Load Models
Nasir Rehman M. D. Mufti Neeraj Gupta, SMIEEE
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology National Institute of Technology National Institute of Technology
Srinagar, India Srinagar, India Srinagar, India
Abstract—This work proposes a load flow analysis based effect on grid stability and power quality. The increased
on backward and forward sweeps to evaluate the effects of penetration of electric vehicles in the network due to growing
electric vehicle (EV) loading on a distribution system powered energy demand has resulted in the additional challenges in the
by distribution generation technologies like solar and wind.
The simulation has been done on an IEEE-33 bus system. distribution network. EV charging load requirement and EV
The simulation outcomes demonstrates the impact of integrating load characteristics vary from those of other conventional net-
distribution generations at the grid and EV load models with work loads. The site, schedule, and duration of EV charging,
impact levels ranging from low to high for voltage dependent along with its active and reactive power demand, cannot all be
loads (EV2), constant current load (EV3) and polynomial load forecast ahead and thus may compromise in grid constraints
models (EV1), respectively.The study explores the various issues
of incorporating EV loads with renewable energy sources (RES) locally and regionally.
and evaluates proposed solutions for their proper integration in Various effective power flow approaches have been devel-
distribution network. The study also assesses several modelling oped in the research [1] - [3] to ascertain the vulnerabilities
sections of the studied system in order to assist researchers in throughout the distribution systems. The optimal positioning
modelling these kind of systems for research purposes, as well as well as sizing of DGs have been thoroughly presented
as to comprehend and quantify the constraints for integration
techniques. in the literature to ascertain how all these aforementioned
Index Terms—Electric vehicle, photo-voltaic system, wind- disturbances directly and indirectly affects the power flow
turbine generating system, backward-forward sweep load flow and network security of the system. Different optimization
method techniques have been used to enhance the voltage profile and
system reliability of integrated distribution networks. Genetic
I. I NTRODUCTION algorithm [4], ant colony optimization [5], particle swarm
Renewable energy sources have gained a lot of interest optimization [6], cuckoo search [7], and other various algo-
over the years and have became indispensable part of the rithms to determine the best nodes/buses for optimal sitting
integrated grid. They are environment friendly as well as and sizing of DGs. These load flow methodologies are based
offer consumers a cost-effective alternative in view of the either on mathematical or empirical analysis [4], [8] - [11].
escalating costs of conventional fossil fuels. The erratic role Monte-carlo simulation is widely used [11] in mathematical
of renewable energy type distributed generations (DGs) like assessments of the effects of DGs on distribution systems.
wind and solar as well as the incorporation of electric vehicle However, it is time intensive due to the assessment of every
(EV) storage into the distribution network is continuously simulation. In empirically derived point estimation methods
growing with each day, triggering significant complexities and (PEM), initially the weights and points are derived by PEM [1]
variabilities. An extensive understanding of the impacts of followed by the proportional percentage of cumulants of input
DGs and load variability in distribution network is crucial for variables and then finally the cumulants and output instants are
efficient renewable energy accommodation. calculated. With the incorporation of wind turbine generating
A marginal increase in DGs in an inadequate distribution systems (WTGS), multiple PEM-based techniques have been
network affects voltage profile and has also a significant effect explored in [3] and [8]. An asymmetrical two point estimate
on the security and reliability of the distribution network. The approach is presented in [12] to address the complexities
wind and PV conversion systems are uncertain in their output in distribution system with photo voltaic (PV) and wind
powers because of the inevitable and deterministic nature of vulnerabilities. In [13], WTGS for real power injection is
solar irradiance and wind velocities. The inconsistent and illustrated as an ambivalent with a beta distribution for wind
dispersed presence of wind and solar energies into grid adds speed, while rayleigh distribution and weibull distribution
new references of ambiguities that may have a detrimental are used in [8], [14]. The comprehensive wind generator
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studies for determining reactive powers are mentioned in [13]. impedance. Then the voltage at the ith node at kth iteration is
Probabilistic confined power flow calculations are used to computed as:
model the charging loads [15] for EVs in which queuing theory
(Vi )k = (Vi−1 )k − Zi (Ii )k (1)
[16] is used to determine the overall charging-discharging
power of EVs. As EV charging consumption is probabilistic, B. Backward sweep
and the number of EVs incorporated in the distribution system The backward sweep computations depends on KCL that is
increasing steadily due to environmental issues, the power used to compute the power flow and the branch currents with
system’s complexity grows. the viable node voltages to form BIBC matrix. The power at
Thus a satisfactory power flow method is needed that can any ith bus is the total load connected on the system beyond
address any form of complexities efficiently and precisely take ith node and is given as:
into account significant inclusions of WTGS, PVs and EV load
models into the grid. To properly address the aforementioned Si = Pi + jQi (2)
problems in an integrated distribution network, a load flow
Pi as active power and Qi as reactive power are at ith node.
method acquired from bus injection to branch currents (BIBC)
The branch current computed through backward sweep is
and branch current to bus voltage (BCBV) technique has been
given by:
formulated based on a specific class of backward-forward ∗
sweep (BFS) method, that will achieve consistent results by Si
(Ii )k = − Yi (Vi )k−1 (3)
restricting the number of simulations needed and improves (Vi )k−1
the voltage profile of the system while decreasing its overall When DGs and EV loads are incorporated with the grid
losses. To simplify, the following are among the paper’s most at preferable nodes to enhance the voltage profile and grid
significant contributions: stability, the BIBC and BCBV power flow method prompts
• Three different forms of electric vehicle loads are mod- certain modifications to the algorithm which are illustrated
elled to address the challenges with a steady state analysis case wise as;
of integrated distributed networks. 1) When the WTGS is connected to dispatch power into
• The challenges in radial distribution system using power
the grid: The active power is introduced as negative (-P)
flow analysis could be used to model the electrical at node which implies it is generating and the reactive
networks and carry out appropriate planning of RES for power as positive (+Q) signifying that WTGS needs
EV development in future. power.
The entirety of this paper is organised as follows: In section
II, The power flow analysis implemented is discussed for an Pi,wnd = Pi − Pwnd
integrated distribution network. Mathematical modelling of Qi,wnd = Qi + Qwnd
WTGS and PV are explained along with three different forms
2) In PV, the active power obtained is explicitly inserted at
of EV loads in section III. The overview of methodology
its buses and the reactive power remains zero.
in section IV and its impact on an integrated distribution
networks with EV loads is discussed in section V. Section Pi,P V = Pi − PP V
VI covers the outline and future context of this research work. Qi,P V = Qi
3) EV load model establishes the VDL characteristics. The
modifications in both active and reactive power flows to
The BFS algorithm is an iterative approach wherein two the system are given as:
sequential steps are carried out for load flow analysis. In the
first step, power flow is calculated through the branches in Pi,EV = Pi + PEV
the backward manner starting from the last node towards the Qi,EV = Qi + QEV
source node and in the next step of recursive iterations, the
voltages at each nodes are calculated from the source node III. M ODELLING
upto the last node in a forward manner.
A. Modelling of WTGS
A. Forward sweep WTGS harnesses the energy contained in the wind and con-
The forward sweep is the calculation of voltage drops verts it into electrical energy. Wind generators are described
by using branch currents. This approach is based on KVL, by how they operate when configured with the grid. The
where the node voltages are obtained in the forward manner wind turbine employs the steady state equivalent model of
proceeding with the branch currents to form BCBV matrix. an induction machine [17]. Fig. 1 illustrates the equivalent
At each node, the voltages are computed by the variance circuit of an induction machine. The wind system discussed
between the preceding node voltage and voltage drop in the in this section is stall-regulated fixed speed wind turbine to
subsequent branches. Let the voltage at any ith node as (Vi ) determine the power output for a given terminal voltage and
and the corresponding branch current as Ii with Zi as branch wind speed. The active power Pg and reactive power Qg of
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induction machine are illustrated by equations (4) and (5),
respectively [17]. The WTGS is directly interfaced to the
power system network to feed generated powers on buses
through transformers.
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There are several methodologies of load flow studies in Start
• Step 4: Check node voltage limits within the set reference Yes
voltage (in this case,0.925 < Vset < 1.05) and identify
Print node
weak nodes. If voltages at nodes are not violated, then voltages and
power loss
go to step 6.
• Step 5: Integrate DGs (WTGS and PV) at weak nodes
alternatively along with EV charging load models at
random nodes and accordingly update bus data in step
2 and repeat the steps. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 shows the DGs Fig. 3. Flowchart of algorithm
in the system
• Step 6: Calculate line flows and power flows using branch
currents and node voltages calculated in step 3, and
monitor the voltage profile of the network.
The proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 3 in form of
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Fig. 7. Losses of system when PV and EV loads are incorporated
Fig. 8. Voltage profile of system when WTGS and EV loads are incorporated
losses are reduced and are clearly depicted in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
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