Appendix - 5B Certificate of Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant/Company Secretary (For Issue of Epcg Authorisation)
Appendix - 5B Certificate of Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant/Company Secretary (For Issue of Epcg Authorisation)
Appendix - 5B Certificate of Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant/Company Secretary (For Issue of Epcg Authorisation)
I/We hereby confirm that I/We have examined the prescribed registers and also the relevant records of
M/s.............................................. and hereby certify that:
I. The following documents/ records have been furnished by the applicant firm/company and have
been examined and verified by me/us: -
II. The relevant accounting and financial register(s) as prescribed under different Acts and Rules made
thereunder have been maintained and authenticated under my/our seal and signature.
III. The information given by the applicant firm/company in the ‘Aayaat Niryaat Form’ including details on
(b) foreign exchange earnings/ realization (both from direct and indirect sources)
IV. Neither I, nor any of my/our partners is a partner, director, or an employee of the above-named
entity, its Group companies or its associated concerns.
V. I/We fully understand that any statement made in this certificate, if proved incorrect or false, will
render me/us liable to face any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or
otherwise warranted.
VI. Details of export of same/similar products made during the Preceding 3 years as in Column 10 of
2. US$ Rs.
3. US$ Rs.
The following documents or records mentioned in serial number (I) have not been maintained/ furnished,
examined or verified:-