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TEPZZ 4979Z B - T: European Patent Specification

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(11) EP 2 497 902 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: F01C 1/22 (2006.01) F01C 21/06 (2006.01)
07.09.2016 Bulletin 2016/36 F01C 21/08 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 11157738.3

(22) Date of filing: 10.03.2011

(54) Rotary Engine Rotor

Rotor de moteur rotatif

(84) Designated Contracting States: • BAGNELL, Jonathan Mark

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 0DT (GB)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Chapman, Helga Claire et al
(43) Date of publication of application: 18 Staple Gardens
12.09.2012 Bulletin 2012/37 Winchester SO23 8SR (GB)

(73) Proprietor: UAV Engines Ltd (56) References cited:

Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 0DT (GB) US-A- 4 486 159 US-A- 4 772 189
US-A- 4 898 522
(72) Inventors:
• Biddulph, Christopher John
Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 0DT (GB)
EP 2 497 902 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 2 497 902 B1 2

Description [0004] According to the present invention there is pro-

vided a rotary engine rotor comprising:
[0001] The present invention relates to a rotary engine
rotor. a one-piece body comprising:
Rotary internal combustion engines are well known and 5
typically comprise a rotary piston or rotor rotatably mount- an outer surface comprising three rotor sides
ed within a cavity in a housing or stator. The rotor and arranged in a generally equilateral triangle
the walls of the cavity are shaped so that combustion shape; and
chambers are formed as the rotor rotates, the walls of an inner surface comprising: a respective loca-
the cavity further being provided with inlet and exhaust 10 tion portion provided generally at the midpoint
ports for air and exhaust gases respectively. Wankel en- of each rotor side, the location portions together
gines are a particular form of rotary internal combustion defining at least in part a location aperture and
engine in which the stator is provided with a two-lobed one location portion being provided with a blind
epitrochoidal bore which forms the cavity and further hole extending generally radially from the inner
comprises end plates which form axially spaced end 15 surface of the body, part way towards the outer
walls closing the cavity. The rotor is provided with a body surface of the body; and a cooling channel pro-
which comprises an outer surface comprising three rotor vided axially through the body in the region of
sides of generally equilateral triangular sectional shape each apex;
with outwardly curved sides. The rotor is mounted on an
eccentric journal of a main shaft and is geared to rotate 20 an insert provided in the location aperture and com-
in a planetary manner within the cavity at one third of the prising a bearing part and an indexing gear, the bear-
rotation of the main shaft. The gearing of the rotor is typ- ing part being provided with a fixing socket extending
ically provided by means of an insert received within a generally radially through the insert and provided in
location aperture provided by an inner surface of the alignment with the blind hole; and
body. The insert comprises a bearing part and an index- 25 a rigid elongate fixing member provided through the
ing gear, the indexing gear being arranged to engage fixing socket and at least partially received in the
with a fixed gear carried by one of the end plates of the blind hole to thereby couple the insert to the body.
engine. The engagement of the indexing gear with the
fixed gear constrains the rotation of the rotor to one third [0005] By arranging the blind hole, fixing socket and
that of the main shaft. The insert is required to be firmly 30 fixing member to extend outwardly from an internal po-
secured to the body of the rotor in order to prevent rotation sition, disruption of the outer surface of the body of the
or axial movement of the insert relative to the rotor body. rotor may be prevented and thus the risk of formation of
This may enable prolonged operation of the rotor at high a gas leak path between the outer surface and the inner
rotational speeds such as when employed within rotary surface of the rotor body is reduced. A further advantage
engines which may be used in boats, automobiles, aer- 35 of this arrangement is that creation of "hot-spots" on the
oplanes, stationary engines or compressors for example. outer surface may be reduced. Weld-heat cracking of the
The coupling of the insert to the body should also not outer surface may also be avoided as no welding is re-
deleteriously interfere with the working operation of the quired on said outer surface. There is also no constraint
chambers formed by the rotating rotor and the cavity. on the shape or profile of the outer surface as the blind
US 4,772,189 describes an air cooled rotor comprising 40 hole does not impinge upon it.
a rotor body and insert rigidly fastened together. [0006] Preferably, each rotor side of the outer surface
[0002] In order to prevent rotation and axial movement of the body is provided with a combustion chamber re-
of the insert relative to the rotor body, radially extending cess formed in the outer surface and extending part way
passageways are provided, one along each rotor side. towards the inner surface and the blind hole is further
Each passageway receives a rigid elongate fastener 45 arranged to extend from the inner surface of the body
comprising a pin and comprises a first passage part pro- part way towards the respective combustion chamber
vided in the insert, and a second passage part provided recess. The recess is arranged to form a combustion
in the rotor body. Each pin is a drive fit with each of the chamber between the rotor side and a cavity provided
passage parts and has a head which is received in a by an external stator within which the rotor is arranged
counterbore of the second passage part adjacent to the 50 to be housed in use. Because the blind hole extends only
outer profile of the rotor. The head of the pin is welded part-way towards the combustion chamber, the socket
to the rotor body to provide a substantially gas tight seal. and the fixing member do not impinge on the combustion
Excess material of the head and welding material is sub- chamber recess. This may provide flexibility in the loca-
sequently removed so that the remainder of the head and tion of the recess in the rotor side.
welding material lies flush with the outer profile of the 55 [0007] Preferably, the blind hole extends from the inner
rotor. surface of the body, part way towards the outer surface
[0003] US 4,898,522 describes a rotary engine rotor of the body generally within a region located between the
with cooling channels and coolant ribs. respective combustion chamber recess and cooling

3 EP 2 497 902 B1 4

channel. This may allow the length of the fixing member equilateral triangle shape. Each rotor side 20 is outwardly
and thus the strength of the coupling to be maximised curved in shape. The body 12 further comprises an inner
whilst ensuring that the blind hole, fixing socket and fixing surface 22 comprising three location portions 24, each
member do not impinge on the combustion chamber re- location portion being provided generally at the midpoint
cess. 5 of a respective rotor side 20. The location portions 24
[0008] Preferably a said rigid elongate fixing member, together partly define a location aperture 26. In this ex-
blind hole and fixing socket are provided on each side of ample, each location portion 24 is provided with a blind
the rotor body, each fixing member being received in a hole 28 which extends generally radially from the inner
respective blind hole and fixing socket in corresponding surface 22 part-way towards the outer surface 18.
positions along the location portions of the rotor body. 10 [0016] The body 12 further comprises three cooling
This may improve the engagement between the body channels 30, a respective cooling channel 30 being pro-
and the insert whilst retaining the balance of the rotor vided axially through the body 12 in the region of each
and allowing stable rotation at high rotational speeds. apex 31 of the body 12. Each respective cooling channel
[0009] Preferably, each location portion is part-circular 30 is part cylindrical in shape and provided with cooling
in shape and the location portions together define a lo- 15 fins 32 which are arranged to increase the surface area
cation aperture of substantially circular section. This en- of said cooling channel 30. Each cooling channel 30 is
ables the location aperture to receive an insert of sub- provided between a respective pair of location portions
stantially circular shape and may further improve the bal- 24 so that the cooling channels and an outer surface 36
ance of the rotor, allowing stable rotation at high rotational of the insert 14 together form cooling conduits 34. The
speeds. 20 cooling conduits 34 allows for the flow of cooling air
[0010] Preferably each cooling channel is provided be- through the rotor 10.
tween a respective pair of location portions, the cooling [0017] The insert 14 is provided in the location aperture
channels and the insert together forming cooling con- 26 and comprises a bearing part 38 and an indexing gear
duits. The cooling conduits allow the flow of air for cooling 50. The indexing gear 50 comprises a machined ring gear
of the rotor during operation. 25 and is disposed at one end axially of the rotor 10, as
[0011] Preferably, each blind hole and fixing socket ex- shown in Figure 2. The bearing part 38 is provided with
tend generally transverse to the axis of rotation of the a fixing socket 40 which extends generally radially
rotor at an angle of between 70° to 90° to a tangent to through the insert 14. The insert 14 is arranged within
the insert. This may enable increased flexibility in the the location aperture 26 such that the fixing socket 40 is
positioning of each blind hole and fixing socket, and an 30 provided in alignment with the blind hole 28.
improved manufacturing tolerance during the manufac- [0018] Each rigid elongate fixing member 16 is provid-
turing process. ed through a respective fixing socket 40 and is received
[0012] Preferably, the rotary engine rotor is for a Wan- in a respective blind hole 28, to thereby couple the insert
kel engine or a compressor. 14 to the body 12. In this example, each fixing member
[0013] Embodiments of the invention will now be de- 35 16 comprises a fixing pin. Each fixing pin 16 is a drive fit
scribed in detail by way of example only, with reference with the respective fixing socket 40 and blind hole 28 so
to the accompanying drawings, in which: as to provide secure coupling of the insert 14 to the rotor
body 12. Each fixing pin 16 is received in a respective
Figure 1 is a cross-sectional diagrammatic represen- fixing socket 40 and blind hole 28 in corresponding po-
tation of a rotary engine rotor according to a first em- 40 sitions along the location portions 24 of the rotor body
bodiment of the invention; 12. This enables stable operation of the rotor at high ro-
Figure 2 is a perspective view of the rotary engine tational speeds by retaining the balance of the rotor 10.
rotor of Figure 1; In this example, each respective blind hole 28, fixing
Figure 3 is a cross-sectional diagrammatic represen- socket 40 and fixing pin 16 is arranged to extend at an
tation of a rotary engine rotor according to a second 45 angle of substantially 90° to a tangent to the insert 14. If
embodiment of the invention; desired, the respective blind hole 28, fixing socket 40 and
Figure 4 is a perspective view of the rotary engine fixing pin 16 could extend at other angles, although pref-
rotor of Figure 3; and erably fixing pins do not extend at an angle of less than
Figure 5 is a cross-sectional diagrammatic represen- 70° to a tangent to the insert 14. In this embodiment,
tation of a rotary engine rotor according to a third 50 each blind hole 28 may be positioned anywhere along
embodiment of the invention. the inner surface 22, between the cooling conduits 24.
This may enable increased flexibility in the positioning of
[0014] Referring to Figures 1 and 2 a first embodiment each blind hole and fixing socket and an improved man-
of the invention provides a rotary engine rotor 10 com- ufacturing tolerance during the manufacturing process.
prising a one-piece body 12, an insert 14 and rigid elon- 55 [0019] The one-piece rotor body 12 may be made as
gate fixing members 16. a casting in iron whilst the insert 14 may be made as a
[0015] The body 12 comprises an outer surface 18 forging in an appropriate bearing steel, or from a bar of
comprising three rotor sides 20 arranged in a generally bearing steel. The fixing pins 16 are preferably made in

5 EP 2 497 902 B1 6

high grade stainless steel and thus differential expansion the strength of the coupling of the insert 14 to the body
between the rotor body 12, insert 14 and pins 16 is min- 12 to be maximised whilst ensuring that the blind holes
imised. To further secure the insert 14 to the rotor body 28, fixing sockets 40 and fixing pin 16 do not impinge on
12, the head 44 of each fixing pin 16 may be welded to the combustion pocket 62.
the insert 14 within a respective bullnose shaped bore 5 [0023] Each apex 31 of the body 12 is further provided
42. It will be appreciated that any other machined shaped with a sealing strip socket 64. Each sealing strip socket
bore may be alternatively used. Excess welding material 14 is arranged to receive a sealing strip (not shown) which
may be subsequently removed so that the remainder of in use forms a seal between the rotor 10 and a wall of
each head 44 and welding material lies flush with the the engine cavity provided by the external stator.
inner surface 46 of the insert 14, but it will be appreciated 10 [0024] A third embodiment of the invention provides a
that the removal of excess welding material is not essen- rotary engine rotor 70 for a Wankel engine as shown in
tial Figure 5. The rotor 70 of this embodiment is similar to
[0020] In use, the rotor 10 is mounted within a cavity the rotor 60 of the second embodiment, with the following
(not shown) in a stator (not shown) on an eccentric journal modifications. The same reference numbers are retained
of a main shaft (not shown). The ring gear 50 is arranged 15 for corresponding features.
to engage with an external fixed gear (not shown) in a [0025] In this embodiment the body 12 is provided with
planetary manner and said engagement ensures that the a blind hole 72, a fixing socket 40 and a fixing pin 74
rotor 10 rotates at one third of the rotation of the main generally at the mid-point of each rotor side 20. Each
shaft. The rotor 10 and the walls of the cavity are shaped blind hole 72 is arranged to extend generally radially from
so that combustion chambers are formed as the rotor 20 the inner surface 22 of the body 12 part way towards the
rotates, the walls of the cavity further being provided with respective combustion pocket 62. Each fixing pin 74 is
inlet and exhaust ports (not shown) for air and exhaust provided through a respective fixing socket 40 and is re-
gases respectively. By arranging each blind hole 28, fix- ceived in a respective blind hole 72, to thereby couple
ing socket 40 and fixing pin 16 to extend outwardly from the insert 14 to the body 12. Each blind hole 72 and re-
an internal position, disruption of the outer surface 18 of 25 spective fixing pin 74 do not impinge on the combustion
the body 12 of the rotor 10 is prevented. In this way, the pocket 62. In this embodiment, because each blind hole
risk of formation of a gas leak path between the outer 72 extends only part-way towards the combustion pocket
surface 18 and the inner surface 22 of the rotor body 12 62, each fixing pin 74 and each blind hole 72 do not im-
is reduced. A further advantage of this arrangement is pinge on the combustion pocket. An improvement in the
that creation of "hot-spots" on the outer surface may be 30 flexibility of the location and size of the pocket 62 in the
reduced. Weld-heat cracking of the outer surface may rotor side 20 may thereby be achieved.
also be avoided as no welding is required on said outer
surface. There is also no constraint on the shape or profile
of the outer surface 18 as the blind hole 28 does not Claims
impinge upon it. 35
[0021] A second embodiment of the invention provides 1. A rotary engine rotor comprising:
a rotary engine rotor 60 for a Wankel engine as shown
in Figures 3 and 4. The rotor 60 of this embodiment is a one-piece body (12) comprising:
similar to the rotor 10 of the first embodiment, with the
following modifications. The same reference numbers 40 an outer surface (18) comprising three rotor
are retained for corresponding features. sides (20) arranged in a generally equilat-
[0022] In this embodiment the body 12 of the rotor 60 eral triangle shape; and
is additionally provided with three combustion chamber an inner surface (22) comprising: a respec-
recesses 62, one on each rotor side 20. Each combustion tive location portion (24) provided generally
chamber recess 62 comprises a combustion pocket 45 at the midpoint of each rotor side (20), the
formed in the outer surface 18 of a respective rotor side location portions together defining at least
20. Each combustion pocket 62 extends generally about in part a location aperture (26) and one lo-
the mid-point of the respective rotor side and extends cation portion being provided with a blind
part way towards the inner surface 22 of said rotor side. hole (28) extending generally radially from
In use, the combustion pocket 62 is arranged to form a 50 the inner surface of the body, part way to-
combustion chamber between the rotor side 20 and a wards the outer surface (18) of the body;
cavity provided by an external stator (not shown) within and a cooling channel (30) provided axially
which the rotor is arranged to be housed. In this embod- through the body in the region of each apex;
iment, each blind hole 28 extends from the inner surface
22 of the body 12, part way towards the outer surface 18 55 an insert (14) provided in the location aperture
of the body generally towards a region located between (26) and comprising a bearing part (38) and an
the respective combustion pocket 62 and cooling channel indexing gear (50), the bearing part being pro-
30. This allows the length of the fixing pin 16 and thus vided with a fixing socket (40) extending gener-

7 EP 2 497 902 B1 8

ally radially through the insert and provided in gleichseitigen Dreieckform angeordnet
alignment with the blind hole; and sind; und
a rigid elongate fixing member (16) provided eine innere Oberfläche (22), umfassend: ei-
through the fixing socket (40) and at least par- nen jeweiligen Positionierungsabschnitt
tially received in the blind hole to thereby couple 5 (24), der generell am Mittelpunkt jeder Läu-
the insert to the body. ferseite (20) bereitgestellt ist, wobei die Po-
sitionierungsabschnitte zusammen we-
2. A rotor as claimed in claim 1, wherein each rotor side nigstens teilweise einer Positionierungsöff-
(20) of the outer surface of the body (12) is provided nung (26) definieren und ein Positionie-
with a combustion chamber recess (62) formed in 10 rungsabschnitt mit einem Grundloch (28)
the outer surface and extending part way towards versehen ist, das sich generell radial ab der
the inner surface and the blind hole (28) is further inneren Oberfläche des Körpers, teilweise
arranged to extend from the inner surface of the body in Richtung der äußeren Oberfläche (18)
part way towards the respective combustion cham- des Körpers erstreckt; und ein Kühlkanal
ber recess. 15 (30) im Bereich jedes Scheitelpunkts axial
durch den Körper bereitgestellt ist;
3. A rotor as claimed in claim 2, wherein the blind hole
(28) extends from the inner surface of the body, part einen Einsatz (14), der in der Positionierungs-
way towards the outer surface of the body generally öffnung (26) bereitgestellt ist und ein Lagerteil
within a region located between the respective com- 20 (38) und ein Indexzahnrad (50) umfasst, wobei
bustion chamber recess (62) and cooling channel. das Lagerteil mit einer Befestigungsbuchse (40)
versehen ist, die sich generell radial durch den
4. A rotor as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein Einsatz erstreckt und in Ausrichtung mit dem
a said rigid elongate fixing member (16), blind hole Grundloch bereitgestellt ist; und
and fixing socket are provided on each side of the 25 ein starres längliches Befestigungselement
rotor body, each fixing member being received in a (16), das durch die Befestigungsbuchse (40) be-
respective blind hold and fixing socket in correspond- reitgestellt wird und wenigstens teilweise um
ing positions along the location portions of the rotor Grundloch aufgenommen wird, um dadurch den
body. Einsatz an den Körper zu koppeln.
5. A rotor as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein 2. Läufer wie in Anspruch 1 beansprucht, wobei jede
each location portion is part-circular in shape and Läuferseite (20) der äußeren Oberfläche des Kör-
the location portions together define a location ap- pers (12) mit einer Brennkammeraussparung (62)
erture of substantially circular section. versehen ist, die in der äußeren Oberfläche gebildet
35 ist und sich teilweise in Richtung der inneren Ober-
6. A rotor as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein fläche erstreckt und das Grundloch (28) ferner ein-
each cooling channel (30) is provided between a re- gerichtet ist, sich von der inneren Oberfläche des
spective pair of location portions, the cooling chan- Körpers teilweise in Richtung der jeweiligen Brenn-
nels and the insert together forming cooling conduits. kammeraussparung zu erstrecken.
7. A rotor as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein 3. Läufer wie in Anspruch 2 beansprucht, wobei sich
each blind hole and fixing socket extend generally das Grundloch (28) ab der inneren Oberfläche des
transverse to the axis of rotation of the rotor at an Körpers teilweise in Richtung der äußeren Oberflä-
angle of between 70° to 90° to a tangent to the insert. che des Körpers generell innerhalb eines Bereichs
45 erstreckt, der sich zwischen der jeweiligen Brenn-
8. A rotor as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein kammeraussparung (62) und dem Kühlkanal befin-
the rotary engine rotor is for a Wankel engine or a det.
4. Läufer wie in einem vorhergehenden Anspruch be-
50 ansprucht, wobei ein starres längliches Befesti-
Patentansprüche gungselement (16), ein Grundloch und eine Befes-
tigungsbuchse auf jeder Seite des Läuferkörpers be-
1. Drehmotorläufer, umfassend: reitgestellt sind, wobei jedes Befestigungselement
in einem jeweiligen Grundloch und einer Befesti-
einen einteiligen Körper (12), umfassend: 55 gungsbuchse in entsprechenden Positionen entlang
der Positionierungsabschnitte des Läuferkörpers
eine äußere Oberfläche (18), die drei Läu- aufgenommen wird.
ferseiten (20) umfasst, die in einer generell

9 EP 2 497 902 B1 10

5. Läufer wie in einem vorhergehenden Anspruch be- moins partiellement reçu dans le trou borgne de
ansprucht, wobei jeder Positionierungsabschnitt teil- façon à coupler ainsi l’insert au corps.
weise kreisförmigen Profils ist und die Positionie-
rungsabschnitte zusammen eine Positionierungsöff- 2. Un rotor selon la Revendication 1, où chaque côté
nung im Wesentlichen kreisförmigen Bereichs defi- 5 de rotor (20) de la surface extérieure du corps (12)
nieren. est muni d’un évidement de chambre de combustion
(62) formé dans la surface extérieure et s’étendant
6. Läufer wie in einem vorhergehenden Anspruch be- en partie vers la surface intérieure, et le trou borgne
ansprucht, wobei jeder Kühlkanal (30) zwischen ei- (28) est agencé en outre de façon à s’étendre à partir
nem jeweiligen Paar von Positionierungsabschnit- 10 de la surface intérieure du corps en partie vers l’évi-
ten bereitgestellt ist, wobei die Kühlkanäle und der dement de chambre de combustion respectif.
Einsatz zusammen Kühlleitungen bilden.
3. Un rotor selon la Revendication 2, où le trou borgne
7. Läufer wie in einem vorhergehenden Anspruch be- (28) s’étend à partir de la surface intérieure du corps,
ansprucht, wobei sich jedes Grundloch und jede Be- 15 en partie vers la surface extérieure du corps géné-
festigungsbuchse generell quer zur Drehachse des ralement à l’intérieur d’une zone située entre l’évi-
Läufers in einem Winkel zwischen 70° bis 90° zu dement de chambre de combustion respectif (62) et
einer Tangente zum Einsatz erstrecken. le canal de refroidissement.

8. Läufer wie in einem vorgehenden Anspruch bean- 20 4. Un rotor selon l’une quelconque des Revendications
sprucht, wobei der Drehmotorläufer für einen Wan- précédentes, où lesdits élément de fixation allongé
kel-Motor oder einen Kompressor ist. rigide (16), trou borgne et douille de fixation sont
placés sur chaque côté du corps de rotor, chaque
élément de fixation étant reçu dans un trou borgne
Revendications 25 et une douille de fixation respectifs dans des posi-
tions correspondantes le long des parties de posi-
1. Un rotor de moteur rotatif comprenant : tionnement du corps de rotor.

un corps monobloc (12) comprenant : 5. Un rotor selon l’une quelconque des Revendications
30 précédentes, où chaque partie de positionnement
une surface extérieure (18) comprenant est de forme partiellement circulaire et les parties de
trois côtés de rotor (20) agencés selon une positionnement définissent conjointement une
forme de triangle généralement équilatéral, ouverture de positionnement de section sensible-
et ment circulaire.
une surface intérieure (22) comprenant : 35
une partie de positionnement respective 6. Un rotor selon l’une quelconque des Revendications
(24) placée généralement au niveau du précédentes, où chaque canal de refroidissement
point médian de chaque côté de rotor (20), (30) est placé entre une paire respective de parties
les parties de positionnement définissant de positionnement, les canaux de refroidissement
conjointement au moins en partie une 40 et l’insert formant conjointement des conduits de re-
ouverture de positionnement (26) et une froidissement.
partie de positionnement qui est munie d’un
trou borgne (28) s’étendant généralement 7. Un rotor selon l’une quelconque des Revendications
radialement à partir de la surface intérieure précédentes, où chaque trou borgne et douille de
du corps, en partie vers la surface extérieu- 45 fixation s’étendent généralement transversalement
re (18) du corps, et un canal de refroidisse- à l’axe de rotation du rotor à un angle situé entre 70°
ment (30) placé axialement au travers du et 90° à une tangente à l’insert.
corps dans la zone de chaque sommet,
8. Un rotor selon l’une quelconque des Revendications
un insert (14) placé dans l’ouverture de position- 50 précédentes, où le rotor de moteur rotatif est destiné
nement (26) et comprenant une partie palier (38) à un moteur Wankel ou à un compresseur.
et un engrenage d’indexation (50), la partie pa-
lier étant munie d’une douille de fixation (40)
s’étendant généralement radialement au tra-
vers de l’insert et placée en alignement avec le 55
trou borgne, et
un élément de fixation allongé rigide (16) placé
au travers de la douille de fixation (40) et au

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EP 2 497 902 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• US 4772189 A [0001] • US 4898522 A [0003]


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