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(11) EP 3 032 176 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: F23R 3/10 (2006.01) F23R 3/28 (2006.01)
05.12.2018 Bulletin 2018/49

(21) Application number: 15199626.1

(22) Date of filing: 11.12.2015



(84) Designated Contracting States: • KOSTKA, Stanislav

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Shrewsbury, MA Massachusetts 01545 (US)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Dehns
St. Brides House
(30) Priority: 11.12.2014 US 201462090664 P 10 Salisbury Square
London EC4Y 8JD (GB)
(43) Date of publication of application:
15.06.2016 Bulletin 2016/24 (56) References cited:
EP-A2- 0 816 761 GB-A- 2 073 398
(73) Proprietor: United Technologies Corporation US-A- 4 686 823 US-A1- 2011 203 294
Farmington, CT 06032 (US) US-A1- 2014 090 402 US-A1- 2014 096 527

(72) Inventors:
• CUNHA, Frank J.
Avon, CT Connecticut 06001 (US)
EP 3 032 176 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 032 176 B1 2

Description between the base and the flow turbulator.

[0011] An aperture may extend through the bulkhead.
BACKGROUND This aperture may be operable to direct air radially be-
tween the base and the flow turbulator.
1. Technical Field 5 [0012] An aperture may extend through the fuel injector
guide. This aperture may be operable to direct air radially
[0001] This disclosure relates generally to a turbine en- between the base and the flow turbulator.
gine and, more particularly, to a fuel injector guide for a [0013] An aperture may extend through the fuel injector
turbine engine combustor. guide. This aperture may be operable to direct air radially
10 between the base and the flow turbulator.
2. Background Information [0014] The adjacent pair of the ribs may axially engage
the bulkhead. The flow turbulator may be axially sepa-
[0002] A combustor assembly for a turbine engine may rated from the bulkhead by a gap.
include a plurality of fuel injector guides. These fuel in- [0015] The flow turbulator may have an axial thickness
jector guides are typically attached to a combustor bulk- 15 less than an axial thickness of each of the adjacent pair
head and respectively receive a plurality of fuel injectors. of the ribs.
The fuel injector guides may maintain proper alignment [0016] The flow turbulator may be one of a plurality of
between the fuel injectors and other combustor assembly flow turbulators between the adjacent pair of the ribs.
features such as igniters, quench apertures, etc. The fuel Each of the flow turbulators may have substantially iden-
injector guides may also aid in mating the fuel injectors 20 tical configurations.
with the bulkhead as well as at least partially seal any [0017] Alternatively, one of the flow turbulators may
gaps between the fuel injectors and the bulkhead. have a different configuration than another one of the
[0003] During turbine engine operation, a flange of flow turbulators.
each fuel injector guide is typically subject to relatively [0018] A second flow turbulator may be disposed be-
high temperature gases; e.g., combusting gases. These 25 tween another adjacent pair of the ribs. The flow turbu-
high temperature gases may subject the flange to rela- lator and the second flow turbulator may have substan-
tively high thermal loads and stresses as well as cause tially identical configurations. Alternatively, the flow tur-
the flange to thermally deform. Such thermal loads, bulator and the second flow turbulator may have different
stresses and deformation may reduce or prevent proper configurations.
fuel injector guide operation and service life. 30 [0019] The ribs may extend radially towards and/or to
[0004] Prior art GB 2 073 398 discloses a fuel injector an outer peripheral edge of the flange.
guide for a turbine engine combustor, comprising a tu- [0020] A first of the adjacent pair of the ribs has a first
bular base extending along an axis between first and radial length. A second of the adjacent pair of the ribs
second ends, an annular flange extending radially out has a second radial length that may be different than the
from the base at the second end, a plurality of ribs dis- 35 first radial length. Alternatively, the second radial length
posed around the base and extending axially out from may be substantially equal to the first radial length.
the flange towards the first end. [0021] A passage may extend axially through a side-
[0005] Documents US201/0090402 A1 and wall of the base to an outlet at the second end.
US2014/0096527 A1 also describe fuel injector guides [0022] An annular retainer may be included and at-
for turbine engine combustors. 40 tached to the base at the first end. An annular channel
[0006] There is a need in the art for an improved fuel may extend axially within the fuel injector guide between
injector guide and combustor assembly. the flange and the retainer.
[0023] The foregoing features and the operation of the
SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE invention will become more apparent in light of the fol-
45 lowing description and the accompanying drawings.
[0007] According to an aspect of the invention, a fuel
injector guide is provided for a turbine engine combustor BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
as claimed in claim 1.
[0008] According to another aspect of the invention, [0024]
an assembly is provided for a turbine engine combustor 50
as claimed in claim 12. FIG. 1 is a side sectional illustration of a turbofan
[0009] The fuel injector guide may include a plurality turbine engine.
of ribs and the flow turbulator. Each of the flow channels FIG. 2 is a partial side sectional illustration of a com-
may be laterally bound by a respective adjacent pair of bustor assembly.
the ribs. Alternatively, the flow turbulator may be con- 55 FIG. 3 is an enlarged side sectional illustration of a
nected to or included with the bulkhead. portion of the combustor assembly of FIG. 2.
[0010] The assembly may be configured to impinge air FIG. 4 is an upstream view illustration of a guide /
against or otherwise direct air onto the flange radially shield structure, not covered by the present inven-

3 EP 3 032 176 B1 4

tion. additional forward engine thrust, which may account for

FIG. 5 is an enlarged upstream view illustration of a the majority of the forward engine thrust. Alternatively,
portion of the guide / shield structure of FIG. 4. at least some of the bypass air may be directed out of
FIG. 6 is an enlarged upstream view illustration of a the turbine engine 20 through a thrust reverser to provide
portion of another guide / shield structure for a fuel 5 reverse engine thrust.
injector guide. [0029] FIG. 2 illustrates a combustor assembly 52 of
FIG. 7 is a partial, enlarged side sectional illustration the turbine engine 20. This combustor assembly 52 in-
of another combustor assembly. cludes a combustor 54 arranged within a combustor ple-
FIG. 8 is a partial, enlarged side sectional illustration num 56 of a diffuser module 58. The plenum 56 receives
of still another combustor assembly. 10 compressed core air from the HPC section 29B through
an inlet passage 60 of the diffuser module 58. The plenum
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 56 provides the received core air to the combustor 54 as
described below in further detail.
[0025] FIG. 1 schematically illustrates a turbofan tur- [0030] The combustor 54 may be configured as an an-
bine engine 20. This turbine engine 20 extends along a 15 nular combustor. The combustor 54 of FIG. 2, for exam-
centerline 22 between an upstream airflow inlet 24 and ple, includes an annular combustor bulkhead 62, a tubu-
a downstream airflow exhaust 26. The turbine engine 20 lar combustor inner wall 63, and a tubular combustor out-
includes a fan section 28, a compressor section 29, a er wall 64. The bulkhead 62 extends between and is con-
combustor section 30 and a turbine section 31. The com- nected to the inner wall 63 and the outer wall 64. Each
pressor section 29 includes a low pressure compressor 20 wall 63, 64 extends along the centerline 22 from the bulk-
(LPC) section 29A and a high pressure compressor head 62 towards the HPT section 31A, thereby defining
(HPC) section 29B. The turbine section 31 includes a the combustion chamber 48. Each of the foregoing com-
high pressure turbine (HPT) section 31A and a low pres- bustor components 62-64 may be configured as a single
sure turbine (LPT) section 31B. walled structure or a multi-walled structure. Where con-
[0026] The engine sections 28-31 are arranged se- 25 figured as a multi-walled structure, that component may
quentially along the centerline 22 within an engine hous- include an interior heat shield connected to an exterior
ing 32. Each of the engine sections 28, 29A, 29B, 31A shell with one or more cooling cavities and/or cooling
and 31B includes a respective rotor 34-38. Each of these passages therebetween.
rotors 34-38 includes a plurality of rotor blades arranged [0031] Referring still to FIG. 2, the combustor assembly
circumferentially around and connected to one or more 30 52 also includes one or more fuel injector assemblies 66
respective rotor disks. The rotor blades, for example, may and one or more fuel injector guides 68, which may also
be formed integral with or mechanically fastened, weld- be referred to as fuel nozzle guides. The fuel injector
ed, brazed, adhered and/or otherwise attached to the assemblies 66 are arranged around the centerline 22.
respective rotor disk(s). Each of these fuel injector assemblies 66 includes a fuel
[0027] The fan rotor 34 and the LPC rotor 35 are con- 35 injector 70 which may be mated with a swirler 72.
nected to and driven by the LPT rotor 38 through a low [0032] The fuel injector 70 injects the fuel into the com-
speed shaft 40. The HPC rotor 36 is connected to and bustion chamber 48. The swirler 72 directs some of the
driven by the HPT rotor 37 through a high speed shaft core air from the plenum 56 into the combustion chamber
42. The shafts 40 and 42 are respectively rotatably sup- 48 in a manner that facilitates mixing the core air with the
ported by a plurality of bearings; e.g., rolling element 40 injected fuel. One or more igniters (not shown) ignite the
and/or thrust bearings. Each of these bearings may be fuel-core air mixture. Quench apertures (not shown) in
connected to the engine housing 32 by at least one sta- the inner and/or outer walls 63 and 64 may direct addi-
tionary structure such as, for example, an annular sup- tional core air into the combustion chamber 48 for com-
port strut. bustion. Additional core air is directed into the combus-
[0028] During operation, air enters the turbine engine 45 tion chamber 48 through one or more cooling apertures
20 through the airflow inlet 24, and is directed through 74-76 in the combustor components 62-64.
the fan section 28 and into a core gas path 44 and a [0033] Referring to FIG. 3, the fuel injector guides 68
bypass gas path 46. The air within the core gas path 44 are respectively arranged with the fuel injector assem-
may be referred to as "core air". The air within the bypass blies 66. Each of the fuel injector guides 68 is nested with
gas path 46 may be referred to as "bypass air". The core 50 a respective aperture 78 in the bulkhead 62. Each fuel
air is directed through the engine sections 29-31, and injector guide 68 receives a respective one of the fuel
exits the turbine engine 20 through the airflow exhaust injector assemblies 66 in a central bore 80. Each fuel
26 to provide forward engine thrust. Within the combustor injector guide 68 may be configured to align the respec-
section 30, fuel is injected into a combustion chamber 48 tive fuel injector assembly 66 with one or more other com-
and mixed with the core air. This fuel-core air mixture is 55 bustor features such as the igniter(s), the quench aper-
ignited to power the turbine engine 20. The bypass air is ture(s), etc. Each fuel injector guide 68 may also or al-
directed through the bypass gas path 46 and out of the ternatively be configured to seal an annular gap between
turbine engine 20 through a bypass nozzle 50 to provide the respective fuel injector assembly 66 (e.g., the swirler

5 EP 3 032 176 B1 6

72) and the bulkhead 62. nular chamber 114, between the base 86 and the bulk-
[0034] The fuel injector guide 68 of FIG. 3 includes a head 62, and the outlet 74 into the combustion chamber
guide / shield structure 82 as well as an annular retainer 48.
84 for attaching the guide / shield structure 82 to the [0040] Referring to FIG. 4, in one example not covered
bulkhead 62. The fuel injector guide 68 of the present 5 by the present invention, one or more of the ribs (e.g.,
disclosure, however, is not limited to including such a every other rib 92) may have a first radial length 116.
retainer 84 or any particular attachment schemes. For One or more of the ribs (e.g., the remaining ribs 90) may
example, the guide / shield structure 82 may also or al- have a second radial length 118 that is different (e.g.,
ternatively be bonded (e.g., brazed, welded, adhered) less than) the first radial length 116. With such a config-
and/or fastened with one or more fasteners (e.g., bolts 10 uration, adjacent portions of the ribs 92 flanking each rib
or studs) to the bulkhead 62. 90 may circumferentially define a wide flow channel 120,
[0035] The guide / shield structure 82 includes a tubu- which is split into a pair of the flow channels 112 by the
lar base 86, an annular flange 88, a plurality of ribs 90, respective rib 90. Of course, in other embodiments, the
92 and one or more flow turbulators 94. It is worth noting, first radial length 116 may be substantially equal to the
while FIG. 5 shows the guide / shield structure 82 without 15 second radial length 118; e.g., each rib 90 and 92 may
the flow turbulators 94 for ease of illustration, further flow have substantially the same radial length.
turbulator 94 details are shown in FIG. 5-7. [0041] Referring to FIG. 5, at least one of the one or
[0036] Referring to FIGS. 3 and 4, the base 86 extends more flow turbulators 94 may be disposed in one, some
along an axis 96 between a first end 98 and a second or each of the flow channels 112 and/or 120. The flow
end 100. The first end 98 may be arranged upstream of 20 turbulators 94 of FIG. 5, for example, are arranged into
the second end 100 and adjacent the plenum 56. The one or more groupings; e.g., arrays. Each of these flow
second end 100 may be arranged downstream of the first turbulator 94 groupings may include the same quantity
end 98 and adjacent the combustion chamber 48. With of flow turbulators 94. Alternatively, at least one of the
this arrangement, the base 86 projects axially through flow turbulator 94 groupings may include a different quan-
the respective aperture 78 in the bulkhead 62. 25 tity of flow turbulators 94 than another one of the flow
[0037] The base 86 includes a generally cylindrical in- turbulator 94 groupings. Referring still to FIG. 5, each of
ner surface 102 which at least partially defines the bore the flow turbulator 94 groupings is disposed between a
80 axially through the fuel injector guide 68. The base 86 respective circumferentially adjacent pair of the ribs 90
may also include one or more fluid flow passages 104. and 92 or 92 and 92 and, thus, within a respective one
These passages 104 are arranged around the axis 96. 30 of the flow channels 112 or 120.
Each of the passages 104 extends axially through the [0042] Referring to FIGS. 3 and 5, each of the flow
base 86 from its inlet at the first end 98 to its outlet at the turbulators 94 is configured to turbulate air flowing
second end 100. Each passage 104 is operable direct through its associated flow channel 112, 120. Each flow
some of the core air from the plenum 56 into the com- turbulator 94, for example, may extend partially axially
bustion chamber 48, where the flow of this core air may 35 into its associated flow channel 112, 120 such that an air
convectively cool the base 86. gap is axially between the turbulator 94 and the bulkhead
[0038] The flange 88 is connected to the base 86 at 62. With such a configuration, air flowing through the flow
(e.g., on, contiguous with or proximate) the second end channel 112, 120 is diverted around the flow turbulator
100. The flange 88, for example, extends radially out from 94 (e.g., through the gap). This flow diversion may gen-
the base 86 to an outer peripheral edge 106. The flange 40 erate turbulence (e.g., vortices) within the flowing air
88 extends axially between opposing sides 108 and 110, which may in turn increase convective heat transfer be-
which side 110 may be axially aligned with the first end tween the now turbulent air and the flange 88. The flow
98 of the base 86 and adjacent the combustion chamber turbulators 94 may also increase the structural rigidity of
48. The flange 88 extends circumferentially around the the flange 88 and thereby reduce flange 88 thermal de-
base 86. 45 formation during engine operation.
[0039] The ribs 90 and 92 are disposed around the [0043] One or more of the flow turbulators 94 is con-
base 86. Each of the ribs 90, 92 extends axially out from figured as a trip strip (see FIGS. 5 and 6). An example
the flange 88 towards the first end 98 of the base 86. of a trip strip is an elongated protrusion with a compound
More particularly, each rib 90, 92 extends axially from (e.g., chevron) shape as illustrated in FIG. 5. Another
the side 108 to a distal end which engages (e.g., contacts) 50 example of a trip strip is an elongated protrusion with a
the bulkhead 62 (see FIG. 3). Each rib 90, 92 extends linear shape as illustrated in FIG. 6. Referring to FIGS.
radially towards (or to) the peripheral edge 106. With this 5 and 6, one or more of the trip strips extends completely
configuration, each pair of circumferentially adjacent ribs across the respective flow channel (e.g., 112). One or
(e.g., 90 and 92) at least partially circumferentially de- more of the trip strips may also extend partially across
fines a radially extending flow channel 112 therebetween. 55 the respective flow channel (e.g., 120).
This flow channel 112 is axially defined between the [0044] Referring to FIG. 3, air such as core air from the
flange 88 and the bulkhead 62. The flow channel 112 plenum 56 may be fed into the chamber 114 and, thus,
extends and/or is fluidly coupled radially between an an- the flow channels 112 and 120 through one or more ap-

7 EP 3 032 176 B1 8

ertures 122. These apertures 122 may be configured as gine configured with a single spool, with two spools (e.g.,
impingement apertures to provide additional cooling to see FIG. 1), or with more than two spools. The turbine
the guide / shield structure 82 and, more particularly, the engine may be configured as a turbofan engine, a turbojet
flange 88. One or more of the apertures, for example, engine, a propfan engine, or any other type of turbine
may be configured to direct jets of core air through the 5 engine. The present disclosure therefore is not limited to
chamber 114 and onto region(s) of the flange side 108 any particular types or configurations of turbine engines.
radially between the base 86 and the features 90, 92, 94. [0050] While various embodiments of the present in-
Of course, in alternative embodiments, one or more of vention have been disclosed, it will be apparent to those
the apertures 122 may also or alternatively direct core of ordinary skill in the art that many more embodiments
air onto the base 86 and/or region(s) of the flange side 10 and implementations are possible within the scope of the
108 which include one or more of the features 90, 92, invention. For example, the present invention as de-
94. In still alternative embodiments, one or more of the scribed herein includes several aspects and embodi-
apertures 122 may be configured to generally diffuse the ments that include particular features. Although these
core air into the chamber 114. features may be described individually, it is within the
[0045] One or more of the apertures 122 may be de- 15 scope of the present invention that some or all of these
fined and extend completely (or partially) through the re- features may be combined with any one of the aspects
tainer 84. Referring to FIG. 7, one or more of the apertures and remain within the scope of the invention. Accordingly,
122 may also or alternatively be defined and extend com- the present invention is not to be restricted except in light
pletely (or partially) through the bulkhead 62. Referring of the attached claims and their equivalents.
to FIG. 8, one or more of the apertures 122 may also or 20
alternatively be defined and extend completely (or par-
tially) through a portion of the guide / shield structure 82 Claims
such as the base 86.
[0046] Referring to FIG. 3, the retainer 84 is mated with 1. A fuel injector guide for a turbine engine combustor,
(e.g., thread onto) the base 86 at the first end 98. An 25 comprising:
annular channel (generally at 78, 114) therefore is axially
defined between the retainer 84 and the flange 88. This a tubular base (86) extending along an axis (96)
channel receives a portion of the bulkhead 62 which de- between first and second ends (98, 100);
fines the aperture 78. The retainer 84 may be configured an annular flange (88) extending radially out
to clamp the bulkhead 62 portion between the retainer 30 from the base (86) at the second end (100);
84 and the flange 88. The retainer 84 may also or alter- a plurality of ribs (90, 92) disposed around the
natively be directly fastened and/or bonded to the bulk- base (86) and extending axially out from the
head 62 portion. flange (88) towards the first end (98); charac-
[0047] In some embodiments, each of the flow turbu- terized in that a flow turbulator (94) is disposed
lators 94 may have substantially identical configurations 35 between an adjacent pair of the ribs (90, 92);
(e.g., sizes, shapes, relative orientations, etc.) as shown wherein the flow turbulator (94) comprises a trip
in FIGS. 5 and 7. In other embodiments, at least one of strip that extends completely across a flow chan-
the flow turbulators 94 may have a different configuration nel (112, 120) defined between the adjacent pair
than another one of the flow turbulators 94; e.g., a differ- of the ribs (90, 92).
ent length as shown in FIG. 6, a different shape, etc. 40
These different flow turbulators 94 may be arranged with- 2. The fuel injector guide of claim 1, wherein the flow
in the same flow channel, or similarly grouped into differ- turbulator (94) has an axial thickness less than an
ent flow channels. axial thickness of each of the adjacent pair of the
[0048] In some embodiments, each of the flow turbu- ribs (90, 92).
lators 94 may be included with the guide / shield structure 45
82 as described above. However, in other embodiments, 3. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim,
one or more of the flow turbulators 94 may be included wherein the flow turbulator (94) is one of a plurality
with and extend out from the bulkhead 62. of flow turbulators between the adjacent pair of the
[0049] The combustor assembly 52 may be included ribs (90, 92).
in various turbine engines other than the one described 50
above. The combustor assembly 52, for example, may 4. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim, further
be included in a geared turbine engine where a gear train comprising a second flow turbulator (94) disposed
connects one or more shafts to one or more rotors in a between another adjacent pair of the ribs (90, 92).
fan section, a compressor section and/or any other en-
gine section. Alternatively, the combustor assembly 52 55 5. The fuel injector guide of claim 4, wherein the flow
may be included in a turbine engine configured without turbulator (94) and the second flow turbulator (94)
a gear train (see FIG. 1). The combustor assembly 52 have substantially identical configurations.
may be included in a geared or non-geared turbine en-

9 EP 3 032 176 B1 10

6. The fuel injector guide of claim 4, wherein the flow Patentansprüche

tabulator (94) and the second flow turbulator (94)
have different configurations. 1. Kraftstoffinjektorführung für eine Turbinenbrenn-
kammer, umfassend:
7. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim, 5
wherein the ribs (90, 92) extend radially towards an eine röhrenförmige Basis (86), die entlang einer
outer peripheral edge of the flange (88). Achse (96) zwischen einem ersten und einem
zweiten Ende (98, 100) verläuft;
8. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim, einen ringförmigen Flansch (88), der radial aus
wherein a first (90) of the adjacent pair of the ribs 10 der Basis (86) an dem zweiten Ende (100) ver-
(90, 92) has a first radial length and a second (92) läuft;
of the adjacent pair of the ribs (90, 92) has a second eine Vielzahl von Rippen (90, 92), die um die
radial length that is different than the first radial Basis (86) angeordnet sind und axial aus dem
length. Flansch (88) in Richtung auf das erste Ende (98)
15 verlaufen; dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass ein
9. The fuel injector guide of any of claims 1 to 7, wherein Strömungsturbulator (94) zwischen einem an-
a first (90) of the adjacent pair of the ribs (90, 92) grenzenden Paar der Rippen (90, 92) angeord-
has a first radial length and a second (92) of the net ist;
adjacent pair of the ribs (90, 92) has a second radial wobei der Strömungsturbulator (94) einen Stol-
length that is substantially equal to the first radial 20 perstreifen umfasst, der vollständig über einen
length. Strömungskanal (112, 120) verläuft, der zwi-
schen dem angrenzenden Paar der Rippen (90,
10. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim, 92) definiert ist.
wherein a passage (104) extends axially through a
sidewall of the base (86) to an outlet at the second 25 2. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach Anspruch 1, wobei
end (100). der Strömungsturbulator (94) eine axiale Dicke auf-
weist, die geringer als eine axiale Dicke jeder aus
11. The fuel injector guide of any preceding claim, further dem angrenzenden Paar der Rippen (90, 92) ist.
comprising an annular retainer (84) attached to the
base (86) at the first end (98), wherein an annular 30 3. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen-
channel (78, 114) extends axially within the fuel in- den Ansprüche, wobei der Strömungsturbulator (94)
jector guide (68) between the flange (88) and the einer aus einer Vielzahl von Strömungsturbulatoren
retainer (84). zwischen dem angrenzenden Paar der Rippen (90,
92) ist.
12. An assembly for a turbine engine combustor, com- 35
prising: 4. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen-
den Ansprüche, weiter umfassend einen zweiten
a bulkhead (62); and Strömungsturbulator (94), der zwischen einem an-
a fuel injector guide (68) as claimed in any pre- deren angrenzenden Paar der Rippen (90, 92) an-
ceding claim; wherein: 40 geordnet ist.
(88); the base (86) projects through the bulk-
head (62) along said axis and away from the 5. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach Anspruch 4, wobei
flange der Strömungsturbulator (94) und der zweite Strö-
the ribs (90, 92) are disposed around the base mungsturbulator (94) im Wesentlichen identische
(86) axially between the flange (88) and the bulk- 45 Konfigurationen aufweisen.
head (62).
6. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach Anspruch 4, wobei
13. An assembly as claimed in claim 12, wherein the der Strömungsturbulator (94) und der zweite Strö-
bulkhead (62) has a plurality of impingement aper- mungsturbulator (94) unterschiedliche Konfiguratio-
tures (122), and the ribs (90, 92) form a plurality of 50 nen aufweisen.
radially extending flow channels (78, 114) that are
axially between the flange (88) and the bulkhead (62) 7. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen-
and disposed around the base (86), and wherein the den Ansprüche, wobei die Rippen (90, 92) radial in
flow channels (78, 114) are fluidly coupled with the Richtung zu einem äußeren Umfangsrand des Flan-
impingement apertures (122); and 55 sches (88) verlaufen.
wherein the flow turbulator (94) extends partially ax-
ially into one of the flow channels (78, 114). 8. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen-
den Ansprüche, wobei eine erste (90) aus dem an-

11 EP 3 032 176 B1 12

grenzenden Paar der Rippen (90, 92) eine erste ra- une base tubulaire (86) s’étendant le long d’un
diale Länge aufweist und eine zweite (92) aus dem axe (96) entre des première et seconde extré-
angrenzenden Paar der Rippen (90, 92) eine zweite mités (98, 100) ;
radiale Länge aufweist, die sich von der ersten radi- une bride annulaire (88) s’étendant radialement
alen Länge unterscheidet. 5 à partir de la base (86) au niveau de la seconde
extrémité (100) ;
9. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der Ansprüche une pluralité de nervures (90, 92) disposées
1 bis 7, wobei eine erste (90) aus dem angrenzenden autour de la base (86) et s’étendant axialement
Paar der Rippen (90, 92) eine erste radiale Länge à partir de la bride (88) vers la première extré-
aufweist und eine zweite (92) aus dem angrenzen- 10 mité (98) ; caractérisé en ce que
den Paar der Rippen (90, 92) eine zweite radiale un turbulateur d’écoulement (94) est disposé
Länge aufweist, die im Wesentlichen der ersten ra- entre une paire adjacente des nervures (90,
dialen Länge entspricht. 92) ;
dans lequel le turbulateur d’écoulement (94)
10. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen- 15 comprend une bande de déclenchement qui
den Ansprüche, wobei ein Durchgang (104) axial s’étend complètement à travers un canal
durch eine Seitenwand der Basis (86) zu einem Aus- d’écoulement (112, 120) défini entre la paire ad-
lass am zweiten Ende (100) verläuft. jacente des nervures (90, 92).

11. Kraftstoffinjektorführung nach einem der vorstehen- 20 2. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon la revendication
den Ansprüche, weiter umfassend eine ringförmige 1, dans lequel le turbulateur d’écoulement (94) a une
Halterung (84), die mit der Basis (86) am ersten Ende épaisseur axiale inférieure à une épaisseur axiale
(98) verbunden ist, wobei ein ringförmiger Kanal (78, de chacune de la paire adjacente des nervures (90,
114) axial innerhalb der Kraftstoffinjektorführung 92).
(68) zwischen dem Flansch (88) und der Halterung 25
(84) verläuft. 3. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-
que revendication précédente, dans lequel le turbu-
12. Anordnung für eine Turbinenbrennkammer, umfas- lateur d’écoulement (94) est l’un d’une pluralité de
send: turbulateurs d’écoulement entre la paire adjacente
30 des nervures (90, 92).
eine Trennwand (62); und
eine Kraftstoffinjektorführung (68) nach einem 4. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-
der vorstehenden Ansprüche; wobei: que revendication précédente, comprenant en outre
un second turbulateur d’écoulement (94) disposé
die Basis (86) durch die Trennwand (62) 35 entre une autre paire adjacente des nervures (90,
entlang der Achse und vom Flansch (88) 92).
weg hindurchragt;
die Rippen (90, 92) um die Basis (86) axial 5. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon la revendication
zwischen dem Flansch (88) und der Trenn- 4, dans lequel le turbulateur d’écoulement (94) et le
wand (62) angeordnet sind. 40 second turbulateur d’écoulement (94) ont des con-
figurations sensiblement identiques.
13. Anordnung nach Anspruch 12, wobei die Trennwand
(62) eine Vielzahl von Prallöffnungen (122) aufweist 6. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon la revendication
und die Rippen (90, 92) eine Vielzahl von radial ver- 4, dans lequel le turbulateur d’écoulement (94) et le
laufenden Strömungskanälen (78, 114) bilden, die 45 second turbulateur d’écoulement (94) ont des con-
axial zwischen dem Flansch (88) und der Trennwand figurations différentes.
(62) liegen und um die Basis (86) angeordnet sind,
und wobei die Strömungskanäle (78, 114) in Fluid- 7. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-
verbindung mit den Prallöffnungen (122) stehen; und que revendication précédente, dans lequel les ner-
wobei sich der Strömungsturbulator (94) teilweise 50 vures (90, 92) s’étendent radialement vers un bord
axial in einen der Strömungskanäle (78, 114) er- périphérique externe de la bride (88).
8. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-
que revendication précédente, dans lequel une pre-
Revendications 55 mière (90) de la paire adjacente des nervures (90,
92) a une première longueur radiale et une seconde
1. Guide d’injecteur carburant pour une chambre de (92) de la paire adjacente des nervures (90, 92) a
combustion de moteur à turbine, comprenant : une seconde longueur radiale qui est différente de

13 EP 3 032 176 B1 14

la première longueur radiale.

9. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon l’une quelcon-

que des revendications 1 à 7, dans lequel une pre-
mière (90) de la paire adjacente des nervures (90, 5
92) a une première longueur radiale et une seconde
(92) de la paire adjacente des nervures (90, 92) a
une seconde longueur radiale qui est sensiblement
égale à la première longueur radiale.
10. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-
que revendication précédente, dans lequel un pas-
sage (104) s’étend axialement à travers une paroi
latérale de la base (86) vers une sortie sur la seconde
extrémité (100). 15

11. Guide d’injecteur de carburant selon une quelcon-

que revendication précédente, comprenant en outre
un dispositif de retenue annulaire (84) fixé à la base
(86) sur la première extrémité (98), dans lequel un 20
canal annulaire (78, 114) s’étend axialement dans
le guide d’injecteur de carburant (68) entre la bride
(88) et le dispositif de retenue (84).

12. Ensemble pour une chambre de combustion de mo- 25

teur à turbine, comprenant :

une cloison (62) ; et

un guide d’injecteur de carburant (68) selon une
quelconque revendication précédente ; dans 30
lequel :

la base (86) fait saillie à travers la cloison

(62) le long dudit axe et en s’éloignant de
la bride (88) ; 35
les nervures (90, 92) sont disposées autour
de la base (86) axialement entre la bride
(88) et la cloison (62).

13. Ensemble selon la revendication 12, dans lequel la 40

cloison (62) a une pluralité d’ouvertures d’impact
(122), et les nervures (90, 92) forment une pluralité
de canaux d’écoulement s’étendant radialement (78,
114) qui sont axialement entre la bride (88) et la cloi-
son (62) et disposés autour de la base (86), et dans 45
lequel les canaux d’écoulement (78, 114) sont cou-
plés fluidiquement aux ouvertures d’impact (122) ; et
dans lequel le turbulateur d’écoulement (94) s’étend
en partie axialement dans l’un des canaux d’écou-
lement (78, 114). 50


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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• GB 2073398 A [0004] • US 20140096527 A1 [0005]

• US 2010090402 A1 [0005]


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