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Notice is a written or printed information or news announcement. Notices are either

displayed at prominent places or published in newspapers/ magazines. It is meant only
for a select group. Since a notice contains a formal announcement or information, its
tone and style is formal and factual. Its language should be simple and formal.
Notice is always brief and to the point. As notice is a written form of formal message
so it is made to inform all about various activities like the activities may refer to
football tournament or debate competition to be held in school , notice for  a
holiday , a new scheme implemented by the college for the welfare of girls , inter -
school competitions and many more . 

♦ Important Tips to be followed while writing a Notice

 Adhere to the specified word limit of 50 words.

 Name and place of the school, organisation or office issuing the notice
should be mentioned.
 Write the word NOTICE at the top.
 Write the date of issuing the notice
 Give an appropriate heading..
 Clearly mention the target group (for whom the notice is to be displayed).
 Purpose of the notice.
 Mention all the relevant details (date, venue, time).
 Signature, name and designation of the person issuing the notice.
 Put the notice in a box.
 Use Passive Voice to write the notice. Eg. The names   have to be submitted
by the students to their class teacher .
 Never use first person while writing a notice . There should be no use of I ,
we and me . This is an important rule which should be memorized by heart

♦ Marking Scheme of Notice

Format –1 mark
Name of the Institution/Organisation,
the word NOTICE
Heading: Subject of the notice
Date in the format 11th Feb,2021
Contents - (All within 50 words) 1 marks
( a) Target Group (Whom)
(b) Agenda /Purpose(What & by Whom )
(c) When (Date & Time )
(d) Where (Place /Venue )
(e) Other Relevant Details (last date/materials required)
Expression- Coherence, spellings and grammatical accuracy- 1 marks

 Format of Notice .

Important point to be noted

→ Whenever name is not mentioned use XYZ or ABC only in exam.
Types of NOTICES
1. Notices for Events/Cultural & Academic Activities
(Drama/Music/Quiz/Debate/Lecture/Magazine/Science Fair/Exhibition)
2. Notice for Appeals /Warnings
3. Notice for Picnic/ Tours / Excursions
4. Notice for Meetings
5. Notice for Change of Name / Address
6. Notice for Lost & Found
Notice for Events
(Competition/Celebration/ ’ Annual Sports Event/Cultural Festival)

Details/Value Points
The points given below are required while writing a notice for events.

 Who is organising the event

 Objective/purpose/occasion
 Date/time/duration/ venue of the event
 Who can participate/essential qualifications/eligibility conditions
 Last date for registering names/depositing the amount etc
 Specific instructions (if any)
 Contact person with designation

1. Write a notice for the ‘10th All India Poster Making Competition’ to be held in your
school on 18th November, 20XX. Provide the other essential details.

The Jain International Public School, Delhi


1st November, 20XX

Poster Making Competition

All the students from class IV to XII are hereby informed that the school is
organising the ’10th All India Poster Making Competition’ on 18th November,
20XX in the school ground from 9 AM to 12 Noon. It is a golden opportunity for
budding artists to show their talent.

Junior Category (Class IV to VIII)

Topic – Child Labour
Senior Category (Class IX to XII)
Topic – National Integration

Interested students can register themselves with the undersigned latest by 10th
November, 20XX. For further details, contact the undersigned.

(Secretary, Art Club)

1. You are Ravi/Reeta, the Cultural Secretary of ABC High School, Mysore. You have
been asked to inform students of class IX to XII about an Inter-School Dramatics
Competition. Draft a notice for the students’ notice board with all necessary details.

2. The Residents’ Welfare Association, Green Park, Indore, is organising a ‘Holi

Utsav’ in the locality. As the President of the association, draft a notice informing the
residents about the same. Provide the other essential details.

3. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school. Write a notice inviting the names of
students who want to participate in the variety programme that you are planning in aid
of an old age home in your city. Items may be in the form of solo and group singing,
mono-acting, dance performance, playing instrumental music etc.

4. There is going to be an inter-Class Debate of the students of class DC to XU on the

topic ‘Tobacco companies should not sponsor sports events’. As the Cultural
Secretary, draft a notice providing all relevant details.

5. Write a notice for the school notice board, informing the students about the visit of
the Chief Minister to your school on 20th ovember, 20XX. Write the notice asking the
students to maintain punctuality, cleanliness and discipline.

6.You are the Secretary of the Music Club of your school. Your school is organising
its ‘5th Inter-School Music Carnival’ for the students of class VI-XII. Write a notice
inviting those interested to appear for an audition in the presence of renowned singer
Rehmat Ali Khan. Provide the other necessary details.

Appeal/Warning/Guidelines/Message in Public Inetrest

Details/Value Points
The points given below are required while writing a notice for appeal, warning,
guideline or message in the public interest.

 Whom to appeal/warn
 Target audience
 Objective/purpose
 Name of the person issuing the notice
 Date/time/place/venue (where applicable)
 Wording of appeal/slogan
 Consequences
 Punitive action – fine etc (if required)
 Specific/important instructions
 Contact person and designation
Question 1.
You are Smitha/Sunil, Secretary, AVM Housing Society. You are going to collect
charity for the people affected by the recent floods. Draft a notice appealing for
donations of relief products like clothes, money, grains etc.


15th September, 20XX
Appeal for Donations
All the residents of the society are hereby informed that the society committee
members have agreed to organise a Donation Drive in aid of flood affected people.
The collections for the Donation Drive will take place on 20th September, 20XX in
the Society Ground from 10 AM to 7 PM. One can donate clothes, money (cash),
grains and other articles. By doing this, one can show his/her humanitarian nature.
All the donated items must be properly packed. The donations will be sent to the
Prime Minister for further action. The members of the society are urged to donate in
large numbers for this noble cause.


Question 2.
Suppose you are the Director, Indian Institute of Languages. Write a suitable
admission notice mentioning details like eligibility, facilities available etc to be put up
in all schools of the city.

Indian Institute Of Languages, New Delhi

12th February, 20XX
Admissions Notice
All Students interested in learning foreign languages are hereby informed that
admissions for one year diploma course and six months certificate course are open in
European languages (namely French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). The
courses start on 1st March, 20XX. The fees for the diploma course will be INR
60,000 and for the certificate course will be INR 30,000. Students will be taught
with the latest and sophisticated video-aids and tape-recorded lessons in a language
laboratory. Foreign as well as Indian teachers are available. We have a fully air-
conditioned campus. Students with 50% marks in class XII can apply. For further
details contact the undersigned.

Rajesh Tandon


Question : Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of
March for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the
residents to store water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary,
Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.


[Any other relevant title]

– what - suspension of water supply for 8 hours

– when - 6th March; 10am – 6pm

– where - Society

– reasons for cut - cleaning of water tank

– steps to be taken - store water

– any other relevant details

Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.

March 01, 201X

This notice is to inform all the residents regarding the suspension of water supply for
8 hours (10 am -6p.m). It is being done to clean the water tank. The details are as

DATE- March 6,2020,Monday

TIME- 10am – 6 pm

The residents are requested to store the required amount of water beforehand to
minimise the difficulty.

Thank you

Karan Kumar/ Karuna Bajaj

Practise Questions

1. Ram Paswan is the Head Boy of Bhavan Vidyalaya, Ambala. He and some other
students of the school are touched by the plight of poor and the destitute in state-run
homes, and wish to make a difference in their lives by lessening their sufferings. They
decide to raise funds for this purpose. Write a notice making an appeal for generous

2. You are the Head Warden of a Boys’ Hostel. You have noticed that the boys often
report late for the roll-call at night and have a tendency to damage the hostel property.
Write a notice informing the hostel inmates that they should refrain from doing so or
else they will be penalised.

3. As the President of the Residents’ Welfare Association, Hauz Khas, New Delhi,
draft a notice to be displayed on the society notice board, requesting the residents to
donate generously for the flood-hit victims in Bihar. They can donate in kind or cash.
Give the necessary details.

4. You are the Secretary of Aastha Housing Society Welfare Association. Write a
notice to be circulated to all the residents, informing them that there will be no water
supply to your society on 24th and 25th August due to maintenance work in the
underground storage tank.

5. As the President of the Students’ Council of your school, write a notice asking the
students of your school to donate old clothes, books and bags for the Anubhav Shiksha
Kendra, a school for the underprivileged being run on your school premises.

Notice TYPE 3
(Tours/Fairs/Exhibitions/Campaigns/ Seminars/Workshops/Debates/Group Talk)

Details/Value Points

The points given below are required while writing a notice for tours, fairs, exhibitions,
campaigns, seminars, workshops, debates, group talk etc.

 Name and nature of the event

 Obj ective/purpose/occasion
 Subject of the programme/seminar/debate/workshop etc
 Who can participate/attend
 Expenditure/entry fee etc
 Specific instructions
Question 1.
You are Rishabh Malhotra, Head Boy, Columbus Public School, New Delhi. Write a
notice for the school notice board inviting names for a trip to Mumbai and Goa, giving
detailed information to the students.

Columbus Public School, New Delhi

13th October, 20XX
Trip to Mumbai and Goa
All the students of class IX to XII are hereby informed that the school is
organising a trip to Mumbai and Goa during the winter vacations. It will be a 12-day
trip.The details of the same are :
Duration : 24th December to 3rd January
Mode of travel : Rajdhani Express/Sampark Kranti Express
Accommodation : 4 Star Hotel
Total cost : ₹ 20,999 per person (Includes taxes and expenses)
Interested students should register their names along with the total cost in cash or a
demand draft drawn in favour of the school and a no-objection note duly signed by
their parents to the undersigned latest by 20th October, 20XX. Late entries will not
be entertained. For further details contact the undersigned.

Rishabh Malhotra

(Head Boy)

Question 2.
You are the Secretary of the Science Club of your school. Write a notice for your
school notice board encouraging the science students of class XI and XII to participate
in the Inter School Science Exhibition to be held next week in a neighbouring school.

Rishabh International School, New Delhi

9th July, 20XX
Science Exhibition
The Science Club invites the names of bright and enterprising science students of
class XI and XII for participating in the Inter School Science Exhibition. The
exhibition will be held in Hall no 5 and 6 in Pragati Maidan, (near Gate no 7) from
20th-25th July, 20XX. The timings of the exhibition will be 10 AM to 5 PM. Only
those projects which are selected by the club will be eligible to participate. Give
your names with your project details and models to the undersigned by 15th July,
20XX. For further details contact the undersigned.
Vanshaj Kumar

(Secretary, Science Club)

Practise Question

1. The event management company, Hiking Expeditions, is organising an Adventure

Trip to Chakrata in the summer vacations for interested students of class XI and XII.
As the President of the Excursions Committee, write a notice informing students about
the trip and inviting them to join.

2. The Residents’ Welfare Association, New Friends Colony, Kolkata, is organising a

Puja Bazaar in the locality. As the President of the association, draft a notice
informing the residents about the same. Give other essential details about the Bazaar.

3. You are Sameer Kapur, the Secretary of the Science Club of your school. Write a
notice informing the students about the CV Raman National Science Exhibition to be
held next month, requesting them to participate in it enthusiastically. Inform them that
outsiders, too, are welcome to visit this exhibition.

4. The Hindustan Times Pace Programme is planning to hold fun-filled workshops on

candle making and clay modelling for all students of class IX to XII on Children’s
Day in the school. As Jagdish, Head Boy, write a notice informing students about it,
by providing the necessary details.

5. The Marketing Manager of a cold drinks company has invited your school for a tour
of their local manufacturing and bottling plant. Each of the young visitors will be
given a free drink of their choice. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, write a
notice informing the students about the programme. Include the date for the day trip
and any other details you think necessary.

Notice TYPE 4

Notice for Meeting

Details/Value Points
The points given below are required while writing a notice for a meeting,
 Who has called the meeting
 Agenda/purpose of the meeting
 Date/time/venue of the meeting
 Who is to attend the meeting
 Number of persons/departments included
 Specific instructions for the persons called for the meeting
 Signatory with name and designation
 In case of further details, contact person with designation

Question 1.
Write a notice for a meeting of security employees with the Director of
their agency to discuss security hazards and arrive at a specific resolution.
Give the agenda of the meeting in the notice.

Tiger Security Providers, Gurgaon


19th February, 20XX

Meeting of Security Employees

All the security guards and supervisors appointed by Tiger Security

Providers, Gurgaon are required to attend a meeting to be held in the
Director’s office at 9 AM on Friday, 23rd February, 20XX.

The agenda of the meeting is

 Minutes of last meeting for discussion and approval

 Security hazards
 Suggestions for better safety
 How to overcome complications

For further details, please contact the undersigned.

Rajendra Pal

Practise Questions

1. On the occasion of National Science and Technology Day, the school has decided to
organise a Science Fair. Kulwant, the Secretary of the Science Society, wants to call a
meeting of the office-bearers of the society to discuss the arrangements for the fair.
Write a suitable notice.
2. You are Abhik, the Head Boy of Kanya International School, Bareilly. Draft a
notice for the school notice board, informing the Students’ Council members about a
meeting with the Principal and Discipline Committee of the school. Provide the
necessary details.

3. Your school is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your
school, you are organising a meeting Of the Students’ Council to discuss how to
celebrate it. Write a notice informing the students about this meeting, giving necessary
details and the meeting’s agenda.

4. You are Rajan, Secretary of the RWA, Sunlight Housing Society. Your RWA will
hold a function to celebrate Independence Day. Write a notice, inviting all RWA
members for attending a meeting to decide how the day should be celebrated. Provide
all necessary details.

5. You are Sandeep/Sakshi, the Cultural Secretary of Bharat Senior Secondary School,
Bhopal. The school has decided to stage a cultural festival next month. The Principal
has asked you to convene a meeting of the class representatives with him to decide the
details. Draft a notice accordingly.

6. You are Rohan/Roma, the Students’ Representative of the School Development

Committee. Next week, the Committee is meeting to prepare a Calendar of Activities
for academic year 20XX-20XY. Write a notice, to be put up on your school notice
board, inviting students’ suggestions on the subject.

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