Saccharification of Water Hyacinth Biomass by A Combination of Steam Explosion With Enzymatic Technologies For Bioethanol Production
Saccharification of Water Hyacinth Biomass by A Combination of Steam Explosion With Enzymatic Technologies For Bioethanol Production
Saccharification of Water Hyacinth Biomass by A Combination of Steam Explosion With Enzymatic Technologies For Bioethanol Production
Received: 27 April 2020 / Accepted: 4 September 2020 / Published online: 15 September 2020
© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2020
In the present work, bioethanol was produced by sugar fermentation obtained from water hyacinth using a novelty hybrid
method composed of steam explosion and enzymatic hydrolysis, using hydrolytic enzymes produced by solid-state fermen-
tation and water hyacinth as substrate. The highest activity, 42 U for xylanase and 2 U for cellulase per gram of dry matter,
respectively, was obtained. Steam explosion pretreatment was performed at 190 ℃ for 1, 5, and 10 min, using water hya-
cinth sampled from the Maria Lizamba Lagoon, the Arroyo Hondo and the Amapa River. The highest amounts of reducing
sugars of water hyacinth were obtained form the samples from the lagoon (5.4 g/50 g of dry matter) after 10 min of treat-
ment. Steamed biomass was hydrolysed using the enzymes obtained by solid-state fermentation, obtained reducing sugars
(maximum 15.5 g/L); the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis was 0.51 g of reducing sugars per gram of water hyacinth.
Finally, reducing sugars were fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for conversion to ethanol, with the highest ethanol
concentration (7.13 g/L) and an ethanol yield of 0.23 g/g of dry matter.
Keywords Lignocellulosic biomass · Solid-state fermentation · Fermentable sugars · Hydrolytic enzymes · Alcoholic
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challenges in the pretreatment of biomass and in enzy- flasks containing liquid YPD medium (20 g L− 1 of yeast
matic saccharification, especially the sourcing of enzymes extract, 20 g L− 1 of peptone, and 40 g L− 1 of glucose) and
(Aswathy et al. 2010). maintained at 30 ℃ for 24 h; mycelial growth was consid-
Regular ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass ered as inoculum in SSF.
is realised by three major steps: pretreatment to disrupt the Saccharomyces cerevisiae was propagated in culture
recalcitrant structures and to facilitate polysaccharide acces- medium with glucose (50 g L− 1), K2HPO4 (5 g L− 1),
sibility due to the increase of the surface area, enhancing (NH4)2SO4 (2 g L− 1), MgSO4∙7H2O (0.4 g L− 1) and yeast
accessibility for enzymatic attacks in the hydrolysis step. extract (1 g L− 1) and was maintained at 30 ℃ for 36 h. Bio-
Enzymatic hydrolysis is then performed to hydrolyse the mass was used as inoculum for ethanol production. Both
polysaccharides into fermentable sugars, followed by their strains were conserved in distilled water.
fermentation into bioethanol. Hydrothermal pretreatment as
a steam explosion has been used as a promising method to Sampling and collection of water hyacinth
enhance cellulose availability and hemicellulose recovery
without requiring any chemicals; as an environmentally The sampling area for WH (Eichornia crassipes) was
friendly method, it only uses compressed hot water as a sol- defined on the Papaloapan Hydrological Basin reported by
vent and maintains cellulose and hemicellulose availability the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Bio-
for the enzymes, resulting in lower downstream detoxifi- diversity (CONABIO 2016). Samples were obtained from
cation costs compared to other pretreatment techniques the Maria Lizamba Lagoon located at 18° 29′ N 70′’ and 96°
(Batista et al. 2019; Pratto et al. 2020). 01′ 42′’ W, the Amapa River located at 18° 18′ 88′’ N and
The steam explosion has been classified as a green and 96° 18′ 19′’ W, and the Arroyo Hondo River located at 18°
competitive technology as it only contains lignocellulosic 27′ 31′’ N and 96° 20′ 28′’ W.
feedstock and water, preventing corrosion problems and the
formation of neutralisation sludge; this pretreatment has Water hyacinth conditioning
successfully been used in delignification and the removal
of hemicellulose (Ibrahim et al. 2010; Oliveira et al. 2013; Once sampled, WH was washed to remove impurities. Sub-
Martin-Sampedro et al. 2014a), facilitating hemicellulose sequently, leaves, stem, and root were separated, followed
removal and lignin transformation because of the increase by drying in the sun for approximately 60 h at an average
in the surface area for cellulose hydrolysis (Singh et al. temperature of 35 ± 2 ℃. Finally, the dried biomass was cut
2015). Hence, de-lignification can substantially improve into pieces of uniform size (1 cm) and stored until use as a
biomass enzymatic saccharification. Pretreatment of WH via substrate in SSF and steam explosion.
steam explosion is an effective delignification strategy (Das
et al. 2015). Ferro et al. (2015) indicate that pretreatment Solid‑state fermentation
enhances enzymatic accessibility of cellulose and increases
the level of saccharification. In this context, we evaluated the Water hyacinth (from the Maria Lizamba Lagoon) was
steam explosion for subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis using used to support hydrolytic enzyme production (xylanase
hydrolytic enzymes produced by solid-state fermentation and cellulose) in packed bed columns (2.5 cm in diameter
(SSF) for the recovery of fermentable sugars for bioethanol and 20 cm long) with oxygen supply by forced aeration.
production, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Prior to SSF, WH was impregnated (pretreated) with H2SO4
(0.25 M), homogenised and sterilised in an autoclave at
120 ℃ for 15 min. After sterilization, WH was impregnated
Methods with a culture medium containing the following macronu-
trients (g L− 1): glucose (50), KH2PO4 (5), NH4NO3 (5),
Microorganisms and inoculum Urea (2), MgSO4∙7H2O (0.42), CaCl2 (1), NaCl (5) and
peptone (5), as well as 1 mL of micronutrients contain-
Trichoderma harzianum PBLA (Lopez-Ramirez et al. 2018) ing (g/100 mL): F eSO4∙7H20 (0.5), M nSO4∙7H2O (0.61),
was used as inoculum for xylanase and cellulase production ZnSO4∙7H2O (0.1) and C oCl2∙H2O (0.036) (Mekala et al.
by SSF. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used as inoculum 2008). The inoculum was adjusted to 2 × 107 spores/mL at
in alcoholic fermentation. Both strains were provided by 65% of initial moisture (quantified in a gravimetric balance
Plant Pilot of Solid-State Fermentation of the Autonomous Ohaus, Model MB45), and the initial pH value was adjusted
Metropolitan University, Mexico. Trichoderma harzianum at 5.5. Columns were packed with the inoculated mixture,
PBLA was grown in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks with potato oxygen was supplied with water-saturated air at a flow rate
dextrose agar (PDA) (BIOXON, Mexico) for seven days of 50 mL/min, and the packed columns were maintained at
at 30 ℃. Generated spores were inoculated in Erlenmeyer 30 ℃. The concentration of produced CO2 (respirometry)
3 Biotech (2020) 10:432 Page 3 of 9 432
was measured online connecting the outflow air to a gas sugars was monitored using the DNS method (Miller et al.
analyser (Ávila-Cisneros et al. 2014). 1960).
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Fig. 1 Release of reducing
sugars from samples of water
hyacinth pretreated by steam
explosion at 190 ℃ and different
treatment times
(Martin-Sampedro et al. 2014a, b; Ibrahim et al. 2011; and delignified after pretreatment by steam explosion, as
Oliveira et al. 2013) through lignin transformation and can be seen in Fig. 1 (release of fermentable sugars) and
increases the surface area for cellulose hydrolysis (Singh Fig. 2a. Our results were similar to those found by Oliveira
et al. 2015). In our study, WH was obviously hydrolysed et al. (2013), who indicated that the steam explosion
Fig. 2 Effect of steam explosion on lignin present in water hyacinth a Water hyacinth from the Maria Lizamba lagoon pretreated by steam explo-
sion, b Schematic representation of the steam explosion effect on water hyacinth delignification
3 Biotech (2020) 10:432 Page 5 of 9 432
Fig. 5 Profile of C
O2 production rate by T. harzianum PBL4 in SSF
performed in packed bed columns. C1 and C2 were SSF blanks
(without T. harzianum PBL4), and C3 to C6 were SSF columns mon-
Fig. 3 Xylanase production profil by T. harzianum PBL4 during SSF itored over 110 h
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analysis suggests that for the production of the hydrolytic obtained in this work is highly important; according to
enzyme by T. harzianum PBLA in SSF, it is necessary that Zhang et al. (2016), the use of enzymes in the saccharifi-
the maximum rate of CO2 production has been reached; cation of water hyacinth is larger for ethanol production;
approximately after 12 h, maximum xylanase (first maxi- however, when the hydrolytic enzymes were produced by
mum, Fig. 3) and cellulase activity (Fig. 4) will be obtained, SSF from WH (present work), the costs of ethanol produc-
indicating that the SSF must be stopped. Respirometry anal- tion were reduced. Also, the efficiency of saccharification
ysis is a useful tool for the microbial study of physiology and obtained in the present research (0.46 and 0.51) is higher
metabolism (Lopez-Ramirez et al. 2018; Pliego-Sandoval than that obtained when WH was saccharified using acid
et al. 2012; Méndez-González et al. 2020). pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis using com-
mercial enzymes (0.40 g of reducing sugars per g of WH),
Enzymatic hydrolysis of water hyacinth pretreated even when the enzymatic reaction conditions were optimised
with steam explosion (Zhang et al. 2016). The result obtained after 48 h of enzy-
matic hydrolyses corresponds to the theoretical maximum
Lignocellulosic material, such as WH, may provide ferment- of reducing sugars from WH (0.51 g/g) reported by Xia
able sugars for ethanol production. However, recalcitrant et al. (2013). We conclude that the combination of steam
structures of WH biomass are difficult to convert. For that explosion pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis with WH-
reason, it is necessary to use combinations of methods, as produced enzymes is adequate to obtain higher amounts of
described by Singh et al. (2015), especially when enzymes fermentable sugars. The yields after 24 h of enzymatic reac-
are used for cellulose hydrolysis. In this case, pretreatment is tion were similar to those obtained by Satyanagalakshmi
required to make cellulose more accessible to the hydrolytic et al. (2011), who reported 0.48 g/g after 24 h of incubation.
enzymes, facilitating its conversion to glucose (fermentable However, it is important to mention that in the cited works,
sugars). Martín-Sampedro et al. (2014b) indicated that the commercial enzymes for WH hydrolysis were used, and the
steam explosion facilitates enzymatic saccharification, and results obtained by these authors after 48 and 72 h were
for this reason, we used enzymatic hydrolysis as a pretreat- similar to those obtained after 24 h in the present research.
ment method; additionally, hydrolytic enzymes (cellulases In contrast to previous findings, in our study, the efficiency
and xylanases) were produced via SSF using WH as a sub- of enzymatic reaction was superior after 48 h increasing
strate because the specificity by substrates may be greatest. reducing sugars in 5% compared to the results obtained after
Enzymatic hydrolysis of WH from the María Lizamba 24 h of the enzymatic reaction. The yields of reducing sugars
Lagoon pretreated by steam explosion showed that this pro- were lower in our study than in the studies by Aswathy et al.
cess improved enzymatic saccharification, as can be seen in (2010) (0.73 g/g) and Sukumaran et al. (2009) (0.71 g/g),
the enzymatic kinetics shown in Fig. 6. The results indicate who used enzymes produced by SSF, and in Das et al. (2015)
that the maximum reducing sugars were obtained after 48 h (0.567 g/g), who used commercial enzymes. The amount of
of enzymatic reaction (15.5 g/L); however, after 24 h, a level fermentable sugars was higher than that reported in other
of 14.5 g/L of reducing sugars was obtained. The efficiency works, probably because enzyme production using WH as
of enzymatic hydrolysis was 0.46 and 0.51 g of reducing support by SSF increases the specificity for the same sub-
sugars per gram of WH (dry matter) after 24 and 48 h of the strate. This is the first report that used enzymes produced by
enzymatic reaction, respectively. The enzymatic efficiency SSF, using the substrate for saccharification.
Comparing the results on fermentable sugars obtained
from WH saccharified by steam explosion followed by enzy-
matic hydrolysis with those found for other lignocellulosic
material, such as sugar cane bagasse (Bunterngsook et al.
2018; with 0.79 g/g), our results were lower. However, it
should be noted that we used recombinant enzymes; how-
ever, our yield was higher than that reported for saccharified
wheat bran, where a yield of reducing sugars of 0.19 g/g was
obtained (Jiang and Guo 2016). It is important to mention
that the yield of fermentable sugars depends on the recalci-
trant strength of the substrate to be saccharified and on the
amount of fermentable sugars they contain.
On the other hand, as mentioned by Singh et al. (2015)
and Martín-Sampedro et al. (2014b), the steam explosion
Fig. 6 Kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis of Maria Lizamba Lagoon
water hyacinth biomass using xylanases and cellulases produced by improved enzymatic saccharification. After the steam
SSF explosion, cellulose was more accessible to the enzymes.
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interest in the publication. Agblevor FA (2011) Comparison of alkaline pulping with
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