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The document provides an overview of a supplement book describing five Hermetic covenants in detail, including the magi, resources, and potential storylines for each.

Collem Leonis, Northern Seas, Didyma, Jardin, and an unnamed covenant.

Each covenant description includes vis sources, libraries, enchanted devices, grogs, companions, and other specialists available as resources.

Through The Aegis

AUTHORS: Christian Rosenkjaer Anderson (Collem Leonis), AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES
Mark Lawford (Northern Seas, Longmist), Richard Love
(Didyma), Christian Jensen Romer (Jardin) Christian Rosenkjaer Andersen is an Engineer living in Denmark.
TITLE: Leif Olav Jøsang Developed Covenants is the fifth Ars Magica book he contributed to,
DEVELOPMENT, EDITING, & PROJECT MANAGEMENT: David Chart and by far the largest.
As the project was still in the proposal staged he convinced his
troupe to set their new saga in Sauerland for the vibrant mundane
LAYOUT: Joseph Hanna
environment and Hermetic politics. The covenant in the saga only
had few similarities with the one in this book. But a lot of the charac-
COVER ILLUSTRATION: Christian St. Pierre ters the troupe developed were eerily close to what had already been
CARTOGRAPHY: Matt Ryan sketchily written for Collem Leonis. Christian thanks his troupe for
INTERIOR ART: Brett Barkley, Jason Cole, Jenna Fowler, Jethro unwittingly providing inspiration for many small yet amusing and
Lentle, Christian N. St. Pierre impactful details.
PUBLISHER’S SPECIAL THANKS: Jerry Corrick & the gang at the Source. Mark Lawford lives and works in Eastbourne on England’s sunny
FIRST ROUND PLAYTESTERS: Jason Brennan, Justin Brennan, Elisha south coast. When not building covenants new and old he enjoys a
Campbell, Robert Major; Leon Bullock, Peter Ryan, Chris wildly nebulous technology role in a leading international bank. He is
Barrett; Jason Fryer, Emily Dyson, Matt Dyson; Donna also currently co-editor of Sub Rosa, the Ars Magic fan magazine, an
Giltrap, Malcolm Harbrow, Aaron Hicks; Antoni Morey i honour he shares with Ben McFarland, to whom Mark’s work on this
Pasqual, Guillem Gelabert Perello, Joan Bauza Soler, Melcior book is very respectfully dedicated.
Parera Mas, Vincent Palmer Richardson; Christian Rosenkjaer
Andersen, Rasmus Strandgaard Sørensen, Pelle Kofod Richard Love interprets prophetic visions about the Order of
SECOND ROUND PLAYTESTERS: Donna Giltrap, Malcolm Harbrow, Hermes from New Zealand, where he lives with his partner Paula.
Aaron Hicks; Karl Trygve Kalleberg, Helge Rager Furuseth, She makes more immediate prophecies about domestic chores (in
the form of a list stuck to the fridge). Richard hopes that everyone’s
André Neergaad, Ola Hulbak; Christian Rosenkjaer
prophecies of good things come to pass, and those of bad things are
Anderson, Pelle Kofod; Mark Shirley, Camo Coffey, Andrew
cleverly avoided.
Walton, Renny Borthwick, Ben Roberts
THIRD ROUND PLAYTESTERS: Leon Bullock, Peter Ryan, Chris Christian “CJ” Jensen Romer is a romantic fellow, and Jardin was
Barrett; Christian Rosenkjaer Anderson, Pelle Kofod inspired by his desire to exemplify themes he wrote about in Faith &
Flame. He would like to thank Phil Jenkins, Paul Wheeldon and Jona-
than Elcock for playtesting Jardin and bring it to life, and Tom Nowell
for his support. Jardin is dedicated to my cats, Hansine, Cuddles, and
Marmalade, and to all the women he would have ardently pursued had
he not been working on this book!

Ars Magica players participate in a thriving fan community by subscribing to email discussion lists (like the
Berkeley list), compiling archives of game material (such as Project Redcap), maintaining fan-created web sites, and
running demos through Atlas Games’ Special Ops program. To learn more, visit www.atlas-games.com/ArM5. You
can also participate in discussions of Ars Magica at the official Atlas Games forums located at forum.atlas-games.com.
Copyright 2015—2016 © Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work
by any means without written permission from the publisher, except short excerpts for the purpose of reviews,
is expressly prohibited.
Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, and Charting New Realms of Imagination are trademarks of Trident, Inc.
Order of Hermes, Tremere, and Doissetep are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, a Paradox Interactive AB
company, and are used with permission.
Digital Version 1.0

Through The Aegis

Inroduction 6 Matilda’s Laboratory..................................... 27
Captain......................................................... 27
Xenophanes of House Criamon ..........42
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK .............................6 Beatriz of House Jerbiton ....................44
EXTERNAL RELATIONS .................................27 Ahenobarbus of Tremere .....................47
COVENANT SEASONS ....................................6 Merfolk ......................................................... 27
Spring ............................................................. 6 The Covenant of Favonius ............................. 27 Alyssa, Maga Trianomae .....................48
Summer ........................................................... 7 John Padbury of House Verditius...... 28 NOTABLE COVENFOLK ................................51
Autumn ........................................................... 8 Feliadexter, Demon of Wrath ......................... 28
Winter ............................................................ 8 Companions ........................................51
Captain Folpert Berlensis ............................... 28 Serena Montdumerc,
Second Spring ................................................. 8 Waddenzee .................................................... 28 the Other Lady of Jardin ................................. 51
THE COVENANTS.........................................9 Oculus Septentrionalis ................................... 28
Grogs ..................................................53
The Northern Seas ........................................... 9 RESOURCES ...............................................29 Rosamonde Unaud, Turb Captain ................ 53
Jardin ............................................................. 9
Didyma .......................................................... 9 Income Sources ...................................29 Specialists and Other Covenfolk ........53
Longmist.......................................................... 9 Enchanted Devices ......................................... 29 Specialists...................................................... 53
Collem Leonis .................................................. 9 Brooch of Lungs of the Fish ............................ 29 Servants ........................................................ 54
The Freshwater Barrel .................................... 29
The Master’s Chart ........................................ 29 COVENANT ORGANIZATION .........................54
The Northern Seas 10 Bell of Summoning ......................................... 30 Hierarchy and Governance ............................ 54
HISTORY...................................................10 The Magical Astrolabe .................................. 30 Life at Jardin ........................................54
BOONS & HOOKS ......................................10 Library .................................................30 The Charter................................................... 54
MAGI .......................................................13 Arcane Abilities ............................................. 30 COVENANT BUILDINGS ...............................55
Carles Magnus of House Tytlaus ................... 13 Mundane Knowledge ..................................... 30 Environment........................................55
Hilde Oddfish of House Bjornaer .................... 13 Books on the Arts........................................... 30 Main Structures ...................................55
Columba of Ex Miscellanea ........................... 15 Casting Tablets.............................................. 31 The Library................................................... 56
Matilda Page of House Verditius.................... 15 Laboratory Texts ........................................... 31 The Tower ..................................................... 56
Tibor Milos of House Tremere ......................... 15 Vis Sources ..........................................31 The Guesthouse.............................................. 56
Andrew of Jerbiton ........................................ 18 Fire From the Sky .......................................... 31 The Kitchen................................................... 56
NOTABLE COVENFOLK ................................18 The Kraken’s Egg........................................... 31 The Laboratories............................................ 56
The Summer Fog............................................ 32 The Gardens.................................................. 56
Companions ........................................19 The Black Horse of Boulogne ......................... 32
Dolly Price ................................................... 19 The Bower ..................................................... 56
Otto-Pauels .................................................. 19 Vis Stocks ............................................32 The Door Marked Summer............................. 56
Laszlo ........................................................... 20 Alfgeir’s Resting Place.................................... 32 THE GARDEN OF LOVE...............................56
Alfgeir’s Bones ............................................... 32
Grogs ..................................................20 The Oyster King’s Shell ................................. 33 The Summer Garden
Specialists and ....................................22 Fixed Arcane Connections .............................. 33 (Regio, Faerie Aura 5) .........................56
Other Covenfolk.................................22 The Magus’ Share ......................................... 33 The Pool ...................................................... 57
Ship’s Captain ............................................... 22 Otto-Pauels’ Share ........................................ 33 The Maze...................................................... 57
Sailor ............................................................ 22 Dolly Price’s Share ........................................ 33 The Night Garden
Specialists...................................................... 22 Wealth .................................................33 (Regio, Faerie Aura 7) .........................57
COVENANT ORGANIZATION .........................23 THE COVENANT IN PLAY.............................33 The Lake ....................................................... 57
Hierarchy and Governance.................23 The Bower of Your Heart’s Desire ................... 58
Covenant Themes ...............................33
Income and Supplies....................................... 23 Player Character Roles ........................33 Laboratories ........................................59
Study and Laboratory Work ......................... 24 Dealing with the Elder Magi .......................... 34 Joia du Lua’s Laboratory........................59
Life At Sea ...........................................24 Suggested Storylines ...........................35 Lexora’s Laboratory ....................................... 59
Charting The Ocean ..................................... 24 Adventure ...................................................... 35 Xenophanes’ Laboratory ................................ 59
The Charter................................................... 25 Exploration ................................................... 35 Ahenobarbus’ Laboratory .............................. 59
COVENANT SITE ........................................25 Lost and Drowned Cities ................................ 35 Beatriz’s Laboratory ...................................... 59
A New Tribunal ............................................ 36 Alyssa’s Laboratory....................................... 60
Life on Board Ship ..............................25 The Guest Laboratories .................................. 60
Anatomy of a Ship ........................................ 25 The Involvement of House Tremere .................. 36
The Loss of a Founder .................................... 36 The Village: Belfort du Quercy ...................... 60
Risk of Damage............................................. 25 Chapel of Saint Desiderius ............................. 60
Laboratories................................................... 25 The Voice of Sin ............................................ 36
The Cold Northern Seas ................................ 36 The Unaud Barn ........................................... 60
Modifying the Ships ...................................... 25
The Unfriendly Waters.................................. 36 EXTERNAL RELATIONS .................................60
La Charytee: Carles Magnus ...............25 Longevity and the Like ................................... 36
The Reliquary ............................................... 25 RESOURCES ...............................................61
The Hermetic Tourney ................................... 36
Carles’ Laboratory......................................... 26 Income Sources: The Vineyards..........61
Captain......................................................... 26 The Northern Seas Enchanted Devices..............................62
Marie de Bayonne: Hilde Oddfish ......26 as an NPC Covenant..........................36 Library .................................................62
Hilde’s Laboratory ......................................... 26 Allies............................................................. 36
Adversaries .................................................... 37 Mundane Knowledge ..................................... 62
Captain......................................................... 26 Books on the Arts........................................... 63
Suppliers ....................................................... 37
The Black Bark: Andrew of Jerbiton....26 Customers ...................................................... 37 Laboratory Texts ........................................... 63
Andrew’s Laboratory ..................................... 26 Filial Relationships ........................................ 37 Vis Sources ..........................................64
Captain......................................................... 26 The Black Grapes ......................................... 64
The Laurens: Columba ........................26 Jardin: A Summer Covenant 38 The Reflection of Beatriz’s Lover ..................... 64
Columba’s Laboratory ................................... 26 The Heart of a Lover...................................... 64
Captain......................................................... 26 HISTORY...................................................38 The Fiery Liquor .......................................... 64
Le Genet: Tibor Milos .........................27 BOONS & HOOKS ......................................39 The Highest Leaf............................................ 65
Tibor’s Laboratory ......................................... 27 MAGI .......................................................41 Change of Heart ........................................... 65
Captain......................................................... 27 The Fur of the Saturated Beast ....................... 65
Joia du Lua of House Jerbiton .............41 Blood on the Talons ....................................... 66
Trinite: Matilda Page ...........................27 Lexora of House Bjornaer ...................41

Through The Aegis
The Blooming of Love ................................... 66 The Coast and the Didyma Plain................... 92 Main Structures .......................................... 116
Vis Stocks ............................................66 Agamenoth .................................................... 92 The Lesser Tower.......................................... 116
The Rainbow Leaves...................................... 66 Hermetic Relationships .......................92 The Greater Tower ....................................... 116
The Indigo Pawns of Toulouse ....................... 66 The Kretan Phyle .......................................... 93 Laboratories ......................................116
The Beast’s Bath Water .................................. 66 Other Theban Covenants ............................... 93 Lugh-éccnaid’s Laboratory ........................... 116
The Sanguine Roses ....................................... 66 RESOURCES ...............................................93 Conchobor’s Laboratory............................... 116
Sands of the Mistral ...................................... 66 Enchanted Devices ......................................... 93 The Cailleach’s Laboratory .......................... 117
The Fiery Liquor of Vazerac .......................... 67 Vermin Ward ................................................ 93 Dara’s Laboratory ....................................... 117
The Wondrous Poems .................................... 67 Ward Against Rot......................................... 93 Eochaid’s Laboratory ................................... 117
The Frozen Kisses .......................................... 67 Warning Flame ............................................. 93 Mícheál’s Laboratory ................................... 117
The Pawns of Healing ................................... 67 Bath Rock ..................................................... 93 The Remaining Laboratories ........................ 117
The Changing Hearts .................................... 67 The Oracle’s Dredge ...................................... 93 Outlying Buildings ............................117
The Perfumed Spirals ..................................... 67 Porter’s Helpers .............................................. 94 The Chapel.................................................. 118
THE COVENANT IN PLAY.............................68 Defender Swords ............................................ 94 Associated or Owned Properties.......118
Covenant Themes........................................... 68 Zeus’ Arm ..................................................... 94 The Fish Runs ............................................. 118
The Struggle for Dominance........................... 68 The Spice Wand ............................................ 94 The Toll Bridge............................................ 118
The Crusade .................................................. 68 Vis Divining Rods......................................... 94
The Question of Faith.................................... 68 Diamond of Hermes ....................................... 94 EXTERNAL RELATIONS ...............................118
The Threat From Within ............................... 68 The Vis Net................................................... 94 Clan Mac Tire ...................................118
Broken-Hearted Questers................................ 68 Pestilence Ward ............................................. 94 Important Boons and Hooks ......................... 119
Player Character Roles at Jardin .........68 Arcane Abilities (151 BP) ............................. 94 Income......................................................... 120
Loyalty ......................................................... 69 Mundane Knowledge (255 BP) ..................... 94 Mobile Laboratories ..................................... 120
Hermetic Arts (719 BP)................................. 95 Mundane Relations ...........................120
Jardin as a Background Covenant .......69 Laboratory Texts ........................................... 95 Ruadan mac Goibhniu ................................ 120
The Oracles of Didyma 70 Vis Sources ..........................................96
Arab Market ................................................. 96
Giants ......................................................... 120
Faerie Merchants ......................................... 121
HISTORY...................................................70 Harvest of Aftonsitiron .................................. 96 The Banshee and Her Kind .......................... 121
The Branchidae Hunt ............................................................. 96 Elemental Spirits .......................................... 121
of House Ex Miscellanea........................ 70 Mouth of the Meander River .......................... 96 Druids......................................................... 121
The Founder Branchos ................................... 70 Sacred Springs............................................... 96 RESOURCES .............................................121
UnGifted Branchidae ..................................... 70 Vis Stocks ............................................96 Enchanted Devices............................121
Branchidae at other Covenants ....................... 70 Wealth .................................................96 Ualgrimm’s Pelt ........................................... 121
Recent History ....................................71 THE COVENANT IN PLAY.............................96 The Enchanted Door.................................... 121
BOONS & HOOKS ......................................73 The Broken Shield of Cú Chulainn ............... 121
Covenant Theme ................................97 Cearnach’s Mount ....................................... 122
MAGI .......................................................74 Player Character Roles at Didyma ................ 97 The Bronze Man ......................................... 122
NOTABLE COVENFOLK ................................80 Suggested Storylines ...........................97 The Observance Bell .................................... 122
Companions ........................................80 A Sanctuary ................................................. 97 Prepared Casting Spaces ...................123
Callista: Arche and representative in Miletos ... 82 The Branchidae ............................................. 97 Library ....................................................... 123
Philip: Arche and turb captain ....................... 82 City, Church, and War ................................. 98 Arcane Abilities ........................................... 123
Ella the Oracle .............................................. 82 Sleeping Beast .............................................. 100 Mundane Knowledge ................................... 125
Niketas Metropolitan of Miletos ..................... 82 Didyma as a Background Covenant .............. 100 Books on the Arts......................................... 125
Grogs ..................................................83 Casting Tablets............................................ 126
Ariane’s Blind Maidens .................................. 83
The Covenant of Longmist 101 Laboratory Texts ......................................... 126
The Turb ....................................................... 83 HISTORY.................................................101 Vis Stocks ..........................................126
William’s Frankish Mercenaries ..................... 83 BOONS AND HOOKS ................................101 The Fleas of Saint Nannan .......................... 127
Specialists and Other Covenfolk ........84 The Burning Hand ...................................... 128
MAGI .....................................................103 The Balm of Tír Nan Óg ............................ 128
Teachers ........................................................ 84 The Elder Magi .................................103
Specialists...................................................... 85 The Ax of Cú Roí mac Dáire....................... 128
Lugh-éccnaid of The Younger House............. 103
COVENANT ORGANIZATION .........................85 Conchobor Crosach of House Merinita......... 104 Vis Sources ........................................128
Tribute from the Underworld ........................ 128
Hierarchy and Governance.................85 The Younger Magi ...................................... 104 From the Very Walls Themselves .................. 129
The Council of Archai ................................... 85 Cailleach Dhé Dherg of House Verditius....... 104 The Swine in the Woods .............................. 129
Income and Supplies....................................... 85 Dara Connachtach of The Younger House ... 104 Gold Teeth from the Pike Pulled .................... 129
The Charter of the Council Eochaid Dubh of House Merinita ................. 106 The Leeward Side......................................... 129
of the Magi of Didyma........................................86 Mícheál Amhreaidh of House Tytalus .......... 106 The Gifted Blacksmith ................................. 129
Votes at the Council of Magi ......................... 87 NOTABLE COVENFOLK ..............................107 The Needfire ................................................ 130
Agenda for the Council of Magi ..................... 87 Companions ......................................107 The Black Root ........................................... 130
COVENANT BUILDINGS ...............................87 Bran in Gai Móir ........................................ 107 The Floating Stones of Maghera .................. 130
Environment........................................87 Éamonn Cruittire ......................................... 110 The Hunt .................................................... 130
Main Structures ...................................87 Teachers ............................................110 Wealth ...............................................130
Apollo’s Temple .............................................. 87 Columb Brathair, The Penitent Monk ........... 110 HIDDEN RESOURCES.................................131
Sacred Spring ................................................ 87 Cathal Gobha, the Blacksmith ..................... 110
THE COVENANT IN PLAY...........................131
Athena’s Temple ............................................ 87 Specialists ..........................................111
Zeus’ Temple .................................................. 87 Úna, the Herbwife ....................................... 111 Covenant Themes .............................131
Temples of Dionysus and Hermes .................... 87 Íomhar, the Librarian ................................... 112 Player Character Roles at Longmist ...131
The Baths...................................................... 88 Maghnus, the Scribe .................................... 112 Suggested Storylines .........................131
The Large and Small Round Altars ................ 88 Piaras, The Percamenarius .......................... 112 The Death of the Elders ................................ 131
Ruined Temple and Church ............................ 88 Cináed mac Cathail, Covenant Governance .................................. 131
The Covenant Wall ....................................... 88 Apprentice Blacksmith.................................. 112 Rebuilding the Covenant .............................. 131
Laboratories ........................................88 Fearghal, the Animal Handler ...................... 112 Clan mac Tire.............................................. 132
Alexander’s Laboratory .................................. 88 Servants .............................................113 Alliance with the Túatha Dé Danann .......... 132
Nikola’s Laboratory....................................... 88 Grogs ................................................113 Rejoining Hermetic Society .......................... 132
Ariane’s Laboratory ....................................... 88 Expelling Foreign Magi from Hibernia ......... 133
Herakles’ Laboratory ..................................... 88 COVENANT ORGANIZATION .......................113 Longmist as a
William’s Laboratory..................................... 88 Hierarchy and Governance...............113 Background Covenant .......................133
Abandoned Laboratories................................. 89 Life at Longmist ................................114
Associated Properties ..........................89 Consensus and Community .......................... 114 Collem Leonis 134
The Warehouses ............................................ 89 The Offices of Longmist ............................... 114
The Delphinion ............................................. 89 Manner of Dress .......................................... 114 HISTORY.................................................134
EXTERNAL RELATIONS .................................89 Music at the Covenant ................................. 114 BOONS & HOOKS ....................................135
Apollo Didyma ............................................. 89 Meal Times.................................................. 114 MAGI .....................................................136
The Sacred Way ........................................... 90 Dawn and Dusk.......................................... 115
Working Schedules and Experimentation ...... 115 Ferra of Bonisagus .............................136
Miletos .......................................................... 90
The Strategos at Miletos ................................ 90 Punishment.................................................. 115 Baliana of Bonisagus ..........................138
The Kommerkiarioi ........................................ 91 Visitors and Aegis Tokens ............................ 115 Freki of Bjornaer ................................139
The Church.........................................91 COVENANT SITE ......................................115 Tiberius of Flambeau .........................139
Panormos ...................................................... 91 Environment......................................115 Julia of Tremere ........................................... 141

Through The Aegis
NOTABLE COVENFOLK ..............................142 Eisenhöhe and the Mine................................ 149 Franka’s Hermetic Nursery........................... 154
Companions ......................................142 EXTERNAL RELATIONS ...............................149 Arcane Abilities ........................................... 154
Johanna the Autocrat .................................. 142 Books on Arts .............................................. 154
Nobility .............................................149 Joachim’s Stolen Cache ................................ 155
Erich the Spy............................................... 143 Count of Mark ............................................ 150 Arcane Abilities ........................................... 155
Grogs ................................................143 Herr Vorderhagen ........................................ 150 Books on the Arts......................................... 155
Francois the Grog Captain........................... 143 Duke of Limburg and Count of Jülich........... 150 Diabolical Books ......................................... 155
Geri the Hunter ............................................ 143 Freiherr Reinhart II of Soest ......................... 150 The Tree House ............................................ 156
Paul the Spearman....................................... 143 The Church.......................................150 Holzstein’s Laboratory ................................. 156
The Rest of the Turb .................................... 143 Engelbert ..................................................... 150 Vis Source: The Man in the Woods.............. 156
Specialists and Other Covenfolk ......144 City of Dortmund .............................150 The Armoire of Excess.................................. 156
COVENANT ORGANIZATION .......................144 Silverware of the Wastrel ............................. 157
Covenants of the Order of Hermes ...150 A New Vis Source ....................................... 157
Hierarchy and Governance...............144 Crintera....................................................... 151 Portal of Living Wood ................................. 157
Income and Supplies..................................... 144 Durenmar.................................................... 151 A Missing Bookcase .................................... 157
Study and Laboratory Work ....................... 144 Heorot ......................................................... 151
Life at Collem Leonis ........................144 Fengheld ...................................................... 151 THE COVENANT IN PLAY...........................157
The Charter ......................................144 RESOURCES .............................................151 Covenant Themes .............................157
Ruling Council and Seats ............................ 144 Income Sources .................................151 Player Character
Voting and Meetings.................................... 145 Enchanted Devices............................151 Roles at Collem Leonis .....................159
Rights, Responsibilities and Sharing ............ 145 Clasp of the Ambassador.............................. 151 Suggested Storylines .................................... 159
Censure and Dismissal ................................. 145 Spear of the Armiger .................................... 151 Rebuilding Collem Leonis ............................. 159
Peripheral Charter ....................................... 145 Mask of the Predator ................................... 152 Counts and Bishops ..................................... 160
COVENANT SITE ......................................146 Circlet of the Governor ................................. 152 Reforging Hermetic Relations ....................... 160
Mystical Portals ......................................... 160
Environment......................................146 Library ...............................................152
Mundane Abilities ....................................... 153 Collem Leonis
Main Structures .................................146
Texts about the Uncontrolled Portals ............ 153 as a Background Covenant ................160
Laboratories ......................................146 Books on the Arts......................................... 153
Ferra’s Laboratory ....................................... 146 Laboratory Texts ......................................... 153
Standard Laboratories.................................. 146 New Spells .................................................. 153
Unmaintained Laboratories .......................... 146
Vis Stocks ..........................................153
Outlying Buildings ............................146
Vis Sources ........................................153
Uncontrolled Portals .........................147 Silver Spring ............................................... 154
Predicting Events ......................................... 147 Albino Stoat ................................................ 154
Magical Regio: Jotunheim ........................... 147 Blue Stones of the Mine ................................ 154
Faerie Regio: Midgard ................................. 148
Wealth ...............................................154
Associated Properties ........................149
Julia’s Townhouse ........................................ 149 HIDDEN RESOURCES.................................154

List of Inserts
Carles Magnus ..............................................11 Story Seed: Heresy in the Library? ..............63 The Warrior Women ..................................116
Covenant Summary ......................................13 Summary of Vis Sources ...............................65 Story Seed: The Dwindling Fish ................118
Columba .......................................................13 Summary of Vis Stocks.................................66 Ruadan mac Goibhniu ................................119
Hilde Oddfish .............................................14 Covenant Finances ......................................66 Story Seed: A Service for a Service ............121
Tibor Milos ...................................................16 Suggested Storylines for Jardin ...................67 Story Seed: The Missing Cathach .............122
Matilda Page.................................................16 Moving Jardin to other Tribunals .................68 Story Seed: The Cattle Raid ......................122
Andrew of House Jerbiton ...........................17 Branchidae Tradition Virtues ........................70 The Blade that Slew the Wolf ....................123
Otto-Pauels ..................................................18 Prophecies and the Oracle ...........................71 The Bronze Man.........................................124
Dolly Price ...................................................19 Covenant Summary ......................................72 Shape and Material
Laszlo ...........................................................19 Didyma Magi ...............................................73 Bonuses for the Boibel Loth .......................125
Bullcalf ..........................................................20 Aoede of House Ex Miscellanea...................74 Lost or Broken Devices ..............................127
Young Feeble ................................................20 Alexander of House Ex Miscellanea ............75 Summary of Vis Stocks...............................128
Shadow .........................................................21 Nikola of House Ex Miscellanea ..................77 Summary of Vis Sources .............................130
Fang ..............................................................21 Herakles of House Merinita .........................78 Loyalty .......................................................132
Silence ..........................................................21 Ariane of House Jerbiton .............................79 Covenant Finances .....................................132
Thrice-Dead Ned .........................................22 William of Normandy: House Flambeau......81 Moving Longmist to Other Tribunals ........133
Sailor of the Northern Seas ..........................23 Callista .........................................................83 Covenant Summary ....................................135
Ship’s Captain ...............................................23 Philip ............................................................83 Ferra of Bonisagus.......................................137
The Gift of Magestones ...............................24 Marcel the Mercenary ..................................84 Dominator of Ghosts .................................137
Story Seed: The Magical Whale ..................24 Magarethe: Archon and Servant of Ariane...84 Baliana of Bonisagus ...................................138
Story Seed: The First Contract ....................24 Ella the Oracle .............................................84 Tiberius of Flambeau ..................................139
Story Seed: The First Act of Piracy ..............24 Sphinx ..........................................................89 Freki of Bjornaer .........................................140
The Long Bone of Saint Epiphanius .............26 Recent Ecclesiastic Rulers of Miletos ...........90 Julia of Tremere ..........................................141
Story Seed: The Rusted Bars ........................27 Story Seed: Taxation Audit .........................90 Story Seed: The Dark Magus .....................142
Feliadexter ....................................................28 Niketas, Metropolitan of Miletos.................91 Erich the Spy ..............................................142
Story Seed: The Fall Agamenoth: Prince of the Moving Earth .....92 Paul the Spearman ......................................143
of the Mercantile Families ............................29 Story Seed: The Children of Olympos ........92 Is This Really Jotunheim? ...........................147
Story Seed: The Oyster Prince ....................33 Story Seed: Spice Harvest ............................96 Summary of Vis Stocks...............................153
Covenant Finances .......................................34 The Tessa and Damen Wards .......................97 Story Seed: The Winter Litter ...................154
Loyalty .........................................................34 Moving Didyma to Other Tribunals ............99 Summary of Vis Sources .............................154
The Legend of Jardin ...................................38 Hibernia .....................................................102 Story Seed: Apprentice’s Lofty Cave........... 155
Covenant Summary ......................................39 Covenant Summary ....................................103 Story Seed: The Mischievous Kobold ........ 155
Joia du Lua of House Jerbiton .....................40 Past Magi ....................................................103 Story Seed: Sins of the Predecessor ........... 155
Lexora of House Bjornaer.............................43 Designing Your Own Magi ........................104 Agnes, Guardian Spirit ................................ 156
Xenophanes of House Criamon ...................45 Lugh-éccnaid ..............................................105 Story Seed: Lost Laboratory ........................ 156
Beatriz of House Jerbiton .............................47 Conchobor .................................................106 Story Seed: Agents Provocateurs ................ 158
Ahenobarbus of Tremere ..............................49 The Cailleach .............................................108 Story Seed: A Simple Request ..................... 158
Serena, Autocrat of Jardin ............................51 Dara Connachtach .....................................109 Story Seed: Impossible Thefts ..................... 158
Alyssa, Maga Trianomae...............................52 Eochaid Dubh ...........................................109 Story Seed: Old Alliances............................ 158
Rosamonde Unaud, Turb Captain ................54 Mícheál Amhreaidh....................................110 Story Seed: The Church Lands ................... 158
Story Seed: No More Gardening? ...............54 Bran in Gai Móir ........................................111 Story Seed: The Enemy of My Enemy........ 158
Fighting One’s Emotions ..............................58 Partholon’s Crown ......................................111 Story Seed: The Army of King Gorm ......... 158
Attaining Your Heart’s Desire.......................58 Longmist Grog ...........................................112 Moving Collem Leonis to Other Tribunals ... 159
Shield of Dismissal .......................................62 Éamonn Cruittire........................................113 Lindorm of Jotunheim ................................. 159
The Mysterious Book ...................................62 The Offices of Longmist ............................115 Story Seed: The Ravens Fly Again .............. 160

Chapter One

Whether it is a brand new foundation
freshly hewn from the wilderness or an ancient
How to of your player magi, and finding the right
way to deal with them provides challeng-
wreck creaking under centuries of magic, the
covenant is the center of most sagas. This sup-
plement for Ars Magica Fifth Edition describes
Use this Book ing stories. As the covenants are well inte-
grated into their different Tribunal settings,
they also provide an impetus for magi to
in detail five covenants, their resident magi, The five covenants detailed in this book visit these different Tribunals, drawing them
and the resources available to them, including make ideal starting points for a new saga. out of their own covenants and into a much
vis sources, libraries, and enchanted devices. The magi resident in each serve equally wider Hermetic world.
Each covenant can be used as inspiration well as ready-made player characters al- Lastly, the vis sources, enchantments,
for your own saga, as a place to visit, or as ready embedded into the fabric of their and books described throughout this supple-
the player character covenant. Your player covenants, or as suggestions to spark en- ment can be used as a mine of ideas, or just
characters can either replace or complement tirely new magi in keeping with each cove- statistics and book titles, for your own magi
the described residents. nant. Similarly, the grogs, companions, and and their covenant.
Although these covenants have each other specialists are all either ready-to-play Whether you are about to start a new
been strongly integrated into a particular or detailed enough that introducing them is saga or you are approaching the autumn of
location and Tribunal, all can be used wher- straightforward. You could even take these your current one, the covenants found in
ever your saga is set. However, your troupe characters individually and use them in this book have something to offer, so popu-
will need to modify the location and Tribu- your own saga if you wanted to. late them, contest them, spy upon them, or
nal-specific content accordingly. The covenant as a character is also straight out raid them: the choice is yours.
The characters detailed for the covenants well-developed. From Hooks and Boons, to
have in some cases been generated season- resources, allies, and enemies, and even the
by-season, taking into account the character’s state of the covenant’s coffers and the loy-
duties and the resources available at the cov-
enant. The experience totals of such charac-
alty of its covenfolk, each covenant is al-
ready a living, breathing entity all by itself. Covenant
ters may thus vary slightly from that expected
via the Detailed Character Creation method
(ArM5, page 32). Life-events such as Twilight
Each of the covenants is accompanied
by a wealth of saga threads and story seeds
that your troupe can explore over decades
may also cause the Virtues and Flaws of some of game time. Some of these challenges are Covenants are often classified accord-
characters to be either unbalanced or to ex- readily apparent while others are more sub- ing to their season, which is a complex
ceed the normal allotment. When this applies tle, leaving your troupe free to develop them measure of the age, power, and influence of
it has been noted. in any number of ways. the covenant. Both players and characters
When existing communal covenant re- Each covenant is also an example of might refer to a covenant’s season and the
sources, such as enchanted items, have been one season in a covenant’s life-cycle, from following gives an indication of its meaning.
acquired or made by the current residents, Spring, through Summer, Autumn, Win- Of course, this can only be a guide, as the
then these have been effectively paid for twice: ter, and back to Spring again. If you are circumstances of each covenant are unique.
once in terms of seasons of work, and once in creating your own covenant, then the cov-
terms of covenant build points. On the other enants detailed in this supplement provide SPRING
hand, resources personal to a magus, such as solid examples of the situations and chal-
talismans and some enchanted items, have not lenges that each season brings. Spring covenants are young settle-
been paid for out of the covenant build point For existing sagas, these covenants ments, recently built or occupied, that
budget. Generally, if a magus would likely take might be used as fully-detailed background pose many challenges to the magi taking
a resource with him if he left the covenant, covenants. Each provides information for us- them on. The main characteristics of a
it has been considered a personal resource. ing them in a range of ways, such as a source Spring covenant are:
However, sometimes, it has been necessary to of information, political allies or opponents,
make an arbitrary decision as to whether a par- or even naive young magi to manipulate.
ticular resource is communal or personal. Their aims may coincide or cross with those

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