pment (Part 2)
Depreciation methods
Use the following information for the next four cases:
Fact pattern
On January 1, 20x1, SIMPLETON FOOL Co. acquired equipment with an estimated useful life of 4 years and a residual value of
₱80,000 for a total purchase cost of ₱400,000.
-the-years’ digits (SYD) method
Case #2: Use the sum-of-the-years’ digits (SYD) method for the next two questions.
3. How much is the depreciation expense in the 2nd year?
a. 120,000 b. 96,000 c. 128,000 d. 224,000
7. If SIMPLETON Co. uses the output method, how much is the depreciation expense in the 2nd year?
a. 128,000 b. 96,000 c. 60,000 d. 64,000
8. If SIMPLETON Co. uses the output method, how much is the accumulated depreciation on December 31, 20x2?
a. 120,000 b. 180,000 c. 192,000 d. 256,000
9. If SIMPLETON Co. uses the input method, how much is the depreciation expense in the 2nd year?
a. 64,000 b. 96,000 c. 60,000 d. 64,000
10. If SIMPLETON Co. uses the input method, how much is the accumulated depreciation on December 31, 20x2?
a. 120,000 b. 210,000 c. 192,000 d. 256,000
B (400,000 – 80,000) ÷ 4 = 80,000
D (80,000 x 2) = 160,000
SYD denominator = Life x [(Life + 1) ÷ 2] = 4 x [(4 + 1) ÷ 2] = 10
Depreciation – 2nd yr. = (400,000 – 80,000) x 3/10 = 96,000
Double declining balance rate = 2/Life = 2/4 = 50%
(400,000 x 50% x 50%) = 100,000
Depreciation - 20x1 (400K x 50%) 200,000
Depreciation - 20x2 (400K - 200K) x 50% 100,000
Accumulated depreciation - Dec. 31, 20x2 300,000
11. How much is the depreciation expense in 20x2 under the straight-line method?
a. 37,500 b. 93,750 c. 36,400 d. 35,000
12. How much is the depreciation expense in 20x2 under the sum-of-years’ digits method?
a. 45,000 b. 11,250 c. 56,250 d. 57,250
13. How much is the depreciation expense in 20x2 under the double declining balance method?
a. 70,000 b. 60,000 c. 10,000 d. 0
Depreciation for each full year of the asset’s life is calculated as follows:
Year Straight line SYD Double declining balance
1 (150K* / 4) = 37,500 4/10 x 150K* = 60,000 50% x 160,000 = 80,000
2 37,500 3/10 x 150K = 45,000 50% x 80,000 = 40,000
3 37,500 2/10 x 150K = 30,000 50% x 40,000 = 20,000
4 37,500 1/10 x 150K = 15,000 50% x 20,000 = 10,000
Since the first full year of the asset’s life does not coincide with the entity’s accounting period, the amounts shown above
are prorated as follows:
Double declining
Year Straight line SYD balance
20x2 37,500 60,000 x 9/12 = 45,000 80,000 x 9/12 = 60,000
45,000 x 3/12 = 11,250 40,000 x 3/12 = 10,000
37,500 56,250 70,000
*Since the asset was acquired on September 21, 20x1 (last half of the month), it is treated as if it has been
acquired on October 1, 20x1.
Composite method
Use the following information for the next four questions:
On January 1, 20x1, DEVIOUS CROOKED Co. purchased the following:
Cost Residual value Useful life
Machine tools 80,000 4,000 3 years
Meters costing 64,000 2,000 5 years Returnable containers 120,000
- 6 years
Residual Depre-ciable
Cost depre-
value amt.
Useful life ciation
Machine tools 80,000 4,000 76,000 3 25,333
Meters costing 64,000 2,000 62,000 5 12,400
containers 120,000 - 120,000 6 20,000
Totals 264,000 258,000 57,733
17. Assuming ATROCIOUS Co. uses the retirement method, how much is the depreciation expense in 20x1?
a. 134,800 b. 166,800 c. 144,000 d. 118,800
18. Assuming ATROCIOUS Co. uses the replacement method, how much is the depreciation expense in 20x1?
a. 134,800 b. 166,800 c. 144,000 d. 118,800
Solution: for 17
Feb. April Sept. Nov. Total depreciation
Cost of old small tools
24,000 48,000 - 72,000
Retired 144,000
Proceeds from sale (2,000) (3,200) - (4,000) (9,200)
Totals 22,000 44,800 - 68,000 134,800
Solution for 18
Feb. April Sept. Nov. Total depreciation
Cost of newly 40,000 - N/A 88,000 128,000
acquired small tools
Cost of old small 48,000 - 48,000
tools retired
Proceeds from sale (2,000) (3,200) - (4,000) (9,200)
of old small tools
Totals 38,000 44,800 - 84,000 166,800
Inventory method
19. The small tools account of AUGUST MAJESTIC Co. has a balance of ₱600,000 as of January 1, 20x1. Acquisitions of small
tools during the period totaled ₱240,000 and proceeds from sale of small tools retired and/or replaced totaled ₱100,000.
The annual asset count on December 31, 20x1 revealed a balance of small tools of ₱440,000. How much is the
depreciation expense under the inventory method?
a. 400,000 b. 300,000 c. 240,000 d. 140,000
Small tools
Jan. 1, 20x1 bal. 600,000 100,000 Proceeds from retired/replaced tools
Additions 240,000 300,000 Depreciation for 20x1 (squeeze)
440,000 Dec. 31, 20x1 bal.
➢ SYD denominator = 10 x [(10+1)/2)] = 55
➢ Accumulated depreciation on 1/1/x4 = 80M x [(10 + 9 + 8)/55] = 39,272,727
➢ Carrying amt. on 1/1/x4 = 80M – 39,272,727 = 40,727,273
➢ Double declining balance rate = 2/7 = 28.57%
➢ Dep’n. – 20x4 = 40,727,273 x 28.57% = 11,635,782
➢ Carrying amt. on 1/1/x4 = (80M – 8M) x 7/10 + 8M = 58,400,000
➢ Dep’n. – 20x4 = (58.4M – 10.4M) ÷ (15yrs. – 3yrs.) = 4,000,000
24. Assuming SUBTERFUGE Co. uses the elimination method, the entry to record the revaluation includes:
a. a credit to accumulated depreciation for ₱20,000,000
b. a debit to building for ₱25,000,000
c. a debit to accumulated depreciation for ₱15,000,000
d. a debit to deferred tax for ₱13,500,000
The depreciated replacement cost is computed as follows:
Replacement cost 140,000,000
Less: Observed depreciation (35,000,000)a
Depreciated replacement cost 105,000,000
a Where:
Deferred tax liability (45,000,000 x 30%)
a (70% = 100% - 30% tax rate)
Answer :D
The movements in the accounts are determined as follows:
Historical Cost Replacement cost Increase
Building 80,000,000 140,000,000 60,000,000
Accum. depreciation (20,000,000) (35,000,000) (15,000,000)
CA/ DRC/ RSb 60,000,000 105,000,000 45,000,000
b Carrying amount/ Depreciated replacement cost/ Revaluation surplus
Answer: B
The entry under the elimination method is as follows:
Dec. 31, Accumulated depreciation 20,000,000
20x1 Building (balancing figure) 25,000,000
Revaluation surplus 31,500,000
Deferred tax liability 13,500,000
25. The entry under the proportional method to record the revaluation includes
a. a debit to accumulated depreciation for ₱40,000,000
b. a credit to accumulated depreciation for ₱20,000,000
c. a debit to building for ₱80,000,000
d. a credit to building for ₱80,000,000
26. The entry under the proportional method to record the revaluation includes
a. a debit to accumulated depreciation for ₱40,000,000
b. a debit to accumulated depreciation for ₱20,000,000
c. a debit to building for ₱80,000,000
d. a credit to building for ₱80,000,000
Answer : C
The revaluation surplus is computed as follows:
Appraised value 200,000,000
Carrying amount (320M – 160M) (160,000,000)
Revaluation surplus – gross of tax 40,000,000
Less: Deferred tax liability (40M x 30%) (12,000,000)
Revaluation surplus after tax 28,000,000
Answer: A
The entry under the elimination method is as follows:
Dec. 31, Accumulated depreciation 40,000,000
20x1 Deferred tax liability 12,000,000
Revaluation surplus 28,000,000
Answer :A
The depreciated replacement cost is computed as follows:
Replacement cost 140,000,000
Less: Observed depreciation (35,000,000)a
Depreciated replacement cost 105,000,000
a Where:
Answer : B
The depreciation subsequent to date of revaluation is computed as follows:
Revalued amount (depreciated replacement cost) 105,000,000
Divide by: Revised remaining useful life 25
Revised annual depreciation expense 4,200,000
Replacement cost 144,000,000 Historical cost 72,000,000
Residual value (16,000,000) Residual value (16,000,000)
Depreciable amt. of replacement cost 128,000,000 Depreciable amount 56,000,000
16,000,000 (given)
Observed depreciation = 128,000,000 X
Observed depreciation = 36,571,429
Answer : C
Depreciation subsequent to date of revaluation is computed as follows:
Revalued amount (depreciated replacement cost) 107,428,571
New residual value (16,000,000)
Depreciable amount 91,428,571
Divide by: Revised remaining useful life 12
Revised annual depreciation expense 7,619,048
PPE Part 2
1. Depreciation of noncurrent operating assets is an accounting process for the purpose of
a. reporting declining asset values on the balance sheet.
b. allocating asset costs over the periods benefitted by use of the assets.
c. accounting for costs to reflect the change in general price levels.
d. setting aside funds to replace assets when their economic usefulness expires.
2. Which of the following principles best describes the conceptual rationale for the methods
of matching depreciation expense with revenues?
a. Partial recognition
b. Immediate recognition
c. Systematic and rational allocation
d. Associating cause and effect
5. In order to calculate the third year's depreciation on an asset using the sum-of- the-years'-
digits method, which of the following must be known about the asset?
a. Its acquisition cost
b. Its estimated residual value
c. Its estimated useful life
d. All the above must be known.
7. A method that ignores residual value in calculating periodic depreciation expenses in the
earlier part of an asset’s useful life is the
a. productive-output method.
b. group composite method.
c. sum-of-the-years'-digits method.
d. double-declining-balance method.
8. Which of the following depreciation methods applies a uniform depreciation rate each
period to an asset's carrying amount?
a. Straight-line
b. Units-of-production
c. Declining-balance
d. Sum-of-the-years'-digits
10. Which of the following reasons provides the best theoretical support for accelerated
a. Assets are more efficient in early years and initially generate more revenue.
b. Expenses should be allocated in a manner that "smooths" earnings.
c. Repairs and maintenance costs will probably increase in later periods, so depreciation
should decline.
d. Accelerated depreciation provides easier replacement because of the time value of
15. A depreciable asset has an estimated 15 percent salvage value. At the end of its estimated
useful life, the accumulated depreciation would equal the original cost of the asset under
which of the following depreciation methods?
Productive-Output Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits Double-Declining-Bal.
a. Yes No No
b. No No No
c. No Yes No
d. Yes Yes Yes
1. On January 1, 20x1 Buckle Co. purchased a machine that had a list price of ₱46,320. Buckle
Co. paid cash of ₱18,000 and executed a one-year non-interest-bearing note for the balance.
The going rate of interest was 18%. The machine has a 6-year life and no residual value.
Depreciation expense on the SYD basis at the end of 20x1 is:
a. 8,092
b. 12,000
c. 13,234
d. 14,690
Dirt takes a full year’s depreciation expense in the year of an asset’s acquisition, and no
depreciation expense in the year of an asset’s disposition. The estimated useful life of each
depreciable asset is 5 years.
4. Using the same depreciation method as used in 20X5, 20X6, and 20X7, how much
depreciation expense should Dirt record in 20X8 for asset B?
a. ₱ 6,000
b. ₱ 9,000
c. ₱11,000
d. ₱12,000
5. Dirt depreciates asset C by the straight-line method. On June 30, 20X8, Dirt sold asset C
for ₱28,000 cash. How much gain (loss) should Dirt record in 2008 on the disposal of asset
a. ₱ 2,800 c. ₱(5,600)
b. ₱(2,800) d. ₱(8,400)
6. Enter Sandman Co. purchased manufacturing equipment from Sad But True Co. on January
1, 20x8 at a total cost of ₱9,000,000. Enter Sandman uses the straight-line method of
depreciation and estimates that the equipment has a useful life of 10 years. On July 1, 20x8
and July 1, 20x9 Enter Sandman performed major regular inspections on the equipment
costing ₱380,000 and ₱425,000, respectively. The costs of inspection satisfied the
recognition criteria for capitalization. How much is the carrying amount of the equipment
on December 31, 2009?
a. 7,920,000
b. 7,875,000
c. 7,529,412
d. 7,600,000
7. Tonyo Company uses the composite method of depreciation and has a composite rate of
25%. During 20x1, it sold assets with an original cost of ₱100,000 (residual value of
₱20,000) for ₱80,000 and acquired ₱60,000 worth of new assets (residual value of
₱10,000). The original group of assets had the following characteristics:
Total Cost ₱250,000
Total Residual Value 30,000
The above original group includes the assets sold in 20x8 but not the assets purchased in
20x8. How much is the depreciation in 20x8?
a. ₱62,500
b. ₱52,500
c. ₱47,500
d. ₱46,500
8. The revaluation surplus in the equity section of Light Company’s December 31, 20x8
statement of financial position is
a. 60,000
b. 90,000
c. 39,000
d. 63,000
11. The revaluation surplus in the equity section of Light Company's December 31, 2x10
statement of financial position is
a. 77,000
b. 110,000
c. 123,443
d. 109,500
The equipment consists of two machines, Machine A and Machine B. Machine A has a cost
of ₱300,000 and a carrying amount of ₱180,000. Machine B has a cost of ₱200,000 and a
carrying amount of ₱170,000. Both machines are measured using the cost model and
depreciated on a straight line basis over a ten-year period.
On December 31, 20x8, Mix Co. decided to change from the cost model to the revaluation
model. Information on this date follows:
Fair values Remaining useful life
Machine A ₱180,000 6 years
Machine B ₱155,000 5 years
On June 30, 20x9, Machine A and Machine B have fair values of ₱163,000 and ₱136,500,
respectively, and remaining useful lives of 5 years and 4 years, respectively. The tax rate is
12. How much is the depreciation expense for the fiscal year ended June 30, 20x9?
a. 59,900
b. 55,500
c. 50,000
d. 67,000
15. Entity A has identified indications that its plant is impaired. The plant has a carrying
amount of ₱56,000,000. An independent valuer determined the following:
• Replacement cost of the plant ₱90,000,000
• Actual life 15 years
• Effective life 25 years
• Remaining economic life 20 years