TEPZZ 66 - 44A - T: European Patent Application
TEPZZ 66 - 44A - T: European Patent Application
TEPZZ 66 - 44A - T: European Patent Application
(54) MILL
(57) The object of the invention is to solve the prob- formed in a corrugated shape is located in the casing 6.
lem of the relatively low throughput per energy cost in The solid-gas two-phase flow K supplied via the inlet 7
the conventional jet mill. A mill 1 includes a grinding into the grinding chamber 2 is circled in the grinding
chamber 2, a rotating shaft 3 located in the grinding chamber 2, while being accelerated by the rotating body
chamber 2, a rotating body 5 structured to have a rotary 5. The circling solid-gas two-phase flow K collides against
member 4 fixed to the rotating shaft 3, a casing 6 provided the inner peripheral surface 9a, so that the particles are
to form an outer shell of the grinding chamber 2, an inlet ground or pulverized. The frame member 9 having the
7 arranged to supply a solid-gas two-phase flow K con- inner peripheral surface 9a is arranged coaxially with the
taining particles and a gas to the grinding chamber 2, rotating shaft 3 and is located adjacent to the inner pe-
and an outlet 8 arranged to discharge the solid-gas two- ripheral surface of the casing 6. The particles colliding
phase flow K from the grinding chamber 2. A cylindrical against the frame member 9 move at random and thereby
frame member 9 having an inner peripheral surface 9a collide with one another.
EP 2 662 144 A1
3 EP 2 662 144 A1 4
Fig. 1 is a front view illustrating a mill according to a 40 that is arranged perpendicular to the rotating shaft 3
first embodiment of the invention; and is linked on the downstream side, an upstream cir-
Fig. 2 is a plan view of the mill; cular disc 41 that is arranged perpendicular to the rotating
Fig. 3 is a cross sectional front view illustrating inside shaft 3 and is linked on the upstream side, linkage pins
of the mill; 5 10 arranged parallel to the rotating shaft 3 to link the
Fig. 4 is a cross sectional plan view taken on a line downstream circular disc 40 with the upstream circular
IV-IV in Fig. 3; disc 41, a plurality of support plates 43a protruded up-
Fig. 5 is a cross sectional view illustrating inside of ward from the upstream circular disc 41 and arranged
a mill according to a third embodiment of the inven- circularly to be protruded in the radial direction, circular
tion; 10 plates 43b and 43c fixed in the horizontal orientation by
Fig. 6 is an enlarged view illustrating the main part the support plates 43a, and an interior space 44 defined
of Fig. 5; by the downstream circular disc 40, the upstream circular
Fig. 7 is a left side view illustrating the main part of disc 41, the linkage pins 10 and a partition plate 45. The
the mill; interior space 44 is provided as an outside area of the
Fig. 8 is a cross sectional view taken on a line VIII- 15 partition plate 45. The circular plates 43b and 43c are
VIII in Figs. 5 and 6; arranged in two steps in the illustrated example of Fig.
Fig. 9A is a left side view illustrating an annular mem- 3. This is, however, not restrictive and the circular plates
ber and shock pins included in a preliminary grinder; may be arranged in any number of steps. The linkage
Fig. 9B is a right side view illustrating an upstream pins 10 may be protruded downstream from the down-
circular disc and shock pins included in the prelimi- 20 stream circular disc 40. The circular, gutter-shaped par-
nary grinder; and tition plate 45 having the U-shaped vertical cross section
Fig. 10 is a vertical sectional view illustrating inside is arranged to link the lower surface of the downstream
of a modified structure of the mill. circular disc 40 with the upper surface of the upstream
circular disc 41 in an area inward of the outer peripheral
DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS 25 edge. This partition plate 45 accordingly serves to pre-
vent the particles and the gas from entering a hollow inner
[0016] As shown in Figs. 1 to 4, a mill 1 according to space of the rotary member 4 and also has the reinforcing
a first embodiment of the invention includes a grinding function. The interior space 44 communicates with the
chamber 2, a rotating shaft 3 located in the grinding grinding chamber 2 and forms part of the grinding cham-
chamber 2, a rotating body 5 structured to have a rotary 30 ber 2. The components located below the rotating body
member 4 fixed to the rotating shaft 3, a casing 6 provided 4 serve to introduce the air into the grinding chamber 2.
to form an outer shell of the grinding chamber 2, an inlet The circular plates 43b and 43c may be replaced with
7a arranged to introduce particles PW into the casing 6, arc-shaped members.
inlets 7b arranged to introduce a gas A into the casing [0020] The rotating body 5 includes the rotating shaft
6, an inlet 7c arranged to supply a solid-gas two-phase 35 3 and the rotary member 4. The mill 1 receives the air A
flow K containing the particles PW and the gas A into the and the particles PW and joins the received air A with
grinding chamber 2, and an outlet 8 arranged to dis- the received particles PW to the solid-gas two-phase flow
charge a solid-gas two-phase flow K’ from the grinding K. While the linkage pins 10 serve to grind or pulverize
chamber 2. A cylindrical frame member 9 having a cor- the particles, the rotating body 5 circles the solid-gas two-
rugated inner peripheral surface 9a is arranged coaxially 40 phase flow K, so that the particles collide against the
with the rotating shaft 3 in the casing 6. The solid-gas inner peripheral surface 9a of the frame member 9 to be
two-phase flow K supplied via the inlet 7c into the grinding ground or pulverized. The solid-gas two-phase flow K’
chamber 2 is circled in the grinding chamber 2, while containing the ground or pulverized particles is then dis-
being accelerated by the rotating body 5. The circling charged. The linkage pins 10 are preferably formed to
solid-gas two-phase flow K collides against the inner pe- 45 have a round lateral cross section, for example, a circular
ripheral surface 9a, so that the particles are ground or lateral cross section.
pulverized. The following describes the respective com- [0021] The suction pressure of a suction blower (not
ponents more specifically with reference to the drawings. shown) and the rotating body 5 rotating at high speed
[0017] As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the grinding chamber generate the sucking flows via the inlets 7a and 7b into
2 communicates with the inlet 7c on the upstream side, 50 the grinding chamber 2. The solid-gas two-phase flow K
while communicating with the outlet 8 on the downstream containing the particles PW and the air A is accordingly
side. supplied via the inlet 7c into the grinding chamber 2.
[0018] The rotating shaft 3 is arranged vertically. The [0022] As shown in Fig. 3, an annular member 6a pro-
rotating speed of the rotating shaft 3 may be, for example, truded circularly below the upstream circular disc 41 is
3000 to 7000 rpm. 55 provided as the structure to introduce the air into the
[0019] As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the rotary member grinding chamber 2. This annular member 6a is arranged
4 is provided as a blade-like structure fixed on a disk parallel to the upstream circular disc 41 and has a plate
and more specifically includes a downstream circular disc member 6b on its center. The annular member 6a is fixed
5 EP 2 662 144 A1 6
to support members 6c, which are linked by the plate frame member (length in the axial direction) depends on
member 6b. The support members 6c work to support a the number of steps of the circular plates 43b and 43c.
motor 14. The support members 6c are arranged at pre- The circular plates 43b and 43c are arranged in two steps
determined intervals or adequate intervals along the cir- in the illustrated example of Fig. 3 but may be arranged
cumferential direction, and the respective intervals form 5 in only one step or in three or more steps. For example,
passage. The support member 6c is linked with a circular in the two-step arrangement shown in Fig. 3, the height
plate member 6d, which has a damper formed by, for of the inner peripheral surface 9a is preferably 70 to 300
example, a screw, to vertically adjust the height. The flow mm. This numerical range is not restrictive but may be
rate of the air flowing into the passage 6b is adjustable changed according to the design conditions, for example,
by regulating the gap from the lower surface of the an- 10 the diameter of the grinding chamber 2 and the type of
nular member 6a. More specifically, the circular plate the particles. The frame member 9 is subject to sheet
member 6d serves as the flow rate regulation damper metal processing. This reduces the cost, compared with
(ring plate) to regulate the amount of the air sucked machining.
through the passage and the amount of the air sucked [0027] As shown in Fig. 4, the frame member 9 is cir-
through a piping 17. 15 cularly arranged about the rotating shaft 3 to be coaxial
[0023] The inlet 7a serves as an inlet port of the parti- with the rotating shaft 3. The material of the frame mem-
cles PW. The inlets 7b are arranged at a plurality of dif- ber 9 is preferably metal material but may be another
ferent positions to serve as inlet openings of the air A material, such as ceramic material or hard plastic mate-
and are provided with filters. The mill 1 according to the rial. The frame member 9 is formed with no holes and is
embodiment has the characteristic rotating body 4 and 20 provided as an impermeable structure that does not allow
thereby does not require an air jet nozzle or a collision permeation of the gas and the solid, for example, the
plate, which are included in the conventional structure. particles. According to this embodiment, the frame mem-
[0024] A suction blower (not shown) is connected with ber 9 is formed in the periodical waveform having the
the outlet 8 to suck the air and thereby allow the particles wave troughs and the wave crests arranged alternately
PW and the air A to be supplied via the inlets 7a and 7b. 25 in the circumferential direction. Alternatively the frame
[0025] As shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the frame member member 9 may be formed in an irregular waveform.
9 having the curved inner peripheral surface 9a, which [0028] The throughput of the general jet mill using the
is the characteristic structure of the embodiment, is fixed power of 37 kW (compressor) is approximately 10 to 50
to the inner wall of the casing 6 to be arranged coaxially kg/hr with respect to the flour having the particle diameter
with the rotating shaft 3 and is located adjacent to the 30 of 10 mm. The mill 1 according to the embodiment using
inner peripheral surface of the casing 6 across a gap. the power of 40 kW, on the other hand, has the throughput
The inner peripheral surface 9a is a corrugated curved of 100 to 200 kg/hr with respect to the flour having the
surface and has end faces at respective ends in the axial particle diameter of or below 50 mm. Since the application
direction. The corrugated curved surface is formed as an and the value of the product (ground or pulverized parti-
endless curved surface in the circumferential direction to 35 cles) depend on the particle size, the simple comparison
form the waveform of periodical change along the cir- is not easy. This, however, proves the increase of the
cumferential direction. The solid-gas two-phase flow K throughput per the energy cost anyway.
is accordingly compressed and expanded along the cir- [0029] As shown in Fig. 1, the mill 1 has a mount 13,
cumferential direction. The particles may collide against on which the casing 6 is fixed.
the frame member 9 or the rotary member 4 or may collide 40 [0030] As shown in Figs. 1 and 3, the rotating shaft 3
with one another. The amplitude of the wave along the is rotated and driven by the motor 14 fastened in the
circumference is preferably limited to a fixed value, and casing 6.
the pitch (cycle) is preferably a fixed value. The average [0031] As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, a door 15 and a hinge
wave height preferably forms a cylindrical shape. The 15a for pivotally rotating the door 15 are provided on the
number of wave crests or the number of wave troughs 45 upper portion of the casing 6 and are locked to the casing
formed is twenty according to this embodiment. The 6 by a locking device 16. A spring 15b is placed in the
number of wave crests or the number of wave troughs hinge 15a to produce the pressing force upward in view
may, however, be set to an arbitrary value according to of the safety.
the design conditions. The pitch is set to be greater than [0032] The piping 17 is arranged to transport upward
the amplitude. 50 the air A intake from the inlets 7b. The piping 17 is pro-
[0026] The pitch P (interval between the wave crests vided with the inlet 7a of the particles. The particles PW
or the interval between the wave troughs) is preferably are mixed with the air A transported through the piping
50 to 200 mm, and the amplitude H (difference between 17 to form the solid-gas two-phase flow K.
the maximum diameter and the minimum diameter in the [0033] A power distribution unit 18 is connected with
radial direction) is preferably 5 to 20 mm. The ratio of the 55 the motor 14.
pitch P to the amplitude H is preferably 2.5 to 40, more [0034] The following describes the operations of the
preferably 5 to 30 or most preferably 6 to 15. The height mill 1. During use of the mill 1, the door 15 is closed by
of the inner peripheral surface 9a or the height of the the locking device 16. The door 15 is used for mainte-
7 EP 2 662 144 A1 8
nance of, for example, the grinding chamber 2, the rotat- between the blade-like rotary member 4 and the inner
ing shaft 3, the rotary member 4 and the rotating body 5. peripheral surface 9a. The solid-gas two-phase flow K is
[0035] The suction force is generated at the outlet 35 pressed outward by the centrifugal force of the rotation
by the function of the blower (not shown), and the rotating of the rotary member 4 and is repeatedly compressed
body 5 is integrally rotated by the motor 14. The particles 5 and expanded at very high speed on the inner peripheral
PW as the object material to be ground or pulverized are surface 9a. Such turbulent motion of the particles PW
supplied from the inlet 7A, while the gas A is supplied efficiently grinds or pulverizes the particles PW. The par-
through the inlets 7b. The gas A supplied through the ticles PW collide with one another while colliding against
inlets 7b passes through the filter, which prevents dust the support plates 43a for the rotary member 4, the cir-
or foreign matter from entering the casing 6 and allows 10 cular plates 43b and 43c, the linkage pins 10 and the
only the clean air to enter the casing 6. Part of the gas A inner peripheral surface 9a, so as to be efficiently ground
passes through the piping 17 and is mixed with the par- or pulverized. The inner peripheral surface is preferably
ticles PW supplied from the inlet 7a. The remaining part formed in a curved shape but may be formed in a jagged
of the air A passes through the passage 6b and joins with shape of straight lines.
the mixture at the location before the linkage pins 10 to 15 [0039] The pitch of the waveform of the inner peripheral
form the solid-gas two-phase flow K containing the par- surface 9a is set to be greater than the amplitude. This
ticles PW. While passing through the rotating linkage pins reduces the resistance of the solid-gas two-phase flow
10, the solid-gas two-phase flow K is subjected to pre- and prevents the solid-gas two-phase flow from failing to
liminary grinding to be ground by their impact and gran- go over the wave crests and from being accumulated in
ulated to a desired particle size. The preliminarily-ground 20 the wave troughs, thus enhancing the circling effect of
solid-gas two-phase flow K is then introduced into the the solid-gas two-phase flow.
grinding chamber 2. At this stage, for example, the flow [0040] The inner peripheral surface 9a formed as a flat
rate is 31 m/s and the flow volume is 25 m3/min. plane produces the homogeneous flow and causes the
[0036] The solid-gas two-phase flow K goes upward particles to be ground or pulverized by the linkage pins
with being circled in the space between the outer periph- 25 10. There is accordingly the possibility that the particles
eral surface of the rotary member 4 and the inner periph- are not sufficiently ground or pulverized. One possible
eral surface 9a, so as to be fully ground or pulverized. method may machine-form fine grooves on the inner pe-
The solid-gas two-phase flow K moves in the direction ripheral surface of the frame member 9. Such grooves,
M (Fig. 4) with being circled in the circling direction R however, have the groove width smaller than the pitch
(Fig. 2) by the rotation energy of the rotating body 5 that 30 of the waveform and are thus likely to be clogged with
is rotated and driven by the motor 14. At this stage, for powder. The mill 1 having the corrugated inner peripheral
example, the flow rate is 28 m/s and the flow volume is surface 9a, on the other hand, is easily cleanable and
25 m 3/min. Reduction of the flow rate to be lower than has the corrugated curved surface along the flow direc-
the supply rate is attributed to energy loss by the impact tion of the solid-gas two-phase flow. This effectively pre-
and the resistance. The corrugated shape of the inner 35 vents powder clog.
peripheral surface 9a, however, has the effect of reducing [0041] The door 15 receives the upward lifting force by
the energy loss relative to the grinding capacity. The the action of the spring 15b and rotates about the hinge
solid-gas two-phase flow K collides against the corrugat- 15a with moving horizontally to be opened. Without the
ed inner peripheral surface 9a during circling and moving. spring 15b, the door 15 is not readily operable. With the
While the particles contained in the solid-gas two-phase 40 spring 15b, however, the operation of the door 15 is easy
flow K collide with one another, the particles are trans- and safe.
ported in the direction M and reach the upper portion of [0042] As described above, the mill 1 according to this
the grinding chamber 2 to be discharged on the air flow embodiment adopts the frame member 9 having the cor-
as fine particles (product) from the outlet 8. rugated inner peripheral surface 9a and thereby enhanc-
[0037] The heavier portion or the larger-size portion 45 es the throughput per energy cost, compared with the
(further grinding is allowable) of the particles, on the other conventional jet mill. The mill 1 of the embodiment does
hand, loses the speed to go downward and is transported not require an air jet nozzle or a collision plate, which are
outward on the gas flow (pressure difference) from the included in the conventional structure, and can thus be
center to the outward produced by the centrifugal force downsized.
of the rotation as shown by the arrows K. This portion of 50 [0043] The detailed mechanism of the advantageous
the particles collides against the rotating support plates effects described above is not elucidated, but the inven-
43a, the circular plates 43b and 43c and the fixed inner tors have the following presumption. The corrugated
peripheral surface 9a to be further ground or pulverized shape of the inner peripheral surface 9a of the frame
and moves upward. member 9 changes the angle of the inner peripheral sur-
[0038] The waveform of the inner peripheral surface 55 face 9a relative to the circling direction R of the solid-gas
9a has the wave crests and the wave troughs arranged two-phase flow K containing the particles. This causes
alternately along the circumferential direction, so as to the solid-gas two-phase flow K to be repeatedly com-
alternately form wider passages and narrower passages pressed and expanded and have significant changes in
9 EP 2 662 144 A1 10
cross section. The inner peripheral surface 9a generates 102 communicates with a feed port 102a on the upstream
the periodic turbulent flow and reflects the solid-gas two- side (right side in Figs. 5 and 6) and with a discharge port
phase flow K at random. The particles in the solid-gas 102b on the downstream side (left side in Figs. 5 and 6).
two-phase flow K are ground or pulverized by collision The feed port 102a also communicates with the inlet 107,
against the frame member 9, while colliding with one an- 5 and the discharge port 102b also communication with
other to be further ground. This reduces the particles the outlet 108.
size of the solid-gas two-phase flow K and accelerates [0049] As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the rotating shaft 103
grinding. The frame member 9 is made of a non-porous is arranged horizontally.
solid, such as metal, that does not allow transmission of [0050] As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the rotary member
the solid-gas two-phase flow K. This ensures the diffused 10 104 includes a downstream circular disc 140 that is ar-
reflection of the particles from the inner peripheral sur- ranged perpendicular to the rotating shaft 103 and is
face 9a and thereby enhances the grinding efficiency per linked on the downstream side, an upstream circular disc
energy cost. 141 that is arranged perpendicular to the rotating shaft
[0044] The inner peripheral surface 9a has the wave 103 and is linked on the upstream side, a support plate
crests and the wave troughs formed on its whole circum- 15 143a arranged parallel to the rotating shaft 103 to link
ference, but may be partly formed to include a non-cor- the downstream circular disc 140 with the upstream cir-
rugated surface, such as flat surface or an inclined sur- cular disc 141, circular reinforcement plates 143 linked
face. with the support plate 143a for the purpose of reinforce-
[0045] The linkage pins 10 provided as the preliminary ment, and an interior space 144 defined by the down-
grinder are used to preliminarily grind the particles. This 20 stream circular disc 140, the upstream circular disc 141,
reduces the grinding load. the support plate 143a and the circular plates 143b and
[0046] A mill according to a second embodiment of the 143c. A downstream end and an upstream end of the
invention is a transverse mill that has the horizontally- support plate 143a are respectively fixed to the down-
arranged rotating shaft 3 and does not use a spring to lift stream circular disc 140 and the upstream circular disc
up the door 15, but otherwise has the similar or common 25 141 by means of fixation pins 142a (Fig. 8). The interior
configuration to that of the mill 1 according to the first space 144 forms part of the grinding chamber. Although
embodiment. The description and the illustration of the the rotary member 104 is designed to allow the solid-gas
first embodiment are thus applicable to the mill according two-phase flow K to enter the rotary member 104, a cy-
to the second embodiment of the invention. The like com- lindrical partition member may be provided in an inner
ponents are expressed by the like numerals in the 100s. 30 area of the support plate 143a to prevent the particles to
The advantageous effects of the second embodiment are enter the rotary member 104.
similar to those of the first embodiment, except that the [0051] The rotating body 105 includes the rotating shaft
force of gravity is applied to the solid-gas two-phase flow 103 and the rotary member 104. When the mill 101 re-
K in a different direction. ceives the solid-gas two-phase flow K, the rotating body
[0047] A mill 101 according to a third embodiment of 35 105 circles the solid-gas two-phase flow K, so that the
the invention has the solid-gas two-phase flow K formed particles collide against the inner peripheral surface 109a
differently from the first embodiment and has the hori- of the frame member 109 to be ground or pulverized. The
zontally-arranged rotating shaft like the second embod- solid-gas two-phase flow K’ containing the ground or pul-
iment. As shown in Figs. 5 to 10, the mill 101 includes a verized particles is then discharged.
grinding chamber 102, a rotating shaft 103 located in the 40 [0052] The suction pressure of a suction blower (not
grinding chamber 102, a rotating body 105 structured to shown) and the rotating body 105 rotating at high speed
have a rotary member 104 fixed to the rotating shaft 103, generate the sucking flow via the inlet 107 into the grind-
a casing 106 provided to form an outer shell of the grind- ing chamber 102. The solid-gas two-phase flow K con-
ing chamber 102, an inlet 107 arranged to supply a solid- taining the particles PW is accordingly supplied via the
gas two-phase flow K containing particles and a gas to 45 inlet 107 into the grinding chamber 2.
the grinding chamber 102, and an outlet 108 arranged [0053] As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, an annular member
to discharge a solid-gas two-phase flow K’ from the grind- 106a protruded circularly is located on the left side of the
ing chamber 2. A cylindrical frame member 109 having feed port 102a of the casing 106. This annular member
a corrugated inner peripheral surface 109a is located in 106a is arranged parallel to the upstream circular disc
the casing 106. The solid-gas two-phase flow K supplied 50 141, such that its inner left-side area faces a right-side
via the inlet 107 into the grinding chamber 102 is circled area of the upstream circular disc 141.
in the grinding chamber 102, while being accelerated by [0054] The inlet 107 is arranged to receive the solid-
the rotating body 105. The circling solid-gas two-phase gas two-phase flow K pneumatically transported through
flow K collides against the inner peripheral surface 109a, a piping (not shown) and introduce the received solid-
so that the particles are ground or pulverized. The fol- 55 gas two-phase flow K into the feed port 102a. The mill 1
lowing describes the respective components more spe- according to the embodiment does not require an air jet
cifically with reference to the drawings. nozzle or a collision plate, which are included in the con-
[0048] As shown in Figs. 5 and 6, the grinding chamber ventional structure.
11 EP 2 662 144 A1 12
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183: Motor
1. A mill, comprising:
a grinding chamber; 10
a rotating shaft located in the grinding chamber;
a rotating body structured to have a disk-shaped
rotary member fixed to the rotating shaft; and
a casing provided to form an outer shell of the
grinding chamber, 15
a cylindrical frame member having an inner pe-
ripheral surface formed in a corrugated shape
along a circumferential direction is arranged co-
axially with the rotating shaft in the casing, 20
wherein the corrugated shape has a pitch that
is greater than an amplitude,
the rotary member has a circular member, and
a solid-gas two-phase flow of particles and a gas
supplied to the grinding chamber is introduced 25
through a gap between the casing and the ro-
tating body into the grinding chamber, is circled
in the grinding chamber while being accelerated
by the rotating body, and collides against the
inner peripheral surface and the circular mem- 30
ber to grind or pulverize the particles.
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