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Karthik K N AICTE

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07/01/2020 – 13/01/2020


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Submitted By
Name USN


[A Unit of Vivekananda Vidyavardhaka Sangha, Puttur (R)]
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University and Approved by AICTE New Delhi & Govt. of Karnataka
Nehru Nagara, Puttur – 574 203, DK, Karnataka, India
Jan 2020


SI. No. Title

1 Front cover page

2 Table of content

3 Acknowledgement

4 Endorsement/Certificate/Application letter

5 Declaration by the student

6 Certificate
7 Abstract
8 Introduction
9 Case Study
10 Details of Activity
11 Importance of Green Premises
12 Importance of Green Premises
13 Separating Wastes
14 Results & Discussion
15 Results & Discussion
16 Permission Letter
17 Appreciation Letter
18 Data Collection
19 Photos
20 Conclusion


I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me
the possibility to complete this activity. A special thanks to my guide Assistant
Professor Mr. Sunil B. Lakkundi , Department of Mechanical Engineering
for his excellent guidance, encouragement and inspiration to the course of this
activity. The blessing, help and guidance given by his time to time shall carry
use a long way in the journey of life on which we are about to
embark. I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to in-

I am obligate to our Head of the Department Dr. Manujesh B J

(HOD of Mechanical Engineering) for giving this great opportunity. I am
greateful for his cooperation during the period of my activity. Lastly, I thank
every one of our batch for their cooperation, support and for their constant
encouragement without which this activity would not possible.


Endorsement / Certificate /Appreciation Letter

Mr. KARTHIK K N , B.E. 3RD Semester Mechanical Engineering student of

Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur was working on the
aspect to “Waste Management”.
From 07/01/2020 & 13/01/2020 for one week. His work supported the
objectives of our college and in the interest of beneficiaries.

Date: 20/02/2020
Place: VCET, Puttur


I am Karthik K N student of 3rd semester B. E. in Mechanical Engineering of

Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur, hereby declare that the Activity
Point Programme entitled “Waste Management” been carried out and duly executed by me,
under the guidance of Mr. Sunil B. Lakkundi , Assistant Professor, Department Mechanical
Engineering, Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur and submitted in
partial fulfillment of the equirements for the award of Degree in Bachelor of Engineering in
Mechanical Engineering by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the
academic year 2019-20.

Karthik K N
3rd Semester ME
Date: 20/02/2020
Place: VCET, Puttur



Certified that Mr. Karthik K N, bearing USN 4VP18ME019, a bonafide

student of Vivekananda College of Engineering & Technology, Puttur has carried
out one of the AICTE Activity Point Programme entitled “Waste Management”
during the academic year 2019-20 in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of
Engineering in Mechanical Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Belagavi.
The Activity Report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of AICTE Activity Point Programme prescribed for the said

____________________ ____________________ ______________________

Signature of the counselor Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal
Mr. Sunil B. Lakkundi Dr. Manujesh B J Dr. Mahesh Prasanna K


Swatch Bharat is a nation-wide campaign in India for the period 2013-209 that
aims to clean up the streets, roads and infrastructure of India’s cities, towns and
rural areas. The objectives of Swatch Bharat include eliminating open
defecation through the construction of household-owned and community-owned
toilets and establishing an accountable mechanism of monitoring toilet use.

A school is a place for education, and it’s also a place where kids can
socialize and develop skills that will help them later in life. When it comes to
making use school is a safe environment, the importance of cleanliness in
school cannot be overload. If you are interested in learning how you can ensure
that your school is clean, read on to learn more and discover a few tips for
school cleanliness that you can put to good use. When schools are neat and tidy,
children can put their focus on the task hand.


 School is a place where one can learn so many things. It helps the
students to grow up into a responsible person. Every day the students
spend a lot of time in school for learning and playing.
 Today, some school grounds are full of litter and debris that they
resemble a garbage dump more than a place to play or exercise. Students
should help to keep them clean and beautiful. They should be role model
for others to keep cleanliness.
 Recycle bins must be placed at various places in schools to promote
recycling of waste among students, teachers and other employees.
Children in the school can be encouraged to put waste in appropriate bins
so that they develop a habit of disposing of waste properly.
 Cleanliness, Personal hygiene, Good sanitation provides a clean school
environment for the students to keep them in good health and safe.
Cleanliness means that there is no dirt, no dust, no stains, and no bad smells.
The goals of cleanliness are health, beauty, absence of offensive odour and
to avoid the spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others.
With the help of cleanliness, we can keep our physical and mental health clean,
which will make us feel good. Cleanliness gives rise to a good character by
keeping body, mind, and soul clean and peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the

essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to
improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

It is everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their

surroundings clean and hygienic. It also brings good and positive thoughts in
the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

Some Clean Habits That Should Be Followed :

Some of the clean habits that you should follow are listed below :

• One should always wash their hands before eating.

• You should brush your teeth at least twice.
• No one should litter.
• Taking a bath every day is mandatory.
• Washing hands after playing is also very essential.
• Covering your nose while sneezing or covering your mouth while yawning is
also necessary.
• If someone has pests and rodents in their house, they must get rid of them as
soon as possible.
• One must always cover their food.
• Separate toilets for boys and girls, with one unit, generally having one toilet
(WC) plus 3 urinals. The ratio to be maintained is preferably one unit for every
40 students.
• Menstrual hygiene management facilities including soap, adequate and private
space for changing, adequate water for cloth washing and disposal facilities for
menstrual waste, including an incinerator and dust bins.
• Sufficient group hand washing facilities allowing groups of 10-12 students to
wash their hands at the same time. The hand washing station should be simple,
scalable and sustainable, relying on usage of minimum water. These hand
washing facilities can be developed using local materials.
• Daily provision of child-friendly and sustainable safe drinking water and
adequate water for hand washing. In addition water for school cleaning and

also food preparation and cooking. Safe handling and storage of drinking water
should be practiced throughout the school.

• It is everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their

surroundings clean and hygienic. It also brings good and positive thoughts
in the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

The Case Study

Waste is known as a matter which current users have no purpose of, or it is

known as a matter which can be harmful to humans, animals or the
environment. The result is school surrounding was filled with waste papers,
plastic bags, chocolate rappers etc. If a school environment is dirty or unkempt,
it can actually have a negative effect on a child’s overall learning experience.
When schools are neat and tidy, children can put their focus on the task at hand.
A clean environment ensures the health and safety of everyone
including teachers. When teachers are out sick due to a dirty school, it can
affect the kids’ experience, too. The importance of cleanliness in school reaches
far beyond the way things look. It can be much more profound and have a real
impact on the quality of the students’ education.

Details of Activity:

The day started with cleaning the school interiors. Our team worked on
removing spider webs and convinced them to give importance to maintain the
same. Special attention has been given to make the wall hangings in a proper
manner which has been kept to teach students about the subjects. We requested
the school authority to facilitate dustbins for class rooms so that waste papers,
pencils scraps, waste pens, pen refills, chocolate rappers can be put inside the
dustbins. One of the most obvious and important things a clean classroom
affects is the health and safety of Students.

We as engineering students we explained nuances of not maintaining the

cleanliness aspects and guided how to maintain them.
The other activates we all enjoyed cleaning the premises are:

1. Cleaning the school surroundings

2. Cleaning the coconut trees wastes
3. Cleaning the drainage system
4. Removing old mates outside the schools and replaced with new mates

Our teams with all support from the staff members and even with the school
kids we with our equipments started removing unwanted dried grasses, coconut
tree leafs and other fallen wastes connected to the coconut trees and collected
the garbage and kept a side for disposal. We cannot forget the encouragement of
staff members for support in giving in required accessories for cleaning the

Importance Green premises:

Good teachers are the most important factor in improving student performance,
but healthy school facilities contribute significantly as well. Healthy indoor air
quality and classroom acoustics are just two elements of green schools that can
contribute directly to enhanced student and teacher performance.

Hence as part of swachh Bharath we also supported the students to plating trees.
We educated the kids the importance of trees. We informed the school authority
to maintain gardens all around their school to have a better environment.
Greenery is assumed to promote physical activity at school grounds by
facilitating open and flexible play situations that engage many children. The
role of greenery for school ground activity was investigated at two schools, one
of which contained a substantial amount of greenery and the other one little


Finally cleaning is our duty. While collecting wastes, collect dry and wet waste
separately and it will help to dispose,

Why is waste segregation important?

Waste segregation is included in law because it is much easier to recycle.

Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which
makes it cheaper and better for people and the environment. It is also important
to segregate for public health.

Most places you go to will have some form of waste segregation. Your office
may have a bin for paper and cardboard, the gym has a mixed recyclables bin,
even your house should have some form of waste segregation as all local
councils do curbside collection. But how important is it to put the right waste in
the right bins? This blog will discuss why you should pay attention to waste

The first reason is it is legally required. Under the Waste Regulations 2011,
you must segregate paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass at source unless it
is technically or economically unfeasible. Under the same regulations, you
should implement the waste hierarchy; reduce, reuse, recycle other recovery and
disposal. By law, you should implement this hierarchy and segregation helps
with recycling in particular.

Waste segregation is included in law because it is much easier to recycle.

Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which
makes it cheaper and better for people and the environment. It is also
important to segregate for public health. In particular, hazardous wastes can
cause long term health problems, so it is very important that they are disposed
of correctly and safely and not mixed in with the normal waste coming out of
your home or office.

Separating wastes:
Dry mixed waste consists of waste that doesn’t decay. It is free of organic
material such as food. It is also known as non-biodegradable waste

Dry mixed recycling helps materials find second lives. For example, glass can
be recycled hundreds of times into new jars and bottles.

URM accepts dry garbage such as:

• Plastic
• Glass
• Metal
• Timber
• Sawdust
• Textiles
• Cardboard and other mixed paper
• Home or office furniture
• Household junk


Wet waste (such as food scraps or cooking oils) is biodegradable. Recycling
diverts food waste from landfill and turns it into compost.

Restaurants, factories and building sites all need efficient wet waste solutions.
Many of them rely on URM to help their business run smoothly.
URM accepts the following wet waste materials:

• Organic food matter

• Cooking fats
• Oil
• Grease
• Hazardous waste
• Other liquid waste produced as a by-product.

Result and Discussions:
During the activity I learnt about how to disposal waste and should make
cleanliness of school, college and surrounding. Children’s are enjoyed all
activities with playing a well motivate game. We are gained more knowledge
and skills from the activity. Every school in the country must have a set of
essential interventions that relate to both technical and human development
aspects of a good Water, Sanitation and hygiene program.

Tips to Reduce Waste and Recycle at your School

1. If there are school supplies or equipment that are not needed or left over
at the end of the year, donate them to a local organization instead of
throwing them away. Work with the families and teachers to make going
“Back to School” greener too.
2. Start a composting program in the school cafeteria to reduce food waste.
Here is some more information on setting up a composting program for
your school cafeteria.
3. Cafeteria kitchens can utilize stainless steel waste compactors in the back
where cooks work to reduce the amount of space that food and kitchen
waste occupies.
4. Pull together a recycling and waste management team. Your school’s
recycling team could consist of a student leader(s), custodian, teacher,
and administration.

5. Educate students and staff about the recycling and waste reduction
program. No matter how small the recycling program is, educating the
students and staff on the
“how” and “why” are vital to its success. This post on 6 Ways to do
Greener Business can apply to schools too.
6. Think paperless. There is much that can be done via email, electronic
documents, and online instead of printing paper hard copies. Staff and
administration should be educated on how making small changes to make
their curriculum paperless can make a big difference in reducing paper
waste and increasing efficiency.
7. Materials such as aluminum, plastics, and cardboard/paper are easy for
schools to collect and bale. Small vertical balers can be utilized by the
school custodial and maintenance crew to bale and store the recyclables
for easier storage and transport.
8. Get to know your local recycling facility, what they accept and how
materials should be sorted. Your school will want to create a long-term
relationship with the local recycling facility as you grow you recycling
9. Invest in waste reduction. As part of your school’s waste reduction plan,
recycling and waste management equipment, such as automatic trash
compactors placed in the high-traffic student areas make waste
management more efficient for custodial staff and reduce the number of
trash pickups.
10.Use special recycling programs for fundraising for the school. There are
many established buy-back and recycling programs that can help to build
teamwork and raise funds.

The Information Notice given to each visited House

Appreciation Letter Given by NCC, SNHS Perla

Permission Letter Given by Enmakaje Panchayath

Permission Letter Given by Kabaka Panchayath

The Feedback Forms Which we collected
From Each Houses
We visited around 50 to 60 Houses nearby localities.

Visiting home and collecting data regarding waste management and giving
awareness about this……

Cleaning Activity with NCC Cadets of S N High School Perla & My Team on
12 Jan 2020. Finally NCC officer F/O Narayana Poojari gave us Refreshment…

yays ms s

Collecting details about Different Waste Management like Bio Compost, Gobbar
Gas Plant, and Vegetable Waste Compost, etc……


“Swatch Bharat” is the campaign started by the government of India for making
India a clean and green country. As a citizen of India is a part of it in making of
clean India do not through any garbage on the roads and keep your surrounding

Public awareness will also be provided about the drawbacks of open

defection and promotion of latrine use for this dedicated ground staff will be
recruited. For proper sanitation use, the mission will aim in changing people’s
attitudes, mind-sets and behaviors.

To keep village clean, solid and liquid waste management will be ensured
through gram panchayats. If “green” detergent is used, then more worms will
service. This is would indicate that “green” products are safer for the
environment. A clean school is crucial to ensure that children and teachers don’t
get sick. Every part of the school should be thoroughly cleaned, and surfaces
need to be wiped down and sanitized on a regular basis. Without a clean
environment, bacteria and other dangerous germs will thrive. Give the students
a special task that they should complete at the end of every learning day.
The importance of cleanliness in school is related to educational success.
A clean school ensures a positive and healthy environment for everyone
involved. Show our school pride with a clean facility that fosters productive
learning and positivity. Work together as a team to ensure that everyone does
their part to make our school a clean and safe place to learn. Teachers’ and
students’ role is very important to create awareness on cleanliness.

We team of Five members visited several houses in the area of Kodippady and
Kabaka by initially taking permission from respective panchayaths. We made
survey regarding Waste Management topic in this area. Its happy to say that many
of the peoples are decomposing their house wastes in a very good manner. Many
of them are made gobber gas plants, bio fertilizers, vegetable waste compost etc.
The panchayath and municipality of respective places come and take up their
wastes and segregate in a good manner . So most of the people are making use of
their wet wastes for their agriculture , vegetable plants ,as the bio fertilizer.

But in some places where we visited there was no facilities from municipality for
segregating wastes. So they are facing difficulties to segregate dry wastes. So we
taken up their reviews and handover to respective authorities so that we solved
their problems. For all houses which we had visited we gave the notice having
details about different ways of waste management and also we took the reviews
from them by asking some of the questions related to it. This survey helped them
to get information about waste management and also we came to know many
techniques or methods that they were carried out for waste management.

In the later days we took place cleaning activities in some of the schools and also
with NCC cadets. We created awareness about waste management. So these all
helped to make a wonderful campaign about waste management among the
society. I am thanking all my teammates and the lectures who had supported for
the success of this activity.



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