Unit 2a
Unit 2a
Unit 2a
• Freshly prepared concrete till it has not yet set is called wet
or green concrete. After it has thoroughly set and fully
hardened it is called set concrete or just concrete.
Classification of Concrete
Depends on
• Lime concrete.
Classification of Concrete
According to binding material – Cement concrete
• The concrete consisting of cement, sand and coarse aggregates
mixed in a suitable proportions in addition to water is called
cement concrete.
– Commonly used for foundation work and flooring of
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – Plain cement
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – RCC
• The cement concrete in which reinforcement is embedded for taking
tensile stress is called reinforced cement concrete.
– Commonly used for construction of slabs, beams, columns, foundation,
precast concrete.
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – RCC
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – Pre-stressed
• The cement concrete in which high compressive stresses are
artificially induced before their actual use is called pre-stresses
cement concrete.
• Uses
– This concrete can take up high tensile and compressive stresses
without development of cracks.
– The quantity of reinforcement can be considerably reduced by using
this concrete.
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – Pre-stressed
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – Pre-stressed
Classification of Concrete
According to Design of Concrete – Pre-stressed
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose
• Light Weight Concrete
• Vacuum Concrete
• Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC)
• Polymer Concrete Composites
• Ferrocement
• Self- Compacting Concrete (SCC)
• Hydrophobic Concrete
• High Performance Concrete.
• Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC)
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Light weight Concrete
• Fibers include
– steel fibers
– glass fibers
– synthetic fibers and natural fibers
each of which lend varying properties to the concrete.
• Physical modeling of
debonding and pullout of
fibers by fiber pullout test.
Classification of Concrete
Distribution of shearing stress over the fiber surface
a) At pre-cracking stage
b) At post-cracking stage
Classification of Concrete
Types of fiber matrix interfacial bond
Classification of Concrete
Factors affecting fiber-matrix bond
• Type of the Fiber
– Material
– Shape
– Synthetic/ Natural
• Alignment of the Fiber w.r.t. the load application
• Strength and Composition of the Matrix
• Length of the Fiber
• Rate of Loading
• Other Parameters
– Content of admixture
– Influence of seawater and salt environments
– Content of fiber.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose –Geopolymer
• The term geopolymer represents a broad range of materials characterized by chains or networks of
inorganic molecules.
• There are nine different classes of geopolymers, but those of greatest potential application for
transportation infrastructure are composed of alumino-silicate materials that may be used to
completely replace portland cement in concrete construction.
• These geopolymers rely on thermally activated natural materials (e.g., kaolinite clay) or industrial
by-products (e.g., fly ash, slag) to provide a source of silicon (Si) and aluminum (Al), which are
dissolved in an alkali-activating solution and then polymerize in chains or networks to create the
hardened binder.
• Some of these systems have decades, often being referred to as alkali-activated cements or
inorganic polymer cement.
• Most geopolymer systems rely on minimally processed natural materials or industrial by-products
to provide the binding agents, and thus require relatively little energy and release minimal amounts
of CO2 during production.
• Since portland cement is responsible for upward of 85 percent of the energy and 90 percent of the
CO2 attributed to a typical ready-mixed concrete, the energy and CO2 savings through the use of a
geopolymer can be significant
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Geopolymer - Drawbacks
• The major drawback of current geopolymer technologies is their lack of versatility
and cost-effectiveness compared to portland cement systems.
• Although numerous geopolymer systems have been proposed (most of which are
patented), most suffer from being difficult to work with, requiring great care in
production while posing a safety risk due the high alkalinity of the activating
solution (most commonly sodium or potassium hydroxide).
• As a container, it may fail and leak but possibly hold together. Much
depends on the techniques used in the construction.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Ferro-cement - Disadvantages
• The disadvantage of ferro concrete construction is the labor-
intensive nature of it, which makes it expensive for industrial
application in the western world.
• These air voids can turn to pools of water as the cured material
absorbs moisture.
• If the voids occur where there is untreated steel, the steel will rust
and expand, causing the system to fail.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose –
Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC)
• Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a high-performance concrete
that can flow easily into tight and constricted spaces without
segregating and without requiring vibration.
• First used in the 1980s, the key to creating effective SCC is the
development of a mixture that is not only fluid but also inherently
stable so as to prevent segregation.
• While ordinary low water/cement ratio concrete absorbs from 3 to 5 percent, hydrophobic
concrete absorbs less than 1 percent.
• Hydrophobic concrete has a long history of use in Australia, Asia, and Europe, and experience in the
United States dates back to about 1999 (CP 2006).
• Hycrete,, New Jersey, markets a family of products that provide waterproofing and corrosion
protection when added to concrete, thus rendering a hydrophobic material.
• These admixtures effectively seal internal capillaries that are responsible for water penetration into
concrete, making the resultant product completely waterproof. As a result, for below-ground
structures, external waterproof membranes, coatings, or sheeting treatments are no longer
required, which increases productivity.
• The use of hydrophobic material also makes the concrete completely recyclable at the end of its life
since it is the presence of those external waterproofing membranes that make concrete unsuitable
for recycling. In addition, the product also provides corrosion protection by forming a protective
coating around the steel reinforcement.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Hydrophobic concrete
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Hydrophobic concrete -
• Primary applications for hydrophobic concrete include
– subgrade walls and slabs,
– elevated decks for parking structures, plazas and
– green-roof systems,
– tunnels,
– transportation infrastructure, and marine facilities.
• In the highway field, the most logical use of these
hydrophobic concrete is in the construction of bridges, and
several highway agencies have constructed experimental
bridge projects featuring Hycrete admixtures.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Hydrophobic concrete -
• The concrete is effectively waterproofed since the internal
capillaries are sealed.
• This eliminates the need for any external waterproofing for below-
ground structures, an activity that can be time- and weather-
sensitive, so the overall construction schedule can be accelerated.
• The corrosion of embedded steel is prevented or reduced, not only
by reducing the permeability of the concrete but also by forming a
protective layer around the steel.
• A key environmental benefit is that concrete that would otherwise
be waterproofed externally (through toxic chemicals and volatile
organic compounds) can now be fully recycled at the end of its
service life if it employed hydrophobic admixtures.
• In addition, concrete constructed with the Hycrete waterproofing
admixtures has earned credit under the LEED program since savings
in time and materials are realized.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – High performance concrete
• Engineered cement composites (ECC) are high-performance, fiber-
reinforced cement-based materials.
• ECCs are similar to conventional fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) in
terms of its constituent materials, except coarse aggregates are not
used (these adversely affect the ductile behavior of the material)
and lower fiber contents are employed.
• Furthermore, unlike FRC, ECC is a micromechanically designed
material, which means that the mechanical interactions between
the fiber, cement matrix, and interface are taken into account by a
micromechanical model which relates these individual constituent
properties to an overall composite response .
• The end result is a highly ductile composite material nicknamed
“bendable” concrete by many researchers.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – High performance concrete -
• High tensile ductility (strain capacities of 3 to 5 percent, about 300
times that of conventional concrete).
• For a small to medium project, the cost and time of hiring mixing equipment, labour,
plus purchase and storage for the ingredients of concrete, added to environmental
concerns (cement dust is an airborne health hazard) may simply be not worthwhile
when compared to the cost of ready-mixed concrete, where the customer pays for
what they use, and allows others do the work up to that point.
• Modern admixtures and water reducers can modify that time span to
some degree.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Ready-mix Concrete (RMC) –
Pros and Cons
• Materials are combined in a batch plant, and the hydration process begins at the
moment water meets the cement, so the travel time from the plant to the site, and the
time before the concrete is placed on site, is critical over longer distances. Some sites
are just too distant.
• The use of admixtures, retarders and cements like pulverized fly ash or ground
granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) can be used to slow the hydration process,
allowing for longer transit and waiting time.
• Concrete is formable and pourable, but a steady supply is needed for large forms. If
there is a supply interruption, and the concrete cannot be poured all at once, a cold
joint may appear in the finished form.
• The biggest advantage is that concrete is produced under controlled conditions.
Therefore, Quality concrete is obtained, as a ready-mix concrete mix plant makes use of
sophisticated equipment and consistent methods. There is strict control over the testing
of materials, process parameters and continuous monitoring of key practices during the
manufacturing process. Poor control on the input materials, batching and mixing
methods in the case of site mix concrete is solved in a ready-mix concrete production
• Speed in the construction practices followed in ready mix concrete plant is followed
continuously by having mechanized operations. The output obtained from a site mix
concrete plant using a 8/12 mixer is 4 to 5 metric cubes per hour which is 30-60 metric
cubes per hour in a ready mix concrete plant.
Classification of Concrete
According to the Purpose – Ready-mix Concrete (RMC) –
Pros and Cons
• Better handling and proper mixing practice will help reduce the consumption of cement
by 10 – 12%. Use of admixtures and other cementitious materials will help to reduce
the amount of cement as is required to make the desired grade of concrete.
• Less consumption of cement indirectly results in less environmental pollution.
• Ready mix concrete manufacture have less dependency on human labours hence the
chances of human error is reduced. This will also reduce the dependency on intensive
• Cracking and shrinkage. Concrete shrinks as it cures. It can shrink 1⁄16 inch (1.59mm)
over a 10 foot long area (3.05 meters). This causes stress internally on the concrete and
must be accounted for by the engineers and finishers placing the concrete, and may
require use of steel reinforcement or pre-stressed concrete elements where this is
• Access roads and site access have to be able to carry the weight of the ready-mix truck
plus load which can be up to 32 tonnes for an eight-wheel 9 m3 truck. (Green concrete
is approximately 3,924 pounds per cubic yard, or 2,400 Kg/m3). This problem can be
overcome by utilizing so-called "mini mix" trucks which use smaller 4 m3 capacity
mixers able to reach more weight restricted sites. Even smaller mixers are used to allow
a 7.5 tonne truck to hold approximately 1.25 m3, to reach restricted inner city areas
with bans on larger trucks.