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Cmos Logic Families For Vlsi Design

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Proceedings of the 9Th ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 827

Military Technical College, 9th International Conference

Kobry El-Kobbah, On Aerospace Sciences &
Cairo, Egypt Aviation Technology





In this paper, the investigation and evaluation of different stateof-the-art CMOS logic
families, currently in use for VLSI design, are performed. These logic families are static
CMOS logic, Pseudo-NMOS logic, Domino logic and Two-phase dynamic logic (TPDL).
The main characteristics of these logic families, which are, power consumption, layout
area and ease of implementation, are analyzed and compared.

For the comparison among the different logic families, three basic logic gates are
implemented using each of these logic families. The implemented gates are an Inverter,
a 2-input NAND, and a 2-input NOR gates. The simulation is performed icing Tanner-
Pro tools for different technologies starting from 1.6 urn to 0.25 um feature size at a
power supply voltage (Vdd) of 5 volts. The technology parameters were extracted and
measured from a fabrication lot by MOSIS SCN16 to SCNO25.


• VLSI design.
• Logic families.
• Static CMOS.
• Pseudo—NMOS.
• Domino logic.

* Asst. Prof., Faculty of Eng., Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
** Egyptian Armed Forces.
*** Ph. D., Arabian Organization for Industrialization, Cairo, Egypt.
Proceedings of the Seh ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 828


Digital VLSI circuit designers always search for logic circuit designs that provide
maximum performance with minimum power consumption and layout area. Here, we
conduct a comparative study of the above-mentioned parameters for both static aid
dynamic CMOS logic families used in VLSI design. The studied static logic families are
Static CMOS logic and Pseudo-NMOS logic. The choice of these two families is due to
their popularity in the advanced electronic design automation (EDA) area. Most of the
EDA tools have their library modules designed in static methodology. They are designed
this way due to their ease and straightforward VLSI implementation techniques. The
studied dynamic logic families are Domino and (TPDL) logic. The choice of these two
families is due to their popularity and efficiency among all dynamic logic families.


2.1. Static CMOS Logic:

The principle of operation of static CMOS logic is to pull down the output to ground
through an N—Logic block and pull it up to Vdd through a RLogic block. Figure (1.a)
shows the circuit diagram of a static CMOS Inverter. When the input is logic "low", the
PMOS transistor is "ON" and the output is charged to Vdd, while the NMOS transistor is
"off". When the input is logic "high", the PMOS transistor is "OFF", and the NMOS
transistor is "ON". In this case, the output is discharged to ground. When the input is not
switching, the output is either low or high. In this case, one of the transistors is "off" while
the other is "ON", thus preventing any currentto flow from Vdd to ground except for the
leakage currents. This reduces the power consumption, which is the basic advantage of
fabricating both N- and P- transistor on the same die.
During switching, when both transistors are in saturation region there is a short circuit
current. This occurs when both NMOS and PMOS devices are "ON" for a short time thus
sinking a lot of current from Vdd to ground. Therefore, the power consumption will
increase with the increase of the switching frequency.
The "hole" mobility (up) for silicon equals 1/3 to 1/2 its electron mobility (u„) so, the use
of the slower PMOS device for output evaluation limits the maximum operating
frequency of the designed circuit. To have equal rise and fall times for the inverter of Fig.
(1.a), a PMOS transistor that is 2 to 3 times wider than the NMOS transistor is used.
Figure (2.a) shows a 2-Input static "NAND" gate that uses four transistors. Implementing
N-input static CMOS gate needs 2N transistors. In the 2Input NAND, two NMOS
transistors are connected in series, which is equivalent to one transistor of double
length. The discharging time through the long NMOS will take two times longer to
discharge the output to ground (W/L ratio is decreased due to doubling of its L) This
doubles the fall time of the output waveform. Similarly, Fig. (3.a) shows a alnput static
"NOR" gate in which 2 PMOS transistors are connected in series. This is equivalent to
one longer transistor, which doubles the "already long" rise time. This enhances the
main disadvantage of static CMOS logic gates. Widening the PMOS transistor will solve
part of this problem at the expense of increased power consumption and layout area M.

Proceedings of the 9th ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 829

Having a wide PMOS increases W/L ratio of the transistor but in the mean time will
increase the MOS capacitance, which will again increase the delay of the circuit.

2.2. Pseudo-NMOS Logic:

Pseudo—NMOS logic uses only one PMOS device as a pull-up device for a multi-
transistor N—Logic block. Therefore, the required number of transistors for an Ninput
gate is an N+1 transistor. The used PMOS device has its gate connected to ground and
is therefore always "ON". When the N-Logic block is "OFF", the output is charged to
Vdd. When the N-block is "ON", a large current can pass from Vdd to ground, causirg
large power consumption, whenever the Nblock is "ON". Device dimensions, for
Pseudo-NMOS, must be carefully chosen in order to allow the output to be discharged
to ground. The PMOS device must be chosen wide enough to conduct a multiple of the
N—block's leakage current when the output is "high", and narrow enough so that the N—
block can still pull down the output safely. Therefore, PseudoNMOS logic is a ratioed
logic. The circuit diagram of a Pseudo-NMOS inverter, NAND and NOR gates is shown
in Fig.(1.b), Fig(2.b) and Fig.(3.b) respectively.
Pseudo-NMOS logic has the advantage of higher speed than static CMOS logic;
especially in large fan-in NOR gates. This is due to the fact that there is only one PMOS
transistor contributing for the output rise time. The overall speed improvement is
substantial, at the cost of a slight increase in power consumption.

2.3. Basic Dynamic Logic:

Dynamic logic circuits use two clocked NMOS and PMOS devices in addition to the main
N-logic block, as shown in Fig. (4.a). Dynamic logic relies on the storage of signal
voltages on parasitic capacitances at certain circuit nodes. Because charge will leak with
time, the circuits need to be periodically refreshed, and thus the presence of a clock with
a certain specified minimum frequency is essential [2]. The output of the N-logic block is
pre-charged to Vdd through the clocked PMOS transistor, and is conditionally
discharged to ground through the clocked NMOS transistor. The use of clocked
transistors prevents direct current flow from Vdd to ground that occurs in both static
CMOS and Pseudo-NMOS logic families. This largely reduces the dynamic power
Dynamic logic has two-phases of operation, a pre-charge phase and an evaluation
phase. In the pre-charge phase (Clock "low"), the output node is charged to Vdd
regardless of input logic levels. Inputs can change only during this phase. At the
completion of the pre-charge phase, the path to Vdd is turned "OFF" while the path to
ground is conditionally turned "ON" by the clocked NMOS device (Clock "high"). During
the evaluation phase, the pre•charged output node either remains high or is pulled down
according to the input logic levels. Since in each phase either the path to Vdd or to
ground is active, the logic levels are not determined by the width and length ratios of the
load and clocked transistors. Therefore, dynamic logic is a non-ratioed logic.
The main drawback of dynamic logic is the need to route the clock signal to every gate
in the circuit, which aggravates the routhg problem and increases the parasitic
capacitances. Another drawback is the need for refreshing with a minimum clock
frequency for correct circuit operation.

Proceedings of the 9m ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 830

A strong limitation of the basic dynamic logic structure that uses only one clock, is the
impossibility of cascading the logic blocks to implement a complex logic function. Figure
(4.b) shows two cascaded singleinput dynamic logic gates. In this case, by the end of
the pre-charge phase, nodes (N1) and (N2) are charged to Vdd. During the evaluation
phase, if input A is high, the output of the first gate, (N1), will start to discharge. Due to
the finite discharge time of CL1, the pre-charged node (N1) will discharge the output
node of the following gate (N2) before the output of the first stage (N1) is correctly
evaluated (i.e. before CL1 is completely discharged). This causes an error logic level for
node (N2) as shown in the timing diagram in fig (4.c). Thus, the basic dynamic logic
blocks can not be cascaded together to perform a more complex function.

Z.4. Domino Logic

Domino logic modifies the basic dynamic structure by adding a static inverter to each
logic gate output. This allows a single clock to precharge and evaluate a cascaded set
of dynamic domino logic blocks without having error logic lards, (which occurs in the
simple dynamic logic). Figure (5.a) shows two cascaded single-input domino logic gates.
The pre-charge phase can be described as follows:
A logic "low" on the CLK input starts the precharge phase.
-Node X1 will be charged "hi41" through Mp1 and CL1.
-Node Y1 will be "low" after a certain delay.
-Node X2 will be charged "high" through Mp2 and CL2.
-Node Y2 will be low" after a certain delay.

A logic "high" on the CLK input ends the precharge phase and starts the evaluation
phase. Assuming input A is high at the beginning of evaluation, CL1 will begin
discharging, pulling X1 down. Meanwhile, the low level at Y1 keeps M2 OFF, and CL2
remains fully charged until X1 falls below the threshold voltage of inverter VI, causing Y1
to go up. When Y1 goes up, it turns M2 ON, causing CL2 to begin to discharge, pulling
X2 low and Y2 high. Obviously, this solves the problem of the basic dynamic circuit
described earlier.
As shown in fig (5.b), output Y1 will make a On01 transition tPul seconds after the rising
edge of the clock. Subsequently, Y2 makes a Oto-1 transition after another tpiji interval.
The propagation of the rising edge through a cascade of gates thus resembles
dominoes falling over in a cascade manner [2]. Domino CMOS logic Ends application in
the design of address decoders in memory chips [2].
The above description shows that during the precharge phase, the output of the first
dynamic gate is high and the inverter output is low. Thus the transistors (or generally the
N-logic blocks) they drive are OFF. During the evaluation phase, the domino logic gate
output can only make a transition from low to high. Consequently, there will be no
switching hazards at any node in the circuit because nodes can make at most a single
transition and then must remain stable until the next precharge phase. In a cascaded
set of logic blocks, each stage evaluates and then causes the next stage to evaluate.
That is why this domino structure is sometimes called "Buffered Domino". The design of
a Domino Inverter, NAND and NOR gates are shown in fig. (1.c), fig. (2.c) and fig. (3.c)

Proceedings of the 9th ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 831

Dynamic domino logic gates have low power consumption because there is no direct
path of current from Vdd to ground except for the static inverter. Since indomino logic
an input signal has to drive only 1 NMOS gate, the load capacitances at the inputs are
much smaller compared to those of static gates. In addition, using a single clock in
domino circuits provides a simple operation and full utilization of the speed of each gate

The main limitation of this dynamic technique is that all of the gates are non-inverting,
meaning that it does not form a complete logic family. Another limitation is that a static
inverter must buffer each gate, meaning that this technique is not completely dynamic

2.5. Two-Phase Dynamic Logic (TPDL)

As shown in Fig (6), this family uses only NMOS transistors in evaluating the output. As
the first stage evaluates its output node (N1), the second stage will be precharging and
vise versa. The two successive blocks are fed from two nor►overlapping clock phases. A
pass gate is used between successive logic blocks to isolate the data stored at the input
of the second block from corruption when the output of the first block is prectarging. The
two clock phases CLK1 and CLK2 are non-overlapped in the logic low level. The main
disadvantage of this family is the use of extra metallization to run the two dock phases
and their complements [5,6].
PMOS transistors are used only for prechaging the output nodes. Also, there is no
direct current path from supply voltage to ground at any time, which eliminates static and
short-circuit power consumption in this logic family. The evaluating transistor block
NMOS can be designed using minimum sim transistors (in most cases) without affecting
the noise margins or the speed. This will reduce both the layout area and the consumed
power. Increasing the sizes of the evaluating transistor block will increase the drive
capability of the circuit, but wil increase the output capacitance which decreases the
maximum operating frequency (trade off). As the number of transistors in the evaluating
transistor block increases, the size of the clocked PMOS needs to be increased to be
able to quickly charge the output node [7].
The detailed operation of the circuit is as follows. When CLK1 is low and CLK2 is high,
the CLK1 stage is precharging its output node N1 through the ON transistor QI. At the
same time, the input data is passed to the N-logic block through tie ON CLK1 pass
gates. The precharged output of this stage is isolated from the inputs of the next CLK2
stage by the next OFF CLK2 pass gate. The CLK2 stage is evaluating the data stored
on the N-logic block inputs (CLK2 is high and Q3 is OFF while Q4 is ON. The evaluated
output is passed to the next CLK1 stage through the ON CLK1 pass gate. When CLK1
is high and CLK2 is low, the CLK2 stage is evaluating the data stored on the input of the
N-logic block. The output (node N1) is fed to the next CLK2 stage though the ON CLK2
pass gate. At the same time, the CLK2 stage is precharging the output which is isolated
from the next CLK1 stage by the OFF CLK1 pass gate. When both CLK1 and CLK2 are
high at the same time (they are non-overlapped in the logic low), both stages (CLK1 and
CLK2) will be evaluating the inputs stored on the Nlogic blocks. The outputs of both
stages will be isolated from the next stage by the OFF pass gates so there is no
corruption of data. The two phases must be norvoverlapped in the low state to prevent
data corruption. If this condition is not satisfied and both phases are low at the same

Proceedings of the Sim ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 832

time, both stages will precharge their output nodes and the precharged outputs will be
passed to the inputs of the next stage. When either CLK1 or CLK2 switches to logic low,
the corresponding stage will start to evaluate the erroneous inputs (precharged outputs
of the previous stages) and give an erroneous output. If any input to a CLK1 stage is
supplied from another circuit (non-TPDL circuit), it has to be stable (unchanging) during
CLK1 logic low. Similarly, if any input to a CLK2 stage is supplied from a non-TPDL
circuit, this input has to be stable during CLK2 logic low. Another condition that must be
satisfied is that CLK1 stage outputs can only be connected to CLK2 stage inputs and
CLK2 stage outputs can only be connected to CLK1 stage inputs [6]. The TPDL inverter,
NAND and NOR gates are shown in fig. (1.d), fig. (2.d) and fig. (3.d) respectively.


3.1. Static CMOS advantages:

- Easy to design and to translate logic function to transistors (for N Inputs we
need 2N transistors).
- Good noise margins (frequency dependent).
- Low static power consumption since transistors are OFF (only dynamic power
during switching).
- Transistor sizing is not a critical issue for correct circuit operation.
Static CMOS disadvantages:
- Increased layout area (for N inputs we need 2N transistors).
- Heavy loading of inputs (Every input has to drive 1NMOS gate and1PMOS).
- PMOS width should be at least twice the NMOS width to get an equal high and
low noise margins (electron mobility is about twice the hole mobility).
- Transistors connected in Series reduce speed especially PMOS transistors.

3.2. Pseudo-NMOS advantages:

- Easy to translate logic to transistors (for N inputs we need N+1 transistors).
- Decreased layout area (for N inputs we need N+1 transistors).
- Lower loading of inputs (Every input has to drive only 1 NMOS gate).
- PMOS is not used for output level evaluation.
Pseudo-NMOS disadvantages:
- Transistor sizing is critical for correct circuit operation.
- Dissipate static power whenever output is low.
- Reduced logic levels hence lower noise immunity.

3.3. Domino logic advantages:

- Only fast NMOS transistors are used for output evaluation
- Low static power consumption
- Non ratioed logic
- Decreased layout area
- Increased operating frequency
Domino logic disadvantages:
- Complex to design

Proceedings of the 9. ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 833

-Not a complete logic family

- Routing problems for the clock signal.

3.4. TPDL logic advantages:

- Only fast NMOS transistors are used for output evaluation
- The lowest power consumption.
- Highest operating frequency.
- Reduced layout area.
- Good Noise margin
- Constitute a complete logic family
-No need for a static inverter
- Non ratioed logic
TPDL logic disadvantages:
-Design Complexity
- Uses two clocks and their complement (routing complexity)
- Need on chip dock generator.


In this paper, the design, analysis and implementation of different experimental CMOS
dynamic logic circuits have been documented. Dynamic logic circuits offer several
advantages over typical static logic circuits. They have a higher speed and lower power
consumption than static logic. The non ratioed nature of dynamic logic reduces its layout
The maximum operating frequency of the implemented circuits in static logic is 800 MHz.
Domino dynamic logic circuits have the smallest layout area. The use of a static inverter
in Domino logic gates increases its power consumption. Also, only noninverting
functions can be implemented using Domino logic. The maximum operating frequency of
the designed Domino logic circuits is 1.2 GHz.
TPDL uses only the fast N-channel transistors in evaluating the logic function. The slow
P-channel transistors are used only to precharge the output nodes. Because of the pass
gates in front of each evaluating circuit, TPDL designs are selflatching and are suitable
for pipelined architectures. Therefore, my circuit can be pipelined to reach the maximum
frequency of operation without adding any storage elements (pipeline registers). The
maximum frequency of the designed TPDL logic circuits is 1.6 GHz.
The basic combinational logic gates (Inverter, NAND gate NOR gate) are designed and
implemented in TPDL and static logic. These gates are used in the design and the
fabrication of more complex circuits. TPDL gates have a maximum operating frequency
of 1.6 GHz, while the static logic gates operate up to 0.8 GHz The power consumption
of TPDL gates is less than one-half that of the static logic gates when powered from the
same power supply and having the same fan-out.
The comparison in performance among all the studied dynamic and static logic families
is completed through the implemented circuits. Figure (7) shows the comparison among
the Static, Pseudo-NMOS, Domino and TPDL Inverters in their power consumption and
maximum operating frequency. While fig. (8) shows the same comparison among the

Proceedings of the 9" ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 834

Static, Pseudo-NMOS, Domino and TPDL NAND gate. Finally, fig (9) shows the same
comparison among the Static, Pseudo-NMOS, Domino and TPDL NOR gate. TPDL
circuits have the highest maximum operating frequency and the lowest power
In addition, the layout area will be about half that of the static logic circuit and about the
same as that of the Domino logic circuits. The power consumption of the TPDL circuits is
less than one-half that of the static logic circuits. TPDL power consumption is
comparable to that of the Domino circuit at low frequency (up to 800 MHz), and about
two third of the Domino beyond this frequency. The main disadvantage of the TPDL
design is that it requires two non•overlapped clock phases and their complements for
proper operation. In addition, routing these four clock phases to all of the circuit
increases the design complexity.


The results presented in this paper show that CMOS TPDL circuits have about double
the operating frequency of static logic circuits performing the samefunction. Also, they
dissipate less than one-half the power consumption compared to static logic when
powered from the same supply voltage. CMOS TPDL circuits have the lowest power
consumption among the studied dynamic logic families. It also have the lowest delay
power product ever reported. CMOS TPDL circuits are the most complex design and
contain many traps for the beginner designer. TPDL is an excellent candidate logic
family for the next generation of high speed, high density and low power processors


[1] Neil Waste and Kamran Eshraghian. "Principles of CMOS VLSI Design" 1993.
[2] A. Sedra and K. Smith "Microelectronic Circuits" 1998.
[3] Khaled Ali Shehata, "Low-power, high-speed dynamic logic families for
complementary Gallium arsenide (CGaAs) fabrication processes" Ph.D. dissertation,
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, September 1996.
[4] Khaled All Shehata, Douglas J. Fouts, "Complementary Gallium Arsenide lovupower,
high-speed dynamic logic circuit design" presentation at workshop on Complementary
Heterostructure FET (CHFET) Technology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November,
[5] Kevin R. Nary and Stephen I. Long "A 1 mW 500 MHz 4bit adder using two-phase
dynamic FET logic gates" IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, pp. 97100, 1992.
[6] Douglas J. Fouts, Khaled Ali Shehata, and Sherif Michael "A Dynamic FourBit Carry
Lookahead Adder for Complementary Gallium Arsenide (CGaAs) Fabrication
Processes" IEEE Circuits and System Conference, Sacramento, pp. 1107-1110, August
[7] Douglas J. Fouts and Khaled Ali Shehata, "Two-Phase Dynamc Logic Circuits for
Gallium Arsenide Complementry HIGFET Fabrication" US Patent # 5926038, July, 1999.

Proceedings of the 9th ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 835


4-0 OUT

,i, ____1

Figure 1.b : Paeutio•NMOS Inverter

Figure 1.c : Domino Inverter Logic Gate


4-1 OUT

Figure 2.b : Pseudo-NMOS NAND Gate

Proceedings of the 9th ASAT Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 836





Figure 2.c : Domino NAND Logic Gate


Figure 24 TPDL NAND Gate



Figure 3.a : 2-Input Static NOR Gate

Figure 3.b : Pseudo-NMOS NOR Gate





Figure 3.e : Domino NOR Logic Gate

10 Figure 34 TPDL NOR Gate
Proceedings of the 911) ASA T Conference, 8-10 May 2001 Paper BT-01 837

Vdd Vdd


Figure 4.b : Two Single-Input Dynamic Logic Cates

Connected in Cascade



52 Eror Lzvel

Figure 4.c : Erroneous Evaluation in Cascaded

Dynamic Logic Gates




TA N Logic


Figure 5.b r Waveforms of Two Cascaded Single
Input Domino Logic Gates During the Evaluation
Phase CLK

Figure 6 : Two Phase Dynamic Logic ( TPDL )


Proceedings of the 9th ASAT Conference, 840 May 2001 Paper BT-01 838

Fisq. (I/4 11 VA 1104 .14 11001 13001

Pseade 1. 1%1 11 4001 101.0
Stsde 1454 111.41 10.4 10.1
Deeeteso 1.10 114.0 01.0 4011 3140/
TPDL 3413 201 $40.41 322111 1.0


5000 44I ■

4000 NAM EI
—P.m (LW Pseudo
•e- Power (uW) Static
WOO -e- Power (uW) Domino

pp i
111,A w-PmeltriAt■ TPDL


Freq. (He)
Figure 7 Inverter (Tech. e, 0.25u)

Few. ow iM 201 20011 0011 NOM 1.11 10024

3, Asada 1031 11011 01.1 0.00 30/1
Stalk 0.0 41.3 00 01 000 10 0
Dodds* 220.0 010 0140 01.1 0/10
7111 1111 100 0113 6.11.0 3,121

Power (uW) Pseudo
-4-Power (4W) Static
-4-Power (uW) Domino
21:00 -0- Power (uW) VOL
Y 1500

Freq. (Ns)
Figure 8 NAND (Tech. e 0

Freq. (li) VA 1 21. 10011 00011 I W. 13001

Amato 3007 I 3000 10710 1.11
Sbws 1124 01.14 00.011 ■243 24
1 Dant.*
0.12 a
I a I 110
030 1.1.4 I
01.1 .w.o. 1
314.41 00402 11.4



-4- P0010 (OM Pseudo
Power (uW) Static
3000 1, -4-Power (uW) Domino
-o- Power (AV TPOL
5, 2000

1 030

Freq. (9s)
Figure 9 • NOR (Tech. e. 0.25u) I


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