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Heat and Mass Transfer


BE. (Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION, Dec. 2014

(Mechanical Engg. Branch)

i) Solve five transfer
(ii) Heat and
mass data book is pernmitted in examination
Establish analogy between flow ofheat and electricity. Find out values
resistances in conduction, convection and radiation by
and Stefan Boltzmann's law. Discuss a
Fourier's law, Newton's law
convection and radiation heat transfer
system where conduction, 1+2+ 2+2
takes place in series
(See Unit-I, Page 11,Q.15)
300°C is exposed to surrounding
(b) Ablack metal plate (k=25 W/m K) at su
air at 30°C. It convects and radiates heat to surroundings. If the
convective heat transfer coefficient is 25 W/m K, what
temperature gradient in the plate ? (See Unit-I, Page 11, Prob.1)7
furnace wall is 640°C and that of
The temperature of the inner side of a atmosphere at 40°C, in order to
on other side is 240°Cand it is exposed to
thickness is increased by
reduce the heat loss from furnace, its wall
loss due to increase in
100%, calculate the percentage decrease in heat
wall thickness. Assume no change in properties except
(See Unit-I, Page 43, Prob.9)
exposed to boiling
3. Asteel fin having 8 mm diameter and 100 mm long is 4000 W/m²K. The
water having convective heat transfer coefficient calculations
thermal conductivity of steelcan be taken as 17 W/mK show by the fin ?
advisable to use
how much heat dissipation is achieved and is it
with thermal
How the heat dissipation performance change, if a material 14
Conductivity of 45 W/mK is used ? All conditions are same.
nperson is found dead at 5 D.m. ina room whose temperature is 20°C. heat
and the
perature of the body is measured to be 25°C when found, body of
Modelling the
transfer coefficient is estimated to be 8 W/m²K. calculate
human as a 30 cm diameter, 1.70 mlong cylinder, the body actual time of
death of the person. Take thermophysical properties
of as below-
o.08 W/m K,p= 900 ke/m3 and C =4000 J/kg K. (sp. Prob. 15) 14
(See Unit-II, Page l10, with free
Aflat plate l air
m wide and 1.5 m long ismaintained at 90°C in Determine
stream itemperature of 10°Cflowing along 1.5 m side theplate.

Heat and Mass Transfer (R.GPV., B. Tech.
the velocity ofthe air required to have arate of energy VI-Semas(ME))
Use correlations -
dissipation 3.7$
Nu, = 0.664( Re)'(Pr) for laminar flow
Nu, =[0036( Re) -836]( Pr)' for turbulent flow.
Take properties of air
p= L.0877 kg m², 4 = 2.029 x 10 kg m s.
k =0.028 W/m K. Pr =0.703. c = 1.007 kJ kg K.
(See Init-II1, Page 157. Prob.l4i
6. Vertical door of ahot oven is 0.5 mhigh and is maintained at 200°C. h
exposed to atmospheric air at 20°C. Find - 14
(a) Local heat transfer coefficient half way up the door.
(b) Average heat transfer coefticient for entire door.
(c) Thickness of free convection boundary layer at the top of the door
Take properties of air at l10°C
p-0.922 kg m', c, 1000 J kg K. u =224 x 10 kg ms
v= 2429x 10 m²s, k = 0.0332W mKand Pr = 0.687
(See L nit-III, Page 158, Prob. I5)
7. Aheat exchanger is requ1rcd to cool 55000 kg hr of alcohol from 66°C to
40°C using 40,000 kg hr of water entering at 5°C. Calculate 14
() Exit temperature of water (ii) Heat transfer rate
(i) Surface area required for
(a) Parallel-flow type (b)Counter-flow type.
(See nit-IV, Page 18, Prob.2)
8. A weil is 40 m deep and 9 m in diameter is exposed to atmosphere at
25°C. The air at the top has relative humidity of 50%. Calculate the rate of
diffusion of water vapour through the well. Take D = 2.58 x10 ms.
My= 18 kg kg mole. (See Unit-IV, Page 218, Prob.15) 14
9. A gray. diffuse opaque surtace (a = 0.8) is at 100°C and receives an
iradiation 1000W/m-. If the surface area is 0.I m² calculate 14
(i) Radiosity of the surface, and
(ii) Net radiative heat transfer rate from the surface
(ii) Calculate the above quantities, if surface is black.
(See Lnit-V. Page 252. Prob.6)
10. (a) Discuss the various regimes of pool boil1ng.
(See Lnit-\, Page 273. Q.541)
(b) UsingforNusselt's theory of laminar film condensation show that
a flat vertical surface, where x is the distance trom the
leading edge of the film and 8 is the film thickness.
(See nit-1,Page 269,() 2M
Heat and Mass Iransfer

Sith Semester) EXAMINATION, June 1014

(MechanicalEngg. Branch)

questions. In cach question part A, B. Cis

Answer five
internal choice.
compulsoryand D part has are to be attempted at one place.
parts of each questions
) All
questions carry equal marks, out of which part Aand B
iii) All marks, part C(Max. 100 words) carry
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 words)carry 7 marks.
3marks, part D (Max.
numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
i) thermal conductivity. How it can be determined ?
Define (See Unit-1, Page 6.Q.7)
concept to illustrate the analogy of
heat flow
Explainthe resistance (See Unit-I, Page 7. Q.10)
b flow of electricity. through a
and the temperature variation for heat conduction
Show that the uniform k is logarithmic.
cvlindrical wall having (See Unit-1, Page 29, Q.28)
wire iscovered with 2 mm thick layer ofinsulation
d Al mm dia electric surrounding thewire is at 25°C and h= 25 W/
k=0.5 W/m K). Air
wire temperature is 100°C. Find out with
rate of heat dissipationfrom the wire per unit length
() The
and without insulation.
(ü) Critical radius of dissipation.
() Maximum value of heat (See Unit-I,Page 60, Prob. I8)
two layers of thickness 5 cm and 10 cm. The
AComposite slab has of the materials ofthese layers are temperature
thermal conductivities
dependent and given by the relations k, = 0.04 (1 + 0.07 ) W/m-deg,
K,=0.05 (1 + 0.006 t) W/m-deg. outside
centigrade. Theinside and 200°C
where t isthe temperature in degree maintained at 500°C and
surface temperatures of the slabs are heat flux through composite
respectively. Determine the steady state nit-1, Page 65,
slab and the interface temperature. (See Page 67, Q.1)
a) What is the utility of extended surface (See Unit-,Page 67, Q.2)
(by What are various types of fins ? (See Unit-II,
') Avery long copper rod 20 mmin diameter surface of the rod is
100°C. The
a plane heated
wall maintained at with convective heattransfer
exposedto an air environment at 20°C the heat loss if the thermal
coefficient of 8.5 W/m-deg. Workout Also estimate how longthe
Tod be in yof copper is 400 W/m-deg.
be consideredIinfinite.(See
Unit-II, Page81, Prob.4)
Heat and Mass Transfer (RGPV, B. Tech.,
(d) Show that the heat flow rate pcr unit width
from a
VII-Sem (ME)
rectangular cross-section is governed by the relation straight fin of
Q=km y,tanh ml
where k is thermal conductivity, hconvective coefficient
thickness and , is temperature excess at the base and I and yis fir
length of fin.
(See Unit-11, Page 72, 0.8th
Find out the amount of heat transferred through an iron
50 mm, width 100 mm and thickness 5 mm. Assume kfin of length
= 210
h°C and h= 42 kJ/m²h°C for the material of the fin
and kJm
at the base of the fin as 80°C. Also
determine the temperature
of the fin if the atmosphere temperature is 20°C. temperature tim
3. (a) Why are heat transfer coefficients for naturalUnit-II, Page 84, Prob.7)
convection much less
than those of forced convection ? (See Unit-III, Page 136,Q.34)
(b) What is the physical significance of Grashof number in heat transfer
by natural convection ? (See
(c) Explain the term dimensional homogeneity. Unit-III, Page 123, Q.20)
(See Unit-III, Page 118, Q.9)
(d) Show by dimensional analysis for forced convection
Nu = (Re, Pr) (See Unit-III, Page l124,Q.22)
Two horizontal surfaces separated by a distance of 5 cm
have air
between them at atmospheric pressure. Make calculation for the heat
flux if the upper surface is at 50°C and lower surface is at 26°C.
(See Unit-III,Page 149, Prob.8)
(a) Classify heat exchangers on the basis of direction of flow of fluids.
(See Unit-IV, Page 164, Q.3)
(b) What is LMTD ? Draw temperature profile of condenser and find
the LMTD value for it.
(c) What is Fick's law ? (See Unit-IV, Page 173. Q.15)
(See Unit-IV, Page 205, Q.37)
(d) Water is heated at the rate of 1.4 kg/s from 40°C to
=1.9 kJ/kg K) entering at 110°Cand leaving at 70°Cinbyaan ol (C,
flow heat exchanger. IfU, = 350 W/m² K, calculate 60°C counter
the surface area
required. Using the same temperature and same oil flow rate, calculae
the exit temperatures of oil and water and the rate of heat
when the water flow rate is halved. (See Unit-IV, Page 195, transte
Steam enters a counter-flow heat exchanger dry and saturated at
bar and leaves at 350°C. The mass flow of steam is 800 kg/mmin. The
gas enters the heat exchanger at 650°C and mass flow rate is 1350
kg/min. If the tubes are 30 mm diameter and 3 m long,determine u
number of tubes required. Use following data -
For steam, tat 80C, Cp. - 2.71
kJ/kgC,' h. = 600 W/mC
Shivani-2023) Heat and Mass Transfer

For gas Po - I kJ/kg°C, h, = 250 W/mc

(See Unit-1V, Page 191,
(a) What portion of eleectromagnetic spectrum is covered by thermalProb.7)
radiation? (See Unit-V, Page 222, Q.4)
What is a black body ? Give examples of some surfaces which do
(b) not appear black but have high value of absorptivities.
(See Unit-V, Page 224, Q.10)
Differentiate between filmwise and dropwise condensation.
(See Unit-V, Page 262,Q.45)
The distance of sun from earth is 150 x10° km. If the radius of sun
(d) 6200 K, estimate approximatelythe
is 0.7 x 106 km and temperature
of the earth. Assume that the rate of radiation
mean temperature
of radiant
transfer from the sun to the earth is equal to the rate
K. Consider
transfer from the earth to the outer space which is at 0
body. (See Unit-V, Page 253, Prob.8)
sun and earth as black
each, are maintained at different
Two large parallel plates with [=0.5
and are exchanging heat only by radiation. Two equally
shields with surface emissivity 0.05 are introduced in
large radiation reduction in net heat transfer.
parallel to the plates. Find the percentage
(See Unit-V, Page 258, Prob.11)

Semester) EXAMINATION, Dec.
B.E. (Sixth (Mechanical Engg. Branch)

question part A, B, Cis

Note: (i) Answer five questions. In choice.
Compulsory and D part has internal be attempted at one place.
to part Aand B
(ii) All parts of each questions are
marks, out of which
(ii) All questions carry equal (Max.
C 100 words) carry
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, carTy 7 marks.
3 marks, part D(Max. 400 words) Design and Drawing
(iv)Except numericals, Derivation, thermal
discuSSthe concepttransfer.
1. (a) and
Define conduction heat transfer in conduction heat 7.Q.10)
resistance and conductance applied Unit-I, Page
Heat and Mass Transter
|R GPV, BTech.
(c) Discuss one practical example with heat balance VII-Sem (ME
three modes of heat transfer are present. cquation,
(SeeLnit-1,,Page 9.014 K
(d) A wall is constructed ofa section of stainless steel
4.0 mm thick with idential layers of plastic on both [k= 16 Wim
The overall heat-transfer coefficientconsidering sides the steel
convection on
sides of the plastic, is 120 W/m² K. If the overall
difference across the arrangement is 60°C, calculate
difference across the stainless steel. (See the tteemperature
Cnit-1, Page 39, Prob.
A wire of radius 3 mm and l.25 m length is
to be maintained at 6(e
by insulating it by a material of thermal conductivity 0.175 W/mk
The temperature of surrounding air is 20°C with
coefficient 8.5 W/m K. For maximum hcat dissipation,heat transfer
(i) Minimum thickness insulation and
(ü) Percentage increase in heat loss due to insulation.
(See Unit-1, Page 59, Prob.1"
2. (a) What is the function of extended surfaces ?
Discuss various types
of extended surfaces with schematic drawing.
(See Unit-11, Page
(b) Define and explain the following terms applied in 68.Q.3
(i) Fin effectiveness, and (ii) Fin efficiency.
(See Unit-II, Page 92. Q.15
(c) With the help of neat diagram explain the concept of error ot
measurement of temperature in a thermometer well.
(See Unit-II, Page 89. Q.2
(d) How transient heat conduction is different from steady state hean
conduction ? Define Biot number and apply the same in deriving the
cquation of non-diamensional temperature distribution in infint
thermal conductivity method. (See Unit-II, Page 104,Q.31
A turbine blade 6 cm long and having a cross-section area 4.65 C
and perimeter 12 cm, is made of chrome steel (20% chromium
The temperature at the root surface is 500°C. The blade is expose
to a hot gas at 870°C. The heat transfer coefficient between blad
surface and gas is 442 W/m²-K. Determine the temperatuthe
distribution and rate of heat flow at the root of the blade. Assume
blade tip to be insulated. (See lnit-II. Page 78,
Unit-I|| o
3. (a) Discuss the mechanism of convection heat transfer withthe help
neat diagram. (See Unit-III, Page 115.
Shivani-2023) Heat and Mass Transfer
(b) How dimensional analysis helps in solving convection hcat transfer
problem? Discuss some applications. (See Unit-1lI,regions
Page l17,Q.6)
(c) Drawthe hydrodynamic boundary layer in different of fluid
flow appliedin understanding convection heat transfer problem and
discuss the velocity profile obtained. (See Unit-III, Page 129,Q.26)
Define Buckingham pie theorem and establish the following
(d) relationship betweern the non-dimensional numbers using the concept
of dimensional analysis in a forced convection problem
Nu = f(Re, Pr)
Where Nu = Nusselt number, Re = Reynolds number, Pr = Prandtl
number. (See Unit-II, Page 127, Q.23)

Arectangular plate is 120 cm long in the direction of flow and 200

cm wide. The plate is maintained at 80°C when placed in nitrogen
that has velocity of 2.5 ms and atemperature of 0°C. transfer from
(i) Average heat transfer coefficient, and (ii) Total heat
the plate. kg/m, c, = 1.04 kJ/kg
Properties of nitrogen at 40°C are p =1.142
0.0262 W/m K.
K. v= 15.63 x 10° m/s and k =
(See Unit-III, Page 154, Prob.11)
some examples where they are
4. (a) What is a heat exchanger ? Discuss (See Unit-IV, Page 163,Q.1)
Define and write the overall heat transfer coefficient in reference to
help of neat diagram.
a double-pipe heat exchanger with the (See Unit-IV, Page 169, Q.11)
Differentiate between heat transfer and mass transfer with the help
(c) (See Unit-IV, Page 214, Q.43)
of suitable examples. which cold
is being condensed on a series of tubes through
(d) Steam
tube is 25 mm in diameter and overall heat
water is flowing. Each
based on outside area is 200 W/m K. Water in
transter coefficient and entering temperature of
at a rate of 200 kg/hr
cach tube flows If the steam iscondensed at
temperature of 80°C.
1SCand leaving condensed on each tube per hour andlength
100°C. Find the steam
the problem. 198, Prob.I12)
of the tube. Use NTUmethod to solve (See Unit-IV, Page
designed for cooling oil from a
Atubular heat exchanger is to be pool of stagnant water which
by alarge temperature of 20°C. The
temperature of 80°Cto 30°Cconstant
may be assumedto remain
at a
straight tube of 20 mm
mlong specitic
heat transfer surface consists of 30heat = 2.5 kJ/kg-K and average
inside diameter. The oil (specific cylindrical tube with an coefticient
the transter
gravity 0.8) flows through overall heat Prob.6)
velocity of 50 cm/s. Calculate the Unit-IV, Page 190,
for the oil cooler.
Heat and Mass Transter [R.GPV, B. Tech., VII-Sem
Unit-V (ME))
5. (a) Derive the law of radiation heat transfer applied between
bodies. twoQ.31)
(SeeUnit-\, Page 235, gray
(b) What is the purpose of radiation shield ? Discuss it with the
neat diagram. (SeeUnit-\, Page 245,help of
(c) Explain the principle of dropwise condensation with the help ofnea
diagram. (SeeUnit-\, Page 261,Q.42)
(d) Discuss the radiant hcat exchange between two black bodies
by anon absorbing medium and hence derive the reciprocityseparated
which takes into account the areas and shape factors.
(See Unit-\, Page 235, Q.32)
Two very large parallelplanes with emissivities 0.3 and 0.8 radiative
energy. Determine the percentage reduction in radiative energy
transfer when a polished aluminium radiation shield (e = 0.04) is
placed between them. (See Init-\, Page 256, Prob.10)

B.E. (Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION, June 2016

RGPV (Mechanical Engg. Branch)

Note : (i) Answer five questions. In cach question part A, B, C is

compulsory and Dpart hasinternal choice.
(ii) All parts of eachquestions are to be attempted at one place.
(ii) All questions carry cqual marks, out of which part A and B
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words) carry
3marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
(iv) Except numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
() Assume missing data suitably, if any.
(vi) Draw neat and clean sketches/diagram/figures wherever requircd.
1. (a) Define thermal diffusivity and thermal resistance.
(See Unit-1, Page 24, Q.22)
(b) Statce Fourier's law and Newton's law. (See Unit-1,Page 6, Q.4)
(c) Discuss the three modes of heat transfer with examples.
(See Unit-I, Page 3, Q.2)
(d) Derive Fourier heat conduction equation. State its form in cylindrical
and rectangular co-ordinates. (See Unit-I, Page 21. Q.20)
Air at27°C blows over hot plate 50 cm x 70 cm maintained at 2
The convection heat transter coefficient is 25 W/m? °C. Calculate
300 Wis
the heat transfer. ASsuming the plate is 2cm tthick and that
lost from plate surface by radiation, calculate the insideProb.)
temperature. (See Unit-l,Page 12,
Shivani-2023) Heat and Mass Transfer
2. (a) Define the term fin efticiency. Write formula for various types of
fins for efticiency. (See Unit-Il,
(b) State brief about transient and periodic conduction inPage
fins. 90,Q.13)
(See Lnit-I1, Page
(c) Write the error in measurement of temperature in a thermometer
well. (See Unit-II, Page 89,Q.12)
(d) Whatis utility of extended surfaces ? For aconstant cross-sectional
area fin obtain the temperature distribution and total heat flow rate
under steady state conditions when one end of the fin is attached to
a body at high temperature and the other end is insulated.
(See Unit-II, Page 74, Q.9)
fin k=29 W/m K, in the form of a blade is 60 mm long. 500 mm?
cross section and 120 mm perimeter. The temperature of the root of
the fin is 480°C and it is exposed to ambient conditions of 200°C.
The fin coeficient is 320 W/m- K. Determine the temperature at the
middle of the blade, the rate of heat flow from the blade. Assume
negligible heat loss from the tip of the fin.
(See Unit-II. Page 79, Prob.2)
3. (a) Compare free and forced convection. (See Unit-I, Page 116, Q.4)
(b) State the applications of dimensionalanalysis.
(See Unit-II. Page 117.Q.7)
(c) Write the Buckingham pie theorem. (See Unit-III, Page 118.Q.10)
flows over a
(d) Air at a pressure 6 kN/m and a temperature of 270°C
flat plate of 3mm wide and 1000 mm long at a velocity of 8 m's. If
the plate is to be maintained at a temperature of 75°C. Estimate the
rate of heat to be removed continuously from the plate.
Dry saturated steam at atmospheric pressure condenses on the the surtace
should be surtace
ofa horizontal tube of 35 mm diameter. What
required to be 6 x
Temperature of the tube if the rate of heat flow is
coefficient under these
10* W/m?Also determine the heat transfer
conditions. 16.3.Q.2)
4. (a) State the classification of heat exchangers. (See lnit-IV, Page
205. Q.37)
(b) What is Fick's law of mass transfer? (SeeLnit-IV, Pageperformance
(c) What is meant by fouling factor? How doesit affect the
(See l nit-I\.Page 172. Q.14)
of a heat exchanger ? heat exchanger.
(d) Derive the expressionfor LMTD of a parallel flow Page 174.Q.I8)
(See lnit-IV,
Or heat exchanger
Show the temperature variation along the length of
when fashion
parallel and counter flow
(i) Hot and cold fluids flow in
Heat and Mass Transfer (R GPV, B Tech
() Hot luid as used for evaporating another liquid
(i) Steam condenses on the outside of a condenser
VI-Sem (ME
flowing inside the tube as a coolant. ube wilh water
(See Unit-IV,
5. (a) Define the terms absorption, transmission and reflection
(See Unit-V, Page \68,)X
(b) What is Planck's distribution law ? State its applicability 224,)9
(See Unit-\-V, Page 226,Q.16,
(c) Compare filmwise and dropwise condensation.
(See Unit-V, Page 262,).45
(d) Explain the following terms
(i) Regimes of pool boiling (i) Gray surface, black surface
(See Unit-V, Page 275,Q.56,
Explain the following terms -
(i) Nusselt theory for filmwise condensation (ii) Shape factor
(See Unit-V, Page 269,Q.47)

B.E. (Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION, Dec. 2016


Note: (i) Answer five questions. In each question part A, B, C is

compulsory and D part has internal choice.
(ii) Allparts of each questions are to be attempted at one place.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part Aand B
(Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks, part C (Max. 100 words) carry
3marks, part D (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
(iv) Except numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
(V) Assume suitable data if required. Use of HMT Data Book iS
1. (a) Discuss the mechanism of convection heat transfer with the help ot
neat diagram. (See Unit-1, Page 1I5, Q.!)
(b) Explain the concept of =0. (See Unit-I, Page 25, Q.25)
(c) Derive the concept of critical insulation thickness for pipes.
(d) (See Unit-1, Page 53, Q)
The wall in afurnace consists of 125 mm thick retractory bricks
and 125 mm thick by an air gapo
insulating firebricks separated
Heat and Mass Transfer
mmthick plaster covers the insulat1ng firebrick to form
mm A12 surface of the wal is at l10Cand the
the outer wall The inner
ambient temperature is 25°C. The heat transfer coefficient on the
outside walltothe air is l17 W/m'K, and the resistance to heat flow
the air gap is,0.
16 K/W. The thermal conductivities of refractory
brck, insulating fircbrick and plaster are 16, 0.3 and 014 W/m K.
respect1vely Sketch the configuration of the furnace with the help
and calculate () the rate of heat loss per unit area
of neat diagram (1)the interface
ofwallsurface and temperature throughout the wall
and (11) thec temperature at the outside surface of the wall
(See l nit-1. Page 41. Prob.8)
Aube 2em outer diameter maintained at uniform temperature of T,
cvered with insulation (k =020 W/m K) to reduce heat loss to
the ambient air at T, with heat transfer cocfficient at ambient is 15
Wm K Calculate - () the critical thickness of insulation and (u)
the ratio of heat loss from the tube with insulation to that without
insulation. (See Unit-1. Page 61. Prob.19)
a) Where extended surfaces are used ? Give suitable examples for
justifying your point. (See t nit-II. Page 67. Q.)
bi How performances of Fins are measured ? Define those parameterS.
(See Unit-I1, Page 92.Q.17)
I) Discuss response of thermocouples with the help of suitable
temperature-time plot. (See lnit-I. Page 105.Q.33)
di Asteel rod (k =30W/m K) lcm in diameter and Scm long protrudes
from a wallwhich is maintained at 100°C. The rod is insulated at its
tip and is exposed to an environment with h =50 W/m- K and
temperature 30°C. Calculate the fin efficiency, temperature at the tip
of thefin andthe rate ofheat dissipation. (See nit-11, Page 94. Prob. II )
Astraight rectangular fin 2.0 cm thick and 14 cm long is constructed
of Chrome steel with 20% chromium and placed on the outside of a
wall maintained at 200C. The environment temperature is |5°C, and
the heat transfer coefficient for convection is 20 W/m K. Calculate
he heat lost fromthe fin per unit depth. (See Unit-I1. Page 85, Prob.S)
B) Differentiate between free and forced convection with the help of
suitable examples. (See Lnit-IlI, Page I16, (Q.4)
(by Discuss the role of Nusselt number in convection heat transfer.
(Sce l nit-Il1, Page 121.Q.I5)
i) Discuss the low reg1mes obtained in the convection heat transfer
wth the help of neat (See l nit-III. Page 110, (Q.27)
Heat and Mass Transfer IR.GPV., B. Tech., VII-Sem (ME))
(d) What is Buckingham r-theorem ? Write its statement and derive.
corelation between Nusselt number, Reynolds number and Prandl
number in a forcedconvection problem. (See Unit-iIl, Page 127, 0.21
Air at 1bar and 40°C flows across a 5.0 cm diameter cylinder at a
velocity of 50 m/s. The cylinder surface is maintained at a temperature
of 140°C. Calculate the heat loss per unit length of the cylinder.
(See Unit-1II, Page 160, Prob.l6)
4. (a) Discuss the change in approach while calculating overall heat transfer
coefficient in hollow pipe when compared with double slab arranged
in series. (See Unit-IV, Page 171,Q.12)
(b) How NTU method is different from L.M.T.D. method of heat
exchanger analysis ? (See Unit-IV, Page 181, Q.27)
(c) Discuss parallel and counter flow heat exchanger with neat diagram.
(See Unit-IV, Page 164, Q.4)
(d) Airenters a cooler at 115°C and at 3 bar and is brought to 45°C by
passing through tubes of 1Omm inner diameter surrounded by water
which enters the cooler at 15°C and leaves at 30°C. Assuming the
heat exchanger is counter flow, find the mean temperature difference.
If the air velocity in the tube is limited to 6.5 m/s. Find the length of
the tube required. Neglect the tube resistance and assume water side
heat transfer coefficient is 200 W/m² K.
(See Unit-IV, Page 193, Prob.9)
Ina food processing plant, a brine solution is heated from -12°C to
-6.5°C in a double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger by water entering
at 35°C and leaving at 20.5°C at the rate of 9 kg/min. Determine the
heat exchanger area for an overall heat transfer coefficient of 860
W/m K. For water take C, = 4.186 x 10 J/kg K.
(See Unit-IV, Page 192, Prob.8)
5. (a) Define Emissive power and Emissivity in Radiation heat transfer.
(See Unit-\,Page 223,Q.7)
(b) Discuss Planck's law of distribution applicable for a black body
radiation. (See Unit-V, Page 226, Q.16)
(c) Differentiate between filmwise and dropwise condensation with the
help of neat diagram. (See Unit-V, Page 262, Q.45)
(d) Two very large parallelplanes with emissivities 0.3 and 0,8 exchange
radiative energy. Determine the percentage reduction in radiative
energy transfer when apolished aluminium radiation shield ([ =0.04)
isplaced between them. (See Unit-V, Page 250, Prob. l0)

Shivani-2023) Heat and Mass Transter
Iftheinside surface temperature of a hemispherical cavity of 0.5 m
diameteris400°C'and itsemissivity is 0.6,calculatethe rate of radiant
heattransfer from the cavity with the help of neat diagram.
(See Unit-V, Page 252, Prob.5)

B.E. (Sixth Semester) EXAMINATION, June 2017


\ote: (i) Attempt any five
(ii) Allquestions carry equal marks.
surfaces at 1200°C and
1 A plane wallmade of magnesite brick has its wall conductivity
100°C. The thickness of the wall is 0.3m and its thermal
T)W/mk, where T is an °C.
varies linearly as K=4.13 (1 +0.0004576 will be 800°C. If
Calculate the location in the wall where the temperature assumed that
ignored and it is
the variation of the thermal conductivity is the temperature of
K=4.13 W/mK, then calculate the new location at
(See Unit-I, Page 64, Prob.22)
concrete slab 80mm thick (K= 1.37W/mK) is to be placed between
W/mK) plates. Both faces of concrete
two Smm thick metallic (K =43 contact over 25% of
rough solid to solid
slab adjacent to the plates have roughness are 2 mm. Assuming
where the average height of the
the area, (K = 0.0263W/mk) find the rate of
area is filled with air
that the cavity
outer surface temperature of the plates
Heat Transfer per unit area if the
500°C and 100°C respecvively. (See Unit-I, Page 46, Prob. I1)
are is firmly connected to
diameter and 0.4 m long
3 ACopper rod of 10 mm
200°C and 150°C. If the rod is allowed to dissipate
two walls, maintained at having heat transfer coefficientfind of 12
atmospheric air at 30°C the
heat to the from the rod to the air, also
Wm'C, estimate the net heat loss
its location.
maximum teermperature in the rod and Prob.10)
(See Unit-I1,Page 87, for a
temperature distribution
4. Deduce cquations of Heat transfer rate and
fin with infinite length take a pin finfor this (See Unit-II, Page 71. Q.7)
velocity of
tube at 300 K with a Heat
Atmospheric air enters a 6 mm diameterlength is Im, calculatethe transfer
2 m/s and leaves at 350 K. If the tube as the heat
as well
transfer rate and tube wall temperature
coefticient at the exit. Kare as below
of 325
Properties of air at bulk temperature
Heat and Mass Transfer (R.GPV, B. Tech.
2. (a) State Fourier's law and Newton's law. (See Unit-1, 1
(b) Discuss three modes of heat transfer with examples.
(See Unit-1, Page 3,
Derive Fourier heat conduction cquation. State
(c) its form in 0),
and rectangle co-ordinates. (See
Afin K =29 W/mk, in the form of a blade is a 60Unit-1, cylS00indrical
Page 2l.0.20)
mm long,
cross section and 120 mm perimeter. The temperature of
is 480°C and it is exposed to ambient conditions of 200°C. the root of mm
coefficient is 320 W/m-K. Determine the temperature at the middieThe fin
blade, the rate of heat flow from the blade. Assume negligible
from the tip of the fin. (See Unit-11, Page 79,heat loss
4. (a) Prob.2
Compare free and forced convection. (See Unit-1lI,1, Page l16,Q4)
(b) State the applications of dimensional analysis.
(See Unit-Il1, Page
(c) Write the Buckingham pie theorem. (See Unit-II, l17,0.7)
Page l18, O
(d) Air at a pressure 6kN/m' and a temperature of 270°C lows ou
flat plate of 3 mm wide and l1000 mm long at a velocity of 8 m/s le
the plate is to be maintained at a tempertaure of 75°C. Estimate the
rate of heat to be removed continuously from the plate.
(See Lnit-III, Page 156,
5. Deduce LMTD equations for parallel flow hecat exchangers. Prob.13)
(See l nit-ll1, Page i74.Q.18)
6. (a) Explain steady state diffusion through stationary medium.
(See Unit-IV, Page 209, Q.40)
(b) Explain Fick's law of diffusion. And explain diffusion coeficient
(See Unit-IV, Page 207.Q.38)
7. If theinside surface temperature of hemispherical cavity of0.5 mdiameter
is 400°C and itsemissivity is0.6. Calculate the rate of radiant heat transfer
from the cavity with the help of neat diagram.
(See Unit-V. Page 252. Prob.5)
8. Wite short notes on the following
(a) Nusselt theory for film wise condensation
(See Unit-V, Page 262, Q.40)
(b) Distinguish between black and gray surfaces
(See Unit-V, Page 225. Q.13)
(c) Shape factor. (See Unit-V, Page 234.Q.28)

ME-6003 (CBGS)
B.E. VI Semester
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)

Note: () Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) HMT data book permitted. heat
1. (a) Define thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and overall
transfer coefficient. (See Unit-I. Pagee
(Shvan-2023) Heat and Mass Transfer
(b) DeTIVe an epression of general heat conduction cquation in
reetangular coordinates.
Denve an expresston ofThcat transfer through ,Pagefinte
rectangular 5.)length
fin (See Lnit 1. Page 69.)6) 14
Eplainthe application of Buckingham "pie" theorem in free and forced
connection heat transter analysis. (See nit ||1, Page 29.) 25) 14
a) What is lump capac1ty analysis ? (See Lnit I|, Page 99,) 27)5
Derive an cxpression of eritical thickness of insulation for pine s
(See Vnit-1, Page53.).37)
What are the differences between free and forced convection heat
transfer ? (See nit-||1, Page l16,Q.4)4
(a) What is LMTD ? Draw temperature profile of condenser and find
the LMTD value for it. (See Unit-IV, Page 173,0.15)7
(b) Ina counter flow heat exchanger 10,000 kg/h of oil having aspecific
heat of 2095 Jkg K is cooled from 80°C to 50°C by 8000 kg/hr of
water entering at 25°C. Determine the heat exchanger area for an
Overall heat transfer coefficient of 300 w/m-K. Take c, for water
as 4180 J/kg K. (SeeUnit-IV, Page 189, Prob.3)7
A1a) What is the molar diffusion velocity ? Define mass tansfer fluxes. 6
(See Unit-IV, Page 205. ).36)
(b) What is shape factor? (See nit-V. Page 234.Q.28)4
(c) What is nucleate boiling ? (See Unit-V, Page 275, Q.57) 4
A gray diffuse opaque surface (a = 0.8) is at 100°C and receives an
iradiation 1000 W/m. If the surface area is 0.1 m², calculate - 14
(a) Radiosity of the surface
(b) Net radiative heat transfer rate from the surface.
(See Unit-V, Page 253, Prob.7)
8. (a) Discuss the various regimes of pool boiling. 7
(See Unit-V, Page 273.Q.54)
(b) Vertical door ofhot oven is 0.5 mhigh and is mainained at 200°C. It
is exposed to atmosphere air at 20°C. Find the local heat transfer
coefficient half way of the door. (See Unit-III, Page I58, Prob.15)7
ME-6003 (CBGS)
B.E. VI Semester
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)

\ote : (i) Attempt any five questions out of eight.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(ii) Thestandard HMT data book is permitted in exam.
I. (a) State Fourier's law of heat conduction. How this law is similar to
Ohm's law ? Explain. (See Unit-I, Page 9,Q.12)
D) Aplastic pipe (k = 0.5 W/mK)of ID 3cm and OD 4 çm carriers a
The rate
uid of average temperature 100°C and h = 300 W/m K.
of heat transfer per unit length is 500 W/m. Find
Hoat and Mass Transter (RGPV EBTech
() Outsde surface temperature of pipe
() The overall heat transfer cocfficient based on outside ar..
A3cm diameter pipe at 100°Cis losing heat at theLnit-1,
rate Page
of 10014. WProb.5)
length of pipe to the surrounding air at 20°C. This is to be per m
minimum value by providing insulation. The
are ava1lable following insulationreduced to a
Insulation Aquantity -3.15 10 'm' per mlength of pipe materals
Thermal conductivity - 5 W/m deg.
Insulation Bquantity -4 10 m' per m length of
Thermal conductivity =| W/m deg. pipe
Examine the position of better insulation layer relative to
percentagesaving in heat dissipation results from the arrangement Pipe. What
(See Unit-1, Page 49,
3. (a) Define fin effectiveness. Prob.14,
(b) Astainless steel fin (k =20W/mK) having(Seea Unit-II, Page 91,).14)
a length of 0.1 m is attached to a diameter of 20 mm and
wall at 300°C. The ambient
temperature is 50°Cand heat transfer coefficient is 10 W/m? K
The fin tip is insulated. Determined -
(i) The rate of heat transfer.
(ii) Temeperature at the fin tip.
(iüi) Heat tansfer rate from the same fin
geometry if the stainless
steel fin is replaced by a fictitious fin with infinite thermal
(iv) Rate of heat transfer from the wall area
fin was not used. covered by the fin if the
4. (a) State Buckingham n theorem. What are it's Unit-II,
merits ?
Page 82. Prob.5)
(b) Air at 20°C and I atm flows over a flat(See Unit-III. Page 120, Q.13)
is 80 cm long and is mainained at at 40 m sec. The plate
60°C. Assume unit length in Z
direction, calculate the heat tansfer rate from
of air at 40°C are Pr =0.7, k = the plate. Properties
and u = 1.906 × 10> kg/ms. 0.02723 W/mK, C, = 1.007 kJ kg K
5. (See
(a) What is limitation of LMTDmethod ? How Unit-III, Page 155, Prob. 12)
to it ? E-NTU method superior
(b) Explain Fick's law of diffusion., What is Unit-IV, Page 181.Q.26)
mass diffusivity ?
6. (See Unit-IV, Page 207.Q38)
A 4 kg/sec of product stream from a distillation
3kg/sec water stream in a counterflow heat column
is to be cooled by
cold stream inlet temperatures are 400 K and 300 exchanger. The hot and
area of heat exchanger is 30 m². If the overall heatKtransfer
respectively and the
estimated to be 820 W/m²K. Determine the outlet temperature coefficient is
fluid if the of bon
specific heat of product stream is 2500 J'kg K.
7. (See lnit-IV, Page 196. Prob. I1)
Define the following
() Emissivity of surface (See nit-\, Page 223.Q.6)
(i) Black body (See Unit-\, Page 224.Q.10)
(1i) Film wise condensation (See lnit-\, Page 261. Q.41)
Shivan-2023) Heat and Mass
distribution law Transfer
() Planck's (See Unit-V, Page 226,
Explain different regimes
8. (a) The filament of a75 Wlight bulb may(See Unit-V, Page 273, Q.16)
(b) be considred a black Q.54)
radiatinginto black enclousure at 80°C, The filament dia is body
and length is 60 mm. Considering radiation only, determine 0.10 mm
(See Unit-V, Page 249, Prob.2)
ME-6003 (CBGS)
B.E. VI Semester
Choice Based Grading Systenm (CBGS)

Note: (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(ii) Suitable missing misprint data, if any.
1. (a) What is thermal resistance ? (See Unit-I,Page 7, Q.9)
(b) Express the thermal resistance for conduction for a hollow cylinder
in terms of inner and outer radii. (See Unit-I, Page 29, Q.27)
2. Adomestic oven has a composite wall formed by 0.5 cm thick chrome
nickel (k = 19 w/mK) sheet supported by 1 cm thick asbestos (k =0.1l105
W/mK) sheet. In steady state operation the hot gases inside the oven are
at 350°C while atmospheric air is at 30° C. The convective heat transfer
coefficient at inside and outside surface of the oven are 100 W/m2K and
15 W/mK respectively. Determine the rate of heat losses per unit area
through the oven wall. (See Unit-1, Page 48, Prob. 12)
3. (a) What is an extended surface ? Name three applications of it.
(See Unit-II, Page 67, Q.1)
(b) Define fin efficiency and fin effectiveness.
(See Unit-II, Page 92, Q.15)
. a) Distinguish between natural and forced convection.
(See Unit-III, Page 1l6, Q.4)
? Discuss their
(D) What is Grashof number and Rayleigh number Page 123, Q.19)
(See Unit-lII,
significance. constant temperature
Ahorizontal rod ofS cm diameteris maintainedat a
20°C. Calculate the heat loss by
0y submerging it in water of Unit-III, Page 148, Prob.7)
Iree convection per unit length of rod. (See
6. Define ILMTD and derive it's expression for parallel flow heat exchanger.
(See Unit-IV, Page 176,law of
1. (a) governing heat transfer
What is thermal radiation? State the
(See Unit-V, Page 230,
(b) Explain the different regimessof boiling. Q.54)
(See Unit-V, Page 273,

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