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For comment/vote - Action Due Date: 2021/05/01


ISO/DIS 6183

ISO/TC 21/SC 8 Secretariat: SA

Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2021-03-09 2021-06-01

Fire protection equipment — Carbon dioxide extinguishing

systems for use on premises — Design and installation
Équipement de protection contre l'incendie — Installations fixes d'extinction par dioxyde de carbone
utilisées dans les bâtiments — Conception et installation

ICS: 13.220.10


BEING ACCEPTABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL, This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)
ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)


© ISO 2021
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be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

Contents Page

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Use and limitations............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Uses for carbon dioxide systems.............................................................................................................................................. 4
4.3 Limitations for carbon dioxide systems............................................................................................................................. 5
4.4 Temperature limitations.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Safety................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Hazard to personnel............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Safety precautions................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2.1 Normally occupied and normally unoccupied areas......................................................................... 5
5.2.2 Warning notices for occupiable areas............................................................................................................ 6
5.2.3 Warning notices for unoccupiable areas...................................................................................................... 9
5.3 Electrical hazards............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.4 Electrical earthing.............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.5 Electrostatic discharge................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6 System design........................................................................................................................................................................................................11
6.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1.1 Specifications.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1.2 Working documents.................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Carbon dioxide supply.................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2.1 Quality..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.2.2 Quantity................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2.3 Container arrangement............................................................................................................................................ 13
6.2.4 Storage containers........................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.3 Distribution.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3.2 Piping....................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3.3 Fittings.................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3.4 Pipe and valve support............................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3.5 Valves....................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.6 Nozzles................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Enclosures (total flooding)......................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4.1 Structural strength....................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.4.2 Loss through openings.............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.4.3 Ventilation systems...................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.5 Detection, actuation and control systems..................................................................................................................... 20
6.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.5.2 Shut-down of plant and equipment............................................................................................................... 20
6.5.3 Automatic detection.................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.5.4 Operating devices.......................................................................................................................................................... 20
6.5.5 Control equipment....................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.5.6 Audible alarms and visual indicators........................................................................................................... 22
6.6 Local control (LC) and local control stations (LCS)............................................................................................... 23
7 Carbon dioxide flow and concentration calculations...................................................................................................23
7.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2 System flow calculations.............................................................................................................................................................. 23
7.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
7.2.2 Friction losses.................................................................................................................................................................. 24

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7.2.3 Pressure drop................................................................................................................................................................... 24

7.2.4 Valves and fittings......................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.2.5 As-installed calculations......................................................................................................................................... 24
7.2.6 Specific requirements................................................................................................................................................ 25
7.3 Carbon dioxide concentration requirements............................................................................................................. 25
7.3.1 Flame extinguishment............................................................................................................................................... 25
7.3.2 Inerting................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.4 Total flooding quantity................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.4.2 Design quantity............................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.4.3 KB factor................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
7.5 Design of local application systems.................................................................................................................................... 29
7.5.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
7.5.2 Carbon dioxide requirements............................................................................................................................. 29
7.5.3 Rate by area method................................................................................................................................................... 29
7.5.4 Rate by volume method........................................................................................................................................... 31
7.6 Duration of protection – Total flooding systems..................................................................................................... 33
7.7 System performance........................................................................................................................................................................ 33
7.7.1 Discharge time................................................................................................................................................................. 33
7.7.2 Extended discharge..................................................................................................................................................... 33
8 Commissioning and acceptance..........................................................................................................................................................34
8.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.2 Tests................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
8.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.2.2 Enclosure check.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
8.2.3 Review of mechanical components............................................................................................................... 34
8.2.4 Review of enclosure integrity............................................................................................................................. 35
8.2.5 Review of electrical components..................................................................................................................... 35
8.2.6 Preliminary functional tests................................................................................................................................. 36
8.2.7 System functional operational test................................................................................................................ 37
8.2.8 Remote monitoring operations (if applicable).................................................................................... 37
8.2.9 Control panel primary power source........................................................................................................... 37
8.2.10 Completion of functional tests........................................................................................................................... 37
8.3 Completion certificate and documentation................................................................................................................. 38
9 Inspection, maintenance, testing and training...................................................................................................................38
9.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.2 Inspection.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
9.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.2.2 Container.............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
9.2.3 Hose.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.2.4 Enclosures........................................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.3 Maintenance............................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
9.3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.3.2 User's programme of inspection...................................................................................................................... 39
9.3.3 Service schedule............................................................................................................................................................. 39
9.4 Training....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Annex A (normative) Working Documents..................................................................................................................................................40
Annex B (normative) Carbon dioxide system pipe and orifice size determination...........................................46
Annex D (informative) General information on carbon dioxide............................................................................................55
Annex E (informative) Examples of calculations....................................................................................................................................60
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www​.iso​.org/​directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www​.iso​.org/​patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www​.iso​.org/​
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 21, Equipment for fire protection and
firefighting, Subcommittee SC 8, Gaseous media and firefighting systems using gas.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 6183:1990), together with ISO 5923:1989,
which have been technically revised.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www​.iso​.org/​members​.html.

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This International Standard is intended for use by those concerned with purchasing, designing,
installing, testing, inspecting, approving, operating and maintaining carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguishing
This International Standard applies only to carbon dioxide fixed fire-extinguishing systems in buildings
and other premises on land. Although the general principles could well apply to other uses (e.g. maritime
use), for these other uses additional considerations will almost certainly have to be taken into account
and the application of the requirements given in this International Standard is therefore unlikely to be
fully satisfactory. General information about carbon dioxide as an extinguishing medium is given in
Annex D. This can be useful background information for those unfamiliar with the characteristics of
this medium.
It has been assumed in the preparation of ISO 6183 that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted
to those persons appropriately qualified and experienced in the specification, design, installation,
testing, approval, inspection, operation and maintenance of systems and equipment, for whose guidance
it has been prepared, and who can be expected to exercise a duty of care to avoid unnecessary release
of carbon dioxide. New requirements to minimize the need to release carbon dioxide during testing and
commissioning procedures are included in this edition. These are linked to the inclusion of enclosure
integrity testing.
Carbon dioxide has for many years been a recognized effective medium for the extinction of flammable
liquid fires as well as fires in the presence of electrical and ordinary Class A hazards. Nevertheless,
it ought not be forgotten, in the planning of comprehensive schemes, that there could be hazards for
which this media is not suitable, or that in certain circumstances or situations there can be dangers in
its use requiring special precautions.
The use of carbon dioxide is no longer recommended for total flooding of occupied areas. ISO 14520
provides requirements for other extinguishing agents that can be more appropriately used in these areas.
It is important that the fire protection of a building or plant be considered as a whole. Carbon dioxide
systems form only a part, though an important part, of the available facilities. It cannot be assumed
that their adoption necessarily removes the need to consider supplementary measures, such as the
provision of portable fire extinguishers or other mobile appliances for first aid or emergency use, or to
deal with special hazards.
Advice on these matters can be obtained from the appropriate manufacturer of the carbon dioxide
or the extinguishing system. Information can also be sought from the appropriate fire authority, the
health and safety authorities and insurers. In addition, reference will need to be made, as necessary, to
other national standards and statutory regulations of the particular country.
It is essential that firefighting equipment be carefully maintained to ensure instant readiness when
required. Routine maintenance is liable to be overlooked or given insufficient attention by the owner of
the system. It is, however, neglected at peril to the lives of occupants of the premises and at the risk of
crippling financial loss. The importance of maintenance cannot be too highly emphasized. Inspection
— preferably by a third party — should include an evaluation concluding that the extinguishing system
continues to provide adequate protection for the risk (protected zones as well as state of the art can
change over time).

vi  © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved


Fire protection equipment — Carbon dioxide extinguishing

systems for use on premises — Design and installation

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design,
installation, testing, maintenance and safety of fixed carbon dioxide firefighting systems in buildings,
plant or other structures. It is not applicable to extinguishing systems on ships, in aircraft, on vehicles
and mobile fire appliances, or to below‑ground systems in the mining industry; nor does it apply to
carbon dioxide pre-inerting systems.
Design of systems where unclosable opening(s) exceed a specified area and where the opening(s) can be
subject to the effect of wind is not specified, although general guidance on the procedure to be followed
in such cases is given (see

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 7240-2, Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 2: Fire detection control and indicating equipment
ISO 7240-23, Fire detection and alarm systems — Part 23: Visual alarm devices
ISO 7731, Ergonomics — Danger signals for public and work areas — Auditory danger signals
ISO 8201, Alarm systems — Audible emergency evacuation signal — Requirements
ISO 14520-1:2015, Gaseous fire-extinguishing systems — Physical properties and system design — Part 1:
General requirements
ISO 16003:2008, Components for fire-extinguishing systems using gas— Requirements and test methods —
Container valve assemblies and their actuators; selector valves and their actuators; nozzles; flexible and
rigid connectors; and check valves and non-return valves

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​
acceptable to a relevant authority (3.2)
Note 1 to entry: In determining the acceptability of installations or procedures, equipment or materials, the
authority could base acceptance on compliance with the appropriate standards.

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organization, office or individual responsible for approving equipment, installations or procedures
automatic/manual switch
means of converting the system from automatic to manual actuation
Note 1 to entry: This can be in the form of a manual switch on the control panel or other units, or a personnel
door interlock. In all cases, this changes the actuation mode of the system from automatic and manual to manual
only or vice versa.

air gap between equipment, including piping and nozzles and unenclosed or uninsulated live electrical
components at other than ground potential
deep-seated fire
fire involving solids subject to smouldering
Note 1 to entry: Examples of a deep-seated fire may include baled, stacked or piled materials such as paper, wool
and grain.

design concentration
concentration of carbon dioxide, including a safety factor, required for system design purposes
engineered system
system in which the supply of carbon dioxide is discharged through a system of pipes and nozzles in
which the size of each section of pipe and nozzle orifice has been calculated in accordance with the
requirements of this International Standard
extinguishing concentration
minimum concentration of carbon dioxide required to extinguish a fire involving a particular fuel under
defined experimental conditions excluding any safety factor
fill density
mass of carbon dioxide per unit volume of container
design quantity
mass of carbon dioxide required to achieve the design concentration within the protected volume
volume enclosed by the building elements around the protected enclosure
high‑pressure storage
storage of carbon dioxide in pressure containers at ambient temperatures
hold time
Note 1 to entry: period of time during which a concentration of carbon dioxide greater than the fire extinguishing
concentration is maintained

Note 2 to entry: See 7.6.2

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visual check to give reasonable assurance that the extinguishing system is fully charged and operable
Note 1 to entry: This is done by seeing that the system is in place, that it has not been activated or tampered with,
and that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to prevent operation.

liquid discharge time
time during which predominantly liquid carbon dioxide is present at the nozzle
lock-off device
manually operated shut-off valve installed in the discharge piping downstream of the carbon dioxide
containers, or other type of device that mechanically prevents agent container actuation
Note 1 to entry: The actuation of this device provides an indication of system isolation.

Note 2 to entry: The intent is to prevent the discharge of carbon dioxide into the hazard area when the lock-off
device is activated.

local application system
automatic or manual fire extinguishing system in which a fixed supply of carbon dioxide is
permanentlyconnected to fixed piping with nozzles arranged to discharge the carbon dioxide directly
to a fire occurring in a defined area that has no enclosure surrounding it, or is only partially enclosed,
and that does not produce an extinguishing concentration throughout the entire volume containing the
protected hazard
low‑pressure storage
storage of carbon dioxide in pressure containers at a controlled low temperature, normally −18 °C
to −20 °C
Note 1 to entry: The pressure in this type of storage is approximately 21 bar

Note 1 to entry: thorough check to verify that the extinguishing system will operate as intended

Note 2 to entry: Note 1to entry: It includes a thorough examination and any necessary repair or replacement of
system components.

maximum working pressure
equilibrium pressure within a container at the maximum working temperature
Note 1 to entry: For high‑pressure storage, at the maximum fill density. For a container in transit, the equilibrium
pressure can differ from that in storage within a building.

Note 2 to entry: For low‑pressure storage, the pressure corresponding to the maximum controlled temperature
of −18 °C.

3.21 Occupied and unoccupiable areas

normally occupied area
area intended for occupancy
normally unoccupied area
area not normally occupied by people, but which may be entered occasionally for brief periods

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unoccupiable area
area which cannot be occupied by people due to dimensional or other physical constraints
EXAMPLE Shallow voids and cabinets.

pre-engineered system
System consisting of a supply of extinguishant of specified capacity coupled to pre-calculated pipework
and nozzle arrangement up to maximum permitted limits
Note 1 to entry: No deviation is permitted from the limits specified by the manufacturer or authority.

pre-liquid-vapour flow time
time from the opening of the container or selector valve to the start of predominantly liquid flow at the
most unfavourable nozzle
safety factor
multiplier of the carbon dioxide extinguishing concentration, used to determine minimum design
selector valve
valve installed in the discharge piping downstream of the storage containers, used to direct the carbon
dioxide to the appropriate hazard
Note 1 to entry: It is used where one or more storage containers are arranged to selectively discharge carbon
dioxide to any of several separate hazards.

surface fire
fire involving combustible or flammable liquids, gases and solids not subject to smouldering
total flooding system
system arranged to discharge carbon dioxide into an enclosed space to achieve the appropriate design

4 Use and limitations

4.1 General
The design, installation, service and maintenance of carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems shall be
performed by those competent in fire extinguishing system technology. Maintenance and installation
shall only be done by qualified personnel and companies.

4.2 Uses for carbon dioxide systems

Carbon dioxide, local application, total flooding and manual hose reel fire-extinguishing systems are
useful within the limits of this International Standard in extinguishing fires involving specific hazards
or equipment.
The following are typical of such hazards, but the list is not exhaustive:
a) combustible or flammable liquid and gases;
b) electrical hazards such as transformers, switches, circuit breakers, rotating equipment, and
electronic equipment;

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c) engines utilizing gasoline and other flammable liquid fuels;

d) ordinary combustibles such as paper, wood, and textiles.

4.3 Limitations for carbon dioxide systems

Carbon dioxide cannot extinguish fires involving certain types of materials such as;
a) chemicals containing their own supply of oxygen, such as cellulose nitrate, or
f) metals and chemicals which react with carbon dioxide, e.g. alkali metals and metal hydrides.
While carbon dioxide will not extinguish certain fuels containing their own oxygen of combustion, it
will not react dangerously with these materials or increase their burning rate. Carbon dioxide, if used
in this situation in a total flooding system, will provide protection for adjacent combustibles or can be
successfully used if the reactive metals or hydride are first covered by another material. Examples of
the latter condition are sodium stored or used under kerosene, cellulose nitrate in solution of lacquer
thinner, and magnesium chips covered with heavy oil.

4.4 Temperature limitations

All devices shall be designed for the service they will encounter and shall not be readily rendered
inoperative or susceptible to accidental operation. Devices shall normally be designed to function
properly from −20 °C to +50 °C, or marked to indicate temperature limitations, or in accordance with
manufacturer's specifications, which shall be marked on the name-plate, or (where there is no name-
plate) in the manufacturer's instruction manual.

5 Safety

5.1 Hazard to personnel

The discharge of carbon dioxide in fire-extinguishing concentration creates serious hazards to
personnel, such as suffocation and reduced visibility during and after the discharge period. Hazards to
personnel created by the discharge of carbon dioxide shall be considered in the design of the system.
Carbon dioxide gas is heavier than air and will collect in pits, wells, shaft bottoms or other low-lying
areas, and can migrate into adjacent places outside the protected space. Consideration shall also be
given to places to which the carbon dioxide can migrate or collect in the event of a discharge from a
safety relief device of a storage container.
Conformance with this International Standard does not remove the user's statutory responsibility to
comply with the appropriate safety regulations.
NOTE The safety precautions required by this International Standard do not address toxicological or
physiological effects associated with the products of combustion caused by fire.

5.2 Safety precautions

5.2.1 Normally occupied and normally unoccupied areas

The use of carbon dioxide is not recommended for total flooding of normally occupied and normally
unoccupied areas as long as comparable alternative firefighting methods are available. However, where
carbon dioxide systems are used to protect these areas, they shall be provided with the following.
a) A non-electrical time delay device and an electrical and pneumatic pre discharge alarm that is
distinct from all other alarm signals or other approved combination of devices providing equivalent
level of safety and reliability.

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The pre-discharge alarm shall be audible in all areas within the protected space and, where used,
carbon dioxide powered alarms shall not result in the development of an unsafe atmosphere.
b) Automatic/manual switch, with associated status indication.
c) Lock-off device supervised to indicate a system fault if the valve is more than one eighth closed.
NOTE The purpose of the lock-off device is to physically prevent discharge of carbon dioxide into
the protected space — for example, during maintenance or if safe evacuation is not possible during the
pre‑warning time.

d) Emergency lighting and adequate direction signs for exit routes: continuous visual and audible
alarms at entrances and designated exits inside the protected area and continuous visual alarms
outside the protected area that operate until the protected area has been declared safe.
e) Designated exit doors that are outward swinging, self-closing and able to be opened from the
inside, even when locked from the outside.
f) Appropriate warning and instruction signs (see 5.2.2).
g) Means for prompt natural or forced-draft ventilation of such areas after any discharge of carbon
dioxide. Forced-draft ventilation will often be necessary. Care shall be taken to completely dissipate
hazardous atmospheres, and not just move them to other locations, as carbon dioxide is heavier
than air.
Where it is possible for carbon dioxide gas to collect in pits, wells, shaft bottoms or other low-lying
areas, consideration shall be given to adding an odoriferous substance to the carbon dioxide.
Instructions to, and drills of, all personnel within or in the vicinity of protected areas, including
maintenance or construction personnel who could be brought into the area, shall be given to ensure
their correct actions when the system operates. Following discharge of the system, personnel should
not enter the enclosure until it has been declared as being safe to do so. Additional safety aspects such
as breathing apparatus should be considered.
The need to comply with national regulations or standards requiring other precautions shall be

5.2.2 Warning notices for occupiable areas

Notices shall be provided at the following locations:

a) at all entrances to the protected enclosure (see Figures 1 and 2, and below);
b) at each emergency manual release point (see Figure 3);
c) at each lock-off valve (see Figure 4).
Where a lock-off valve is fitted, the notice illustrated in Figure 2 is complementary to the notice in
Figure 1 and should be located adjacent to it. Alternatively, the text may be incorporated in the same
display notice.
Warning notices shall have black lettering on a yellow background and shall be of a letter size equal to
or greater than that shown in Figures 1 to 5.

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Figure 1 — Typical instruction notice to be displayed at each entry to the protected area or

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Figure 2 — Typical lock-off warning system notice

Figure 3 — Typical instruction notice to be displayed at the manual release

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Figure 4 — Typical lock-off valve notice

5.2.3 Warning notices for unoccupiable areas

For carbon dioxide systems protecting unoccupiable areas, appropriate warning and instruction
signs shall be provided adjacent to access points to the protected space or as specified by national
requirements. An example of a typical notice is shown in Figure 5.
Additional notices may be provided at each emergency manual release point (see Figure 3).

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Figure 5 — Typical warning notice to be displayed at access point to the protected

unoccupiable area

5.3 Electrical hazards

Where exposed electrical conductors are present, clearances no smaller than those given in Table 1
shall be provided, where practicable, between the electrical conductors and all parts of the system able
to be approached during maintenance. Where these clearance distances cannot be achieved, warning
notices shall be provided and a safe system of maintenance work shall be adopted.
The system should be arranged so that all normal operations can be carried out safely by the operator.

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Table 1 — Safety clearances to enable operation, inspection, cleaning, repairs, painting

and normal maintenance work to be carried out
Minimum clearance from any point on or about the permanent equipment
where a person may be required to standa
Maximum rated
voltage To the nearest part not at earth poten-
To the nearest unscreened live conduc-
tial of an insulatorb supporting a live
tor in air (section clearance)
conductor (ground clearance)
kV m M
15 2,6 2,5
33 2,75
44 2,90
66 3,10
88 3,20
110 3,35
132 3,50
165 3,80
220 4,30
275 4,60
a Measured from position of the feet.
b The term insulator includes all forms of insulating supports, such as pedestal and suspension insulators, bushings,
cable sealing ends and the insulating supports of certain types of circuit breaker.

5.4 Electrical earthing

Systems within electrical substations or switch rooms shall be efficiently bonded and earthed to
prevent the metalwork becoming electrically charged or as specified by national requirements.

5.5 Electrostatic discharge

CAUTION — Care should be taken when discharging carbon dioxide into potentially explosive
atmospheres. Electrostatic charging of conductors not bonded to earth can occur during the
discharge of carbon dioxide. These conductors can discharge to other objects with sufficient
energy to initiate an explosion.
The system shall be adequately bonded and earthed to minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge or
as specified by national requirements.

6 System design

6.1 General
This clause sets out the requirements for the design of the extinguishing system.
The need for ancillary systems and components to comply with national regulations or standards shall
be considered.

6.1.1 Specifications

Specifications for carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems shall be prepared under the supervision
of a person fully experienced in the design of such systems and, where appropriate, with the advice of
the authority. The specifications shall include all pertinent items necessary for the proper design of the
system, such as the designation of the authority, variances from the standard to be permitted by the

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authority, design criteria, system sequence of operations, the type and extent of the acceptance testing
to be performed after installation of the system and owner training requirements.

6.1.2 Working documents

Layout and system proposal documents shall be submitted for approval to the authority before
installation or modification begins. The type of documentation required is specified in Annex A.

6.2 Carbon dioxide supply

6.2.1 Quality

The carbon dioxide shall comply with the requirements of Table 2 below.

Table 2 — Requirements for carbon dioxide properties

Property Requirements
Purity, o/o (VI V) min. 99,5
Water content, o/o (m/m) max. 0,015
Oil content, ppm by mass, max. 5
Total sulfur compounds content, expressed as sulfur, 5,0
ppm by mass, max.
NOTE Carbon dioxide obtained by converting dry ice to liquid will not usually comply
with these requirements unless it has been properly processed to remove excess
water and oil.

6.2.2 Quantity The amount of carbon dioxide in the system shall be at least sufficient for the largest single
hazard or group of hazards that are to be protected against simultaneously. If several extinguishing zones are served by one carbon dioxide battery or one container system,
a selector valve shall be provided for each extinguishing zone. Selector valves for container systems shall
open automatically before or at the same time as the operation of the container valves. The determined carbon dioxide quantity required shall be stored so as to be available at all
times and shall not be used for other purposes, including manual hose reels. Additional quantities of carbon dioxide shall be stored in accordance with the following.

a) Low‑pressure systems
1) In order to equalize charge or drain tolerances and gas residues, the quantities of carbon
dioxide to be stored for low-pressure systems as determined for the largest extinguishing zone
shall be increased by at least 10 %.
2) If there is a possibility that liquid carbon dioxide might remain in the piping between storage
container and nozzle pipe system, the carbon dioxide store shall be increased by this remaining
quantity, in addition to the 10 % increase specified in item 1) above.
b) High‑pressure systems
In the case of local application systems, the design quantity of carbon dioxide shall be increased by
40 % to determine nominal container storage capacity, since only the liquid portion of the discharge is

12  © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) In low‑pressure systems, selector valves shall open automatically and close automatically after
discharge of the required quantity of carbon dioxide. Valves shall be equipped so that they can be opened
manually The reserve quantity shall be as many multiples of the main supply as required. The time needed to obtain carbon dioxide for replenishment to restore systems to the operating
conditions shall be considered as a major factor in determining the reserve supply needed. Where uninterrupted protection is required, both the main and reserve supply shall be
permanently connected to the distribution piping and arranged for easy changeover.

6.2.3 Container arrangement General requirements Arrangements shall be made for container and valve assemblies and accessories to be
accessible for inspection, testing and other maintenance when required. Containers shall be adequately mounted and suitably supported according to the systems
installation manual so as to provide for convenient individual servicing of the container and its contents. Containers shall be located as near as is practical to the enclosure they protect, preferably
outside the enclosure. Containers can be located within the enclosure only if sited so as to minimize the
risk of exposure to fire and explosion. Storage containers shall not be located where they will be subjected to severe weather
conditions or to potential damage due to mechanical, chemical, or other causes. Where potentially
damaging exposure or unauthorized interference are likely, suitable enclosures or guards shall be
NOTE 1 Direct or indirect sunlight has the potential to increase the container temperature above that of the
surrounding atmospheric temperature. Pressurised containers shall be stored under the following conditions: - Temperature range – this shall not exceed the manufacturers stated storage temperature
range. If not known, the storage temperate range shall be in the range of 0 degrees C to 50 degrees C. Containers shall not be placed in direct sunlight. If an outdoor sunshade is used, it shall be
verified that it provides shade to the entire surface of the container at all times of the day and year. Storage containers shall not be located where they will be subjected to severe weather
conditions or to potential damage due to mechanical, chemical or other causes. Where potentially
damaging exposure or unauthorized interference are likely, suitable enclosures or guards shall be
provided. Storage containers shall be sheltered from direct exposure to the weather.
NOTE 2 Direct sunlight has the potential to increase the container temperature above that of the surrounding
atmospheric temperature. Arrangement for high-pressure containers

When two or more containers are connected into the same manifold, automatic means (such as check
valves) shall be provided to prevent loss of carbon dioxide from the manifold, if the system is operated,
when any containers are removed for maintenance.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

Containers connected to a common manifold in a system shall be

a) of the same nominal form and capacity,
b) filled with the same nominal mass of carbon dioxide, and
c) interchangeable.

6.2.4 Storage containers General

Containers shall be designed to hold carbon dioxide. The need for containers used in these systems to
be designed and marked to meet the requirements of relevant national standards shall be considered. Marking

Each carbon dioxide container shall have a permanent nameplate or other permanent marking
specifying the carbon dioxide, tare and gross mass.
Containers without a dip tube shall be appropriately marked. High-pressure containers

Fill density shall be appropriate for the maximum ambient temperatures listed in Table 2.
The need for the container and valve assembly to be fitted with a pressure relief device that complies
with national regulations or standards shall be considered.

Table 3 — Maximum storage temperature

Fill density Maximum ambient temper- Maximum working pressure
For closed pipe sections
kg/l °C bar
0,75 40 140
0,68 49 140
0,55 65 140
NOTE: If it is likely that the ambient storage temperature will be below 0 °C, then special measures (e.g.
insulation, addition of a permanent gas) might have to be taken in order to comply with the discharge times
given in Table 6. Low-pressure containers The container shall be designed to maintain carbon dioxide at a nominal temperature of –18
°C, corresponding to a pressure of 20.7 bar. A device shall be provided to indicate the carbon dioxide
content in the vessel.
NOTE : For this purpose, the vessel may be placed on a weighing machine or be equipped with an automatic
content’s indicator. Where electrically operated indicators are provided, a monitored system should be used.
Consideration should be given to the provision of alarm contacts on the contents gauge or weighing machine to
give audible warning that it is necessary to recharge the vessel. The container shall be fitted with a pressure gauge and a safety valve. An automatic refrigerating system shall ensure that the temperature and pressure of carbon
dioxide are kept within the required limits.

14  © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved

ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) On low-pressure containers, an over-pressure alarm shall be provided which will sound prior
to the operation of the safety valves. The container shall have sufficient insulation to limit the loss of carbon dioxide to not more
than 1,5 % (at 3 t to 6 t charge), not more than 0,8 % (over 6 t to 10 t charge) and not more than 0,5 %
(over 10 t charge) in 24 h in the event of a failure of the refrigerating system at the highest expected
ambient temperature. Any loss of more than 10 % of the carbon dioxide in any container shall be automatically
indicated. Each low pressure container shall be equipped with a liquid level gauge or a weighing device
and a high /low pressure supervisory alarm set to alarm at least 0,1MPa (1 bar) below the vessel's design
maximum allowable working pressure and not less than 1,724 MPa (17,24bar). Insulation materials shall be fitted with metal sheeting to avoid mechanical damage. Care shall be taken during filling to ensure the correct mass of carbon dioxide is stored.
NOTE : The low-pressure container manufacturer’s filling procedures should be observed. Operating temperatures

Unless otherwise approved, in-service container operating temperatures shall not exceed 50 °C; nor
shall they be less than -20 °C. (See also 7.2.1.)
External heating or cooling should be used to keep the temperature of the storage container within
the specified range unless the system is designed for proper operation with operating temperatures
outside this range.

6.3 Distribution

6.3.1 General Pipework and fittings shall be non-combustible and shall be able to withstand the expected
pressures and temperatures without damage. The need for pipework and fittings to comply with national
regulations or standards shall be considered.
NOTE The attention of the designer is drawn to the potential of moisture condensing in the system pipework,
resulting in corrosion.

The materials of construction of all components shall be mutually compatible as well as being
compatible with all fixings and the extinguishing agent used. Before final assembly, pipework and fittings shall be visually inspected to ensure they are clean
and free of burrs and rust, and that no foreign matter is inside, and the full bore is clear. After assembly,
the system shall be thoroughly blown through with dry air or other compressed gas.

A dirt trap consisting of a tee with a capped nipple, at least 50 mm long, shall be installed at the end of
each nozzle pipe run. Drain traps protected against interference by unauthorized personnel should be
fitted at the lowest points in the pipework system if there is any possibility of a build-up of water. In systems where valve arrangements introduce sections of closed piping, such sections shall
be equipped with the following:

a) indication of carbon dioxide trapped in piping;

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b) means for safe manual venting (see;

c) automatic relief of over pressures, where required. Over-pressure relief devices shall be designed to operate at a pressure not greater than the
maximum working pressure of the pipework. Pressure relief devices shall be fitted so that the discharge, in the event of operation, will not
injure or endanger personnel. The carbon dioxide shall be vented to atmosphere in a safe location. In systems using pressure-operated container valves, automatic means shall be provided to
vent any container leakage that could build up pressure in the pilot system and cause unwanted opening
of the container valve. The means of pressure venting shall not prevent operation of the container valve. The manifolds to the container and valve assembly shall be hydrostatically tested by the
manufacturer to a minimum pressure of 1,5 times maximum working pressure for 2 min, or according
to national regulations or standards, where mandatory. The manifolds shall withstand the hydrostatic
pressure without leakage or rupture. Adequate protection shall be given to pipes, fittings or support brackets and steelwork that are
likely to be affected by corrosion. Special corrosion-resistant materials or coatings shall be used in highly
corrosive atmospheres.

6.3.2 Piping Piping shall be of non-combustible material having physical and chemical characteristics
such that its integrity under stress can be predicted with reliability. The need for the thickness of the
pipe wall to be calculated in accordance with national regulations or standards shall be considered. If
higher operating temperatures are approved for a given system, the design pressure shall be adjusted
to the developed pressure at maximum temperature. In performing this calculation, all joint factors and
threading, grooving or welding allowances shall be taken into account. If selector valves are used, this
lower maximum working pressure shall not be used upstream of the selector valves. Cast iron and non-metallic pipes shall not be used. Flexible tubing or hoses (including connections) shall be of approved materials and shall be
suitable for service at the anticipated carbon dioxide pressure and maximum and minimum temperatures. Piping for low-pressure systems shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 4 MPa
(40 bar). Closed sections of high-pressure systems piping shall be capable of withstanding test pressures
of 21.0 MPa (210 bar). All other sections of pipework for high-pressure systems shall be capable of
withstanding a test pressure of 9.0 MPa (90 bar).

6.3.3 Fittings Fittings shall have a minimum rated working pressure greater than or equal to the piping
design pressure. Cast iron fittings, other than ductile or malleable cast iron, shall not be used. Welding and brazing alloys shall have a melting point above 500 °C.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) The need for welding to be performed in accordance with national regulations or standards
shall be considered. Where copper, stainless steel, or other suitable tubing is joined with compression fittings, the
manufacturer's pressure/temperature ratings of the fitting shall not be exceeded, and care shall be taken
to ensure the integrity of the assembly.

6.3.4 Pipe and valve support

Pipe and valve support shall be of non-combustible material, shall be suitable for the expected
temperature and shall be able to withstand the dynamic and static forces involved.
Due allowance shall be made for the stresses induced in the pipework by temperature variations.
Adequate environmental protection shall be given to supports and associated steelwork. The distance
between pipe supports shall be as specified in Table 4.
Adequate support shall be provided for nozzles and their reactive forces such that in no case shall the
distance from the last support be greater than the following:
a) ≤ 25 mm pipe ≤ 100 mm;
b) > 25 mm pipe ≤ 250 mm.
Movement of pipework caused by temperature fluctuations arising from the environment or the
discharge of carbon dioxide could be considerable, particularly over long lengths, and should be
considered in the support fixing methods.

Table 4 — Maximum pipework spans

Nominal diameter of pipe Maximum pipework span
DN m
6 0,5
10 1,0
15 1,5
20 1,8
25 2,1
32 2,4
40 2,7
50 3,4
65 3,5
80 3,7
100 4,3
125 4,8
150 5,2
200 5,8

6.3.5 Valves All valves, gaskets, O-rings, sealants and other valve components shall be constructed of
materials that are compatible with carbon dioxide and shall be suitable for the envisaged pressures and
temperatures. Valves shall be protected against mechanical, chemical or other damage. Corrosion-resistant materials or coatings shall be used in corrosive atmospheres.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) Valves shall be of approved materials and shall be suitable for service at the anticipated carbon
dioxide pressure and maximum and minimum temperatures according to ISO 16003.

6.3.6 Nozzles Nozzle choice and location Nozzles, including nozzles directly attached to containers, shall be approved and shall be
located with the geometry of the enclosure taken into consideration.

The type number and placement of nozzles shall be such that

a) the design concentration is achieved in all parts of the enclosure, or as otherwise approved,
b) the discharge does not unduly splash flammable liquids or create dust clouds that might extend the
fire, create an explosion or otherwise adversely affect the occupants, and
c) the velocity of discharge does not adversely affect the enclosure or its contents. Where clogging by foreign materials is possible, the discharge nozzles shall be provided with
frangible discs or blow-out caps. These devices shall provide an unobstructed opening upon system
operation and shall be designed and arranged so that they will not injure personnel. Nozzles shall be suitable for the intended use and shall be approved for discharge
characteristics, including area coverage and height limitations.

For total flooding systems nozzles are typically located within 300 mm of the top of the room. For
rooms of a height from 5 m to 10 m, additional nozzles should be provided at a level of approximately
one-third of the room height.
For rooms exceeding 10 m height, additional nozzles should be installed at a level of one-third and two-
thirds of the room height. Nozzles shall be of adequate strength for use with the expected working pressures; they shall
be able to resist nominal mechanical abuse and shall be constructed to withstand expected temperatures
without deformation. Nozzle discharge orifice inserts shall be of corrosion-resistant material. The cross-sections of the openings of the nozzles shall be calculated in accordance with
Annex B, or any other approved method, with a minimum pressure at the entrance to the nozzles of 1,4
MPa (14 bar) for high pressure systems and 1 MPa (10 bar) for low-pressure systems. Local application system nozzles shall be designed and installed so as to direct carbon
dioxide on to the object to be protected without dispersing burning material and shall be connected and
supported so that they cannot readily be put out of adjustment. Nozzles in ceiling tiles

In order to minimize the possibility of lifting or displacement of lightweight ceiling tiles, precautions
shall be taken to securely anchor tiles for a minimum distance of 1,5 m from each discharge nozzle.
NOTE The discharge velocities created by the design of nozzles can be a factor in the displacement of
ceiling tiles.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) Marking

Discharge nozzles shall be permanently marked to identify the manufacturer and size of the orifice.

6.4 Enclosures (total flooding)

6.4.1 Structural strength

Automatic pressure relief shall be provided at the highest point of any room which is tightly closed,
and which would otherwise be subjected to a dangerous increase of pressure when carbon dioxide is
The protected enclosure shall have sufficient structural strength and integrity to contain the carbon
dioxide discharge. Venting shall be provided to prevent excessive over-pressurization of the enclosure.
For very tight enclosures, the necessary area of free venting shall be calculated from Equation (1):
X = (1)


X is the free venting area, in square millimetres;

Q is the calculated carbon dioxide flow rate, in kilograms per minute;

P is the allowable strength of enclosure, in kilopascals.

Pressure relief devices shall be open only in the case of overpressure in the enclosure. They shall close
automatically when the excess pressure has decreased.

6.4.2 Loss through openings To prevent loss of carbon dioxide through openings to adjacent hazards or work areas, openings
shall be permanently sealed or equipped with automatic closures. Openings are not permitted when a hold time is required, unless additional carbon dioxide is
applied to maintain the required concentration during the specified hold time period. For deep-seated fires unclosable openings shall be restricted to those bordering, or actually in,
the ceiling. To prevent fire from spreading through openings to adjacent hazards or work areas that can be
possible re-ignition sources, such openings shall be provided with automatic closures or local application
nozzles. The quantity of carbon dioxide required for such protection shall be in addition to the normal
requirement for total flooding.

6.4.3 Ventilation systems

Forced-air ventilation systems shall be shut down or closed automatically where their continued
operation would adversely affect the performance of the fire-extinguishing system or result in
propagation of the fire. Ventilation systems necessary to ensure safety are not required to be shut
down upon system activation. An extended carbon dioxide discharge shall be provided to maintain the
design concentration for the required duration of protection. The volumes of both ventilated air and the
ventilation system ductwork shall be considered as part of the total hazard volume when determining
carbon dioxide quantities.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

6.5 Detection, actuation and control systems

6.5.1 General

Detection, actuation and control systems may be either automatic or manual. Where they are automatic,
provision shall also be made for manual operation.
The need for detection, actuation, alarm and control systems to be installed, tested and maintained in
accordance with national regulations and standards shall be considered.
Unless otherwise specified in mandatory national regulations or standards, 24 h minimum standby
sources of energy shall be used to provide for operation of the detection, signalling, control and
actuation requirements of the system.

6.5.2 Shut-down of plant and equipment

All services within the protected hazard (e.g. fuel and power supplies, heating appliances, paint
spraying) that are likely to impair the performance of the extinguishing system shall be shut down
prior to, or simultaneously with, the discharge of the carbon dioxide.

6.5.3 Automatic detection

Automatic detection shall be by any method or device acceptable to the authority and shall be capable
of early detection and indication of heat, flame, smoke, combustible vapours, or any abnormal condition
in the hazard that is likely to produce fire.
Where the detection system is configured for dual detection (coincidence) operation for extinguishing
agent release, the dual detectors shall be located to provide not more than half the area coverage as
specified in the relevant part of ISO 7240 for that type of detector.
NOTE Detectors installed at the maximum approved spacing for fire alarm use can result in excessive delay
in carbon dioxide release, especially where more than one detection device is required to be in alarm before
automatic actuation results. Additional consideration should be given to detector spacing for areas with high

6.5.4 Operating devices General

Unless otherwise specified by the authority having jurisdiction, operating devices shall cause the
simultaneous opening of all the container valves connected to a manifold for one extinguishing zone.
If several extinguishing zones are served by one carbon dioxide battery or one container system, a
selector valve shall be provided for each extinguishing zone.
Selector valves for container systems shall open automatically before or at the same time as the
operation of the container valves. Automatic operation

Automatic systems shall be controlled by automatic fire detection and actuation systems suitable for
the system and hazard and shall also be provided with a means of manual operation.
Automatic systems shall perform all functions necessary for the successful operation of the system,
including time delay and ancillary functions (for example equipment shut-down, damper closure and
fuel shut-off). All ancillary equipment shall incorporate manual reset facilities.
Where electrically operated fire detection systems are used, these shall be approved. The electric
power supply shall be independent of the supply for the hazard area and shall include an emergency
secondary power supply with automatic changeover in case the primary supply fails.

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When two or more detectors are used, such as those for detecting smoke or flame, it is preferable for
the system to operate only after signals from two detectors have been received. Manual operation

Provision shall be made for manual operation of the firefighting system by means of a control situated
outside the protected space or adjacent to the main exit from the space.
In addition to any means of automatic operation, the system shall be provided with the following:
(a) one or more means, remote from the containers, of manual operation; and
(b) a manual device for providing direct mechanical actuation of the system and an electrical manual
release system in which the control equipment monitors for abnormal conditions in the power
supply and provides a signal when the power source is inadequate.
Manual operation shall cause simultaneous operation of the appropriate automatically operated valves
for extinguishant release and distribution.
NOTE National standards may not require a manual release, or may require the release to operate via the
pre-discharge alarms and time delay.

The manual operation device shall incorporate a double action or other safety device to restrict
accidental operation. The device shall be provided with a means of preventing operation during
maintenance of the system.
NOTE The choice of the means of operation will depend upon the nature of the hazard to be protected.
Automatic fire detection and alarm equipment will normally be provided on a manual system to indicate the
presence of a fire. Pilot operation

Where gas pressure from pilot containers is used as a means of releasing the remaining containers, the
supply and discharge rate shall be designed to release all of the remaining containers simultaneously,
and the pilot gas supply shall be continuously monitored and a fault alarm given in the event of pressure
loss that would not permit release.

6.5.5 Control equipment Electric control equipment

Electric control equipment shall be used to supervise the detecting circuits, manual and automatic
releasing circuits, signalling circuits, electrical actuating devices, lock-off devices and associated
wiring and, when required, cause actuation. The control equipment shall be capable of operation with
the number and type of actuating devices utilized.
Control and indicating equipment (c.i.e.) shall comply with this standard and ISO 7240.2. Specific
requirements include the following:
(a) When the extinguishing system is designed for the simultaneous protection of multiple enclosures,
the power supplies shall be calculated to satisfy the maximum simultaneous demand.
(b) A visual indicator shall be provided to indicate discharge.
NOTE An indication that a signal has been sent to initiate the extinguishing agent discharge device does not
satisfy this requirement.’ Pneumatic control equipment

Where pneumatic control equipment is used, the lines shall be protected against crimping and
mechanical damage. Where installations could be exposed to conditions that could lead to loss of

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integrity of the pneumatic lines, special precautions shall be taken to ensure that no loss of integrity
will occur. Mechanical cable release systems

Mechanical cables shall be run within protective tubes and the force required to operate shall not exceed:
(a) 180 N for hand operation;
(b) 50 N for finger-pull operation; or
(c) 10 N for finger-push operation.

6.5.6 Audible alarms and visual indicators Except for systems protecting unoccupiable areas, other than underfloor areas, audible alarms
and visual fire alarm warning devices shall be provided. Operation of the first detector in a system configured for coincidence detection operation shall
cause a visual ‘FIRE ALARM’ indication to illuminate and the ‘ALERT’ tone, as specified by ISO 7731 or by
national requirements, to sound immediately upon the receipt of a signal from the protected area, Initiation of the extinguishing agent discharge by—

(a) operation of any detector on single detection systems or as specified by national requirements,
(b) operation of a second detector on coincidence detection systems or as specified by national
requirements, or
(c) manual initiation or as specified by national requirements,
shall cause the pre-discharge alarm ‘DO NOT ENTER’ and ‘EVACUATE AREA’ visual warning devices to
illuminate and the ‘EVACUATE’ tone to sound as specified by ISO 8201 or by national requirements. Any condition that inhibits the discharge of the extinguishing agent shall cause the
‘EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM INOPERATIVE’ visual warning device to illuminate. The conditions include,
but are not limited to, the following or as specified by national requirements shall:

(a) Operation of an isolate/disable switch.

(b) Fault in the actuator circuit.
(c) Operation of a lock-off valve (where fitted).
(d) Operation of an automatic/manual switch (where fitted).
(e) Isolation or fault, in any part of the fire-detection system, that prevents the automatic or manual
release of extinguishing agent. Visual warning devices, complying with the relevant requirements of ISO 7240.23, or as
specified by national requirements, shall, on operation, display letters not less than 35 mm high, and be
provided as follows:

(a) Incorporating the words ‘FIRE ALARM’ in red lettering on a black background and readily visible
to the occupants of the protected area.
(b) Incorporating the words ‘DO NOT ENTER’ in red lettering on a black background located above
each access door to the spaces likely to be occasionally entered, and readily visible to persons
having access to the protected area.

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(c) Incorporating the words ‘EVACUATE AREA’ in red lettering on a black background and readily
visible to the occupants of the protected area. (d) Incorporating the words ‘EXTINGUISHING
SYSTEM INOPERATIVE’ in yellow lettering on a black background located at the principal entry,
and readily visible to persons having access to the protected area. The device shall flash at a rate of
not less than 1 Hz and not more than 3 Hz.

6.6 Local control (LC) and local control stations (LCS)

Where electrical control systems are utilized, local control (LC) shall be provided by a local control
station (LCS). The LCS shall incorporate a manual initiate switch, a manual release device, incorporating
two separate actions or other safety feature to restrict accidental operation, which—
(i) initiates the normal system discharge sequence, including fire and evacuation alarms, time delays,
and equipment shutdowns; and;
(ii) overrides the automatic/manual switch, if installed
NOTE : Where the hazard may present a rapidly developing fire, applications may require that the
manual initiate switch overrides the time delay; however, designers should take into account the possible risk to
occupants with this configuration and the loss of time to effect equipment shut-downs.

The LCS may incorporate an automatic/manual switch which:

(i) prevents automatic discharge of the extinguishing agent;
(ii) stops and resets the normal system actuation control sequence;
(iii) causes illumination of a yellow or amber visible indication at the LCS and c.i.e.;
(iv) causes an audible indication;
(v) causes illumination of ‘SYSTEM ISOLATED’ sign where installed; and
(vi) does not override the operation of the manual initiate switch. The operation of this switch shall be
visibly indicated at the c.i.e.
Provision shall be made for manual operation of the firefighting system by means of an LCS, situated
outside the protected space or adjacent to the main exit from the space.
The LCS may be incorporated within the c.i.e. where the c.i.e. is located either within or adjacent to the
protected area. Access to the LCS facilities shall not require the opening of any equipment door, and
operation of the LCS controls shall not require the use of any key.

7 Carbon dioxide flow and concentration calculations

7.1 General
This clause sets out the requirements for the system flow calculations and carbon dioxide

7.2 System flow calculations

7.2.1 General

System flow calculations for high-pressure carbon dioxide are carried out at a nominal carbon dioxide
storage temperature of 21 °C and for low-pressure carbon dioxide at a nominal carbon dioxide storage
temperature of −18 °C (see also Annex B).
NOTE Pre-engineered systems do not require a flow calculation when used within approved limitations.

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7.2.2 Friction losses

Allowance shall be made for the friction losses in pipes and in container valves, dip tubes, flexible
connectors, selector valves, time delay devices and other equipment within the flow line.
NOTE The flow of a liquefied gas has been demonstrated to be a two-phase phenomenon, the fluid consisting
of a mixture of liquid and vapour, the proportions of which are dependent on pressure and temperature. The
pressure drop is non-linear, with an increasing rate of pressure loss as the line pressure reduces by pipe friction.

7.2.3 Pressure drop

The following formula and the curves developed therefrom, or any other approved method, shall be
used to determine the pressure drop in the pipeline.
The flow rate, Q, in kilograms per minute, may be calculated as follows:

0, 872 5 × 10 −5 × D 5,25 × Y
Q2 = (2)
L + 0, 043 19 × D 125
×Z )

D is the inside pipe diameter (actual), in millimetres;

L is the equivalent length of pipeline, in metres;

Y, Z are factors depending on storage and line pressure, and may be evaluated from Equations (3)
and (4):
Y =− ∫ ρ dp (3)
dρ ρ
Z =− ∫ ρ
= ln 1

in which
p1 is the storage pressure, in kilopascals (bar) (absolute);
p is the pressure at the end of pipeline, in kilopascals (bar) (absolute);
ρ1 is the density at pressure p1, in kilograms per cubic metre;
ρ is the density at pressure p, in kilograms per cubic metre.
In the design of piping systems, pressure drop values can be sections of closed piping; such sections can
be obtained from curves of pressure versus equivalent length for various flow rates and pipe sizes (see
Annex B).

7.2.4 Valves and fittings

Valves, fittings and check valves shall be rated for resistance coefficient or equivalent length in terms of
pipe or tubing sizes with which they will be used. The equivalent length of the container valves shall be
listed and shall include a siphon tube (where fitted), valve, flexible connector, check valve and any other
device in the flow path.

7.2.5 As-installed calculations

If the final installation varies from the prepared drawings and calculations, new as-installed drawings
and calculations shall be prepared.

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7.2.6 Specific requirements Allowance shall be made for changes in elevation. The minimum discharge rate shall be sufficient to maintain the velocity required for turbulent
flow to prevent separation.
NOTE 3 If turbulent flow is not maintained, separation of the liquid and gaseous phases will occur, which can
lead to unpredictable flow characteristics.

7.3 Carbon dioxide concentration requirements

7.3.1 Flame extinguishment

The basic carbon dioxide concentration factor is that corresponding to material factor calculated as
follows:’ KB = 1, i.e. 34 %.
For materials requiring a design concentration over 34 %, the basic quantity of carbon dioxide shall be
increased by multiplying this quantity by the appropriate material factor given in Table 5.
KB factors for hazards not listed in Table 5 in accordance with, with the resulting extinguishing
concentration either being verified in accordance with ISO 14520-1:2015, C.6.2, or using a factor of 1,7
on the cup burner result to determine the design concentration. For converting the calculated design
concentration (obtained by using the test apparatus), to a material factor, KB, Equation (5) shall be used.
In (1 − C )
KB = (5)
In (1 − C S )


C design concentration in %
CS minimum concentration in %
= = 0, 34

7.3.2 Inerting

Inerting concentrations shall be used where conditions for subsequent reflash or explosion could exist.
These conditions exist when both
g) the quantity of fuel permitted in the enclosure is sufficient to develop a concentration greater than
or equal to one-half of the lower flammable limit throughout the enclosure, and
a) the volatility of the fuel before the fire is sufficient to reach the lower flammable limit in
air (maximum ambient temperature or fuel temperature exceeds the closed cup flash point
temperature), or the system response is not rapid enough to detect and extinguish the fire before
the volatility of the fuel is increased to a dangerous level as a result of the fire.
The minimum design concentrations used to inert atmospheres involving combustible or flammable
liquids and gases shall be determined in accordance with ISO 14520-1:2015, Annex D, plus a safety
factor of 10 %.

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7.4 Total flooding quantity

7.4.1 General

The amount of carbon dioxide required to achieve the design concentration shall be calculated from
Equation (6) and from the data presented in Table 5.
NOTE In addition to these calculated concentration requirements, additional quantities of carbon
dioxide could be required by national regulations or standards to compensate for any special conditions that
would adversely affect the extinguishing efficiency.

7.4.2 Design quantity

The design quantity of carbon dioxide, m, in kilograms, shall be calculated from:

m = K B × ( 0, 2 A + 0, 7 V ) (6)


A = AV + 30 AOV

AV is the total surface area of all sides, and of the floor and ceiling (including the openings, AOV ) of
the enclosure to be protected, in square metres;

AOV is the total surface area of all openings which can be assumed will be open in the event of a fire,
in square metres (see;

VV is the volume of the enclosure to be protected, in cubic metres;

VZ is the additional volume removed during the hold time (see Table 4) by ventilation systems which
cannot be shut down, in cubic metres (see;

VG is the volume of the building structure which can be deducted, in cubic metres;

KB is the factor for the material to be protected, which shall be equal to or greater than one (see
7.4.3 and Table 4);

0,2, in kilograms per square metre, comprises the portion of carbon dioxide that can escape;

0,7, in kilograms per cubic metre, comprises the minimum quantity of carbon dioxide taken as
a basis for the formula.
For calculation examples, see Annex E.
NOTE : The two numbers 0,2 and 0,7 take into account the effect of room size, i.e. the ratio of the room
volume (VV ) to room surface area (AV ).

7.4.3 KB factor General

The material factor, KB, shown in Table 5 shall be taken into account when designing for combustible
materials and particular risks that require a higher than normal concentration.
KB factors for hazards not listed Table 5 for fires involving gases and liquids shall be determined using
the cup burner apparatus specified in ISO 14520-1:2015, Annex B, or by another approved method.

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Table 5 — Material factors, design concentrations and hold times

Design CO2
Material factor Hold time
Combustible or flammable material concentration
KB min
Fires involving gases and liquidsa
Acetone 1 34 —
Acetylene 2,57 66 —
Aviation fuel grades 115/145 1,06 36 —
Benzol, benzene 1,1 37 —
Butadiene 1,26 41 —
Butane 1 34 —
Butene-1 1,1 37 —
Carbon disuifide 3,03 72 —
Carbon monoxide 2,43 64 —
Coal or natural gas 1,1 37 —
Cyclopropane 1,1 37 —
Diesel fuel 1 34 —
Dimethyl ether 1,22 40 —
Dowtherm 1,47 46 —
Ethane 1,22 40 —
Ethyl alcohol 1,34 43 —
Ethyl ether 1,47 46 —
Ethylene 1,6 49 —
Ethylene dichloride 1 34 —
Ethylene oxide 1,8 53 —
Gasoline 1 34 —
Hexane 1,03 35 —
N-heptane 1,03 35 —
Hydrogen 3,3 75 —
Hydrogen sulfide 1,06 36 —
Isobutane 1,06 36 —
Isobutylene 1 34 —
Isobutyl formate 1 34 —
Jp-4 1,06 36 —
Kerosene 1 34 —
a Compilation of information from US Bureau of Mines, Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapours, Bulletins 503 and 627.
b Fires usually of an organic nature in which combustion normally takes place with the formation of glowing embers.

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Table 5 (continued)
Design CO2
Material factor Hold time
Combustible or flammable material concentration
KB min
Fires involving gases and liquidsa
Methane 1 34 —
Methyl acetate 1,03 35 —
Methyl alcohol 1,22 40 —
Methyl butane-l 1,06 36 —
Methyl ethyl ketone 1,22 40 —
Methyl formate 1,18 39 —
N-octane 1,03 35 —
Pentane 1,03 35 —
Propane 1,06 36 —
Propylene 1,06 36
Quench, lube oils 1 34
Fires involving solid materialsb
Cellulosic material 2,25 62 20
Cotton 2 58 20
Paper, corrugated paper 2,25 62 20
Plastic material (granular) 2 58 20
Polystyrene 1 34 —
Polyurethane, cured only 1 34 —
Special application cases
Cable rooms and cable ducts 1,5 47 10
Data handling areas 2,25 62 20
Electrical computer installations 1,5 47 10
Electrical switch and distribution rooms 1,2 40 10
Generators, including cooling systems 2 58 Until stopped
Oil filled transformers 2 58 —
Output printing areas 2,25 62 20
Paint spray and drying installations 1,2 40 —
Spinning machines 2 58 —
a Compilation of information from US Bureau of Mines, Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapours, Bulletins 503 and 627.
b Fires usually of an organic nature in which combustion normally takes place with the formation of glowing embers. Effect of ventilation systems that cannot be shut down

To determine the quantity of carbon dioxide to be used, the volume of the room (V V) shall be increased
by the volume of air (VZ) charged into, or expelled from, the room while the room is flooded with carbon
dioxide and during the inhibition time as stated in Table 5. Effect of openings (see 7.4.2)

The effect of all openings, including explosion vents in walls and ceilings that will not be shut during a
fire, are included in Equation (6) by AOV.

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The porosity of the enclosure materials, or leaks around doors, windows, shutters, etc., shall not be
considered as openings, as they are already included in the formula.
When the ratio R = AOV/AV > 0,03, the system shall be designed as a local application system (see 7.5).
This does not preclude the use of a local application system when R is less than 0,03.
When R is greater than 0,03 and where the openings may be subjected to the effects of wind, approval
tests under anticipated maximum adverse conditions shall be carried out. Effect of enclosure temperature

For applications where the normal temperature of the enclosure is above 93 °C, a protected item
of equipment could be more susceptible to re-ignition. Therefore, additional carbon dioxide is
recommended, holding the extinguishing concentrations for a longer period of time and allowing the
extinguished material to cool down, thereby reducing the chance of re-ignition when the carbon dioxide
dissipates. The additional carbon dioxide requirements shall be 1,8 % for every 5 °C above 93 °C.
For applications where the normal temperature of the enclosure is below -18 °C, a 1,8 % increase in the
calculated total quantity of carbon dioxide shall be provided for every 1 °C below -18 °C. Simultaneous flooding of interconnected volumes

In two or more interconnected volumes where “free flow” of carbon dioxide can take place, or where
the possibility exists of fire spreading from one area to the other, the carbon dioxide quantity shall
be the sum of the quantities calculated for each volume. If one volume requires greater than normal
concentration, the higher concentration shall be used in all interconnected volumes.

7.5 Design of local application systems

7.5.1 General

Local application systems are suitable for the extinguishment of surface fires in flammable liquids,
gases and solids where the hazard is not enclosed or where the enclosure does not conform to the
requirements for total flooding.

7.5.2 Carbon dioxide requirements

The design quantity of carbon dioxide required for local application systems shall be based on the total
rate of discharge needed to blanket the area or volume protected and the time that the discharge needs
to be maintained to ensure complete extinguishment.
The increase in container storage capacity, as required by, shall not apply in the case of the total
flooding portion of combined local application/total flooding systems.
Where there are long pipelines or where the piping can be exposed to higher than normal temperatures,
the design quantity shall be increased by an amount sufficient to compensate for liquid vaporized in
cooling the piping.
See equation B.8, annex B

7.5.3 Rate by area method General

The area method of system design is used where the fire hazard consists primarily of flat surfaces or
low-level objects associated with horizontal surfaces.
System design shall be based on approved data for individual nozzles. Extrapolation of such data above
or below the upper or lower limits shall not be valid.

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For calculation examples, see Annex E. Nozzle discharge rates

The design discharge rate through individual nozzles shall be determined on the basis of location or
projection distance in accordance with specific approvals or listings.
The discharge rate for overhead type nozzles shall be determined solely on the basis of distance from
the surface each nozzle protects.
The discharge rate for tankside nozzles shall be determined solely on the basis of throw or projection
required to cover the surface each nozzle protects. Area per nozzle

The maximum area protected by each nozzle shall be determined on the basis of location or projection
distance and the design discharge rate shall be determined in an approved manner.
The same factors used to determine the design discharge rate shall be used to determine the maximum
area to be protected by each nozzle.
The area of the hazard protected by individual overhead type nozzles shall be considered as a square.
The area of the hazard protected by individual tankside or linear nozzles shall be either rectangular or
square in accordance with the manufacturers spacing and discharge Iimitations Hazards involving deep
layer flammable liquid fires shall have a minimum freeboard of 150 mm in order to prevent splashing
and to retain a surface concentration when carbon dioxide is applied. Location and number of nozzles

A sufficient number of nozzles shall be used to cover the entire hazard area adequately on the basis of
the unit areas protected by each nozzle.
Tankside or linear type nozzles shall be located in accordance with spacing and discharge rate
Overhead type nozzles shall be installed perpendicular to the hazard and centred over the area
protected by the nozzle. Other nozzles shall be installed at angles between 45° and 90° from the plane of
the hazard surface. The height/distance used in determining the necessary flow rate and area coverage
shall be the distance from the aiming point on the protected surface to the face of the nozzle measured
along the axis of the nozzle.
When installed at an angle, nozzles shall be aimed at a point measured from the near side of the area
protected by the nozzle, the location of which is calculated by multiplying the aiming factor given in
Table 6 by the width of the area protected by the nozzle.
Nozzles shall be located so as to be free of possible obstructions that could interfere with the proper
projection of the discharged carbon dioxide.

Table 6 — Aiming factors for angular placement of nozzles,

based on a 150 mm freeboard
Discharge angle a Aiming factor b
45° to 60° 1/4
60° to 75° 1/4 to 3/8
70° to 90° 3/8 to 1/2
a Degrees from plane of hazard surface.
b Fractional amount of nozzle coverage area.

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Table 6 (continued)
Discharge angle a Aiming factor b
90° (perpendicular) 1/2 (centre)
a Degrees from plane of hazard surface.
b Fractional amount of nozzle coverage area.

See also Figure 6.

Dimensions in millimetres

1 nozzle discharging at preselected rate and pressure
x preselected height used to determine the flow rate required
The diagram shows nozzles discharging at 90°, with the aiming point at the centre of the protected surface,
and at 45°, with the aiming point at 0,25 of the width of the protected surface, into a tray containing fuel with
a freeboard of 150 mm.

Figure 6 — Nozzle locations

7.5.4 Rate by volume method General

The volume method of system design is used where the fire hazard consists of three-dimensional
irregular objects that cannot be easily reduced to equivalent surface areas.
For examples of calculations, see Annex E. Assumed enclosure

The total discharge rate of the system shall be based on the volume of an assumed enclosure entirely
surrounding the hazard.
If openings exist in the floor, provisions shall be made to account for these conditions.

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The assumed walls and ceiling of this enclosure shall be at least 0,6 m from the main hazard, unless
actual walls are involved, and shall enclose all areas of possible leakage, splashing or spillage.
No deductions shall be made for any objects within this volume.
A minimum dimension of 1,2 m shall be used in calculating the volume of the assumed enclosure. System discharge rate

The total discharge rate for the basic system shall be not less than 16 kg/min/m3 of assumed volume,
unless the assumed enclosure has a closed floor and is partly defined by permanent continuous walls
extending at least 0,6 m above the hazard (where the walls are not normally part of the hazard), in
which case the discharge rate may be proportionately reduced to not less than 4 kg/min/m3 for actual
walls completely surrounding the enclosure. See Figure 7.

X discharge rate, kg/min/m3
Y volume of enclosed perimeter, %

Rate by volume mathematical method, e.g. 50 % enclosed, F = (0,5 × 12) + 4 ∴ discharge rate = 10 kg/min/m 3 .

Figure 7 — Volume discharge rate Location and number of nozzles

A sufficient number of nozzles shall be used to cover the entire hazard volume adequately on the basis
of the system discharge rate as determined by the assumed volume.

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Nozzles shall be located and directed relative to objects in the enclosure so as to retain the discharged
carbon dioxide in the hazard volume.
The design discharge rates through individual nozzles shall be determined on the basis of location or
projection distance in accordance with specific approvals for surface fires.

7.6 Duration of protection – Total flooding systems

7.6.1 It is important that an effective carbon dioxide concentration be not only achieved but maintained
for a sufficient period of time to allow effective emergency action. This is equally important in all classes
of fire, since a persistent ignition source (e.g. arc, heat source, oxyacetylene torch, or “deep-seated” fire)
can lead to resurgence of the initial event once the carbon dioxide has dissipated.

7.6.2 It is essential to determine the likely period during which the extinguishing concentration will be
maintained within the protected enclosure. This is known as the hold time. The predicted hold time shall
be determined by the door fan test in accordance with ISO 14520-1:2015, Annex E, or a full discharge
test based on the following criteria:

a) at the start of the hold time, the concentration throughout the enclosure shall be the design
b) at the end of the hold time, the carbon dioxide concentration shall not be less than 85 % of the
design concentration at not less than the height of the highest hazard in the protected enclosure;
c) the hold time shall not be less than specified in Table 4, unless otherwise accepted by the authority.

7.7 System performance

7.7.1 Discharge time

For total flooding systems, the design quantity shall be discharged in accordance with the times in
Table 7. For local application systems, the flow rate shall be maintained for the times in accordance
with Table 7.

Table 7 — Discharge times for surface fires

Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide low‑pressure installation

System high‑pressure installa- Pre-liquid vapour flow
tion liquid discharge Liquid discharge time
Total flooding max. 60 s max. 120 s (max. 60 s pre‑liquid vapour flow time)
Local application min. 30 s max. 30 s min. 30 s

For fires involving solid materials, for example, those listed in Table 4 as requiring a hold time, the
design quantity shall be discharged within 7 min, but the rate shall be not less than that necessary to
develop a concentration of 30 % in 2 min.

7.7.2 Extended discharge

When an extended discharge is necessary, the rate shall be sufficient to maintain the desired
concentration for the required hold time in accordance with 7.6.2.

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8 Commissioning and acceptance

8.1 General
This clause sets out the minimum requirements for commissioning and accepting a carbon dioxide
extinguishing system.

8.2 Tests

8.2.1 General

The completed system shall be reviewed and tested by competent persons to meet the approval of
the authority. To determine that the system has been properly installed using equipment and devices
designed to national regulations or standards and will function as specified, the tests specified in 8.2.2
to 8.2.9 shall be performed.

8.2.2 Enclosure check

Determine that the protected enclosure conforms with the plans.

8.2.3 Review of mechanical components The piping distribution system shall be inspected to determine that it is in compliance with the
design and installation documents. Nozzles and pipe size shall be in accordance with system drawings. The means for pipe size
reduction and attitudes of tees shall be checked for conformance with the design. Piping joints, discharge nozzles and piping supports shall be securely fastened to prevent
unacceptable vertical or lateral movement during discharge. Discharge nozzles shall be installed in such
a manner that piping cannot become detached during discharge. During assembly, the piping distribution system shall be inspected internally to detect the
possibility that any oil or particulate matter could soil the hazard area or affect the carbon dioxide
distribution due to a reduction in the effective nozzle orifice area. The discharge nozzles shall be oriented in such a manner that optimum carbon dioxide
dispersal can be affected. If nozzle deflectors are installed, they shall be positioned to obtain the maximum benefit. The discharge nozzles, piping and mounting brackets shall be installed in such a manner that
they will not potentially cause injury to personnel. Carbon dioxide shall not directly impinge on areas
where personnel could be found in the normal work area, or on any loose objects or shelves, cabinet
tops, or similar surfaces where loose objects could be present and become projectiles. All carbon dioxide storage containers shall be properly located in accordance with an “approved
for construction” set of system drawings. All containers and mounting brackets shall be securely fastened in accordance with the
manufacturer's requirements. A discharge test for extinguishants is generally not recommended. However, if a discharge
test is to be conducted, the mass of extinguishant shall be determined by weighing or other approved

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methods. Concentration measurements should be made at a minimum of three points, one at the highest
hazard level.

Other assessment methods may normally be used to reduce unnecessary discharge into the
environment, e.g. the door fan pressurization test specified in ISO 14520 , Annex E. However, a discharge
test may be conducted if acceptable to the authority. An adequate quantity of carbon dioxide to produce the specified design concentration shall be
provided. The actual enclosure volumes shall be checked against those indicated on the system drawings
to ensure the proper quantity of carbon dioxide. Fan rundown and damper closure time shall be taken
into consideration. Unless the total piping contains not more than one change in direction fitting between
the storage container and the discharge nozzle, and unless all piping has been physically checked for
tightness, the following tests shall be carried out.

a) All open-ended piping shall be pneumatically tested in a closed circuit for a period of 10 min at 3
bar. At the end of 10 min, the pressure drop shall not exceed 20 % of the test pressure.
b) All closed-section pipework and pipework upstream of pressure-reducing devices shall be
hydrostatically tested to a minimum of 1,5 times the maximum working pressure for 2 min during
which there shall be no leakage. NOTE Where this test is not suitable for closed pipework connected to
low pressure storage units, it is recommended that, where practicable, hydrostatic testing be carried
out at the manufacturer's works.
WARNING — Pneumatic pressure testing creates a potential risk of injury to personnel in the
area, as a result of airborne projectiles if rupture of the piping system occurs. Prior to conducting
the pneumatic pressure test, the protected area shall be evacuated and appropriate safeguards
shall be provided for test personnel. A flow test using nitrogen, or a suitable alternative, shall be performed on the piping network
to verify that flow is continuous and that the piping and nozzles are unobstructed.

8.2.4 Review of enclosure integrity

All total flooding systems shall have the enclosure checked to locate and then effectively seal any
significant openings that could result in a failure of the enclosure to hold the specified design
concentration for the specified holding period (see also 7.4.2). Unless otherwise agreed, the test
specified in ISO 14520-1:2015, Annex E, shall be used.
Review the structural integrity of the enclosure and assess its ability to withstand the developed
pressure fluctuations during system discharge taking into account—
(a) the equivalent leakage area determined from the enclosure integrity test, where permitted;
(b) the provision of any required additional pressure vents; and
(c) the pressure relief vent operation
Further guidance on gaseous system venting can be found in ISO TS 21805

8.2.5 Review of electrical components All wiring systems shall be properly installed in compliance with the appropriate national
standard and the system drawings. The a.c. and d.c. wiring shall not be combined in a common conduit
unless properly shielded and earthed

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) All field circuitry shall be tested for ground fault and short circuit condition. When testing field
circuitry, all electronic components (such as smoke and flame detectors or special electronic equipment
for other detectors, or their mounting bases) shall be removed and jumpers properly installed to prevent
the possibility of damage within these devices. Replace components after testing the circuits. Adequate and reliable primary and emergency secondary sources of power complying
with shall be used to provide for operation of the detection, signalling, control and actuation
requirements of the system. All auxiliary functions (alarm sounding or displaying devices, remote annunciators, air
handling shutdown, power shutdown, etc.) shall be checked for proper operation in accordance with
system requirements and design specifications.

Alarm devices shall be installed so that they are audible and visible under normal operating and
environmental conditions.
Where possible, all air-handling and power cut-off controls should be of the type that, once interrupted,
require manual restart to restore power. Check that for systems using alarm silencing, this function does not affect other auxiliary
functions such as air handling or power cut-off where they are required in the design specification. Check the detection devices to ensure that the types and locations are as specified in the system
drawings and are in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Check that manual release devices are properly installed, and are readily accessible, accurately
identified and properly protected to prevent damage. Check that all manual release devices require two separate and distinct actions for operation.
The manual release device shall be properly identified. Particular care shall be taken where manual
release devices for more than one system are in close proximity and could be confused, actuating the
wrong system. Manual release devices in this instance shall be clearly identified as to which hazard
enclosure they protect. Check that for systems with a main/reserve capability, the main/reserve switch is properly
installed, readily accessible and clearly identified. Check that the control panel is properly installed and readily accessible.

8.2.6 Preliminary functional tests Where a system is connected to a remote central alarm station, notify the station that the fire
system test is to be conducted and that an emergency response by the fire department or alarm station
personnel is not required. Notify all concerned personnel at the end-user's facility that a test is to be
conducted and instruct them as to the sequence of operation. Disable or remove each carbon dioxide storage container release mechanism and selector valve,
where fitted, so that activation of the release circuit will not release carbon dioxide. Reconnect the release
circuit with a functional device in lieu of each carbon dioxide storage container release mechanism.

For electrically actuated release mechanisms, these devices can include suitable lamps, flash bulbs or
circuit breakers. Pneumatically actuated release mechanisms can include pressure gauges. Refer to the
manufacturer's recommendations in all cases. Check each resettable detector for proper response.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) Check that polarity has been observed on all polarized alarm devices and auxiliary relays. Check that all required end-of-line devices have been installed. Check all supervised circuits for correct fault response.

8.2.7 System functional operational test Operate the detection initiating circuit(s). All alarm functions shall occur according to the
design specification. Operate the necessary circuit to initiate a second alarm circuit, if present. Verify that all
secondary alarm functions occur according to design specifications. Operate the manual release device. Verify that manual release functions occur according to
design specifications. Verify that functions occur according to the design specifications. Confirm that visual and
audible supervisory signals are received at the control panel. Check the function of all resettable valves and actuators, unless testing the valve will release
carbon dioxide.

“One-shot” valves, such as those incorporating frangible discs, should not be tested. Check pneumatic equipment, where fitted, for integrity, to ensure proper operation.

8.2.8 Remote monitoring operations (if applicable) Disconnect the primary power supply, then operate one of each type of input device while on
standby power. Verify that an alarm signal is received at the remote panel after the device is operated.
Reconnect the primary power supply. Simulate each type of fault condition and verify receipt of fault conditions at the remote station.

8.2.9 Control panel primary power source Verify that the control panel is connected to a dedicated unswitched circuit and is labelled
properly. This panel shall be readily accessible, but access shall be restricted to authorized personnel only. Test a primary power failure in accordance with the manufacturer's specification, with the
system fully operated on standby power.

8.2.10 Completion of functional tests

When all functional tests are complete (8.2.6 to 8.2.9), reconnect each storage container so that
activation of the release circuit will release the carbon dioxide. Return the system to its fully operational
design condition. Notify the central alarm station and all personnel concerned at the end-user's facility
that the fire system test is complete, and that the system has been returned to full-service condition by
following the procedures specified in the manufacturer's specifications.

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8.3 Completion certificate and documentation

The installer shall provide the user with a completion certificate, a complete set of instructions,
calculations and drawings showing the system as-installed, and a statement that the system complies
with all the appropriate requirements of this International Standard, giving details of any departure
from appropriate recommendations. The certificate shall give the design concentrations and, if carried
out, reports of any additional test, including the door fan test.
See also, A.4, Table A.1 and Figure A.1 of annex A.

9 Inspection, maintenance, testing and training

9.1 General
This clause specifies the requirements for inspection, maintenance and testing of the carbon dioxide
fire extinguishing system and for the training of inspection and maintenance personnel.

9.2 Inspection

9.2.1 General At least annually, or more frequently if required, all systems shall be thoroughly inspected and
tested for proper operation by competent personnel. The inspection report with recommendations shall be filed with the owner. At least every six months, the container contents shall be checked. Containers that show a loss
in carbon dioxide quantity of more than 10 % mass shall be refilled or replaced. The date of inspection and the name of the person performing the inspection shall be recorded
on a tag attached to the container.

9.2.2 Container

Containers shall be subjected to periodical tests as required by the relevant national standard.

9.2.3 Hose

All system hoses shall be examined annually for damage. If visual examination shows any defect, the
hose shall be replaced.

9.2.4 Enclosures At least every 12 months, it shall be determined whether boundary penetration or other changes
to the protected enclosure have occurred that could affect leakage and carbon dioxide performance. If
this cannot be visually determined, it shall be positively established by repeating the test for enclosure
integrity in accordance with ISO 14520-1:2015, Annex E. Where the integrity test reveals increased leakage that would result in an inability to retain the
carbon dioxide for the required period, remedial action shall be carried out.

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E) Where it is established that changes to the volume of the enclosure or to the type of hazard
within the enclosure, or both, have occurred, the system shall be redesigned to provide the original
degree of protection.

It is recommended that the type of hazard within the enclosure, and the volume it occupies, be regularly
checked to ensure that the required concentration of carbon dioxide can be achieved and maintained.

9.3 Maintenance

9.3.1 General

The user shall carry out a programme of inspection, arrange a service schedule, and keep records of the
inspections and servicing.
NOTE The continued capability for effective system performance depends on fully adequate service
procedures together with, where possible, periodic testing.

Installers shall provide the user with a record in which inspection and service details can be entered.

9.3.2 User's programme of inspection

The installer shall provide the user with an inspection programme for the system and components.
This programme shall include instructions on the action to be taken in respect of faults.
The user's inspection programme is intended to detect faults at an early stage in order to allow
rectification before the system has to operate. A suitable programme is as follows.
a) Weekly
Visually check the hazard and the integrity of the enclosure for changes which might reduce the
efficiency of the system. Carry out a visual check, ensuring that there is no obvious damage to pipework
and that all operating controls and components are properly set and undamaged. Check pressure
gauges and weighing devices, if fitted, for correct reading and take the appropriate action specified in
the user's manual.
b) Monthly
Check that all personnel who may have to operate the equipment or system are properly trained and
authorized to do so and, in particular, that new employees have been instructed in its use.

9.3.3 Service schedule

A service schedule shall include requirements for periodic inspection and testing of the completely
installed system, including pressurized containers.
The schedule shall be carried out by a competent person who shall provide the user with a signed, dated
report of the inspection, advising on any rectification carried out or needed.
During servicing, every care and precaution shall be taken to avoid release of carbon dioxide.

9.4 Training
All persons who might be expected to inspect, test, maintain or operate the carbon dioxide fire
extinguishing system shall be trained and kept adequately trained in the functions they are expected to
Personnel working in an enclosure protected by carbon dioxide shall receive training in the operation
and use of the system, in particular regarding safety issues.

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Annex A

Working Documents

A.1 General
These documents shall be prepared only by persons fully experienced in the design of carbon dioxide
extinguishing systems. Deviation from these documents shall require permission from the relevant

A.2 Working documents

Working documents shall include the following items:
a) drawings, to an indicated scale, of a carbon dioxide distribution system, including containers,
location of containers, piping and nozzles, valves and pipe hanger spacing;
b) name of owner and occupant;
c) location of building in which hazard is located;
d) location and construction of protected enclosure walls and partitions;
e) enclosure cross-section, full height or schematic diagram, including raised access floor and
suspended ceiling;
f) extinguishing or inerting concentration, design concentration and maximum concentration;
g) description of occupancies and hazards to be protected against;
h) specification of containers used, including capacity, storage pressure and mass, including carbon
i) description of nozzle(s) used, including inlet size, orifice port configuration, and orifice size/code, if
j) description of pipes, valves and fittings used, including material specifications, grade and
pressure rating;
k) equipment schedule or bill of materials for each piece of equipment or device, showing device name,
manufacturer, model or part number, quantity and description;
l) isometric view of a carbon dioxide distribution system, showing the length and diameter of each
pipe segment and node reference numbers relating to the flow calculations;
m) enclosure pressurization and venting calculations;
n) description of fire detection, actuation and control systems.

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A.3 Specific details

A.3.1 Pre-engineered systems
For pre-engineered systems, the end-user shall be provided with the manufacturer's system design and
maintenance information.

A.3.2 Engineered systems

For engineered systems, the end-user shall be provided with the manufacturer's system design and
maintenance information.
Details of the system shall include the following:
a) information and calculations on the amount of carbon dioxide;
b) container storage pressure and carbon dioxide quantity;
c) capacity of the container;
d) the location, type and flow rate of each nozzle, including equivalent orifice area, if applicable;
e) the location, size and equivalent lengths or resistance coefficients of pipe fittings and hoses; pipe
size reduction and orientation of tees shall be clearly indicated;
f) the location and size of the storage facility.
Information shall be submitted pertaining to the location and function of the detection devices,
operating devices, auxiliary equipment and electrical circuitry, if used. Apparatus and devices shall
be identified. Any special features shall be adequately explained. The version of the flow calculation
program shall be identified on the computer calculation printout.

A.4 Completion certificate and documentation

The installer shall provide a certification package consisting of the following:
(a) Commissioning checklist containing all the information shown in Table A.1.
(b) Certificate of completion containing all of the information shown in Figure A.1.
(c) Door fan test report in accordance Annex E of ISO 14520.1.
(d) Discharge test report, if required.
NOTE The following should be reported:

a) Information identifying the system, which should include—

1) name of installation, designer and contractor;
2) enclosure identification;
3) enclosure temperature prior to discharge;
4) design concentration; and
5) position of sampling points.
b) Date and time of test.
c) Discharge time.
d) Concentration levels at each sampling point at the beginning and at the end of the holding time.

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e) System deficiencies.
(f) Fire alarms certificate, if required.

Table A.1 — Commissioning checklist

Item Task Compliance
Yes/No/N/NA Verified by
1 System Configuration
2 Warning signs and notices
3 Enclosure integrity
4 Enclosure venting
5 Containers
a) Location
b) Number size and marking
c) Charge quantity and dangerous goods label
d) Orientation
e) Mounting
f) Weighing devices
6 Release mechanisms
a) Location
b) Number size and marking
c) Charge quantity and dangerous goods label
d) Orientation
7 Manifolds and valves
a) Joints and fastenings
b) Flexible connectors
c) Discharge indicators
d) Pressure switches
e) Check valves
f) Directional valves
g) Pressure relief devices
h) Pressure reduction devices
i) Vent valves
j) Lock off valves
8 Pipework
a) i) Layout
ii) Size and fitting orientation
iii) Joints, nozzles and sup-
b) i) Pneumatic leak test
ii) Hydraulic pressure test
iii) Free passage
9 Nozzles
a) Drilling, stamping and orientation
b) Discharge safety
c) Secure fastenings
10 Electrical system

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Table A.1 (continued)

Item Task Compliance
Yes/No/N/NA Verified by
11 Function tests
a) Local alarm
b) Alarm and signalling equipment
c) Plant shut downs
12 Actuation system test
a) Audible discharge alarms
b) Visual warning devices
c) Door closures and ventilations dampers
d) Discharge time delay
e) Directional valves
f) Container release actuators
13 Manual release devices
14 Inhibit switch
15 Lock-off valve
16 Pneumatic equipment
17 Discharge test
18 Remarks

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Figure A.1 — Certification of Completion

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Annex B

Carbon dioxide system pipe and orifice size determination

B.1 Computer programs are generally used to perform calculations to determine pipework pressure
and to calculate nozzle orifice sizes. The calculation program should be based on the parameters
contained in this annex.

B.2 The storage pressure is an important factor in carbon dioxide flow. In low-pressure storage, the
starting pressure in the storage vessel will drop by an amount depending on whether all or only part of
the supply is discharged. Because of this, it will be about 1,97 MPa (19,7 bar). The flow equation is based
on absolute pressure, therefore 2,07 MPa (20,7 bar) is used for calculations necessary for low-pressure

In high-pressure systems, the storage pressure depends on ambient temperature. Normal ambient
temperature is assumed to be 21 °C. At this temperature, the average pressure in the container during
discharge of the liquid portion will be approximately 5,17 MPa (51,7 bar). This pressure has therefore
been selected for calculations involving high-pressure systems.
Using the above pressures of 2,07 MPa (20,7 bar) and 5,17 MPa (51,7 bar), values have been determined
for the Y and Z factors in the flow equation [Equation (B.1)]. These are listed in Tables B.1 and B.2.

B.3 For practical applications, it is desirable to plot curves for each pipe size that could be used.
However, it will be noted that the flow equation can be arranged as follows:

L 10 −5 × 0, 872 5 Y
= − 0, 043 19 Z (B.1)
D 125
 Q 
 2
D 
Thus, by plotting the values of L/D1,25 and Q/D2, it is possible to use one family of curves for any pipe
size. Figure B.1 gives flow information for −18 °C storage temperature on this basis. Figure B.2 gives
similar information for high-pressure at 21 °C.
These curves can be used for designing systems or for checking possible flow rates. Pressure conditions
at any point in a pipeline can be obtained by calculating Q/D2 and L/D1,25 values. Points can then be
plotted on the Q/D2 curve to obtain starting and terminal pressures. For example, assume the problem
is to determine the terminal pressure for a low-pressure system consisting of a single 50 mm schedule
40 pipeline with an equivalent length of 152 m and a flow rate of 454 kg/min.
Q/D2 and L/D1,25 values are first calculated:
Q 454
= = 0,165 kg/min/ mm 2 (B.2)
2 2 758

L 152
= = 1, 075 m/mm1,25 (B.3)
, 141, 3

Starting pressure is 2,07 MPa (20,7 bar) and L/D1,25 = 0, shown in Figure B.1 and point S1. The terminal
pressure is found to be about 1,57 MPa (15,7 bar) at point T1, where the Q/D2 value of 0,165 intersects
the L/D1,25 value at 1,075.
If this line terminates in a single nozzle, the equivalent orifice area must be matched to the terminal
pressure in order to control the flow rate at the desired level of 454 kg/min.

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Table B.1 — Values of Y and Z for low-pressure systems

MPa bar
2,07 20,7 0 0
2 20 665 0,12
1,9 19 1 500 0,295
1,8 18 2 201 0,470
1,7 17 2 790 0,645
1,6 16 3 285 0,820
1,5 15 3 696 0,994
1,4 14 4 045 1,169
1,3 13 4 338 1,344
1,2 12 4 584 1,519
1,1 11 4 789 1,693
1 10 4 962 1,868

Table B.2 — Values of Y and Z for high-pressure systems

MPa bar
5,17 51,7 0 0
5,1 51 554 0,003 5
5,05 50,5 972 0,060 0
5 50 1 325 0,082 5
4,75 47,5 3 037 0,210
4,5 45 4 616 0,330
4,25 42,5 6 129 0,427
4 40 7 256 0,570
3,75 37,5 8 283 0,700
3,5 35 9 277 0,830
3,25 32,5 10 050 0,950
3 30 10 823 1,086
2,75 27,5 11 507 1,240
2,5 25 12 193 1,430
2,25 22,5 12 502 1,620
2 20 12 855 1,840
1,75 17,5 13 187 2,140
1,4 14 13 408 2,590

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X L/D1,25 m/mm1,25
Y pressure, MPa

Figure B.1 — Pressure drop in pipeline for 2,07 MPa (20,7 bar) storage pressure

Referring to Table B.7, it will be noted that the discharge rate will be 0,9913 kg/min/mm2 of equivalent
orifice area when the orifice pressure is 1,59 MPa (15,9 bar). The required equivalent orifice area, Aeo,
of the nozzle is thus equal to the total flow rate divided by the rate per square millimetre:
454 kg/min
Aeo = = 458 mm 2 (B.4)
0,9913 kg/min/mm 2

From a practical viewpoint, the designer would select a standard nozzle having an equivalent area
nearest to the computed area. If the orifice area happened to be a little larger, the actual flow rate would
be slightly higher and the terminal pressures would be somewhat lower than the estimated 1,57 MPa
(15,7 bar).

B.4 If, in the above example, instead of terminating with one large nozzle, the pipeline branches into
two smaller pipelines, it will be necessary to determine the pressure at the end of each branch line. To
illustrate this procedure, assume that the branch lines are equal and consist of a 40 mm schedule 40 pipe
with equivalent lengths of 61 m and the flow in each branch is 227 kg/min.

Q/D2 and L/D1,25 values are calculated for the branch pipe:
Q 227
= = 0,136 kg/min/mm 2 (B.5)
2 1 673

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L 61
= = 0, 59 m/mm1,25 (B.6)
, 103, 4

From Figure B.1, the starting pressure of 1,57 MPa (15,7 bar) (terminal pressure of main line) intersects
the Q/D2 line 0,136 at point S2 giving an L/D1,25 value of 1,6. The terminal pressure is found by moving
down the Q/D2 line a distance of 9,59 on the L/D1,25 scale, i.e. L/D1,25 = 1,60 + 0,59 = 2,19 to point T2
where the terminal pressure is 1,14 MPa (11,4 bar). With this new terminal pressure and flow rate
227 kg/min, the required nozzle area at the end of each branch line is obtained from Table B.7 and is
approximately 368 mm2.
It will be noted that this is only slightly less than the single large nozzle example, but that the discharge
rate is halved by the reduced pressure.

X L/D1,25 m/mm1,25
Y pressure, MPa

Figure B.2 — Pressure drop in pipeline for 5,17 MPa (51,7 bar) storage pressure

B.5 In high-pressure systems, the manifold is supplied by a number of separate containers. The
total flow is thus divided by the number of containers to obtain the flow rate from each container. The
flow capacity of the container valve and the connector to the manifold will vary with each manufacturer
depending on design and size. For any particular valve, dip tube and connector assembly, the equivalent
length can be determined in terms of unit length of standard pipe size. With this information, the flow
equation can be used to prepare a curve of flow rate versus pressure drop. This provides a convenient
method of determining manifold pressure for a specific valve and connector combination.

B.6 Tables B.3 and B.4 list the equivalent lengths of pipe fittings for determining the equivalent length
of piping systems. Tables B.3 and B.4 are offered for guidance only. Manufacturers' listed data may also
be used. Table B.3 is for threaded joints and Table B.4 for welded joints, and both have been prepared for

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schedule 40 pipe sizes; however, for all practical purposes, the same values can also be used for schedule
80 pipe sizes.

Table B.3 — Equivalent length of threaded pipe fittings

Elbow 90° long Union
Pipe nominal size Elbow std. 45° Elbow std. 90° radius and tee T-side coupling or
through flow gate valve
in mm m m m m m
3/8 10 0,18 0,4 0,24 0,82 0,09
1/2 15 0,24 0,52 0,3 1 0,12
3/4 20 0,3 0,67 0,43 1,4 0,15
1 25 0,4 0,85 0,55 1,7 0,18
1 1/4 32 0,52 1,1 0,7 2,3 0,24
1 1/2 40 0,61 1,3 0,82 2,7 0,27
2 50 0,79 1,7 1,1 3,41 0,37
2 1/2 65 0,94 2 1,2 4,08 0,43
3 80 1,2 2,5 1,6 5,06 0,55
4 100 1,5 3,26 2 6,64 0,73
5 125 1,9 4,08 2,6 8,35 0,91
6 150 2,3 4,94 3,08 10 1,1

Table B.4 — Equivalent length of welded pipe fittings

Elbow 90° long
Elbow std.
Pipe nominal size Elbow std. 90° radius and tee T-side Gate valve
through flow
in mm m m m m m
3/8 10 0,06 0,21 0,15 0,49 0,09
1/2 15 0,09 0,24 0,21 0,64 0,12
3/4 20 0,12 0,33 0,27 0,85 0,15
1 25 0,15 0,43 0,33 1,1 0,18
1 1/4 32 0,21 0,55 0,46 1,4 0,24
1 1/2 40 0,24 0,64 0,52 1,6 0,27
2 50 0,3 0,85 0,67 2,1 0,37
2 1/2 65 0,37 1 0,82 2,5 0,43
3 80 0,46 1,2 1 3,11 0,55
4 100 0,61 1,6 1,3 4,08 0,73
6 150 0,91 2,5 2 6,16 1,1

B.7 For nominal changes in elevation of piping, the change in head pressure is negligible. However, if
there is a substantial change in elevation, this factor should be taken into account. The head pressure
correction per metre of elevation depends on the average line pressure where the elevation takes place,
since the density changes with pressure.

Correction factors are given in Tables B.5 and B.6 for low-pressure and high-pressure systems,
respectively. The correction is subtracted from the terminal pressure when the flow is upward and
added to the terminal pressure when the flow is downward. The terminal pressure at the outlet having
been determined, appropriately sized nozzles can now be selected.

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Table B.5 — Elevation correction factors for low-pressure systems

Average line pressure Elevation correction
MPa bar MPa/m bar/m
2,07 20,7 0,010 0,100
1,93 19,3 0,007 8 0,077 6
1,79 17,9 0,006 0 0,059 9
1,65 16,5 0,004 7 0,046 8
1,52 15,2 0,003 8 0,037 8
1,38 13,8 0,003 0 0,030 3
1,24 12,4 0,002 4 0,024 2
1,10 11,0 0,001 9 0,019 2
1,00 10,0 0,001 6 0,016 2

Table B.6 — Elevation correction factors for high-pressure systems

Average line pressure Elevation correction
MPa bar MPa/m bar/m
5,17 51,7 0,008 0,079 6
4,83 48,3 0,006 8 0,067 9
4,48 44,8 0,005 8 0,057 7
4,14 41,4 0,004 9 0,048 6
3,99 39,9 0,004 0,04
3,45 34,5 0,003 4 0,033 9
3,1 31 0,002 8 0,028 3
2,76 27,6 0,002 4 0,023 8
2,41 24,1 0,001 9 0,019 2
2,07 20,7 0,001 6 0,015 8
1,72 17,2 0,001 2 0,012 4
1,4 14 0,001 0,010 2

For low-pressure systems, the discharge rate through equivalent orifices should be based on the values
given in Table B.7. Design nozzle pressures should not be less than 1 MPa (10 bar).
For high-pressure systems, the discharge rate through equivalent orifices should be based on the values
given in Table B.8. Design nozzle pressures stored at 21 °C should not be less than 1,4 MPa (14 bar).

Table B.7 — Discharge rate of equivalent orifice areaa for

low-pressure systems
Orifice pressure Discharge rate
MPa bar kg/min/mm2
2,07 20,7 2,967
2 20 2,039
1,93 19,3 1,67
1,86 18,6 1,441
1,79 17,9 1,283
1,72 17,2 1,164
1,65 16,5 1,072
1,59 15,9 0,991 3

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Table B.7 (continued)

Orifice pressure Discharge rate
MPa bar kg/min/mm2
1,52 15,2 0,917 5
1,45 14,5 0,850 7
1,38 13,8 0,791
1,31 13,1 0,736 8
1,24 12,4 0,686 9
1,17 11,7 0,641 2
1,1 11 0,599
1 10 0,54
a Based on a standard single orifice having a rounded entry with a coefficient of 0,98.

B.8 In high-pressure systems, the delay in achieving equilibrium flow will generally be insignificant. In
low-pressure systems, the delay time and amount of carbon dioxide vaporized in cooling the pipe should
be calculated and the equilibrium flow rate increased accordingly to deliver the desired quantity within
the design time after the start of the discharge.

Delay time, td, (low-pressure systems), in seconds and mass, mv, of carbon dioxide vaporized (low- or
high-pressure systems), in kilograms, during this period may be calculated as follows:
mC p (T1 − T2 ) 16 850 V
td = + (B.7)
0, 507 Q Q

mC p (T1 − T2 )
mv = (B.8)


m is the mass of piping, in kilograms;

Cp is the specific heat of metal in pipe, in kilojoules per kilogram 0,46kj/Kg for steel;

T1 is the average pipe temperature before discharge, in degrees Celsius;

T2 is the average carbon dioxide temperature, in degrees Celsius 15.6°C for high pressure and
−20.6°c for low pressure;

Q is the design flow rate, in kilograms per minute;

V is the volume of piping, in cubic metres;

H is the latent heat of vaporization of liquid carbon dioxide, in kilojoules per kilogram, 150.7 kj/kg
for high pressure and 276.3 kj/kg for low pressure.

Table B.8 — Discharge rate of equivalent orifice areaa for

high-pressure systems
Orifice pressure Discharge rate
MPa bar kg/min/mm2
5,17 51,7 3,255
5 50 2,703
4,83 48,3 2,401
4,65 46,5 2,172

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Table B.8 (continued)

Orifice pressure Discharge rate
MPa bar kg/min/mm2
4,48 44,8 1,993
4,31 43,1 1,839
4,14 41,4 1,705
3,96 39,6 1,589
3,79 37,9 1,487
3,62 36,2 1,396
3,45 34,5 1,308
3,28 32,8 1,223
3,1 31 1,139
2,93 29,3 1,062
2,76 27,6 0,984 3
2,59 25,9 0,907
2,41 24,1 0,829 6
2,24 22,4 0,759 3
2,07 20,7 0,689
1,72 17,2 0,548 4
1,4 14 0,483 3
a Based on a standard single orifice having a rounded
entry with a coefficient of 0,98.

Annex C

System performance verification

A suitable procedure for verification of the system is as follows.
a) Every 3 months
Test and service all electrical detection and alarm systems.
b) Every 6 months
Perform the following checks and inspections.
1) Externally examine pipework to determine its condition. Replace or pressure test and repair as
necessary pipework showing corrosion or mechanical damage.
2) Check all control valves for correct manual functioning and automatic valves additionally for
correct automatic functioning.
3) Externally examine containers for signs of damage or unauthorized modification, and for damage
to system hoses.
4) Check weight or use a liquid level indicator to verify correct content of containers. Replace or refill
any container showing a mass loss of more than 10 %.
c) Every 12 months

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Carry out a check of enclosure integrity using the method specified in 8.2.10. If the measured aggregate
area of leakage has increased from that measured during installation to the extent that it could
adversely affect system performance, carry out work to reduce the leakage.
d) As required by statutory regulations, but otherwise when convenient, remove the containers and
pressure test when necessary.

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Annex D

General information on carbon dioxide

D.1 General
Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless and electrically non-conductive inert gas. Carbon dioxide
is approximately one and one-half times as heavy as air. 1 kg of liquid carbon dioxide relieved to
atmospheric pressure at 0 °C produces approximately 0,51 m3 of gas. Carbon dioxide is stored in
pressure vessels normally as liquefied gas.
Carbon dioxide extinguishes fire principally by reducing the oxygen content in the atmosphere to a
point where it will not support combustion.
Carbon dioxide is a standard commercial product with many uses. It is perhaps most familiar as the
gas that gives the “fizz” in carbonated soft drinks. In industrial applications, it is used for its chemical
properties, its mechanical properties as a pressurizing agent, or its refrigerating properties as dry ice.
For fire-extinguishing applications, carbon dioxide has a number of desirable properties. It is
noncorrosive, nondamaging, and leaves no residue to clean up after the fire. It provides its own pressure
for discharge through pipes and nozzles. Because it is a gas, it will penetrate and spread to all parts
of a hazard. It will not conduct electricity and can therefore be used on live electrical hazards. It can
effectively be used on practically all combustible materials except for a few active metals and metal
hydrides and materials, such as cellulose nitrate, that contain available oxygen.
An unusual property of carbon dioxide is the fact that it cannot exist as a liquid at pressures below
60,4 psi [517 kPa (75 psi) absolute]. This is the triple point pressure where carbon dioxide could be
present as a solid, a liquid, or a vapour. Below this pressure, it must be either a solid or a gas, depending
on the temperature.
If the pressure in a storage container is reduced by bleeding off vapour, some of the liquid will vaporize
and the remaining liquid will become colder. At 60,4 psi [517 kPa (75 psi) absolute], the remaining liquid
will be converted to dry ice at a temperature of −57 °C. Further reduction in the pressure to atmospheric
will lower the temperature of the dry ice to the normal −79 °C. Carbon dioxide is easily liquefied by
compression and cooling. By further cooling and expansion, it can be converted to a solid state.
The same process takes place when liquid carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere. A large
portion of the liquid flashes to vapour with a considerable increase in volume. The rest is converted
to finely divided particles of dry ice at −79 °C. It is this dry ice, or “snow”, that gives the discharge its
typical white cloudy appearance. The low temperature also causes the condensation of water from the
entrained air so that ordinary water fog tends to persist for a while after the dry ice has sublimed.
The relationship between the temperature and the pressure of liquid carbon dioxide is shown in
Figure D.1. As the temperature of the liquid increases, the pressure also increases. As the pressure
increases, the density of the vapour over the liquid increases. On the other hand, the liquid expands as
the temperature goes up and its density decreases. At 31 °C, the liquid and the vapour have the same
density, and of course the liquid phase disappears. This is called the critical temperature for carbon
dioxide. Below the critical temperature, carbon dioxide in a closed container is part liquid and part gas.
Above the critical temperature, it is entirely gas.

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X temperature, °C
Y pressure, atm
a CO2 solid + gas.
b Supercritical: 78,5 °C.
c CO2 solid + liquid.
d CO2 liquid + gas.
e Triple point: − 56,6 °C; 5,11 atm.
f Critical point.
g CO2 gas.

Figure D.1 — Variation of pressure of carbon dioxide with change in temperature (constant

D.2 Free efflux

The volume of carbon dioxide needed to develop a given concentration will be greater than the final
volume remaining in the enclosure. The method of application is called “free-efflux” flooding and is
expressed by Equation (D.1):
 100 
X = 2,303 log10  (D.1)
 100 − % CO 
 2

where X is the volume of carbon dioxide added per volume of space.

Calculated and plotted for easy reference, one curve is shown in Figure D.2. On this curve it was
assumed the carbon dioxide would expand to a volume of 0,56 m3 /kg at a temperature of 30 °C.
The data in this annex is based on this assumption. It should be noted that in some well-insulated
enclosures, complete and rapid vaporization of the carbon dioxide discharge might not occur.

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X1 oxygen remaining, %
Y2 injection factor, space m3/CO2/kg
X2 CO2 received, %
Y2 CO2 injected, %
The top curve (complete displacement) and the bottom curve (no efflux) are theoretical extremes plotted
for comparative purposes only. The middle curve (free efflux), the curve to be used, needs to be tempered by
proper safety factors.
a Complete displacement.
b Free efflux.
c No efflux.

Figure D.2 — Carbon dioxide requirements for inert atmosphere, based on a carbon dioxide
expansion of 0,56 m3/kg

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D.3 Hazards to personnel

Potential hazards to be considered for individual systems are the following.
a) The agent itself
Carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere at an average concentration of about 0,03 % by volume
and is a normal end-product of human and animal metabolism. Carbon dioxide influences certain vital
functions in a number of important ways, including control of respiration, dilation and constriction of
the vascular system, particularly the cerebrum, and the pH of body fluids. The concentration of carbon
dioxide in the air governs the rate at which carbon dioxide is released from the lungs and thus affects
the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues. An increasing concentration of carbon
dioxide in the air can, therefore, become dangerous, due to a reduction in the rate of release of carbon
dioxide from the lungs and decreased oxygen intake. Persons rendered unconscious by carbon dioxide
can be restored to consciousness without permanent injury by artificial respiration, if removed quickly
from the protected area.
CAUTION — The discharge of carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire creates a hazard to personnel.
Exposure of personnel to discharge of carbon dioxide should be avoided.
For personnel safety considerations, see Clause 5.
Table D.1 provides information on acute health effects of high concentrations of carbon dioxide.

Table D.1 — Acute health effects of high concentrations of carbon dioxide

(with increasing exposure levels of carbon dioxide)
Concentration of carbon dioxide
Time Effects
2 Several hours Headache, dyspnoea upon mild exertion
3 1h Dilation of cerebral blood vessels, increased pulmonary
ventilation, and increased oxygen delivery to the tissues
4–5 Within a few min Mild headache, sweating, and dyspnoea at rest
6 Within a few min Hearing and visual disturbances
Less than 16 min Headache and dyspnoea
Several hours Tremors
7–10 Within a few min Unconsciousness or near‑unconsciousness
1,5 min to 1 h Headache, increased heart rate, shortness of breath,
dizziness, sweating, and rapid breathing
10–15 1 min or more Dizziness, drowsiness, severe muscle twitching, and
17–30 Less than 1 min Loss on controlled and purposeful activity, uncon-
sciousness, convulsions, coma and death

b) Noise
Discharge of a system can cause noise loud enough to be startling but ordinarily insufficient to cause
traumatic injury.
c) Turbulence
High-velocity discharge from nozzles could be sufficient to dislodge substantial objects directly in
their path. System discharge can cause enough general turbulence in the enclosures to move unsecured
paper and light objects.
d) Cold temperature

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Direct contact with liquefied carbon dioxide being discharged from a system will have a strong chilling
effect on objects and can cause frostbite burns to the skin. The liquid phase vaporizes rapidly when mixed
with air and thus limits the hazard to the immediate vicinity of the discharge point. In humid atmospheres,
minor reduction in visibility can occur for a brief period due to the condensation of water vapour.

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Annex E

Examples of calculations

E.1 Rate by volume method — Example 1

E.1.1 Hazard
Paint spray booth (requirements for plenum and duct would be a separate calculation; KB = 1).

Figure E1 — Example paint spray booth, open front, one open side and open top

E.1.2 Actual dimensions

2,44 m wide (open front)
2,13 m high
1,83 m deep

E.1.3 Assumed volume

2, 44 m × 2,13 m (1, 83 m deep + 0, 6 m ) = 12, 63 m 3

E.1.4 Percent perimeter enclosed

2, 44 + 1, 83 + 1, 83 6,1
= × 100 ≈ 71 %
2, 44 + 2, 44 + 1, 83 + 1, 83 8, 54

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E.1.5 Discharge rate for 71 % enclosure

4 + [(1 − 0,71) × (16 − 4)] = 7,48 kg/min/m3

E.1.6 Discharge rate

12,63(m3) × 7,48 (kg/min/m3) = 94,47 kg/min

E.1.7 Carbon dioxide requirement

94,47 (kg/min) × 0,5 (min) × 1,4 (includes vapour) = 66,13 kg

E.2 Rate by volume method — Example 2

E.2.1 Hazard
Printer with four sides and top open (no continuous solid walls; KB = 1).

Figure E2 — Example printer within a large enclosure

E.2.2 Actual dimensions

1,22 m wide
1,52 m long
1,22 m high

E.2.3 Assumed volume

2,42 m × 2,72 m × 1,82 m = 11,98 m3

E.2.4 Percent perimeter enclosed


E.2.5 Discharge rate for 0 % enclosure

16 kg/min/m3

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

E.2.6 Discharge rate

11,98 (m3) × 16 (kg/min/m3) = 191,7 kg/min

E.2.7 Carbon dioxide requirement

191,7 (kg/min) × 0,5 (min) × 1,4 (includes vapour) = 134,2 kg

E.3 Rate by area method

E.3.1 Hazard
Quench tank (KB = 1).

E.3.2 Surface dimensions

9,92 m wide
2,13 m long

E.3.3 Nozzle location

Assume that a survey indicates that nozzles can be positioned anywhere from 0,92 m to 1,82 m away
from the liquid surface without interfering with the operation.

E.3.4 Procedure
From the manufacturer's list of approved nozzles, select the minimum number of nozzles that will cover
an area of 2,13 m × 0,92 m. Assume that the list has a nozzle which has a rated coverage of 1,08 m2 at a
height of 1,52 m and a rated flow of 22,3 kg/min. Two nozzles will then cover a length of 2,16 m and a
width of 1,08 m.
NOTE The manufacturer's list of approved nozzles will list a series of rated nozzles with their respective
area coverage at a given height above the surface to be protected and a given flow rate in kilograms per minute.

E.3.5 Total flow rate

2 × 22,3 (kg/min) = 44,6 kg/min

E.3.6 Carbon dioxide requirement

44,6 (kg/min) × 0,5 (min) × 1,4 (includes vapour) = 31,2 kg

E.4 Total flooding system

E.4.1 Storeroom
Storeroom for ethyl alcohol (KB = 1,34) with an opening (not to be shut) of 2 m × 1 m.

E.4.2 Actual dimensions

16 m long
10 m wide
3,5 m high

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)

E.4.3 Assumed volume

Vv = 16 × 10 × 3,5 = 560 m3

E.4.4 Additional volume for ventilation

Vz = 0 m3

E.4.5 Deductible volume

VG = 0 m3

V = 560 − 0 − 0 m3

E.4.6 Total surface area of all sides

Av = (16 × 10 × 2) + (16 × 3, 4 × 2) + (10 × 3, 5 × 2) = 502 m 2

E.4.7 Total surface area of all openings

Aov = 2 × 1 = 2 m 2

E.4.8 Area

A = 502 + 60 = 562 m 2

E.4.9 Carbon dioxide design quantity

m = 1, 34 × (0, 2 kg / m 2 × 562 m 2 + 0, 7 kg/m 3 × 560 m 3 ) = 675, 9 kg

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ISO/DIS 6183:2021(E)


[1] ISO TS 21805, Guidance on design, selection and installation of vents to safeguard the structural
integrity of enclosures protected by gaseous fire-extinguishing systems
[2] Limits of Flammability of Gases and Vapours, Bulletins 503 and 627.

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