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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Cabanatuan City
Mabini extension, Cabanatuan City



Ramon D. Maliksi, Jr.

Adam G. Mendoza

A Research Paper

Presented to the

Senior High School Faculty of

Honorato C. Perez, Sr. Memorial Science High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research I

Approval Sheet

The research paper entitled Efficiency of Online class TO GRADE 12 STUDENTS OF HONORATO C. PEREZ
MENDOZA in partial fulfillment of the requirements for PRACTICAL RESEARCH II is hereby accepted and


Subject Teacher, Practical Research II EAPP Teacher

________________________ _________________________

Date Date


School Principal II

Copyright © 2021 by Adam G. Mendoza & Ramon D. Maliksi Jr.

All rights reserved. No part of this research may be reproduced or used in any manner without written

permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in research papers and book



First and foremost, we would like to give our praise and thanks to God, the Almighty, for Him

giving us blessings throughout our journey in finishing this research successfully.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research adviser, Ma’am

Theresa G. Reyes, for lending us the chance to do this research. Her effectiveness, observations, earnest

and motivation have passionately inspired us. She taught us how to do the research and to present the

research works as clearly as possible. It was a privilege and honor to work and study under her guidance.

We also like to acknowledge the people below who helped us in certain aspects as we are doing

this research. To our adviser, our adviser, Ma’am Faye Marion C. Sebastian, we would like to say that we

are deeply inspired and we appreciate her support as our secondary parent while we are working on the

research study. To all our respondents, we are really pleased for their participation which helped our

study a lot.

We are really grateful to our families and friends for their love, prayers, care, and support in

every aspect.

We cannot express in words our gratitude but our hearts are still full from the favors received from

each person who helped us.

The Researchers

Online class is a computer based education where students use their computers through

internet. Through online class students and teacher could interact with each without facing each other

in real life. It’s a process where students could communicate with their teachers anywhere and anytime.

This study is conducted to focus, explore and to discover factors that establish correlation of students in

terms of the efficiency of online classes.

The study was conducted at Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science Highschool on November

2020 to February 2021. This study mostly identifies the efficiency of online classes to Grade 12 students.

The participants and respondents of the study were from the Grade 12 STEM and ABM students.

The data was obtained through analyzing and tallying of the responses. Majority of the 20

participants agree that the online classes were efficient towards them.
Table of Contents

Covid-19 really hit our world hard. It affected the daily lives of people all around the
world. The agriculture, economy, education, and many more. One of the precautionary move
done by the government to lessen and defeat this virus was going to a total lockdown and no face
to face contact. As a student, the pandemic mostly affected our education, on how we will learn
and how the teacher will give off knowledge to the students.
The Department of Education of the Philippines and with the help of all the teacher
around the country they found a solution on how education can be delivered to the students even
though they are at home, without having face to face contact. Online learning was one of the
solution that Deped have implemented to this school year for us teachers, students and other
people to avoid contact with each other. Online learning is basically using the internet or the
worldwide web (www.) to deliver the education needed by the students. There are many
platforms on the internet that can be used for this type of solution, and most of the schools in the
Philippines have decided to use Google classroom and Google meet as well as our school, as it is
so simple to use and very student friendly platform to deliver education.
The researchers chose to conduct a study on how efficient online class to the students,
specifically to grade 12 students of Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science High school. This
quantitative research study will explore the experience of the grade 12 students of HCPSMSHS
this school year.  Majority of the grade 12 students chose the Online class for this reason the
researchers decided to conduct this study if the online classes are beneficial or efficient to the
students. Since we are at the middle of the pandemic, the researchers wants to know how
efficient online class can be to the students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify if the online classes was efficient towards to Grade 12
students of HCPSMSH and the factors that affects them towards the use of online class


1. The teaching techniques used while online learning have significant effect towards the
students’ performance
2. The quality of online education have a significant on the students’ performance
3. There is a significant difference between the learning towards online and learning through
going to school
Significance of the study

In accordance to existing online classes that are occurring, this study’s objective was to
determine the efficiency of online classes towards students. This study would serve as a guide for
the following:
to the Students: This research could be contributive to the students as it aimed at recognizing
the how efficient is online class to the students. It will help them to make some changes on what
they want to determine in online classes. The efficiency of online class would help other students
to take up online class
to the Teachers: The study will be a helpful guide for the teachers. It can help them to work
accordingly on how the students find the online class efficiently. It would also make them help
the student to work on their task.
to the Future Researchers: This research would serve as a guide and instrument for those
people who will start their research study related to this topic. This study will help future
researchers to gain information in terms of the Efficiency of Online Class. It would also serve
them as their assistance on what make Online Class efficient.

Definition of Terms

 Digital note-taking method – a type method where the researcher uses any kind of digital
tool to write their own notes in it.
 Research Materials – these are the materials that would help the researchers to
understand their topics and it would also benefit them to prepare on valid explanation or
 Survey – a form that includes questions related to a study and to be answered by a
 Conclusion – it is the summary of the results
 Academic Performance – the average result of academic performances of Grade 12
students from Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science High School
 Students – refers to the person that would be given a survey.
 Memory Retention – ability to recall information over a duration of time
 Data – statistics and facts that are collected for reference and analysis.
 Efficiency - is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in
doing something or in producing a desired result
Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of the study was to know the factors that affect the grade 12 students
in terms of online classes and use the information gathered to help improve the system of
education during the pandemic.
The study was conducted within the online class of grade 12 students of Honorato C.
Perez Sr. Memorial Science High School during November 2020 to February 2021. It mainly
identified the common difficulties and problems of the grade 12 online class students of
HCPSMSHS. The participants or respondents were the online class of grade 12 students STEM
and ABM. The researcher used approximately 14% of the 180 students as respondents so the
sample size was 25 which were divided equally to 5 sections.

Review of Related Literature

Mobo, D.F, (2019), An Assessment of the Effectiveness of E-Learning in AMA Olongapo

Philippine Merchant Marine

Anstine, J., & Skidmore, M. (2005). A small sample study of traditional and online courses with
selection adjustment. The Journal of Economic Education, 107–127.

Bartley, S. J., & Golek, J. H. (2004). Evaluating the Cost Effectiveness of Online and Face-to-
Instruction. Educational Technology & Society, 7(4), 167–175.

Bennett, S., Marsh, D., & Killen, C. (2007). Handbook of online education. Continuum
Publishing Group, Incorporated. Retrieved from http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1526291

Bernard, R. M., Abrami, P. C., Lou, Y., Borokhovski, E., Wade, A., Wozney, L., … Huang, B.
(2004). How
Does Distance Education Compare With Classroom Instruction? A Meta-Analysis of the
Literature. Review of Educational Research, 74(3), 379–439.

Blitz, C. L. (2013). Can Online Learning Communities Achieve the Goals of Traditional
Learning Communities? What the Literature Says. REL 2013-003. Regional Educational
Laboratory Mid-Atlantic. Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED544210

Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R.-M. (2010). The online teaching survival guide: Simple and
pedagogical tips. John Wiley & Sons.

Bowen, W. G. (2013). Higher education in the digital age. Princeton University Press.

Bowen, W. G., & Ithaka, S. (2012). Interactive learning online at public universities: Evidence
randomized trials. Ithaka S+ R. Retrieved from

Brown, B. W., & Liedholm, C. E. (2002). Can web courses replace the classroom in principles of
microeconomics? The American Economic Review, 92(2), 444–448.

Brown, B. W., & Liedholm, C. E. (2004). Student preferences in using online learning resources.
Science Computer Review, 22(4), 479–492.

Xu, D., Huang, W. W., Wang, H., & Heales, J. (2014). Enhancing e-learning effectiveness using
intelligent agent-supported personalized virtual learning environment: An empirical
investigation. Information & Management, 51(4), 430–440.

Zhao, Y., Lei, J., Yan, B., Lai, C., & Tan, S. (2005). What makes the difference? A practical
analysis of
research on the effectiveness of distance education. The Teachers College Record, 107(8),
g done
) Figure 3
Distraction caused Methodology
by other things
Type of Research
The research method that the researchers utilized are the Surveys or Questionnaires.
y Of Conceptual Framework

In figure 1 it explains that stress is sometimes a variable on online classes so it may affect the
performance of a child on online classes, In figure 2 some houses have household chores that
needs to be done that maybe time consuming and may affect online classes’ efficiency. And
lastly Figure 3 other distractions that are being faced by students while they are in online classes.
The researchers’ aim to find out how efficient is the online classes are for the students, and
knowing the variables that affected them.

General Procedures (Level 2)

The researchers used descriptive method of research and The research method that the

researchers utilized are the Surveys or Questionnaires in identifying the how efficient online

class is to grade 12 students of HCPSMSHS.

According to Hammond (2018), descriptive research examines a phenomena, group of

people, idea or theory with a particular focus on facts and conditions of the subject. With the

help of this method the researchers were able to describe and observe the students' behavior on

how they manage their time between school works and other factors that pertains to the said
topic of the study without affecting and influencing them at any way by just using a question

form. It aimed to answer what behavior do the students show. It allowed the researchers to

measure the significance of the results on the overall population being studied.

Sampling Procedure and Samples (Level2)

The participants or respondents were the senior high school students from grade12 STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and grade 12 ABM (Accountancy,

Business and Management) of Honorato C. Perez Sr., Memorial Science High School.

According to Gay (1976), the acceptable sample size for Descriptive research is 10-20%.

The researchers used the 10% of 180 the students from among the five sections of online classes

as respondents so the sample size was 18. The participants were selected by a Probability

Sampling called Stratified Random Sampling. According to Hayes (2019), Stratified random

sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller sub-

groups known as strata. The researchers divided the target sample equally to the 5 sections of the

school mentioned.

Data Collection Techniques and Procedure (Level 2)

The estimating gadget utilized is the Survey or Questionnaire. It is a helpful strategy that can be

used in huge places yet costs low. A portion of the benefits of overviews is that respondents can

address inquiries individually, and may answer all the more genuinely as surveys give obscurity

(regardless of whether genuine or what they saw). And keeping in mind that the reactions might

be one-sided with respect to the member, they are liberated from the gatherer's inclination.
Results and Discussion Level 1)

Leeuwenhoek 5 respondents
Pasteur 5 respondents
Zillionaire 5 respondents
Maxwell 5 respondents
Rutherford 5 respondents
The figure above shows how many students have answer the researchers survey, That would be 5
respondents from Leeuwenhoek, 5 from Pasteur, 5 from Zillionaire, 5 from Maxwell, and 5 from

The figure above shows the scaling of the respondents that have answered the researchers’ survey, It
was equally distributed 20% each.
Out of 25, 18 students have answered that they have issues with online class. The very top issue that is going on in
their online class is technical difficulties with 7 answers. Next issue to that is teachers have a hard time teaching
the lesson properly with 4 answers. Another issue is that the online class now has insufficient time to teach with 3
answers. The very least answered issue with online class are many school works and emotional problem with both
having 2 answers.
The figure above shows how many students have found a solution for their issues with the online class.
Out of 18 students who answered that they have an issue with their online class 14 answered yes and 4
answered No. This shows that there are still students who face a very hard time when they go to their
respective online classes.

This figure above show the distribution of answers of students on what solutions they used to help fix
the issue that they were facing. As this part of the survey is a checkbox type meaning a responder can
have 1 or more answer on this question. It is determined that self study is the most efficient way to help
with the issue with the online class. Next to it is researching or surfing the internet. As we all know that
the internet can answer most of our question, hence it is expected that it is used often by students to
help with their studies. Also, watching youtube videos have also become a very good help to students.
With the very least count in the table, the students also answered that their solution for their problem is
academic freeze, finding a place with good reception and finding something to cheer them on.
The figure above shows how efficient online classes would be, 44% percent of the respondents
answered slightly efficient, also 44% percent of the respondents answered efficient, while 8% of the
respondents answered very efficient and the remaining percentage answered inefficient.

Conclusions and Recommendations (Level 1)

Conclusions (Level 2)

Online classes is one amongst the new innovative study ways that are introduced within
the pedagogy field. Within the previous couple of years, there has been an excellent shift in the
coaching methods. Students will currently learn remotely using the web and computers. Online
classes comes in several forms and has been developing with the introduction of recent
technologies. Most of the universities, high schools and alternative establishments in the world
have all instituted this way of learning and therefore the student population in the online class is
increasing fast. There has been loads of analysis on the impacts of online education as compared
to the standard schoolroom education.
This study aimed to know how efficient online class is to students during this pandemic,
also the factors that affect them academically, psychologically and physically for online class to
be inefficient to the students. The data gathered will be used to help the students and other people
in terms of online class to have a better learning experience, more quality education and better
knowledge in using certain apps or platforms used in online class. It sought answers to the
profile of the respondents, the common difficulties and problems during online classes, and
which of these habits are most answered and least answered by the respondents.
The study was conducted within the online class of grade 12 students of Honorato C.
Perez Sr. Memorial Science High School during November 2020 to February 2021. It mainly
identified the common difficulties and problems of the grade 12 online class students of
HCPSMSHS. The participants or respondents were the online class of grade 12 students STEM
and ABM. The researcher used approximately 14% of the 180 students as respondents so the
sample size was 25 which were divided equally to 5 sections.
The researcher were able to obtain the results by analyzing and tallying the answers of
the respondents. The following are the conclusions drawn from the results of the study:
1. The percentage of respondents that experience difficulties through online class are 72%
while the remaining 28% doesn’t experience any difficulties towards the use of online
class. Out of 25 respondents, 72% or 18 responded yes and 28% or 7 responded no.
2. The percentage of respondents that found a solution to their difficulties are 77.78% while
22.22% didn’t find any solution to fix their problem. Out of 18 respondents that have
said that they face difficulties, 77.78% or 14 responded yes and 22.22% or 4 responded
3. The common solution of the grade 12 students to fix their problems or difficulties are by
self- studying, surfing the internet/ researching, academic freeze, watching You tube
videos, finding something that makes yourself happy, and going to places where there is
faster internet speed.
The most answered through this question is self-study while the least answered are
academic freeze, finding something that makes yourself happy and going to places where
there is faster internet speed.
4. The respondents rated the online class based on their experience using a scale, the scale
consist of 4 choices; very efficient, efficient, slightly efficient, inefficient. Based on the
respondent’s experiences, the online classes are efficient for the reason that out of 25
respondents 11 answered it was very efficient and it is tied with efficient. So out of 25
respondents, 22 are satisfied with the online classes despite having problems and
difficulties while 2 respondents answered slightly efficient and 1 respondent answered
that the online class were inefficient .

Recommendations (Level 2)
In line with the findings of the study, the conclusion reached, and their various
implications, the following recommendations are hereby made;

1. The future researchers should include the grade levels from grade 7 to grade 11.
2. The future researchers should gather the experiences of students during face to face
3. Then, compare the experiences of students from face to face classes to the experiences
gathered in online classes.

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Principles, and Guidelines. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Roblyer, M.D. (2006). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (4th ed.). Upper Saddle

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Appendices (Level 1)

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