Ahmed 2021
Ahmed 2021
Ahmed 2021
Abstract—The design of a single-phase grid-connected This paper proposes a control architecture for GCI which
inverter (GCI) using the phase-control technique is presented is simple to design. It also has low harmonic contents. In
here. The circuit has fewer harmonics and a simpler design Bangladesh, there are plenty of opportunities for building a
than traditional GCI technology. The performance of GCI has solid renewable energy harvesting infrastructure. This GCI
a direct influence on the entire distributed generation system. model can easily be deployed in current smart-home, peer-to-
The control architecture of GCI must ensure the capability of peer electricity sharing micro grid-based architecture. The
matching inverter output voltage and frequency with
2021 IEEE International Conference in Power Engineering Application (ICPEA) | 978-1-7281-8546-0/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICPEA51500.2021.9417760
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Fig. 3. PLL angle of grid voltage.
B. SPWM Generation
In the proposed sine wave inverter, an H-bridge driving
configuration is used. If this H-bridge is driven with an
SPWM signal, an SPWM can be found on the load. After
filtering that, a pure sine wave is easily be found across the
load. This is the concept of a sine wave inverter.
In terms of SPWM, the primary distinction between a
stand-alone inverter and a grid-connected inverter is the
lookup table. In a standalone inverter, the lookup table is
static or fixed, whereas in a grid-connected inverter the Fig. 5. Circuit diagram of the system without load.
PWM value comes from PLL output. After generating
dynamic SPWM samples which are using for threshold value
of PWM signal, are applying in gates of four switches. The
proposed method uses bipolar PWM rather than unipolar
PWM. In the unipolar PWM method, the output voltage
fluctuates between +Vd and 0 or between 0 and -Vd, wherein
in bipolar PWM the variation occurs between +Vd and -Vd.
Fig. 4 shows the SPWM generation technique. The PWM
switching frequency has been chosen 3 kHz. This reduces
high harmonics distortion in output wave. There are no fixed
numbers of samples for the sine table.
Though a large number of samples produce a better
resolution of the pure sine wave, they also consume more
memory and demand high price microcontroller.
C. H Bridge (a)
An H bridge is built with four switches. To drive the H-
bridge, four signals are needed. There are two signals (S1
and S4) at 50 Hz in a push-pull configuration, and the other
two (S2 and S3) are SPWM signals (3 kHz). Fig. 5 and 6
show the circuit diagram and the four signals of H-bridge
circuit. The upper arms of the bridge are switched by a 50Hz
signal, and the lower arms are switched by 20 kHz
modulated signals. In this work, MOSFET has been used for
the switching device.
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connecting to the grid, there is another inductor of 50mH has
been connected by series with the inverter output terminal.
Fig. 7 represents the final synchronized output after the LC
filter step.
E. Adjust Modulation Index
To get the exact amplitude of the grid voltage, there must
be a multiplied measured modulation index with SPWM
sample values. Fig. 8 (a) represents the grid and the inverter
voltage amplitude at 60% modulation index. In this
condition, the grid voltage is greater than the inverter
voltage. Fig. 8 (b) represents the grid and inverter voltage
amplitude at a 90% modulation index. In this condition, the
inverter voltage is greater than the grid voltage. In this
(b) experiment, 80% of the modulation index produces a
Fig. 6. Control signals of S1, S4 in (a) and S2, S3 in (b). perfectly equal inverter voltage.
V =V +V (1)
= +L (2)
i = V V dt (4)
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To deliver active current to the grid, the inverter needs to
generate a voltage same as grid voltage, but it has to lead the
grid voltage by some angle. By adjusting this angle, this
active current can be increased or decreased. Fig. 10 shows
the phasor diagram of active current transfer to the grid. Both
the Vg and Vinv voltages are almost same but Vinv leads Vg by
angle ∂.
To deliver lagging reactive current to the grid, the
inverter needs to generate a higher voltage than grid voltage
but both are aligned in phase.
To deliver leading reactive current to the grid, the
inverter needs to generate a lower voltage than grid voltage
but both are aligned in phase.
Fig. 12. Inverter Transfer Reactive Current into the Grid.
In this experiment, the voltage THD and current THD of
inverter are measured as 1.50% and 7.76%. Fig. 11 shows
the harmonics of system parameters. The Inverter model uses
the SPWM scheme, which is a widely accepted technique
and the switching frequency is 3 kHz. The GCI power rating
is 1KVA and the DC voltage of this system is 400V. In Fig.
12, Inverter supplies its excess energy into the grid because
its load demand is 5A, but it produces 10A, so it feeds 5A
into the grid. The phase angle difference between the grid
and the inverter current is 180 degrees. Alternatively, the
Fig. 10. Phase Diagram of Active Current Transfer. inverter injects lagging reactive current to the grid.
A single-phase grid-tied inverter has been designed,
developed, and simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK by using
the phase-control technique. Due to the low harmonics
distortion, and simplicity, this control method is suitable for
grid-connected inverter. Modeling and simulating the
suggested GCI system is to establish the validity of its
control structure and to measure its output parameters to
assess its performance using MATLAB/SIMULINK
(a) libraries. Finally, the MATLAB/SIMULINK observations
have been demonstrated to justify the control mechanism of
the implemented system. Eventually, based on the strengths
of the proposed phase controller algorithm, it is established
that this control scheme is the right way to execute the GCI.
The suggested control method is easy to deploy in any
affordable system on chip (SoC) microcontroller-based
(b) The authors would like to acknowledge the opportunity
Fig. 11. Harmonics of the output parameters of the inverter (a) voltage (b)
and the infrastructural support provided by the Department
current. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Bangladesh
University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) to carry
out this research.
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