. CU OO GB LAINE with Gingie Point 100! GNA can) NO+ bE CoOdSiy Compensated for wear the Spv0O%X 4thyead ore empIoyed 19 SCrow AOCKS pressurt and Clameing devices Se uk permis 080 Of Seis nut: IA -rapezonial — thread onaie +0 29° +hmese threads or casicr ol Botess Threads :- FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Ji 0-125 TPR s~ zs MAMMA These +hroods combine it 88 seu yeh seer 3 eae ee +hon oth : o is imitcd ocK6 Mevi+ of Power Scoreus |- Wais divetica Se coat aah 40g ond dios -athese abrcods Pind vieiscd vse for nl | FOR EDUCATIONAL USE— pose ony used no+ ad PeCaNamMical duc 10 Standerd'Lati0n ond a jroreody availobiv “WY #! Sate Ahe advonoges ond disadvar4es. of __. weided Joins as Compare to viveied Jom? 705 Pono.N9 ove Ahe_OdAvLaMrcges | aoe diSodvornoggs © 0 weided sointS aver wweted dows. : _ladvon-t0ges:: — oo : ____ J TRe weided SAcructurre ore usuaity “tiger. - than oiveted Sjcucstove 9] He woided joio+ provide moxi mum _efficenty Cra 1) glnicls_is_no+ passitoie 10. case aherefore 14 LOOKS P1205 29: s aA memners Ye pot toeak ened oS in she cose of v\veied doinis— _ A cocided Joie _fa5_o_gxe0+ Saneny qab_ofien 0 — —toeided_ddio+ asthe Srrength oCthe Pome __ien@rar ase! A] Sametime 1 dhe member acre of Such aShop?—— Cie Crcuicr Sacei pipe) dho+ they _o-Clor- diCficury fore ari veriag- Bur they con be easy Seal FOR EDUCATIONAL USE.go ae [the Seid VOYy TV Qid Jos ThiS 619 Vine | 1: © Mordexn +yvond 1A.O} \ ae 90 of prouding =a JT is possinie Ao eid ony port. oo Srrucure O' BAY Pood but PELEMAAG rez UL1eS _ENdYgh Clearance - » 9 The process of eseiding 10 Kes 08S_ “Lene “then Tr 1VE NO a a O\Sadvonroges = ___ JSince +hexre_is_an_un even hooting and cooling Burying folomicerfion thereCore +he” members may get a apm - Super\§\00 — S)S.O0C NO _prrouisian iS Kept for £ex panSian Cad : Contraction in ane Crarne therefore. shere iSa_ thao. yi uediag cont: eas Aine mateniors and essemial quo ing (ox _ rive i508 per ius SpocMcations? = The cacienia of the ser muss be or and —— ae ore _wSuary mode _oPSice! es ee © POR EDUCATIONAL USEfp | 7 | iat S—COVHON Sioe Oy MCKIE S\eo!) Bross .c um ini ge ; Oy bua Cohen Srvong+h Ond Lriaid FAP JOU AS Main CONS i decration then the 8\e0) MAS OF _USod. Ne WY icoVs {ov gonva Ureases Shai be —MAOULACH UVC Cx can Steet Comfoening +0 +he FeUnewing LAdion Srv\o0doyds BO io o] Js.- TUS ~ 1432 CREALC inmod 1992 )-SPEGM carige — 1 foy Pot cvraned “Aves bar Copto Lome dio) —_ for Strucicarcy PLx ease: — ~The aivess Cox boey oye Shou be —Monuforimed Py, 4 oO his 1490 20-EE incre nonce — fox 8400) wivess aad Stay Wars foy boioxs: —Esseomio: guawaies of suet. fap SEOAHAG A0_indion Srandexd 18-2998 1982 +he motes ini CLO vive+ mnusa hove 6 40 oS) @ SAnenc a : Erangarior N94 1E55 +hGn 264. 4he moierio) Mus+ be ¢fsoch Guaridy thos when 1 cod Canduion tthe shoau Maus + fiG4= (ep qithout CHOU AQ _o diamerer 9-5 4imas she diometer € Shonu: FOR EDUCATIONAL USEPO = E —— [a erusniog of “he priate ov wivet'- | Somearime +he vias do Nox ACtucw — Bhneoy Off +he Under the 1enguie 84058 bus ove Crushed due vo +he aves hoe DeCome of Un oval Bhoee and heare she Joint becomes toose ane Coriure OF nive4 19 Such O Monner \f AISO known as bearing Coviere : — CUSHION OFCO POY wee it a Ac: d-k oe Bes (eee omen he Cacusini ng Oxea cz nat ——__Corusihiag resistance (0c) a~ aun returred, crosh Ah nivet per _Pidoo Leagah = Oc= n-d- ++ PC —Saxengin of y ives soit Ht ox te ed 08 +1ne maxi ro ich‘ Ye fotinoutr Ceushiag i4 10 fail Wo auc Seen i4n Ss \rezuired AO eo Off the Piate Sneaviag off +he viwo+ Gnd Crashing Of AMO wivet: A Liddle ConSidoret ~160_toin Show jhost if we qo Or lateresiag the _ {Puro _o Vivatied JoLO+ Le elt Cohen -the Lcast of snese alr€e Pus 410 weached beacause_o_ [higher VOLLE OF ahe Orhey Pui esis acer ireoch 6ince she Joicr has foired eighiey by (letmiag_o0f -ne prove oniye i FOR EDUCATIONAL USE— pte Fesisiance of ered by Ane Plate against - pAecomag (S_kOOwA as ACOMNG VESISIGACE ov _ —}1eameg SAvengib ox \eomng vawe of she Qiore — WO KNO® +Ahot AeOriAg Woor per Erich “length - { r= (e-a)t e — ~ —— " T@ering vesisionce ov pur Aezu'red to — Ae@ay off Ane Prore pea _piach length ——_____ Ot> N+: Pt = COA) 4. f4 — a]. Sheoning of athe aiuas = | piates ainich ore Connected by she — LALLCKS CxdeN+ ACNSUO S4AYESS ON AHO viverS Ond Vf +he aiue+ Ore LnGlole +0 veSsis+. the Stress om + ore Shaved off OS Show in Agu we _ KAO thot S hCOmAg ‘orred - VesiStance Gof Pu vezued +0 shen [_ Off the orvet+ pox pitch Length: - | PS = X 2a xd* xPS (Double spear) + FOR EDUCATIONAL USE+The vesisiance oleites qpteeming iS KAOwWA as AComiag Sine NGA Ox OE KNO® -~hat xed by ane Pore Ag 0 ins+ leonng VOSISAGNCE or \Comng varue Of the oigse leaning Wwoor Per Prich leagih P= Cea )e ; Teaniag VWESISAONCE OF PU Hezu'ced to \CO¥ OCL Aine Pr.Ore Pon e14ch leagsin a Ot: At Pt 2 CP AVE Py : “J Sheoaicg of the eivors: — The PLOA@S_tohich Ome Connecied by she MALS Cxdemt -lenSue S4VOSS OO AHO Wives Ond _ hf -SAUC4 Orré LAGOIE +0 YOSiS4. the SxveSS_ —__@om +ore “pened 008 Stee Ligaee tae ws keels thot SheOmMAg ore’ - = AS = ax dé : G £ 2x T de Skeoning VOSISAONCe of Pui crepued 40 Sham off the cavet pea pitch tength. | -P5 qT xd’ x £5 Cé\agie Sheox)_ es: 4, * 2 xd" x pS Coaubie shea) FOR EDUCATIONAL USt SSJ, oo — VoriouS Must OF (orient Of MIVeted dont | 31 Sweagih Gad eC cienty of Ane Mvered sows? 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