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Notice Writing


A notice is a written or printed news announcement or information. A notice may contain

news/information about something that has happened or is likely to happen. It may be a formal
announcement of public importance or an advance warning meant for compliance and information. A
notice can be about a meeting, an event, an excursion/historical trip/a picnic, lost and found, change of
name/address/uniform/timings/venue etc.


Notices are effective means of disseminating information related to different issues or occasions. They
reach to a large number of persons in a short time. Hence a notice is written in simple and formal
language. It is clear, brief and to the point.


(a) School/College Notice Boards.

(b) Newspapers/Magazines.

(c) Public Notice Boards.


A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

 Name of the issuing authority (school, organization, etc)

 The word ‘NOTICE’ in capital letters

 Date of issue of the notice to the left side

 Title of the Event in the centre

 Content in 50 words that should answer the following a)Who do you want to inform (the target

b) Who is organising?

c) What do you want to inform?

d) When (Date/time/duration)?

e) Where is it being organised? (Venue)? f)Additional Information

g)Person to be contacted and last date (if any) h)Authorized signatory: Signature Name and, designation

EXAMPLE 1: CCA department of your school is going to organise a folk dance competition of paired state
i.e. Chhattisgarh on 5th Feb 2021. Write a notice in not more than 50 words to be displayed on the
school notice board, inviting students to participate in it. Give all the necessary information. You are
Diya / Dipak, Secretary, CCA department, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Diu.

EXAMPLE 2: You are Kamil/Priya, the Head Boy/Girl of Mother Mary International School, Mt. Abu. Your
school is going to celebrate ‘Joy of giving’ day on the occasion of Christmas. Draft a notice in not more
than 50 words to inform and collect the things for needy.


Your school is organising a SPICMACAY programme on the occasion of the World Dance Day 29 April
2020 wherein the renowned Bharatnatyam dancer, Smt.Geeta Chandran would be giving a lecture-
demonstration. As the President, Cultural Society of your school, draft notice in about 50 words,
informing the students about the same. You are Rohan / Rohini of Tapovan International School,
 Value points to be kept in mind(HINTS)

• Who – students of Tapovan International School Mehsana.

• What- SPICMACAY programme on the occasion of the World ‘Dance Day wherein the renowned
Bharatnatyam dancer, Geeta Chandran would be giving a lecture-demonstration.

• When- On 29 April 2020

• Where- School Auditorium / Cultural Hall / Assembly Hall

• Additional information


(a) Format : It includes the word ‘NOTICE’, date, heading, writer’s name and designation.

(b) Content : It must answer the questions What? When? Where? How? etc.

(c) Expression : It relates to the overall organisation and relevance of the content as well as grammatical
accuracy and fluency.



(i) It must contain complete information.

(ii) The order of presentation should be clear.

(iii) State the purpose of notice clearly.

(iv) Content should include all necessary information, e.g. for a meeting the time, venue, date and

(v) Use impersonal language, i.e., third person. Avoid T and “You’.

(vi) Give the designation of the writer just below the signature.

(vii) The date of writing notice is generally put at the top.

(viii) Observe the word limit. If you exceed it, you will get a negative mark.


(Dance, Drama, Music, Quiz, Debate, Lecture, Magazine, Science Fair/Exhibition etc.)
Solved Questions

Question 1:

Yon are the Secretary of the English Literary Association of Tagore Memorial School, Patna. Write out a
notice for notice-board, inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed inter-
house debate, oratorio! and elocution contest.




5 Aug. 20XX


The English Literary Association invites participants in the following contests to be held in the school
auditorium :

(a) Debate competition : 20 Aug. 20XX at 11.00 a.m.

(b) Oratorial skills : 21 Aug. 20XX at 11.00 a.m.

(c) Elocution contest : 21 Aug. 20XX at 2.00 p.m.

Each house can send a team of two students per item.

Last date for submission of names : 10th August, 20XX

Ravi Mohan



Question 2:

You are Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary Club of your school you have organized an inter-
school debate competition on the. occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school. Write a
notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about the competition.




5 Dec. 20XX

The Literary Club is organising an inter-school debate competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee
celebrations as per details given below:

Date : 18 Dec. 20XX

Time : 11 a.m. onwards

Venue : Saraswati Auditorium

Topic : “Nuclear Armament is India’s best defence against

cross-border terrorism”

Last date for receipt of names : 10 Dec. upto 4.30 p.m. in the Activities Room.



Question 3:

You are Ravi/Rachna. As President of the Cultural Forum of your school you have organized an inter-
school orchestra competition on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school. Write a
notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about this competition.




6 Nov. 20XX

Inter-School Orchestra Competition

On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations, an Inter-School Orchestra Competition will be held.

Date : 14 Nov. 20XX

Time : 2 p.m. onwards

Venue : Vikram Auditorium

Participants : Maximum 9 in an item

Last date for submission of Entry Forms : 10 Nov 20XX



Cultural Forum

Question 4:

You are Pradeep / Asha. As President of the Dramatic Club of your school you have organized an mter-
school competition in one-act plays on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of your school.
Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of you.r school about this proposed event.




16 AUG. 20XX


On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of the school, the Dramatic Club has organized an
inter-school competition in one-act plays as per details given below:

Date : 30 Aug 20XX

Time : 10 a.m. onwards

Venue : Ashoka Auditorium

Participants : Maximum 7 in a team

Last Date for the receipt of Entry forms is 25 Aug. 20XX by 4.00 pm.For more details please contact our
cultural coordinator.



Dramatic Club

Question 5:
You are president of the Cultural Society of your school. You are planning to organise a cultural
programme. Write a notice for the school notice-board inviting names of students willing to participate.
You are Sudhir, the secretary of the society.


ABC School, Bhopal


9th Aug. 20XX


Talented students are invited to submit their names for a musical evening to be held on 2lst August
20XX in the school open air theatre from 6 p.m. onwards

Items : (i) Light vocal music (solo)

(ii) Group Song

(iii) Group Dance

(iv) Classical Dance (Solo)

Contact the undersigned before 16th Aug. 20XX.



Cultural Society

Notice Writing

A notice is a written or printed information that can be in the form of an official statement of public
importance or a warning in advance. Since a notice is primarily meant to inform a large number of
people, it must be clear and brief. It is a very important form of written communication used by
individuals and organisations to convey information about functions, events and occasions.

The main purposes of writing a notice are to

provide information regarding an important event that is about to happen or has happened.
publicly display information either in the newspapers or on specific display boards for others to know
and follow.

announce births or deaths.

announce occasions like inaugurations or sales.

make appeals or extend invitations.

Types Of Notice
Notice for meeting

Notice for events like competition/celebration/annual sports event/cultural festival/winter carnival etc

Notice for lost or found

Notice for tours/fairs/exhibitions/campaigns/seminars/workshops/debates/group talk etc

Notice for appeal/warning/guideline/message in public interest

Notice for change of name/residence/company/bank account/timings etc

Points To Be Kept In Mind

*Write the name of the organisation/institution/office issuing the notice.

*The word ‘NOTICE’ is always written under the name of the organisation/institution/office.

*Date of issuing notice is written on the left hand side.

*Heading/subject should be eye-catching, brief and precise.

*The content must include complete information. It must include the 7 W’s of writing (who, what,
where, why, when, in what way and for whom).

*The purpose of the notice should be very clear.

*The name and designation of the issuing authority should be mentioned.

*The language used must be lucid and must be written in the third person i.e. pronouns like I, you, me,
mine, your, our etc should not be used.

*Choice of tense will depend on the nature of the notice e.g. in a notice announcing an event, future
time reference will be used more than any other tense forms.

*The notice should be presented within a box.

Notice Writing Format

You are Avinash, Cultural Secretary of Queen Mary Convent, Lucknow. You want suitable students to
represent your school in the Inter-School English Debate to be held shortly. Providing the necessary
details, write a notice inviting participation.

Types Of Notice


Notice for Meeting

Details/Value Points

The points given below are required while writing a notice for a meeting,

Who has called the meeting

Agenda/purpose of the meeting

Date/time/venue of the meeting

Who is to attend the meeting

Number of persons/departments included

Specific instructions for the persons called for the meeting

Signatory with name and designation

In case of further details, contact person with designation

Notice Writing with Question and Answer

Question 1.

Write a notice for a meeting of security employees with the Director of their agency to discuss security
hazards and arrive at a specific resolution. Give the agenda of the meeting in the notice.


Tiger Security Providers, Gurgaon

19th February, 20XX

Meeting of Security Employees

All the security guards and supervisors appointed by Tiger Security Providers, Gurgaon are required to
attend a meeting to be held in the Director’s office at 9 AM on Friday, 23rd February, 20XX.

The agenda of the meeting is

Minutes of last meeting for discussion and approval

Security hazards

Suggestions for better safety

How to overcome complications

For further details, please contact the undersigned.

Rajendra Pal


Question 2.

You are Rohan/Roma, the Students’ Representative of the School Development Committee. Next week,
the Committee is meeting to prepare a Calendar of Activities for academic year 20XX-20XY. Write a
notice, to be put up on your school notice board, inviting students’ suggestions on the subject.


Suncity World School, Gurgaon


21st January, 20XX

Annual Development Committee Meeting – Suggestions Invited

All the students are hereby informed that the School Development Committee is going to meet on 31st
January, 20XX to prepare a Calendar of Activities for the coming session.
All those students who have creative suggestions can meet the undersigned and discuss their ideas. The
undersigned will meet such students on 25th January, 20XX in the Student Activity Hall in the zero
period. Constructive ideas will be welcomed.

For further details contact the undersigned.


(Students’ Representative)

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