CNN Based Features Extraction For Age Estimation A
CNN Based Features Extraction For Age Estimation A
CNN Based Features Extraction For Age Estimation A
CNN Based Features Extraction for Age Estimation and Gender Classification
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed kamel Benkaddour on 15 November 2021.
Keywords: biometric, gender prediction, age estimation, deep neural network, convolutional neural networks (CNN)
In recent years, age estimation and gender classification was one of the issues most frequently discussed
in the field of pattern recognition and computer vision. This paper proposes automated predictions of age
and gender based features extraction from human facials images. Contrary to the other conventional
approaches on the unfiltered face image, in this study, we show that a substantial improvement be obtained
for these tasks by learning representations with the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN). The
feedforward neural network method used in this research enhances robustness for highly variable
unconstrained recognition tasks to identify the gender and age group estimation. This research was
analyzed and validated for the gender prediction and age estimation on both the Essex face dataset and
the Adience benchmark. The results obtained show that the proposed approach offers a major
performance gain, our model achieve very interesting efficiency and the state-of-the-art performance in
both age and gender scoring.
Povzetek: V prispevku je opisana študija s konvolucijskimi nevronskimi mrežami (CNN) za prepoznavanje
starosti in spola iz obrazov na slikah.
1 Introduction
Human face image analysis is an important research area improvement in performance and enhance the recognition
in the field of pattern recognition and computer vision, in accuracy of age and gender classification.
which many researchers concentrate on creating new or The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
improving existing algorithms to several face perception first briefly reviews the related work, then illustrates the
tasks, including face recognition, age classification, proposed method and network architecture in training and
gender recognition, etc. More closely, a face image is the testing of the data, after that the experimental results are
source of many kinds of important information’s, such as given and finally, conclusions are drawn in.
identity, expression, emotion, gender, race, age, etc.
Human facial image processing research is undergoing in 2 Related works
many directions and it still active and interesting, where
age estimation and gender distinction from face images The age and gender classification system is used to
play important roles in many computer vision based categorize human images into various groups determined
applications as parental controls of the websites, video by facial features. Accuracy of correctly classified image
services and shopping recommendation systems [1]. depending on the age, gender and their combination can
Over the last decades, many methods have been be calculated by number of correctly classified images
proposed to tackle the age and gender classification task, comparing to the stored values of the corresponding
the convolutional neural networks (CNN) is one of them images in the database. Estimating human age group and
more recently it has been employed in face image based gender automatically via facial image analysis has lots of
age and gender classification tasks [2][3]. However, as potential real-world applications, such as human computer
face images vary in a wide range under the unconstrained interaction and multimedia communication. Many
conditions (namely, in the wild), the performances of researchers give their contribution to the human age and
CNN still need to be improved, especially in age gender classification system which is a growing area in the
estimation tasks [4]. In this study, we concentrate on the research of the past decade [1][3].
issue of age group classification rather than that of exact The successful applications of CNN on many
age estimation. Though extensive approaches for age computer vision tasks have revealed that CNN is a
classification have been proposed, most of them focused powerful tool in image learning. If enough training data
on constrained images such as FG-NET [7] and MORPH are given, CNN is able to learn a compact and
[8]. After training our model, we provide a significant discriminative image feature representation. Therefore,
several studies have focused on the structuring of a new
architecture of the CNN networks to obtain the best
698 Informatica 45 (2021) 697–703 M. K. Benkaddour
In the output layer, the activation function usually 3.3 Training and testing
depends on the task, for example in the case of binary or
Over the last decade, several research works have been
multiple binary classification the sigmoid activation is
published on facial gender and age estimation. The
used (which is guaranteed to have values in [0, 1]). For
algorithms usually take one of two approaches: age group
multi-way classification the softmax activation function is
or age-specific estimation. The former classifies a person
used to generate a value between 0–1 for each node.
as either child or adult, while the latter is more precise as
it attempts to estimate the age group of a person. Each of
3.2 Network architecture these approaches can be further decomposed into two key
The Architecture of our CNN as table1 shows ,is trained
on a database to age and gender classification .In this
section, we present our CNN model and explain the used
methods in the project .
Description of output
Name Type
Parameters Value
Training iteration 40000 -80000
Dropout probability (keep dropout) 0.8
Dropout probability (ratsige dropout) 0.2
learning rate 0.00001
Activation function ReLU
Number of hidden units 512/128
Number of layers (Convolution-Pooling) 4
Classification function for age estimation Softmax Figure 7: Gender accuracy rate (Essex).
Classication function for gender Sigmoid