Ionic and Covalent Bonding Cheat Sheet: by Via
Ionic and Covalent Bonding Cheat Sheet: by Via
Ionic and Covalent Bonding Cheat Sheet: by Via
Why do atoms bond? Ionic Bonding VS Covalent Bonding Dot and Cross (Covalent) (cont)
• Atoms like Noble Gases do not combine with Differenc Ionic Bond Covalent Bond 4. For compounds made of multiple elements,
other atoms because they have stable e determine how many bonds are required for all
electronic structures elements to become stable. Note that 1 pair of
Atoms Metal and Non-metals only
• All other atoms bond during chemical shared electrons = 1 more electron for the
involved Non-metal
reactions in order to have a Stable Noble Gas atom.
Configuration Formed Electron Electron Sharing 5. Draw circles to represent the valence
• Bonding only involves the valence electrons by Transfer electron shells and dots/crosses to represent
• Valence electrons are responsible for the Electrical Only in Does not conduct the valence electrons. Note that the circles
chemical properties of an atom Conductiv aqueous/molt EXCEPT for have to intersect so there is space to draw
ity en form graphite shared pairs of electrons.
Forming Ions 6. Draw the valence electrons on the circles
Solubility Most are Most are insoluble
and the shared pairs of electrons in the
in Water soluble
• Atoms of metals have few valence electrons intersection.
(1-2) thus they tend to lose electrons to form
positive ions (cations). Dot and Cross (Ionic) 1 pair of shared electrons = 1 more electron for
from a metal atom to a non-metal atom to represent the number of ions transferred from
the cation to the anion.
achieve a stable noble gas configuration.
6. Remember to draw brackets, write the
• This results in the formation of oppositely
charged IONS. number of atoms before the brackets, and write
the charge to the top right of the bracket. (e.g
Covalent Bonding
achieve a noble gas electronic configuration. 2. Look at the valency of the atoms and
determine how many need to be shared.
This results in the formation of MOLECULES.
3. For compounds of a single element like Cl2
• The bonds can be formed between atoms of
or N2, the number of bonds that need to be
the same elements or between atoms of
shared is the number of electrons it needs to
different elements.
become stable. (E.g for N2, it has 5 valence
• A COVALENT bond is the electrostatic forces
electrons and needs 3 more to become stable,
of attraction between the nuclei of the 2 atoms
and the pair of shared electrons. therefore it has 3 pairs of shared electrons.)