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Powder metallurgy processed Udimet 720 is a high creep strength nickel-based superalloy considered for high temperature turbine
disks for nuclear gas cooled reactors working under 700 ◦ C. Both fine-grained and coarse-grained microstructures have been obtained by
applying respectively a subsolvus or a supersolvus solution treatments, followed by ageing treatments. In both microstructures, the distri-
bution of the strengthening ␥ precipitates has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The creep curves of the
coarse-grained microstructure show the three usual creep stages. On the contrary, the creep curves of the fine-grained microstructure show
a transition directly from primary to apparent tertiary creep without any obvious steady state. According to TEM analyses, Orowan loops
surround Udimet 720 CR ␥ and U720 HS ␥ at high stress whereas U720 HS ␥ are sheared at low stress. To describe the behavior of
the superalloy Udimet 720, a specific creep model is developed on the basis of McLean and Dyson models including physical damage
© 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords: Ni-based superalloy; Powder metallurgy; Udimet 720; Creep; TEM; Dislocations
Table 1
Chemical composition (wt.%) of the Udimet 720 LI
Ni Bal.
Cr 16.2
Co 15.3
Ti 5.18
Mo 3.06
Al 2.47
W 1.33
Fe 0.06
Zr 0.039
C 0.023
Cu 0.02
B 0.018
Si 0.007
3.1. Microstructures than the CR one. Moreover, U720 CR shows the usual three
stages of creep whereas U720 HS shows a transition directly
HS and CR heat treatments, mainly differing by their so- from primary to tertiary creep, exhibiting a point of inflection
lutioning temperature, resulted in two microstructures. Sub- corresponding to the minimum creep rate.
solvus solutioning of the U720 HS leads to a ␥-grain size
ranging from 1 to 10 m. Supersolvus solutioning of the
U720 CR leads to ␥-grain size ranging from 10 to 30 m.
In both microstructures, ␥ precipitates constitute about
50% of the volume fraction of the alloy. Fig. 1 shows the
distribution of the ␥ in the two microstructures. For U720
HS, there are three different types of ␥ (Fig. 1a) : primary
␥ formed during HIP treatment, with a diameter of 450 nm,
then secondary and tertiary ␥ nucleated during cooling after
solutioning treatment and coarsened during ageings, with
respective average diameters of 40 and 10 nm. For U720 CR,
only two types of ␥ are formed during cooling (Fig. 1b) :
the secondary ␥ with a diameter of 300 nm and the tertiary
ones with a diameter of 30 nm.
Fig. 3. Dislocation structures in the Udimet 720 HS (a) and Udimet 720 4.3. Increase of the true stress during deformation
CR (b) (TEM weak-beam) in interrupted specimens crept after 1% strain
under 750 MPa at 650 ◦ C. In this study, creep tests were not conducted under con-
stant stress, but under constant load. The applied stress thus
3.3. Dislocation structures after creep and tensile increases as the strain increases and the section decreases.
tests at 650 ◦ C The true stress is defined as σ = σ 0 exp(ε), with initial stress
σ 0 and true strain ε. As proposed by Maldini and Lupinc
TEM analysis of crept specimen strained at 1% under [4], the true strain rate of the creep tests shown in Fig. 2 are
750 MPa show large stacking faults inside the ␥ for U720 plotted in Fig. 4 as a function of true stress. The decrease
HS (Fig. 3a) and dislocation loops around the ␥ for the U720 of the strain rate corresponds to the primary stage, then the
CR (Fig. 3b). This suggests that the deformation mechanisms increase of the strain rate corresponds to the secondary and
differ from one microstructure to the other: U720 HS ␥ are tertiary stages. On this representation, creep rate was drawn
sheared whereas U720 CR ␥ are bypassed by an Orowan using Norton stress dependence law, as ε̇ ∝ σ n , with Nor-
mechanism. ton coefficient n adjusted to the experimental steady-state or
Crept specimen of U720 HS strained at 3% under 750 MPa minimum creep rate. For U720 CR, n is 20 for the applied
shows even more stacking faults than after 1% strain. By stress range. But a single n-value cannot describe U720 HS
contrast, for U720 HS specimen prestrained at 3% in tensile, stress dependence at all stresses. Thus, for 850 and 900 MPa,
dislocations form loops around the ␥ . n is 24 and for 600, 750 and 800 MPa, n is 12. The plot
of Fig. 4 enables to emphasize the two different kinds of
creep behavior. For U720 CR, after primary stage, curves
4. Discussion fall on the Norton’s law plot. This means that the increase
of the strain rate observed in Fig. 2 corresponds in fact to a
To understand why the creep rate quickly increases after steady-state stage, and that acceleration of creep is only due
the minimum creep rate for HS microstructure, four dif- to the increase of the true stress. U720 HS behavior differs
ferent hypotheses of softening mechanisms are hereafter from high stresses to low stresses. At 850 and 900 MPa, the
investigated: early damage of the specimen, degradation of apparent tertiary stage is linked to the stress increase during
the microstructure related to ageing, increase of the true the creep test, as observed for U720 CR. In contrast at 600,
stress during creep deformation and interaction between 750 and 800 MPa, strain rate increases more quickly than
dislocations and ␥ . Norton’s law prediction. For this stress range, an additional
602 S. Dubiez-Le Goff et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 387–389 (2004) 599–603
5. Modeling
Table 2 6. Conclusions
Model parameter set for U720 HS and CR used to generate the curves
in Fig. 5
Creep behavior of PM U720 depends on its microstruc-
ε̇0 (s−1 ) σ 0 (MPa) h (MPa) H∗ C ture and stress range. U720 CR and U720 HS crept at high
CR 1.7 × 10−13 34.0 58835 0.08 0 stress are deformed by an Orowan mechanism and present a
HS 1.8 × 10−13 33.7 58357 0.1 1600 steady state stage. By contrast, U720 HS behavior presents
a tertiary stage at low stress that can be related to a ␥ shear-
ing mechanism. These behaviors can be fairly well predicted
by McLean and Dyson creep model by selected physically
based parameters.
with characteristic rate ε̇0 , true stress σ, kinematic back
stress σ 0 , normalized saturation stress H∗ , effective Young
modulus h , and a material constant C. Best parameter sets
identified are given in Table 2.
For U720 CR and U720 HS creep at high stress, both
[1] R. Couturier, C. Escaravage, in: Proceedings of the IAEA Technical
having a classical behavior, no damage parameter is required Committee Meeting, IAEA, Palo Alto, CA, 2000.
to describe the full creep curve. For U720 HS at low stress, [2] M. McLean, B.F. Dyson, Eng. Mater. Technol. 122 (2000) 273–278.
softening is modeled by an increase of mobile dislocation [3] M.P. Jackson, R.C. Reed, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 259 (1999) 85–97.
density. [4] M. Maldini, V. Lupinc, H. Watt, University Edinburgh, UK, 1999,
pp. 109–118.
Fig. 5 shows experimental creep curves compared with the
[5] P.R. Bhowal, E.F. Wright, E.L. Raymond, Metal. Trans. A 21A
results of the simulation, using the proposed model: creep (1990) 1709–1717.
behavior of U720 CR and U720 HS at 850 and 900 MPa is [6] D. Locq, M. Marty, P. Caron, in: Proceedings of the Superalloys
fairly well predicted, but creep behavior of U720 HS at 750 2000, TMS, Metals Park, OH, 2000, pp. 395–403.
and 800 MPa has to be further analysed. [7] M. Condat, B. Décamps, Scripta Metal. 21 (1987) 607–612.