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Us 8714131

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USOO8714131 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,714,131 B2

Ostein et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 6, 2014
(54) METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AN ENGINE B23P 19/042: B23P 19/043; B25B 27/0035:
BLOCK F01L 1/024; F01L 1/46; F02F 3/00; F02B
3/06; F02B 2075/025; F05C 2201/021
(75) Inventors: Adam William Ostein, Edelstein, IL USPC ....................... 123/193.1, 195 R; 29/888.011
(US); Curtis John Graham, Peoria, IL See application file for complete search history.
(US); Kegan Luick, Corinth, MS (US);
Jarrod D. Moss, Corinth, MS (US) (56) References Cited
(73) Assignee: Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, IL (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this RE18,644 E 11/1932 Yount
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2,275,310 A 3, 1942 Nuttall
U.S.C. 154(b) by 382 days. 2,751,671 A 6, 1956 Welch et al.
3,675,309 A 7, 1972 Borkoski
3,830,209 A 8/1974 Jones, Jr. et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 13/249,817 5,222,295 A 6/1993 Dorris, Jr.
5,666,725 A 9, 1997 Ward
(22) Filed: Sep. 30, 2011 5,873,163 A 2f1999 Diefenthaler et al.
2004/0244758 A1 12/2004 Weng et al.
(65) Prior Publication Data 2010, 0000090 A1 1/2010 Moss et al.

US 2013/OO81589 A1 Apr. 4, 2013 Primary Examiner — Noah Kamen

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Mark R. Hull
(51) Int. Cl.
F02B 75/22 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
B23P6/00 (2006.01) A method for manufacturing an engine block includes remov
B23P6/04 (2006.01) ing material from the top deck of the engine block Surround
FO2B3/06 (2006.01) ing a first opening to create a first recessed area, positioning a
B23P6/02 (2006.01) first insert within the first recessed area, removing material
(52) U.S. Cl. from the top deck of the engine block surrounding a second
CPC. B23P6/04 (2013.01); F02B3/06 (2013.01); opening to create a second recessed area that at least partially
B23P6/02 (2013.01) overlaps the first recessed area, and positioning a second
USPC ................ 123/195 R; 123/193.1; 29/888.011 insert within the second recessed area.
(58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ................ B23P6/00; B23P6/02; B23P6/04; 20 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent May 6, 2014 Sheet 1 of 5 US 8,714,131 B2
U.S. Patent May 6, 2014 Sheet 2 of 5 US 8,714,131 B2
U.S. Patent May 6, 2014 Sheet 3 of 5 US 8,714,131 B2
U.S. Patent May 6, 2014 Sheet 4 of 5 US 8,714,131 B2
U.S. Patent May 6, 2014 Sheet 5 of 5 US 8,714,131 B2

N - 102






US 8,714, 131 B2
1. 2
METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AN ENGINE second recessed area and the second insert overlap the first
BLOCK recessed area and the first insert.


The present disclosure relates generally to a method of FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an engine block, according
manufacturing an engine block. More particularly, the to the present disclosure;
present disclosure relates to remanufacturing an engine block FIG. 2 is a plan view of a top deck of the engine block of
by removing material from the top deck Surrounding a plu FIG. 1, depicting exemplary cracks that may form near a
rality of openings and positioning inserts in the recessed 10 cylinderbore and adjacent fluid passages;
aaS. FIG.3 is a partial cross sectional view of the top deck of the
engine block of FIG. 1 along line A-A, depicting a fluid
BACKGROUND passage and cylinderbore;
FIG. 4 is a partial cross sectional view of the top deck of the
Many components of an internal combustion engine are
15 engine block of FIG. 2 along line A-A, with a first recessed
Subject to high loads and wear during operation of the engine. area Surrounding the fluid passage along line.
One Such component, for example, is the engine block, which FIG.5 is a partial cross sectional view of the top deck of the
may experience loads from combustion events occurring engine block of FIG. 2 along line A-A, with a first insert
positioned in the first recessed area;
within combustion chambers formed by the cylinder head, FIG. 6 is a partial cross sectional view of the top deck of the
pistons, and cylinderbores of the engine block. These events engine block of FIG. 2 along line A-A, with a second recessed
may subject the engine block to high loads and stresses, area Surrounding the cylinder bore;
including thermal stresses and mechanical stresses, which FIG. 7 is a partial cross sectional view of the top deck of the
may be transmitted to the engine block at, among other loca engine block of FIG. 2 along line A-A, with a second insert
tions, the cylinder head, which is mounted to a top deck of the 25 positioned in the second recessed area;
engine block, and the cylinder bores. As a result of these FIG. 8 is a plan view of a top deck of the engine block of
stresses, Small cracks may form, or general wear may occur, FIG. 1 with inserts Surrounding the fluid passages and cylin
within the engine block, particularly within or near the cyl derbore; and
inder bores at the top deck of the engine block. In addition, FIG. 9 is a flow diagram illustrating a method of manufac
wear and erosion may occur along edges of fluid passages 30 turing the engine block of FIG. 1.
Surrounding the cylinder bores and opening through the top
U.S. Pat. No. 5.222.295 teaches a method for repairing An exemplary embodiment of an engine block 10, also
diesel engine cylinderblocks. Specifically, the cited reference 35 referred to as a cylinder block, is shown generally in FIG. 1.
teaches a method for removing selected portions along the The engine block 10 may, for example, be constructed of cast
longitudinal axis of a cylinderbore of the engine block, and iron or, alternatively, aluminum or magnesium, or any other
installing inserts within the cavities formed within the cylin desirable material, and may include one or more cylindrically
der bore. Although the described method may adequately bored holes for receiving pistons of an internal combustion
repaircracks occurring within the cylinderbore, the reference 40 engine, such as a compression ignition engine or a spark
does not contemplate cracks that may radiate from the cylin ignited engine. It should be appreciated that such an internal
derbore and across the top deck of the engine block, or that combustion engine, which includes engine block 10, may be
may occur along edges of the Surrounding water passages. used to power an on-highway or off-highway machine, sta
Additionally, there remains a continuing need for methods of tionary equipment, or any other known machine or vehicle.
engine block repair and remanufacture that are effective and 45 The engine block 10 may be a one-piece casting and may
economically feasible. generally include an upper section 12 and a lower section 14.
The upper section 12 of the engine block 10 may include a
SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE variety of openings, such as cylinder bores, fluid passages,
and attachment bores. In the depicted embodiment, the upper
In one aspect, a method for manufacturing an engine block 50 section 12 may include a plurality of cylinderbores 16 formed
includes removing material from the top deck of the engine within the engine block10 and opening through a top deck 18
block Surrounding a first opening. Such as a fluid passage, of the engine block 10. Although six cylinder bores 16 are
cylinder bore, or attachment bore, to create a first recessed shown, it should be appreciated that the engine block 10 may
area, positioning a first insert within the first recessed area, include any number of cylinder bores 16, each of which may
removing material from the top deck of the engine block 55 or may not include a cylinder liner. A cylinder head (not
Surrounding a second opening, such as a fluid passage, cyl shown) may be attached to the engine block 10, such as, for
inder bore, or attachment bore, to create a second recessed example, by using a plurality of attachment bolts that may be
area that at least partially overlaps the first recessed area, and threadably received within a corresponding number of attach
positioning a second insert within the second recessed area. ment bores 20. The cylinder head, as is known in the art, may
In another aspect, an engine block for an internal combus 60 seal each of the cylinder bores 16, thus creating combustion
tion engine includes a top deck, a first opening formed within chambers therein, and may provide a structure for Supporting
the engine block and opening through the top deck, a second intake and exhaust valves and/or ports, fuel injectors, neces
opening formed within the engine block and opening through sary linkages, and/or other known devices or structures.
the top deck, a first recessed area Surrounding the first open The upper section 12 of the engine block 10 may also
ing, a second recessed area Surrounding the second opening, 65 include a plurality of fluid passages 22. Such as water pas
a first insert positioned within the first recessed area, and a sages, circumferentially spaced about each cylinderbore 16.
second insert positioned within the second recessed area. The Although eight fluid passages 22 are shown, it should be
US 8,714, 131 B2
3 4
appreciated that any number of fluid passages 22 may be process can be manual and/or automatic. According to one
provided throughout the engine block 10. Each fluid passage embodiment, for example, a machining tool used to remove
22 may be formed within the engine block 10 and may open material from the engine block 10 may be operated via com
through the top deck 18, as shown. It should be appreciated puter numerical control (CNC). However, any useful tool for
that the fluid passages 22, and additional fluid passages and/or removing engine block material according to precise specifi
chambers within the engine block 10, may form a waterjacket cations is contemplated.
or other similar cooling system for controlling circulation of FIGS. 3-9 illustrate an embodiment of the manufacturing
a coolant and providing proper cooling of the engine block process 40. In particular, FIG. 3 illustrates a partial cross
10. It should also be appreciated that the fluid passages 22, section of the engine block 10 along lines A-A (as shown in
which may include ferrule type coolant directors, and/or the 10 FIG. 2) prior to the manufacturing process 40. Dashed line 42
water jacket may be configured to provide cooling of the depicts where the cylinder liner 32 would be positioned if
cylinder head, or components thereof, attached to the engine installed. The cylinder liner 32 separates the cylinderbore 16
block 10. Furthermore, while the diameters of the fluid pas from a fluid cavity 44. The fluid cavity 44 is in fluid commu
sages 22 shown in FIG. 1 are illustrated as being approxi nication with the fluid passage 22. The fluid passage 22 and
mately the same, it should be appreciated that the size and 15 the cylinder bore 16 open to the top deck 18 which is sub
shape of some of the fluid passages 22 may different from the stantially flat and even in the areas Surrounding the fluid
size and shape of Some of the other fluid passages 22. passage 22 and cylinder bore 16.
The lower section 14 of the engine block 10 may also As shown in FIG. 4, engine block material Surrounding at
include and/or define a portion of the water jacket described least one fluid passage 22 may be removed to create a first
above. The lower section 14 may be of conventional form, and recessed area 46. The first recessed area 4.6 may be configured
may include a crankcase, in which a crankshaft rotates. The in a variety of ways. The first recessed area 46 is configured to
lower section 14 of the engine block10, as well as the cylinder remove any wear and erosion that has occurred along the
head and the internal combustion engine, in general, are not edges of fluid passages 22 and/or cracks Surrounding the fluid
within the scope of the present disclosure and, therefore, will passages 22. In the depicted embodiment, the first recessed
not be described herein in greater detail. It should be appre 25 area 46 is a generally cylindrical area having a diameter D
ciated, however, that the engine block 10, including features and a depth X. The first recessed area 46 may be centered on
described herein, is contemplated for use with any type and/or the first fluid passage 22 (i.e. coaxially with the first fluid
configuration of internal combustion engine. passage) or may be offset. It will be understood that engine
Turning now to FIG. 2, a portion of the top deck 18 of the block material may be removed from the top deck 18 sur
engine block 10 is shown. Particularly, one of cylinderbores 30 rounding each of the plurality of fluid passages 22, resulting
16 and adjacent, or Surrounding, attachment bores 20 and in a corresponding number of first recessed areas 46. Further
fluid passages 22 are shown, along with cracks that may occur more, it will be understood that the diameter D and depth X
within the top deck 18. Specifically, during operation of an of the first recessed area 46 may vary for different engine sizes
internal combustion engine that includes engine block 10, or and types and may vary on a single engine block if desired.
even during the original manufacture thereof, one or more 35 In one embodiment, the first recessed area 46 has a diam
cracks may form within the top deck 18 of the engine block eter D of about 20 mm to about 24 mm and a depth X of
10, as should be appreciated by those skilled in the art. For about 10 mm to about 14 mm. In another embodiment, the
example, a crack 30 may form within the cylinder bore 16, first recessed area 46 has a diameter D of about 22 mm and a
shown with a cylinder liner 32 disposed therein, and may depth X of about 12 mm. In yet another embodiment, the first
radiate therefrom along the top deck 18 of the engine block 40 recessed area 46has a diameter D of about 30mm to about 34
10. According to one embodiment, Sucha crack may extend to mm and a depth X of about 10 mm to about 14 mm. In yet a
one of the fluid passages 22, as shown at 34. Similarly, a crack further embodiment, the first recessed area 46 has a diameter
36 may form within one of the fluid passages 22 or attachment D of about 32 mm and a depth X of about 12 mm. In another
bores 20 and may extend therefrom across the top deck 18 of embodiment, the engine block 10 has a plurality of first
the engine block 10. Wear or erosion may also occurat edges 45 recessed areas 46 with some of the first recessed areas having
of the fluid passages 22 along the top deck 18. Additional diameter D of about 20 mm to about 24 mm while other of
cracks, such as crack 38, and/or wear may occur within the the first recessed areas having a diameter D of about 30 mm
top deck 18 of the engine block 10 in a variety of locations, as to about 34 mm. For example, the engine block 10 of FIG. 2
should be appreciated by those skilled in the art. has eight fluid passages 22. In one embodiment, four of the
During a manufacturing process 40 (FIG. 9) of the engine 50 fluid passages 22 may have associated first recessed areas 46
block 10, material from the top deck 18 of the engine block10 with a diameter D of about 20 mm to about 24 mm while the
that Surrounds openings in the top deck, such as cylinder other four fluid passages 22 may have associated first
bores, fluid passages, and attachment bores, may be removed recessed areas 46 with a diameter D of about 30 mm to about
to create recessed areas. Inserts may be positioned within the 34 mm.
recessed areas such that a first insert overlaps a portion of a 55 Turning now to FIG. 5, a first insert 50 is shown positioned
second insert. It is contemplated that the process may, in some within the first recessed area 46. The first insert 50 may be
embodiments, include multiple “levels of overlapping. For configured to fit tightly within the first recessed area 46, such
example, a first insert may overlap a second insert that over as by an interference fit. Thus, the first insert 50 may be
laps a third insert. shaped in a variety of ways corresponding to the shape of the
As used herein, “manufacturing may refer broadly to the 60 first recessed area. The first insert 50, however, may be posi
original manufacture, remanufacture, repair, or other similar tioned and held in place in the first recessed area 46 by any
process associated with the engine block 10. Specifically, suitable means. In the depicted embodiment, the first insert 50
engine block material, which may include one or more of the is generally cylindrical with an inner Surface 52 defining a
cracks 30, 34, 36, and 38 shown in FIG. 2, may be removed passage 54 therethrough. The passage 54 has a diameter D.
from the engine block 10. Material may be removed from the 65 matching a diameter D of the fluid passage 22 of the engine
top deck 18 of the engine block 10 using any known machin block 10. When positioned within the first recessed area 46.
ing process, such as, for example, milling or grinding. The the passage 54 may be substantially aligned with the fluid
US 8,714, 131 B2
5 6
passage 22 or may be slightly offset. The first insert 50 has an and may vary on a single engine block if desired. In one
outer surface 56 generally parallel to the inner surface 52. The embodiment, the second recessed area 70 has a diameter D of
first insert 50 has a top surface 58 generally parallel to a about 211 mm to about 215 mm and a depth X of about 5.5
bottom surface 60. The top surface 58 and bottom surface 60 mm to about 9.7 mm. In another embodiment, the first
are generally flat and perpendicular to the inner surface 52 recessed area 46 has a diameter D of about 213 mm and a
and outer surface 56. depth X of about 7.6 mm.
The first insert 50 has a thickness T and an outer diameter As shown in FIG. 7, a second insert 78 is shown positioned
D. The thickness T of the first insert 50 is configured to be within the second recessed area 70. The second insert 78 may
equal to or greater than the depth X of the first recessed area be configured to fittightly within the second recessed area 70.
46. For example, in one embodiment, the first insert 50 has a 10 such as by an interference fit. The second insert 78, however,
thickness T of about 12 mm to 12.7 mm. In another embodi may be positioned and held in place in the second recessed
ment, the first insert 50 has a thickness T of about 12.35 mm. area 70 by any suitable means. In the depicted embodiment,
The diameter D of the first insert 50 is configured to allow the the second insert 78 is generally ring-shaped with an inner
first insert 50 to fit securely within the first recessed area 46. Surface 80 defining an inner diameter configured to matching
Thus, the diameter of the first insert 50 is matched to the 15 a diameter of the cylinderbore 16 and an outer diameter. The
corresponding first recessed area. For example, where an second insert 78 has an outer surface 82 generally parallel to
interference fit is used to secure the first insert 50 in the first the inner surface 80. The second insert 78 has a top surface 84
recessed area 46, the diameter D of the first insert 50 is generally parallel to a bottom surface 86. The top surface 84
configured to be slightly larger than the diameter D of the and bottom surface 86 are generally flat and perpendicular to
first recessed area 46. In one embodiment, the first insert 50 the inner surface 80 and outer surface 82. An outer portion 88
has a diameter D about 0.02 mm to about 0.05 mm greater of the bottom surface 86 is configured to engage the shoulder
than the diameter D of the first recessed area 46, and prefer 72 formed on the first insert 50.
ably about 0.035 mm greater. As indicated above, a plurality The second insert 78 has a thickness T and an outer diam
of first recessed areas 46 may be made in the engine block 10 eter Ds (see FIG. 8). The thickness T of the second insert 78
and some of the plurality of first recessed areas may be sized 25 is configured to be equal to or greater than the depth X of the
different than some of the other first recessed areas. Likewise, second recessed area 70. For example, in one embodiment,
first inserts 50 with different diameters may be used on the the second insert 78 has a thickness T of about 7.7 mm to 8.0
same engine block 10 to match up with corresponding first mm. In another embodiment, the second insert 78 has a thick
recessed areas. In one embodiment, an engine block 10 ness T of about 7.85 mm. In addition, the thickness T of the
includes a plurality of first inserts 50, some of which have a 30 second insert 78 may be less than the thickness of the first
diameter that is about 40% or more greater than the diameter insert 50. Thus, in some embodiments, when initially
of the remaining plurality of first inserts. installed, both the first insert 50 and the second insert 78
As shown in FIG. 6, engine block material Surrounding at protrude approximately the same distance above the top deck
least one cylinderbore 16 may be removed to create a second 18 of the cylinder block and the outer portion 88 of the bottom
recessed area 70. While only shown in partial view, it should 35 surface 86 of the second insert 78 engages the shoulder 72 of
be understood that the second recessed area 70 may extend the first insert 50.
around the entire circumference of the cylinder bore 16. The The outer diameter Ds of the second insert 78 is configured
second recessed area 70 is configured to remove any wear or to allow the second insert 78 to fit securely within the second
cracks surrounding the cylinder bore 16. In the depicted recessed area 70 and overlap the first insert 50 the radial
embodiment, the first recessed area 46 is generally ring 40 distance D. Thus, the outer diameter Ds of the second insert
shaped and extends radially from the cylinder bore 16 to an 78 is matched to the second recessed area 70. For example,
outer diameter of D (see FIG. 8). The second recessed area where an interference fit is used to secure the second insert 78
70 extends radially from the cylinderbore 16 a radial distance in the second recessed area 70, the diameter Ds of the second
D sufficient to overlap a portion of the first recessed area 46 insert 78 is configured to be slightly larger than the diameter
(and first insert 50). Thus, the second recessed area 70 is 45 D of the second recessed area 70. In one embodiment, the
formed partially by removing material from the first insert 50. second insert 78 has a diameter Ds about 0.044 mm to about
Since, the overlapping area is essentially defined by two 0.084 mm greater than the diameter D of the second recessed
overlapping circles; the area removed from the first insert 50 area 70, and preferably about 0.064 mm greater.
may be described as lens-shaped, as best seen on FIG. 8. The first insert 50 and the second insert 78 may be made
The first recessed area 46 has a depth X that is greater than 50 from stainless steel, or any other useful material, and may
the depth X of the second recessed area 70. In some embodi include a substantially uniform thickness. In the depicted
ments, for example, the depth of the first recessed area may be embodiment, while not illustrated, it will be understood that
50% or more greater that the depth of the second recessed after positioning the first insert 50 and the second insert 78
area. As a result, a lens-shaped shoulder 72 is formed on the within the first and second recessed areas 46, 70, respectively,
first insert 50. In some embodiments, however, it may be 55 a machining tool may be used to plane the Surface of the top
possible to form the first insert 50 with the shoulder 72 as deck 18, thus removing any excess portions of the first insert
opposed to machining the shoulder when forming the second 50 and second insert 78. Such a procedure may ensure a
recessed area 70. When the first insert 50 is installed, the substantially planar surface of the top deck 18 after the first
shoulder may be positioned toward the bore. Thus, the second insert 50 and the second insert 78 have been positioned within
recessed area 70 may be formed without removing material 60 the first and second recessed areas 46, 70, respectively.
from the first insert 50. FIG. 8 shows a portion of the top deck 18 of one embodi
It will be understood that engine block material may be ment an engine block 10 according to the present disclosure
removed from the top deck 18 surrounding each of the plu after a plurality of first inserts 50 and the second insert 78 are
rality of cylinderbores 16, resulting in a corresponding num installed. As installed, the second insert 78 overlaps each of
ber of second recessed areas 70. Furthermore, it will be under 65 the first inserts 50. In the depicted embodiment, eight fluid
stood that the diameter D and depth X of the second passages 22 surround the cylinder bore 16. A first insert 50
recessed area 70 may vary for different engine sizes and types Surrounds each of the eight fluid passages 22 and a second
US 8,714, 131 B2
7 8
insert 78 surrounds the cylinderbore 16. Four of the eight first may be removed, such as by creating one or more threaded
inserts 50 are larger in diameter than the other four first inserts bores within the inserts 50, 78to attacharemoval tool, and the
50. The four larger first inserts 50 are not centered on the additional cracks and/or wear occurring near the cylinder
corresponding fluid passages 22 that the first inserts 50 sur bore 16 and fluid passages 22 may be machined out. However,
round, while the four smaller first inserts 50 are generally the recessed areas 46, 70 may be enlarged only an amount
centered. Regardless of being generally centered or off-cen sufficient to remove most of the cracks and/or wear, without
ter, the passage 54 in the first inserts 50 are substantially interfering with other structures or components of the engine
aligned with or slightly offset from the corresponding fluid block 10. As such, the engine block 10 may be limited to a
passage 22 to allow fluid flow through the first inserts 50. finite number of repairs. After the additional engine block
10 material has been removed, an appropriately dimensioned
INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY inserts 50, 78 may be press fit within the corresponding
recessed areas 46, 70.
The present disclosure finds potential applicability to any The presently disclosed method may provide an effective
engine block that may be subject to operational loads causing means for repairing cracks and/or wear occurring within an
cracks and/or wear. Further, the disclosure may be specifi 15 engine block, particularly at or near a cylinderbore and Sur
cally applicable to engine blocks having cracks radiating rounding waterpassages. Alternatively, the present disclosure
from cylinder bores and extending across a top deck of the may be implemented during manufacture of an engine block
engine block. Yet further, the present disclosure may be appli to reduce the occurrence of Such cracks and/or wear.
cable to fluid passages Surrounding Such cylinder bores that It should be appreciated that the disclosed method may be
may be subject to general wear and/or erosion. Although the used on other openings in the engine block.
disclosure describes the remanufacture, or repair, of Such It should be understood that the above description is
engine blocks, the method described herein may also be used intended for illustrative purposes only, and is not intended to
during manufacture to reduce the occurrence of Such cracks limit the scope of the present disclosure in any way. Thus,
and/or wear during operation. those skilled in the art will appreciate that other aspects of the
During remanufacture, or repair, the engine block 10 may 25 disclosure can be obtained from a study of the drawings, the
be inspected for cracks, such as by visual inspection or using disclosure and the appended claims.
a magneflux check or other known means. Cracks, such as What is claimed is:
cracks 30, 34, 36, and 38, may be discovered during the 1. A method for manufacturing an engine block, compris
inspection. Additionally, one or more of the fluid passages 22 1ng:
may exhibit wear and/or erosionaround the openings thereof, 30 removing material from the top deck of the engine block
along the top deck 18 of the engine block 10. To repair the Surrounding a first opening to create a first recessed area;
engine block 10, as shown in FIG. 3, according to one positioning a first insert within the first recessed area;
embodiment, the manufacturing method 40 may include a removing material from the top deck of the engine block
first step 102 of removing material from the top deck 18 of the Surrounding a second opening to create a second
engine block 10 Surrounding a first opening, Such as at least 35 recessed area that at least partially overlaps the first
one fluid passage 22, to create a first recessed area 46, a recessed area; and
second step 104 of positioning a first insert 50 within the first positioning a second insert within the second recessed area.
recessed area 46, a third step 106 of removing material from 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the first recessed area
the top deck 18 of the engine block 10 surrounding a second has a first depth and the second recessed area has a second
opening, Such as a cylinder bore 16, to create a second 40 depth that is less than the first depth.
recessed area 70 that at least partially overlaps the first 3. The method of claim 1, wherein creating a second
recessed area 46, and a fourth step 108 of positioning a second recessed area includes removing material from the first insert.
insert 78 within the second recessed area 70. The manufac 4. The method of claim3, wherein removing material from
turing method 40 may include an additional step of removing the first insert creates a shoulder which the second insert
material from the first insert 50 and/or the second insert 78 to 45 engages when positioned within the second recessed area.
create a planar surface with the top deck 18. It should be 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the first opening is a
appreciated that in other embodiments, the first recessed area fluid passage and the second opening is a cylinderbore.
may be formed around the cylinderbore 16 or another open 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the first removing step
ing and the second recessed area may be formed around the includes removing material from the top deck of the engine
fluid passage 22 or another opening. Thus, the insert Sur 50 block Surrounding each of a plurality of fluid passages cir
rounding the cylinderbore, for example, may have the greater cumferentially spaced about the cylinder bore.
thickness and may be installed prior to forming the second 7. The method of claim 1, wherein at least one of the first
recessed area that Surrounds the fluid passage 22. removing step and the second removing step includes
It will be understood that the engine block 10 may include machining out a crack within the engine block.
multiple top decks (such as with a Vee-style engine), multiple 55 8. The method of claim 1, wherein positioning the first
cylinder bores 16, and multiple fluid passages 22. Thus, the insert within the first recessed area includes press fitting the
manufacturing method 40 may include creating multiple first first insert within the first recessed area.
recessed areas 46 and second recessed areas 70 and using 9. The method of claim 1, wherein positioning the second
multiple first inserts 50 and second inserts 78 in correspond insert within the second recessed area includes press fitting
ing recessed areas. A plurality of first and second inserts 50. 60 the second insert within the second recessed area.
78 may be packaged together as a repair kit for a predeter 10. The method of claim 1, further comprising planing the
mined engine. top deck of the engine block after positioning the second
It should be appreciated that cracks, such as cracks formed insert within the second recessed area.
within or radiating from the first and second recessed areas 11. An engine block, comprising:
46, 70, may occur after repair. The presently disclosed 65 a top deck;
method 40, as described herein, may be repeated to repair a first opening formed within the engine block and opening
such cracks. Specifically, the first and second inserts 50, 78 through the top deck;
US 8,714, 131 B2
second opening formed within the engine block and open being configured to be positioned within a recessed area
ing through the top deck; Surrounding one of the plurality of fluid passages;
a first recessed area Surrounding the first opening; a ring-shaped second insert having an inner diameter
a second recessed area Surrounding the second opening; matching a diameter of the cylinder bore, a second
a first insert positioned within the first recessed area; depth, and a second outer diameter and being configured
a second insert positioned within the second recessed area; to be positioned within a recessed area Surrounding the
wherein the second recessed area and the second insert
cylinder bore;
wherein the first depth is greater than the second depth, and
overlap the first recessed area and the first insert. wherein when each of the plurality of first inserts are posi
12. The engine block of claim 11, wherein the first opening 10 tioned within corresponding recessed area Surrounding
is a fluid passage and the second opening is a cylinderbore. each of the plurality of fluid passages and the second
13. The engine block of claim 12, further including a plu insert is positioned with the recessed area Surrounding
rality of fluid passages circumferentially spaced about the the cylinder bore, the second outer diameter is config
cylinder bore. ured to overlap a portion of the first outer diameters.
14. The engine block of claim 11, wherein the first insert is or 17. The kit of claim 16 wherein the first depth is about 50%
more greater than the second depth.
has a depth that is greater than the depth of the second insert.
15. The engine block of claim 11, wherein the first insert 18. The kit of claim 16 further comprising a plurality of
and the second insertare retained within the first recessed area cylindrical third inserts configured to be positioned within a
and the second recessed areas, respectively, by an interfer recessed area Surrounding one of the plurality of fluid pas
ence fit. sages, each of the plurality of third inserts having an third
16. A remanufacturing kit for an engine block having a top outer diameter that is greater than the first outer diameter.
deck defining a cylinderbore and a plurality of fluid passages third 19. The kit of claim 18 comprising four first inserts and four
Surrounding the cylinder bore, comprising: inserts.
20. The kit of claim 18 wherein the first outer diameter is
a plurality of cylindrical first inserts, each of the plurality of
first inserts having a first depth, a first outer diameter, about 40% or more greater than the third outer diameter.
and a passage extending through the first insert, and k k k k k

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