In the interest of worker safety arc energy Certain Cummins PowerCommand controls
reduction has become a common require- have an overcurrent protection and fault current
regulating feature called AmpSentry, which is UL
ment in emergency power systems. Manu-
listed as a protective relay. In 2014 Cummins added
facturers of circuit breakers and protective a maintenance mode function to Ampsentry for
relays have responded by adding various arc PowerCommand 2.2, 2.3 and 3.3 controls. In this
energy reducing functions to their products. paper we will describe AmpSentry and its new
maintenance mode, how to enable maintenance mode
One of the most commonly used arc energy
and how it meets NEC energy reduction requirements.
reduction methods is energy reducing
maintenance switching or “maintenance
mode”. When maintenance mode is enabled
any time delays configured for selective When PowerCommand controls measure current in
coordination are bypassed in the event of a any phase as exceeding 110% of the generator set
standby rating a current summing integral will be
fault so the fault is cleared instantaneously.
activated so that the generator will shut down based
The logic behind this is that when a techni- on the Ampsentry time current curve. The green line
cian is working in the vicinity of live electrical in Figure 1 is the AmpSentry trip curve. This allows
equipment the high level of available arc AmpSentry to protect the alternator and also the
feeder cables connected to the alternator provided
flash energy allowed by the time delays in
they are rated for at least 100% of the full load current
the overcurrent protective devices (OCPD) rating of the genset.
puts the worker at a significant risk if there
is a fault in the system. Bypassing the AmpSentry also has a fault current regulation feature.
When the control measures current in any phase as
time delay reduces the risk of injury due to exceeding 300% of the generator set standby rating
arc flash to the worker. When the work is the control recognizes that this is a fault condition and
finished and the worker leaves the area the begins to regulate current in the phase with the highest
OCPD is taken out of maintenance mode level of current to 300% of rated current. The purpose
of this is to allow a downstream OCPD to clear the
which re-activates the time delays so that fault, maintaining a coordinated system. AmpSentry’s
the system will be selectively coordinated. overcurrent protection function is in effect during a
Figure 1.\\376\\377 \\002 AmpSentry Time Over Current curve. Includes symmetric
and asymmetric fault current decrement curves for a DQLD 2750 kW
genset. Figure 2.\\376\\377 \\002 Control response and fault current decay resulting from a
short circuit with AmpSentry Maintenance Mode active
fault and will shut down the generator set based on the
time current curve if the fault is still active. Note that
in Figure 1 as fault current decays to 300% of rated Enabling AmpSentry
current AmpSentry holds the current constant at that
level until the line crosses the AmpSentry trip curve.
Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode is enabled by either activating a
AmpSentry Maintenance Mode configurable customer input while the control switch is
in “Auto” or by plugging in the InPower Service tool.
PowerCommand AmpSentry’s Maintenance Mode
function acts in the same manner as maintenance There are several customer configurable inputs on the
mode on a circuit breaker. When maintenance mode PowerCommand controls that can be configured as
is enabled AmpSentry shuts down the generator the Maintenance Mode enable switch by connecting
set (by shutting off fuel and excitation) as soon as it a pair of dry contacts between two terminals on
recognizes that current on any phase has exceeded the control terminal block. InPower can be used to
300% of the generator set rating. The short circuit configure the input as the maintenance mode enable
shutdown event can also be mapped to one of the switch. The input can be configured to be either active
customer configurable outputs of the control to shunt closed or active open. Figure 3 displays an example of
trip a breaker providing immediate isolation. Tests have setting up a configurable input in InPower.
shown that excitation is shut off within 50 msec of
the occurrence of the fault. In Figure 1, the red line is Fault code 5399 becomes active whenever Ampsentry
activated as the trip curve when maintenance mode is maintenance mode is enabled. As a default this fault
enabled. Note that for current less than 300% of rated code is set up as an event only. By configuring this
current the maintenance mode trip curve is the same fault code to be a warning the control can log when
as the standard AmpSentry trip curve. maintenance mode is enabled and disabled. This log
may be useful if the genset ever does sustain a short
Figure 2 displays a current trace created during a test circuit. Figure 4 shows an example of how to use
of AmpSentry Maintenance Mode. Note that in this InPower to set up control to log the maintenance
02 |\\376\\377\\000\\007 Power Topic #6073
test the control recognized the fault within 38 msec mode event.
of the fault occurrence and shut off the genset fuel
and excitation. The current decayed exponentially
according to the transient time constant.
Figure 3. Setting up a configurable input to enable maintenance mode
NEC Arc Energy Reduction (B) Method to Reduce Clearing Time. One of the
requirements following or approved equivalent means shall be
The 2014 version of the NEC requires that OCPD’s 1.\\376\\377\\000\\t Zone-selective interlocking
rated 1200 amps and higher have some type of arc 2.\\376\\377\\000\\t Differential relaying
energy reduction function. Relevant text from the 2014 3.\\376\\377\\000\\t Energy-reducing maintenance switching
NEC is printed below: with local status indicator
4.\\376\\377\\000\\t Energy-reducing active arc flash mitigation system
240.87 Arc Energy Reduction
5.\\376\\377\\000\\t An approved equivalent means
Where the highest continuous current trip setting
for which the actual overcurrent device installed in a
Informational Note No. 1: An energy-reducing
circuit breaker is rated or can be adjusted is 1200 A
maintenance switch allows a worker to set a circuit
or higher, 240.87 (A) and (B) shall apply.
breaker trip unit to “no intentional delay” to reduce
the clearing time while the worker is working within
03 |\\376\\377\\000\\007 Power Topic #6073
Table 1.\\376\\377 \\002 Arc Flash Energy Calculations – IEEE 1584 Method
AmpSentry clearly meets the requirement for arc
energy reduction as defined in NEC 240.87. The fact
that the text in the informational note refers to a circuit
breaker does not mean that only a circuit breaker Arc flash energy is calculated for three scenarios:
can be used to meet this requirement. The fact that One without maintenance mode enabled, one with
the code allows for “an approved equivalent means” maintenance mode enabled and one with maintenance
underscores the point that a circuit breaker is not the mode enabled with a configurable output wired to
only means for meeting this requirement. shunt trip a breaker.