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Intro To Social Research

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Training Guide:
Introduction to
Social Research

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What is Social
This guide provides an introduction to social research and defines key
terms. It provides an overview of the research process, different types
of social research, and the benefits and risks associated with research.

What is research? This can be done by conducting new research or analysing
Research is a careful
and synthesising previous research findings (e.g. through
and detailed study of a systematic reviews). Research can be defined as
specific problem or issue.
To begin researching, we
often start with turning “ the creation of new knowledge and/or using
existing knowledge in a new and creative
way so as to generate new concepts,
a problem or issue into a
question, with the aim of methodologies, inventions and understandings.”
conducting research to (Australian Research Council, 2015:3).
answer that question.

Research is a continuous
cycle of investigation
and often involves
going back and forth
between steps. The This is where the
process usually involves research topic and
problem are defined. The research
the following stages: questions, methods,
and data collection
Conc tools are designed
& ch 1 De
and the participant
eat ear sig
sample is decided.
p res n
tu e

fu R

What Resources,

is the

This is where budgeting, and


the impact of timelines are


the research


is evaluated,
if necessary.

c ti o

Data is


The findings of the


research are shared, through chosen



e.g. through journal methods, e.g.

ti o

articles, papers, interviews,


and reports. surveys, and

6 5 observations.
Re is
por lys
tin g Ana
The findings Data is
are written up interpreted and
and discussed. examined to
find meaning.

What types of
research are there? manipulating specific variables Social research aims to learn more
Research is very broad
and measuring their impact. about people and societies by
and there are many When different services, policies studying social trends, dynamics,
different types of or programs are introduced in the behaviours and practices
research that use different practice, research may be used of people and how meaning is
to understand what difference created in individuals, groups and
methods to answer the they have made to the community societies. It is a broad category
research questions. or issues being addressed. that can include many fields
Research can be about anything, such as psychology, sociology,
from finding effective treatments The type of data collected can human geography, and anthro-
for cancer, to exploring the impact be qualitative (e.g. data from pology. Social research can be
of the pandemic on education focus groups and interviews, quantitative, qualitative and use
and employment for young and also drawings and photos) participatory and digital methods.
people. There are many different and quantitative (e.g. responses
approaches to research, from to questions in a survey, that
observing events taking place, to can be analysed numerically).

Numerical data or
data that can be
transformed into
usable statistics
Research using
digital technology
such as computers,
smartphones apps,
digital platforms
such as social
media and software

Scientific method
of inquiry and

Participatory Action
Research (PAR)
An approach to research
in communities that
emphasises participation
and action. It seeks to
understand the world
by trying to change
it, collaboratively and
following reflection

Research Methods
There are many traditional - and innovative - methods
that can be used to uncover insights to address
social research questions. Many of these methods
can harness digital technology to collect data.
≥ Surveys: Surveys involve ≥ Living Labs: Workshops
asking the same questions to with groups of participants TRAINING
a large number of participants simulate a real-life activity
to produce numerical data that brings together different
and qualitative data from groups of people to explore
open-ended responses. a problem and its possible
Surveys can be used to solutions. See more about
validate insights from focus this method in use at
groups or interviews, or the Young and Resilient
as a starting point to then Research Centre here.
deep-dive into key themes Use these Quizlet flash-
through qualitative methods. ≥ Arts-based research: cards to explore different
Participants may be asked
social research methods
≥ Ethnography: This involves to represent their ideas and
and case studies of these
detailed observation of insights through creative
people in their natural expression, e.g., painting, methods in action. 
environments, with the photography, creative
idea that we can better writing, and drawing.
understand people when we
can observe what they do. ≥ Online research forums
or communities: A group
≥ Focus groups: A research of participants contribute
technique used to collect data their ideas and responses
through group interaction. to questions via an online
The group typically comprises forum which spans over a set Download this Miro
of a small number of people period of time. Participants board for interactive
who discuss a given topic. can respond to each other worksheets exploring
and build upon responses. research methods. 
≥ Interviews: An in-depth,
discovery-orientated method ≥ Diary studies: Participants
to obtain detailed information individually respond to a
about a topic from a partici- series of questions each day
pant. The interviewer will aim over a set period of time. This
to explore the respondent’s method provides insights
point of view, experiences, into an individual’s everyday
feelings and perspectives. life, behaviours, thoughts,
feelings and routine.
≥ Participatory or co-design
workshops: Researchers
guide a group of participants
through a design process
and leverage their expertise
on a topic. Workshops use
creative, participatory activ-
ities, such as mind-mapping
and journey mapping, to
explore experiences and
discover opportunities.

Check out more

about participatory
design methods
in this guide by
the Young and
Well Cooperative
Research Centre.
See more creative
methods by
MakeTools, here.

Why is research important? problems and create logical can build ideas and opinions. It
Research helps us to better
and innovative solutions. allows us to more confidently
understand the world build the evidence-base to
around us. Without research, ≥ Research provides us with the enhance our understanding
latest information.
we would be forced to Research allows us to seek
and therefore, advocate
effectively for social change.
solely rely on intuition, other out the most up-to-date facts.
people’s authority, and some There is always new knowledge ≥ Research allows us to share
and discoveries to be made to valuable information with
luck. Below are just a few of improve the current way we each other.
the reasons that highlight do things. Staying updated Research can be used to help
the importance of research. keeps us from falling behind raise awareness of important
and providing inaccurate or issues, such as climate change.
≥ Research helps us to solve incomplete information that can Without hard facts, it can be
important problems. lead to poor decision making. very difficult to prove that
The goal of research is to Research creates new opportu- climate change is getting
broaden our understanding. nities for learning and progress. worse. However, people need
Research allows us to collect to have access to information
information and knowledge ≥ Research gives us the evidence and evidence, especially on
efficiently and logically, to advocate for social change. issues that affect them. Plus,
including expanding on any People are more likely to research can involve going
prior knowledge we have. take us seriously when they beyond abstracted data to
This means we are better can tell we are well informed. sharing real-life stories and our
equipped to understand Conducting research provides experiences with one another.
a solid foundation on which we

What are the risks

of research?
Although research has many important benefits, there are some risks
that we need to be aware of when conducting research.
≥ Research can reproduce ≥ Research may be inaccessible ≥ Misrepresentation of findings.
privilege. or not adopted in practice. Traditional media (e.g. news
The pathway to becoming a Reports that are overly stations) and non-traditional
researcher often means going technical, lengthy and use media platforms (e.g. social
to university and is therefore complex, academic language media) have become important
dominated by privileged groups may make the findings inacces- and rapid sources of informa-
who can afford to spend many sible for many audiences, no tion. However, the way research
years in higher education. This matter how important they is interpreted and shared can
formal pathway to becoming a might be. This may result have unintended negative
researcher often excludes those in research evidence and consequences. For example,
who have not gained higher recommendations sitting on media reporting can misrepre-
tertiary education. This has a a shelf, rather than contrib- sent research findings by either
domino effect on the research uting to the evidence-base inaccurately over-emphasising
that is conducted, potentially and influencing change. or over-simplifying conclusions
skewing research topics to for the general public. This is
investigate issues that affect ≥ Industry sponsors can influence commonly seen in “click-bait”
more privileged communities. the research findings. headlines. For example, the
Over the last two decades, Huffington Post incorrectly
≥ Research with margin- industry funding for research equated the health benefits of
alised groups is often has increased while government red wine to an hour at the gym.
under-resourced. and non-for-profit funding
As funding is a scarce resource, has decreased. This can
research around issues affecting mean that industry sponsors
marginalised groups is often may influence the research
under-resourced. This means agenda, design, and conduct
that some issues may remain of research, as well as partial
underrepresented and the publication of research, where
research that is undertaken only the findings favourable
is often low in quality due to to the funders are published.
time and money constraints.

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