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(11) EP 2 186 558 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: B01F 7/00 (2006.01) B01F 7/24 (2006.01)
01.01.2014 Bulletin 2014/01 B01F 13/10 (2006.01) B01F 15/06 (2006.01)
B02C 15/08 (2006.01)
(21) Application number: 09176010.8

(22) Date of filing: 13.11.2009

(54) Mixing machine for homogenising a liquid mixture containing bitumen with solid granules
Mischmaschine zur Homogenisierung eines Flüssiggemischs aus Bitumen und Festgranulaten
Machine de mélange pour homogénéiser un mélange liquide contenant du bitume avec des granulés

(84) Designated Contracting States: • Pavan, Alessandro

AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR 31052 Lanzago di Silea (IT)
PT RO SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Bergadano, Mirko et al
Studio Torta S.p.A.
(30) Priority: 13.11.2008 IT TO20080839 Via Viotti, 9
10121 Torino (IT)
(43) Date of publication of application:
19.05.2010 Bulletin 2010/20 (56) References cited:
EP-A- 0 598 253 WO-A-2008/096248
(73) Proprietor: Euroline S.R.L. CH-A- 406 149 FR-A- 2 477 429
Maserada Sul Piave (IT) GB-A- 628 891 GB-A- 1 328 724
GB-A- 2 091 586 JP-A- 1 022 332
(72) Inventors: JP-A- 62 057 636 US-A- 3 027 103
• Fornasier, Antonio US-A- 3 156 451 US-A- 5 683 178
31048 San Biagio di Callalta (IT) US-A1- 2004 136 263
EP 2 186 558 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 186 558 B1 2

Description characterized by a particularly high specific weight. In-

deed, in this case, due to their weight the solid granules
[0001] The present invention relates to a mixing ma- tend to deposit on the bottom wall of the container, not
chine for homogenising a liquid mixture containing bitu- mixing homogenously with the remaining bituminous
men and solid granules. 5 mix.
[0002] More in detail, the present invention relates to [0009] In addition, the above-described mixing ma-
a vertical axis mixing machine structured to mix a liquid chine is not very efficient whenever solid granules char-
mixture containing bitumen with a powder filler and solid acterized by a series of inner impurities having a high
granules made of polymeric material and/or resin-based toughness need to be mixed. Indeed, in this case, the
and/or plastic material-based and/or rubber material 10 complete dissolution of the granule and impurities may
and/or similar materials, and having the function of crush- be obtained only by considerably increasing the thermal
ing the solid granules so as to obtain a homogenous liquid energy and extending homogenisation times, i.e. the
bituminous mix in order to obtain a homogenous bitumi- working times of the auger. Unfortunately, both these
nous liquid mix; to which the following description will conditions determine prohibitive energy costs. In addi-
explicitly refer without therefore loosing in generality. 15 tion, whenever the aforesaid complete dissolution con-
[0003] Mixing machines for bitumen are known, com- dition is not achieved, solid impurities are deposited in-
prising a cylindrical container for containing liquid bitu- side the bituminous mix which causes a weakening and
men, filler and solid granules to be mixed, which is de- a thus a deterioration of the inner structure thereof.
veloped along a vertical longitudinal axis and typically [0010] JP62057636A discloses an apparatus for high
has a side air space and a bottom air space within which 20 viscosity liquid wherein a raw material is fed through a
a serpentine is arranged, which is adapted to circulate feed port 6 into the reaction vessel 1 and is stirred and
high-temperature diathermic oil for heating the side wall mixed by a ribbon screw 12 and plate vanes 19 via the
and the bottom wall of the container. driving shaft 7 which is driven by a motor 9.
[0004] Furthermore, mixing machines comprise a cen- [0011] US5683178 relates to an agitator blades
tral auger, which is arranged within the container in a 25 formed by connecting a plurality of frame members are
position which is coaxial to the longitudinal axis and is provided in a cylindrical or conical container to realize
coupled thereto in order to freely rotate about the longi- the agitator blade structure without rotary shaft.
tudinal axis itself; and a drive shaft which is at least par- [0012] GB628891 relates to a mixing machine of the
tially arranged within the container in a position which is rotary mill type and discloses a mixing machine according
coaxial to the longitudinal axis, and is actuated by an 30 to the preamble of claim 1.
electric motor, placed outside the container itself, in order [0013] JP1022332 discloses an agitating crusher
to rotate the auger about the longitudinal axis so as to wherein The material, such as ground fresh, is agitated
determine the mixing of the liquid bitumen with the solid and crushed by the spiral agitating and crushing member
granules so as to obtain a liquid bituminous mix. 10, and pushed upward along the peripheral side wall
[0005] More in detail, the above-described auger is 35 surface 9, and sent downward along the central axis after
structured so that the distance between its crest and the reached to the upper surface.
vertical longitudinal rotation axis is less than the inner [0014] It is an object of the present invention to provide
diameter of the container. In use, the fluid mass present a mixing machine for homogenising the bituminous liquid
in the middle of the container is pushed downwards by material with solid granules which is capable of overcom-
the auger while being heated up by receiving heat from 40 ing the above-described drawbacks.
the bottom and side walls. The heating caused on fluid [0015] According to the present invention, a mixing ma-
mass and solid granules determines, on one hand, a dis- chine is provided for homogenising liquid bituminous ma-
solution of the granules and, on the other hand, generates terial containing solid granules as set forth in claim 1 and
a convective motion which pushes the mass upwards preferably, but not necessarily, in any one of the claims
thus determining, along with the forced motion generated 45 either directly or indirectly depending from claim 1.
by the auger, the bituminous material and dissolved gran- [0016] The present invention will now be described
ules mixing up. with reference to the accompanying drawings, which il-
[0006] The above-described mixing machines have lustrate a non-limitative embodiment thereof, in which:
various technical drawbacks.
[0007] Firstly, the dissolution of the solid granules may 50 - figure 1 is a side perspective view with parts in sec-
be obtained only by generating/transmitting high tion and parts removed for clarity of a mixing machine
amounts of heat on/from the surfaces of the container, for homogenising liquid bituminous material with sol-
the latter being a particularly disadvantageous condition id granules implemented according to the dictates
because a great amount of energy is employed for heat- of the present invention;
ing the diathermic oil and thus it negatively affects the 55 - figure 2 is a front elevation view with parts in section
total production costs of the bituminous mix. and parts removed for clarity of the mixing machine
[0008] Furthermore, the above-described mixing ma- shown in figure 1;
chine is not very efficient when mixing solid granules - figure 3 depicts the mixing machine shown in figure

3 EP 2 186 558 B1 4

1 taken along section I-I; while the liquid mixture containing bitumen into container 2;
- figure 4 diagrammatically shows the movement im- and finally a loading opening 9 or mouth, through which
parted to the bituminous mix by the mixing assembly the solid granules are loaded into container 2.
of the machine shown in figure 1. [0024] On the other hand, the mixing assembly 3 is
5 rotated by a central drive shaft 9, which is partially ar-
[0017] With reference to figures 1, 2 and 3, number 1 ranged within the container 2 in a position coaxial to the
indicates as a whole a mixing machine, which is struc- axis A and is connected to the outlet shaft by a driving
tured for homogenising a series of components such as unit 10, e.g. an electric motor, preferably but not neces-
in particular a liquid mixture containing bitumen, a powder sarily arranged outside the container 2.
filler and solid granules with one another, in order to pro- 10 [0025] The mixing assembly 3 further comprises a cen-
duce a bituminous mix adapted to make insulating films, tral hub 11 stably fitted onto the drive shaft 9, one or more
applicable in the field of constructions for serving protec- crushing device 12 which are connected to the central
tive and/or insulating functions. hub 11 by mechanical leverages 13 and are structured
[0018] While mixing, machine 1 is further capable of to crush the solid granules against the cylindrical surface
mechanically crushing the solid granules so as to pulver- 15 2a of the container 2 so as to crumble/pulverize them,
ize them and conveniently adapt them for homogenisa- and a scraping member 14 which is connected to the
tion with the remaining components included in the bitu- central hub 11 through a series of radial support arms
minous mix. 15, and serves the function of both scraping the bitumi-
[0019] In particular, machine 1 is adapted to homoge- nous mix, and in particular the crumbled solid granules
nise a mixture containing bitumen with solid granules of 20 adhering onto the inner surface 2a of the container 2,
polymeric type preferably, but not necessarily, containing and pushing the bituminous mix present close to the sur-
resin and/or plastic materials and/or rubber material face 2a towards the upper surface 2c of the container 2.
and/or any other similar material. [0026] More in detail, in the example shown in figure
[0020] With reference to figure 1, mixing machine 1 1, the mixing assembly 3 comprises a plurality of crushing
essentially comprises a container 2 which is developed 25 devices 12, which are arranged within the container 2
along a vertical axis A and is structured so as to contain being angularly spaced from one another about the axis
the above-described components of the bituminous mix, A, and each comprising a pressure roller 16, which is
and a mixing assembly 3, which is mounted in an axially arranged in abutment with the outer cylindrical surface
rotational manner within the container 2 to rotate about thereof on the surface 2a of the container 2 and is mount-
the axis A, and is structured for mechanically crushing 30 ed in an axially rotational manner on the free end of the
solid granules against the inner side surface 2a of the corresponding mechanical leverage 13 so as to be able
container 2 so as to crumble and pulverize them, and to to rotate in contact with the surface 2a itself, about a
displace at least one portion of the mass of bituminous corresponding axis B parallel to axis A, so as to crumble
mix present at the surface 2a of the container 2, from the the solid granules against the surface 2a itself during its
bottom surface 2b of the container 2 to the upper surface 35 rotation.
2c opposite thereto, so as to mix the bituminous mix. [0027] In the example shown in figure 2, each pressure
[0021] With reference to figure 1, the collection con- roller 16 is preferably but not necessarily made of metal
tainer 2 is defined by a metal container, e.g. made of material, and has a pair of pins 16a on its ends, which
steel or any other similar metal, is cylindrical in shape are hinged by interposing corresponding bearings on the
and integrates a heating circuit 4 within a side wall 2d 40 free ends of a substantially C-shaped support bar 18 sta-
thereof serving the function of transmitting heat to the bly connected to the end of the mechanical leverage 13.
inner surface 2a of the container 2 so as to rise the tem- [0028] More in detail, in the example shown in figure
perature of the bituminous mix contained therein. 2, the mechanical leverage 13 is structured so as to have
[0022] The heating circuit 4 is of known type and there- a pair of radial support arms 13a vertically spaced from
fore it will not be described in further detail except for 45 each other, which have the respective axial ends hinged
specifying that it comprises a series of heating pipes 4a onto the support bar 18 and on the central hub 11, re-
within which a heated fluid circulates, e.g. diathermic oil, spectively, so as to be arranged to be parallel and copla-
adapted to yield a given amount of heat to the inner sur- nar to each other and to define an articulated quadrilateral
face 2a of the side wall 2d of container 2 so as to keep which allows the support bar 18 to move on a radial plane
the homogenised bituminous mix at a predetermined 50 passing through the axis A, to and from the inner surface
temperature. 2a of container 2.
[0023] The following are further obtained on the body [0029] In this case, in the example shown in figures 1
of container 2: an unloading opening 5 connected to an and 2, the radial support arms 13a are arranged so as
unloading pipe (not shown), through which the homoge- to be significantly inclined upwards from the central hub
nised bituminous mix is conveyed outwards container 2; 55 11 and outwards, so that the pressure roller 16 is kept
an opening 6 connected to an outer pipe (not shown), resting with the outer cylindrical surface thereof on the
adapted to load the filler into container 2; an opening 7 surface 2a under the bias of its own weight.
connected to an outer pipe (not shown), adapted to load [0030] Furthermore, according to a possible embodi-

5 EP 2 186 558 B1 6

ment, the mechanical leverage 13 may further comprise erably but not necessarily metal plate, arranged to be
a pushing device (not shown) which is adapted to be inclined by a predetermined angle α with respect to the
interposed between the central hub 11 and the support laying plane of the bottom surface 2b of container 2, and
bar 18 and is adapted to exert a radial force on the support is adapted to scrape the bottom surface 2b by the its
bar 18, capable of keeping the pressure roller 16 con- 5 lower edge, during the rotation of the central hub 11.
stantly abutting on the inner surface 2a of the container [0038] The scraper blade 23 extends orthogonally to
2 so as to crush the solid granules against the surface axis A and is shaped so as to have a mixing portion 23b,
2a itself. which is defined by a substantially rectangular, preferably
[0031] In particular, the pushing device may comprise but not necessarily metal plate, arranged to be spaced
at least one spring interposed between the support bar 10 and perpendicular from/to the laying plane of the bottom
18 and the central hub 11. It is worth specifying that the surface 2b of container 2, and is adapted to mix the
spring of the pushing device exerts a predetermined elas- scraped bituminous mix with the remaining bituminous
tic force on the bar 18 which may be changed by means mix, during the rotation of the central hub 11.
of an adjusting member (not shown) provided in the push- [0039] In use, the components of the bituminous mix,
ing device. It is apparent that the adjustment of the elastic 15 i.e. bituminous liquid mixture, filler and solid granules,
constant of the spring made by means of the adjusting are loaded on container 2.
member advantageously allows to appropriately change [0040] With reference to figure 4, once the driving unit
the compression exerted by the pressure roller 16 on 10 has been actuated, it rotates the mixing assembly 3
solid granules and bituminous material according to the about the axis A, while the heating circuit 4 generates
type of solid granules used in the bituminous mix. 20 the heat which heats the inner surface 2a of container 2
[0032] The scraping member 14 comprises a helicoidal so as to lead the components to a determined melting/
blade 20 preferably but not necessarily consisting of a dissolving temperature.
metal strap, which extends into the container 2 in a po- [0041] During this step, the components of the bitumi-
sition coaxial to the axis A according to a helicoidal curve nous mix are lifted upwards, i.e. towards the surface 2c,
so as to have the outer peripheral edge 20a thereof in 25 by the rotation of the helicoidal blade 20. During this step,
contact with the inner surface 2a so as to be able, in use, the rotation of the helicoidal blade 20 further subjects the
to scrape the pulverized granules and/or bituminous ma- components of the mix to a centrifugal force which tends
terial and/or filler adhering onto the inner surface 2a due to push them towards the inner surface 2a of container
to the crushing/pressing operation performed by the 2. In particular, during the rotation of the helicoidal blade
pressure rollers 16. 30 20, the solid granules having a higher specific weight
[0033] Furthermore, the helicoidal blade 20 is shaped than the remaining material conveniently tend to be ac-
so as to have the inner peripheral edge 20b thereof cumulated on surfaces 2a.
spaced from axis A so as to delimit therewith, during the [0042] At this point, the rotation of pressure rollers 16
rotation, a cylindrical inner volume of non-interference on surface 2a causes the crushing of the solid granules
between the helicoidal blade 20 and the bituminous mix 35 accumulated at the surface 2a itself, and at the same
contained in container 2. time the rotation of the helicoidal blade 20 determines
[0034] In the example shown in figure 1, the helicoidal the scraping of the crushed solid granules adhering onto
blade 20 is developed along axis A so as to substantially surface 2a. Thereby, the crushed solid granules are thus
cover the whole height H of the container 2, vertically detached from the surface 2a and gradually pushed up-
measured along axis A, and has a width D1 which is 40 wards by the helicoidal blade 20.
smaller than the radius R of container 2. [0043] Furthermore, during this step, the scraping
[0035] More in detail, in the example shown in figure blade 23 is also rotated, which conveniently scrapes the
3, the helicoidal blade 20 comprises a number of straps bottom surface 2b of container 2, thus canceling all pos-
or flat segments 21, which are arranged one after the sibilities of settling the bituminous mix or components
other according to a helicoidal curve, are stably joined to 45 thereof on the surface 2b.
one another at their corresponding ends and are inter- [0044] The rotation of the helicoidal blade 20 clearly
calated between the pressure rollers 16. also determines a convenient mixing of the different com-
[0036] In the example shown in figure 1, the bottom ponents, in addition to the action of scraping the inner
surface 2b of container 2 is flat and coplanar to a plane surface 2a, the action of lifting the components upwards,
orthogonal to axis A, while the scraping member 14 com- 50 and the action of pushing the granules outwards.
prises a scraper blade 23, which is stably connected with [0045] It is worth specifying that the motion impressed
one end thereof onto the lower end of the central hub 11 to the bituminous mix within the container has an ascend-
and is arranged resting on the bottom surface 2b of con- ing component deriving from the action of the helicoidal
tainer 2 so as to be able to scrape the bituminous mix blade 20 and a descending component associated with
and/or the components deposited on the surface 2b itself. 55 the convective motion of the mix itself. In particular, the
[0037] The scraper blade 23 orthogonally extends to helicoidal blade 20 moves the bituminous mix from the
axis A and is shaped so as to have a scraping portion bottom surface 2b, along a vertical upward path Pu, to-
23a, which is defined by a substantially rectangular, pref- wards the upper surface 2c. Once the bituminous mix

7 EP 2 186 558 B1 8

has reached the upper surface 2c, by virtue of a convec- invention as defined in the claims.
tive motion, it follows a downward path Pd which crosses
the central non-intercepting volume of the mix towards
the bottom surface 2b. Claims
[0046] The convective downward motion of the mix is 5
generated by the temperature differential of the mix 1. A bitumen mixing machine (1) operable to mix a liquid
present in the container, which clearly has an appreciably mixture containing bitumen with solid granules so as
lower temperature in the central part than the mix at the to obtain a homogenized liquid bituminous mix;
surface 2a. said machine comprising:
[0047] The above-described mixing machine 1 has 10
several advantages. - a cylindrical container (2) arranged coaxially
[0048] First, the presence of the pressure rollers allows to a vertical axis (A) and operable to contain said
to perform a homogenous mechanical crushing of the liquid mixture containing bitumen and said solid
solid granules regardless of the toughness thereof, there- granules;
by determining both a high homogenisation of the bitu- 15 - heating means (4) operable to heat the inner
minous mix and thus an excellent quality thereof, and a surface (2a) of the side wall (2d) of said cylin-
reduction of the thermal energy required for dissolving drical container (2);
the components. - a mixing assembly (3) which is mounted axially
[0049] In this case, laboratory tests demonstrated that rotatable within said container (2) and is opera-
the introduction of mechanical crushing of granules al- 20 ble to rotate about said vertical axis (A);
lows to remarkably reduce the total electric power em- - a driving unit (10) operable to rotate said mixing
ployed. More in detail, the above-described machine re- assembly (3) about said vertical axis (A);
quires an electric power of about 30 kW, while the electric - said mixing assembly (3) comprising crushing
powers employed in currently known mixing machines is means (12), which are structured to mechani-
typically higher than 75 kW. 25 cally crush said solid granules against said inner
[0050] Second, the presence of the helicoidal blade surface (2a) of said container (2); said crushing
increases the degree of homogenisation of the compo- means (12) comprising at least one pressure
nents, in addition to keeping the inner surface of the con- roller (16), which is arranged in abutment with
tainer constantly clean, with obvious advantages in terms its outer cylindrical surface on the inner surface
of reduction of maintenance and cleaning operations of 30 (2a) of the container (2) and, during rotation of
the container. said mixing assembly (3), is adapted to rotate
[0051] It is worth adding that the scraping action per- about an axis (B) parallel to said vertical axis (A)
formed by the helicoidal blade is advantageous even so as to crush the solid granules against the in-
from the point of view of energy consumption because it ner surface (2a) of the container (2);
prevents the formation of a surface layer of material on 35 - said mixing assembly (3) comprising scraper
the inner surface. Indeed, such a layer would act as a means (14);
thermal insulation, thus reducing the conduction heat ex- said bitumen mixing machine being character-
change between the inner surface and the mix, thus de- ized in that
termining a major reduction of the machine efficiency. - said scraper means (14) comprises a helicoidal
[0052] In addition to the above, the use of the scraping 40 blade (20) extending coaxial to said axis (A)
blade also allows to advantageously shape the container within said container (2) and having its outer pe-
with a flat bottom surface instead of the tapered surface ripheral edge (20a) in contact with said inner sur-
present in known mixing machines, thus allowing any face (2a) of said container (2) so as to scrape
sizing of the container in terms of diameter and height, the material adhering on the inner surface (2a);
and obtaining a volume however having the standard ca- 45 said helicoidal blade (20) being operable to ro-
pacity required by the market. tate about the vertical axis (A) to move at least
[0053] In particular, by virtue of the use of the scraping one portion of the mass of bituminous mix
blade, the container may be dimensioned so as to have present at the surface (2a) of the container (2),
an inner diameter of about 2000 mm and a height of 3500 from the bottom surface (2b) of the container (2)
mm, and thus a capacity of about 10 cubic meters, indeed 50 to the upper surface (2c) opposite thereto, so as
corresponding to the standard capacity required by the to mix the bituminous mix; said helicoidal blade
market. Laboratory tests demonstrated that a better ther- (20) further comprises a number of flat segments
mal efficiency and a more effective mixing are deter- (21), which are arranged one after the other ac-
mined by reducing the aforesaid dimensions of the con- cording to a helicoidal curve and are stably
tainer and increasing its height/diameter ratio. 55 joined one to another at their ends;
[0054] It is finally apparent that changes and variations said flat segments (21) being intercalated be-
may be made to the machine described and illustrated tween said pressure rollers (16).
herein, without departing from the scope of the present

9 EP 2 186 558 B1 10

2. The machine according to claim 1, wherein said heli- die festen Körner mechanisch gegen die Innen-
coidal blade (20) is profiled so as to have its inner oberfläche (2a) des Behälters (2) quetscht,
peripheral edge (20b) spaced from said vertical axis das Quetschmittel (12) zumindest eine Druck-
(A). walze (16) enthält, die mit ihrer äußeren Zylin-
5 deroberfläche in Anschlag an der Innenoberflä-
3. The machine according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said che (2a) des Behälters (2) angeordnet ist und
helicoidal blade (20) develops along daran angepasst ist, sich während der Drehung
said vertical axis (A) so as to cover the entire height der Mischeinrichtung (3) um eine Achse (B) zu
(H) of said container (2), and has a width (D1) smaller drehen, die parallel zu der vertikalen Achse (A)
than the radius (R) of the container (2). 10 angeordnet ist, zum Quetschen der festen Kör-
ner gegen die Innenoberfläche (2a) des Behäl-
4. The machine according to any of the preceding ters (2),
claims, comprising a central hub (11) arranged co- die Mischeinrichtung (3) ein Abstreifmittel (14)
axial to the vertical axis (A) within said container (2), enthält
and wherein said pressure roller (16) has ends 15 und
hinged on a support bar (18) connected to said cen- die Bitumenmischvorrichtung dadurch ge-
tral hub (11) through a mechanical leverage (13), kennzeichnet ist, dass
which is structured to allow the support bar (18) to das Abstreifmittel (14) eine helixförmige Klinge
shift on a radial plane passing through said vertical (20) enthält, die sich koaxial zu der Achse (A) in
axis (A), from and towards said inner surface (2a) of 20 dem Behälter (2) erstreckt und deren äußere
the container (2). Umfangskante (20a) in Kontakt mit der Innen-
oberfläche (2a) des Behälters (2) ist, zum Ab-
5. The machine according to any of the preceding streifen des Materials, das an der Innenoberflä-
claims, wherein the bottom surface (2b) of said con- che (2a) haftet,
tainer (2) is flat and coplanar to a plane perpendicular 25 die helixförmig Klinge (20) betreibbar ist zum
to said vertical axis (A); said scraper means (14) Drehen um die vertikal Achse (A) zum Bewegen
comprising a scraper blade (23), which is stably con- zumindest eines Teils der Masse der bituminö-
nected to the central hub (11) and is arranged resting sen Mischung, die an der Innenoberfläche (2a)
on the bottom surface (2b) of said container (2) so des Behälters (2) vorhanden ist, von der Grund-
as to perform a scraping of the bituminous mix and/or 30 fläche (2b) des Behälters (2) zu der dieser ge-
of the components deposited on the bottom surface genüberliegenden Deckfläche (2c) zum Mi-
(2b). schen der bituminösen Mischung,
die helixförmig Klinge (20) weiter eine Anzahl
flacher Segmente (21) enthält, die hintereinan-
Patentansprüche 35 der entsprechend einer Helixkurve angeordnet
sind und an ihren Enden stabil miteinander ver-
1. Bitumenmischvorrichtung (1), betreibbar zum Mi- bunden sind, und
schen einer flüssigen Mischung, die Bitumen mit fe- die flachen Segmente (21) zwischen den Druck-
sten Körnern enthält, zum Gewinnen einer homoge- rollen (16) eingefügt sind.
nisierten flüssigen Bitumenmischung, wobei die Vor- 40
richtung enthält: 2. Vorrichtung gemäß Anspruch 1, bei der die helixför-
mige Klinge (20) so profiliert ist, dass ihre innere Um-
einen zylindrischen Behälter (2), der koaxial zu fangskante (20b) von der vertikalen Achse (A) be-
einer vertikalen Achse (A) angeordnet ist und abstandet ist.
betreibbar ist zum Enthalten der flüssigen Mi- 45
schung, die Bitumen und die festen Körner ent- 3. Vorrichtung gemäß Anspruch 1 oder 2, bei der die
hält, helixförmig Klinge (20) sich so entlang der vertikalen
ein Heizmittel (4), das betreibbar ist zum Heizen Achse (A) herausbildet, dass sie die gesamte Höhe
der Innenoberfläche (2a) der Seitenwand (2d) (H) des Behälters (2) einnimmt und eine Breite (D1)
des zylindrischen Behälters (2), 50 hat, die kleiner ist als der Radius (R) des Behälters
eine Mischeinrichtung (3), die axial drehbar in (2).
dem Behälter (2) angeordnet ist und betreibbar
ist zum Drehen um die vertikale Achse (A), und 4. Vorrichtung gemäß einem der vorigen Ansprüche,
eine Antriebseinheit (10), die betreibbar ist zum die eine Mittelnabe (11) enthält, die koaxial zu der
Drehen der Mischeinrichtung (3) um die vertika- 55 vertikalen Achse (A) in dem Behälter (2) angeordnet
le Achse (A), ist,
wobei die Mischeinrichtung (3) ein Quetschmit- wobei die Enden der Druckwalze (16) an einen Hal-
tel (12) enthält, das so aufgebaut ist, dass es tebalken (18) aufgehängt sind, der mit der Mittelnabe

11 EP 2 186 558 B1 12

(11) über eine mechanische Hebelanordnung (13) risée en ce que :

verbunden ist, die so aufgebaut ist, dass sie es er-
möglicht, den Haltebalken (18) auf einer radialen les moyens de racloir (14) comprennent une
Ebene, die durch die vertikale Achse (A) hindurch- pale hélicoïdale (20) s’étendant coaxiale à
geht, von der Innenoberfläche (2a) des Behälters (2) 5 l’axe (A) à l’intérieur du contenant (2) et
weg und zu ihr hin zu verschieben. ayant son bord périphérique externe (20a)
en contact avec ladite surface interne (2a)
5. Vorrichtung gemäß einem der vorigen Ansprüche, du contenant (2), de sorte de racler le ma-
bei der tériau adhérant sur la surface interne (2a) ;
die Grundfläche (2b) des Behälters (2) eben und ko- 10 la pale hélicoïdale (20) étant actionnable
planar zu einer Ebene ist, die senkrecht zu der ver- pour tourner par rapport à l’axe vertical (A),
tikalen Achse (A) verläuft, und pour déplacer au moins une partie de la
das Abstreifmittel (14) eine Abstreifklinge (23) ent- masse de mélange bitumeux présent au ni-
hält, die stabil mit der Mittelnabe (11) verbunden ist veau de la surface (2a) du contenant (2),
und so angeordnet ist, dass sie auf der Grundfläche 15 depuis la surface de fond (2b) du contenant
(2b) des Behälters (2) ruht, zum Durchführen eines (2) vers la surface supérieure (2c) opposée
Abstreifens der bituminösen Mischung und/oder der à celle-ci, de sorte de mélanger le mélange
Komponenten, die sich auf der Grundfläche (2b) ab- bitumeux ; ladite pale hélicoïdale (20) com-
gelagert haben. prenant en outre un nombre de segments
20 plats (21), qui sont agencés l’un après
l’autre selon une courbe hélicoïdale, et qui
Revendications sont reliés les uns les autres de manière
stable au niveau de leurs extrémités ;
1. Machine (1) de mixage de bitume, qui peut fonction- lesdits segments plats (21) étant intercalés
ner pour mélanger un mélange liquide contenant du 25 entre lesdits rouleaux de pression (16).
bitume avec des granulés solides, de sorte d’obtenir
un mélange bitumeux liquide homogène, ladite ma- 2. Machine selon la revendication 1, dans laquelle la
chine comprenant : pale hélicoïdale (20) est profilée de sorte d’avoir son
bord périphérique interne (20b) espacé dudit axe
un contenant cylindrique (2), agencé de manière 30 vertical (A).
coaxiale à un axe vertical (A) et actionnable pour
contenir ledit mélange liquide contenant le bitu- 3. Machine selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans laquelle
me et les granulés solides ; la pale hélicoïdale (20) se développe le long de l’axe
des moyens de chauffage (4), actionnables pour vertical (A), de sorte de couvrir la hauteur complète
chauffer la surface interne (2a) de la paroi laté- 35 (H) du contenant (2), et a une largeur (D1) inférieure
rale (2d) dudit contenant cylindrique (2) ; au rayon (R) du contenant (2).
un ensemble de mixage (3), qui est monté axia-
lement rotatif à l’intérieur du contenant (2) et qui 4. Machine selon l’une quelconque des revendications
est actionnable pour tourner par rapport audit précédentes, comprenant un moyeux central (11),
axe verticale (A) ; 40 agencé de manière coaxiale à l’axe vertical (A) à
une unité d’entrainement (10), actionnable pour l’intérieur du contenant (2), et dans laquelle le rou-
tourner ledit ensemble de mixage (3) par rapport leau de pression (16) a des extrémités articulées sur
audit axe vertical (A) ; ledit ensemble de mixage une barre de support (18) reliée au moyeux central
(3) comprenant des moyens de broyage (12), (11) par l’intermédiaire d’un levier mécanique (13),
qui sont structurés pour broyer mécaniquement 45 qui est structuré pour permettre à la barre de support
lesdits granulés solides contre la surface interne (18) de se décaler sur un plan radial passant à tra-
(2a) du contenant (2) ; les moyens de broyage vers l’axe vertical (A), depuis et vers la surface in-
(12) comprenant au moins un rouleau de pres- terne (2a) du contenant (2).
sion (16), agencé en butée avec sa surface cy-
lindrique externe sur la surface interne (2a) du 50 5. Machine selon l’une quelconque des revendications
contenant (2), et, pendant la rotation de l’ensem- précédentes, dans laquelle la surface de fond (2B)
ble de mixage (3), qui est adapté pour tourner du contenant (2) est plate et coplanaire à un plan
par rapport à un axe (B) parallèle audit axe ver- perpendiculaire à l’axe vertical (A) ; lesdits moyens
tical (A), de sorte de broyer les granulés solides de racloir (14) comprenant une pale de racloir (23),
contre la surface interne (2a) du contenant (2), 55 reliée de manière stable au moyeux central (11) et
l’ensemble de mixage (3) comprenant des agencée de manière à reposer sur la surface de fond
moyens de racloir (14) ; (2b) du contenant (2), de sorte de réaliser un raclage
la machine de mixage de bitume étant caracté- du mélange bitumeux et/ou des composants dépo-

13 EP 2 186 558 B1 14

sés sur la surface de fond (2b).











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EP 2 186 558 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• JP 62057636 A [0010] • GB 628891 A [0012]

• US 5683178 A [0011] • JP 1022332 A [0013]


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