Iso Fdis 20136 (E)
Iso Fdis 20136 (E)
Iso Fdis 20136 (E)
Voting begins on: Leather — Determination of
2020-03-16 degradability by micro-organisms
Voting terminates on:
2020-05-11 Cuir — Détermination de la dégradabilité par les micro-organismes
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms............................................................................................................................................................ 2
5 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
5.2 Assessment of biodegradation by manual titration; method A..................................................................... 2
5.3 Assessment of biodegradation by infrared (IR) detection; method B..................................................... 3
6 Chemicals...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
7 Apparatus and materials.............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
8 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8.1 Collection and preparation of the inoculum................................................................................................................... 7
8.2 Preparation of the test material and reference material..................................................................................... 7
8.3 Test conditions and incubation period............................................................................................................................... 7
8.4 Termination of the test...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
9 Quantification........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
9.1 Assessment of biodegradation by manual titration (method A).................................................................. 8
9.1.1 Determination of the organic carbon content......................................................................................... 8
9.1.2 Determination of the amount of CO2 produced..................................................................................... 8
9.1.3 Correcting for normality of HCl............................................................................................................................ 8
9.1.4 Percentage of biodegradation from CO2 evolved.................................................................................. 9
9.2 Assessment of biodegradation by IR (method B)...................................................................................................... 9
9.2.1 Determination of the organic carbon content......................................................................................... 9
9.2.2 Determination of the amount of CO2 produced.................................................................................. 10
9.2.3 Percentage of biodegradation from CO2 data....................................................................................... 10
10 Expression of results......................................................................................................................................................................................15
11 Validity of results...............................................................................................................................................................................................15
12 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Annex A (informative) Determination of the degree and rate of degradation of the material..............16
Annex B (informative) Quantitative determination of leather biodegradation....................................................19
Annex C (informative) Comparative biodegradability using different waste waters.......................................23
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see
This document was prepared by the Chemical Tests Commission of the International Union of Leather
Technologists and Chemists Societies (IUC Commission, IULTCS) in collaboration with the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 289, Leather, the secretariat of
which is held by UNI, in accordance with the agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN
(Vienna Agreement).
IULTCS, originally formed in 1897, is a world-wide organization of professional leather societies to
further the advancement of leather science and technology. IULTCS has three Commissions, which
are responsible for establishing international methods for the sampling and testing of leather. ISO
recognizes IULTCS as an international standardizing body for the preparation of test methods for
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 20136:2017), which has been technically
revised. The main changes to the previous edition are as follows:
— Method B in the first edition described a closed O2 circuit system. This system had the inconvenience
that, over time, the O2 concentration decreased and, therefore, so did the activity of the
microorganism. Now an open O2 circuit system has been developed where there is no O2 limitation
and, therefore, the activity of the microorganism is always optimal.
— An explanation about the results calculation method has been added to method B. The CO2
accumulated in the test (area under the CO2 moles curve vs time) is calculated.
— The possibility of using municipal wastewater instead of tannery wastewater as an inoculum has
been included.
— A new Annex C has been added which compares the biodegradability with different inoculum
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
One of the main issues faced by the footwear industry is waste treatment. Such wastes, and especially
leather, even though they are considered non-hazardous by the regulations in force, are generated in
vast quantities and mostly end up in landfills, where natural degradation time is much longer than the
product’s useful life.
Faced with this problem, there is a growing search for alternative tanning agents that confer the same
properties on leather as those provided by the agents currently employed, but which in turn reduce the
time to biodegrade in nature.
This document allows the measurement of leather biodegradability in a liquid system by using
aerobic microorganisms as an inoculum. The test is considered valid when collagen (positive control)
degrades by at least 70 % in a maximum period of 50 days. In order to determine how biodegradable
a leather sample (test material) is, its percentage degradability value is compared with the percentage
degradability value obtained in collagen, in the same test and period of time. The closer the percentage
degradability values, the shorter the time to biodegrade in nature. Therefore, those test materials
showing percentage degradability values well below the collagen value will require a longer time for
biodegradation in nature.
1 Scope
This document specifies a test method to determine the degree and rate of aerobic biodegradation
of hides and skins of different animal origin, whether they are tanned or not, through the indirect
determination of CO2 produced by the degradation of collagen.
The test material is exposed to an inoculum (activated sludge from tannery wastewater) in an aqueous
medium. If there is not a tannery nearby then urban wastewater can be used as the inoculum.
The conditions established in this document correspond to optimum laboratory conditions to achieve
the maximum level of biodegradation. However, they might not necessarily correspond to the optimum
conditions or maximum level of biodegradation in the natural medium.
In general, the experimental procedure covers the determination of the degradation degree and
rate of the material under controlled conditions, which allows the analysis of the evolved carbon
dioxide produced throughout the test. For this purpose, the testing equipment complies with strict
requirements with regard to flow, temperature and agitation control.
This method applies to the following materials:
— natural polymers of animal stroma (animal tissue/skins);
— animal hides and skins tanned (leather) using organic or inorganic tanning agents;
— leathers that, under testing conditions, do not inhibit the activity of microorganisms present in the
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
activated sludge from tannery wastewater
Note 1 to entry: If there is not a tannery nearby then urban wastewater can be used as the inoculum.
C carbon
GL18 threads are used with H-SA V40/45 Erlenmeyer flasks (5 000 ml volume)
GL14 threads are used with H-SA V29/32 Erlenmeyer flasks (2 000 ml volume)
H-SA V 29/32 inner and outer measures in millimetres of the orifice of the mouth of the
Erlenmeyer flasks
H-SA V H40/45 inner and outer measures in millimetres of the orifice of the mouth of the
Erlenmeyer flasks
IR infrared
Qnar the air flow, in mol, passing through the system per hour (mol/h)
QnCO2 the CO2 air flow, in mol, passing through the system per hour (mol/h)
5 Principle
5.1 General
The procedure consists of the quantification of the CO2 evolved during the degradation of the
polymerised amino acids making up the collagen polymer by the action of microorganisms present
in the sludge of tannery biological tanks. The CO2 evolved is stoichiometrically proportional to the
amount of carbon (C) present in said polymer. The initial carbon percentage present in each of the
tested samples is determined by elemental analysis. The CO2 accumulated during the test is converted
into biodegradation percentage by means of mathematical equations. The tests shall be conducted
in duplicate in the presence of a positive control, comprising minimum test medium (6.3), inoculum
(activated sludge from tannery wastewater) and collagen, and a negative control, comprising minimum
test medium and inoculum only. The test shall be regarded as valid if the degree of biodegradation of
the positive control (pure collagen) is equal to or higher than 70 %.
The tests shall be carried out using equipment able to provide the conditions needed to carry out the
test. Agitation, temperature and CO2-free air inflow should be controlled.
The initial carbon (C) percentage present in the collagen under study is determined by the elemental
analysis of the test specimen. The biodegradation percentage does not include the amount of carbon
transformed into new cellular biomass that has not been metabolised to carbon dioxide throughout
the test.
The CO2 evolved during the test is indirectly determined through the reaction of [Ba(OH)2] with CO2,
which is precipitated as barium carbonate (BaCO3). The amount of CO2 evolved is determined by
titrating the remaining non-precipitated [Ba(OH)2] with a 0,05 mol/l hydrochloric acid solution. These
measurements are taken on a daily basis throughout the test.
Biodegradability is assessed by indirectly measuring the CO2 evolved as a function of time and
calculating the biodegradation degree by the difference between the initial carbon percentage present
in collagen and the remaining soluble organic carbon content that has not been transformed into CO2 in
the course of the process (see Figures A.1 to A.3, Annex A).
6 Chemicals
6.1 Deionised or ultrapure (Milli Q®1)) water, free from toxic materials with resistivity > 18 MΩ/cm.
6.2 Stock solutions, use only analytical grade reagents. The stock solutions employed in the tests are
the same for the two methods used in this document. Prepare synthetic stock solutions by dissolving
each of the following in distilled water (6.1) and made up to 1 l in separate flasks.
1) Milli Q® is an example of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience
of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of this product.
The minimum test medium shall contain the following stock solutions diluted to 1 l with deionised water:
6.4 Test specimens: use collagen type I (Sigma®2) or similar) as a positive control. Test specimens
shall be basically natural polymers or leather from the tanning industry used for the production of
leather clothing.
6.5 Only for method A: a [Ba(OH)2] solution, 0,025 mol/l, is prepared by dissolving 4,0 g [Ba(OH)2]
per litre of distilled water. Filter free of solid material, confirm molarity by titration with standard acid
and store sealed as a clear solution to prevent absorption of CO2 from the air. It is recommended that 5 l
be prepared at a time when running a series of tests.
7.4 Pre-treatment flasks and flasks (only for Method A), various sizes.
7.6 Autonomous CO2-free air source, consisting of a noiseless compressor connected to a pressure
swing adsorption (PSA) system provided with a molecular sieve.
7.7 Sepiolite to filter impurities and humidity from the ventilation system.
7.9.1 Method A: eight 5 l Erlenmeyer flasks (reaction flasks) for each test (two controls and two test
specimens per test). 5 000 ml H-SA V H40/50 Erlenmeyer flasks shall be used, as well as V2 distilling heads
2) Sigma® is an example of a suitable product available commercially. This information is given for the convenience
of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of this product.
with GL18 threads and filter pore No. 1 diffuser. The volume of the liquid (culture medium + inoculum)
shall be 2,5 l in total.
7.9.2 Method B: 12 flasks with a test volume of 1 l (reaction flasks) incorporating a distilling head
and an air diffuser which are used to conduct the tests (two controls and four samples in duplicate).
The Erlenmeyer flasks shall have a capacity of 2 000 ml with three notches and be of the H-SA V 29/32
(SQ13) model type. They shall incorporate V2 distilling heads with GL14 threads (6 mm air intake and
8 mm air outlet) and filter pore No. 1 diffuser. The volume of the liquid (culture medium + inoculum)
shall be 1 l in total.
Equipment A operates in such a way that the CO2-free air is bubbled through a series of seven Erlenmeyer
flasks (pre-treatment flasks) that trap residual carbon dioxide in the air flow coming from the PSA
device (7.6). The system is then divided into eight lines controlled by eight valves that allow the flow
to be independently controlled, which in turn supply eight Erlenmeyer flasks (reaction flasks) located
inside the tank. The outlet of each one of the eight Erlenmeyer flasks is directly connected to a series
of three glass Erlenmeyer flasks (analysis bottles) connected, each one containing 100 ml of [Ba(OH)2]
0,025 mol/l, from which the results will be obtained (see Figures A.2 and A.3, Annex A).
The equipment also features a thermostat that allows the regulation of the temperature of the reaction
flasks through the recirculation of water in a closed circuit. The test is carried out at 23 °C ± 1 °C.
The reaction flasks are constantly agitated at 24 rpm (to-and-fro motion) throughout the entire test
The inoculum volume of each flask varies depending on its degree of activity, ranging between 10 % and
20 % of the total volume (inoculum + minimum test medium), which is 2,5 l. If the inoculum is from urban
wastewater the total volume (inoculum + minimum medium) can increase up to 40 % of the total volume.
The air needs to leave the generator through the PSA system which shall have been working for 16 h
(overnight) before the start of the test in order to ensure that a stable CO2 concentration of less than
1 ppm is achieved in the air flow.
During the test, a constant CO2-free air flow of 150 ml/min is supplied to each reaction flask. The air
flow is regularly checked at each outlet by means of scaled flow meters in order to ensure that there are
not any leaks in the system.
The quantification of the CO2 evolved by aerobic digestion of the specimen by microorganisms is carried
out by measuring the level of carbonation of 0,025 mol/l [Ba(OH2)] contained in the three analysis
flasks connected to each reaction flask. The analysis flasks are replaced every 24 h with others with
the same initial amount of 0,025 mol/l [Ba(OH2)].
The daily quantification values of the carbonation of [Ba(OH2)] are entered into a spreadsheet that
converts them into biodegradation percentages (Clause 10). General
The equipment works continuously in an open system in which the air free of CO2 (7.6) circulates
throughout the system impelled by a pump (see Figures B.1 to B.5, Annex B). To increase the amount of
oxygen dissolved in the liquid phase, the intake of air into the Erlenmeyer flask is made through the use
of an air diffuser incorporated into the distilling head that is in contact with the liquid medium.
The air flow that goes into each Erlenmeyer flask is controlled by a system of individual pressure
gauges. The system also features a digital air flow quantification system. Digital data for each
measurement and each Erlenmeyer flask are saved to a file and are subsequently converted into l/h
based on a calibration curve.
The equipment is provided with a thermostatic system capable of regulating the temperature of the
Erlenmeyer flasks by means of a thermostated tank. Tank water is inside a recirculation system that in
turn is connected to a cryothermostat that allows water recirculation at a temperature of 23 °C ± 2 °C.
In order to achieve constant agitation of the microbial suspension and samples, the equipment is
provided with a system comprising an array of 12 magnets coupled to 12 motors placed underneath
the tank base, in such a way that each magnet corresponds to one reaction flask. Agitation of the
microbial suspension and samples is achieved by putting a magnet inside each flask. Agitation speed (in
revolutions per minute, rpm) is set using specific hardware.
Important quantification parameters are referred to in Table B.1, Annex B.
The CO2 value of the samples placed in the flasks is sequentially measured by a multiplexer system. This
system comprises a rotating drum with 12 inlet channels and one outlet, which is directly connected to an
airtight tank where the CO2 sensor is located. Every air outlet of the reaction flasks is connected to an air
inlet of the multiplexer system. By a single rotation, the drum selects just one of the inlets, establishing a
direct connection between the selected inlet of one of the reaction flasks and the tank where the detector
is located, and blocking the rest of the inlets. A stepper motor makes the multiplexer system rotate to
select the relevant inlet, and specifically designed hardware and the corresponding firmware control
which of the 12 inlets is selected at all times. This way, it is possible to save the information relative to
the CO2 evolved (ppm) and the respective air flow (l/h) of a given flask at a given time.
The minimum test medium and the inoculum are added to the Erlenmeyer flasks. The volume of the
inoculum in each flask varies according to the degree of activity, ranging between 10 % and 20 % of the
total volume (inoculum + minimum test medium), which amounts to 1 l. If the inoculum is from urban
wastewater the total volume (inoculum + minimum medium) can increase up to 40 % of the total volume.
Then the inlet and outlet connectors of the CO2 detector are installed. The agitation and the temperature
are switched on and the test is started on the computer, keeping it in operation for a period of 16 h
(overnight) in order to properly condition the microorganisms present in the medium. Afterwards,
collagen (in the positive controls) and leather (in the samples) are added.
The biodegradation equipment features software capable of controlling and recording the values of the
CO2 (ppm) and air flow (l/h) produced in each flask during the test at intervals defined by the user.
Two different types of calibration are performed: CO2 sensor and air flow. CO2 sensor calibration: the calibration of the CO2 detection equipment is carried out using
special gas mixtures with different CO2 concentrations (50 ppm, 150 ppm and 300 ppm), in addition to
a gas mixture with 99,9 % O2 as zero CO2 concentration. At the end of the calibration process, a linear
calibration curve between 0 ppm and 2 000 ppm is traced according to Formula (1):
y = mx + c (1)
where Air flow calibration: the digital flow is calibrated independently for each flask using
rotameters (one for each flask) positioned before the CO2-free air inlet of each of the 12 flasks.
All air flow values are stored in a software program specifically developed for this test, which also
makes it possible to control the parameters and save all data of CO2 evolved during the test in the
different reaction flasks.
8 Procedure
When the positive control shows biodegradation values lower than 70 % after 50 days, the test shall be
discarded and repeated.
9 Quantification
The total organic carbon content of the material being tested is determined by elemental analysis. This
allows the theoretical maximum quantity of carbon dioxide evolution to be calculated.
The test material has w % (percentage by mass) of carbon as determined by the elemental analysis in
Formula (2) and Formula (3):
mTC = w/100 · ms (2)
mTC is the carbon in test material added to the Erlenmeyer flask (g);
w is the % mass fraction of carbon in test material from elemental analysis (%);
This means 12 g of C would yield 44 g CO2. The theoretical maximum quantity of CO2 is shown by
Formula (4):
mTCO2 = 44/12 · mTC (4)
Correct for the amount of carbon dioxide produced with the negative control (culture
medium + inoculum) by subtracting negative control titration from test material titration obtained
with 0,05 mol/l HCl, using Formula (5) and Formula (6).
[Ba(OH)2] + CO2 → BaCO3 + H2O (5)
t HCL is the titre volume obtained with 0,05 mol/l HCl (ml).
The amount of CO2 evolved from test material (mg), mCO2, is determined according to Formula (8):
mCO2 = [(cHCL · t HCL · 44)/2) (8)
For a titration with 0,05 mol/l HCl, (i.e. cHCL = 0,05) the amount of CO2 (mg) is as shown in Formula (9):
mCO2 = 1,1 · t HCL (9)
Hence, the amount of carbon dioxide evolved (mg) is obtained by multiplying the HCl titration by 1,1.
The percentage of biodegradation of the test material determined from carbon dioxide evolved is
calculated as shown in Formula (10):
BCO2 = [(mCO2 · 1 000)/ mTCO2] · 100 (10)
The total organic carbon content of the material being tested is determined through an elemental
analysis. This allows the maximum amount of CO2 that can be generated in each test run to be
theoretically calculated.
The test material has w % (percentage by mass) of carbon as determined by the elemental analysis in
Formula (11) and Formula (12).
mTC = w/100 · ms (11)
mTC is the carbon in test material added to the Erlenmeyer flask (g);
w is the mass fraction of carbon in test material from elemental analysis (%);
This means 12 g of C would yield 44 g CO2. The theoretical maximum quantity of CO2 is as shown in
Formula (13):
mTCO2 = 44/12 · mTC (13)
CO2 produced during the degradation of samples is measured by an IR detector present in the
quantification equipment. For this purpose, the sensor is previously calibrated between 0 ppm and
2 000 ppm with commercial mixtures of calibration gases ( General
The percentage of biodegradation from carbon dioxide produced is calculated from the conversion of
ppm of CO2 produced during the test, taking into account the average of the values obtained in the two
Erlenmeyer flasks of each sample (duplicate tests). After a series of mathematical calculations, these
values are converted into percentage of biodegradation. To this end, the following parameters shall be
a) air flow ( going in (O2, N2) and gaseous mixture flow going out (O2, N2, CO2) of each
reactor (Qv), expressed in l/h;
b) air temperature within the system, expressed in Kelvin (K);
c) total pressure (Ptotal) is the total pressure inside the Erlenmeyer flask that comprises the
atmospheric pressure, which is dependent on the altitude of the location and the manometric
pressure, expressed in atm;
d) reactor volume, expressed in litres (l);
e) CO2 fraction on exiting the IR detector (YCO2), expressed in parts per million (ppm CO2).
The air flow (Q v) expressed in l/h is converted into air flow (Qnar) expressed in mol/h applying
Formula (14):
(Ptotal · Qv = Qnar · R · T) (14)
Ptotal is the total pressure inside the Erlenmeyer flask that comprises the atmospheric pressure,
which is dependent on the altitude of the location, and the manometric pressure;
expressed in atm;
Qv is the air flow, in litres, passing through the system per hour (l/h);
Qnar is the air flow, in mol, passing through the system per hour (mol/h);
T is the temperature of the gaseous phase in Kelvin (K), where K = °C + 273,15 °C.
This formula allows the determination of the number of moles of the gas mixture as a reference for
the transformation of CO2 ppm evolved during the test into percentage of biodegradation. For this, it is
necessary to transform, for each measure throughout the test, the air flow (Qnar) expressed in mol/h
into CO2 air flow (QnCO2) expressed in mol/h, as shown in Formula (15):
QnCO2 = Qnar · YCO2 (15)
QnCO2 is the CO2 air flow, in mol, passing through the system per hour (mol/h);
Qnar is the air flow, in mol, passing through the system per hour (mol/h);
YCO2 is the CO2 fraction in air flow exiting the IR detector (ppm).
The inlet air flow is equal to the outgoing gas flow, since for each mol of O2 consumed 1 mol of CO2 is
After calculating the average QnCO2 of each sample, and for each sampling point, the QnCO2 of the negative
control corresponding to each sampling point shall be subtracted from the QnCO2 of the sample. This
way, it is possible to determine the number of CO2 moles evolved from the sample or collagen (positive
control), from which the CO2 produced by the inoculum (negative control) has already been deducted.
Therefore, for each sampling point, the CO2 air flow would be calculated using Formula (16):
QnCO2 = QnCO2 test material – QnCO2 negative control (16)
From the QnCO2 data obtained at the different sampling points, plot a QnCO2 (mol/h) graph as a function
of time (h) and then calculate the total number of moles of CO2 evolved at different time intervals (e.g.
every 2 h) until the test is terminated. To this end, the area under the curve, which can be obtained
using graphic software, traced by the QnCO2 graph as a function of time shall be integrated, for which a
specific mathematical program shall be used, see Figure 1.
X time (h)
Y QnCO2 (mol/h)
mCO2 is the amount of CO2 evolved from test material degradation (g);
xCO2 is the amount of CO2 evolved from test material degradation (mol), from which the mol CO2
evolved from the inoculum at that very same time have been deducted. The value of the inte-
grated area at a given time is given in Calculation of the CO2 mass present in the initial test sample
From the carbon (C) percentage present in the leather or collagen test material, previously determined
by elemental analysis (9.2.1), it is possible to calculate the total C amount, in mg, present in the initial
test material sample and, hence, the maximum CO2 value that this C mass can produce.
From the initial mass multiplied by the C percentage present in the test material, calculate the theoretical
maximum amount of carbon that can be transformed into CO2 during the test using Formula (18):
mTC = w/100 · ms (18)
w is the mass fraction of carbon in test material from elemental analysis (%); Calculation of the CO2 mass evolved from the initial sample
From the C theoretical maximum, calculate the CO2 theoretical maximum than can evolve during the
test using Formula (19):
mTCO2 = 44/12 · mTC (19)
In order to calculate the percentage of biodegradation at any time, divide the accumulated CO2 (g) by the
theoretical maximum CO2 that can evolve from the initial C (g) multiplied by the percent factor (100),
as shown in Formula (20), see also Figure 2.
BCO2 = (mCO2/mTCO2) · 100 (20)
mCO2 is the CO2 evolved during a given time interval throughout the test (g);
mTCO2 is the theoretical maximum quantity of CO2 that could evolve (g).
X time (h)
Y biodegradation (%)
test material
a) From the CO2 (ppm) and air flow (l/h) data obtained throughout the whole test, calculate the
average for the two Erlenmeyer flasks of each test material, and of the positive (collagen) and
negative (inoculum + minimum test medium) controls.
b) Using the calculations of, determine the average Qnar values of the test materials and
controls for each sampling point during the test.
c) For each sampling point, subtract the Qnar of the negative control ( from the Qnar of the test
materials and the positive control (
d) From the table of values obtained in point c), and the respective sampling times, plot a graph for
each test material and positive control, showing the Qnar as a function of time (h) (
e) From the graph, integrate the graph area under the curve every 24 h of testing ( The value
obtained after the integration of the graph area corresponds to the C mass, in mg, that has been
transformed into CO2 until the time (h) integrated in the graph.
f) Finally, for each value calculated in point e), calculate the biodegradation percentage of the samples
or positive control (collagen) according to
10 Expression of results
The percentage of degradation of each test material in comparison with collagen is presented as a
relative percentage, calculated on the basis of the absolute value of collagen degradation converted to
100 %, according to Formula (21):
Brel = (BCO2 · 100)/A (21)
11 Validity of results
The test shall be regarded as valid if the degree of biodegradation of the reference material in the
reaction flasks is equal to or higher than 70 % in absolute terms (see Clause 10, term A).
12 Test report
The test report shall include at least the following:
a) a reference to this document, i.e. ISO 20136:—.
b) information on the inoculum including source, date of collection, storage, handling and potential
acclimation to test material;
c) carbon (C) content of the test material, both the collagen (positive control) and the natural polymer
or leather samples;
d) accumulative average carbon dioxide evolution over time until plateau should be reported and
displayed graphically as lag-phase and slope (rate);
e) % absolute biodegradation (BCO2) and relative biodegradability (Brel) of each test material;
f) the date of the test.
Annex A
The biodegradability assessment equipment is a compact unit that has been specifically conceived for
testing biodegradation of leather. However, its applicability can be extrapolated to the study of the
biological degradation of any textile (e.g. fabrics, weaves) or polymeric material (plastics), as long as
the relevant adjustments are made to the methodology, especially with regards to the inoculum and
positive control used. The test method therefore covers the determination of the degree and rate of
degradation of the material under controlled laboratory conditions based on the analysis of the
evolution of CO2 throughout the test. For this purpose, the unit complies with strict requirements
referring to flow control (CO2-free air), thermal control and agitation control (to-and-fro motion).
This unit was developed to simplify the experimental process, allowing all the operational controls
to be accessed from one easily accessible and understandable control panel situated on the top of the
equipment (Figures A.1 and A.2).
1 air pump
2 PSA system
3 pre-treatment flasks
4 flow meter
5 Erlenmeyer flasks
6 analysis flasks
Figure A.3 shows a diagram of the unit for biodegradability assessment from the point of view of the
basic experimental procedure. As can be seen, the unit is provided with an autonomous clean CO2-free
air generation system consisting of a noiseless compressor (specially conceived for a non-industrial
use in research laboratories, with a noise level < 40 dB) and a CO2 filter or trap (PSA system). The
generated CO2-free air is bubbled through a series of seven Erlenmeyer pre-treatment flasks and this
is then divided into eight lines where the flow is independently controlled, which in turn supply eight
Erlenmeyer reaction flasks located inside the tank. The outlet of each one of the eight Erlenmeyer flasks
is directly connected to a series of three Erlenmeyer analysis flasks, where the CO2 evolved during the
degradation of the specimen is trapped for its subsequent quantification.
The unit also features a thermostat that allows temperature control and regulation inside the tank
through the recirculation of approximately 200 l of thermostated water in a closed circuit.
Annex B
The equipment consists of a completely automated system able to precisely and simultaneously measure
the percentage of CO2 evolved during leather degradation by the action of aerobic microorganisms.
These data are subsequently converted into biodegradation percentage of leather samples.
The system’s capacity is 12 Erlenmeyer flasks and it is managed by a multiplexer system comprising
a rotating drum provided with an outlet directly connected to an air flow meter measuring the air
flow (l/h) and subsequently to an airtight tank where the CO2 sensor is located. Air flow and CO2
concentration values are saved in a data-capturing system connected to a computer.
The CO2 IR detection equipment has the following features (Table B.1):
— thermostated tank with a capacity of 12 flasks of 2,5 l total volume and 1 l test volume;
— multiplexer system comprising a rotating drum with 12 inlet channels in such a way that every air
outlet of the reaction flasks is connected to an air inlet of the multiplexer system;
— digital air flow meter (l /h);
— manual system for individual air-flow adjustment in every Erlenmeyer flask made up of a system of
pressure gauges;
— PSA system (7.6) providing CO2-free air;
— CO2 detector consisting of a CO2 sensor able to measure CO2 concentrations from 0 ppm to 2 000 ppm;
— digital pressure system to quantify the total pressure (ambient pressure + flask reactor pressure);
— user-friendly software for signal capturing, processing and monitoring, able to store data for long
periods (Figure B.2).
Table B.1 — Parameters, units of measure and range of values of data assessed during the test
Parameter Unit of measure Range of values
CO2 concentration ppm 0 ppm to 2 000 ppm
Temperature °C 18 °C to 26 °C
Air flow l/h 0 l/h to 40 l/h
Biodegradation % 0 % to 100 %
Qnar (N moles · l)/h —
Pressure atm dependent on altitude
The system incorporates a signal capture and processing unit with which it is possible to control several
reaction units simultaneously (Figure B.3).
The system can be easily calibrated using a standard gas at a known concentration, and it is possible to
define the calibration curve with different standard gases at different concentrations (Figure B.4).
The system is capable of measuring the biodegradation rate of organic polymers, such as leather. The
biodegradation process takes place when these materials are exposed to the action of microorganisms,
mainly aerobic ones, which are present in a synthetic culture medium where the only carbon
and nitrogen source for their growth is found in the leather sample incorporated. The action of
microorganisms on this organic matter mainly releases (Figure B.5):
— energy for microorganism growth;
— CO2;
— H2O.
Figure B.5 — Biodegradation process when leather is exposed to the action of microorganisms
With this system, it is possible to quantify the CO2 released in the biodegradation process, since the
generation of this gas is proportional to the amount of elemental carbon (C) present in the compound
being degraded (Figure B.6).
Leather biodegradation can be quantified through the stoichiometry in the amount of CO2 generated
by the degradation of the carbon (C) present in the leather. The studies carried out using this technique
employed several modules with their respective reaction flasks into which the compound to be
evaluated had been added. With the help of the data-capture program, it is possible to determine in
which flasks the greatest CO2 concentration is produced, which will later provide information about the
level of biodegradability. In order to carry out these operations, it is necessary to set a positive control
flask, so that all subsequent calculations are made taking this flask as a reference.
The system is conceived to perform tests that can last up to 50 days, with it being able to record all
instantaneous values of CO2 produced, at intervals previously set in the software.
Figure B.6 — Screenshot showing the percentage of CO2 accumulated in different samples
throughout a test
Annex C
[1] ISO 14852, Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an
aqueous medium — Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide
[2] ISO 14855-1, Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under
controlled composting conditions — Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide — Part 1:
General method
[3] ASTM D5210-92, Standard test method for determining the anaerobic degradation for the plastic
materials in the presence of municipal sewage sludge
ICS 59.140.30
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