ISO - DIS - 11295 - Rehab Classiffication
ISO - DIS - 11295 - Rehab Classiffication
ISO - DIS - 11295 - Rehab Classiffication
ISO/DIS 11295
Contents Page
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Techniques................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Service conditions................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4 Abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Pipeline rehabilitation process.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
6 Investigation and condition assessment of the existing pipeline....................................................................... 6
6.1 Performance criteria........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1.2 Hydraulic requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1.3 Structural requirements............................................................................................................................................. 8
6.1.4 Environmental requirement................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1.5 Operational requirements........................................................................................................................................ 8
6.2 Investigation of performance...................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2.2 Hydraulic investigation............................................................................................................................................ 10
6.2.3 Structural investigation........................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.4 Environmental investigation............................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.5 Operational investigation....................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Condition assessment..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.4 Risk analysis............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.5 Control measures................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
7 Classification and characteristics of rehabilitation techniques........................................................................12
7.1 Classification of renovation techniques.......................................................................................................................... 14
7.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.1.2 Lining with continuous pipes............................................................................................................................. 14
7.1.3 Lining with close-fit pipes..................................................................................................................................... 16
7.1.4 Lining with cured-in-place pipes..................................................................................................................... 20
7.1.5 Lining with discrete pipes..................................................................................................................................... 22
7.1.6 Lining with adhesive-backed hoses............................................................................................................... 25
7.1.7 Lining with spirally-wound pipes................................................................................................................... 27
7.1.8 Lining with pipe segments.................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1.9 Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer......................................................................... 31
7.1.10 Lining with sprayed polymeric materials................................................................................................. 33
7.1.11 Lining with inserted hoses.................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2 Classification of trenchless replacement techniques........................................................................................... 36
7.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.2 Pipe bursting..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.2.3 Pipe removal...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
7.2.4 Horizontal directional drilling — HDD....................................................................................................... 41
7.2.5 Impact moling.................................................................................................................................................................. 44
7.2.6 Pipe jacking........................................................................................................................................................................ 46
8 Selection of rehabilitation techniques.........................................................................................................................................49
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Pipeline system layout.................................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.3 Hydraulic performance.................................................................................................................................................................. 50
8.4 Structural performance................................................................................................................................................................. 51
8.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
8.4.2 Non-pressure pipes..................................................................................................................................................... 51
8.4.3 Pressure pipes.................................................................................................................................................................. 52
8.5 Environmental impact.................................................................................................................................................................... 55
8.6 Construction constraints.............................................................................................................................................................. 56
8.7 Project specification......................................................................................................................................................................... 56
9 Implementation of rehabilitation techniques.....................................................................................................................57
9.1 Preconstruction activities............................................................................................................................................................ 57
9.2 Inspection, storage and handling of the materials on site............................................................................... 58
9.3 Application of rehabilitation technique.......................................................................................................................... 58
9.3.1 Preparatory work.......................................................................................................................................................... 58
9.3.2 Construction...................................................................................................................................................................... 58
9.4 Acceptance control............................................................................................................................................................................ 59
9.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
9.4.2 Inspection............................................................................................................................................................................ 59
9.4.3 Leak tightness testing................................................................................................................................................ 59
9.4.4 Sampling............................................................................................................................................................................... 61
9.5 Completion of the work................................................................................................................................................................. 61
9.5.1 Finishing off the rehabilitation work........................................................................................................... 61
9.5.2 Lateral reinstatement................................................................................................................................................ 61
9.6 Documentation of the process................................................................................................................................................. 61
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following
This document was prepared by ISO/TC 138 Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids,
Subcommittee SC 8, Rehabilitation of pipeline systems.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 11295:2017), which has been technically
revised, to now sequentially cover all steps in process of design of pipeline rehabilitation.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
This edition includes the following significant changes with respect to the previous edition:
— Title is renewed from “Classification and information on design and applications of plastics piping
systems used for renovation and replacement” to “Plastics piping systems used for the rehabilitation of
pipelines — Classification and overview of strategic and operational activities”;
— Clause 5 is new and describes the whole process of pipeline rehabilitation with references to the
other clauses for further details;
— Clause 6 is new and deals with the strategic activities to possibly come to the decision to rehabilitate;
parts of the content of the former Clause 8 are included;
— Clause 7 is a contraction of the former Clauses 5, 6 and 7, with largely unchanged content;
— Clause 8 is new and handles further strategic activities needed to specify the rehabilitation project;
parts of the content of the former Clauses 8 and 9 are included;
— Clause 9 still covers installation aspects but is revised and content on acceptance control is
included now.
Pipeline systems are continuously required to satisfy physical, chemical, biochemical and biological
demands. These demands depend on planning, material, construction, type and period of use.
When pipeline systems become operational, they constitute a valuable asset to the network owner,
requiring adequate management. For general guidelines and requirement on asset management,
ISO 55000[28], ISO 55001[29] and ISO 55002[30] are applicable.
For pipeline systems in particular, proper pipeline system management has to be put in place, including
monitoring the performance of the pipeline system.
For the specific case of pipelines for water supply and wastewater collection, detailed information on
the overall management of the networks is provided by ISO 24516-1[25] and ISO 24516-3[26].
In case a malfunctioning of a pipeline system is recognized, reactive measures initially focus on
improving regular maintenance procedures, including cleaning. In case of deterioration or other serious
defects, more stringent measures to rehabilitate the pipeline become necessary.
Rehabilitation is carried out when there is a need to restore or upgrade the performance of a
pipeline system. Rehabilitation can consist of repair, renovation or replacement. In recent years, the
rehabilitation of pipeline systems has become increasingly important and will continue to be so.
This document provides information on the design process when considering rehabilitation of an
existing pipeline, in order of sequence:
a) investigation and assessment of the deficiencies of current performance of the existing pipeline;
b) determination of viable options, based on performance criteria and process-related factors;
c) specification of the selected type of technique and the required pipe material;
d) the installation;
e) testing the performance.
The techniques used for the renovation and trenchless replacement of existing pipelines are classified
in technique families and the typical characteristics of each is described in general terms.
1 Scope
This document sets out the steps of the overall process of pipeline rehabilitation, comprising:
— Information on strategic activities:
a) Investigation and condition assessment of the existing pipeline;
b) Pipeline rehabilitation planning;
c) Project specification.
— Information on and requirements for operational activities:
d) Application of techniques;
e) Documentation of the design and application process.
Definitions, classification and description of families of renovation and trenchless replacement
techniques are provided, including their areas of application such as underground drainage and
sewerage networks and underground water and gas supply networks.
NOTE 1 The following aspects are not covered by the scope of this document:
— calculation methods to determine, for each viable technique, the characteristics of lining or replacement pipe
material needed to secure the desired performance of the rehabilitated pipeline;
NOTE 2 It is the responsibility of the designer to choose and design the renovation or trenchless replacement
pipeline system.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 1043-1, Plastics — Symbols and abbreviated terms — Part 1: Basic polymers and their special
3.1 General
process, or result of this process, comparing a specified subject matter to relevant references
design working life
assumed period for which a structure or part of it is to be used for its intended purpose with anticipated
repair and maintenance but without renovation or replacement being necessary
biological, chemical, physical or radiological agent in, or condition of water, with the potential to cause
harm to public health
Note 1 to entry: Condition includes quantity.
pipeline system
interconnecting pipe network for the conveyance of fluids
[SOURCE: EN ISO 11298-1:2018-07, 3.1.1]
measures for restoring or upgrading the performance of existing pipeline systems, including renovation
(3.1.6), repair (3.1.7) and replacement (3.1.8)
work incorporating all or part of the original fabric of the pipeline, by means of which its current
performance is improved
rectification of local damage
construction of a new pipeline, on or off the line of an existing pipeline, where the function of the new
pipeline system incorporates that of the old
network extension
new construction off the line of a pipeline or a network with the aim to expand the total capacity of
the network
trenchless replacement
replacement (3.1.8) without opening trenches other than small excavations to provide access for the
particular technique
routine work undertaken to ensure the continuing performance of a pipeline system(3.1.4)
independent pressure pipe liner
liner (3.2.3) capable on its own of resisting without failure all applicable internal loads throughout its
design life
interactive pressure pipe liner
liner (3.2.3) which relies on the existing pipeline for radial support in order to resist without failure all
applicable internal loads throughout its design life
fully structural renovation
use of an independent pressure pipe liner (3.1.12) or a non-pressure pipe liner which is capable of resisting
all external loads and all externally induced post-lining deformations irrespective of the condition of
the existing pipeline
semi-structural renovation
use of an interactive pressure pipe liner (3.1.13) which is capable of long-term hole and gap spanning
at operational pressure or use of an independent pressure pipe liner (3.1.12) which is not capable of
resisting all external loads
flow diversion
temporary isolation of the section of pipeline to be rehabilitated by the use of a temporary bypass or
other means
3.2 Techniques
technique family
grouping of renovation (3.1.6) or trenchless replacement (3.1.10) techniques which are considered to
have common characteristics for standardization purposes
lining pipe
pipe inserted for renovation (3.1.6) purposes
lining pipe (3.2.2) after installation
lining system
lining pipe (3.2.2) and all relevant fittings inserted into an existing pipeline for the purposes of
renovation (3.1.6)
lining with continuous pipes
lining with pipe made continuous prior to insertion, where the diameter of the lining pipe (3.2.2)
remains unchanged
lining with close-fit pipes
lining with a continuous pipe (3.2.5) for which the cross-section is reduced to facilitate installation and
reverted after installation to provide a close fit to the existing pipe
lining with cured-in-place pipes
lining with a flexible tube impregnated with a thermosetting resin, which produces a pipe after resin cure
lining with discrete pipes
lining with short lengths of pipe which are jointed to form a continuous pipe one by one during insertion
lining with adhesive-backed hoses
lining with a reinforced hose which relies on an adhesive bond to the host pipe to provide resistance to
lining with spirally-wound pipes
lining with a profiled strip, spirally wound to form a continuous pipe after installation
lining with sprayed polymeric materials
lining with a sprayed two-part polymeric resin material that forms a continuous pipe after resin cure
lining with inserted hoses
lining with a reinforced hose which is either permanently shaped or re-rounded after installation by
the application of an internal pressure
lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer
lining with a single rigid annulus of structural cementitious grout formed between a plastics layer and
the host pipe, where the plastics layer is permanently anchored in the grout
lining with pipe segments
lining with prefabricated segments bonded to the existing pipe, which either have longitudinal joints
and cover the whole of the pipe circumference, or cover only part of circumference
pipe bursting
on-the-line replacement (3.1.8) method in which an existing pipe is broken by longitudinal splitting or
brittle fracture, using a mechanically applied force from within, where the pipe fragments are forced
into the surrounding ground and a new pipe of the same, smaller or larger diameter, is simultaneously
pulled in
pipe removal
on-the-line replacement (3.1.8) method, in which the existing pipe is removed by pipe eating (3.2.17) or
pipe extraction (3.2.18) and a new pipe is installed
pipe eating
type of pipe removal (3.2.16), where the existing pipe is progressively broken up and removed along
with an annulus of the ground immediately surrounding the existing pipe
pipe extraction
type of pipe removal (3.2.16), where the existing pipe is extracted by pulling or pushing and replaced
with a new one, either simultaneously or as a separate step
horizontal directional drilling
off-the-line trenchless replacement (3.1.10) method in which a pilot bore is drilled using a steerable
drilling head connected to flexible rods and then the bore is enlarged by reamers up to the diameter
required for the pipe or pipes subsequently pulled/pushed into place
impact moling
off-the-line trenchless replacement (3.1.10) method in which pipes are pulled in behind a pneumatic
powered soil displacement hammer
pipe jacking
off-the-line trenchless replacement (3.1.10) method in which pipes are pushed through the ground, and
the soil inside removed either manually, mechanically or using a slurry system
auger boring
type of pipe jacking (3.2.21), where the bore is excavated by a rotating cutting head attached to an
auger which continuously removes the spoil, and the pipeline is pushed independently from the auger
type of pipe jacking (3.2.21) where pipes are pushed behind a steerable, small scale tunnelling machine,
remotely controlled from the surface
grout system
cement-based grout including any fillers, reinforcement or other additives or admixtures, in specified
4 Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the abbreviated terms given in ISO 1043-1 and the following apply.
EP epoxy resin
PE polyethylene
PP polypropylene
PUR polyurethane
A substantial part of this document (Clause 7) is dedicated to the Classification of techniques for
pipeline rehabilitation, both renovation and trenchless replacement, by means of technique families.
Typical characteristics and process related factors are provided for each technique family.
NOTE 1 Guidance on the whole process of integrated management of drains and sewers is presented in
EN 752[41].
6.1.1 General
For every pipeline system certain objectives apply, depending on their intended functionality.
These are the basis for the performance requirements of a pipeline system. The pipeline system
objectives, that impact on the performance requirements of the individual pipeline, shall be identified.
For drinking water distribution networks and wastewater collection networks, detailed guidance and
requirements is provided by ISO 24516-1[25] and ISO 24516-3[26] respectively. The items detailed below
specifically relate to the rehabilitation process of the pipeline systems in these networks, as well as in
gas supply networks.
Pipeline system objectives include at least the following:
— Health and safety;
— Environmental protection;
— Sustainable operation.
Health and safety encompasses (depending on the function of the pipeline):
— Provision of access to safe and good quality drinking water;
— Preventing spread of disease by safe disposal of wastewater;
— Meeting user’s needs and expectations;
NOTE 2 In EN 752[41], ‘performance requirements’ are for the status quo. When any predicted changes in time
are taken into account, they become ‘design criteria’.
6.2.1 General
Prior to the actual investigation, the following basic information about the existing pipeline shall be
a) location;
b) pipe material;
c) actual internal diameter or other non-circular section dimensions;
d) wall thickness (especially in the case of pressure pipelines where interactive lining considered);
e) fluid transported;
f) accessibility and section lengths between access points;
Prior to inspection, in particular in the case of non-pressure drainage and sewerage networks, the
pipelines should be cleaned thoroughly (removing sediments etc.).
NOTE 3 Further information on the investigation and assessment of and other service activities relating
to drinking water and waste water and management of these utilities, is given in ISO 24510[22], ISO 24511[23],
ISO 24512[24], ISO 24516-1[25] and 24516-3[26] and additionally, just for waste water networks by EN 752[41] and
EN 13508-1[36]. Further information on the inspection and leak survey of gas pipeline systems is provided by
EN 12007-1[34] and EN 12007-4[35].
The extent of the structural investigation (either on the complete pipeline system or more selectively)
should take into account the age and location of the pipeline system and the possible effect of any
deficiencies on the environment, including other utility services and buildings.
Environmentally, adjacent water courses, aquifers, local ecology, etc. shall be investigated.
NOTE 2 Further detailed information on risk analysis is provided for non-pressure drainage and sewerage
networks in EN 13508-1[36], EN 14654-2[39], for water supply pipelines in EN 15975-2[40], WHO WSP[53], WIS 4-01-
04[51] and for gas supply pipelines in EN 12007-1[34].
a Outside the scope of this document.
Figure 1 — Renovation and trenchless replacement technique families using plastics pipes
defined in the overall context of rehabilitation of pipeline systems
7.1.1 General
NOTE 2 The application areas covered by existing product standards include underground drainage and
sewerage networks and underground water and gas supply networks.
NOTE 3 The maximum and minimum sizes and lengths listed for technique families are those typical at the
time of publication of this document.
Lining is carried out with pipes made continuous prior to insertion, where the diameter of the lining
pipe remains unchanged (see Figure 2 and Table 1).
NOTE This is often referred to as slip-lining.
1 pulling head
2 lining pipe
3 prior jointing of lining pipe
4 existing pipe
— pressure pipes.
characteristics: — minimum size: 100 mm;
Table 1 (continued)
Feature Description
characteristics: a) pipes manufactured or prior assembled into the continuous length required;
c) surface working space: storage of the whole insertion length required on surface:
g) the annular space can be grouted, e.g. in non-pressure applications, to fix line and
level and/or prevent subsequent movement;
h) live insertion is possible (but excl. drinking water applications for hygiene
— winch or rod puller to pull the lining pipe through the existing pipeline;
— long enough to allow the lining pipe to enter the existing pipeline;
— wide enough for the guidance equipment and pushing equipment if applicable.
— large enough to accommodate the lining pipe nose cone and the winch mast or rod
puller, where applicable.
Lining is carried out with a continuous pipe for which the external dimension is reduced to facilitate
installation and reverted after installation to provide a close fit to the existing pipe.
Methods of lining with close-fit pipes are shown in Figure 3 (Method A), Figure 4 (Method B) and
Table 2.
a) Method A: reduction in the pipe manufacturing plant — the pipe is supplied coiled on a reel from
which it is directly inserted.
b) Method B: reduction on site — the pipe is fed through diameter reduction or folding equipment and
simultaneously inserted.
1 drum trailer 4 pulling head 7 guide pulley
2 pipe guide 5 winch cable 8 bracing
3 lining pipe (folded) 6 winch
NOTE Pipe reverted (unfolded) after insertion by application of heat and/or pressure.
1 pulling head 5 winch or rod pulling device
2 initial lining pipe 6 guide pulley
3 reduced lining pipe 7 bracing cage
4 device for reducing
NOTE Pipe reverted (expanded or unfolded as applicable) after insertion by release of pulling force or
application of pressure.
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — some deviation from nominally circular shape possible;
— minimum size: 100 mm for both Method A and Method B;
Table 2 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation a) lining pipe first reduced in size by mechanical or thermo-mechanical means (in
characteristics: the manufacturing plant or on site), inserted (in the case of PVC-U pre-heating
generally required) and then reverted by relief of installation forces or application
of heat and/or pressure;
b) surface working space: no particular constraint for Method A, storage of the whole
insertion length can be required on surface for Method B (depends on specific
c) access: typically through manhole for Method A, requires local excavation for
Method B;
g) reconnection of laterals:
— guide for entrance of the lining pipe into the existing pipeline;
— a compressor and a steam generator (where applicable), for lining pipe reversion;
— for reducing or folding equipment at the insertion end where reduction or folding is
carried out simultaneously with insertion;
— for Method B, at the insertion end: long enough to allow the lining pipe to enter the
existing pipeline, taking account of the permissible minimum bending radius; wide
enough for the guidance equipment and pushing equipment, if applicable;
— at the receiving end: large enough to accommodate the lining pipe nose cone and
longitudinal retraction during reversion of the lining pipe, if applicable.
a Under development.
b Where reducing is carried out simultaneously with insertion, winching forces can be high, necessitating substantial
anchoring of winch and reducing equipment.
Lining is carried out with a flexible tube impregnated with a thermosetting resin, which produces a
pipe after resin cure [see Figure 5 (Method A), Figure 6 (Method B) and Table 3].
a) Method A: installation by inversion.
b) Method B: installation by winching and subsequent inflation.
1 impregnated lining pipe 4 inversion face
2 applied water head for inversion 5 scaffold tower
3 water reservoir 6 clamping flange or ring
NOTE 1 The equipment used to cure resin on the completion of inversion (e.g. by heating water or injecting
steam) is not shown.
NOTE 2 Other methods, including inversion with air from a pressure vessel, are commonly used for smaller
sizes, e.g. up to DN 600.
1 impregnated lining pipe
2 winch
NOTE The equipment used to inflate and cure lining pipe once winched in place (e.g. air compressor and
steam generator or UV light train) is not shown.
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — circular and non-circular cross-section;
— minimum size: 100 mm;
Table 3 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation a) insertion of the impregnated lining pipe, prior to curing, can be achieved by:
1) inverting into position with pressure only (water or air) or
3) ambient temperature;
h) reconnection of laterals:
Lining is carried out with pipes shorter than the section to be renovated, which are jointed to form
a continuous pipe only during insertion [see Figure 7 (Method A), Figure 8 (Method B), Figure 9
(Method C) and Table 4].
a) Method A: installation by pushing.
b) Method B: installation by pulling.
1 thrust plate 4 pushing guide
2 pushing device 5 existing pipe
3 jointed lining pipe
NOTE The diameter of discrete pipes for insertion is slightly reduced against the existing pipe.
1 winch 4 stock of discrete pipes
2 pulling head 5 existing pipe
3 jointed lining pipe with end load bearing joints 6 re-rounding and pulling head
1 manhole
2 individual discrete pipe being pulled or pushed into place
3 existing pipe
4 pipes already in position
Method C: 800 mm;
— maximum size:
Method C: 4 000 mm;
— maximum length:
Table 4 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — the type of joint is a significant feature of each technique;
— pipe joints can be locked (end load bearing) or unlocked;
— access to the existing pipeline: short pipe lengths can allow insertion from existing
manholes (Methods A and B), but man-entry sizes installed by Method C can
require local excavation;
Lining is carried out with a reinforced hose which relies on an adhesive bond to the host pipe to provide
resistance to collapse (see Figure 10 and Table 5).
1 inversion unit 6 steam exhaust
2 clamping flange 7 steam lance
3 adhesive impregnated textile liner 8 retaining belt
4 inversion face 9 bracing
5 heating unit (steam boiler, compressor, generator)
Table 5 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — insertion of the adhesive-backed hose by inversion with air;
— adhesive cured with heat or at ambient temperature;
Lining is carried out with a profiled strip, spirally wound to form a continuous pipe after installation
[see Figure 11 (Method A1), Figure 12 (Method A2), Figure 13 (Method B) and Table 6].
a) Method A1: installation by fixed diameter winding from the manhole.
b) Method A2: installation by expanded diameter winding from the manhole.
c) Method B: installation by winding of liner from pipe-traversing winding machine.
1 plastics strip to be spirally wound
2 guidance head (where applicable)
3 winding machine in the manhole
4 spirally-wound lining pipe
1 plastics strip to be spirally wound
2 winding machine in the manhole
3 spirally-wound lining pipe temporarily locked at reduced diameter for insertion
4 expanded diameter
1 plastics strip to be spirally wound
2 winding machine in the pipe
3 spirally-wound liner
Table 6 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — lining pipe formed on site by spirally winding a strip, which is jointed and sealed by
characteristics: solvent welding and/or mechanical means;
Lining carried out with prefabricated segments bonded to the existing pipe (see Figure 14 and Table 7),
which have longitudinal joints.
1 lining pipe segments
2 grout
3 longitudinal joints
4 existing pipe
NOTE Partial lining, not covering the whole circumference of the pipeline, is outside the scope of this
— abrasion and chemical resistance: liner pipe material determines abrasion and
chemical resistance.
Installation — jointing by either mechanical interlock or laminate/bonding;
— lining pipe segments prefabricated or shaped in place;
— mechanical link to host pipe using grouting, gluing and/or anchoring is required;
— surface working space minimal at access point, but site storage for segments
Lining is carried out with a single rigid annulus of structural cementitious grout formed between the
host pipe and a plastics inner layer with integral ribs or studs permanently anchored to the grout (see
Figure 15 and Table 8). This technique family relies on the rigid annulus of grout for its structural
1 anchored plastics inner layer 5 anti-flotation spacers
2 grout system x height of anchors
3 existing pipe y minimum thickness of grout above height of anchors
4 spacer (technique dependent)
Figure 15 — Typical wall construction of a lining system with plastics inner layer rigidly
anchored in structural cementitious grout
Different types of internal plastics layers are used by different techniques. In addition to tubes of
studded plastics sheeting winched in place and inflated prior to grouting, these include discrete pipes
of plastics materials installed according to 7.1.5, as well as profiled plastics strips formed into a pipe by
spirally winding according to 7.1.7 or by other means and pipe segments of plastics materials according
to 7.1.8, where structural performance depends on permanent anchorage of the plastics components to
a rigid annulus of cementitious grout.
Table 8 (continued)
Feature Description
Performance: — reduction in capacity dependent on annular space and ratio of diameter to overall
profile height;
Lining is carried out by spraying a layer of a polymeric material typically 3 mm thick or greater onto
the internal surface of the pipeline (see Figure 16 and Table 9). This technique family relies for its
structural performance on the existing pipeline.
1 lined pipe 6 metering pump
2 lining head 7 reservoirs
3 static mixer 8 air compressor and generator
4 base/activator/air supply hose 9 existing pipe with encrustation still to be cleaned and lined
5 hose drum/winch
Derived from the traditionally used spray method using cement mortar, different techniques are in use,
applying polymeric materials.
NOTE The main difference between this technique and the spraying of cement mortar is that the two
components of the polymer lining are mixed with a specific ratio inside the spray nozzle before spraying and a
chemical reaction takes place.
Table 9 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — surface working space is generally minimal;
— service connections generally not blocked provided they are blown through
immediately after lining;
— moisture tolerant but requires host pipe to be taken out of service and drained down;
— CCTV equipment;
— spray unit;
— compressor.
Surface area: — space for cleaning equipment, settling tank, compressor and spray unit at the
insertion end.
Excavation: — access excavations for insertion end and receiving end
Lining with a circular woven reinforced textile which is either permanently restructured to provide
a pipe after installation or inflates when fluid is transported under pressure, without bonding to the
existing pipe (see Figure 17 and Table 10).
1 drum and dispensing unit 4 pulling head
2 hose to be inserted 5 guide roller
3 insertion roller 6 winch
— abrasion and chemical resistance: inside of liner determines abrasion and chemical
Installation — the lining pipe is pulled in by forming it into a U-shape;
— reversion by applying internal pressure (compressed air);
— the liner is not bonded to the existing pipe, but will stay round under depressurized
conditions, provided that it is not subject to external load.
Installation — winch;
— compressor.
Surface areas: — winch at receiving end;
— drums with coiled material and dispensing unit at the insertion end.
Excavation: — access excavation for insertion end and receiving end
7.2.1 General
Replacement pipeline system functions generally include one or more of the following:
a) Utilizing the existing sub-surface space occupied by the existing pipeline structure;
b) upsizing of the existing pipeline structure;
c) installation with minimal disruption of existing customer service;
d) re-alignment of existing pipeline where required.
Replacement technique families within the scope of this document are shown in Figure 1.
This clause establishes a classification of techniques into families, where replacement is applied to
continuous lengths of existing pipeline usually between two or more access points.
Individual techniques shall be classified into families according to 7.2.2 to 7.2.6 where the different
replacement technique families are defined and their respective features, including materials,
applications, as well as geometric, performance and installation characteristics, are described.
NOTE 1 The pipe materials listed in 7.2.2 to reflect the state-of-the-art improvements in the technique
families on the date of publication of this document. Not all technique families/material-combinations are
covered by a product standard. The Bibliography gives relevant available document.
NOTE 2 The application areas covered by existing product standards include underground drainage and
sewerage networks, and underground water and gas supply networks. This document is not applicable to other
possible areas of application of the technique families described.
Replacement is done by bursting or splitting the existing pipe, and displacing it into the surrounding
ground, while simultaneously pulling in a new continuous or discrete pipe, of the same or larger
diameter. A bursting head with a cone with or without fixed blades is generally used for brittle pipe
materials such as clay, grey cast iron or fibre cement, whereas a splitting head with cutting discs is
generally used for non-brittle pipe materials such as ductile iron, steel or plastics. Both types of head
embody an expansion cone to displace the existing burst or split pipe into the surrounding ground and
form a bore for the new pipe [see Figure 18 (Method A), Figure 19 (Method B) and Table 11]. Methods
used are static pipe bursting (Method A) or dynamic pipe bursting (Method B).
NOTE Dynamic pipe bursting creates impact in the surrounding ground with the potential to damage
adjacent infrastructure. For some cases, e.g. large diameter concrete pipes, the bursting forces can be very high.
1 bursting head 4 pulling rig
2 expander cone 5 hydraulic unit
3 jointed lining pipe 6 pipe fragments
1 bursting head/expander and hammer 4 air compressor/hydraulic power unit
2 continuous lining pipe 5 pipe fragments
3 cable winch
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — the technique can also be used with severely deformed nominally circular host pipe
characteristics: cross-sections;
— bends with large radii can be accommodated, subject to pipe size and flexibility of
pulling rods.
Performance: — minimal or no reduction in hydraulic capacity, hydraulic (volumetric and flow)
capacity can be increased;
— for Method A, rod pulling device to propel bursting head through the existing
— for Method B, winch to maintain the alignment of the bursting head through
the existing pipeline;
— bursting/splitting head;
Table 11 (continued)
Feature Description
Surface area: — for the lining pipe string (or coil trailer for smaller diameters) at the insertion end;
— in the case of Method B, for a winch at the receiving end, and an air compressor at
the insertion end.
Excavation: — at the insertion end:
— long enough to allow the lining pipe to enter the existing pipeline, taking account of
the permissible minimum bending radius given by the manufacturer in dependence
of the pipe dimension and the temperature;
— large enough to accommodate the lining pipe nose cone and the winch mast
or rod pulling unit, as applicable. General
Replacement is carried out by destroying the existing pipe, conveying the fragments above ground,
and subsequently installing a new discrete pipe of a same or larger diameter than the existing pipe
[see Figure 20 (Method A), Figure 21 (Method B) and Table 12]. Methods used are pipe eating (Method A)
or pipe extraction (Method B).
Method A uses a microtunnelling machine to break up the existing pipe and an auger or slurry system
to extract the pipe fragments together with the surrounding ground if enlargement is required. New
discrete pipe sections are pushed in behind. The tunnelling machine shield can have an extended guide
running within the old pipe to keep the machine centred, and can incorporate a seal to prevent slurry
going forward.
1 microtunnelling machine 5 auger
2 auger casing 6 target pit
3 driving unit in starting pit 7 spoil skip
4 hydraulic unit 8 auger drive motor
Method B uses a rod puller to pull the old pipe through the ground, removing or bursting old pipe
sections as they arrive at the rod puller, while simultaneously pulling in new pipe. This would typically
be used for pressure pipes, as it allows installation of continuous pipe, and leaves behind no shards of
old pipe. Due to the high friction forces, only a short length of pipe can be extracted between pits.
1 new pipe 5 existing pipe; pulling rod inserted
2 entry pit 6 exit pit
3 pulling head 7 pipe splitting / cracking cone
4 pipe extraction adapter 8 hydraulic rod pulling device
Table 12 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — only discrete pipes can be installed with Method A; with Method B also
characteristics: continuous pipes;
— significant surface space necessary with Method A for pipe eating equipment;
with Method B no constraint for discrete pipe, and for continuous pipe
sufficient storage for the whole part of insertion length;
— with Method B:
— rollers with continuous pipe to support the entire length of the pipe string
(except where pipe is inserted directly from a coil);
— at the receiving end: large enough to retrieve the microtunnelling machine with
Method A and to allow man-entry access with Method B.
Replacement is carried out off the existing pipe-line by using a steerable installation technique
(see Figure 22, Figure 23 and Table 13).
HDD is using a machine in which flexible rods are rotated and pushed, propelling a cutter which is
generally slant headed through the ground. Steering is accomplished by the reaction of the slant head
against the ground when pushed without rotation. Supported by a location device, this enables a pilot
hole to be established to a planned line and grade, after which the hole is enlarged by pulling back a
rotating reamer. Simultaneously or in a separate process the product pipe is pulled into the bore hole.
There are many different types of cutter to enable steering capability to be maintained in difficult
ground conditions such as rock, where a slant head cutter will not work effectively. No steering is done
with reamers.
When drilling, the soil or rock cuttings always need to be removed. As drilling proceeds, this is carried
out from the hole by the drilling fluid that is continually pumped down the drilling rods, serving also to
cool the cutter/reamer, and support the hole to prevent it collapsing.
Figure 22 and 23 schematically show the use of the method started from the surface. However, the
method can also be used started from pits. This pit started method is mainly used for steered house
1 drill rig 5 transmitter housing
2 drill entry pit 6 drill head
3 drill string 7 planned bore path
4 pilot bore 8 drill exit pit
1 drill rig 6 swivel
2 pipe exit pit with mud sump 7 final bore
3 drill string 8 new pipe
4 pilot bore 9 pipe entry pit
5 back reamer
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — circular cross-section;
— minimum size: 50 mm;
— steerable;
c) where required, space for control room and slurry treatment system and
recycling system;
— location device;
— rollers for continuous pipes to support the entire length of the pipe string
(except where pipe is inserted directly from a coil);
Table 13 (continued)
Feature Description
Surface area: — for a drilling machine at the receiving end;
— for the pipe string (or coil trailer for smaller diameters) at the insertion end.
Excavation: — at the insertion end:
— long enough to allow the pipe to enter the ground, taking account of the
permissible minimum bending radius;
Replacement is carried out off the existing pipeline using a percussive soil displacement hammer or
impact mole (see Figure 24 and Table 14).
Impact moling is a technique, generally considered to be non-steerable, using a pneumatic powered
torpedo shaped device, known as a mole. This incorporates a reciprocating internal hammer impacting
on the back of a nose cone which in some cases can move independently of the main body. The friction
between the main body and the ground enables the nose cone to move forward at each hammer blow,
while the length of the main body keeps the mole on line. There are several designs of nose cone, which
claim to give better penetration, or to be less susceptible to being pushed off line by lumps of stone.
Because the excavated material has to be forced out into the surrounding ground, this technique is
confined to small pipe diameters, typically service pipes. The pipe is generally pulled in behind the
mole, or can be pulled back as the mole is reversed out. A pneumatic mole has lubricating oil injected
into the air supply, so in the case of clean water applications, care shall be taken to prevent exhaust
air getting into the pipe being installed; inserting the new pipe by pulling back as the mole is reversed
minimizes this risk.
1 air compressor 4 launching device
2 aiming device 5 impact mole
3 entry pit 6 planned bore path
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — circular cross-section:
— minimum size: 25 mm;
— insertion by pulling;
Table 14 (continued)
Feature Description
Installation — pneumatic hammer, a cylinder with tapered or stepped head;
— air compressor to power the hammer;
— rollers for continuous pipes to support the entire length of the pipe string
(except where pipe is inserted directly from a coil);
— for the pipe string (or coil trailer for smaller diameters) at the insertion end.
Excavation: — at the insertion end:
— long enough to allow the pipe to enter the ground, taking account of the
permissible minimum bending radius, if the pipe is to be pulled in behind
the mole; General
Methods used are auger boring and microtunnelling (see Figure 25, Figure 26 and Table 15).
Replacement is carried out in displaceable ground, generally off the line of the existing pipeline, by
using a non-steerable or a steerable (guided) installation technique.
Replacement is carried out in displaceable ground, generally off the line of the existing pipeline, by
using a non-steerable or a steerable (guided) installation technique.
NOTE Pipe eating (see uses very similar equipment to achieve replacement on the line of the existing
With non-steerable auger boring, a jacking machine pushes discrete pipe sections through the ground,
and drives the cutter head through an auger running inside the pipe. The excavated soil is brought out
by the auger, and discharged into a tub under the machine bed, and as the pipe advances, new pipe
sections and new auger sections are added. If required, the auger sections may incorporate their own
pipe enclosure, so as to prevent the excavated material damaging the internal surface of the new pipe.
With guided auger boring, firstly pilot rods are rotated and jacked through the ground, propelling a
cutting head which is generally slant-faced. Steering is accomplished by the reaction of the slant head
against the ground when pushed without rotation. Supported by a location device, this enables a pilot
hole to be established to a planned line and grade. Once the pilot rods are installed, the pilot bore is
enlarged by casings with an auger continuously removing the soil and guided by the pilot rods. The
product pipes are then installed while pushing the casings out of the ground.
1 cutting head 5 auger
2 auger casing 6 target pit
3 driving unit in starting pit 7 spoil skip
4 hydraulic unit 8 auger drive motor Microtunnelling
Replacement is carried out off the existing pipeline using hydraulic jacks to push discrete pipes through
the ground behind a remotely controlled microtunnel boring machine which is used to excavate soil or
rock to form a bore.
Entry and reception shafts shall be excavated and a thrust wall shall be constructed in the entry shaft
to provide support for the boring machine. The excavation face is supported by applying mechanical or
fluid pressure to balance groundwater and earth pressures. The boring machine is operated remotely
from the surface from where precise grade and alignment are controlled using inline cameras, a laser
target system, and steering jacks. Excavated material is transported from the bore to the entry pit by
either an auger or a slurry system. Where a slurry system is used, slurry tanks are normally provided
on the surface to remove the spoil from the slurry water which is then recycled. The microtunnelling
process is cyclical; after one pipe has been jacked into the bore, the jacks are retracted and another pipe
is lowered into position in the entry shaft and the process repeated.
1 power unit 5 hydraulic jacks
2 microtunnelling machine 6 crane or lifting equipment
3 jacking pipes 7 spoil skip
4 flush-fitting collars 8 spoil auger
— pressure pipes.
Geometric — circular cross-section:
— minimum size: 150 mm;
Table 15 (continued)
Features Description
Installation — surface working space
a) Pipe jacking: Storage for pipe and auger sections, access for spoil, pipe and
auger vehicles.
8.1 General
After the condition assessment and pre-selection of pipeline rehabilitation options (see 6.5), a detailed
analysis and selection of the most appropriate rehabilitation solution shall be performed, where, besides
the typical features of the available technique families (see 7.1, 7.2), the economic considerations (costs
and benefits) shall be taken into account.
From a technical point of view, the condition assessment data shall be used as a basis.
In addition, following design criteria shall be taken into account:
— Pipeline system layout;
— Hydraulic performance;
— Structural performance;
— Environmental impact;
— Construction constraints.
A survey of site conditions relevant to pipeline rehabilitation system selection should generally
determine and record the following:
a) access to existing pipe, including:
— depth of cover;
— surface type above pipeline;
— manhole or excavation;
— available working area at access points;
— traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian;
— proximity of other services;
b) construction constraints, including:
— ground water table;
— section and/or working lengths;
— gradients;
— changes in direction;
— junctions;
— laterals/services;
— provision for continuity of pipeline service;
— availability of water supply where required by the lining process.
Much of this information can be obtained initially from records and plans, but should always be
confirmed by site inspection.
NOTE 2 For pressure applications detailed guidance on hydraulic design is provided by EN 805[42].
8.4.1 General
Plastics pipes used for renovation and trenchless replacement can be required to withstand internal
and/or external loads in service and shall be designed accordingly.
The short-term and long-term effects of installation loads shall also be taken into account. The design
shall include specifying limits for these installation loads.
In addition, the effects of loads, both internal and external, acting on those parts of the new pipe which
are not wholly contained within the existing pipeline structure, e.g. at broken or missing parts of the
existing pipeline, in manholes, at fittings, joints, lateral connections and at entry and exit installation
excavations, shall be considered, where applicable.
NOTE 1 In the case of renovation, loads acting on a liner and the associated response of the plastics lining
system are not generally comparable with those of a flexible pipe buried directly in soil by open excavation. This
is because:
— the lining pipe is installed without disturbing the existing pipe-soil structure, which at least initially continues
to be self-supporting and further limits the potential for transfer of soil load to the liner over time;
— lining system response to internal pressure as well as external loads can be either positively or negatively
influenced by the presence of the existing pipeline, which cannot therefore be ignored, even if severely
NOTE 2 In the case of trenchless replacement, structural design considerations are likely to be dominated by
installation loads and the pressure rating required.
When considering the external loading due to groundwater pressure, the possibilities of short-term
saturation of the ground under storm conditions, or even of flood water standing above ground level,
should be taken into account.
When aggressive or contaminated soils surround the existing pipelines are involved, any corrosion
protection systems shall be restored. Renovation
Plastics pipes used for renovation of non-pressure pipelines generally require independent ring
stiffness to fulfil their structural function.
NOTE 1 Minimum short-term ring stiffness is specified as a function of pipe material in the technique-related
parts of the ISO 11296 series. The minimum short-term ring stiffness for each technique family is intended to
reflect a minimum long-term load capability to resist a sustained water head of 1 m above pipe invert.
NOTE 3 The resistance to buckling under groundwater pressure and/or negative pressure (vacuum) of a
close-fitting liner (or where any annular space is grouted) is significantly enhanced by radial support from the
existing pipeline compared with the resistance of a loose-fitting liner.
NOTE 4 Detailed structural design methods are provided by DWA-A 143-2[50], ASTEE_3R[46] and WRc
Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual[54].
NOTE 5 Information on the full range of dynamic and permanent ground displacements requiring
consideration in design of liners for anti-seismic protection is outside the scope of this document. Replacement
Plastics pipes installed by replacement techniques will generally have a fluid annulus after installation
and therefore may be susceptible to unrestrained hydrostatic buckling in the short to medium term
before natural consolidation of the surrounding soil fills the annular space. After taking this into
account, design for the long term should be carried out as described in
NOTE For replacement techniques, resistance to installation forces is generally the critical consideration in
pipe design. Renovation
Plastics pipes used for renovation of pressure pipelines generally require internal pressure resistance
and ring stiffness to fulfil their structural function. The structural action of pressure pipe liners is
classified as indicated in Table 16.
NOTE 1 Maximum allowable pressure is specified as a function of pipe material in the technique-related parts
of ISO 11297, ISO 11298 and ISO 11299 series.
An independent (Class A) pressure pipe liner is, by definition, capable on its own of resisting, without
failure, all applicable internal loads throughout its design life, without relying on the existing pipeline
for radial support. When tested independently from the host pipe, it should exhibit long-term 50-year
internal pressure strength equal to or greater than the PFA of the rehabilitated pipeline. An independent
pressure pipe liner can be a loose-fitting or close-fitting installation (see 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5).
An interactive (Class B or C) pressure pipe liner is, by definition, not capable on its own of resisting,
without failure, all applicable internal loads throughout its design life, and therefore relies on the
existing pipeline for some measure of radial support. A liner is considered interactive if, when tested
independently from the host pipe, the long-term pressure strength is less than the PFA of the rehabilitated
pipeline. An interactive pressure pipe liner is a close-fitting installation (see 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.6).
The ring stiffness properties of independent and interactive pipe liners should be assessed to determine
their resistance to buckling under the action of external hydrostatic or internal vacuum forces. Liners
should be at least self-supporting when depressurized, but can require additional stiffness enhancement
or incorporate pipe wall adhesion systems to resist specific vacuum loads in service and/or external
groundwater loads applicable during any period that the pipeline is out of service.
Where connections, e.g. ferrules or service taps, are to form part of the renovated pressure pipe at any
time, the design of the lining system, in respect of external loading, should ensure that either
a) the liner does not collapse under conditions of simultaneous maximum groundwater pressure and
negative internal pressure (vacuum), or
b) the design of the connection fitting is such that it maintains full integrity with the liner when
collapsed. Such integrity should apply to both sealing to the liner and mechanical attachment to the
host pipe.
NOTE 3 A close-fitting liner pipe in service remains in radial contact with the wall of the existing pipe and the
consequent interaction between the liner and the host pipe results in the transfer of internal pressure loads onto
the host pipe. The rate of transfer is dependent on the initial liner strain required to close any initial annular gap,
and the stress relaxation properties of the liner material. Pressure loading of the host pipe can be reduced by
appropriate combination of liner strain and relaxation effects though this can be difficult to quantify in practice.
NOTE 4 Self-supporting liners are considered to be more capable of resisting joint and/or ground movements,
as well as external groundwater pressure, than liners which depend entirely on adhesion to the pipe wall to
prevent collapse (see Table 16).
For all liners, whether loose-fitting independent, close-fitting independent or interactive, as defined in
this document, due consideration should be given to any requirements for support of longitudinal and
lateral pressurization forces at bends or other changes of alignment.
Independent and interactive pressure pipe liners shall be classified in accordance with Table 17.
Independent Interactive
Fully structural Semi-structural Non-structural
Lining with
continuous pipes
Lining with
discrete pipes
Lining with close-fit pipes —
This document is
Lining with cured-in-place pipes
not applicable
Lining with adhesive-
backed hoses
— Lining with inserted hoses —
Lining with sprayed
— — —
polymeric materials
NOTE 1 An inserted hose can classify as an independent or an interactive pressure pipe liner, but in either case provides
only semi-structural renovation.
NOTE 2 Dots in illustrations for Classes C and D depict required adhesion.
5) longitudinal loads on both liner and end connectors due to pressurization especially where
liner loose-fitting and/or alignment curved;
c) external loads, including:
1) transferred soil loads, from overburden soil weight and traffic surcharge;
2) ground movements, from differential settlement, frost action and earthquakes;
3) point loads from irregularities of the existing pipeline;
4) thermal loads due to the environment;
5) groundwater pressure and/or negative pressure (vacuum).
NOTE 5 The resistance to buckling under groundwater pressure and/or negative pressure (vacuum) of a
close-fitting liner (or where any annular space is grouted) can be significantly enhanced by radial support from
the existing pipeline compared with the resistance of a loose-fitting liner.
NOTE 6 Information on the full range of dynamic and permanent ground displacements requiring
consideration in design of liners for anti-seismic protection is outside the scope of this document. Replacement
Plastics pipes installed by replacement techniques will generally have a fluid annulus after installation
and therefore should be designed for internal pressure in the same way as a conventionally buried pipe,
neglecting any radial restraint from the embedment.
NOTE For replacement techniques, resistance to installation forces can be the critical consideration in pipe
design for pressure applications dependent upon the combination of operating pressure and installation length.
Some renovation systems use lining pipes which differ from standard pipes in diameter and wall
thickness or which are physically deformed at some stage of the renovation process, for instance, by
reducing or folding. In such cases, the integrity of fittings shall be demonstrated by testing with the
relevant lining pipe and renovation system in the installed condition.
Where the rehabilitation system requires fittings to have full end-load capability, this should be tested
to demonstrate a design life at least equalling that of the rehabilitation system itself.
NOTE Further information on management and control of operational activities with drainage and sewerage
networks is provided by EN 14654-2[39].
Appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the release of toxic gases and odours during the
NOTE 1 With renovation it is recommendable to check the internal diameter along the pipeline length with an
appropriate sizing or proving device.
NOTE 2 An impartial and voluntary Quality Control Scheme has been established by the Danish Construction
Association. The purpose of this Control Scheme is to ensure that contract work performed with the rehabilitation
system approved under the scheme complies with the quality manual of the company and with the declaration of
the rehabilitation system in question.
Any company involved in trenchless pipeline rehabilitation or construction can apply for admission.
In connection with application for admission, the company is required to submit the following
material to the relevant Control Committee for evaluation: a quality manual and a declaration of the
construction system in question.
NOTE 3 Further useful information on the required preconstruction activities is provided by EN 14654-2[39]
for non-pressure drainage and sewer networks, by EN 805[42] and AWWA M28[47] for water supply networks and
by EN 12007-4[35] for gas supply networks.
In accordance with the design, flows shall be isolated. In the case of non-pressure drainage and sewerage
networks this involves blocking upstream discharge or creating a temporary by-pass discharge system.
In the case of water and gas supply pipelines, a temporarily by-pass supply can be involved.
Any ambient weather influences that might affect the functionality of above ground by-passes, such
as hot temperatures and frost conditions, shall be taken into account and where applicable, provisions
shall be made to protect the by-pass system.
In particular in the case of renovation, immediately prior to lining, the existing pipeline system shall be
re-checked and cleaned, e.g. by jetting, pigging or scraping.
9.3.2 Construction
Construction work shall only be executed by competent personnel, respecting the specifications and
instructions provided by the technique system supplier in the installation manual.
Excavation of access points or trenches shall be carried out such that construction personnel can work
safely and no detrimental effects to adjacent structures take place. See 9.1.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to support any adjacent buried apparatus (pipelines, cables) during
and after the construction process.
Inspection of the construction by an appointed supervisor shall ensure that the requirements adopted
in the design are adhered to and that the work is carried out in the agreed time span.
In case, with renovation, hot water is applied with the selected technique, this shall not be released
until its temperature has dropped below 40 °C.
In drainage and sewerage networks, the joints between installed liners and existing chambers shall be
tight to prevent any groundwater infiltration via the annulus between liner and existing pipeline.
9.4.1 General
Appraisal of the quality of construction shall be carried out in line with the project specification (see
8.7). Typically this consists of the two following methods:
— Inspection;
— Leak tightness testing;
— Sampling.
The installed new pipeline system shall meet the test requirements to ensure the integrity of pipes,
joints, and fittings and the fitness for purpose requirements as specified in the product standards.
All tools and equipment used shall be checked and controlled on a regular basis on their functionality
and accuracy, in particular instruments for pressure recording in leak tightness testing. This shall be
documented. Only calibrated measuring instruments shall be used.
The potential for any residues of materials, lubricants or other chemical agents from the installation
process to damage the surrounding environment shall be taken into account.
9.4.2 Inspection
Inspection generally consists of visual inspection, either direct (e.g. in man-entry pipelines) or via CCTV.
In the latter case, a continuous recording shall be made. In case any defects are recorded, these shall
be reported to the network owner, who then shall find a solution with the installer and/or technique
NOTE In addition to visual inspection, a sizing instrument is used to check upon proper installation and to
detect possible inaccuracies such as wrinkling or incomplete reversion when applying a renovation technique or
point load effects when applying a trenchless replacement technique.
Testing gravity pipelines for leak tightness against infiltration and exfiltration shall be done as
prescribed in the project specification, either with air or water. Generally testing shall be done prior to
the reconnection of any lateral connections.
Testing with air pressure is potentially dangerous for personnel and can be destructive for the newly
installed pipeline. This shall be taken into account.
Testing with water shall simulate the situation of a surcharged chamber of max. 5 meter height.
Generally the test pressure results from filling the test section up to the ground level of the downstream
or upstream manhole, as appropriate, with a maximum pressure of 50 kPa (= 0,5 bar approximately
equal to 0,5 m head of water)
NOTE Further detailed information on leaktightness testing for drainage and sewerage networks is
provided in EN 1610[55].
Testing pressure pipelines on their pressure resistance and leak prevention capability shall be done as
described in the project specification, either with air or water. As with non-pressure pipelines, generally
testing shall be done prior to the reconnection of any service connections.
Testing with air or inert gas as a test medium is applied with gas supply pipelines.
Testing with water is regular practice with all other pressurized pipelines. Typically a test pressure of
up to 1.5 times the pipeline working pressure is applied and in some cases up to 1.5 times the pressure
rating of the new pipe.
Filling the pipeline section in question shall be done with the possibility to vent trapped air at the
high points.
Upon reaching the test pressure, a period of time to allow the pipe to stabilize shall be respected.
With plastics pipes, in particular PE pipes, the test pressure causes the pipe to expand due to the
creep characteristics of the material. This results in a drop of pressure and requires adding water to
maintain the required pressure. This expansion of the pipe when load is applied is normal behaviour
for a plastic material and is not an indication of failure.
Temperature variations and their influence on the strength characteristics of the pipe shall be taken
into account too, especially where significant lengths of the new pipe are unprotected and exposed to
external weather conditions.
Upon the successful completion of a test, the remaining pressure in the pipeline should be released
slowly. Tapping points at low points shall enable the water to be removed afterwards.
NOTE 1 Regarding safety, there are dangers involved when high pressures are being employed and the
following information, largely taken from IGN 4-01-03[51], should be considered:
— Forces on end fittings or thrust blocks during testing are high and insecurely anchored ends could lead to the
end caps blowing off;
— Air in the pipeline is compressed during testing and can lead to a massive and sudden release of stored energy;
— Only competent and trained staff who are aware of the risks should be allowed near to any exposed part of
the pipeline when it is under pressure;
— The test area should be cordoned off and a warning notice erected when the test is in progress;
— When a long length of main is under test, staff involved in the test should be in radio / mobile phone contact
at all times;
— Air in the pipeline should be minimised through swabbing and the correct operation of valves.
NOTE 2 With some pipeline renovation techniques it is possible that conventional plastics pipe testing
methodologies do not apply, because of the interaction upon pressurization between the host pipe and the
installed liner.
NOTE 3 Further detailed information on leaktightness testing for water and gas supply networks in EN 805[42],
EN 12007-1[34], DVGW W 400-2[49] and IGN 4-01-03[51].
9.4.4 Sampling
For the purposes of quality control, such as checking liner thickness, samples shall be taken either from
actual installations or from simulated installations.
Where samples shall be taken from actual installations, this shall be done with the least amount of
destruction to the newly installed pipe and any cut sections shall be restored.
The finishing off shall include operations, such as dismantling of the installation system, restoring any
corrosion protection equipment on the host pipe and preparing the ends of the installed pipeline for
subsequent reconnection. The latter shall be carried out as prescribed in the project specification.
When potable water supply pipe lines are involved, before returning the pipeline into service, flushing
and disinfection shall be carried out in accordance with national requirements.
Finally, on completion of backfilling any excavation work, surfaces shall be reinstated as specified in
the project specification.
Reconnection of service lines shall be in accordance with the project specification, and either be done
from the outside via a local excavation or from the inside, making use of a robotic tool (in non-entry
External reconnection requires digging an access pit for each lateral and creating a mechanical
connection between the rehabilitated pipeline and the lateral. Generally this shall be done by hand.
Alternatively, minimum excavation techniques with remote connection techniques may be employed.
Internal reconnection requires tracing the location of the lateral, cutting a dedicated hole and connect
the rehabilitated pipeline to the lateral.
[1] ISO 10467, Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure drainage and sewerage — Glass-
reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin
[2] ISO 10639, Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply — Glass-reinforced
thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated polyester (UP) resin
[3] ISO 11296-1, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and
sewerage networks — Part 1: General
[4] ISO 11296-2, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and
sewerage networks — Part 2: Lining with continuous pipes
[5] ISO 11296-3, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and
sewerage networks — Part 3: Lining with close-fit pipes
[6] ISO 11296-4, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and
sewerage networks — Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes
[7] ISO 11296-7, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground non-pressure drainage and
sewerage networks — Part 7: Lining with spirally-wound pipes
[8] ISO 11297-1, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage
networks under pressure — Part 1: General
[9] ISO 11297-2, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage
networks under pressure — Part 2: Lining with continuous pipes
[10] ISO 11297-3, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage
networks under pressure — Part 3: Lining with close-fit pipes
[11] ISO 11297-4, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground drainage and sewerage
networks under pressure — Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes
[12] ISO 11298-1, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground water supply networks —
Part 1: General
[13] ISO 11298-2, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground water supply networks —
Part 2: Lining with continuous pipes
[14] ISO 11298-3, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground water supply networks —
Part 3: Lining with close-fit pipes
[15] ISO 11298-42), Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground water supply networks —
Part 4: Lining with cured-in-place pipes
[16] ISO 11299-1, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground gas supply networks —
Part 1: General
[17] ISO 11299-2, Plastics piping systems for renovation of underground gas supply networks — Part 2:
Lining with continuous pipes
[18] ISO 16611, Plastics piping systems for drainage and sewerage without pressure — Non-circular
pipes and joints made of glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated
polyester resins (UP) — Dimensions, requirements and tests
2) Under development.
[19] ISO 18672-1, Plastics piping systems for non-pressure drainage and sewerage — Polyester resin
concrete (PRC) — Part 1: Pipes and fittings with flexible joints
[20] ISO 21225-1, Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline
networks — Part 1: Replacement on the line by pipe bursting and pipe extraction
[21] ISO 21225-2, Plastics piping systems for the trenchless replacement of underground pipeline
networks — Part 2: Replacement off the line by horizontal directional drilling and impact moling
[22] ISO 24510, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
assessment and for the improvement of the service to users
[23] ISO 24511, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
[24] ISO 24512, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services
[25] ISO 24516-1, Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems —
Part 1: Drinking water distribution networks
[26] ISO 24516-3, Guidelines for the management of assets of water supply and wastewater systems —
Part 3: Wastewater collection networks
[27] ISO 25780, Plastics piping systems for pressure and non-pressure water supply, irrigation, drainage
or sewerage — Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) systems based on unsaturated
polyester (UP) resin — Pipes with flexible joints intended to be installed using jacking techniques
[28] ISO 55000, Asset management — Overview, principles and terminology
[29] ISO 55001, Asset management — Management systems — Requirements
[30] ISO 55002, Asset management — Management systems — Guidelines for the application of
ISO 55001
[31] ISO/TS 23818-1, Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of
existing pipelines — Part 1: Polyethylene (PE) material
[32] ISO/TS 23818-23), Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of
existing pipelines — Part 2: Resin-fibre composite (RFC) material
[33] ISO/TS 23818-34), Assessment of conformity of plastics piping systems for the rehabilitation of
existing pipelines — Part 3: Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) material
[34] EN 12007-1, Gas infrastructure — Pipelines for maximum operating pressure up to and including
16 bar, Part 1: General functional requirements
[35] EN 12007-4, Gas infrastructure — Pipelines for maximum operating pressure up to and including
16 bar, Part 4: Specific functional requirements for renovation
[36] EN 13508-1, Investigation and assessment of drain and sewer systems outside buildings — Part 1
General requirements
[37] EN 13508-2, Investigation and assessment of drain and sewer systems outside buildings — Part 2
Visual inspection coding system
[38] EN 14654-1, Management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside
buildings — Part 1: Cleaning
3) Under development.
4) Under development.
[39] EN 14654-2, Management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside
buildings— Part 2: Rehabilitation
[40] EN 15975-2, Security of drinking water supply — Guidelines for risk and crisis management —
Part 2: Risk management
[41] EN 752, Drain and sewer systems outside buildings — Sewer system management
[42] EN 805, Water supply — Requirements for systems and components outside buildings
[43] EN 12889, Trenchless construction and testing of drains and sewers
[44] EN 14636-1, Plastics piping systems for non-pressure drainage and sewerage — Polyester
resin concrete (PRC), Part 1: Pipes and fittings with flexible joints
[45] EN 165065), Systems for renovation of drains and sewers — Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics
inner layer (RAPL)
[46] ASTEE (French Scientific and Technical Association for Water and the Environment) 3R2017,
Recommandations pour le dimensionnement de la réhabilitation par chemisage et tubage des
réseaux d’assainissement (in French)
[47] AWWA (American Water Works Association) M28 Rehabilitation of water mains – Manual of
water supply practices
[48] Byggeri Dansk (Danish Construction Association), Quality control scheme for pipeline
rehabilitation (in Danish, with English summary)
[49] DVGW W 400-2 (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water), Technische
Regeln Wasserverteilungs- anlagen (TRWV), Teil 2: Bau und Prüfung (in German)
[50] DWA-A 143-2 (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste), Sanierung von
Entwässerungssystemen außerhalb von Gebäuden - Teil 2: Statische Berechnung zur Sanierung von
Abwasserleitungen und -kanälen mit Lining- und Montageverfahren (in German)
[51] IGN 4-01-03 (UK Water Industry), Guide to pressure testing of pressure pipes and fittings for use by
public water suppliers
[52] UKWIR (UK Water Industry Research Ltd.), Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry
[53] WHO (World Health Organisation), WSP (Water Safety Plan) Manual, Step-by-step risk
management for drinking-water suppliers
[54] WRc (Water Research Centre) Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual
[55] EN 1610, Construction and testing of drains and sewers
5) To be replaced by ISO 11296-9, Plastics piping systems for the renovation of underground non-pressure drainage
and sewerage networks — Part 9: Lining with a rigidly anchored plastics inner layer; under development.